What springs to your mind when you hear the word future

Вот вопросы, нужно ответить на них на английском развернуто и чтоб получилось что то на подобие текста

1) What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘robot’?

2) Will robots take over the world one day?

3) The West sees robots as menacing, Japan sees them as helpful – how

about you?

4) Which movie robot is your favourite?

5) What would you like your robot to do?

6) What role will robots play in our society later this century?

7) Will robots ever like identical to humans?

На этой странице сайта, в категории Английский язык размещен ответ на вопрос
Вот вопросы, нужно ответить на них на английском развернуто и чтоб получилось что то на подобие текста1) What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘robot’?. По уровню сложности вопрос рассчитан на учащихся
5 — 9 классов. Чтобы получить дополнительную информацию по
интересующей теме, воспользуйтесь автоматическим поиском в этой же категории,
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«If we had no ___, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.» — Anne Bradstreet

Угадали пропущенное слово? Конечно, это winter. Зима подходит к концу и самое время проводить ее, повторив “зимние” слова и фразы. Задания, которые можно использовать, чтобы повторить лексику, связанную с зимой и холодами (подойдут для уровней Intermediate-Upper-Intermediate):

1. Текст, где нужно заполнить пропуски:

  • winter
  • blizzards
  • snowball fight
  • harsh
  • crisp 
  • colder 
  • blanket of snow
  • slushy
  • bitterly 
  • snowflakes 
  • plunging 
  • icy 
  • bundle 
  • warm (verb)
  • In the dead
  • new-fallen snow
  • coughs 

What springs to your mind when you hear the word ___? Winter is generally associated with ___ temperatures, ___ weather and ___. Its impact and timing change according to the location: the farther an area lies from the equator, the ___ temperatures it experiences. In our region winter is quite ___. ___ of winter it’s ___ cold outside and the ground is covered with a heavy ___. So, whenever you feel like going outside to have a ___  in the street, you have to ___ up. Low temperature is probably the reason why winter is also the season of ___ and colds. So make sure you drink enough hot tea to ___ yourself up. Sometimes winter seems to last so long you think you can’t stand it anymore. But when the spring comes and the snow becomes ___, you start missing ___ winter air, ___ dancing in the air and the purity of ___


What springs to your mind when you hear the word winter? Winter is generally associated with plunging temperatures, icy weather and blizzards. Its impact and timing change according to the location: the farther an area lies from the equator, the colder temperatures it experiences. In our region winter is quite harsh. In the dead of winter it’s bitterly cold outside and the ground is covered with a heavy blanket of snow. So, whenever you feel like going outside to have a snowball fight in the street, you have to bundle up. Low temperature is probably the reason why winter is also the season of coughs and colds. So make sure you drink enough hot tea to warm yourself up. Sometimes winter seems to last so long you think you can’t stand it anymore. But when the spring comes and the snow becomes slushy, you start missing crisp winter air, snowflakes dancing in the air and the purity of new-fallen snow

2. Фразы, к которым нужно подобрать определения:

  1. The snowball effect
  2. When hell freezes over
  3. Break the ice
  4. Tip of the iceberg
  5. On thin ice
  6. Be snowed in 
  7. Be snowed under
    a) Having too much to do.
    b) To be unable to leave because of too much snow.
    c) A small, noticeable part of a problem, the total size of which is really much bigger.
    d) Never.
    e) In a risky situation.
    f) To say something to relieve tension or get the conversation going when you meet someone for the first time.
    g) A situation in which one action or event causes many other similar actions or events


  1. g
  2. d
  3. f
  4. c
  5. e
  6. b
  7. a

    3. Word scramble с синонимами слова “cold”:

  1. If the weather is ___, it is fairly cold and the wind is blowing. (frehs)
  2. ___ means it’s cold enough to produce frost. (Ftrsoy)
  3. If it is ___, the weather is fairly cold and a fairly strong wind is blowing. (sribk)
  4. ___ weather is pleasant because it is cold and dry. (Cpisr)
  5. ___ weather is very cold and grey. (Baekl)
  6. ___ cold is when it’s so cold that it makes you feel very uncomfortable. (itiBgn)
  7. ___ weather is extremely cold and unpleasant. (Hrsha)


  1. fresh
  2. Frosty 
  3. brisk
  4. Crisp
  5. Bleak 
  6. Biting 
  7. Harsh 

Больше полезных выражений можно найти в видео от engVid и Let’s talk.

Organic and non-organic worlds


Discuss with your partner the following questions.While discussing take into account the speaking criteria:

  • Express opinion and creative ideas
  • Evaluate and comment your partner’s answer
  • Use if / if only in third conditional structures
  • Use a variety of relative clauses


—        What springs to mind when you hear the term ‘biofuel’?
—        What do you know about biofuels?
—        Are you worried about the rise in food and oil prices?
—        Do you think the rise in biofuels production is good or bad for the world?
—        What does your country have to do to meet its CO2 targets?
—        Do you think there are better alternatives to biofuels?
—        How economically friendly do you think biofuels are?
—        Do you think the world’s major economies should reduce the energy they use?



—        What adjectives would you use to describe today’s situation of rising prices?
—        What do critics of biofuels say?
—        How can supply and demand be to blame for rising food prices?
—        What increases in food prices have you noticed?
—        Do you think farmers should grow crops for fuel or food?
—        Have there been food riots in your country? Would you protest in the streets?
—        What do you think life is like for the have-nots?
—        What questions would you like to ask the UN spokesperson?


Для совершенствования навыков говорения
лучше всего иметь под рукой список наводящих вопросов, на которые нужно
отвечать. Вот хорошая подборка по теме «Adventure» (подойдет для уровня
Intermediate и выше). Это прекрасный ресурс и для
преподавателей: ведь для того, чтобы разговорить студента, нужны
«правильные» вопросы, на которые нельзя ответить просто «да» или «нет».

What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘adventure’?
Are you an adventurous person? Do you like adventure?

In what way is learning English an adventure for you?

Does there have to be an element of danger in an adventure?
Which of these things would you like on an adventure: danger, romance, speed, travel, discovery, prizes?
Where would you like to go for an adventure – a jungle, a desert, a small island or a city?

What was your most unforgettable childhood adventure?
What’s the biggest adventure you’ve had in your life?
Who would you like to have a big adventure with?
What adventures would you like to go on in the future?

Do you like adventure movies?

What’s your favourite adventure story or book? Talk about it.

Is your country famous for adventurers?

If you were offered a trip on the space shuttle, would you go? Explain.

Do you think adrenaline is addictive? Why or why not?

Life is an adventure. Do you agree? Why? Discuss.


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