What the matter choose the correct word

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Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 

Вопрос от пользователя

What’s the matter? Choose the correct word.
0.  Peter doesn’t feel bad /(well)/terrible and has gone to the doctor’s.
1.  I can’t see! There is something in my left ear/eve/arm.
2.  These jeans are too short for me. I’ve got long legs/arms/feet.
3.  I didn’t go to school yesterday because I had —/a/the cold.
4.  I’ve got backache. I have fallen and hurt /cut /pushed my back.

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Task 1. Choose the correct word. (ВЫБРАТЬ ВЕРНОЕ СЛОВО)

Everything was closed. It was like a ghost / busy town.

My parents buy the daily / weekly newspapers every Sunday.

There were many new / ruined buildings in that ghost town.

I was really puzzled / worried. I didn’t understand it.

His parents were very excited / worried because he didn’t come home.

We heard / said a strange noise.

Tom gave / saw a ghost in the hall.

He fell asleep because he was very tired / naughty.

They are puzzled / bored because they have nothing to do.

The street is deserted / crowded. Look at all these people.

Task 2. Match the adjectives to their opposites.(СОЕДИНИТЬ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫЕ ПРОТИВОПОЛОЖНЫЕ ПО СМЫСЛУ)

beautiful A. polluted

busy B. ugly

crowded C. stressed

clean D. quiet

relaxed E. deserted

Task 3. Write the Past form of the verbs. (НАПИСАТЬ ГЛАГОЛЫ В ПРОШЕДШЕМ ВРЕМЕНИ)

have — ……….

try — ………….

read — ………..

be — …………..

stole — ………..

make — ………

go — …………..

stay — ……….

write — ………

find — ………

Task 4. Choose the correct response.( СОЕДИНИТЬ ВОПРОС И ОТВЕТ)

Do any of these look familiar? A. Some money and a camera.

What was in it? B. You’re welcome.

What does it look like? C. Yes, what can I do for you?

Excuse me. Is this Mr Brown’s office? D. Yes, the one in the corner is mine.

Here you are. E. It’s black with a silver handle.

Thank you very much. F. Thank you.​

Помогите! Срочно!

Choose the correct word (what where, when, who, why, how, which, whose) to make the sentences complete.

1) No matter … long it takes to study Russian literature of the 19th century going I am going to do it. It is a matter of importance for me.

2) No matter … you think of a profession of a stunt man am going to take it up.

3) No matter … he gets a promotion he will work hard on the project.

4) No matter … you have decided to do, you will be responsible for the circumstances

5) No matter … you are going to work, you should be capable of dealing with people

6) No matter … said it the quality of work is the most important factor.

7) No matter … of you made a mistake, the project is under failure now. It is such a disappointment!

7) No matter … advice you will choose, it is important to make the right choice not to regret it all your life.

в разделе Английский язык

Модульный контроль 1

Вариант 1

1. Fill in:
facilities, hustle and bustle, huge, isolated, peephole

1. Do you feel…
on the farm?

2. She doesn’t
miss the … of London.

3. This shopping
mall is really…!

4. What sports …
does your school have?

5. Always look
through the … before answering.

2.         Choose
the correct word.

1. Teenagers like
hanging out/on at shopping centres at weekends.

2. Don’t run for/after
the burglar.

3. I’m crazy about/of
playing board games.

4. This store has
so many comics to choose from/in.

5. My mum goes
shopping at/on Saturday.

3.         Put
the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present


1.      Mrs Derek {drive)
her kids to school every morning.

2.      Be quiet! Your
little brother (sleep).

3.      I never (do) my homework
at night.

4.      I (notgo) to the
theatre this evening.

5.      She (not know)
where her house is.

6.      (You, feed) the
sheep every day?

7.      Leo (be) often
late for our meetings.

8.      (Your parents,
work) today?

9. These cookies
(smell) fantastic!

4.         Put the
sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue

A) Two tickets,
return to Barbican, please.

B). That’s £10.00.

C) Next, please.

D) You’re welcome.

E)Here you are. Which line do I take, please?

F)Thanks a lot.

G)Take the Circle line.


1.       Fill in: block of
flats, miss, landscapes, close at hand, install.

1. In the city, you have everything … .

2. I… the people from my hometown.

3. Did you … an alarm system yesterday?

4. Most of my friends live in … .

5. You can enjoy beautiful… in this area.

2.       Choose the correct word.

1. My sister went for a ride on/inthe carousel.

2. You can shop for/aboutsurfing gear
in Sydney.

3. Did you run with/intoJamie on
your way home?

4. Are they going to/atthe beach in the

5. I can’t make pizza because we ran after/out of cheese.

3. Put the verbs in brackets
into the Present Simple or the Present

1. At the moment they (skateboard) in the park.

2. (Your
sister, travel)
to London every week?

3. I (hate) rainy weather!

4. (He, leave) next Friday?

5. The legend (say)
if they fly away, the Tower will fall down.

6. 1 (not
it’s a good idea.

7. Why (she,
in such a hurry?

8. This coffee (taste) good.

9. I (not
golf this afternoon because it’s too wet.

4. Put the sentences in the correct order to make a

A)That’s £5.00.

B)Single, please. How much is it?

C)Here you are.

D)Yes, please.

E)      Single or return?

F)       One ticket, please.

G)      Thankyou.

Модульный контроль 2

Вариант 1

1. Fill in: imagination,
mystery, overcome, appearance, confused, several.

She is obsessive about her….

This is a story that will catch the … of every child.

totally …. Can you explain that again?

4. They
still have to … many obstacles.

5. Have
you read any
of his books? — Yes,….

6. She
a lot
of… novels.

2.      Put
the verbs in brackets into the

1. She (catch) a flu from her

2. We
invited Stephany to the party but she

3. The
(vanish) through
the wall.

4. Philip
(create) a
new kind of music?

5. His sad
(be) red.

6. What (be) in the cave?

3.      Choose the correct answer.

1. When we
were in Spain, we
went/goswimming every day.

2. Liz
has/hada shower in the morning.

3. We don’t/didn’tgo to the
theatre last month.

4. Does/DidKevin work at the cafe? — Yes, he’s a chef.

4.      Use
the correct form of
use to.

1)When I
was younger, I… buy hot dogs almost every day.

2)Magda … like eating carrots, but now she loves it. 3)… Kirk … have fair
hair when he was a little boy?

Вариант 2

1.      Fill in: powerful,
solve, investigation, relieved, biography, warrior.

1. The …
continued for nearly three weeks.

2. They
trained him to be a ….

3. He was
one of the most… men in the town.

4. She is the author of several books, including a … of
the artist Salvador Dali.

5. We have
to find a way to … this problem.

6. John’s
mother felt… when she saw him happy again.

2.      Put
the verbs in brackets into the

1. Then
Mrs Darcy
(wake) him as usual with a cup of tea, and he felt better.

2. He (not hide) his anger with

3. He (inspire) many young people
to take up the sport.

4. They (believe) you yesterday?

5. He (be) sleepy and felt like a

6. There (be) lots of strange sea
creatures in the underwater city.

3.      Choose the correct answer.

1. I see/sawthe new James
Bond film at the weekend.

2. She watches/watchedthis
talk show on Mondays.

you like reading books in your free

4. Sarah
was very upset. Her team
doesn’t/didn’twin the match.

4.      Use the correct form of use

1)Mr Brand
is a writer, but he … be a teacher.2)My mum … cook much, but now she makes
dinner every day.
3)… you … drink Cola a lot when you were a teenager?

Модульныйконтроль 3

Вариант 1

1.         Fill
in: curious, writing, scar, sociable, slim, scientist.

1. My brother is
… . He’s friendly and enjoys talking to other people.

2. Alice was ….
She asked a lot of questions.

3. He has a long
… on his arm.

4. Girls who work
as models are always ….

5. Stephen Hawking
is a famous … .

6. My mum is fond
of… stories.

2.         Choose
the correct word.

1. 1066 was the
year when/where William the Conqueror came to England.

2. That’s the girl
whose/who lives next door.

3. Matt Damon is a
very talented actor. That’s why/who I like him.

4. Did you see the
letter what/which came today?

3.         Choose
the correct word.

1. The film was
really bored/boring.

2. They were all surprised/surprising
when he gave up football.

3. I’m not interested/interesting
in classical music.

4. This story is
so excited/exciting.

4.         Choose
the correct answer.

1. Could you give
my CDs … because you’ve had them for two weeks,

a) away           b)
back            c) up

2. They’re giving
… free tickets at the cinema!

a) away           b)
back            c) up

3. You should give
… smoking.

a) away           b)
back            c) up

4)         She
won’t be able to cope … new babies.

a) for   b) of    c)

5)         Wales
is famous … its castles.

a) for   b) on    c)

6. It can make you
lose control… your emotions,

a) in     b) of    c)

7. I need to work
… the book some more.

а)         on        b)
at     c) for

Вариант 2

1.         Fill
in: plump, patient, actor, painting, imaginative, straight

1. My sister is
very …. She always creates new and exciting things.

2. I’m not…. I
get annoyed when something takes a long time.

3. She’s got…
blond hair.

4. I used to be
… when I was a child. Now I’m quite slim.

5. Do you know the
… who plays Harry Potter?

6. Pablo Picasso
started … in 1902.

2.         Choose
the correct word.

1. Do you like the
film that/what you watched yesterday?

2. I don’t know
the boy which/who plays Peter Pan in this film.

3. This is the
town which/where my father was born.

4. That’s the man whose/when
house has burned down.

3.         Choose
the correct word.

1. He was
disappointed/disappointing because his team didn’t win the match.

2. The play is
very amused/amusing. You’ll enjoy it!

3. Are you
scared/scaring of ghosts?

4. The decorations
and costumes are amazed/amazing.

4.         Choose
the correct answer.

1)She gave … her
job and started writing poetry, a) away    b) back            c) up

2)I’ll give the
keys … to you tomorrow morning, a) away    b) back            c) up

3)We have 1000 CDs
to give … to our readers, a) away      b) back            c) up

4)How are you
going to cope … the problems? a) for          b) of    c) with

5)She’s a good
teacher who has control… her class,a) in      b) of    c) with

6)Thecity is
famous … its museums.a) for    b) of    c) in

7)He is working
… a book about childcare.a) at       b) of    c) on

Модульныйконтроль 4


1.       Match
the headings to the texts. There is one extra heading.

A.      Advice on Keeping Fit

B.      Local News

C.      Arts News

D.      TV guide

E.      Horoscope

1) 10:00. The fashion show. Robert Malker is the guest of
the programme,
he will talk about his style in clothing.

10:30. Notting Hill with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. It’s
a beautiful love story of an actress and a book keeper.

11:50. MTV news. The latest video of George Michael. You
will be the first to see it as well as the top ten of the week.

2)First of
all you shouldn’t overeat, and try to keep to a diet. It’s also important to
have some PT at least twice a week. If you want to look fresh, go to bed before
11 pm.

are usually sensitive, intuitive and highly emotional. One of their ruling
planets is Neptune. Their most preferable colour is soft sea-green, and
sapphire is the most suitable stone.

Brown, age 11, dropped his 18-months-old brother twenty feet out of his nursery
window into blanket held by neighbours when fire broke out yesterday at their
home at Cross Road, NY. He then jumped himself.

2.       Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Continuous.

1. On Saturday between 11:30 and 12:30 she {cook) lunch.

2. On Tuesday between 7:00—8:00 pm Jane and
(play) tennis.

3. What (Max,
— A blue pullover and black jeans.

4. What (they,
about? — About their friends from school.

5. It’s not true! She (not look) at you.

6. We (not do)
anything at that moment.

3.       Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or Past

1. I … (sir)in aI when you … (call)me yesterdayafternoon.

2. Why … (you,
on the chair when I (come) into the room?

3. At 7 pm yesterday we … (listen) to music.

4. They … (notgo)
to the party last week.

4.       Choose the correct answer.

1. There’s a(n)… with Matt Damon in today’s newspaper

a) interview                 b) show                 c)

2. Go     I*m listening.

a) off                           b) with                  c)

3)      That
white shoes don’t go … the black dress.

off                          b) with                  c) on

4)      Did you hear about the car crash?

That’s terrible!     B) Listen!               C) That’s amazing!

5)      Actually,
I’d rather… the other channel.

А)     watching           b) watch               c)

Вариант 2

1.       Match the headings to the texts. There is one extra

A.      Art News

B.      Business News

C.      Weather Forecast

D.      Advertisement

E.      Political News

1. The
exhibition opened yesterday in the Tretyakov Gallery displays works by Serov,
Vrubel, Korovin, Nesterov and others. They all represent the twentieth century
art which is based on classical Russian Art, Symbolism and Socialist Realism.

2. A
guided tour of London by bus or coach is the best way for new visitors to see
the city. A two-hour tour of London (foreign language headphones provided) in
an open-topped bus. Lovely on a summer’s day. Departs every half hour from
Grosvenor Gard’ns, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey, Russell Square.

3. Ten
investors foresee no return of interest in the Argentine markets because of the
country’s economic chaos and default in January.

4. A lot ’f
clouds across the country, with large areas of thick mist or fog. The fog is
particularly thick in hillier district. It is raining in some parts of Scotland
and northern England, patchy drizzle elsewhere.

2.       Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Continuous.

1. On Friday at 6 o’clock Jane and Carrol(do) the shopping.

2. On Thu’sday
from 8:30 to 9:30 I (revise) for an English test.

3. What (Simon,
drink)? — The apple juice.

4. Where (you,
sit)? — At a table by the window.

5. I (not talk) to
anybody. I was alone.

6. We (not wear)
any costumes, as far as I can remember.

3.         Put the
verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. As I… (drive)
to work last Friday, a car… (crash) in front of me.

2. What… (you,
do) when I… (call) you last night?

3. Mike … (be)
on holiday last week.

4)… (he, see) a
dentist yesterday?

4.         Choose
the correct answer.

1)         This
magazine has funny … strips.

a) celebrity      b)
cartoon        c) interview

2)         Don’t
drink the milk, it’s gone ….

a) off   b) with c)

3)         How is
your work going … ?

a) off   b) with c)

4)I’ve got some
good news to tell you

a) That’s
terrible!     b) Really?c) How awful!

5)Do you fancy …
the reality show?

 a) watching    b)
watchc) like

Модульныйконтроль 5


1. Fill in: online,
virtual, message, submarine, gadgets, traffic jams.
One wordis extra.

1. Around a third of kids have … in their rooms.

2. Students go … to look up useful information.

3. There won’t be any … in cities of the future.

4. Click on «Create a …» and type on it.

5. I prefer … dogs because you don’t have to clean up
after them.

2.       Put the verbs
into the correct future forms.

l)Oh no! That cup…

2) I think the test… (be) really difficult.

3)What are your plans for the weekend? — I… (tidy) my bedroom.

4)I can’t do this. — I… (help)

5)Look at the timetable. We …(have) six lessons on

3.       Choose
the correct item.

1. If you mix/will mix red and yellow, you get orange.

2. If it won’t/doesn’t rain, the plants die.

3. If you go shopping tomorrow, I meet/will meet you at the

4. You won’t learn if you won’t/don’t
listen to me.

5. Don’t worry! I’ll answer if he calls/will call.

4.       Choose the correct answer.

1) Get the dictionary and look … the words you don’t know

a) after                             b) up                         c)

2) Does she look … her little sister?

after                             b) up                         c) forward to

3)       She gave me some … advice.

use                               b) used                      c) useful

Press the pause ….

player                          b) key                        c) button

5)… me an e-mail when you have any news.

а)      Send                      b) Read                     c)

6)      The cameras are programmed to … pictures of license
a) draw                            b) take                       c) make

Match the sentences (1—4) to their responses (a-d).

1. I think there will only be electronic books in the

2. This camera is really expensive!

3. We’re having a picnic at the weekend. Do you want to join

4. Some scientists think we live in the simulated reality.

a/ I like this idea. Where are we going?

b. I agree with you.

c. I don’t agree with them.

d. That’s true. I won’t buy it.

Вариант 2

1. Fill in: underwater,
e-mail, buttons, device, the Net, predictions.
One word is extra.

1. All they have to do is to press … on their gadgets.

2. People like making … about the future.

3. I don’t believe people will live in … cities in the

4. Can you help me send an … ?

5. I love this e-book reading …!

2.      Put the verbs into the correct future forms.

1. Do you think you … (invent)

2. They … (travel) to India. — Really? When did they decide that?

3. I promise I… (not tell)

4. Look at the sky! It… (rain).

5. We …(have) barbecue on Saturday afternoon. Do you want to come?

3.      Choose the correct item.

1. If you press/will press the button, the door opens.

2. He doesn’t go out if the weather will be / is bad.

3. Hurry up! We miss/will
the train if you’re late.

4. If he doesn’t/won’t understand, I’ll explain it.

5. If you lose your key, you not open / won’t open the

4.      Choose the correct answer.

1)      What are you looking … ? — My new MP3 player.

after                             b) up                          c) for

2)      I’m really looking … the summer holidays this

after                             b) up                          c) forward to

3)      Things don’t happen quite that easily in … life.

real                              b) reality                    c) really

4) He showed her several
electronic such as a watch that you can useas a phone.

equipment                   b) gadgets                 c) consoles

5) Is there any free websites where I can … my music and movie
files frommy laptop?

store                            b) surf                        c) take

6) Many websites allow visitors to… text messages to mobile
phones at no cost,
a) read                             b) send                      c) play

5. Match the sentences (1—4) to their responses (a—d).

1. They say there will only be virtual pets in
the future.

2. This smartphone is really cool!

3. We should buy a new laptop.

4. Some scientists think we live in the
simulated reality.

a. You’re
right. I got it as a birthday present from my parents.

b. I
don’t think that’s true.

c. I
don’t agree with them.

d. That’s
true. But it’s too expensive.

Модульныйконтроль 6


1. Fill in: cartoon, stroll, landmark, hair-rising, souvenir, tricks.
One word is extra.

1. The Eiffel Tower is probably the most famous … in

2. They
went for a … in the park.

3. He had
… adventures at the camp.

4. Look!
The monkey is performing … for tourists.

5. We
have seen funny … characters.

2.       Put
the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect.

1) Anna …
(find) a good job.

2)… (you, hear) Paul Simon’s latest record?

3) I … (notsee) him since June.

4) We …
(already, do) our

5)… (she, ever, play) the piano?

3.       Choose
the correct answer.

1)      The
new Marvel film will come … soon.

a) across                          b)
out                         c) round

2)      Did
your friend come … to see you?

a) across                          b)
out                         c) round

3)      Can
you … a webpage?

a) make                            b) play                       c)

4)      I’d
like to … an instrument and sing.

a) go                                b) make                     c)

5)      Has
your cat… been to the vet?

a) since                            b) ever                       c)

6)      I
have … read five English books.

a) already                        b)
never                     c) before

4.       Complete
the dialogue.

I’d like to reserve two weeks at
your camp.

Of course. It’s lindacooper@gmail.com.

That’s fine.


In July.

A: Adventure Teen Camp. How can I help you?

B: Good morning. My name’s Linda Cooper. (1)…

A: When would you like to come?


A: OK. Which course would you like to take?

B: I’d like to take horse riding.


B: Can you send me an e-mail with details?

A: (4)… Can you give me your e-mail address?

B: (5)…

Вариант 2

1. Fill in: survival, sunbathing, souvenir, stroll, fancy, reserve. One word is extra.

1. I
bought a model of the red double-decker bus as a … of London.

2. Do you
… coming with me?

3. They
learned … skills from the experienced instructors.

4. I’d
like to … a place at Arts Camp.

5. This
beach is great for lazy days … .

2.       Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect.
1) Since then he …
(not change) his job.

2)… (you, ever, see) the Queen of the UK?

3) The
(arrive). Hurry up!

4) I … (never, be) abroad.

5)… (she, take) pictures at Legoland California?

3.       Choose the correct answer.

1)      I
came … this book in the old house.

a) across                          b) out                        c)

2)      When
is he going to come … ? — Tomorrow.

a) across                          b) back                      c)

3)      We
… rafting every summer.

a) have                             b) make                     c)

4)         Do you
often … video games?

a) go    b) play c)

5)         The
children haven’t been to a summer camp … .

a) already        b)
never           c) yet

6)         My dad
has … bought a new smartphone.

a) just  b) ever c)

4.         Complete
the dialogue.

1 ‘d like to
reserve a week at your camp.

Of course. It’s

That’s fine.

How can I help

In the first week
of June.

A: Tech Teen Camp.

B: Good morning.
My name’s Jake Ledger. (2)…

A: When would you
like to come?


A: OK. Which
course would you like to take?

B: I’d like to
take making robots.

A: (4)…

B: Can you send me
an e-mail with details?

A: Certainly. Can
you give me your e-mail address?


Модульныйконтроль 7

Вариант 1

1. Fill in: charts,
animated, talented, fans, special, songwriter.
One word is extra.

1. Cameron Diaz is a … actress.

2. It’s a great film with amazing … effects.

3. It was in music … for 4 months and
reached the top

4. He is a famous … . He wrote about fifty

5. Thousands of… supported their favourite

2.       Fill in the comparative or superlative form.

1. Is a lion … {big) than a tiger?

2. What’s the … {hot) place in the world?

3. Sally is the … {beautiful) girl in the

4. I think maths is … (difficult) than history.

5. Who is the … (good) footballer in your

6. This is the … {bad) film I’ve ever seen!

3.       Match the reviews to the films.

1. The Martian

2. Big Hero 6

3. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

a/ This film provides many moments of genuine sweetness.
Furthermore, as apart from other superhero fare, the most powerful weapons in
the arsenal are that of kindness, compassion and — as is the case with Baymax —
healing.Definitely a delightful film with its heart in the right place.

B/ In 1926, magizoologist Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne)
arrives in New York City after a worldwide search for magical creatures. Set 70
years before the Harry Potter era, this film introduces the Potterverse to new
audiences while seeking to meet high expectations of old fans, in this new
spinoff from J.K. Rowling.

c/ Back on earth, NASA too reports about Watney’s death and
declares that the mission was aborted. Shocked to know later that he’s alive,
they contemplate a rescue plan but as Watney puts it, «Space does not
cooperate». Does he make it?

4.       Put the sentences in order to form a dialogue.

A) Is that for the 9 am or the 11 am showing?

B) Thank you. Here are your tickets and your

C) Next, please.

D) That’s £ 10 altogether, then.

E)       One adult and one child for Zootopia, please.

F)      Here
you are.

G)      Thanks.

H)      11
am, please.

Вариант 2

1.       Fill in: music, fiction,
effects, star, champion, successful.
word is extra

1/ Guy
Ritchie is a … film director.

2. The
Interstellar is a science … film.

3. This girl
is a famous American rock … .

4. I like
this powerful… and exciting lyrics.

5. She’s a
top international athlete and an Olympic … .

2.       Fill
in the comparative or superlative form.

1. Ronny is
the …
(funny) person in our family.

2. The
weather is getting …
(cold) than it was before.

3. Mike is
(young) than his sister.

4. What is
the …
(important) thing in your life?

5. The film
(interesting) than the book.

6. You look …(good) than yesterday.

3.       Match
the reviews to the films.

1. Zootopia

2. Interstellar

3. The Hob bit: The Battle of the
Five Armies

a) Cooper (McConaughey) is a former pilot who dreams
of soaring in the skies again. Unfortunately, Cooper needs to have his feet
firmly on terra firma to take care of farm and family. His father-in-law
(Lithgow) repeatedly reminds him about that. Cooper’s daughter Murph (Foy)
however is as bright a spark -and as passionate about what she believes in — as
her father is. Murph is also imaginative; she attributes randomly-moving
objects and books in her room to poltergeist activity. But her dad reminds her
that «there are no ghosts».

b) When Bilbo, Thorin and gang watched in fear as
Smaug (Cumberbatch) flew away to torch Lake Town, little did they realize that
their leader Thorin was going mad thanks to ‘dragon sickness’, lust for the
castle’s gold and the Arkenstone. He now refuses to leave the castle or even
honour a commitment to help the people of Lake Town who have fled from their

c) An ambitious bunny rabbit named Judy Hopps
(Goodwin), a resident of Bunnyburrow, dreams about becoming a police officer in
a city populated by a plethora of anthropomorphous animals. Her happy-go-lucky
but protective
parents Bonnie (Hunt) and Stu (Lake) sweetly try to convince their daughter
otherwise. But nothing will come in the way of Hopps’ dreams.

4.       Put
the sentences in order to form a dialogue.

A) Oh, right.

B) Thank you.
Enjoy the movie!

C) Three
tickets for
The Martian at 7 pm, please.

D) That’s £
16, please.

E)      I’m
afraid it’s sold out.

F)       OK.
Here you are.

G)      We
still have tickets for 9 pm showing.

H)      Oh,
OK. Three tickets for
9 pm then, please.

Модульныйконтроль 8


1. Fill in: volunteers,
recycling, acid rain, rainforest, survive, nesting.
One word is extra.

1. They collected rubbish for … in the park.

2. A tropical… has more kinds of trees than
any other area in the world.

3. Environmental organizations need … to

4. The pupils of our school built some …

5. The government is trying to find ways to
reduce ….

2. Complete with the Present Perfect Continuous form of the
verb in brackets.

1. He … {play)
football, so he is tired.

2. How long … (she, write) her book?

3. We …(notsleep) since yesterday.

4)…(you, work) here long?

5) 1 …(paint) the walls for two

3.      Write the correct question tag.

1. He’s not coming, … ?

2. She looks tired, … ?

3. You’ll be there, … ?

4. Fiona hasn’t got a sister,… ?

5. Your father didn’t work yesterday, … ?

4.      Choose the correct answer.

1. For
Halloween, the children made … stories about ghosts and witches

 a) up b)
with                   c) out

2. 1 couldn’t
make … what he was saying.

a) up                                b)
for                         c) out

3)         I …
each day at three.

a) live  b) leavec)

4)         My
sister… wear a school uniform,

a) have b) hasc)
has to

Вариант 2

1.         Fill
in: chain, atmosphere, Reserves, polar, polluting, habitat. One wordis extra.

1)         We have
to stop … the environment.

2)         At one
of our many National Nature … you can meet rare species ofplants and animals.

3) The owl’s
natural… is in the forests of the Northwest.

4) The planet’s
… cannot support human life.

5) Life in the
planet’s … regions can be incredibly difficult.

2.         Complete
with the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verb in brackets.

1. Tom … {watch)
TV all day.

2. How long …
(she, learn) French?

3. They … (not
eat) since yesterday.

4)… (you, live)
here long?

5) I… (wait) for
you for half an hour.

3.         Write
the correct question tag.

1. You don’t take
sugar in coffee,… ?

2. He arrived
late,… ?

3. It’s time to
go,… ?

4. Your parents
can help,… ?

5. Linda wasn’t
dancing at the party,… ?

4.         Choose
the correct answer.

1)         I can’t
make … the meaning of this poem.

a) up    b) for   c)

2)         She
wanted to make up … me after that quarrel.

a) to     b) with c)

3)         Where
does Jake … ?

a) live  b) leave           c)

4)         I…
wear glasses. My eyes aren’t good.

a) have b) have to        c)
don’t have to

Модульныйконтроль 9


Fill in: stationery, manager, grilled, leather, tin, low-fat. One word is extra.

1 had the … fish with rice
and vegetables.

2 eat… ice cream because
I’m on a diet.

3 Can I see a … of your department?

4 My mum has got a pair of brown … gloves.

5 I buy school supplies at the … shop.

Choose the correct answer.
1. We’ve got two … of sardines and some bread,
а) jars                         b) cartons                  c)

He sipped on the … of water.

а)bottle                            b)
can                        c) packet

Rachel took me … to lunch.

а)out                                b)
away                     c) off

Is that to eat in or take … ?

а)back                              b)
away                     c) off

shirts come in three …: small, medium, and large,
а)types                             b) shapes                   c)

6.It’s no
use crying over spilt… .

а)tea                                 b)
milk                       c) coffee

Jill’s new hairstyle doesn’t really … her.
а)suit                                b) fit                          c)

8.She is
wearing black high-he
еlеd shoes that… her skirt and jacket,
а)suit                                b) lit                           c)

Choose the correct word.

1. We
a lot of/many /fewmoney on our last holiday.

2. Would
you like pepper with your meal? Yes, but only
/ a little
/a few

3. How much /many /lots of/children are there in your class?

4. I
don’t have
any/some/manycheese in the fridge.

5. There
lot/some /littlepairs of shoes on the shelf.

4. Match
the sentences (
1 -4) with their response (a—d).
1. Is it your size?                             a) Thank you very much.

2. They
really suit you.                   b) No, it’s too big.

3. How
much is the scarf?               c) Thank you. It’s wonderful!

4. This
bracelet is for you!              d) It’s

Вариант 2

Fill in: carton, toy, family-sized, security, fizzy, striped. One word is extra.

Did you have … drinks at the party?

We ordered a … pizza and a bottle of

He works as a … guard at the

There are some … cushions on the sofa.

Let’s go to the … shop. I need to buy
a present for my little brother.

Choose the correct answer.
1. He ate the whole … of beans,
a) can                            b) box                        c) cup

2.How many … of crisps did you

 a) tins                           b)
packets                  c) cartons

  3. Take … your coat and feel at home

a) out                               b) away                     c)

  4. I
once took … a pair of shoes that fell apart after a week

 a) off                              b)
back                      c) away

5.Which … do you want — chocolate or vanilla?

a) flavour                        b) type                       c)

6. Too many cooks… the broth.

a) split                             b)
taste                      c) spoil

7)      Do you think this colour … me?

a) suits                             b)
fits                        c) matches

8. The
jacket’s fine, but the trousers don’t… . They’re too long,
  a)suit                             b) fit                          c) match

3. Choose
the correct word.

1. Do you
many/much/littlefriends coming to your party?

2. Few/Little/Anypeople
visited him in hospital.

3. How much / many / lots
oil is there in the jar?

4. We don’t have any/some/manyfish in the fridge.

5. There are lot/some/littlesouvenirs for my friends.

4. Match
the sentences (1-4) with their response (a—d).

1. Is it
your size?                                 a) Really? Thank you very much.

2. It matches the colour of your eyes.   b) Yes, this top
fits perfectly.

3. How much
are they?                       c) Thank you.

4. It’s wonderful! Here’s my
present. I hope you like it.   d) They’re £ 18.

Модульный контроль 10


1. Fill in: headaches,
exercise, stressful, ambulance, leg, hurtful.
One word is extra.

1. 1 think arguing with parents is very … .

2. Have you ever broken a … ?

3. Lately, I’ve been suffering from terrible ….

4. Gossips can be really ….

5. You look terrible! I’ll call for an ….

2.      Choose the correct answer.

1)      Some old people talk
to ….

themselves                   b) himself                  c) them

2)      What is Liza doing? —
She’s looking at… in the mirror.

a) her                               b)
herself                   c) myself

3) Cathy has fallen … with her friend because he lied to

a) apart                            b) behind                   c)

4) My old bike hasn’t fallen … yet.

a) apart                            b)
behind                   c) out

5) If you have a … throat, you should have a hot cup of

 a) ache                            b) sore                       c)

6) Your report is very …

a) inform                         b)
informative           c) information

3.      Put the verbs into the correct tense.

1. You
(feel) cold
unless you wear a coat.

2. I’ll arrive at 10 am if there … (not be) heavy traffic.

3. Unless
he …
(stop) smoking,
he’ll be seriously ill.

4. The teacher will be angry if you (not do) homework.

4.      Put the sentences in the correct order to form a

A) Can 1 go to school tomorrow?

B) What’s the matter?

C) I’ve got a headache. I feel dizzy and my throat’s sore.

D) I’m afraid not. You should stay at home.

E)Hmm. You have a fever. That means you’re coming down with
the flue.

1. Fill in: regular,
ankle, ambulance, stress, health, earache.
word is extra

1. This book gives advice on how to cope with … .

2. I’ve
twisted my … . It really hurts!

3. If you have an    you should take a painkiller.

4. You should get… exercise.

5. Primary… care is based on caring for people rather than
specific diseases.

2.       Choose the correct answer.

1)      We always do the cleaning

a) our                               b)
ourselves               c) ours

2)      Why don’t you do it… ?

a) yours                           b)
itself                      c) yourself

3)      She hurt her ankle and fell… the others.

a) apart                            b)
behind                   c) out

4)      Why do you always fall… with your sister?

a) apart                            b)
behind                   c) out

5)      If you have … eyes, you should wash them with cold
a) ache                             b) sore                       c) ill

6) This
girl is very … .

attractive                     b) attraction              c) attract

3.      Put the verbs into the correct tense.

1. If you do your homework, I … (take) you to the zoo.

2. You
(notget) well
unless you stop smoking.

3. If
she …
(do) Exercise
regularly, she will lose some weight.

4. Unless he … (help), I’ll be unable to do it.

4.      Put the sentences in the correct order to form a

A) I’ve got a toothache. It hurts when 1 eat.

B) What’s the matter?

C) I see. You’ve chipped this tooth.

D) No, I think I can repair it.

E)Are you going to remove it?

Чтение I четверть


read & comprehend the
following story.

My name is Polly. I am
ten. I am a schoolgirl. I go to school. I like learning English and playing
puzzles. I would like to tell you about my family. It is neither big nor small.
There are four of us.

I have got a mother. Her
name is Jane. She is a teacher. She is very responsible and creative. She likes
her work. Her hobbies are singing and shopping. My mother is fond of reading
detective stories.

I have got a father. His
name is Jack.  He is a doctor. He is clever and hardworking. My father likes
playing golf. He goes in for sport to be healthy and strong. He is fond of
fishing too.

My brother Nick is
small. He is only four. He likes playing toys. Usually we get on well with him,
but sometimes he is very naughty.

On Saturdays and Sundays
we like to be together. Last Sunday we went to the country. We had a good rest.

decide whether the following
sentences are true or false, correct the false ones.

Polly’s mother is a doctor.

Polly has got a younger brother.

Her brother Nick is a pupil.


There are five people in Polly’s

Polly`s father is clever and

Last Sunday Polly’s family went to
the Zoo.

Last Sunday Polly’s family had a
good rest.

answer the following

What does the girl like?

What is Polly’s father fond of?

What did they do last Sunday?

Чтение I полугодие

My Mother’s Birthday

Task I: read & comprehend the following story.

My name is Kate. My
family is a typical Russian family. There are four of us. I have got a mother.
Her name is Ann. She is a teacher. She is very kind. Her hobbies are singing
and shopping. My mother is fond of reading detective stories.

My father`s name is
Peter.  He is a driver. He is clever and sporty. My father is fond of fishing.
My brother Nick is small. He is only four. He likes playing with his toys.

We are a close and
friendly family. We like to spend time and holidays together.

Tomorrow it will be my
mother’s birthday. My brother and I will go shopping together with our father.
We are going to buy our mum a birthday present. It will be a nice scarf. She
would like to have a white one. And we shall buy flowers for her, too.

Tomorrow my brother and
I will clean the flat. We won’t be lazy. Father will help us. Then we’ll make
our kitchen clean and bright. Tomorrow we will lay the table. We would like our
mother to be happy.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or
false, correct the false ones.

There are five people in Kate’s


Tomorrow it will be Kate’s

Kate will get a present tomorrow.

Kate’s mother will get a red scarf
for her birthday.

Tomorrow Kate and her brother will
clean the flat.

Kate and her brother won’t be lazy

Tomorrow the family will lay the

Task III: answer the following questions.

Whose birthday will the family
celebrate tomorrow?

What present will mother get for
her birthday?

3. Do you think
Kate’s family is friendly? Why?

Чтение II полугодие

man and the monkeys.

Task I: read & comprehend the following story.

    One day a man who made caps went to the market to
sell them. It was a long way to go. The man passed  by a long river. When he
was in the forest, he decided to rest a little, as the day was very hot and he
was very tired.

  The man saw a large tree. He decided to rest under

  As the sun was very hot, the man put on one of the
caps on his head and put all the other caps on the ground under the tree. The
man had lunch, then lay down and soon was asleep. When he woke up, he could not
find the caps.

“Where are my caps?” he cried. He could not find them

    Suddenly he looked up. And what did he see? He saw
many monkeys in the tree, and each monkey had the man’s cap on its head!

“Give me back my caps!” cried the man. But the monkeys
could not understand the man. They laughed
, jumped
and played with the caps.

The man asked and asked the monkeys to give him back
his caps, but the monkeys didn’t understand him. They only laughed.

The man got very much angry with the monkeys. He took
off his cap, threw it on the ground and cried: “If you want my caps, you may
take this one, too!”

And do you know what the monkeys did? They took off
the caps and threw them on the ground!

That’s how the man got back all his caps.

Certainly, he was very glad. He quickly took all his
caps and went away.

Task II: decide whether the following sentences are true or
false, correct the false ones.

1.   One day a man went to
the baker`s to sell caps.

2.   The man passed by
a lake.

3.   The day was very
hot and the man was tired.

4.   The man saw a
large mountain.

5.   When the man woke
up he didn`t find the caps.

6. Each monkey
had the cap on its head.

7. The monkeys
understood him well.

8. The man went
away without his caps.

Task III: answer the following questions.

1.   Where did the man
put his caps?

2.   What did monkeys
do with the caps?

3.   How did the man
get his caps back?

Аудирование II четверть

Прослушайте текст дважды и отметьте буквой T информацию,
соответствующую тексту, и буквой F –не соответствующую тексту.

Hello, my name
is Helen Brown. Only yesterday I was nine and today I’m ten because
today is my birthday. And I’m glad that today is Sunday and not
Monday or Friday because on Sundays I don’t go to school. But my school friends
are coming to my birthday party. It’s 1 o’clock now and my birthday party
begins at 2 o’clock. But my friend Kate will come at 3. She and her parents
went to see Kate’s grandmother. I already got my present from my parents. It
wasn’t a dress like last year or a CD player like the one they gave my brother
for his birthday. It’s a bicycle. I like to ride my bicycle. I also like to
read. I know that my school friends will give me books with some of my
favourite stories.

The girl’s name is Mary Brown


She doesn’t like to go to school.

Her birthday party begins at 2

Her friends didn’t come to her birthday
party, because they were at school.

Her  parents’  present
 was  a CD player 

Helen likes to ride her bicycle.

She likes books better than videos or

Аудирование I полугодие

Задание: Прослушайте
рассказ. Определите, какие из приведенных ниже утверждений 1-6 соответствуют
содержанию текста (1 — True), а какие не соответствуют (2 — False).

We are
going to spend Christmas with my aunt’s family. My mum says that I’ll enjoy it
and that I’ll meet my cousin Jane Smith there. I’ve never seen her but my mum
often tells me about her. Jane is as old as I am – she is eleven. Her birthday
is very soon – on New Year’s Day.

is British and she was born in Britain but then her family moved to America.
Now they live in Washington.

I want
to give Jane a disc of classical music as a birthday present. My mum says she
loves music and plays the piano very well. Jane also loves animals and she
takes a good care of her dog and her parrot. She wants to have a cat, too, but
her Mum is against it.

does very well at school. She likes Literature and History but her favourite
subject is German.

1. Jane’s
birthday is in summer.

True 2) False

2. Jane
lives in Great Britain.

True 2) False

3. Jane
plays a musical instrument.

True 2) False

4. Jane
has three pets.

True 2) False

5. Jane
is a good pupil.

True 2) False

6. Jane
learns a foreign language.

True 2) False

Аудирование II полугодие


are you? I am fine. I am 8. I have got a great cap collection. I have got
twelve caps. They are from the UK, the USA, Australia, France, Japan and
Canada. My Australian cap is a present from my friend Steve. I am proud of my
collection. Cap collecting is fun and easy.


1:Послушай письмо и отметь верные (true) и неверные (false) предложения.

1. The
email is from Mark.

Damien likes his cap collection.

3. He
has got 13 caps in his collection.

Damien is proud of his collection.

5. Cap
collecting is not easy.

2:Выбери верный вариант


a) 8
b) 18 c) 9

2. His
collection makes him ………

happy b)hungry c)angry

Damien has got………..

stamps b)caps c)coins

Говорение III четверть

Card №1

Task 1

Give a
1-1.5 minute talk on yourself.


What your name, surname and age are

Where and who you live with



have to talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have
finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Card №2

Task 1

Give a
1-1.5 minute talk on your family.


Where and who you live with



have to talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have

Говорение I полугодие

Card №3

Task 1

Give a
1-1.5 minute talk on your free time.


How people can spend their spare time

Where you and your friends like to go

About entertainment places in your town

About the last film you saw

have to talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have
finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Card №4

Task 1

Give a
1-1.5 minute talk on your friend.


Some details about your
friend (name and age )


About some traits of his/her character

What he/she likes/dislikes/or interested in

have to talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have
finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Говорение II полугодие

Card №5

Task 1

Give a
1-1.5 minute talk on your daily life.



What you do in the morning

What you do in the daytime

What you do in the evening

have to talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have
finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Card №6

Task 1

Give a
1-1.5 minute talk on your hobby.


Whatitis a hobby




have to talk for 1 – 1.5 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have
finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

Письмо IV

получили письмо от друга по переписке, который пишет:

pen friend,

… When
I have my spare time I go to the sport club, go for a walk and, of course,
sleep. To tell you the truth, all members of my family prefer different kinds
of activities, for example, my mom prefers cooking, my grandfather likes
sitting with my sister. So, I prefer listening to music, and, as you know,
going to parties!

about you? Have you got hobbies? How do you spend your free time?

but I must go now. Hope to hear from you soon.



письмо Фербу, ответьте на его вопросы.

Письмо I

получили письмо от друга по переписке, который пишет:

  …Tomorrow it is a very impotent day for me — we’re having our school basketball
   As you can see, I ‘m fond of basketball. Our team is famous in my
school. We always participate in competitions and we often win. As for my
school, I try to study well and I always do my homework. Sometimes I’m very
tired but I understand that I must do my best because my future depends on my
school achievements. That’s why I do my homework and after that I go to the

Do you
like sport? What kind of sport games do you prefer?
   Hope to hear from you soon.

письмо Мише, ответьте на ее вопросы.

Письмо IIполугодие

получили письмо от друга по переписке, который пишет:

   …There are millions tasty meal in the world, but I can advise you
my favorite prescription. So, it’s pancakes. Besides it’s a traditional Russian
food. The main ingredients are a flour (3 glasses), milk (3 glasses), 2 spoons
of butter, 30 grammas of yeast, 3 eggs and salt. Mix in a saucepan warm milk
and yeast. Add a flour and all mix. In dough add eggs with salt, sugar and
butter. All mix. In finish to bake pancakes. 
I hope that my prescription will be need for you! Can you send me your
Best wishes, 
your friend.

письмо, ответьте на вопросы

3 Выберите правильное слово.

1 Мода важна для меня, поэтому я всегда покупаю дизайнерскую одежду.

2 Мне нравится выделяться из толпы и всегда носить что-то необычное.

3 Если вы любите выгодные покупки, покупайте вещи, помеченные биркой РАСПРОДАЖА.

4 Если вы не можете позволить себе многое, вы можете купить дизайнерскую одежду в магазине уцененных товаров.

5 Мне нужен водонепроницаемый плащ, чтобы пойти на пикник в деревне.

6 Размер пальто больше, чем мне нужен, и выглядит свободно на мне.

7 Он не очень богат, но он всегда покупает дорогие вещи.

8 Она хочет выглядеть модно, но на самом деле она выглядит смешно в мешковатой футболке и на высоких каблуках.

9 Меня пригласили на грандиозную вечеринку, и я должна одеть что-то шикарное.

10. Это праздничное событие, и мне нужно купить карнавальные костюмы.

11. Она всегда одевается по последней моде.

12. Одежда по распродаже — обычно выгодная покупка.

13. Он происходит из аристократической семьи, но он любит дешевую одежду.

14. Элегантные люди носят стильную одежду.

1. designer

2. unusual


4. a discount store

5. a waterproof

6. loose

7. expensive

8. ridiculous

9. posh

10. fancy

11. latest

12. a good bargain

13. cheap

14. stylish

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