What the word answers food and cooking

1 VOCABULARY food and cooking a Circle the word that is different. Explain why. 1 beans grapes peach raspberry The others are all fruit 2 chicken duck lamb salmon The others are all 3 beetroot cabbage pear pepper The others are all 4 aubergine lemon mango melon The others are all 5 crab mussels beef prawns The others are all 6 cabbage cherry courgette cucumber The others are all​

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M: What’s the secret ingredient in any dish? Love.

R: I knew you were gonna say that. It was just on the tip of my tongue. And then I was like, no, it couldn’t possibly be anything quite so cheesy. Cheesy. It’s a food metaphor. Or a food idiom.

M: What’s the secret ingredient of our podcast? Love.

R: No, it’s Maria making me do things that I don’t want to do.

M: Okay, let’s «carrot on». I mean, let’s carry on. «Carrot on». Did you understand that? Carrot cooking.

R: It’s going to be like this for the whole 20 minutes. So I’m sorry. We’ve got 10 more to go and still it’s all just food references.

M: Also, I’ve got a joke. And, you know, listener, when you understand English humour and all these like puns and stupid jokes, this means that you have a high level of English. You are this, you know, chef of English.

R: Was that the joke?

M: No, no, no, that’s the… The chef of English? No.

R: Okay, I felt bad for not laughing there.

M: Oh, oh, oh, I have one more. So you listen to this podcast and you «eggspand» your horizons. «Eggspand».

R: Whereas I am expanding all of my energy not just dying…

M: Let’s «carrot on» and «eggspand» our horizons. Sorry.

R: No, you’re not. You’re not sorry. I know this is what you do. You spend time whipping things up, cooking up ways of making me cringe.

M: So, Rory, you said that I like whipping things up. What did you mean by this?

R: If you whip something up in the kitchen, it’s just another way of saying you cook something just based on what’s around you. But you could use it more generally to talk about cooking and the examiner will know what you mean.

M: And, dear listener, you can also say that I don’t usually cook but if I do, it helps me relax. Cooking is a stress reliever. I find it therapeutic. So cooking is therapy.

R: Or in my case, it’s anti-therapy. And I find it extremely stressful. Just because I know lots of cooking words does not make me a good cook. In fact, it maybe replaces all the information I should have to make me a good cook.

M: Or you can say I focus on the ingredients.

R: Do you focus on the ingredients?

M: Oh, yeah, absolutely. First I buy them, then I kind of mix them all together, and I focus only on the task at hand. I get my hands dirty. It’s kind of, it gets more physical. You know, all this whooshing, and whisking, and whipping. Rory, you mentioned scrambled eggs.

R: Yes, there are different kinds of eggs or different kinds of things we can do with eggs. Scrambled eggs, when you whisk them up with other things. You can make them in a pan, but I cook mine in a microwave because I’m a complete Philistine and I don’t have time to sit around cooking eggs.

M: Excuse me? You cook eggs in a microwave?

R: Yes.

M: Rory-style eggs.

R: You don’t look very happy with me.

M: No.

R: Sorry. Hold on. What’s wrong with cooking eggs in the microwave? Why does everyone always look at me like I’m, you know, personally responsible for the death of Princess Diana when I say that? What’s their problem with that?

M: Because you have a frying pan and you fry your eggs. And you use a frying pan.

R: You don’t use a frying pan always to scramble your eggs. You can use a saucepan to scramble your eggs, if you wanted to.

M: No, this is a really weird. Dear listener, if you think that cooking eggs in a microwave is a… Is a little bit crazy. Could you write down in the comments what you think about this.

R: I don’t understand. Why is it crazy?

M: We can say cook a dish…

R: Hold on! No, we can not! Get back to the point!

M: So cook up a dish, right? Or make a meal, right? So I usually make lasagna, or pasta, or different kinds of omelettes, salads. So make or cook, these verbs are all fine. You said that you picked up a few recipes. Yeah? So you picked up, like you learned a few recipes?

R: Yes. And you publicly criticized me for cooking my eggs in the microwave. And I demand an explanation why that’s weird.

M: Because you see, Rory, when we have a frying pan, we have a bit of olive oil. So, and how olive oil connects to the eggs in a frying pan. Right? So it’s just, it’s just, the chemistry happens. The magic happens.

R: Magic can happen in a microwave.

M: In a microwave it’s artificial… Artificial, you know, the air, everything’s like electricity. Oh, scrambled eggs with electricity…

R: Oh, no, electricity. The thing that enables us to record this podcast. Like, come on. I have a very busy life. And when the eggs are cooking in the microwave, I can go and take my bins out, I can tidy the kitchen. Why do I have to stand at the stove and do everything there?

M: Takes two minutes.

R: Actually, it takes four minutes. No, it doesn’t. It takes six. But that’s not the point. I just like to get everything done. And I don’t like to stand still.

M: So when you learn some recipes from somebody, you say I picked up a few recipes from my mom, from my father, from my friends. And I do most of the cooking. So do the cooking.

R: I picked up some tips from Maria but not cooking with a microwave.

M: You can also say that I use a cookbook or a recipe book. So, a recipe. Yeah? Recipes. We follow a recipe. Or, for example, you say I sometimes come up with recipes myself. So I kind of make them myself, I create them. So I come up with some recipes myself to create special dishes. What did you mean when you said that your mom is the first port or the first port of call?

R: The first port of call is the first person that you speak to or go to to do something or to help with something or to ask questions about something. So my mum was the first port of call for me when it comes to cooking. Maria is the first port of call for me when it comes to silly questions about conditionals because I know nothing about them. And Vanya is the first port of call for me when I make a huge mistake when we’re recording the podcast and we have to fix it.

M: Yeah, we also use words, a cook and a chef. Rory, what’s the difference?

R: A chef is a job. And a cook is just, you’re a cook in your own kitchen, for example.

M: So you say I’m not a good cook. I’m a good cook. My mother is by far the best cook in our family. But a chef is like Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver. They are famous chefs.

R: In some languages, is it not the same word that’s used to describe both?

M: Yeah, for example, in Russian, we say…

R: Povar.

M: Yeah, but we also say chef.

R: Oh…

M: I don’t speak my own language, I don’t know.

R: Great. Well, in some languages, it’s one word. And in English, it’s two for different things.

M: Things around the house could be called chores, household chores. Yeah, a bit strange. Or housework. And Rory works his way down the tick list. A tick list.

R: Basically, it’s a big list of jobs to do that I have for every day. And when I do, I tick them off. And it is a family tradition that I didn’t think I would find myself living up to, or I would find myself living through. But there you go, I’m doing it, it’s now part of my life.

M: And you can also say that some chores, some housework takes up a lot of time. And some chores take up less time. So take up time. Yeah, a lot of time, less time.

R: But if it’s just you, then it should take up less time. And because like, how much mess does one person generate? If you’re me, not that much.

M: If you’re Maria, you generate a lot of mess. Mental mess, physical mess. So…

R: Hot mess.

M: All possible mess. Do you like housework? What a crazy question. Rory, you used a really nice structure. Like if I could buy a robot or hire a housekeeper. A housekeeper is the person who does housework. And then you said that robots are prohibitively expensive. So use the strategy. If I could, I’d hire a housekeeper or I’d buy a robot to do the housework. We do housework, right?

R: We do the housework.

M: Cooking adds endorphins in our life, but housework. I don’t think so. Housework doesn’t give us these, you know, positive vibes. Or maybe some people enjoy housework, like you clean for one hour, and then everything’s clean. And then you’re… A sense of achievement.

R: And then everything gets messy again.

M: And, Rory, are you ready for another joke?

R: I’ve not been ready for any of them. And now you’re waving a spoon at me.

M: Okay, so what did the French chef give his wife for Saint Valentine’s Day? A hug and a quiche. A quiche. Dear listener, a quiche. A quiche. So a French chef gave a quiche.

R: That was relatively funnier than the other jokes. And speaking of things that are relative, shall we comment on the relative clauses so that we can distance ourselves from this joke?

M: Yeah, go ahead. I’m gonna eat some rosemary.

R: So relative clauses are for building on what you’ve already said. So for example, when I talked about being, well, when Maria asked me about whether I can cook or whether I like cooking, I said, I can cook the things that I know how to cook, which is painfully few. So that was just adding some more information to what I said about what I can cook, which is not much. In the same thing, when I talked about my little brother, I added a bit more information about him. I said my little brother, who is not so little anymore. And then when we were talking about household chores, I said, it’s just me who’s doing it, which takes up less time because it’s just me. So all of this used to add extra information about something I’m already talking about.

M: And, dear listener, relative clauses are cool. They are like high-level stuff and they help us to build up complex sentences. So make sure you use some of them in your speaking. In any speaking parts. Okay? So they are kind of, they boost… They’re your score boosters. They «eggspand» your range of grammar structures. Thank you very much for listening! Hopefully, your inner chef was really happy when you were listening and watching this episode. Please let us know what you think about cooking, about Rory’s special way of making eggs in a microwave. So keep cooking, keep listening to us and keep writing your comments. Okay? Bye!

R: Bye!

As the IELTS speaking test is based on what we do every day in our leisure time and what our daily life looks like, improving your vocabulary related to food can help you frame your answer better and thus improve your IELTS score significantly. 

Table of Contents

Read on to learn new Vocabulary About Food and improve your language skills as part of your IELTS preparation.

vocabulary about food

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Food IELTS Vocabulary: Guide on Food Related Vocabulary for IELTS 2023

Food as a topic covers various topics ranging from cuisines, recipes and techniques etc. We have divided the vocabulary related to food into 6 segments so you can understand and associate the words better. These segments can be:

  • Food condition
  • Food verbs
  • Food quantities
  • Food taste
  • Food types
  • Eating and drinking

Vocabulary About Food Condition

Word Meaning Usage
Overcooked Cooked beyond the optimal cooking time The pasta was overcooked and too soft
Fresh Food materials or products that have been recently prepared The marinara at that outlet is prepared fresh every day
Raw Not cooked properly/at all The vegetables were raw and hard to chew
Stale/Rotten Spoiled and past its optimal usage time The whole room smells like rotten eggs
Unripe Immature food item – not fit for consumption The bananas you bought yesterday were unripe
Off Not tasting as it should The food at last night’s restaurant seemed off to me

Food Verbs

Word Meaning Usage
Bake Cook food with dry heat and without exposure to a flame
Usage: She has been a fan of baking ever since she got back from France
She has been a fan of baking ever since she got back from France
Poach Cooking an egg without its outer shell in or over boiling water I like my eggs poached and cooked well
Grill Cooking food using a grill That place serves the best-grilled chicken in the city
Food Preparation Cooking food by mixing and combining ingredients The food preparation at her house was amazing
Fry Cooking food in hot oil or fat While frying, you should always look out for oil splatter

Vocabulary About Food Quantities

Word Meaning Usage
Pint A unit that is equal to 550 millilitres I grabbed a pint of milk on my way home
Portion A part or section of a whole I just want a small portion of the pie
Spoonful As much as a spoon can hold I take my coffee with two spoonfuls of sugar
Slice A small portion of a whole I am on a diet and had only one slice of the cake

Vocabulary About Food Taste

Word Meaning Usage
Bland Tasteless or having little taste The food tasted bland without the spices
Spicy Flavoured with spices Indians have a taste for spicy food and snacks
Savoury Delicious She cooks amazing and savoury food.
Mild Not hot, sharp or strong in flavour Elderly people like to have food with mild spices and flavours
Delicious Extremely good tasting Cooking delicious food is an art
Tasteless Having no taste or flavour The food at that new restaurant is completely tasteless

Types of Food

Word Meaning Usage
Cuisine A style or method of cooking specific to a region, state or country Italian cuisine is my go-to at any time of the day
Four-course meal A meal consists of four parts, namely a soup, appetiser, main course and dessert Indian weddings generally have four-course meals for guests
Nutritious A meal consisting of all the required nutrients Having a healthy, nutritious diet plan is the key to a healthy life
Dairy  Products created from milk such as yoghurt, cream, butter, etc Most vegans avoid dairy products and have shifted to alternatives like almond milk
Barbecue A meal in which food is cooked over an open fire outdoors or in a special appliance India doesn’t have the trend of barbecues as much as the West
Buffet A meal that consists of a number of dishes that guests often have to serve for themselves Breakfast buffets at hotels are becoming a very popular thing these days
Appetiser The food is served after the soup and before the main course during a meal For our appetisers, we’d like to have spring rolls, please, and some hors d’oeuvre

Eating & Drinking

Word Meaning Usage
Guzzle Eat or drink something hurriedly He guzzled his drink before getting on the train
Gulp Eating or swallowing food in large mouthfuls Rather than gulping your food, you should chew and eat it properly
Wining & Dining Entertainment that includes good food and drinks The company wined and dined their prospective investors
Swallow Allowing food or drinks to pass down the throat Her mannerism of swallowing audibly made everyone uncomfortable
Chew Biting and crushing food in the mouth to make it easier to swallow Proper chewing helps with better digestion
Phrases Meaning Usage
A balanced diet A diet consisting of healthy food with good nutrients Maintaining a balanced diet is the key to a healthy life
A scrumptious meal An extremely delicious meal His mother cooked up a scrumptious meal for us
Calm the hunger pangs  Reducing the discomfort caused by hunger He grabbed a quick bite to eat to calm his hunger pangs
Cut down on Reducing the intake Since diabetes is hereditary in my family, I’ve cut down on my sugar intake
Sweet tooth A person fond of sweet food She has a very sweet tooth when it comes to brownies
Junk food Food with little or no nutritional value Eating junk food every day can harm your body
My mouth is watering Feeling hungry for something My mouth watered at the thought of fried chicken
Fussy eater Someone who dislikes many foods Her baby is a fussy eater
Quick Snack A small meal that you can eat on the go She was getting late for her office, so she grabbed a quick snack instead of a proper breakfast
Take-away A meal prepared in a restaurant and eaten at home I was feeling too lazy to cook, so I ordered a takeaway from my favourite restaurant
A bottle of bubbly Sparkling wine To celebrate their anniversary, they opened up a bottle of bubbly at the restaurant

Food Vocab Sample for IELTS Speaking

Part 1

1. What kind of meals do you like?

Ans. Oh, I love different kinds of meat. My mouth waters whenever I see grilled chicken or mutton chops. I don’t like to cook by myself, so I often eat ready-to-eat meals and takeaways.

2. How often do you have dinner with your friends or family?

Ans. I try to dine out with my family as much as possible. Unfortunately, I don’t get enough time for family dinners due to my extremely busy schedule. 

3. When do you usually have dinner?

Ans. I usually have my dinner at about 8 p.m. I’m starving by then and sometimes overeat.

4. What fruits or vegetables do you like or don’t like? Why?

Ans. Well, I’m not a fussy eater, but I hate seafood. I try to avoid going to restaurants that serve seafood.

5. And what is your favourite cuisine?

Ans. I love French cuisine. Its versatility and flavourful ingredients make it my favourite. French cuisine has many dishes, like their famous onion soup and cheese fondue. Also, French food rarely contains artificial ingredients or flavours.

Details On IELTS Travel Vocabulary 

Part 2

1. Have a look at the card and prepare a monologue.

  • Describe a place you like to eat at. You should say:
  • Where is it
  • What kind of food does it serves
  • Why do you like its food
  • and how often do you eat there

Ans. I would like to talk about a pretty little restaurant within walking distance of my home called “La Pizzeria.” It is situated on an ancient street in the heart of the city. This restaurant serves Italian cuisine, which is one of my favourites. They serve Italian delicacies like pasta, pizza and tomato soup. My favourite among these is the pizza. It is an extremely versatile food and can be made with various toppings and sauces. I love Italian food because its fresh and flavourful ingredients satisfy the heart and soul. Hence, I eat frequently at that restaurant. Although it’s not cheap by any means, the quality of their food justifies the bill.

vocabulary list food


Food is the language of the world and is different in every nook and cranny around the globe. Thus, there are a plethora of terms and phrases related to food and drink that you can learn and improve your vocab for food for the IELTS exam. Read and understand the terms and phrases and practice them to bring them into your daily lingo. This will help you perform better in the exam and improve your language skills as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I improve my food vocabulary for IELTS?

Ans. You can improve your vocabulary for IELTS through the following methods:

A. Look up words you hear for the first time and understand their meaning.
B. Listen to audio pronunciations.
C. Read newspapers, books and magazines about food.
D. Use vocabulary building apps.
E. Learn about the grammatical nature of different terms such as noun, verb, adjective, etc.

How much food vocabulary is enough for IELTS?

Ans. According to a recent study, having a large vocabulary and knowledge about 6000 to 7000-word families will help you work well in an English-speaking environment. Hence, a basic to intermediate vocabulary can help you score well in your IELTS exam.  Regarding food, you should watch cooking shows, read about various chefs and learn new words and general food lingo.

How can I improve my food vocabulary for IELTS writing task 2?

Ans. Building your vocabulary is an essential part of scoring well in the IELTS exam, as it makes up for 25% of your marks. To improve your vocabulary for writing task 2, you can use the following tips:

A. Read a lot of articles, blogs, newspapers and books.
B. Mnemonics can be a good way to memorise important words.
C. Practice your writing skills regularly and maintain a separate notebook to monitor your progress.
D. Listen to podcasts, audiobooks, radios and other audio sources that will improve your understanding of the usage of specific terms.

Presentation on theme: «FOOD, RESTAURANTS AND COOKING.»— Presentation transcript:




Choose the most suitable word or phrase.
a) Waiter, could you bring me the account/bill/addition, please? b) It’s a very popular restaurant — we should apply for/book/keep a table. c) If you’re hungry, why not ask for a large dish/plate/portion? d) Please help/serve/wait yourself to salads from the salad bar. e) Waiter, can I see the catalogue/directory/menu, please? f) This fish is not what I called/commanded/ordered. g) This dish/plate/serving is a specialty of our restaurant. h) Have you tried the crude/raw/undercooked fish at the new Japanese restaurant? i) Paul never eats meat, he’s a vegetable/vegetarian/vegetation. j) Have you decided what to have for your main course/food/helping?




a) cups and b) fish and c) knives and d) bread and e) eggs and
BACON – BUTTER- FORKS- PEPPER – BEER – CHIPS – GRAPES – SAUCERS – BREAD – CHOCOLATE – INSTANT COFFEE – WINE a) cups and b) fish and c) knives and d) bread and e) eggs and f) salt and g) a loaf of h) a bottle of i) a can of j) a bar of k) a jar of L)a bunch of




Complete each sentence with one suitable word.
a) I’m trying to cut down __fatty food. b) Don’t worry! The smell of garlic wears__ after a while. c) Let’s look__ the market before we buy any vegetables. d) I can’t understand this recipe. Can you work__ what it means? e) I’m afraid I don’t feel up__ eating another cream cake. f) I visited a farm once, and it put me__ eating meat for a week. g) I haven’t got__ to cleaning the fish yet. h) Why don’t we warm__ last night’s leftovers for lunch? i) Keith usually makes__ his recipes as he goes along. j) The waiter seemed a bit put__ when we didn’t leave a tip.




a) Would you prefer __ potatoes or chips?
A) poached B) ground C) mashed D) powdered b) I bought this bread four days ago and now it’s __ A) stale B) off C) bad D) rotten c) Don’t forget to buy a packet of__ peas. A) chilled B) frozen C) frosted D) chilly d) Can you give me the__ for this pie? It’s delicious. A) prescription B) instructions C) ingredients D) recipe e) There was a wonderful smell of__ bread in the kitchen. A) cooking B) roasting C) baking D) grilling f) Don’t buy those fish, they aren’t very __ A) fresh B) new C) recent D) young


g) I’d like to eat more of this cake, but it’s very__
A) fat B) fatty C) fattened D) fattening h) Waiter, I can’t eat this meat. It’s under__ A) done B) developed C) nourished D) weight Is the hamburger for you to eat here, or to__ ? A) go out B) take away C) carry on D) sit down j) That was fantastic. Could I have a second__, please? A) plate B) course C) helping D) service



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Food and CookingEat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is.С...

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Food and CookingEat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is.С...

    1 слайд

    Food and Cooking
    Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is.
    Составила: Андреева Надежда Ивановна.
    10 класс. ВТКК.

  • Answer the questions.What do you usually have for breakfast?
What meals do yo...

    2 слайд

    Answer the questions.
    What do you usually have for breakfast?
    What meals do you have every day?
    What kind of soup do you prefer?
    What is your favourite second course?
    What dessert do you like best?
    Do you help your mother to cook meals?
    Have you ever been to any bar or café? What did you have there?
    Do you like sandwiches?

  • Poem “I like sandwiches.”Sandwiches are beautiful,
Sandwiches are fine.
I lik...

    3 слайд

    Poem “I like sandwiches.”
    Sandwiches are beautiful,
    Sandwiches are fine.
    I like sandwiches, I eat them all the time.
    I eat them for my supper and I eat them for my lunch.
    If I had a hundred sandwiches, I eat them all at once.
    A sandwich may be egg or cheese or even peanut butter,
    But they all taste so good to me, it doesn’t even matter,
    Jam or ham, or cucumber,
    Any kind will do.
    I like sandwiches,
    How about you?

  • Match the English proverbs with their equivalents.1) The appetite comes with...

    4 слайд

    Match the English proverbs with their equivalents.
    1) The appetite comes with eating. a) О вкусах не спорят.

    2) After dinner sleep a while, b) Яблоко в день и не знай
    after supper walk a mile. врачей.

    3) An apple a day keeps c) Аппетит приходит во
    the doctor away. время еды.

    4) Don’t live to eat, but eat to live. d) После обеда поспи
    немного, после ужина
    прогуляйся с милю.
    5) Tastes differ. e) Не жить, чтобы есть,
    а есть, чтобы жить.

  • Sort out the words into appropriate columns.Honey, wine, soup, chops, pudding...

    5 слайд

    Sort out the words into appropriate columns.
    Honey, wine, soup, chops, pudding, lemonade, chicken, jam, green salad, strawberry, broth, mashed potatoes, apple pie, cheese hamburger, grapes, juice, ham, cream, tea, cherry.

  • Right answers.

  • Match these cooking words with the food and the objects in the picture.Carvin...

    7 слайд

    Match these cooking words with the food and the objects in the picture.
    Carving knife, frying pan, serving spoon, cooker, saucepan, dairy product, recipe, chef.

  • Match the 2 halves of each sentence.

    8 слайд

    Match the 2 halves of each sentence.

  • Right answers.
1) Many people are fond of spicy things	a) like Indian curries...

    9 слайд

    Right answers.

    1) Many people are fond of spicy thingsa) like Indian curries.

    2) Some things like dark chocolate b) are very salty.

    3) Crisps and nuts c) baked in the oven.

    4) Some people like sour things such asd) are very sweet.

    5) Ice cream and chocolate e) lemons and grapefruit.

    6) Fried foods such as f) chips are very unhealthy.

    7) Spaghetti needs to be g) boiled before it is served.

    8) Pies and bread need to be h) are very bitter.

  • Find the odd word and cross it out.1) Bacon, beef, turkey, pork, lamb

2) car...

    10 слайд

    Find the odd word and cross it out.
    1) Bacon, beef, turkey, pork, lamb

    2) carrot, melon, onion, cabbage, potatoes

    3) grapes, apple, pear, plum, nut

    4) beer, lemonade, tea, sugar, coffee

    5) ice-cream, toast with jam, pea-soup, cake

  • Right answers.1) Bacon, beef, turkey, pork, lamb

2) carrot, melon, onion, ca...

    11 слайд

    Right answers.
    1) Bacon, beef, turkey, pork, lamb

    2) carrot, melon, onion, cabbage, potatoes

    3) grapes, apple, pear, plum, nut

    4) beer, lemonade, tea, sugar, coffee

    5) ice-cream, toast with jam, pea-soup, cake

  • Adjectives that describe food and drink. Put the correct group of adjectives...

    12 слайд

    Adjectives that describe food and drink. Put the correct group of adjectives to each noun.




    Mineral water




  • Right answers.1) wine -                   dry/sweet
2) bread-...

    13 слайд

    Right answers.
    1) wine — dry/sweet
    2) bread- white/brown
    3) coffee- black/white
    4) mineral water- fizzy/still
    5) curry- hot/mild
    6) steak- rare/medium/
    7) peas- fresh/frozen

  • Listening. Dialogue “In a café”.Complete the dialogue with the words from th...

    14 слайд

    Listening. Dialogue “In a café”.
    Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.
    Visitor: What can you __ for the meat dish?
    Waitress: What do you __:beef or pork?
    Visitor: What do you have which is not very __?
    Waitress: Then I do recommend our __: stewed pork with vegetables. It is
    very good indeed.
    Visitor: OK. I’ll take it.
    Waitress: Would you like some __ wine. It has a wonderful bouquet.
    Visitor: No, thank you. Just some __ water. But __ me a bottle of this one.
    I’ll take this with me.
    Waitress: OK. Anything else for you?
    Visitor: Yes, there are no __.

  • Right answers.Visitor: What can you recommend for the meat dish?

Waitress: W...

    15 слайд

    Right answers.
    Visitor: What can you recommend for the meat dish?

    Waitress: What do you prefer: beef or pork?

    Visitor: What do you have which is not very roasted?

    Waitress: Then I do recommend our speciality: stewed pork with
    vegetables. It is very good indeed.

    Visitor: OK. I’ll take it.
    Waitress: Would you like some red wine. It has a wonderful bouquet.
    Visitor: No, thank you. Just some mineral water. But bring me a bottle of this one. I’ll take it with me.
    Waitress: OK. Anything else for you?
    Visitor: Yes, there are no napkins.

  • ...

    16 слайд

    Larry’s Cafe
    The best food in town.
    Main dishes

    Hamburger $ 2.00
    Cheeseburger $ 2.50
    Chicken sandwich $ 3.00
    Steak $ 4.
    All main dishes include
    Mashed potatoes or French Fries, Beans and Pie.

  • Fruit Salad                 $ 2.50        Green Salad...

    17 слайд

    Fruit Salad $ 2.50
    Green Salad $ 2.00
    Chef’s Salad $ 4.00
    Dressings: Italian, Oil and Vinegar, Ranch
    Apple $ 1.00
    Orange $ 1.00
    Salads and Fruit

  • Coke, Sprite      $ 1.00Milk                   $ 0.75Bottled Water   $ 1.00...

    18 слайд

    Coke, Sprite $ 1.00
    Milk $ 0.75
    Bottled Water $ 1.00
    Coffee $ 1.00
    Tea $ 0.75
    Orange Juice $ 1.50


  • Ice-cream (chocolate, vanilla, strawberry)   $ 1.50

    19 слайд

    Ice-cream (chocolate, vanilla, strawberry) $ 1.50
    Milkshake $ 2.00
    Cookies $ 1.00
    Pie (Apple, Cherry) $ 1.50
    Fruit salad $ 2.50
    Cake $ 1.50

  • Try our apple pie! You’ll love it!

    20 слайд

    Try our apple pie! You’ll love it!

  • Firm recipe of “Larry’s Café”.Vegetable Soup.
1) Peel and cut into small piec...

    21 слайд

    Firm recipe of “Larry’s Café”.
    Vegetable Soup.
    1) Peel and cut into small pieces 3 onions,3 turnips, 1 carrot and 4 potatoes.
    2) Put them into a pan with 100 g of butter, 150 g of ham and a bunch of parsley.
    3) Pass them 10 minutes over a sharp fire.
    4) Add a spoonful of flour, mix well.
    5) Add 2 litres of broth and 0.5 litres of boiling milk.
    6) Boil up, keeping it stirred.
    7) Skim it.
    8) Add a little salt and sugar.
    9) Run it through a sieve into another pan.
    10) Boil again and serve with fried bread in it.

  • Bon appetite!

  • Look at the picture to know how to set the table.

    23 слайд

    Look at the picture to know how to set the table.

  • Jokes.

  • This is the end.
Good luck!

    25 слайд

    This is the end.
    Good luck!

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