What single word or phrase is being

МБОУ Бондарская СОШ

Программа спецкурса по выбору по предпрофильной подготовке

«Деловой Английский»

Автор: Петрова Э.А.

учитель иностранных языков

2013 г.

Элективный курс

«Деловой английский»

Пояснительная записка

Экономическая ситуация и диалог культур, существующие в современном мире, вынуждают человека строить взаимовыгодный диалог со всеми субъектами жизненного пространства, уметь наводить межкультурные и деловые мосты между представителями различных конфессий, культур, стран.

Английский язык играет огромную роль в современном мире. Это язык международного бизнеса и финансов. Школьники испытывают недостаток знаний в экономической области.

Цель этого курса:  

— расширить экономический кругозор учащихся;

-научить учащихся разбираться в экономической лексике,          использовать ее в ситуациях общения;

-способствовать формированию экономической культуры учащихся;

-удовлетворить потребность учащихся в экономических знаниях.

Предполагается развить у учащихся следующие УУД:

-оперировать необходимыми экономическими понятиями и суждениями;

-использовать анализ, сравнение, обобщение для решения экономических задач.

 Программа данного курса предлагает разнообразную информацию по различным областям деловой активности как общего характера  (экономическая организация общества, глобализация экономики), так и конкретного (маркетинг, реклама, франчайзинг).

 При отборе и подготовке материалов учитывается:


-информационная насыщенность;


Знания, полученные в ходе курса « Деловой английский», помогут читать экономические книги и статьи на английском языке и разбираться в вопросах экономики. Курс готовит будущих бизнесменов к экономическому диалогу с зарубежными партнерами.

Программа элективного курса « Деловой английский» предлагается для учащихся 9 классов общеобразовательной школы и рассчитана  на 17 учебных часов.                        

Требования к уровню образованности учащихся, освоивших программу « Деловой английский»

 Предметно- информационная составляющая:  

  1. Знает языковые нормы языка.
  2. Владеет иностранным языком, как средством передачи информации.
  3. Владеет иностранным языком, как средством получения информации и развития личности

Деятельно- коммуникативная составляющая:

  1. Умеет систематизировать информацию в ситуациях делового общения.
  2. Умеет оппонировать и защищать свою позицию.
  3. Привлекает дополнительную информацию из других областей.
  4. Умеет догадаться о значении новых слов, конспектировать, обсуждать темы.

Ценностно- ориентационная составляющая

  1. Понимает значимость изучения темы.
  2. Владеет правилами делового этикета.
  3. Умеет написать рекламу своего бизнеса.

При оценке умения говорения учитывается:

Диалогическая речь:

  1. Учащийся умеет запрашивать и сообщать фактическую информацию, обращаться с просьбой.
  2. Умеет выражать свою точку зрения, побуждать собеседника к действию.
  3. Владеет технологией построения диалогического высказывания.

Монологическая речь:

  1. Учащийся умеет догадаться о значении новых слов.
  2. Умеет кратко рассказать о фактах и событиях.
  3. Умеет передать содержание прочитанного с опорой на текст.
  4. Умеет выражать и аргументировать свое отношение к прочитанному.
  5. Владеет технологией построения монологического высказывания. 

При оценке аудирования учитывается:

  1. Умение прогнозировать содержание текста, выделять основную информацию в воспринимаемом на слух тексте.
  2. Умение выбирать главные факты.
  3. Умение выборочно понимать необходимую информацию текста с опорой на контекст и на языковую догадку.

При оценке письменной речи учитывается:

      1.Умение написать рекламу своего бизнеса, умение создать торговую марку.

При оценке чтения учитывается:

  1. Умение догадаться о значении новых слов по контексту.
  2. Умение читать тексты по трем видам чтения.
  3. Умеет оценивать и комментировать факты, описанные в тексте.

Содержание элективного курса

«Деловой английский».



1. Экономическая система

Уметь детально понимать текст, задавать вопросы по теме.

2. Глобализация

Давать описание понятия «глобализация», воспринимать информацию на слух.

3. Интеграция России в мировую экономику

Развивать умение детального пересказа полученной информации, овладеть навыками просмотрового чтения.  

4. Маркетинг

Делать описание событий, уметь вести дискуссию по теме.

5. Реклама

Развивать умение чтения с полным пониманием, уметь создать рекламу бизнеса, обобщать материал, привлекать известное из других областей знаний.

6. Франчайзинг

Овладеть навыками просмотрового чтения, делать записи основных положений.

7. Бизнес-этикет

Уметь вести беседу, используя правила этикета, уметь детально понимать текст, делать необходимые записи.

8. Бизнес и финансы

Уметь детально понять текст, уметь систематизировать материал, высказывать свое мнение.

9. Компании

Уметь описывать компании, вести беседу о персонале компании

10. Урок-деловая игра «Мой бизнес»

Обобщить знания учащихся по теме. Создать проект «Мой бизнес»

Календарно-тематическое планирование

1. Экономическая система

2 часа

2. Глобализация

1 час

3.Интеграция России в мировую экономику

1 час

4. Маркетинг

2 часа

5. Реклама

2 часа

6. Франчайзинг

2 часа

7. Бизнес- этикет

2 часа

8. Бизнес и финансы

1 час

9. Компании

2 часа

10. Урок-деловая игра  «Мой бизнес»

              2 часа

            17 часов

Economic systems

Free-enterprise or market economy

There are two forms of economic organization, the free-enterprise, or market economy, and the centrally planned economy. The main principles of free-enterprise economy were formulated in the 18th century by British economist Adam Smith. According to Smith, people acting in their own economic interests will maximize the economic situation of society as a whole. A free-enterprise economy consists of house-holds and firms that are free to do as they please. There is private property of consumer goods as well as producers’ goods. Buying and selling constitute markets, and prices are formed in such markets according to demand and supply.

The role of government is providing defense, law and order, education, protection of property and regulating some economic activities. Governments generally regulate “natural monopolies”. These industries require such large investments that it would not be profitable to have more than one provider. Regulation is used in place of competition to prevent these monopolies from making too big profits.

Governments may also restrict economic freedom for the sake of individual rights. Examples include laws that restrict child labour, take care of environment and sale of safe goods.

Many people believe that free market gives individual responsibility to make decisions and economic freedom. But fee market economy is also criticized. It does not solve the problem of poverty, and many people become too rich. They can become so powerfull, that it can be dangerous for society. Market forces are indifferent to social values and can be manipulated by a few owners of wealth. Market economy can’t guarantee full employment, and use all the resources of the state.

Experience of many countries shows that market economy can’t regulate itself in the periods of hard depressions. This task should be solved by the state. Nowadays only the forth part of world economy is functioning in the conditions of free market.


Free-enterprise economy-экономика свободного предпринимательства

Household-домашнее хозяйство, семья

Consumer goods-потребительские товары

Demand and supply-спрос и предложение

Utilities-муниципальные коммунальные предприятия



To prevent-предупреждать

To restrict-ограничивать




1.  Pre-reading activity

Answer the questions:

1. What does the word “economy” mean?

2. What do you know about market economy?

3. Give your associations with the word “economy”.

While-reading activity

 1)  Answer the questions.

  1. How many forms of economic organization are there?
  2. When were the main principles of free-enterprise economy formulated?
  3. What does a free-enterprise economy consist of?
  4. What is the role of the government?
  5. Market economy can’t guarantee full employment, can it?

  2)    Find the words in the text which mean the following:

-to provide people with something that they need or want, especially regularly and over a long period of time;

-to make as large as possible;

-money received from doing or services;

-person who buys goods or services;

-rule that limits what people can do.

  1. Complete the following sentences with the words from the list, use the correct form, active or passive.









  1. Russian beer market is becoming crowded. Many companies ———— on it.
  2. “Natural monopolies” can grow so huge that the government should———- their activities.
  3. Some economists believe that crisis of 1998 in Russia could be ———-.
  4. Moscow government is taking steps to ———— small business.
  5. Under socialism means of production are ——— by people.
  6. There are ———- on what you can bring to some countries. For example, alcohol is completely forbidden in some Arab countries.
  7. Dozens of companies in Moscow ———- communication services.
  8. A continuous ———- of something, especially from one place to another is called a flow.

Post-reading activity

Write a plan and summarize the text.

Economic systems

Free-enterprise or market economy

There are two forms of economic organization, the free-enterprise, or market economy, and the centrally planned economy. The main principles of free-enterprise economy were formulated in the 18th century by British economist Adam Smith. According to Smith, people acting in their own economic interests will maximize the economic situation of society as a whole. A free-enterprise economy consists of house-holds and firms that are free to do as they please. There is private property of consumer goods as well as producers’ goods. Buying and selling constitute markets, and prices are formed in such markets according to demand and supply.

The role of government is providing defense, law and order, education, protection of property and regulating some economic activities. Governments generally regulate “natural monopolies”. These industries require such large investments that it would not be profitable to have more than one provider. Regulation is used in place of competition to prevent these monopolies from making too big profits.

Governments may also restrict economic freedom for the sake of individual rights. Examples include laws that restrict child labour, take care of environment and sale of safe goods.

Many people believe that free market gives individual responsibility to make decisions and economic freedom. But fee market economy is also criticized. It does not solve the problem of poverty, and many people become too rich. They can become so powerfull, that it can be dangerous for society. Market forces are indifferent to social values and can be manipulated by a few owners of wealth. Market economy can’t guarantee full employment, and use all the resources of the state.

Experience of many countries shows that market economy can’t regulate itself in the periods of hard depressions. This task should be solved by the state. Nowadays only the forth part of world economy is functioning in the conditions of free market.


Free-enterprise economy-экономика свободного предпринимательства

Household-домашнее хозяйство, семья

Consumer goods-потребительские товары

Demand and supply-спрос и предложение

Utilities-муниципальные коммунальные предприятия



To prevent-предупреждать

To restrict-ограничивать




1.  Pre-reading activity

Answer the questions:

1. What does the word “economy” mean?

2. What do you know about market economy?

3. Give your associations with the word “economy”.

While-reading activity

 1)  Answer the questions.

  1. How many forms of economic organization are there?
  2. When were the main principles of free-enterprise economy formulated?
  3. What does a free-enterprise economy consist of?
  4. What is the role of the government?
  5. Market economy can’t guarantee full employment, can it?

  2)    Find the words in the text which mean the following:

-to provide people with something that they need or want, especially regularly and over a long period of time;

-to make as large as possible;

-money received from doing or services;

-person who buys goods or services;

-rule that limits what people can do.

  1. Complete the following sentences with the words from the list, use the correct form, active or passive.









  1. Russian beer market is becoming crowded. Many companies ———— on it.
  2. “Natural monopolies” can grow so huge that the government should———- their activities.
  3. Some economists believe that crisis of 1998 in Russia could be ———-.
  4. Moscow government is taking steps to ———— small business.
  5. Under socialism means of production are ——— by people.
  6. There are ———- on what you can bring to some countries. For example, alcohol is completely forbidden in some Arab countries.
  7. Dozens of companies in Moscow ———- communication services.
  8. A continuous ———- of something, especially from one place to another is called a flow.

Post-reading activity

Write a plan and summarize the text.

2. Pre-reading activity

1) Have you ever heard the word “globalization”?

2) Where can we read or hear this word?

3) Give the synonyms to the word “global”.

While-reading activity

Answer the questions.

1) What is the buzz word of our time?

2) Has been the amount of money and goods moving the countries rising steadily?

3) Are the governments free to set their own economic policies?

4) Do financial markets control national economies?

5) What would a global economy mean?

Complete these word combinations with verbs. They all appear in the text.

  1. to ——— widespread resistance
  2. to———trade barriers across the world
  3. to———an effect
  4. to———economic policies
  5. to———to the new “economic order”
  6. to———national economies
  7. to———to a global economic model
  8. to ———goods

Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.



Container compete




The Economists has identified these key contributors to globalization.

  1. Free movement of capital “at the touch of a button”. This is the fuel of—— in all its forms.
  2. Trade liberalization, with the following of barriers.
  3. Lowering of shipping costs thanks to the efficiency of containerization. (The shipping charge for a whole ——- of goods crossing the Pacific can be as little as 50 dollars.
  4. Reduction in telecommunications and computing ———.
  5. Organizations with the——- and expertise to exploit the information on their networks on a worldwide scale will have a key competitive advantage in many industries.
  6. Operating and producing allows a company to reduce costs and benefit from economies of——.

Post-reading activity

Summarize the text.

    2. Globalization

      Globalization is the buzz word of our time. In the last two decades, the amount of money and goods moving between the countries has been rising steadily. At the same time, trade barriers across the world have been lowered.

      It is becoming clear now that power in the world shifted from individual governments to the markets. In theory, governments are free to set their own economic policies, in practice they must conform to a global economic model. The crises of «tigers» in the Far East some years ago showed that financial markets control national economies.

       The trend towards globalization began in the early 70s, when the system of fixed exchange rates, set up after World War II, stopped functioning. This meant that the value of currencies would now be determined by the markets instead of individual governments. By 1990, nearly all world’s major economies had got rid of restrictions on how much money could be moved in and out of their countries.

       Other factors contributing to the rise of globalization are new communications technologies, and better transportation systems. These let companies grow into multinationals — producing goods on one side of the planet and selling them on the other.

       But adjusting to this new «economic order» is rather difficult. In the developed world, and in particular the European Union, globalization is facing widespread resistance. Critics complain that, without the protection of trade barriers, workers in poor countries are low-paid and exploited, and wages of workers in rich countries are falling, especially in labour-intensive industries.

But how close are we to a truly global economy? For the losers, probably too close. But in terms of real economic integration, there is a long way to go. A global economy would mean complete freedom of movement of goods and services, capital and labour. Yet, even ignoring the tariffs and other restrictions still in place, cross-border trade is very small compared to the volume of goods and services traded within countries. Foreign investment is also extremely small, a little more than five per cent of the developed world’s domestic investments. But what is really holding globalization back is the lack of labour mobility. Labour markets remain mostly national, even in the European Union, where people can live and work in any country of the European Union.


buzz word — модное слово

amount — объем

steadily — устойчиво

to conform — соответствовать

financial market — финансовый рывок

exchange rate — курс обмена

currency — валюта

restriction — ограничение

to contribute — способствовать, делать вклад

to adjust — регулировать, приводить в соответствие

protection — защита

labour-intensive — трудоемкий

loser — проигравший, потерпевший поражение

tariff — тариф

mobility — мобильность

  1. Pre-reading activity

Answer the questions.

  1. How do you understand the word “integration”?
  2. What is the place of Russia in the world economy?
  3. What do you know about Russia’s natural resources?
  4. What can we do to make Russia the richest country?

While-reading activity

  1. Translate into English.
  1. интеграция в мировую экономику, зависеть от , экономический потенциал страны, доля в мировом внутреннем продукте, средний возраст оборудования, износ оборудования, увеличить объем поставок, снижать спрос на сырье, важное конкурентное преимущество, доля экспорта составляет 10%
  1. Complete these word combinations with verbs. They all appear in the text.
  1. to——— products
  2. to——— competitive
  3. to ——— on achievements of Russian science
  4. to——— on a number of factors
  5. to——— to powerful states
  6. to ——— in natural resources
  7. to ——— a competitive edge
  8. to ——— currency
  1. Word families. Fill in the missing words.
















  1. Write synonyms.

Human resources =

Belong =

Renew =

Increase =

Possess =

To generate =

To reduce =

Post – reading activity

Discuss the problem “How can Russia be integrated in the world economy” .

Make up a dialogue between V. Putin and the President of the USA G. Bush about the economic relations between Russia and the USA.

3. Integration of Russia in the world economy

Integration of any country into the world economy depends on a number of factors. Economic potential of the country, stage of technical and economic development and human resources are among the most important ones.

Nowadays Russia does not belong to powerful states: its share in the world gross domestic product is only 2,6%.

Material and technical base has not been renewed for many years. The average age of equipment at the plants is 16 years, which is two times more by the world standards. Its wear is almost 70%.

Nowadays the structure of international trade is such that Russia trades mainly in natural resources. Our country possesses 13% of the world reserves of oil, 36% of natural gas, 12% of coal. But Russia won’t be able to increase volumes of deliveries of natural resources in the nearest future. Tempos of growth of world economy are expected to increase, and new modern technologies will reduce demand for raw materials and power resources.

Nowadays,  manufacturing   industries  and branches of Fuel-Power Complex (ТЭК)  generate half of all currency. Russian manufacturing branches possess an important competitive edge, that is unique advanced technologies which are based on the achievements of Russian science. Such technologies are possessed mainly by Military-Industrial Complex. The plants of the military complex produce products which can be competitive in the world market. Thanks to military industry the export ratio of products of manufacturing branches makes 10% .


human resources — людские ресурсы

wear — износ

to possess — обладать

volumes of deliveries — объем поставок

demand — спрос

power resources — энергетические ресурсы

manufacturing — обрабатывающий

to generate — производить

competitive edge — конкурентное преимущество

achievement — достижение

competitive — конкурентоспособный

 export ratio — удельный вес экспорта

      4. Marketing

Marketing can be defined as human activity which is directed at satisfying needs and wants by creating and exchanging goods or services. The marketing concept has replaced the selling concept. The «selling concept» means that consumers have to be persuaded by selling techniques to buy non-essential goods and services. The «marketing concept», on the contrary, means that the producer should produce the products which the customers need.

Marketing can be approached in terms of marketing mix. Its components are four Ps — product, price, place, promotion, that is selling the right product, at the right price, through the right channels, with the right support and communication.

Let’s consider the case of the company «Harley-Davidson», the company in the USA which produced bikes. For a number of years the company had serious problems. Its profits decreased, and the company was facing a possibility of bankruptcy. In its operation the company was orienting to a rather narrow market, that is young people in «black leather jackets».

In order to survive, the company had to use the main principles of marketing. 1. Determine the customer groups or segments. 2. Determine their needs. 3. Position the product in a proper way. While the company was trying to determine a new group of customers, it identified a numerous group of baby-boomers, born after World War II. At that time they were in their forties. The second stage of this work was determination if these rather grown-up and conservative people could become buyers of bikes. The company studied this group and the features of its buying behaviour and came to a conclusion that it was possible. These people were experiencing the crisis typical for people of their age, and they had to get new opportunities, new experience and relaxation.

The company decided to launch a new model and position it in such a way it could meet the needs of the target group. The new model was meant for top-end, or upmarket (Am. upscale) instead of mid-range market. The motorcycle was made large and reliable. The company realised that new buyers would not repair the motorcycle themselves, so it used a new motor «V-twin».  A lot was done to improve the mage of the motorcycle. A shift was made from «hard metal» to a more soft variant. Such famous personalities as Kurt Russell and Elizabeth Tailor were advertising the new model. The company was successful. Its sales have risen, and its profit mar-gines have grown more than three times. Now the company is looking for new markets at home and internationally. It didn’t suffer from foreign competition, as many automobile and electronic companies did. The company survived and began to prosper as it followed the principles of marketing.

Marketing has become a key factor in the success of western business. In the 20th century, marketing has played an increasingly larger role in determining company policy, influencing product development, pricing, methods of distribution, advertising and promotion techniques.


to define — определять

to satisfy a need — удовлетворять потребность

to persuade — убеждать

selling techniques — приемы и методы продаж

non-essential — не первой необходимости

marketing mix — комплекс маркетинга; смешанная система сбыта

market segment — сегмент рынка, т. е. группа покупателей со схожими потребностями и характеристиками

to launch — запускать (завод, продукт, торговую марку)

position the product — позиционировать товар, т. е. использовать рекламу и другие элементы комплекса маркетинга, чтобы сообщить о достоинствах товара

product positioning — позиционирование товара

buying behaviour — поведение покупателя

conclusion — вывод

to come to a conclusion — приходить к выводу

target group — целевая группа

top-end market / upmarket — рынок для элитарных покупателей (Am. upscale)

mid-range market — рынок для потребителей со средним доходом

bottom-end market / downmarket — рынок для (Am. downscale) потребителей с низким доходом

profit margirne — чистая прибыль в виде процентов от продаж

pricing — ценообразование

5. Advertising

Advertising is a message to promote a product, a service, or an idea. The purpose of most advertising is to sell products or services. Advertising plays a key role in the competition among businesses for the consumer’s money. In many businesses, the volume of sales depends largely on the amount of advertising done.

Manufacturers advertise to persuade people to buy their products. Large firms also use advertising to create a favourable image of their company. The company can advertise in many ways depending on how much it wishes to spend, and the size and type of the target audience. If the company wants to enter the market or launch a new product, it often starts an advertising campaign.

Such campaigns are usually very successful because people learn about new products or services.

When South African Brewery (SAB) started producing beer «Zolotaya bochka» in Russia, it invested lots of money not only in production, but in advertising the product. The advertising campaign was aggressive, and as a result this brand of beer is among the most popular ones.

There are different ways of advertising:

  • newspapers
  • television
  • direct mail
  • radio
  • magazines
  • outdoor signs
  • other ways  

(Transit   advertisements,  window
displays, point-of-purshase displays, telephone di
and novelties).

Television is the chief medium used by advertisers. In the USA 100 largest advertisers spend on average 75 per cent of their advertising budgets on television. Food companies spend about 80 per cent on television, and candy, snack, and soft drink companies spend about 85 per cent.

Adverising on TV is often criticised. People don’t like it when programmes are interrupted every fifteen minutes. We know that the Duma passed a bill that would forbid running of commercials during television and radio programmes. In Russia TV advertising   generates   $300   million   a   year.   Of course, advertising revenues are important, but there are international norms which recommend ad breaks every 45 minutes. These days outdoor advertising is popular in Moscow. Many people think it makes the city more beautiful. It is especially widely used by car manufacturers, clothing and telecommunications companies. Such advertising attracts wide audience and is cost-effective.


 advertising — реклама

message — послание

volume of sales — объем продаж

manufacturers — производители favourable — благоприятный

 target audience — целевая аудитория

 to launch — запускать (завод, продукт)

advertising campaign — рекламная кампания

 brewery — пивоваренный завод

transit  advertisements — реклама в городском транспорте

window display — витрина

point-of-purshase display — выкладка на месте покупки

telephon directory — телефонный справочник

novelties — мелкие товары (календари, кружки, брелоки, майки) для подарков

medium — средство

on average — в среднем

candy — конфеты

snack — легкая еда

revenues — доходы

ad breaks = advertisement breaks— перерывы для рекламы 

outrdoor advetisement breaks – наружная реклама

cost-effective – эффективный

4. Pre-reading activity

Answer the questions.

  1. Where can you buy things?
  2. How often do you go to the market?
  3. Who sets the prices at our market?
  4. What do you think, the word “marketing” means ?

         While-reading activity

  1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

Marketing mix





Satisfy needs

  1. Today competition is stiff, and companies which can best——— of the customers will survive and make the largest profits.
  2. The factors that help a firm to sell its products are known as the ———-.
  3. ———— means promoting goods and services to customers.
  4. The product should be distributed to the most convenient place for ——— to buy it.
  5. The company is looking for trade representative possessing high communicative skills and being able to——— people.
  6. “Zolotaya bochka” is ———- on the market as beer of high quality.
  1. Fill in the prepositions or adverbs.

Teenage marketing: word-mouth approval

The natural habitat(1)—— Japanese teenagers is a small area (2)——— central Tokyo between Shibuya and Harajuku stations which is full (3)——— boutiques and music shops.(4)——— weekends, teenagers (5)———- the city and the surrounding provinces go there to spot the latest street fashions. The area is also a magnet (6)———- anyone researching or selling (7)———- the teenage market: fashion and cosmetic companies, record producers, editors (8)———- young fashion magazines, soft drink and snack promoters, and makers (9)———- games and gadgets. One such company was Bandai, the toy company responsible (10)——— Tamagotchi, the egg-shaped, pocket-sized virtual pet which swept the world in the late 1990s. Tamagotchi’s first appearance was (11)——— a test marketing exercise (12)——— the streets (13)——— Shibuya.

Post-reading activity

  1. Write a plan to the text.
  2. Write a plan of marketing according to 4 Ps (product, price, place, promotion) for our Dairy.
  3. “How to promote a new washing machine to the market”. Make up a dialogue between the Executive Director and the General Manager of “Bosh”.

5. Pre- reading activity

Answer the questions.

  1. What is your attitude to advertising?
  2. Do you like advertising on TV?
  3. Brainstorm the word “advertising”.

While-reading activity

  1. Match the words with their definitions.


A. a public notice selling goods or services


B. income, especially total annual income


C. a person or company that makes goods from raw materials


D. process of marketing goods and services known to people


E. light meal

  1. Match the definitions on the left with the words on the right.

1) Making a product or services known to the public in order to sell it.

A. public relations

2) Attracting the public’s attention but not necessary to sell anything specific.

B. advertising

3) All the activities intended to stimulate demand for products and services.

C. marketing

4) Part of marketing and promotion, but without direct involvement in selling. Its function is to build up a good image and reputation, to show that the firm is socially aware and has the public interest at heart.

D. publicity

Post-reading activity

  1. Discuss about:

 Advertising doesn’t cost, it pays. What is the most cost-effective way of advertising? Is advertising really important?

2) Work in groups and write a list of things that you think help to make successful advertisements. Form an advertising agency. Choose one product that your agency is going to promote. Using this list as guideline, discuss some ideas and draw a poster or write a commercial.

-What image do you want to project?

-What approach/technique will you use?

-How will you attract the reader’s/listener’s attention?

-What will your slogan be?

-What will the text of your commercial be?

-Will you use someone famous to advertise the product?

6. Pre-reading activity

Answer the questions.

  1. Have you ever heard the word franchising?
  2. Where can you hear this word?
  3. Who needs franchising?

While-reading activity

  1. Write questions to these answers.

1)Yes, this way of doing business is widely used in the market economy.

2) The banks give loans to businessmen in Great Britain.

3) For a stable economy it is a good  way of expanding markets.

4) The number of franchises in Russia does not exceed two dozen.

5) History of franchising in Russia dates back to 1993.

6) Franchising is used by such companies as chain of shoe stores “Econika”, filling stations LUKoil, TNK.

7) Law on franchising should be passed.

  1. Fill in the words from the box.




Volume of sales



  1. You can’t start a small business without——— partners.
  2. After launching a new brand the company is expecting to double——-.
  3. One of the advantages of franchising is an opportunity to use a ———  brand.
  4. For a stable company franchising is a good way of——— markets.
  5. The company which buys a license is called ———-.
  6. The company which sells a license is called————.
  1. Write synonyms to the words.


Great advantage=

To produce=


To operate=

To expand market=

Post-reading activity

  1. Write a plan to the text.
  2. Summarize the text.
  3. Prepare questions for the Chairman of Russian Franchising Association about franchising in Russia.


Franchising means granting a formal right to the manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer to produce or to sell the company’s goods or services in special area for specified period of time .This way of doing business is widely used in the market economy. 40% of all sales in the USA go through franchising which makes $1 billion as annual volume of sales. These figures are presented by International Franchising Association. Franchising in Great Britain is supported by government. The banks give loans to businessmen, and the government guarantees 80% of all the loan.

Purchase of a franchise is a simple way of starting business. Reliable scheme of doing business, a promoted brand, product of high quality- all these things increase chances of a beginning businessman for success. For a stable company it is a good way of expanding markets. These are great advantages of franchising.

According to Russian Franchising Association, the number of franchises in Russia does not exceed two dozen. In other words, it is not developed in our country.

History of franchising in Russia dates back to 1993, when Baskin Robbins sold the first franchise in our country. Later, some Russians franchises were sold, among them a chain of shoe stores “Econika”, fast food “Rostics”, “Teremok”, “Niam0Niam”, filling stations LUKoil, TNK. But still we can’t say that franchising is highly developed in Russia. Legal, administrative and financial problems are in the way of its development. Our laws don’t operate the notion “franchising”. One of the main things in the process of selling franchise is transfer of brand name . According to Russian laws, brand name can’t be transferred. Another serious problem is responsibility of subsidiary company. For example, if franchisee in Siberia violates standards of franchisor in Moscow, the consumer has a right to make a claim against low quality of goods or services. Open joint- stock  company LUKoil which sells franchises for setting up filling stations, has special departments in the areas where its franchises operate. In order to develop this kind of business laws on franchising should be passed. Nowadays many officials in Russia don’t know what franchising is.


Franchise- лицензия

Franchisee- покупатель лицензии

Franchisor- продавец лицензии

Wholesaler- оптовый торговец

Retailer- розничный торговец

Purchase- покупка

Reliable- надежный

Notion- понятие

Subsidiary company- дочерняя компания

To violate- нарушать

Claim- претензия

Open joint-stock company- открытое акционерное общество

7.Business Etiquette

The turn of the 20th century saw great interest in business etiquette in the USA. It can be surprising, but in this era of take-out foods and dress-down Fridays, etiquette is becoming very important. There are lots of signs of it. First of all, the bookstores are filled with different books on multicultural ways of doing business, on e-mail manners, table manners and more. Colleges and universities are given their graduates a competitive edge in the job market, offering special courses. Businesses are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for seminars and workshops with such names as “customers and Protocol for Doing Business in the Global Marketplace”, “Business Basic for Professional Polish”.

The recruiters do not offer jobs to candidates who salt their food before tasting, because it shows a tendency toward hasty decision making, or to those who order very expensive food at the restaurants.

Today’s parents are realizing that while good manners will help their children get along in life, they can’t teach them. Etiquette hasn’t been a priority during the last two decades. Even if parents feel competent to teach manners, they may not have time. If family mealtimes are a thing of the past, when are children going to learn not to butter all their bread at once, or, more important, how to hold polite dinner-table, conversation? Top corporations hire specialist to teach “client development skills”, not manners, which could include anything from how to place a napkin to how to present a business card to a Japanese businessman.

The important thing to remember, though, is that good manners are more than a code of behaviour. They can make life easier. It’s methodology by which people can get along with each other.


To dress-down-одеваться просто


To compete-конкурировать

Competitive prices-конкурентоспособные цены

Competitive edge-конкурентное преимущество

Workshop-практическое задание

Recruiter-специалист по отбору кадров

To get along- преуспевать, делать успехи

To hire- нанимать, брать на прокат

To employ- нанимать на работу

8. Business and finance

Banks and businesses

Most businesses need to borrow money to finance (=pay for) investments (=things they need to buy in order to help the company, e.g. machines). The money they borrow from the bank is called a loan, and on this loan they have to pay interest, e.g. if you borrow 1000 pound and the interest rate is 100%, they have to pay back 1000 pound, plus 100 pound in interest.

Businesses and profit

One of the main aims/objectives (=the things that you hope to do/achieve) of company is to make a profit (=earn/receive more money that it spends). If a company does not make a profit or a loss, it breaks even. Most companies are happy if they break even in their first year of business. Companies receive money from selling their products- this money is called the turnover. The money that they spend is called the expenditure. They spend money on these things; raw materials (=materials in their natural state used to make something else, e.g. coal and oil are important raw materials used to make plastics); labour (=employees); overheads (=necessary costs for a company, e.g. rent for buildings, electricity, telephone).

Rise and fall

Business people often need to talk about the movement of sales, prices, interest rate s, profit and loss, etc. here some of the words used to describe these trends (=movements):

Rise/go up/increase —   rise slowly (also gradually)  —  rise sharply

Fall/go down (decrease is less common as a verb) — Fall slowly -Go down sharply

(Rise, increase and fall are also used as nouns: a slow rise in interest rates, a steady increase in sales, a sharp fall in profits, a dramatic (=sharp) rise in inflation. We can also use be up/down: prices are up by 10 %; profits are down by 2m pound.)

Businesses and economy

In order to grow/expand (=get bigger) and thrive/prosper (=do well/be successful), many companies want or need the following:

Low inflation, so prices do not go up

Low interest rates, so the company can borrow money without paying a lot of interest

Economic and political stability (=things remain steady and stable and there no sudden changes in the economic and political situation)

A healthy/strong economy (=in good condition), and not an economy in recession (=in a period of reduced and slow business activity)

Tax cuts (=tax reductions/lower taxes), so they can keep more of their profit. This often depends on government expenditure, e.g. The government will not be able to reduce taxes expenditure continuous to rise.


  1. What single word or phrase is being defined in each of these sentences?
  1. Money you borrow from a bank for your business.
  2. What you must pay the bank if you borrow money.
  3. The continuous increase in the price of things.
  4. The things you hope to do/achieve within a period of time.
  5. When an economy is in a period of reduced and slow business activity.
  6. When a company does not make a profit or a loss.
  1. Replace the underlined word(s) in each sentence with another word that has the same meaning.
  1. There has been a slow rise in sales.
  2. This comes after a dramatic fall last year.
  3. Fortunately the company is doing well now.
  4. And it’s growing very quickly.
  5. This is one of their main objectives.
  6. Profits have risen considerably.
  1. Fill the gapes to form compound words or common phrases.
  1. …………. expenditure
  2. ………….stability
  3. Tax…………
  4. ………….rate
  5. Raw……..
  6. Profit and ………
  1. Can you answer these questions about our country?
  1. What is the current inflation rate?
  2. If you borrowed 10,000 $ from your bank, what would the interest rate be approximately?
  3. What is the state of the economy at the moment? Is it strong? Is it in recession?
  4. Do you think businesses are optimistic about the future?
  5. Has the government reduced company taxes or personal taxes in the last twelve months?
  6. Has public expenditure risen or fallen in the last twelve months?



Investment-инвестиция, вклад

Loan-заем, ссуда

Interest rate-процентная ставка

Make a loss-терпеть убытки

Break even-работать на уровне





Recession-снижение деловой активности


Prosper — процветать



Trend-тенденция, движение


Fall-падение, спад

Interest-ссудный процент

4. Pre-reading activity

Answer the questions.

  1. Where can you buy things?
  2. How often do you go to the market?
  3. Who sets the prices at our market?
  4. What do you think, the word “marketing” means ?

         While-reading activity

  1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

Marketing mix





Satisfy needs

  1. Today competition is stiff, and companies which can best——— of the customers will survive and make the largest profits.
  2. The factors that help a firm to sell its products are known as the ———-.
  3. ———— means promoting goods and services to customers.
  4. The product should be distributed to the most convenient place for ——— to buy it.
  5. The company is looking for trade representative possessing high communicative skills and being able to——— people.
  6. “Zolotaya bochka” is ———- on the market as beer of high quality.
  1. Fill in the prepositions or adverbs.

Teenage marketing: word-mouth approval

The natural habitat(1)—— Japanese teenagers is a small area (2)——— central Tokyo between Shibuya and Harajuku stations which is full (3)——— boutiques and music shops.(4)——— weekends, teenagers (5)———- the city and the surrounding provinces go there to spot the latest street fashions. The area is also a magnet (6)———- anyone researching or selling (7)———- the teenage market: fashion and cosmetic companies, record producers, editors (8)———- young fashion magazines, soft drink and snack promoters, and makers (9)———- games and gadgets. One such company was Bandai, the toy company responsible (10)——— Tamagotchi, the egg-shaped, pocket-sized virtual pet which swept the world in the late 1990s. Tamagotchi’s first appearance was (11)——— a test marketing exercise (12)——— the streets (13)——— Shibuya.

Post-reading activity

  1. Write a plan to the text.
  2. Write a plan of marketing according to 4 Ps (product, price, place, promotion) for our Bondari’s Dairy.

The company. Companies and products. Describing companies.

  1. Describe any company using the following plan:
  • when it was started or founded and who its founder was;
  • who runs the company: who its chief executive is;
  • what products it makes or what services it provides;
  • its sales figures;
  • how many people work for it: how many employees it has;
  • where its headquarters are: where it is based;
  • where its factories or plants are located (if it’s a manufacturing company);
  • how many branches or retail outlets (shops) it has (if it’s a retail organization);
  • whether it sells business-to-business, or whether it’s a retail organization selling to consumers;
  • whether it uses a franchising system, where retail outlets are managed by individual owners called franchisees who have a share in the profits made by their franchise.


To found- основывать

Founder- основатель

Chief executive- руководитель

Sales figures- показатели продаж

Branch- отделение

To sell business-to-business- продавать предприятиям

  1. To which industry does each of these companies belong? Match the descriptions with the industries.
  1. This company operates a chain of supermarkets.
  2. This company provides power from nuclear power plants to other industries.
  3. This company develops and sells drugs for a range of medical applications.
  4. This company supplies cloth to clothing manufacturers.
  5.  This company manufactures such items as TVs, video recorders and CD players.
  6.  This company audits the finances of other companies and prepares their annual financial statements for them.
  1. accountancy
  2. consumer electronics
  3. electricity generation
  4. food retailing
  5. pharmaceutical
  6. textiles
  1. Describing products. Among the words in the box describing products, find:
  1. two words relating to appearance;
  2. two words meaning that something is new and unlike existing products;
  3. two words meaning that a product does something without wasting time and energy;
  4. one word meaning that something does not break easily;
  5. one word meaning that something does not break out easily;
  6. one word meaning that something is small and easy to carry;
  7. one word meaning that something is strong and works with a lot of force.











  1. Role play. Start your own company.

You and your partner are the members of a new company. Write down details about your company.

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Company name
  4. Number of employees
  5. Company activity
  6. Location of Head Office

Ask other pairs about their companies.

English for young businessmen.

  1. Make up a vocabulary for a young businessman. What words and expressions do you need?
  1. Find the Russian equivalents to these proverbs:

No pains, no gains.

In for a penny, in for a pound .

Business before pleasure.

A bargain is a bargain.

Money is a good servant but a bad master.

Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.

Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.

  1. Find a word.
  1. this organization has interests in many countries (multinational)
  2. the price paid for the use of labour (wages)
  3. the exchange of one kind of goods or service for another (barter)
  4. financial institution (bank)
  5. the money value of goods or services (price)
  6. a tax or duty on imports (tariff)
  • (-) — — — — — — — — — — -(1)

                                          —   (-) — — — (2)

                                      —   —   (-) — — — (3)

                                  —  —  (-) – (4)

                                  —  — —  —  (-) (5)

                                              (-) — — — — — (6)

  1. Answer the questions.
  1. What is economics?
  2. What are the factors of production?
  3. What types of economic system do you know?
  4. What role do the prices play in a market economy?
  5. What are the sources of personal wealth?
  6. What is price?
  7. What is money?
  8. What financial institutions do you know?
  9. What famous economists do you know?
  1. Fill in the necessary words and expressions and dramatize the dialogues.


Long-term contract

To be worth


  • Do you know anything about a…to build a high-speed railway between Moscow and St.Petersburg?
  • Yes, certainly. This project… discussing.
  • What … do you see in it?
  • I suppose many countries are interested in this project. It is…
  • Well, soon you’ll get to Moscow in 2 hours!

To employ

To recruit

To flourish

-How many people do you…?

-Our company is … and we… more than a hundred workers. Every year we… ten more.

— Great!

To compete

To be in the same line of business

To produce

To specialize in

_ Everybody knows that “Puma”, “Adidas”… sportswear which can … on the world market.

_ … your firm … ?

_ Yes, we … goods for children.


To run business

To meet troubles

To compete

_ Does your family help you to … your …?

  • Certainly, my father is a senior manager.
  • Is your business … large?
  • Rather.
  • Do you … any … ?
  • You see, to … with world-famous firms is a real struggle.

To be in demand

To put a new product on the market

To produce

Top quality goods

  • Hi, Henry, how’s life?
  • OK, thank you. I hear your firm … sportswear?
  • Yes, good sportswear … now and we … only …
  • Are you planning to …?
  • Possibly
  1. Project: “ My business”.


  1. if you can give a name to your company;
  2. if you prefer to be a sole owner or you’ll try to find partners;
  3. if it is a family business, say what functions can be given to your relatives;
  4. what makes you think your business is successful;
  5. how large your company stuff is;
  6. what troubles you are going to meet;
  7. if your business is a profitable one;
  8. how can you advertise your business.

Describe your company:

  1. the location you operate in;
  2. where the largest part of your turnover comes from;
  3. the range of products, services you offer;
  4. the role of your division or department;
  5. your future plans;
  6. any other points of interest.
  1. Certificate

Issued to … to state that he (she) graduated from the English courses “Business English” at Bondari secondary school in 2005 and can be recommended for work at companies where English is required.

Senior manager… .

Дан 1 ответ


1. A shop where you can buy fashionable clothes. — fashion boutique

2. A place with many shops, either outside or indoors. – shopping center

3. A person who works in a shop. shop assistant

4. The place where you can try on clothes in a shop. — changing room

5. The place where you pay for things in a shop. – cash desk

6.To look round the shops without planning to buy anything. – window shopping

7. The shop where you buy meat. — butcher

8.The shop where you buy medicines, baby products, shampoo, etc. – chemist


02 Июнь, 20

A play or film in which part of the story is sung to music.

The total number of actors in a play or film.

The people who watch a play at the theatre.

What these people do with their hands at the end of a play.

The person who makes a film.

Journalists who write articles about films and plays.

The name of the articles they write.

The translation of the story of a film across the bottom of the

To reserve tickets before the performance.

The most important actors or actresses in a film.

Have you seen these famous films made in English over the last
twenty years? If so, try to complete the rest of the table using
words from above. Then write in the titles of three more films you
have seen and complete the rest of the table for it.



Clint Eastwood


Harrison Ford

Weddings and a Funeral

with Hugh Grant


with Liam Neeson

with Wolves

with Kevin Costner




of film

or dubbed?

of film (adjectives)

Vocabulary in Use. Pre-intermediate & Intermediate. Stuart

Vocabulary do and make

The words DO and MAKE are
very similar. It is often difficult to choose between them. However,
there are some differences.

We use DO when we talk about an activity without saying exactly what
that activity is – for example, with something,
nothing, anything,



Do something!

He likes doing nothing.

What shall we do?

I don’t know what to do.
Then he did a very strange thing.

What are you doing?

I’m doing a puzzle.

So now you see that DO can mean to
perform an activity or action

in general, it can also mean to
solve or to put together

3. We use DO when we talk
about work and in the structure DO-ing, e.g.:

I’m not doing any work

I’m going to do some

I dislike doing housework.

I hate doing the cooking,
washing up, shopping – let’s get a maid to do these jobs.

Would you like to do my

I’ve got to do my

We often use MAKE when we talk about constructing,
building, creating, causing or forcing something to happen.

I enjoy making model

I’ve just made a cake.

Let’s make a plan.

My father and I once made
a boat.

That company makes
television sets.

Can you make bread?

The car journey made him

They made him work hard.

In other cases, there are no clear rules. If you are not sure which
word is correct, look
it up in a dictionary

1. Use either do or make to fill in the blanks.

In most countries, young men
have to _________ military service. Some do not enjoy it but they
know they must __________ their duty. These people usually try to
__________ the best of it. Others discover that they are cut out for
the military life: they __________ the most of it.

Everyone learns that it
____________ no good to ___________ a fuss or to ___________ a
nuisance of oneself.

If you are late, it _________
no good to __________ excuses.

If you don’t like running,
walking or climbing or getting up at 6 A.M., you must learn to like
it: the army ___________ no exceptions. Do not try to ___________
sense of military regulations: their purpose is to confuse you. And
every time you __________ a mistake, the sergeant-major will say you
are trying to __________ a fool of him.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Texts for topics — Мегазбірка тем з англійської мови



Most businesses need to borrow money to finance (= pay for) investments (= things they need to buy in order to help the company, e.g. machines). The money they borrow from the bank is called aloan, and on this loan they have to pay interest, e.g. if you borrow £1 000 and the interest rate is 10%, then you have to pay back £1 000, plus £100 in interest.


One of the main aims/objectives of a company is to make a profit (= earn/receive more money than it spends) make a loss). If a company does not make a profit or a loss, it breaks even, і Most companies are happy if they can break even in their first year of business.

Companies receive money from selling their products — this money is called the turnover.

The money that they spend is called the expenditure (fml). They spend money on these things: raw materials (= materials in their natural state used to make something else, e.g. coal and oil are important raw materials used to make plastics); labour (= employees); overheads (— necessary costs for a company, e.g. rent for buildings, electricity, telephone).


Business people often need to talk about the movement of sales, prices, interest rates; profit and loss etc. Here are some of the words used to describe these trends (= movements):

Note: rise, increase, and fall are also used as nouns: a slow rise in interest rates, a steady increase in sales, a sharp fall in profits, a dramatic (= sharp) rise in inflation. We can also use be up/down-. prices are up by 10%; profits are down by £2m.


In order to grow/expand (= get bigger) and thrive/prosper (= do well / be successful) many companies want or need the following:

• low inflation, so prices do not go up

• low interest rates, so the company can borrow money without paying a lot of interest

• economic and political stability (= things remain steady and stable and there are no sudden changes in the economic and political situation)

• a healthy/strong economy (= in good condition), and not an economy in recession (= in a period of reduced and slow business activity)

• tax cuts (= tax reductions / lower taxes), so they can keep more of their profit. This often depends on government expenditure, e.g. the government will not be able to reduce taxes if public expenditure continues to rise.


to borrow [‘bɔrəu] — позичати

investment [ɪn’vestmənt] — капіталовкладення, інвестування; інвестиція, вклад

loan [ləun] — позика; позичка

interest [‘ɪntrɪst] — відсоток, проценти; процентний прибуток

interest rate [‘ɪntrɪst reɪt] — процентна ставка

to pay back [peɪbæk] — повертати гроші

profit [‘profit] — прибуток, дохід

loss [lɔs] — збиток, втрата

to break even [breɪk ‘ɪv(ə)n] — ставати беззбитковим, самоокуповуватися

expenditure [ɪks’pendɪtʃə] — витрати; витрачання

overheads [‘əuvəhedz] — накладні витрати

to expand [ɪks’pænd] — розширювати(ся), збільшувати(ся)

(в розмірі), розвивати(ся)

to thrive [θraɪv] /prosper [‘prospə] — процвітати


I. What single word or phrase is being defined in each of these sentences?

1. Money you borrow from a bank for your business.

2. What you must pay the bank if you borrow money.

3. The continuous increase in the price of dungs.

4. The things you hope to do/achieve within a period of time.

5. When a company does not make a profit or a loss.

6. When an economy is in a period of reduced and slow business activity.

II. Replace the underlined word in each sentence with another word that has the same meaning.

1. There has been a slow rise in sales.

2. This comes after a dramatic fall last year.

3. Fortunately the company is doing wed now.

4. And it’s growing very quickly.

5. This is one of their main objectives.

6. Profits have risen considerably.

III. Look at the graph and complete the sentences on the left with one word for each gap.

1. In 1993 sales………

2. In the following year

they ………

3. In 1995 there was a …………….in sales.

4. In 1996 business improved and there was a ………

5. And in 1997 sales ………

6. In the five-year period sales…….. by 40 000.

IV. Fill the gaps to form compound words or common phrases.

I………expenditure. 2. ……..stability. 3. tax………

4……… rate. 5. raw ……… 6. profit and ………

V. Can you answer these questions about your own country?

1. What is the current inflation rate?

2. If you borrowed $10 000from your bank, what would the interest rate be approximate ?

3. What is the state of the economy at the moment? Is it strong? Is it in recession?

4. Do you think businesses are optimistic about the future?

5. Has the government reduced company taxes or personal taxes in the last twelve months?

6. Has public expenditure risen or fallen in the last twelve months?

Бізнес і фінанси

Банки і бізнес-структури

Більшості бізнес-структур потрібно позичати гроші, щоб фінансувати (= платити за) інвестиції (= речі, які їм потрібно купити для того, щоб допомогти компанії, напр. машини). Гроші, які вони позичають у банку, називаються позикою, і за цю позику вони повинні сплатити процент, напр., якщо ви позичаєте 1000 фунтів і процентна ставка становить 10 %, то вам доведеться повернути 1000 фунтів плюс 100 фунтів процентної ставки.

Бізнес-структури і прибуток Одна з головних цілей / завдань компанії — одержати прибуток (= заробити / одержати більше грошей, ніж вона витрачає) і не мати збитків. Якщо компанія не дає прибуток і не має збитків, вона самоокуповується.

Більшість компаній дуже раді, якщо вони можуть самоокупитися на першому році бізнесу.

Компанії одержують гроші від продажу своєї продукції — ці гроші називаються оборотом.

Гроші, які вони витрачають, називаються витратами. Вони витрачають гроші на таке: сировина (= матеріали в їх природному стані, які використовуються, щоб зробити що-небудь інше, напр. вуголь і нафта — це важлива сировина, що використовується для виробництва пластмаси); робоча сила (= працівники); накладні витрати (= необхідні витрати для компанії, напр. оренда будівель, електрика, телефон).

Підвищення та падіння

Діловим людям часто потрібно говорити про рух продажів, цін, процентних ставок; прибуток і збитки тощо. Ось деякі зі слів, які використовуються, щоб описати ці тенденції (= дії):

rise / go up / increase — зростати / підніматися / збільшуватися

rise slowly (also gradually) — зростати поволі (також поступово)

rise sharply — підійматися різко

fall / go down (‘decrease’ is less common as a verb) — падати, знижуватися (падіння. зниження рідше використовується як дієслово)

fall slowly — повільно падати, знижуватися

go down sharply — різко падати, знижуватися

Примітка: підвищення, зростання і падіння також використовуються як іменники: повільне піднесення процентних ставок, стійке зростання продажів, різке падіння прибутків, різке підвищення інфляції. Ми можемо також використовувати be up / down: ціни піднялись на 10 %; прибутки упали на 2 мільйони фунтів.

Бізнес-структури і економіка

Для того шоб розширитись (= стати більшими) і процвітати (= бути успішними), багато компаній хочуть або їм потрібно таке:

• низька інфляція, ціни не піднімаються

• низькі процентні ставки, компанія може позичити гроші без оплати високих процентних ставок

• економічна і політична стабільність (= все залишається незмінним і стабільним, немає ніяких раптових змін в економічній і політичній ситуації)

• здорова / стала економіка (= у хорошому стані) і не спад в економіці (= період зменшення і уповільнення ділової активності)

• зниження податку (= зменшення податку / нижчі податки), вони можуть отримувати більшу частину свого доходу. Це часто залежить від витрат уряду, напр. уряд не зможе скоротити податки, якщо суспільні витрати продовжуватимуть зростати.

Maybe the English language doesn’t have a word to describe this kind of person? Perhaps the word or phrase is another untranslatable language? (For example, Ukiyo: “The floating world” Which refers to living in the moment and being detached from all other bothers in life)

Maybe someone here knows the foreign words and its language?

asked Jun 1, 2018 at 17:58

Wade Lewis's user avatar


Rebel — noun — A person who resists or defies authority or convention.

Rebel — noun — A person who does not like rules or authority, and shows this by behaving differently from most people in society.

Rebel — noun — Someone who may behave differently from other people and has rejected the values of society or of their parents.

One classic example is the film James Dean — Rebel Without A Cause. This film is a coming of age story about a young man who rebuffs societal norms and the expectations of his parents on his path to maturity.

The word rebel has become the optimum word choice for North American English speakers who are trying to characterize a person who disregards society norms.

answered Jun 1, 2018 at 19:33

Lumberjack's user avatar


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Non-conformist would be my choice as it does not have as strong connotation to proactive resistance to norms, just someone who pays them no heed. I would say a rebel would wear the opposing team’s uniform to a football game whereas a nonconformist wouldn’t wear any team’s uniform and might be reading a book during the game.

answered Jun 1, 2018 at 20:50

BobtheMagicMoose's user avatar

A recusant TFD

  1. A dissenter; a nonconformist.

answered Jun 1, 2018 at 19:54

lbf's user avatar


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How about «anti-authority»? Someone who is anti-authority has a disregard for rules.
You could also say «He is a law unto himself».

to behave in a way that is independent and does not follow the usual rules for a situation:
Charlie, of course, never fills in the record forms but then he’s a law unto himself.

answered Jun 1, 2018 at 20:33

Robyn Simpson's user avatar



unwilling to accept control or instruction; unsubmissive

answered Jun 2, 2018 at 3:31

Hunter Frazier's user avatar

Hunter FrazierHunter Frazier

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free spirit would be my guess at what you are looking for. Not necessarily «pleasure seeking» and not quite «wandering misdirectedly» or a pejorative.. more someone who just makes their own goals with lesss concern of normal practicalities and expectations than most

free spirit from Oxford Online dictionaries

An independent or uninhibited person.

‘they raised their children to be free spirits’

More example sentences

‘It is something of a risk because we poets are free spirits and we distrust the establishment.’

‘‘She was a free spirit who returned to community living and open spaces whenever she could,’ the congregation was told.’

‘Independent and a true free spirit, it was clearly her transient, urban upbringing that gave her this hunger for success.’

‘She’s very involved in her children’s upbringing and she encourages them to be free spirits.’

‘They never seemed to notice that the nomads gave every appearance of being happy, free spirits.’
‘The character I play is a free spirit, who believes in freedom.’
‘For the most part they’re the seekers, slackers, and free spirits who tend to avoid the straight life, such as it is, for as long as they can.’
‘They are free spirits and the show is never the same two days running.’
‘It is not a choice of free spirits vs. control freaks.’

answered Jun 2, 2018 at 21:40

Tom22's user avatar


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