What part of speech is the word friend

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What part of speech is the word my-?

The part of speech that the word my is used as is an

What part of the speech is the word warily?

what part of speech is the word warily

Does a dictionary determine the part of speech of a word?

A dictionary can show a word’s part of speech, but it does not
determine it. How a word is used in a sentence determines its part
of speech.

What part of speech is the word specifically?

The part of speech for the word specifically is an adverb.

What part of speech is the word law?

The part of speech for law is a noun.

Table of Contents

  1. Is nephew a proper noun?
  2. Which type of noun is niece?
  3. What is this word nephew?
  4. What does pulchritudinous mean?
  5. What word is more than beautiful?
  6. Is pulchritudinous a bad word?
  7. What is the male word for beautiful?
  8. What is the biggest word in the English?
  9. What does Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia mean?
  10. What language is pulchritudinous?
  11. Is a rapscallion?
  12. What does angelic mean in English?
  13. What means Foxy?
  14. Can beautiful be used for a man?
  15. What part of speech is keeps?
  16. What type of verb is keeps?

pronunciation: frend parts of speech: noun, transitive verb features: Word Combinations (noun), Word Explorer. part of speech: noun.

Is nephew a proper noun?

We all know that proper nouns are capitalized: Sally, Jerry, Fred, etc. When it comes to titles like uncle, aunt, cousin, niece, and nephew, things get a little trickier. If the familial title is used in place of the person’s actual name, then it is capitalized.

Which type of noun is niece?

noun. a daughter of a person’s brother or sister. a daughter of a person’s spouse’s brother or sister.

What is this word nephew?

1 : a son of one’s brother, sister, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law. 2 obsolete : a lineal (see lineal sense 3) descendant especially : grandson.

What does pulchritudinous mean?

Pulchritudinous is an adjective that means physically beautiful or attractive.

What word is more than beautiful?

Elegant, gorgeous, ideal, lovely, stunning, radiant, exquisite, fair, fetching, delicate, divine, dazzling, enticing, enthralling, magnificent, resplendent, mesmerizing, charming, captivating, adorable, alluring. Hope this helps!

Is pulchritudinous a bad word?

Even though it looks (and sounds) like it would describe a disease or a bad attitude, pulchritudinous actually describes a person of breathtaking, heartbreaking… beauty. Let’s be honest: Your opportunities for using this word in casual conversation are probably pretty slim.

What is the male word for beautiful?

Some common synonyms of handsome are beautiful, comely, fair, lovely, and pretty.

What is the biggest word in the English?


What does Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia mean?

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest words in the dictionary — and, in an ironic twist, is the name for a fear of long words. Sesquipedalophobia is another term for the phobia.

What language is pulchritudinous?

It’s a descendant of the Latin adjective pulcher, which means “beautiful.” Pulcher hasn’t exactly been a wellspring of English terms, but it did give us both pulchritude and pulchritudinous, an adjective meaning “attractive” or “beautiful.” The verb pulchrify (a synonym of beautify), the noun pulchritudeness (same …

Is a rapscallion?

Rapscallion is an old fashioned word for “scamp” or “scoundrel.” It’s most often used in a lighthearted way: “Some rapscallion seems to have replaced the cream in my Oreo with toothpaste — then again, it is April Fools Day!” Rapscallion, first used in the 1600s, was originally rascallion, a fancier version of rascal.

What does angelic mean in English?

What does angelic mean? Angelic means having the qualities of an angel, such as by being beautiful, pure, or kind.

What means Foxy?

People who are foxy are either sneaky or good looking. If you say someone is foxy, unless she has a long skinny nose and is stealing your eggs, you probably mean she’s hot. Foxy is also an informal term for an attractive person.

Can beautiful be used for a man?

So the word beautiful must be used for both genders equally. Beautiful is a very good word for describing a very good-looking man. And it doesn’t mean feminine in this case. You can find a lot of videos with pictures of beautiful men and a lot of pictures of beautiful men on different websites.


part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: keeps, keeping, kept

What type of verb is keeps?

[transitive] keep something to continue to have something and not give it back or throw it away Here’s a five dollar bill—please keep the change. I keep all her letters. [transitive] keep something + adv./prep. to put or store something in a particular place Keep your passport in a safe place.

What part of speech is the word friendship?


What is the true definition of a friend?

Someone who is a true friend stands up for you. When others try to hurt you emotionally or physically, they do everything they can to make sure you stay safe. They don’t care who is trying to harm you; they will defend you anytime, anywhere. If they can help you, they’ll do it without reservation or reward.

How do you express friendship in words?

Express Gratitude

  1. I’m grateful for you because…
  2. I’m so lucky to have a friend like you.
  3. I’m glad we’re friends for so many reasons.
  4. Ways you’re a blessing to me:
  5. I appreciate so many things about you—especially…
  6. I cherish you, and I cherish our friendship.
  7. It means so much to know you’re on my side.

How can I describe my best friend in one word?

Explore adjectives to describe a friend for great ideas on how to talk about your BFF….Words to Describe Qualities of a Good Friend.

affable affectionate attentive
caring cheerful considerate
cordial discerning easygoing
empathetic faithful forgiving
funny generous gentle

What is the antonym of friend?

Words popularity by usage frequency

ranking word
#11080 rival
#20381 foe
#22241 nemesis
#24833 adversary

What is a friend of a friend called?

Friend of a friend (FOAF) is a phrase used to refer to someone that one does not know well, literally, a friend of a friend. The acronym FOAF was coined by Rodney Dale and used in his 1978 book The Tumour in the Whale: A Collection of Modern Myths.

What is Friend full form?

Full form of friend is F For – FABULOUS. R For – REAL. I For – IMPECCABLE. E For – EVERLASTING. N For – NECESSARY.

How do you say old friend?

Synonyms for Old friend

  1. old buddy. n.
  2. old chap. n.
  3. old mate. n.
  4. old pal. n.
  5. old fella. n.
  6. very old friend. n.
  7. old chum. n.
  8. good buddy.

What is another word for a close friend?

What is another word for close friend?

bosom friend best friend
friend mate
buddy chum
confidante comrade
crony familiar

What can I say instead of oldest friend?

Synonyms for Oldest friend

  • old chum.
  • old companion.
  • old comrade.
  • old crony.
  • old dear.
  • old fellow.
  • old friends.
  • old gal.

How do you say friend in slang?

Slang for Friend

  1. Dawg: A friend, or perhaps a close friend.
  2. Amigo: Spanish for “friend”, but used as slang for friend in many English-speaking countried.
  3. Chum: A close friend.
  4. Bestie: Short for “best friend”.
  5. Biffle: Comes from the acronym “BFFL” meaning “best friends for life”.
  6. Bhessy: Best friends.

Is dude a friend?

Dude is what you would call a familiar male friend, sometimes female friends as well if they’re okay with it. It basically refers to a male person.

Can BAE mean friend?

The short answer: Though this word was used in the 1500s to refer to sheep sounds, today bae is used as a term of endearment, often referring to your boyfriend or girlfriend. Or perhaps a prospect who might one day hold such a lofty position.

Can you call your friend baby?

Strangers and friends can call each other babe, baby, sweetie, hon, and it’s not weird.

What does it mean when a girl calls you shawty?

This term is typically used as a nickname Shawty is a slang version of the word “shorty” and is typically used to refer to an attractive woman.

Whats a Shawty pass mean?

Lots of people on TikTok are making something called a Shawty Pass. It’s like a sort of passport or identity card that you make yourself in order to be a part of the TikTok community. It usually features a photo of yourself as well as your name, date of birth, height and hair colour.

For those interested in a little info about this site: it’s a side project that I developed while working on Describing Words and Related Words. Both of those projects are based around words, but have much grander goals. I had an idea for a website that simply explains the word types of the words that you search for — just like a dictionary, but focussed on the part of speech of the words. And since I already had a lot of the infrastructure in place from the other two sites, I figured it wouldn’t be too much more work to get this up and running.

The dictionary is based on the amazing Wiktionary project by wikimedia. I initially started with WordNet, but then realised that it was missing many types of words/lemma (determiners, pronouns, abbreviations, and many more). This caused me to investigate the 1913 edition of Websters Dictionary — which is now in the public domain. However, after a day’s work wrangling it into a database I realised that there were far too many errors (especially with the part-of-speech tagging) for it to be viable for Word Type.

Finally, I went back to Wiktionary — which I already knew about, but had been avoiding because it’s not properly structured for parsing. That’s when I stumbled across the UBY project — an amazing project which needs more recognition. The researchers have parsed the whole of Wiktionary and other sources, and compiled everything into a single unified resource. I simply extracted the Wiktionary entries and threw them into this interface! So it took a little more work than expected, but I’m happy I kept at it after the first couple of blunders.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: the UBY project (mentioned above), @mongodb and express.js.

Currently, this is based on a version of wiktionary which is a few years old. I plan to update it to a newer version soon and that update should bring in a bunch of new word senses for many words (or more accurately, lemma).

Asked by: Yanping Jungling

asked in category: hobbies and interests Last Updated: 11th November, 2020

Answer and Explanation: ‘Friendly‘ is most commonly used as an adjective. Adjectives describe nouns or pronouns. In this sentence, the wordfriendly‘ describes the noun

Click to read in-depth answer. Accordingly, is the word friendly an adjective?

These words don’t have a proper adverb form. They can be used in an adverbial phrase or an adverbial clause, but they are still adjectives. So the adjective friendly describes the noun smile, but the adverbial clause as a whole describes the verb gave by telling you what she gave.

One may also ask, is friendly a noun or verb? noun, plural friend·lies. a person who is in sympathetic relationship to oneself or one’s side; an ally or supporter.

Simply so, what kind of word is friendly?

Synonyms for friendly

  • affable.
  • affectionate.
  • amiable.
  • amicable.
  • attentive.
  • beneficial.
  • chummy.
  • cordial.

Is safe an adjective or adverb?

Safely is a regular adverb ending in -ly while safe is a ‘flat adverb‘. Safe‘, in fact, is an adjective, a noun and an adverb.

The word “THE” is a Definite Article and an Adverb.Take a look at the definitions and examples below and you will see how this little word can be used as different parts of speech.

 1. Definite Article

This word “The” is considered as a definite article because it is used to refer to something specific. It is also placed before a noun, if the audience already knows what is being referred to (there is only one or the subject has already been mentioned). For example, let’s look at the sentence below:

The pope will visit the Philippines in 2015.”

The” is used because there is only one pope in the whole world.


a. used to indicate a person or thing that has already been mentioned or seen or is clearly understood from the situation

  • Joe is the tallest boy in class.

b. used to refer to things or people that are common in daily life

  • The moon is aligned between the Sun and the Earth.

c. used to refer to things that occur in nature

  • The inner planets of the solar system are denser compared to the outer planets.

2. Adverb

Aside from acting as a definite article, “The” can also be used as an adverb. Take for example the sentence below:

“Since getting a new computer, he was able to produce outputs all the quicker.”

In that sentence, “the” serves as an adverb because it modifies the adjective quicker. Take note that the word can only be used as an adverb if it is used together with an adjective or another adverb which is in the comparative degree.


a. than before: than otherwise —used before a comparative

  • The sooner the better.

b. to what extent

  • Mercury is the most cratered planet in our Solar System.

c. beyond all others

  • The more the merrier.

по английскому языку (с ответами)

учащихся 5-6-х классов СОШ

тему «Части речи» (“
Parts of speech”)

учитель английского языка Зуева Светлана Валерьевна

1.  How many parts of speech are there in

a) 5 b) 7 c) 9 d) 8

2. Choose which word class underlined word
belongs to:

“Shall we go for a walk?”

a) verb b) adjective c) noun d) pronoun

3. Choose a correct one:

“Sarah is feeling quite ……. now”

a) tired b) clean c) work d) important

4. Choose linking word in the sentence:

“He stays in his room and concentrates totally on his

a) in b) his c) and d) he

5. What is a verb?

a) name of a thing b) mental or physical action c)
indication of size and shape d) linking word

6. Choose adjective in the sentence:

“Andrew is not very sociable”

a) is b) sociable c) very 4) not                       

7. Choose which word class underlined word
belongs to:

“Doesn’t anyone clean the window?”

a)  verb b) adjective c) noun d) pronoun

8. What part of speech do the below words
belong to:

“Beautiful, nice, lazy, clever”:

a) noun b) pronoun c) adverb d) adjective

9. Choose adverb in the sentence:

“Rachel will visit his friends tomorrow.”

a) will b) visit c) tomorrow d) his

10. What are the determiners:

a) make, do, sing b) an, a, the c) book, box, pen d)
eat, read, meet

11. Choose preposition in the sentence:

“He dreams of marrying her.”

a) her b) of c) he d) marrying

12.  How many verbs are in the below

“Bob thinks Clara is wonderful.”

a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) no verb

13. What part of speech is used instead of
a person?

a) verb b) adjective c) pronoun d) adverb

14. Choose what part of speech the below
words belong to:

“Tomorrow, yesterday, now”

a) adverb b) pronoun c) noun d) linking words

15. Choose which word class underlined
word belongs to:

“I like the look of that coat.”

a) verb b) noun c) preposition d) adverb

The keys:
















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