What one word best describes you at work

Tough Interview Question — What is the one word that describes you best?

What is the one word that describes you best?

Similar interview questions:

What dictionary word has your name in the definition?

What word comes to mind when describing you?

If you had to define who you are in one word, what would it be?

How would your parents describe you to their friends in just one or two words?

Why the interviewer is asking this question:

The interviewer is trying to get to the core essence of who you are. Or at least who you think you may be. This question is usually used as a setup question to probe deeper, since many candidates will use a platitude word to describe themselves, yet struggle to give an example of how that word is exemplified in practical day-to-day behavior. So it also allows the interviewer insight into how realistic the candidate is being in their own self-reflective view.

The best approach to answering this question:

Answer with a work ethic word which best describes you, while having a specific behavioral example to back it up. This is an excellent opportunity to tell a story about when you went above-and-beyond in your work life. It’s OK to take time while answering to show that you are thinking about the answer, but this is definitely a question that you want to think about in advance and be prepared in advance for how to answer the question.

An example of how to best answer this question for experienced candidates:

«Hmmm…great question. I would have to say dedicated would describe me the best in my work life. I’m dedicated to getting the job done and delivering on time. Let me give you an example of how my dedication recently came through in delivery of my current project…»

An example of how to best answer this question for entry level candidates:

«Hmmm…that’s a great question. I would say that committed would best describe me. I’ve been committed in both my academic career and in my recent internship, which shows in how I have delivered on my commitments. Let me give you an example of how I committed on my recent internship project…»

An example of how you should not answer this question:

«Well, I’m not sure there is any one word that would describe me best, since I am a such multi-faceted person with many different aspects to who I am. So I reject your question and I will substitute it with a better one, asking me to describe myself in many words. And those words would be stupendous, amazing, incredible, fantastic…»

Remember to answer each interview question behaviorally, whether it is a behavioral question or not. The easiest way to do this is to use an example from your background and experience. Then use the S-T-A-R approach to make the answer a STAR: talk about a Situation or Task (S-T), the Action you took (A) and the Results achieved (R). This is what makes your interview answer uniquely yours and will make your answer a star!

Further review: know the answers to these 100 Common Interview Questions to be fully prepared for your interview!

Being asked to describe yourself is a very common interview question.

The hiring manager may ask something like, “How Would You Describe Yourself” or, “Tell Me Five Adjectives That Describe You”.

The average person will list a few adjectives and be done with their answer. Then they’ll wonder why they never got the job offer.

Saying you are smart, loyal, organized, and creative holds little weight. Anyone can say these things.

If you want the job, it’s essential that you use these words to tell a story.

In this article, we’ll share some of the best words to describe yourself in an interview, but more importantly, we’ll show you how to turn these words into a compelling story.

We’ve also broken down these words into professions to help you better choose the adjectives that are fitting for your line of work.

If you just came here looking for some good adjectives to describe yourself in an interview, check out our list below.

But remember, the best answer to this interview question goes beyond the words you choose. It’s all about the story you tell!

Once you have your words chosen, you can focus on finding real-life stories that back up those traits you portray.

List of Words to Describe Yourself in an Interview

Good Words To Describe Yourself In An Interview

light bulb
Top Tip

If you are struggling to figure out words to describe yourself, ask the people who know you best. Simply text, call, or email a few friends and family members and ask them, “What are five words that describe me well? And do you have any stories that support them?”

Job-Specific Words to Describe Yourself (+Stories)

Let’s say you can think of a handful of good adjectives to describe yourself on the spot.

That’s great! You’re halfway there.

Again, you want to avoid simply giving a list of words to describe yourself. Instead, give a short story to support your claim.

Below is a list of example answers to the interview question, “What are 3 words to describe yourself?”

Keep in mind that the same story can be used for different words. It’s more about the positive story you tell than the specific words you choose.

In the examples below, the interviewee gave one of the descriptive words and then added a short (and true) story to back it up.

We’ve included samples for most professions including: administrative, sales & marketing, customer service, healthcare, finance & accounting, operations, managers & leaders, IT & software, educators, human resources, and design/creative.

Words to Describe Administrative Professionals

Here’s how administrative professionals might reply to the question focusing on the words cool-headed, organized, resourceful:

I always try to maintain my cool when I deal with heated situations. Recently, my apartment complex towed my car because I was not given notice to move it for asphalt repairs. Communication to residents had been an on-going problem. I had been carefully documenting my multiple attempts to request information from the community directors. After calmly presenting my proof, the complex was happy to refund the towing fees.

Words to Describe Sales & Marketing Professionals

Here’s how sales & marketing professionals might reply to the question focusing on the words friendly, personable, and extrovert:

I’ve always enjoyed meeting new people. It comes naturally to me to pour a lot into my relationships with all kinds of people. I’m your typical extrovert, which has really helped me in my career. My natural networking abilities have enabled me to excel in sales roles such as this one.

Words to Describe Customer Service Professionals

Here’s how customer service professionals might reply to the question focusing on the words diligent, loyal, and reliable:

I am the first person my friends call because they know I am always there for them. Night or day, I make sure to take care of the people in my life. I put the same effort into making sure my work is done correctly and being available to help my team members.

Words to Describe Healthcare Professionals

Here’s how healthcare professionals might reply to the question focusing on the words empathetic, patient, and adaptable:

I always try to make my patients as comfortable as possible. One time, we had a patient that was presenting some unusual symptoms. After multiple tests, we didn’t have a proper diagnosis and the patient was getting irritable. To ease their mind, I asked more questions and offered some advice based on my personal experience. This allowed us to determine their care needs, set a plan to improve their health, and earn the patient’s trust.

Words to Describe Finance & Accounting Professionals

Here’s how finance & accounting professionals might reply to the question focusing on the words ethical, organized, and thorough:

I’ve always put an emphasis on details and identifying issues. Recently, I found a key data discrepancy that directly led to a large accounting error. To prevent any financial loss, I took initiative to review all the data sets to find where the initial error occurred. I also recommended a new quality control process so that moving forward we would not have the same issue and would eliminate any negative financial impact to the company.

Words to Describe Operations Professionals

Here’s how operations professionals might reply to the question focusing on the words critical-thinking, collaborative, and efficient:

I tend to be the go-to for solving problems. As a volunteer for my local youth sports team, I recently had to put my skills to good use. We lost a contract with one of our vendors, leaving us without some equipment right before the start of the season. I reached out to local businesses to secure donations while working with my peers to find a new vendor. The season started on time and we were able to save some extra funds to send the team to the championship game.

Words to Describe Managers & Leaders

Here’s how managers & leaders might reply to the question focusing on the words motivated, ambitious, and leader:

I tend to be very driven in my approach to life and work. Throughout college, I was active in three clubs, worked full time, and still managed to graduate at the top of my class. As the oldest sibling, I have always been somewhat of a leader. My brothers and sisters look up to me for advice. I try to be someone that others would feel confident following.

Words to Describe IT & Software Professionals

Here’s how IT & software professionals might reply to the question focusing on the words analytical, innovative, and resourceful:

I’m someone who loves a challenge. One of my friends needed a new system for processing orders at their company. I asked what they were ideally looking for and realized that there wasn’t any existing software on the market that met both their needs and their budget. I built a new software program that integrated with their other existing systems, solving all their business needs using a single technical solution.

Words to Describe Teachers & Educators

Here’s how teachers & educators might reply to the question focusing on the words attentive, disciplined, and supportive:

I’ve always been one to pay attention to the people around me. One time, I noticed that a student of mine was getting into a lot of trouble. It was strange, since I never knew him to misbehave. So, after detention, I reached out to him to see what was wrong. He opened up about what he was going through, and I offered him some advice and resources. He was able to get the much-needed help he needed.

Words to Describe Human Resources Professionals

Here’s how human resources professionals might reply to the question focusing on the words analytical, collaborative, and decisive:

I have always thought of myself as a team player. My traveling softball team had to choose which tournaments we would play in for the season. Everyone had differing opinions and the group was pretty divided on where we would travel to. We were closing in on our deadline to decide, so I volunteered to plan the season. I collected my teammates’ suggestions, organized the information, and was able to include everyone’s first or second choice. We ended up having our best season yet!

Words to Describe Creative & Design Professionals

Here’s how creative & design professionals might reply to the question focusing on the words imaginative, passionate, and proactive:

I thoroughly enjoy using my imagination. Seeing my ideas go from concept to creation is the greatest accomplishment. In my most recent position, there was a failed marketing project that the company was ready to give up on it. Knowing that it would be very helpful for business growth, I came up with a new idea and headed up  the project. With my team, we were able to bring the plan to reality and not only successfully complete the project, but helped create new revenue opportunities.

Words to Describe Yourself on a Resume

Now that you’ve found the best words to describe yourself in an interview, take a look at your resume. 

As with an interview, it’s important that your resume describes you with more than adjectives. Tell a story!

List of Words to Describe Yourself on a Resume

Good Words to Describe Yourself on a Resume

Please note that this list is not extensive. There are hundreds of words you can use to describe yourself on a resume. 

With the right story, just about any word can be effective.

Next, let’s look at a few resume examples using some of the adjectives from the list above.

Words to Describe Yourself on a Resume (+Stories)

Just like describing yourself in an interview, your resume should tell a story. More often than not, this story will be under your work experience section.

While it is possible to add some of these adjectives to the “Skills” section of your resume, it’s better to list hard skills in this section.

Soft skills such as “analytical, diligent, and strategic” are better shown in a story than listed as keywords.

Below, we provide a few examples from real resumes written by Certified Professional Resume Writers at Find My Profession.


Accomplished leader with demonstrated background applying innovative ideas to drive growth, productivity, and profitability for both Fortune 500 corporations and private equity-backed start-ups.  


Versatile change agent and executive leader with strengths in encouraging buy-in amongst all levels of an organization and utilizing communication skills and a well-developed sense of humor to drive collaboration across all business units.


Strategic advisor across all business functions with advanced ability to build and manage partnerships with stakeholders, board members, and fellow executive leaders to support strategic planning and drive continuous improvement.

Such powerful words are sure to make you the favorite candidate of the hiring manager!

Key Takeaways

There are hundreds of words you could use to describe yourself in an interview, but more important than the adjectives you use is the story you share to drive your point home.

  1. Pick relevant words for the job you’re applying for. An accountant may not need to say they are an extrovert. A word like “analytical” might be a better choice.
  2. Tell a story that backs your words up. This can be one story that encompasses all 3-5 words or it can be a unique story for each word.
  3. Stay positive and brief. Your story should remain positive, avoid sharing too many personal details, and remain under two minutes long.

You can find more interview questions to study in our list of the 50 Top Job Interview Questions and Answers.

Good luck with that interview! You are going to do great. You are ambitious, confident, and resourceful!


18th February 2022

Describe yourself in 3 words: How to answer this interview question 💬

We know from answering the interview question tell me about yourself that attempting to describe your personality in a graduate job interview can be tricky – and this is especially true when you are limited to just a few words.

It might seem simple, but the 3 words you choose to describe yourself can reveal a lot to a graduate employer about your personality, working style and priorities; so it is important to prepare your answer beforehand.

Read on to discover the reasons why employers ask this job interview question, and to brush up on your ‘describe yourself in 3 words’ best answers.

When you are fully up-to-scratch on how to answer this common graduate interview question, check out our complete guide to Interview Questions – or find out what graduate jobs we have live on our site.

Scroll straight to the bottom of the page to see a quick, summary video of how to answer!

Why do employers ask you to describe yourself in 3 words?

1. To find out how you think 

Potential employers will be interested to find out how your mind works, and therefore which 3 words you choose to describe yourself when put on the spot.

Unlike the question ‘tell me about yourself’ being asked to describe yourself using a limited number of words will require you to elaborate on your answer much less.

However, the 3 words you choose to describe yourself will help the employer gain a sense of what you think are the most important qualities (i.e. may indicate that you are business-minded, a people person, or a team player).

The 3 words you select to describe yourself will help the employer or hiring manager better understand the way that you think, and gain insight into what you see as the most important qualities in an employee.

2. To see whether you would be a good culture fit

Graduate employers will be keen to find out whether the characteristics you describe align with their team and general company culture.

The adjectives you choose to describe yourself will give them a good insight into your working style; helping them decide whether you would be the right fit for the role and the company.

Check out 10 things graduate employers find more impressive than your grades.

3. To find out your best qualities

Naturally, the 3 words you choose to describe yourself to a graduate employer will reflect what you believe to be your best attributes or characteristics.

The employer will want you to use this opportunity to show off your leading qualities, and those which will set you apart from other candidates.

When you are deciding how to describe yourself in an interview, the 3 words you choose will also indicate whether you understand the role; and should show that you have researched the employer, the team, the company, and what they are looking for.

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Describe yourself in three words best answers

When you are preparing for a graduate job interview and deciding how to describe yourself in an interview, try to choose words that are positive, professional, and easy-to-understand.

You will want to select the words that describe your personality, working style and priorities in the very best light; and it can be tempting to choose out-of-the-box adjectives that will make you stand out from other candidates interviewing for the role.

It is usually better, though, to stick to words that are uncomplicated, unpretentious, and that will present you as a well-rounded professional who will add value to their company.

Here are some great examples that will help to boost your employability and improve your chances of job interview success:

List of words to describe yourself in an interview

When planning your answer to describe yourself in 3 words, it is a good idea to choose more than 3 words so that you can ensure you are fully prepared in the interview.

Try to choose 5 or 6 possible answers, so that then in the interview you can choose the 3 best answers and most relevant attributes for the job you’re applying for.

– Organised
– Focused
– Analytical
– Problem-solver
– Methodical
– Thorough
– Observant
– Hard-Working
– High-achieving

– Outgoing
– Approachable
– Friendly
– Caring
– Thoughtful
– Sociable
– Down-to-Earth
– Trustworthy
– Positive

– Independent
– Ambitious
– Proactive
– Determined
– Committed
– Driven
– Motivated
– Respectful
– Upbeat

– Entrepreneurial
– Inventive
– Creative
– Artistic
– Musical
– Imaginative
– Team player
– Innovative
– Collaborative

– Open minded
– Laid back
– Reflective
– Enthusiastic
– Reliable
– Attentive
– Loyal
– Compassionate

– Professional
– Diplomatic
– Patient
– Mature
– Calm
– Conscientious
– Confident
– Adaptable

“Describe yourself in 3 words” – what to avoid!

  • Choosing words that are unprofessional or irrelevant

You may believe that your best quality is your ability to sleep for 12 hours a night, or your singing talents, or your sporting knowledge; but none of these will do much to impress a graduate employer.

When deciding how to describe yourself in an interview, stick to words you know are at least somewhat relevant to the role and the company, and as is the case with any interview question, remain professional at all times.

  • Picking skills only because you think they are desirable

Equally, it is tempting to choose words like ‘perfectionist’, ‘self-manager’ or ‘relentless’ just because that’s what you believe the employer will want to hear.

This isn’t true; if they can’t tell you’re lying in the interview, they certainly will if you do end up getting a job at their company.

  • Being too modest

You’re being asked to describe yourself in just three words; don’t be too humble!

A graduate job interview is your time to humblebrag – so leave adjectives like ‘nice’, ‘sensitive’ or ‘curious’ at the door.

When you’re preparing how to describe yourself in an interview, think about your best qualities, and remember to explain how they can add value to their company.

Variations of the interview question ‘describe yourself in three words’

  • How would your friends describe you?
  • How would your colleagues describe you?
  • How would your boss describe you?
  • Describe yourself in a few words
  • How would you describe yourself with just 3 words?
  • How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
  • What are 3 words to describe yourself?
  • Describe yourself in one word
  • Describe yourself in 5 words
  • Describe yourself in one sentence
  • How would you describe yourself?
  • Describe your personality in 3 words
  • Describe yourself in 3 words best answers
  • List 5 words that describe your personality

Summary video for “describe yourself in 3 words”

Tip: Change the playback speed in the settings at the bottom right corner, to suit your learning requirements! Please feel free to embed this video on your website (get in touch for more info), or for more great videos for graduates, subscribe to the Give A Grad A Go Recruitment YouTube Channel.

Good Words to Describe Yourself (+ Example Answers)

  • Diligent / Loyal / Reliable. I am always the first person my friends call because they know I am always there for them. …
  • Creative / Innovative / Visionary. …
  • Motivated / Ambitious / Leader. …
  • Honest / Ethical / Conscientious. …
  • Friendly / Personable / Extrovert.

Secondly, How can I impress in interview?

How can I impress the interviewer with my answers?

  1. Be passionate. Have a positive attitude and be enthusiastic when talking about yourself and your career. …
  2. Sell yourself. …
  3. Tell stories. …
  4. Ask questions. …
  5. Ask for the job.

Also What are 5 adjectives that describe you? Positive words to describe yourself

  • Able. I am able to handle multiple tasks on a daily basis.
  • Creative. I use a creative approach to problem solve.
  • Dependable. I am a dependable person who is great at time management.
  • Energetic. I am always energetic and eager to learn new skills.
  • Experience. …
  • Flexible. …
  • Hardworking. …
  • Honest.

In fact How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

“If I have to describe myself in 5 words I would say I am attentive, reliable, able, creative, and hardworking. I have been working for a magazine for the past 2 years.

How do I say about myself?

Here are a few things you should be able to say to let your life be your voice.

  1. I followed my heart.
  2. I believe in myself.
  3. I live by high standards.
  4. I treat others the way I want to be treated.
  5. I understand how precious time is.
  6. I look for positivity in all things.
  7. I trust my intuition.
  8. I speak up.

How can I impress my interview in 5 minutes?

Here are 7 ways to impress an interviewer in the first five minutes of your interview:

  1. Be inquisitive. …
  2. Arrive early. …
  3. Make the most of body language. …
  4. Display kindness. …
  5. Bring multiple copies of your resume. …
  6. Mention something you have in common. …
  7. Build rapport with small talk.

What are your strengths?

Some examples of strengths you might mention include: Enthusiasm. Trustworthiness. Creativity.

How do you close an interview?

How to close an interview

  1. Ask questions.
  2. Address any concerns.
  3. Remind the interviewer of your strengths.
  4. Express your interest in the job.
  5. Ask about the next steps.
  6. Offer additional information.
  7. Leave the meeting politely.
  8. Send a follow-up email.

How can you describe yourself in one word?

Positive words to describe yourself in any situation. Words to describe yourself in an interview. Words to describe yourself on a resume.

Words to Describe Yourself in an Interview.

Resourceful Focused Reliable
Motivated Methodical Proactive
Insightful Disciplined Organized
Results-oriented Energetic Ambitious

How would you describe yourself in one sentence?

Sample answers:

I am a hard-working and driven individual who isn’t afraid to face a challenge. I’m passionate about my work and I know how to get the job done. I would describe myself as an open and honest person who doesn’t believe in misleading other people and tries to be fair in everything I do.

How would you describe yourself?

How to answer, “How would you describe yourself?”

  1. I am passionate about my work. …
  2. I am ambitious and driven. …
  3. I am highly organised. …
  4. I’m a people person. …
  5. I’m a natural leader. …
  6. I am results oriented. …
  7. I am an excellent communicator.

Why do u want to work here?

“I see this opportunity as a way to contribute to an exciting/forward-thinking/fast-moving company/industry, and I feel I can do so by/with my … ” “I feel my skills are particularly well-suited to this position because … … “I’m excited about this job opportunity, as it would allow me to …

How do you define yourself?

Defining yourself is basically the idea of knowing who you are, what you stand for, what your identity is, what rules you stand by, and so on. This could be morals you live by, what you define as integrity, how important your word is to you, what you consider to be good and bad things, your beliefs and more.

How do you describe yourself?

Example: “I am ambitious and driven. I thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so I have something to strive toward. I’m not comfortable with settling, and I’m always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness.

What are 3 positive things about yourself?

16 Things You Should Tell Yourself To Lead A Positive Life

  • I’m capable. …
  • I am confident. …
  • I love challenges. …
  • I’m moving forward. …
  • I make great decisions. …
  • I don’t need other people’s approval. …
  • I am lovable. …
  • I am responsible for my own happiness.

How would you describe yourself?

Positive words to describe yourself in any situation.

Words to Describe Yourself in an Interview.

Resourceful Focused Reliable
Results-oriented Energetic Ambitious
Engaged Creative Persuasive
Diligent Thorough Analytical
Persistent Passionate Dynamic

How do you define yourself?

Defining yourself is basically the idea of knowing who you are, what you stand for, what your identity is, what rules you stand by, and so on. This could be morals you live by, what you define as integrity, how important your word is to you, what you consider to be good and bad things, your beliefs and more.

How can I impress in 5 minutes?

Let’s take a look at some of the things you should do:

  1. Understand your audience. …
  2. Have good posture and keep eye contact. …
  3. Let the other person talk and listen attentively. …
  4. Just Smile! …
  5. Final Note.

What to say to impress interviewers?

8 Things to ALWAYS Say in an Interview

  • You know the company really well. …
  • You have the experience to do the job. …
  • You work well with others. …
  • You are constantly seeking to learn. …
  • You are motivated. …
  • You are excited about this job. …
  • You have a plan. …
  • You want to build a career in the company.

How can I impress a interviewer in 1 minute?

Here are four ways to impress an interviewer in the first five minutes of your interview.

  1. Be inquisitive. At the end of most interviews, the interviewer asks the applicant if they have any questions. …
  2. Make eye contact. …
  3. Mention something you have in common. …
  4. Build rapport with small talk.

What are your weaknesses?

Examples of weaknesses related to your work ethic might include:

  • Leaving projects unfinished.
  • Providing too much detail in reports.
  • Shifting from one project to another (multitasking)
  • Taking credit for group projects.
  • Taking on too many projects at once.
  • Taking on too much responsibility.
  • Being too detail-oriented.

What is your weakness best answer?

My greatest weakness is that I am a shy and nervous person by nature. The result is that I have a difficult time speaking up in groups. Even if I have good ideas, I have trouble asserting them. Often I keep them to myself.

Join our Business, Advices & Skills Community and share you ideas today !

What one word best describes your work?

Our #LightSourceSelfies Finale features many of the campaign’s amazing participants pondering on the answer to the question ‘What one word best describes your work?’ We feel this short video says a lot about the wonderful people that choose a light source related career. World changing science is happening at synchrotrons and Free Electron Lasers around the globe and the diversity and collaboration that exists between people from a wide range of disciplines is something that Lightsources.org feel is really worth celebrating. We hope you agree! Thank you for following our campaign and watch this space for new content as we prepare to celebrate 75 Years of Science with Synchrotron Light. #My1stLight will be our next campaign and we’ll once again be asking light source staff and users from the 30 facilities that are part of Lightsources.org to share their stories with us. If you’d like to get involved, please do e-mail us here webmaster

Finale video in the #LightSourceSelfies campaign

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