What part of grammar is the word are

Grammar as a Part of Language as a Linguistic Discipline.

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Grammar as a Part of Language as a Linguistic Discipline.

√ Parts of Grammar;
√ Syntagmatic Paradigmatic Relations;
√ Grammatical Meaning Form.

Parts of Grammar.

According to de Sosur we should differentiate between language & speech. Language is an abstract system of signs or sets of roots (grammatical, syntactic, etc.), which makes the basis of all speaking. Speech — manifestation, of language, «language in use». Where does grammar belong to? To language.

Other parts of language are phonetics & lexicology. It’s true that different parts of language are interconnected & interrelated. One & the same idea can be expressed by different means of language e.g. negation

I don’t like = / hate

The ties between lexicology & grammar are of primary importance because grammatical & lexicological meanings are interdependent. From the course of Normative Grammar we know that certain grammatical functions are possible only for the words whose lexical meaning makes them fit to fulfill these functions.

You need special lexical meaning to make the verb function as a link-verb and part of part of a predicate, e.g. come true, turn red. There is also the reverse case when the grammatical form affects the lexical meaning of a word. e.g. to go, I’m going.

It also happens in a language rather often that a form which was originally grammatical becomes lexicolized. e.g. an iron , iron , irons (окопы); colour — соluors(стяги).

There are also cases of survival of two grammatically equivalent forms of one & the same word. The language keeps them because they acquire different lexical meaning.

They usually call them «etymological synonyms», e.g. brothers, brethren. The ties between lexicology & grammar are particularly strong in a sphere of a word-formation.

What are the main objects of grammatical studies? — A’ word & a sentence. We also single out morphology as a branch of grammar which studies morphemes & structure of words & the rules of word-changing. Combinations of words into groups or sentences are treated under syntax. It’s not always easy to differentiate between them.

Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations.

Every word may be used in a sentence. It can be analyzed from this point of view. e.g.
I read a book & I’m reading a book. We have an action performed by the doer of the action & we can analyze the relations in which the words stand within the sentence.

On the other hand we can analyze the same word «read» as part of system including all other forms of the same word. When we analyze the relations of this particular jform to other forms we analyze the paradigmatic relations, within the sentence — syntagmatic relations.

How many levels are there in Grammar? Are they objective or subjective?

A word may be divided into morphemes, sentence — into phrases, etc!’

Phoneme — phonology;
phonetics — sounds
Morpheme — morphology

Word — grammar,
word-formation, lexicography
Phrase — syntax
Sentence — syntax

Utterance (text, discourse) — syntax

The levels are objective since the units of these levels exist objectively.
So grammatical units enter into two types of relations in the language system :
paradigmatic relations in language & syntagmatic in speech. The system of all grammatical means of one given class constitutes a paradigm.

There is a new approach to the division of grammar into morphology & syntax. According to it morphology should study both paradigmatic & syntagmatic relations of words.

Correspondingly syntax should study both paradigmatic & syntagmatic relations of sentences.

Grammatical Meaning Form.

 The basic notions of Grammar are grammatical meaning, form, category. Jhe grammatical meaning is a general abstract meaning, which embraces classes of words in a language.

Grammatical meaning depends on lexical & is connected with objective reality indirectly through the lexical meaning. The grammatical meaning is relative revealed in relations of word-forms. The grammatical meaning is

obligatory it must be expressed if the speaker wants to be understood.

The grammatical meaning must have a grammatical form of expression(inflexions or analytical form or word order)

The term «form» may be used in a wide sense to denote all means of expressing grammatical meaning. It may be also used in a narrow sense to denote means of expressing a particular grammar meaning e.g. plural form, present tense, etc.

Grammatical elements are unities of meaning & form, content & expression. In the language system there is no direct correspondence between meaning & form.

Two or more units of the plane of content may correspond to one unit of the plane of expression (polysemy & homonymy) & two or more units of the plane of expression may correspond to one unit of the plane of content (synonymy).

System is a unity of homogeneous elements. Structure — unity of heterogeneous elements, which make up in their turn the units of higher hierarchy.

In the system of language grammatical elements are connected on the basis of similarity & contrast. Partially similar elements that are having common & distinctive features constitute oppositions (write — wrote, sky — skies, best — worst). Let’s take » pencil — pencils«.

Members of this opposition differ in form & have different grammatical meanings. At the same time they express the same general meaning — number. And this gives us the chance to formulate: the unity of general meaning & its particular manifestation, which is revealed through the oppositions of forms, is a grammatical category.

There may be different definitions of category laying stress either on its notional or formal aspect. But the category exists only if there is an opposition of at least two forms, if one — there is no category.

The minimal or two-member opposition is called binary. Oppositions may be of three main types:

I. Privative (отрицательный).
One member has a certain distinctive feature. This member is called «marked (strong)”. The other is characterized by the absence of this distinctive feature. It’s called “unmarked (weak)” (e.g. speak — speaks).

II. Equipollent (равноценный).
Both members of the opposition are marked (e.g. am — is).

III. Gradual.
Members of the opposition differ by the degree of certain property (e.g. good — better — best)

Most grammatical oppositions are privative. The marked (strong) member has a narrow & definite meaning. The unmarked (weak) member has a wide general meaning.
Grammatical forms express meanings of different categories. The form «goes» denotes Present Tense, 3-d person, singular.

Active voice. Indicative mood. These meanings are revealed in different oppositions.


is going
has gone

will be gone


will be going     

But grammatical forms cannot express different meanings of the same category. In certain contexts the difference between members of the opposition is lost.

The opposition is reduced to one member. Usually the weak member acquires the meaning of the strong member (e.g. He leave for Paris tomorrow). This kind of oppositional reduction is called neutralization.

On the other hand the strong member may be used in the context typical for the weak member. Usually this use is stylistically marked e.g.
She is always complaining of her neighbors.
This kind of reduction is called transposition.

Grammatical categories reflect phenomena of objective reality.

The category of number in nouns reflects the essential properties of noun reference. Such categories can ( be called «notional» or «referential»). 

Other categories reflect peculiarities of grammatical structure of the language (e.g. number in verbs in English). Such categories may be called «formal» or «relation».’

Besides grammatical or inflectional categories based on the oppositions of forms there are categories based on the oppositions of classes of words.

Such categories are called «lexico-grammatical» or «selective». The formal difference between members of a lexico-grammatical opposition is shown syntagmatically e.g. большой стол.

Grammatical categories may be influenced by the lexical meaning. Such categories as number, case, voice strongly depend on the lexica] meaning. They are proper to certain subclasses of words.

Thus, only objective verbs have the voice opposition, subjective verbs have only one form — that of the weak member of opposition.

Other categories as tense, mood are more abstract. They cover all words of a class.

As grammatical categories reflect relations existing in objective reality, different languages may have the same categories but the system & character of grammatical categories are determined by the grammatical structure of a given language.

Synthetical vs Analytical Forms.

The verb in synthetical form presents an inseparable unity of form & meaning. This unity can’t be broken without the destruction of the word. We have different ways to create synthetical forms in the language. The first one is affixation. Many affixes are polysemantic.

Another device is sound interchange. The third way is suppletivity. The number of morphemes used to derive new forms in the English is rather small.

Many of them are polysemantic. In sound interchange changes take place in frames of one root & suppletive formation involves different roots.

Analytical grammatical forms are those presented by words of full lexical meaning So some formal auxiliary words, which are free (or devoid) of any lexical meaning. This combination functions in the language as the grammatical form of one word e.g. is being written.

But the grammatical meaning of analytical form is not equivalent to the grammatical meaning of the auxiliary verb; it is distributed between auxiliary & the verb-form (or the ending of the verb- form). There are four criteria to establish the difference between the analytical grammatical forms & the free syntactic word combinations:

1. The existence of one purely grammatical element
2. The distribution of the total grammatical meaning between this purely grammatical auxiliary & grammatical ending of the main form.
3. Concentration of the lexical meaning only in one word.
4. The existence of simple synthetical form in the paradigm.

From the structural point of view it is a combination of words which are united according to certain syntactic rales but functionally it is only a form of a certain verb. In other words they are phrases in form & word-forms in function.

The Morphemic Analysis for English Words.

Morphemes, Morphs & Attomorphs.

Morpheme is the smallest meaningful part of a word. It can be free or bound. A word consisting of a single morpheme — monomorphemic, opposite — polymorphic. In terms of structuralism according to Bloomfield“ a word is a minimum free form».

Morphemes are commonly classified into suffixes, prefixes, infixes. According to their meaning & function they can also be subdivided into lexical (roots) lexico-grammatical (word-building affixes) & grammatical or form-building affixes (inflexions).

 Morphemes are abstract units represented in speech by morphs or аllomorphs. Most morphemes are realised by single morphemes e.g. un/self/ish. Some morphemes can be manifested by more than one morph according to their position.

Such alternative morphs or positional variants of a morpheme are called allomorphs. Morphemic variants are identified in the text on the basis of their со-occurrence with other morphs or their environment. The total of environments constitutes the distribution.

There may be three types of morphemic distribution: contrastive, non- contrastive & complimentary.

Morphs are in contrastive distribution „ if their position is the same & their meanings are different, g. charming vs charmed).

Morphs are in non-contrastive distribution if their position is the same & their meanings are the same (e.g. learned vs learnt). Such morphs constitute free variants of the same morpheme.

Morphs are in complimentary distribution if their positions are different & their meanings are the same. Such morphs are allomorphs of the same 1 morpheme (e.g. -tion or -sion).

Grammatical meanings may be expressed by the absence of the morpheme (e.g. book- books). The meaning of plurality is expressed by the morpheme «-s», singularity -by the absence of the morpheme.

Such meaningful absence of the morpheme is called zero-morpheme. The function of the morpheme may be performed by a separate word. In the opposition «play — will play» the meaning of the future is expressed by the word «will».

 «Will» is a contradictory unit, formally it is a word, functionally — it is a morpheme. As it has the features of a word & a morpheme it is called «a word-morpheme».

Word-morphemes may be called semibound morphemes. Means of form-building & grammatical forms are divided into synthetic & analytical.

Synthetic forms are built with the help of bound-morphemes. All analytical forms are built with the help of semi-bound morphemes.

Synthetic means of form-building are affixation, sound interchange (inner flexion), suppletivity. Typical features of English affixation are ’scarcity & homonymy.

Another characteristic feature is a great number of zero-morphemes.Though English grammatical affixes are few in number, affixation is a productive means of form-building.

Sound interchange may be of two types: vowel & consonant. It is often accompanied by affixation (e.g. bring — brought). Sound interchange is not productive now, but it is used to build the forms of irregular verbs.

Prefixes modify the lexical meaning of the word while suffixes not only change the meaning but also change the form often shifting the word from one part of speech to another.

Sometimes the basic & the resulted forms belong tо the same class of words. In this case we say that a suffix serves to differentiate between subclasses within the same part of speech.

But even a prefix may modify the meaning of word (e.g. to stay — outstay). We have only one infix in English (e.g. stand- stood). In the course of historic development the boundaries between the morphemes may change & in this case words change morphologically.

The main factors of this process: were described by Bogoroditskiy:

Simplification (e.g. Good-bye = God be with you
Decomposition (e.g. dazy = eye of the day)

If a word consists of one root-morpheme it is called a root-word. One root-morpheme + affix constitute a derived word (a derivative e.g. a girl — girlish), two or more roots constitute a compound word (e.g. girl — friend), two or more roots + affix constitute compound derivative (e.g. all-the-madish).

Parts of Speech. Principles of Classification of the Parts of Speech.

Гости не могут комментировать

is grammar?


a phenomenon

– a subsystem of language

a linguistic discipline

– type of describing/ interpreting the phenomenon

a university course –
to learn

of language



phonetics — phonology

— lexicology

— grammar







item 2 items

a phenomenon


is it is
a subsystem in language which expresses meanings through

does it do the opposition of variants of

one and the same unit.

of grammar

linguistic discipline

  • Descriptive
    gr. — WHAT

  • Prescriptive
    gr. — WHAT

  • Normative
    gr. — WHAT (what ко

  • Categorial
    gr. —

  • Functional
    gr. —

  • Communiative
    — HOW (ко
    how, why)

  • Generative
    gr. — WHY

  • Semantic
    gr./ case gr. —

  • Cognitive
    gr. –


a university course




the grammatical — gives a scientific
explanation of the

of a given nature and
peculiarities of the grammatical

system of the

units of grammar are a word and a sentence. A word may be divided
into morphemes, a sentence may be divided into phrases (word groups).
A morpheme, a word, a phrase and a sentence are units of different
levels of language structure. A unit of a higher level consists of
one or more units of a lower level.

of grammar

  • Morpheme
    – form building morphemes/ inflections (1)

  • Word

  • Word
    group/ phrase (3)

  • Sentence

  • Units
    larger than a sentence – supra sentential unities/ supraphrasal
    unities/ clause clasters etc. / texts (5)

– Naming function, do not convey any information

– Nominative and communicative functions; they exist only in speech

units enter into 2 types of relations: in the language system
(paradigmatic relations) and in speech (syntagmatic relations)


the language system each unit is included into a set of connections
based on different properties .
Ex. Word forms child,
children, child’s, children’s
the same lexical meaning and have different grammatical meanings.
They constitute a lexeme.

boys, men, books..
the same grammatical meaning and have different lexical meanings.
They constitute a grammeme ( a categorical form, a form class).

system of all grammemes ( gram. Forms) of all lexemes (words) of a
given class constitutes a


– relations outside the lines of the sentence, exist in language

  1. between
    classes of language units of a similar structural type or having
    similar elements. Ex. Between word- forms of one categorial line –
    asking, making, doing OR

  2. between
    categorial forms of one unit – ask, asked, has asked, was asked..


are the relations in an utterance:

like children.

are linear relations – we observe them in a line, it means in
speech. They are observed between units in speech

Between phonemes within a morpheme : [ɑ:] [s] [k] in asks;

within a word: ask- and- ing in asking; words within a sentence

connection between words and word groups is called syntactic
relations.( Barkhudarov)


word is

– a unit of language, both gram. and lexicon

a semantic and structural unity

a ready- made unit

a naming unit( used to name smth actions, processes)


sentence is

— a unit of language and a unit of speech

not a ready-made unit

a naming and communicative unit




an individual entity – blue as an



a phenomenon (it is real, is
happening right now –

time, we know the participants)

a situation( an event)

  • indicates
    the time of the event,

  • shows
    whether the event is real or unreal

grammatical units are studied by different sections of grammar :
Morphology and Syntax. Morphology studies the structure, forms and
the classification of words. In other words it studies paradigmatic
relations of words.

  • gram.
    forms making up gram. categories typical of a given part of speech

  • means
    of grammatical word- changing (form-building morphemes)

  • types
    of gram. meanings…

studies the structure, forms and the classification of sentences. In
other words it studies syntagmatic relations of words and
paradigmatic relations of sentences.

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Continue Learning about English Language Arts

Is spelling considered part of grammar?

Spelling is not officially a part of grammar.

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Use of word being in english grammar?


What part of grammar is the word why?

«Why» is an interrogative or relative adverb. Originally, it was
the instrumental case of the interrogative or relative pronoun

What part of English grammar is the word ‘the’?

«The» is an article. Articles are a kind of determiner. There
are only 3 articles in English — a, an, the

A part of speech is a term used in traditional grammar for one of the nine main categories into which words are classified according to their functions in sentences, such as nouns or verbs. Also known as word classes, these are the building blocks of grammar.

Parts of Speech

  • Word types can be divided into nine parts of speech:
  • nouns
  • pronouns
  • verbs
  • adjectives
  • adverbs
  • prepositions
  • conjunctions
  • articles/determiners
  • interjections
  • Some words can be considered more than one part of speech, depending on context and usage.
  • Interjections can form complete sentences on their own.

Every sentence you write or speak in English includes words that fall into some of the nine parts of speech. These include nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, articles/determiners, and interjections. (Some sources include only eight parts of speech and leave interjections in their own category.)

Learning the names of the parts of speech probably won’t make you witty, healthy, wealthy, or wise. In fact, learning just the names of the parts of speech won’t even make you a better writer. However, you will gain a basic understanding of sentence structure and the English language by familiarizing yourself with these labels.

Open and Closed Word Classes

The parts of speech are commonly divided into open classes (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs) and closed classes (pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, articles/determiners, and interjections). The idea is that open classes can be altered and added to as language develops and closed classes are pretty much set in stone. For example, new nouns are created every day, but conjunctions never change.

In contemporary linguistics, the label part of speech has generally been discarded in favor of the term word class or syntactic category. These terms make words easier to qualify objectively based on word construction rather than context. Within word classes, there is the lexical or open class and the function or closed class.

Read about each part of speech below and get started practicing identifying each.


Nouns are a person, place, thing, or idea. They can take on a myriad of roles in a sentence, from the subject of it all to the object of an action. They are capitalized when they’re the official name of something or someone, called proper nouns in these cases. Examples: pirate, Caribbean, ship, freedom, Captain Jack Sparrow.


Pronouns stand in for nouns in a sentence. They are more generic versions of nouns that refer only to people. Examples:​ I, you, he, she, it, ours, them, who, which, anybody, ourselves.


Verbs are action words that tell what happens in a sentence. They can also show a sentence subject’s state of being (is, was). Verbs change form based on tense (present, past) and count distinction (singular or plural). Examples: sing, dance, believes, seemed, finish, eat, drink, be, became


Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. They specify which one, how much, what kind, and more. Adjectives allow readers and listeners to use their senses to imagine something more clearly. Examples: hot, lazy, funny, unique, bright, beautiful, poor, smooth.


Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, and even other adverbs. They specify when, where, how, and why something happened and to what extent or how often. Examples: softly, lazily, often, only, hopefully, softly, sometimes.


Prepositions show spacial, temporal, and role relations between a noun or pronoun and the other words in a sentence. They come at the start of a prepositional phrase, which contains a preposition and its object. Examples: up, over, against, by, for, into, close to, out of, apart from.


Conjunctions join words, phrases, and clauses in a sentence. There are coordinating, subordinating, and correlative conjunctions. Examples: and, but, or, so, yet, with.

Articles and Determiners

Articles and determiners function like adjectives by modifying nouns, but they are different than adjectives in that they are necessary for a sentence to have proper syntax. Articles and determiners specify and identify nouns, and there are indefinite and definite articles. Examples: articles: a, an, the; determiners: these, that, those, enough, much, few, which, what.

Some traditional grammars have treated articles as a distinct part of speech. Modern grammars, however, more often include articles in the category of determiners, which identify or quantify a noun. Even though they modify nouns like adjectives, articles are different in that they are essential to the proper syntax of a sentence, just as determiners are necessary to convey the meaning of a sentence, while adjectives are optional.


Interjections are expressions that can stand on their own or be contained within sentences. These words and phrases often carry strong emotions and convey reactions. Examples: ah, whoops, ouch, yabba dabba do!

How to Determine the Part of Speech

Only interjections (Hooray!) have a habit of standing alone; every other part of speech must be contained within a sentence and some are even required in sentences (nouns and verbs). Other parts of speech come in many varieties and may appear just about anywhere in a sentence.

To know for sure what part of speech a word falls into, look not only at the word itself but also at its meaning, position, and use in a sentence.

For example, in the first sentence below, work functions as a noun; in the second sentence, a verb; and in the third sentence, an adjective:

  • Bosco showed up for work two hours late.
    • The noun work is the thing Bosco shows up for.
  • He will have to work until midnight.
    • The verb work is the action he must perform.
  • His work permit expires next month.
    • The attributive noun [or converted adjective] work modifies the noun permit.

Learning the names and uses of the basic parts of speech is just one way to understand how sentences are constructed.

Dissecting Basic Sentences

To form a basic complete sentence, you only need two elements: a noun (or pronoun standing in for a noun) and a verb. The noun acts as a subject and the verb, by telling what action the subject is taking, acts as the predicate. 

  • Birds fly.

In the short sentence above, birds is the noun and fly is the verb. The sentence makes sense and gets the point across.

You can have a sentence with just one word without breaking any sentence formation rules. The short sentence below is complete because it’s a command to an understood «you».

  • Go!

Here, the pronoun, standing in for a noun, is implied and acts as the subject. The sentence is really saying, «(You) go!»

Constructing More Complex Sentences

Use more parts of speech to add additional information about what’s happening in a sentence to make it more complex. Take the first sentence from above, for example, and incorporate more information about how and why birds fly.

  • Birds fly when migrating before winter.

Birds and fly remain the noun and the verb, but now there is more description. 

When is an adverb that modifies the verb fly. The word before is a little tricky because it can be either a conjunction, preposition, or adverb depending on the context. In this case, it’s a preposition because it’s followed by a noun. This preposition begins an adverbial phrase of time (before winter) that answers the question of when the birds migrate. Before is not a conjunction because it does not connect two clauses.

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  • Сейчас обучается 268 человек из 64 регионов

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:


    1 слайд


  • 1. The problem of word definition.
2. The notion of the word-form.
3. The...

    2 слайд

    1. The problem of word definition.
    2. The notion of the word-form.
    3. The notion of «grammatical meaning».
    4. Types of grammatical meaning.
    5. The notion of «grammatical category».
    6. The notion of «opposition».


  • 1.The Problem of Word Definition

The word is considered to be the central...

    3 слайд

    1.The Problem of Word Definition

    The word is considered to be the central (though not the only) linguistic unit of language.

  • The Problem of Word Definition
In the written language words are clearly i...

    4 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    In the written language words are clearly identified by spaces between them.


  • The Problem of Word Definition
In the spoken language the problem cannot b...

    5 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    In the spoken language the problem cannot be solved this way.

    If we listen to an unfamiliar language, we find it difficult to divide up the speech into single words.


  • The Problem of Word DefinitionApproaches 
to the problem of word definitio...

    6 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    to the problem of word definition:
    the word is a semantic unit, a unit of meaning;
    the word is a marked phonological unit;
    the word is an indivisible unit.


  • The Problem of Word DefinitionSemantic definition of the word:
“…a unit of...

    7 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    Semantic definition of the word:
    “…a unit of a particular meaning with a particular complex of sounds capable of a particular grammatical employment».

    The word is a linguistic unit that has a single meaning.


  • The Problem of Word DefinitionBUT: 

 heavy smoker ≠ heavy and...

    8 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition


    heavy smoker ≠ heavy and
    criminal lawyer;
    the King of England’s hat.


  • The Problem of Word DefinitionThe problem: 

the word is not always a sing...

    9 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    The problem:

    the word is not always a single unit.


  • The Problem of Word DefinitionA phonological criterion

that stuff...

    10 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    A phonological criterion

    that stuff that’s tough
    a nice cakean ice cake
    grey day Grade A


  • The Problem of Word Definition

It is hard to distinguish the real meaning...

    11 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    It is hard to distinguish the real meaning without a proper context.

  • The Problem of Word DefinitionThe word as an indivisible unit 

“The word...

    12 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    The word as an indivisible unit

    “The word is a minimum free form“
    (L. Bloomfield)

    The word is the smallest unit of speech that can occur in isolation.


  •  The Problem of Word Definition
                 a or the


    13 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    a or the


  • The Problem of Word Definition
the word is a linguistic unit larger...

    14 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    the word is a linguistic unit larger than a morpheme but smaller than a phrase.


  • The Problem of Word DefinitionIn this case the word can be defined as:


    15 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    In this case the word can be defined as:

    • An orthographic word (something written with white spaces at both ends but no white space in the middle).


  • The Problem of Word Definition
• A phonological word (something pronounced...

    16 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    • A phonological word (something pronounced as a single unit).


  • The Problem of Word Definition
• A lexical item, or lexeme, (a dictionary...

    17 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    • A lexical item, or lexeme, (a dictionary word).


  • The Problem of Word Definition
• A grammatical word-form (GWF) (or morphos...

    18 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    • A grammatical word-form (GWF) (or morphosyntactic word) (any one of the several forms which a lexical item may assume for grammatical purposes).


  • The Problem of Word DefinitionThe item ice cream is:
 two orthographic wor...

    19 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    The item ice cream is:
    two orthographic words,
    — a single phonological word (it is pronounced as a unit),
    — a single lexical item (it has its own entry in a dictionary),
    — a single GWF (indeed, it hardly has another form unless you think the plural ice cream is good English).


  • The Problem of Word DefinitionThe singular dog and the plural dogs:
- a si...

    20 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    The singular dog and the plural dogs:
    — a single orthographic word,
    — a single phonological word,
    a single GWF,
    but they both
    — represent the same lexical item (only one entry in the dictionary).


  •  The Problem of Word Definition
take, takes, took, taken, is taking: 


    21 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    take, takes, took, taken, is taking:


  • The Problem of Word Definitiontake, takes, took, taken and is taking: 


    22 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    take, takes, took, taken and is taking:

    — five orthographic words,
    — five phonological words,
    five GWFs (at least),
    but only
    — one lexical item.


  •  The Problem of Word Definition

the contraction hasn't


    23 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    the contraction hasn’t


  • The Problem of Word DefinitionThe contraction hasn't is:

- a single ortho...

    24 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    The contraction hasn’t is:

    — a single orthographic word,
    a single phonological word,
    — two lexical items (have and not),
    — two GWFs (has and not).


  • The Problem of Word Definition

The phrasal verb make up (as in She ma...

    25 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    The phrasal verb make up (as in She made up her face)


  • The Problem of Word DefinitionThe phrasal verb make up (as in She made up...

    26 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    The phrasal verb make up (as in She made up her face):
    — two orthographic words,
    — two phonological words,
    — one lexical item (because of its unpredictable meaning, it must be entered separately in the dictionary).
    — has several GWFs (make up, makes up, made up, making up).


  •  The Problem of Word Definition

make up 
(She made up a story)


    27 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    make up
    (She made up a story)


  • The Problem of Word Definitionmake up (She made up a story):
- a different...

    28 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    make up (She made up a story):
    — a different lexical item from the preceding one (a separate dictionary entry is required),
    — this lexical item exhibits the same orthographic, phonological and grammatical forms as the first.


  • The Problem of Word Definition
the word is not a clearly definable li...

    29 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    the word is not a clearly definable linguistic unit.


  • The Problem of Word DefinitionFor the sake of linguistic description, we w...

    30 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    For the sake of linguistic description, we will proceed from the following statements:
    — the word is a meaningful unit differentiating word-groups at the upper level and integrating morphemes at the lower level;


  • The Problem of Word Definition- the word is the main expressive unit of hu...

    31 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    — the word is the main expressive unit of human language, which ensures the thought-forming function of language;


  • The Problem of Word Definition
 the word It is also the basic nominative u...

    32 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    the word It is also the basic nominative unit of language with the help of which the naming function of language is realized;


  • The Problem of Word Definition in the structure of language the word belon...

    33 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    in the structure of language the word belongs to the upper stage of the morphological level;


  • The Problem of Word Definition the word is a unit of the sphere of "langua...

    34 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    the word is a unit of the sphere of «language» and it exists only through its speech actualization;


  • The Problem of Word Definition
 one of the most characteristic features of...

    35 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    one of the most characteristic features of the word is its indivisibility.


  • The Problem of Word Definition the word is a bilateral entity


    36 слайд

    The Problem of Word Definition

    the word is a bilateral entity

    WORD = ———————
    sound image


  • 2. The Notion of the Word -FormThe term "word-form“ shows that the word is...

    37 слайд

    2. The Notion of the Word -Form

    The term «word-form“ shows that the word is a carrier of grammatical information.
    E.g.: speaks — the present tense third
    person singular
    speak, spoke, is speaking

    Here the relational property of grammatical meaning is revealed.


  • The Notion of the Word -FormGrammatical meanings of a word-form are very a...

    38 слайд

    The Notion of the Word -Form

    Grammatical meanings of a word-form are very abstract and general.
    They are peculiar of a whole class of words, unite it so that each word of the class expresses the corresponding grammatical meaning together with its individual, concrete semantics.


  • The Notion of the Word -FormE.g.: 
the meaning of the plural is rendered b...

    39 слайд

    The Notion of the Word -Form

    the meaning of the plural is rendered by the regular plural suffix –(e)s, phonemic interchange and a few lexeme-bound suffixes.


  • The Notion of the Word -FormDue to the generalized character of the plural...

    40 слайд

    The Notion of the Word -Form

    Due to the generalized character of the plural, we say that different groups of nouns «take» this form with strictly defined variations in the mode of expression.
    The variations can be of more systemic (phonological conditioning) and less systemic (etymological conditioning) nature.


  • The Notion of the Word -FormCf.:  faces, branches, matches, judges;...

    41 слайд

    The Notion of the Word -Form

    Cf.: faces, branches, matches, judges;
    books, rockets, boats, chiefs, proofs;
    dogs, beads, films, stones, hens;
    lives, wives, thieves, leaves;
    oxen, children, brethren;
    swine, sheep, deer;
    men, women, feet, teeth, geese, mice, lice;
    formulae, antennae;
    data, errata, strata, addenda, memoranda;
    radii, genii, nuclei;
    crises, bases, analyses, axes;
    phenomena, criteria.


  • The Notion of the Word -Form
The lexical meaning of the word is irrelevant...

    42 слайд

    The Notion of the Word -Form

    The lexical meaning of the word is irrelevant for the detection of the type of the word-form.


  • The Notion of the Word -FormA word-form may be analytical by structure. In...

    43 слайд

    The Notion of the Word -Form

    A word-form may be analytical by structure. In this case it is equivalent to one word as it expresses one unified content of a word, both from the point of view of grammatical and lexical meaning.
    E.g.: has spoken


  • The Notion of the Word -FormWords (as well as morphemes) are directly obse...

    44 слайд

    The Notion of the Word -Form

    Words (as well as morphemes) are directly observable units by nature as they are characterized by a definite material structure of their own.

    They can be registered and enumerated in any language.


  • The Notion of the Word -Form
The system of morphological units is a closed...

    45 слайд

    The Notion of the Word -Form

    The system of morphological units is a closed system. It means that all its items are on the surface and can be embraced in an inventory of forms.


  • The Notion of the Word -Form
Every word is a unit of grammar as a part of...

    46 слайд

    The Notion of the Word -Form

    Every word is a unit of grammar as a part of speech.


  • The Notion of the Word -Form
Parts of speech are usually considered a lexi...

    47 слайд

    The Notion of the Word -Form

    Parts of speech are usually considered a lexico-grammatical categories since:
    they show lexical groupings of words;
    these groupings present generalized classes, each with a unified, abstract meaning of its own.


  • 3. The Notion of Grammatical Meaning
Notional words combine two meanings in...

    48 слайд

    3. The Notion of Grammatical Meaning

    Notional words combine two meanings in their semantic structure:


  • The Notion of Grammatical MeaningLexical meaning is the individual meaning...

    49 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Meaning
    Lexical meaning is the individual meaning of the word
    E.g.: table — a definite piece of furniture with a flat top supported by one or more upright legs,
    speak – to express thoughts aloud, using the voice.


  • The Notion of Grammatical MeaningGrammatical (morphological) meaning is not...

    50 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Meaning
    Grammatical (morphological) meaning is not individual.

    It is the meaning of the whole class or a subclass
    E.g.: table (grammatical meaning of the class of nouns (thingness / substance) and the grammatical meaning of a subclass – countableness).


  • ?
What are grammatical meanings of:
 - verbs; 


    51 слайд


    What are grammatical meanings of:
    — verbs;


  • The Notion of Grammatical Meaning
There are some classes of words that are...

    52 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Meaning

    There are some classes of words that are devoid of any lexical meaning and possess the grammatical meaning only.


  • ???

What are they?


  •  The Notion of Grammatical Meaning
Function words


    54 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Meaning

    Function words


  • 4.Types of Grammatical Meaning
The grammatical meaning may be:


    55 слайд

    4.Types of Grammatical Meaning

    The grammatical meaning may be:


  • Types of Grammatical MeaningThe implicit grammatical meaning is not express...

    56 слайд

    Types of Grammatical Meaning
    The implicit grammatical meaning is not expressed formally

    E.g.: table (the meaning of inanimate object)


  • Types of Grammatical MeaningThe explicit grammatical meaning is always mark...

    57 слайд

    Types of Grammatical Meaning
    The explicit grammatical meaning is always marked morphologically
    E.g.: -s in cats (the grammatical meaning of plurality);
    ‘s in cat’s (the grammatical meaning of possessiveness);
    is …ed in is asked (the grammatical meaning of passiveness)


  • Types of Grammatical MeaningTypes of the implicit grammatical meaning:

    58 слайд

    Types of Grammatical Meaning
    Types of the implicit grammatical meaning:


  • Types of Grammatical Meaning general (the meaning of the whole word-class,...

    59 слайд

    Types of Grammatical Meaning
    general (the meaning of the whole word-class, of a part of speech)
    E.g.: thingness of nouns


  • Types of Grammatical Meaning dependent (the meaning of a subclass within th...

    60 слайд

    Types of Grammatical Meaning
    dependent (the meaning of a subclass within the same part of speech)
    E.g.: the verb (transitivity/ intransitivity,
    terminativeness / non-terminativeness,
    stativeness / non-stativeness);
    the noun (countableness / uncountableness,
    animateness / inanimateness)


  • Types of Grammatical MeaningThe dependent grammatical meaning influences th...

    61 слайд

    Types of Grammatical Meaning
    The dependent grammatical meaning influences the realization of grammatical categories restricting them to a subclass.
    E.g.: the number category for the subclass of countable nouns;
    the category of case for the subclass of animated nouns;
    the category of voice for transitive verbs, etc.


  •  Types of Grammatical Meaning

    62 слайд

    Types of Grammatical Meaning


  • 5. The Notion of Grammatical Category
A grammatical category is a linguisti...

    63 слайд

    5. The Notion of Grammatical Category

    A grammatical category is a linguistic category which has the effect of modifying the forms of some class of words in a language.


  • The Notion of Grammatical CategoryIts structure displays two or more forms...

    64 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Category
    Its structure displays two or more forms applied to a definite class of words and used in somewhat different grammatical circumstances.


  • The Notion of Grammatical CategoryGrammatical categories are made up by th...

    65 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Category
    Grammatical categories are made up by the unity of identical grammatical meanings that have the same form and meaning
    E.g. singular : plural


  • The Notion of Grammatical CategoryDue to dialectal unity of language and th...

    66 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Category
    Due to dialectal unity of language and thought, grammatical categories correlate, on the one hand, with the conceptual categories and, on the other hand, with the objective reality:


  • The Notion of Grammatical CategoryThus,
grammatical categories are referenc...

    67 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Category
    grammatical categories are references of the corresponding objective categories.
    E.g.: the objective category of time →
    the grammatical category of tense,
    the objective category of quantity → the grammatical category of number.


  • The Notion of Grammatical Category

Grammatical categories that have refere...

    68 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Category

    Grammatical categories that have references in the objective reality are referential.
    Objective correlate

    Lingual correlate


  • The Notion of Grammatical CategoryGrammatical categories that do not corres...

    69 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Category
    Grammatical categories that do not correspond to anything in the objective reality and correlate only with conceptual matters are significational. They are few (e.g. the categories of mood and degree).
    Conceptual correlate

    Lingual correlate


  • The Notion of Grammatical CategoryClassifications of Gr. Categories


    70 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Category
    Classifications of Gr. Categories

    According to the referent relation:
    — reflective.

  • The Notion of Grammatical CategoryImmanent gr. categories are: 
1) innate f...

    71 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Category
    Immanent gr. categories are:
    1) innate for a given lexemic class, organically connected with its functional nature
    E.g.: the number category of nouns,
    the substantive-pronominal person
    2) closed within a word-class
    E.g.: the tense category of verbs,
    the comparison of adjectives and adverbs


  • The Notion of Grammatical Category
Reflective gr. categories are of a secon...

    72 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Category

    Reflective gr. categories are of a secondary, derivative semantic value
    E.g.: the number category of verbs,
    the verbal person


  • The Notion of Grammatical Category2. According to the changeability of the...

    73 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Category
    2. According to the changeability of the exposed feature
    — unchangeable / derivational (constant feature categories)
    E.g.: the gender category of nouns represented by the system of the 3rd person pronouns
    — changeable / demutative (variable feature categories)
    E.g.: the number category of nouns,
    the degrees of comparison


  • The Notion of Grammatical Category
1. The notion of grammatical categor...

    74 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Category

    1. The notion of grammatical category applies to the plane of content of morphological paradigmatic units;


  • The Notion of Grammatical Category

2. It refers to grammatical meaning as...

    75 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Category

    2. It refers to grammatical meaning as a general notion;


  • The Notion of Grammatical Category

3. It does not nominate things but expr...

    76 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Category

    3. It does not nominate things but expresses relations, that is why it has to be studied in terms of oppositions;


  • The Notion of Grammatical Category

4. Grammatical categories of language r...

    77 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Category

    4. Grammatical categories of language represent a realization of universal categories produced by human thinking in a set of interrelated forms organized as oppositions;


  • The Notion of Grammatical Category
5. Grammatical categories are not unifor...

    78 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Category

    5. Grammatical categories are not uniform, they vary in accordance with the part of speech they belong to and the meaning they express;


  • The Notion of Grammatical Category
6. The expression of grammatical categor...

    79 слайд

    The Notion of Grammatical Category

    6. The expression of grammatical categories in language is based upon close interrelation between their forms and the meaning they convey.


  • 6. The Notion of Opposition
The concept of opposition is that it distinguis...

    80 слайд

    6. The Notion of Opposition

    The concept of opposition is that it distinguishes something.


  • The Notion of OppositionOne thing can be distinguished from another only if...

    81 слайд

    The Notion of Opposition
    One thing can be distinguished from another only if it can be contrasted with something else or opposed to it.


  • The Notion of Opposition
Any grammatical category must be represented by at...

    82 слайд

    The Notion of Opposition

    Any grammatical category must be represented by at least two grammatical forms
    E.g. the grammatical category of number: singular and plural forms.


  • The Notion of OppositionThus,
the relation between two grammatical forms th...

    83 слайд

    The Notion of Opposition
    the relation between two grammatical forms that differ in meaning and external signs is called opposition.


  • The Notion of OppositionThe most widely known opposition is the binary "pri...

    84 слайд

    The Notion of Opposition
    The most widely known opposition is the binary «privative» opposition.

    In it one member of the contrastive pair is characterized by the presence of a certain feature which the other member lacks


  • The Notion of OppositionE.g. table::tables
     ↓          ↓...

    85 слайд

    The Notion of Opposition
    E.g. table::tables
    ↓ ↓
    “unmarked” “marked”
    (weak) member (strong) member
    ↓ ↓
    non-plural plural
    ↓ ↓
    more general and abstract more particular and
    (used in a wider range of contexts)


  • The Notion of OppositionFYI:
Some scholars, however, hold the opinion that...

    86 слайд

    The Notion of Opposition
    Some scholars, however, hold the opinion that oppositions can be
    gradual (different degree of a feature)
    E.g.: big — bigger — biggest
    equipollent (different positive features)
    E.g.: am — is — are.


  • The Notion of Opposition
A grammatical category is definable only on th...

    87 слайд

    The Notion of Opposition

    A grammatical category is definable only on the basis of oppositions.


  • The Notion of Opposition
Means of realization of grammatical categories:

    88 слайд

    The Notion of Opposition

    Means of realization of grammatical categories:
    synthetic (near — nearer);
    analytical (beautiful — more beautiful).


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