What noun how adjective or adverb match a question word in a


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How far is it ftom your house to the town centre ?

How tall are you?

How long does your English lesson last?

What color is your hair?

What newspaper do you read?

What sort of music do you like?

How much does a hamburger cost in your town?

How often do you read?

What size shoes do you take?

What time did you get up this morning?

Читайте также

1. a
2. a
3. a
4. a
5. b
6. a
7. c
8. a
9. b

4 News announcement

2 Complete each sentence using a verb from the list in the present continuous form.

arrive come give hold leave meet pick up serve show take

a We are holding a science fair next weekend. There will be displays of students’ work, and a guest speaker.

b Professor Tamsin Anderson is coming from Cambridge to talk to us.

c She is giving a talk on the Genome Project on Saturday moming.

d In the afternoon she is showing us a film.

e Then at 5.30 we are being served tea and cakes.

f «Have you heard from Dr Anderson? «Yes. She is arriving at 6.00 on Friday evening.

g Is anyone meeting her at the station?

h ‘David and his parents are picking her up taking and her to the hotel.»

i ‘And after the conference?» She is leaving on Sunday at 12.30.

a Мы проводим научную ярмарку в следующие выходные. Здесь будут представлены работы студентов, а также приглашенный докладчик.

b Профессор Тамсин Андерсон приезжает из Кембриджа, чтобы выступить перед нами.

c  В субботу утром она выступает с докладом о проекте «Геном».

d Во второй половине дня она показывает нам фильм.

e Затем в 5.30 нам подают чай и пирожные.

f — Есть что-нибудь известия от доктора Андерсона? «Да, она приезжает в 6.00 в пятницу вечером.

g Кто-нибудь встречает ее на вокзале?

h Дэвид и его родители заберут ее и отвезут в отель.»

i — А после конференции?- Она уезжает в воскресенье в 12.30.

You hasten to make people laugh.
Without difficulty, you can not catch a fish from the pond.
Soon you’ll go — you’ll hurt your foot.
The word — not a sparrow, will fly out — you will not catch it.
If you want to eat kalachi, do not sit on the stove.
Murder will out.
Further put, closer you will take.
If you give yourself the will, you’ll lower your father’s share.
On the mare you will not drive.
Do not chew — do not swallow.
A sieve of water can not be applied.
Without measure and bast shoes do not weave.
Byl — not a fairy tale, you can not throw out a word from it.
You can not take a throat, you do not abuse abuse.
For the unkind you will go, you will trouble yourself.

1. Which of the arts from the list above can you call visual arts?

— Visual arts are Painting and Drawing, Sculpture and Architecture.

2. What role do arts play in people lives?

— Arts appeal to people’s mind and heart and this genre has a lot of fans.

3. When did art begin? What periods in history are famous for great works of art?

— For all intents and purposes, the history of the arts begins with the <em>history of art</em>.

The arts might have origins in early human evolutionary prehistory.

— I think that the Renaissance is one of the periods in in history which is famous for great works of art.

4. What countries are famous for great literature. visual arts. theatre and cinema?

— Great Britain, France and Italy are famous for great literature, visual arts, theatre and cinema. Russian poets and writers like Pushkin, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky are famous all over the world.

5. What places all over the world are conected with particular arts?

— <span>Mesopotamian art</span> was developed in the area between Tigris and Euphrates. Mesopotamian architecture was characterized by the use of brick, lintel and the introduction of construction elements like arc and vault.

In Egypt arose one of the first great civilizations.The architecture is characterized by its monumentality, achieved by the use of stones in large blocks, lintel and solid columns.

6. What do we usually mean when we speak about prehistoric art, ancient art, classical art, modern art?

In the history of art, prehistoric art is all art produced in preliterate, prehistorical cultures beginning somewhere in very late geological history, and generally continuing until that culture either develops writing or other methods of record-keeping, or it makes significant contact with another culture that has.

Arts of the ancient world refer to the many types of art that were in the cultures of <span>ancient</span> societies, such as those of ancient China, India, Mesopotamia, <span>Persia</span>, Egypt, Greece and Rome.

In the Classical period there was a revolution in Greek statuary, usually associated with the introduction of democracy and the end of the aristocratic culture associated with the <em>kouroi</em>.

Modern art includes artistic works produced during the period extending roughly from the 1860s to the 1970s, and denotes the style and philosophy of the art produced during that era.

7. Where do you go if you want to enjoy the arts?

If I want to enjoy arts I can go to the cinema? to the theatre, to the Arts Museum? to the exsibition.

2) What can he do?
He can paint.

3)What can he do?
He can play guitar.

4)What can they do?
They can dance.

5)What can he do?
He can roller-skate.

6)What can she do?
She can ride a hourse.

7)What can it do?
Bird can fly.

8)What can she do?
She can cook.

9) What can she do?
She can fly on a plane.

10) What can it do?
Animal can run fast.

11)What can she do?
She can sing.

12)What can they do?
They can play basketball.

Jack can: play football;drive;paint.
Jack cant: dance;speak french.

Karen can: dance;paint.
Karen cant: play football; drive; speak French.

Chris can: play football;speak French;drive.
Chris cant: dance;paint.

Здесь тебе надо написать самому про себя что ты умеешь делать из того,что тебе перечисляют.

Grammar & Vocabulary — Task 2
Грамматика и словарный запас — Задание 2

Study skills
Навыки обучения

Text completion (lexis)
Завершение текста (лексика)

Read the text quickly to get the gist of it. Then, read a second time, stopping at each gap and deciding what is missing (it is usually a verb form but it can also be a pronoun, a comparative or superlative form of and adjective/adverbs, etc). Look closely at the words before and after each gap as well as time words and linkers. They will help you decide exactly what is missing. Read the completed text through to make sure that it makes sense.

Быстро прочитайте текст, чтобы понять его суть. Затем прочитайте второй раз, останавливаясь на каждом пробеле и решая, чего не хватает (обычно это форма глагола, но это также может быть местоимение, сравнительная или превосходная форма прилагательного/наречия и т. д.). Внимательно посмотрите на слова до и после каждого промежутка, а также на временные слова и ссылки. Они помогут вам точно определить, чего не хватает. Прочтите законченный текст до конца, чтобы убедиться, что он имеет смысл.

Preparing for the task
Подготовка к выполнению задания

Упражнение 5, с. 24

5. a) Read the sentences and decide what is missing: a noun, a verb, an adjective or an adverb. — Прочитайте предложения и определите, чего не хватает: существительного, глагола, прилагательного или наречия.

1 I think you should apologize for your rude behaviour. (verb — глагол)
Я думаю, что вы должны извиниться за своё грубое поведение.

2 Frank needs to see things more realistically. (adverb — наречие)

Фрэнку нужно смотреть на вещи более реалистично.

3 Locals claimed they saw a mysterious object fly across the night sky. (adjective — прилагательное)

Местные жители утверждали, что видели таинственный объект, пролетевший по ночному небу.

4 If you don’t leave now you’ll miss your flight. (noun — существительное)

Если ты не уйдёшь сейчас, то опоздаешь на свой рейс.

b) Find a derivative of the word in capitals that fits each gap. — Найдите производное от слова, написанного прописными буквами, которое подходит к каждому пробелу. 

1 APOLOGY — apologize
ИЗВИНЕНИЕ — извиниться

2 REALISTIC — realistically
РЕАЛИСТИЧНЫЙ — реалистично 

3 MYSTERY — mysterious
ТАЙНА — таинственный

4 FLY — flight
ЛЕТАТЬ — рейс

Упражнение 6, с. 24

6. Read the text below. MAke derivatives of the words in brackets so that they fit  the text. Complete the blanks with the new words. — Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Измените производные слова в скобках так, чтобы они соответствовали тексту. Заполните пропуски новыми словами. 

James Boole, an 1) incredibly lucky man, jumped out of a helicopter at almost 2,000 m and lived to tell the tale. James was making a 2) documentary about parachutists and was trying to get shots of an athlete jumping from a helicopter over an 3) active volcano in Russia. When the athlete jumped, James’ job was to follow him out of the helicopter and get the footage — something that required all his 4) concentration. Falling through the smoke from the volcano, he saw he was far too close to the ground. He pulled the cord on his parachute, but he knew it was too late. He hit the ground and blocked out. When James woke up, he was overjoyed to have survived, but 5) terrified that he had broken his back. He was found by rescuers and taken to hospital. 6) Fortunately, his back was not broken.

Джеймс Бул, невероятно удачливый человек, выпрыгнул из вертолёта с высоты почти 2 000 м и остался жив, чтобы рассказать об этом. Джеймс снимал документальный фильм о парашютистах и пытался сделать снимки спортсмена, прыгающего с вертолёта над действующим вулканом в России. Когда спортсмен прыгнул, работа Джеймса состояла в том, чтобы последовать за ним из вертолёта и получить отснятый материал — то, что требовало всей его концентрации. Падая сквозь дым от вулкана, он увидел, что находится слишком близко к земле. Он потянул за шнур своего парашюта, но знал, что уже слишком поздно. Он ударился о землю и отключился. Когда Джеймс проснулся, он был вне себя от радости, что выжил, но испугался, что сломал спину. Его нашли спасатели и доставили в больницу. К счастью, его спина не была сломана.

Writing (a letter)
Написание (письма)

Study skills
Навыки обучения

Informal Letters
Неофициальные письма

When you read the task, underline the important information in the rubric. Think about who you are writing to, what information you need to include in the letter and how long the letter has to be.

Когда вы прочитаете задание, подчеркните важную информацию в рубрике. Подумайте о том, кому вы пишете, какую информацию нужно включить в письмо и какой длины должно быть письмо.

Preparing for the task
Подготовка к выполнению задания

Упражнение 7, с. 24

7. Read the rubric in Ex. 8 and find the key words. Then, say: who you are writing to, what you should write about, how long your letter should be. — Прочитайте рубрику в упр. 8 и найдите ключевые слова. Затем скажите: кому вы пишете, о чём вы должны написать, какой длины должно быть ваше письмо

Ключевые слова:

English-speaking pen friend, Alex — англоговорящий друг по переписке Алекс

Rock climbing — cкалолазание

Dangerous — oпасный

Outdoor sports activity — занятия спортом на открытом воздухе

Too adventurous — слишком предприимчивый

3 questions — 3 вопроса

100-120 words — 100-120 слов

Упражнение 8, с. 24

8. You have 30 minutes to do this task. — У вас есть 30 минут, чтобы выполнить это задание.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Alex.

Вы получили письмо от вашего англоговорящего друга по переписке Алекса.

I’m thinking of going rock climbing but my parents say it’s too dangerous. Have you ever been or would you like to go rock climbing? Do you think sports like that are dangerous? Which outdoor sports activity would you recommend for someone who doesn’t want to do something too adventurous?

Я подумываю заняться скалолазанием, но мои родители говорят, что это слишком опасно. Ты когда-нибудь занимался или хотел бы заняться скалолазанием? Как ты думаешь, такие виды спорта опасны? Какие виды спорта на открытом воздухе ты бы порекомендовал тем, кто не хочет заниматься чем-то слишком авантюрным?

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Напишите ему письмо и ответьте на его 3 вопроса. Напишите 100-120 слов. Запомните правила написания писем.

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ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 8 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 8 класс. Workbook

Английский язык. 8 класс

The formation of adjectives in English is a rather important and interesting topic. Of course, you can speak English at a fairly high level without going into such details, but such information will not be superfluous.

As in Russian, English adjectives can be derived from other parts of speech. These are usually verbs and nouns. Adjectives are formed using suffixes and prefixes. So, first things first.

Prefixes, or prefixes, are added at the beginning of a word and change its meaning. Usually they change the meaning of the adjective to the opposite, negative. A few examples:

There are several prefixes that change the meaning of a word, but without a negative meaning:

There are a lot of varieties of English adjectives formed in the suffix way. As an example, there is a picture with the main suffixes, as well as a few examples of words.

There is also a classification of English adjectives according to the parts of speech from which they are derived. Adjectives can be formed from nouns, verbs, as well as from other adjectives using various suffixes and prefixes, examples of which have already been considered. The very form of the word may also change. For example, the adjective long is formed from the noun length with a change at the root of the word.

Adverbs in English are characterized by verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. They answer the question «How?» in the overwhelming majority of cases. How to form an adverb from different parts of speech and are there any unusual ways of their formation? 

Adverbs are formed from adjectives using a suffix, also by converting and adding roots and several words.

He makes out documents as soon as possible. — He prepares the paperwork as soon as possible.
she sang beautifully… — She sang beautifully.
My wife is extremely nice. “My wife is extremely sweet.

By the way of education, there are 4 types of adverbs. It is enough to know a few frequent adjectives and simple adverbs to start using the same-root adverbs.

The main types of education of adverbs of the English language will suggest the best use option.

1) Derived adverbs formed from adjectives with an «l» at the end have a doubled «l».
Usual — usually, occasional — occasionally.

2) Adverbs formed from adjectives in –y change “y” to “i”, and after it add the suffix –ly.
Happy — happily, easy — easily.

3) Adverbs formed from adjectives in –ic end in –ically.
Heroic — heroically, realistic — realistically.

5) Exceptions. The adverbs late, fast, hard, early are formed from adjectives by conversion and remain unchanged. The adverb well does not have a single root with the adjective good. Bad is an adjective.

The adverb badly means «very, bad, extremely» and is often used incorrectly even by native speakers, especially in oral speech — hence the confusion.

Also in oral speech (Spoken English), native speakers use a simplified version of adverbs that coincide in form with adjectives:

cheap (cheap), quick (fast), slow (slow), loud (loud) and others.

Using one sentence as an example, it is easy to understand how adverbs can characterize different parts of speech.

We understood the rules surprisingly well in spite of them to be very difficult. — We understood the rules surprisingly well, despite the fact that they were very difficult.

These are cases involving coincidences, exceptions, and unusual ways of forming adverbs.

So, for word formation of adverbs in English, there are 4 main ways of obtaining them from other parts of speech, as well as several exceptions for a certain number of adverbs.

It happened historically in the language.
To understand the basics and learn the word formation of adverbs, you must first of all know the frequently used adjectives.

High USE results in English are a real opportunity for school graduates to enter universities for specialties that require proficiency in English. According to the official data, the section «Grammar and Vocabulary», where the language competence of graduates is checked, the examinees perform worse than the sections «Listening» and «Reading», so preparation for it requires serious attention. But word formation tasks seem to be especially difficult for graduates.

In different textbooks, word formation exercises are found, but there is no proper systematization in any of them. In this regard, it became necessary to create a system of exercises together with the generalization and systematization of students’ knowledge on the topic «Word formation».

At first glance, it may seem that there are many such exercises in any collection. But the structure of this collection is such that the systematization is carried out from simple to complex with increasing and expanding information.

First, students practice word formation using affixes of only nouns, then only adjectives, then nouns and adjectives, after which verbs, adverbs and numbers are added. There are exercises to recognize the suffixes of various parts of speech, to determine the composition of words.

The selection of exercises ends with a test, which includes all types of exercises.

This system of exercises can be used in preparation for the exam by repeating the topic «Word formation with the help of affixes».

Many new words in English are formed by affixing, when the prefixes en-joy, dis-, re-read or the suffixes develop-ment, self-ish are added to the beginning or end of a word (root). Affixes are prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes are at the beginning of a word, and suffixes are at the end. Prefixes, as a rule, change the meaning of a word, but do not change its belonging to one or another part of speech:

order (noun) order — disorder (noun) disorder.

Suffixes are used to form one part of speech from another:
beauty (noun) beautiful (adjective) beautiful.

Negative prefixes — un-, in-, dis-, non-.
Un- comfortable — uncomfortable, limited — unlimited. The prefix un- is sometimes attached to verbs to express the opposite action: to load — to unload, to lock — to unlock,

ability — inability, complete — incomplete. Before l, the prefix in- turns into il-, before r — into ir-, and before m and p — into im-: legal — illegal, regular — irregular,

patient — impatient.

Dis- This prefix expresses negation or opposite action: negation opposite action to — to dis, to appear — to disappear, honest — dishonest, to arm — to disarm. Non- Words prefixed with non- are most often hyphenated:

conductor — non-conductor.

Source: http://www.englishege.ru/grammar/150-slovoobrazovanie-v-anglijskom-yazyke.html

Different postfixes bring different nuances to the semantics of the formed adjectives. Shaping elements –ible / -able indicate the presence of a certain ability to perform an action, the other postfixes indicated below contain an indication of certain properties, qualities, for example:

Postfixes -ible / -able can be a bit tricky when you start learning English. There are significantly more adjectives with –able in English. When derivative adjectives are formed using these postfixes, the original stems can undergo certain changes, namely:

— receive — receivable: the final vowel «-e» of the original stem before the above suffixes is dropped; — rely — reliable: the final vowel «Y» of the stem, when adding these postfixes, turns into «i», and only the derivational postfix -able can be used after it;

— appreciate (highly appreciate, feel, recognize) — appreciable (tangible, significant, significant): after the final «i» in the original stem, only the postfix «-able» can be added.

In the described way, adjectives are formed using the postfixes -al, -ful, -y, which emphasize the presence of any certain qualities or properties, the postfix -less, indicating the absence of certain properties or qualities, the postfix -ous, characterizing certain character traits or giving corresponding quality characteristics, and a number of others, for example:

A feature of English derivative adjectives is the fact that the prefixes involved in their formation for the most part contain a negative meaning. Examples of such prefixes are un-, in-, im-, dis-. There are, of course, prefixes with other meanings:

  • visible (visible) — invisible (invisible)
  • correct (correct, correct, exact) — incorrect (incorrect, incorrect, inaccurate)
  • dead (dead) — undead (raised from the dead)
  • reasonable (reasonable, reasonable, reasonable) — unreasonable (unreasonable, unreasonable, unreasonable)
  • legal (lawful, legal, legal) — illegal (illegal, illegal, illegal)
  • local (local, local) — illocal (non-local, non-local)
  • practical — impractical (impractical, unrealistic, practically impractical, unusable

Source: https://online-teacher.ru/blog/obrazovanie-prilagatelnyx-english

Suffixes in English — Learn All

There can be confusion between suffixes and endings in English (both are often called word endings), besides, English terminology in this matter is slightly different from Russian. Therefore, let’s start with the basic concepts.

The ending is an inflectional morpheme. It changes the form of a word, but not its meaning, and at the same time carries a grammatical load:

  • pencil — pencils (ending indicates plural)
  • work — worked (the ending indicates the elapsed time)

The suffix, in turn, is a derivational morpheme. Suffixes in English create new words, either by changing the meaning of the original one, or by converting one part of speech to another:

  • red — reddish (red — reddish)
  • teach — teacher (teach — teacher)

There are very few endings in English — these are -s (-es), -ed and -ing. There are a lot of suffixes in English. In this article, we will consider only the most common ones.

Profession and occupation suffixes (-er, -ent, -ess)

The -er suffix is ​​perhaps the most common and productive for «doers.» With it, you can form a noun from almost any verb.

  • write> writer — write> writer
  • bake> baker — oven> baker
  • paint> painter — paint> painter

Most modern words denoting the performer of an action are formed precisely with his help. This also applies to inanimate objects.

  • printer — printer
  • scanner — scanner

Many words that come from French and Latin have the -or suffix:

  • doctor — doctor
  • tailor — tailor
  • actor — actor

The English suffix -ist often denotes an activity related to science and medicine:

  • scientist — scientist
  • dentist — dentist
  • biologist — biologist

It also denotes an adherent of any views and beliefs:

  • pacifist — pacifist
  • communist — communist
  • realist — realist

Other suffixes in English of words of Latin and Greek origin:

Suffix -ian:

  • musician — musician
  • librarian — librarian
  • mathematician — mathematician

Suffix -ent:

  • student — student
  • resident — resident, resident
  • agent — agent

Suffix -ant:

  • informant — informant
  • assistant — assistant
  • confidant — confidant

The -ess suffix is ​​one of the few «feminine» suffixes in English:

  • waitress — waitress
  • actress — actress
  • princess — princess

Process, action, phenomenon suffixes (-ment, -ion, -ism)

The suffix in English -ment is needed when forming verbal nouns and means an action or its result:

  • movement — movement
  • entertainment — entertainment
  • concealment — concealment

The -ion suffix also denotes an action, process, or result of that process:

  • revolution — revolution
  • isolation — isolation
  • restriction — restriction

The suffix -ism denotes a system of views, beliefs:

  • racism — racism
  • communism — communism
  • pacifism — pacifism

State, quality, property suffixes (-ance / -ence, -dom, -hood, -ity, -ness, -ship, -th)

The -ance / -ence suffix in a noun usually matches the -ant / -ent suffix in an adjective:

  • different — difference
  • important — importance (important — importance)
  • independent — independence

The suffixes in English -hood and -ship mean a person’s condition associated with his age, social relations, and sometimes activity; or a group of people united by this state.

  • childhood — childhood
  • motherhood — motherhood
  • priesthood — clergy
  • friendship — friendship
  • internship — internship, internship

The suffix -dom means states and properties of a broader meaning:

  • freedom — freedom
  • wisdom — wisdom
  • martyrdom — Martyrdom

The suffix in English -ness means possession of some quality and serves to form nouns from adjectives:

  • kindness — kindness
  • usefulness — usefulness
  • vastness — vastness

The -th suffix more often means physical properties:

  • strength — strength
  • length — length
  • warmth — warm

The suffix -ity means property, quality, and is common for words of Latin origin:

  • brevity — brevity
  • velocity — speed
  • purity — purity

Adjective suffixes

The suffix -ful in English means possession of quality (and is related to the adjective full — «full»):

  • beautiful — beautiful
  • useful — useful

The -less suffix is ​​opposite in meaning to the previous one and means lack of quality:

  • careless — carefree
  • harmless — harmless

The suffix -able, -ible characterizes the property or accessibility for any action:

  • edible — edible
  • portable — portable, portable
  • admirable — admirable

The suffixes -ic and -al mean «related, related»:

  • heroic — heroic
  • mythic — mythical
  • cultural — cultural
  • musical — musical

The -ous suffix also carries a characteristic:

  • dangerous — dangerous
  • nutritious — nutritious

The English suffix -ish has several meanings:

expresses similarity (in terms of appearance, behavior)

  • girlish — girlish
  • childich — childish, childish
  • foolish — stupid

weakens the meaning of an adjective

  • reddish — reddish
  • narrowish — narrowish

means nationality, language or country

  • English — English
  • Swedish — Swedish

The suffix -ive means possession of a property, the ability:

  • attractive — attractive
  • sedative — sedative

The English suffix -y is used to form many simple adjectives:

  • rainy — rainy
  • dirty — dirty
  • sunny — sunny

Vertex suffixes

Verb suffixes are not so diverse and almost all have the meaning of «doing something» or «becoming something.»

Suffix -ate

  • motivate — to motivate
  • activate — activate

Suffix -en

  • lengthen — lengthen
  • strengthen — strengthen

Suffix -ify

  • verify — confirm
  • clarify — to clarify

Suffix -ize, -ise

  • visualize — render
  • neutralize — neutralize

Adverb suffix

Adverbs are formed with just one suffix in English -ly:

  • loudly — loudly
  • beautifully — beautifully
  • politely — politely

We read further:

10 ways to tell an adjective from an adverb in English

What are the types of sentences in English

5 simple rules for word order in English

Adverb, know your place!

Source: https://skyeng.ru/articles/chto-vy-ne-znali-o-suffiksah-v-anglijskom

Formation of words in English in examples

As in our native Russian, in other languages, words are also added, for example, with suffixes, as a result of which a new word is obtained. Knowledge of how words are formed in English opens up quite a lot to the student. Having mastered some simple rules and looking at a few examples, you will soon learn to intuitively “create” new phrases as you speak. Fortunately, this is easier in English than in Russian.

Nouns are the basis for word formation. It is from them that, as a rule, comes the formation of verbs, adjectives, as well as their various degrees. It is worth noting that English words are not inflected for cases, only prepositions are used for this.

There are many types of word formation. However, they are not difficult to learn. For a start, it’s a good idea to know how they are created.

Conversion: we create a new one without changing anything

It is common in the English language such a change when nothing changes, except for the part of speech. Such is the pun, however, it is. Most often, a noun is transformed, becoming a verb. In this case, the spelling and pronunciation remain the same. This is called conversion.

Attention! This is not a rule, that is, you cannot just take any noun and use it instead of a verb. It’s just that a lot of words are created in English that way. There are many examples:

  • a look — look
  • to look at — look
  • present — a gift
  • to present — to be present; present
  • present — present

It should be separately noted here that the word «present» in English is one of the many forms of the verb. It is included here to illustrate how multifaceted the use of the same word is in this case.

There are also words where the spelling remains the same, but the stress changes. A change in stress occurs along with a change in part of speech:

Conversion words are not worth experimenting with. Especially if you are with native speakers or if you are communicating with those who know it better than you. This type and the moments when it can be applied are studied in the process, as if by themselves.


Composition is a simple «mathematics of words». In this case, 2 words just add up into one. This is akin to our «plumbing» and the like. It’s the same in English.

New words are formed in this way simply — there are practically no additional letters for connection, most often the original words are simply written together or with a hyphen:

  • Schoolday — school day (in Russian it is advisable to replace it with «school day»).
  • Air-base — air base.

Changing parts of speech using suffixes

There are several suffixes in English that allow you to conveniently change the part of speech. In this case, most often the «connecting part» does not change.

In Russian it is more difficult: beauty is beautiful. That is, to transform it into an adjective, you also need to change the ending of the original «beauty». In English, a suffix is ​​simply added, and occasionally you only have to change one letter.

Here only the letter «y» has changed. In many cases, this is not required either.

How to write adjective comparison forms

Comparison of adjectives is about the same as in Russian. Let’s remember: high — higher — highest (highest).

In English, suffixes are used for this:

— er for comparison;

— the + word + suffix est for superlative.

  • tall (high) — taller — the tallest.

This is how all comparisons are formed; no more than a dozen exceptions. It should be remembered that if the original variant ends in «y», then before the suffix it will be replaced with «i». Also, in all cases when the word ends with «e», instead of «er» will be simply «r», instead of «est» — «st». The second «e» is, as it were, eaten.

This addition rule is valid for any suffixes, not just comparative degrees. Exceptions are very rare.

«-Ful» and «-less» for adjectives

There are not so many adjectives that exist on their own, which have not been affected in any way by the word formation of English words. More than half of all adjectives are formed with various suffixes. Among them «-ful» and «-less» — they require separate consideration.

Literally, they can be translated as «a lot, full» and «little, not enough», respectively.

  • Success is success.
  • Successful — «full of success», or rather successful.

This is how many adjectives are formed. In this case, as in all others, it must be borne in mind that not every method and not every word is suitable. Big experiments are not worth carrying out. But knowing all the suffixes will make translation from English several times easier. Just knowing the translation of one noun, reading a book or listening to another person, you can instantly draw a conclusion about what this or that adjective means.

  • help — help
  • helpless — helpless

If you come across words familiar to you with the addition of the suffixes «-ful» and «-less», you can first translate them verbatim and immediately recall a simpler and more frequently used translation.

Formation of adjectives from verbs

There is another way to «make» an adjective from a verb. There are the following suffixes used for this purpose:

  1. — able;
  2. — en;
  3. — al;
  4. — ible;
  5. — ant;
  6. — ent.

It should be noted that these are far from all, but the most used suffixes. As you learn English, you will most likely soon learn to guess what this or that suffix means if you didn’t know it before:

  • Eat — eatable
  • Effect — effective

How to make a noun out of a noun?

Also, with the help of simple suffixes -or and -er, the names of professions, statuses and the like are created. Sometimes from nouns, and sometimes from other parts of speech, verbs, for example.

  • Bike — biker
  • Teach — teacher
  • Work — worker

This rule is quite common. Basically, this is how the occupation is indicated in English: by adding a suffix, as a rule, to a noun or to a verb, you get a new noun that characterizes a person by his activities or hobbies. Sometimes such a word can also mean the object with which the action is performed:

  • To mix — mixer

Other endings are also used for the same purpose: -ment, -ent, -ant:

  • to study — student

How do you know which ending to use? Most often, short endings are added to short words, and long endings to long ones. Also, if you don’t know how to do it correctly, try to orient yourself by ear: substitute what sounds better. The rules were invented for a reason, they are quite intuitive.

«-Ly» and «-en»: Formation of adverbs and adjectives

To make an adjective or adverb out of a noun, the suffix «-ly» or «y» is often added:

  • Friend — friendly
  • Luck — lucky

With the help of all the same «-ly» and «-y», adverbs can be formed from adjectives:

  • Sad — sadly
  • Bad — badly

There is also a suffix «-en», with the help of which an object is converted into a property:

  • Wood — wooden
  • Gold — golden

Word formation using prefixes

In addition to suffixes, there are also so-called prefixes in English. In a sense, they are analogous to Russian prefixes and prepositions, many of them can even be translated.

Among the common ones are «un-«, as well as «ir-«, analogs of the particle «not»:

  • Irregular — irregular
  • Unknown — unknown

For the same purpose, the following prefixes are used:

  1. of;
  2. im;
  3. il;
  4. mis;
  5. non;
  6. say;
  7. anti.

There are also prefixes that mean «over», «over», «overly»:

  1. about;
  2. super;
  3. ultra;
  4. extra.

The list of the listed forms of word formation in English, given above, is not complete. This topic is very extensive, it requires more in-depth study. However, the main methods of word formation are shown, those that are used most often.

It will be difficult to just learn and apply them, but you can easily recognize new words in the language, just remembering this set of rules. It should be noted that it is very difficult to predict which particular suffix or prefix will be used. But in the process of studying you will often meet with them and gradually you will be able to remember their meaning automatically.

Article recommended by an expert: Maria Solomatina

Source: https://1hello.ru/grammatika/obrazovanie-slov-v-anglijskom-yazyke-v-primerax.html

Plural in English — online lessons for beginners

Read the entire lesson and do a short, easy listening exercise (a translation is shown after each assignment). In the second block of the exercise, you will be asked to write the same phrases under dictation, so listen and read carefully the phrases that you compose in the first block.  

  Start exercise  

In most cases, the plural in English is formed very simply — the ending “-s» or «-Is«, which read differently depending on the consonant in front of it — voiced or voiceless:

For words ending in «s, ss, ch, tch, x» (hissing or whistling sounds), the ending «-Is«, Which reads loudly [of].

In a side-by-side exercise (see the main exercise below), an English noun is shown; to see it in the plural, just click on the word.

In the lesson exercise, beginners will be able to compose phrases on their own — click on the English words to translate the phrase proposed in Russian. A few words that we will meet in the exercise:

  • to want [that uOnt] — to want (the verb following the verb «to want» requires the use of a particle «to«- I want to help you — I want to help you) to have [tu hEv] — to have one [uan] — one

Features of the use of plural nouns

Grammatical addition: in English, the plural can be in «countable nouns«. There are a number of nouns that are used only in the singular (we emphasize, in English; the use of words in Russian and English can both coincide and diverge, but we need to get out of the habit of making comparisons with the native language, and plunge into the logic of English):

  • money [mani] — money hair [hea] — hair advice [adv] — advice

A number of other nouns are used only in the plural form:

  • glasses [glAsiz] — glassesgoods [goodz] — goods trousers [trauzez] — trousers people [people] — people (singular, but implies the plural)

A number of English nouns form the plural in a special way:

  • man — men [men] — [men] — man / men, people woman — women [umen] — [wiming] — woman / women (we prepare the organs of speech for pronouncing [y], but immediately pronounce the next sound) child — children [child] — [chIldren] — child / children

A separate lesson will be devoted to these features of the plural in English; now it is important for beginners to remember the basic rule for the formation of the plural.

Plural adjectives

Adjectives in english do not change in the plural and do not change by gender:

  • good guy [good boy] — good boy good boys [good boys] — good boys good girl [good girl] — good girl good girls [good girls] — good girls

A noun before another noun can act as an adjective; in this case, it is not used in the plural:

  • life situations — life situations

▲ Start online exercise

Next: Articles A, AN, THE and a bit of TO. • Tutor: preparation for the exam and exam, passing international exams.
«My day» / «Working day» / «My day off»
TEST elementary / intermediate

Source: http://english.prolingvo.info/beginner/plural.php

Resume adjectives to describe skills

CV in English — one of the main components of the job search process. According to it, the employer makes the first impression of the applicant, so the question of how to write a resume in English is one of the most important for any candidate.

«In a world without adjectives, there will still be sunrise and sunset, flowers in bloom, trees bearing fruits, birdsong and stinging bees.»

~ AA Patawaran

Resume writing is perceived by many people as listing all the positive personal qualities. Moreover, they are not even always really available, but are abstract. But what is really important to put on your resume in order to get a good job?

In this article, you will learn how to choose the right adjectives for your perfect resume in English.

English CV adjectives: why are they needed?

On a resume, ten seconds is enough to impress an HR manager and land on a list called “Interview Candidates” marked “Approved” if you can use the right words.

Why do you need English adjectives in a resume?

A resume is essentially a price list, because each line of it declares the value of a person as a specialist and employee. The fewer functions he is able to perform, the cheaper his services will cost and vice versa.

The «price» of a person is made up of those qualities that the employer wants to see in the applicant. That is, an economist and, for example, a chef needs a different set of qualities, a different price list.

And these qualities can best be described with the help of adjectives.

How to choose the correct adjective?

Starting to indicate in the resume all his good qualities, a person must first of all adequately assess himself professionally. As a rule, all unsuccessful attempts to get a job or promotion are due to overestimated or, on the contrary, underestimated self-esteem, leading to an incorrectly composed resume.

Also, you need to be original, because when an HR manager reads over and over again a resume similar to all previous ones (which includes words and clichés such as “great team player” (rus.

great team player), it is guaranteed that your resume will be deleted. After all, any word you say must be backed up by certain evidence. Poorly chosen words and clichés can destroy the reader’s interest.

The right words, when chosen correctly, can have the opposite effect of motivating and inspiring the reader.

How not to over-praise yourself on an English resume?

On the one hand, it is very important to sell yourself at a higher price, but at the same time, some of the words that are used for this purpose sound too pompous.

Exaggerating a resume’s ability and merit is inappropriate. You do not need to use all adjectives with a positive connotation in relation to yourself: stress-resistant, sociable, kind, sympathetic. This is just your personal opinion about yourself. And it may not always be true.

Be selective in describing personality traits. Write only what is really inherent in you and corresponds to the desired position. Try to support adjectives with verbs, describe your active actions.

10 resume adjectives to describe experiences

When describing work experience, it is very important to use adjectives that not only describe your achievements, but also tell the potential employer about your attitude towards the tasks set.


The adjective solid can be used with the noun experience and denotes a solid experience.

Sentence in EnglishTranslate into Russian

established solid work interactions with customers and employees a. Installed serious working interactions with customers and employees.

creative (rus.creative, creative)

Sentence in EnglishTranslate into Russian

My creative ideas for product and service promotion led to me being highlighted as a marketing expert of the year at my previous place of employment. My creative Ideas for promoting products and services led me to the title of Marketing Expert of the Year in my previous job.


Sentence in EnglishTranslate into Russian

Managed complex problems and time-constrained tasks with rapid but error free analyzes to ensure projects are completed without disruption. Managed complex problems and time limited tasks with a fast but unmistakable analysis to ensure projects are completed without disruption.


Sentence in EnglishTranslate into Russian

In my previous engagement, my industrious nature resulted in the improvement in production figures by thirty percent. In my previous work, my hardworking character resulted in a thirty percent improvement in production rates.


Sentence in EnglishTranslate into Russian

I was able to apply my knowledge of the latest innovations and best practices in manufacturing to create a more productively system. I was able to apply my knowledge of the latest innovations and advanced manufacturing techniques to create more productive system.

structured (Russian structured)

Sentence in EnglishTranslate into Russian

My structured approach to administrative tasks led me to conceptualize office operations guidelines for my department. My structured the approach to administrative tasks led me to conceptualize the guidelines for office operations for my department.


Sentence in EnglishTranslate into Russian

My very careful approach to analyzing plans facilitated innovations in the field of engineering. My very attentive an approach to plan analysis has fostered innovation in mechanical engineering.

innovative (rus. innovative)

Sentence in EnglishTranslate into Russian

My innovative approach to my craft has led me to design a number of devices that will be of great benefit to your organization. Innovative my approach to craft led me to design a number of devices that will be of great use to your organization.


Sentence in EnglishTranslate into Russian

My studies and training were focused on the execution of productive engineering plans. My research and training has been focused on the implementation of production design plans.

diligent (Russian diligent, diligent)

Sentence in EnglishTranslate into Russian

Source: https://ienglish.ru/blog/business-angliiskiy-po-skype/resume-na-angliiskom/50-angliyskih-prilagatelnyh-dlia-rezume-chtoby-predstavit-sebia-v-lych

Suffixes in English: 40 Most Common


Source: https://corp.lingualeo.com/ru/2016/11/16/suffiksyi-v-angliyskom-yazyike/

Correct order of adjectives in English. Mandatory for execution! — Cynical English


The topic of today’s post will be a question that is important enough because it allows you to:

  • Better structure your understanding of the rules English language (this is important and useful in any case).
  • Show the teacher when passing certain tests (especially IELTS) that you have a deep understanding of how an English sentence should be built and you clearly understand what the order of adjectives in English sentences should be (but this is already vital)

First of all, let’s define:

Where should adjectives appear in an English sentence

  • Adjective can come before a noun. Everything is quite trivial here, since there is a complete analogy with the Russian by language.

— there was a high castle there-there was a high castle

— light clouds appeared in the east — light clouds appeared in the east

— she made strong coffee-she made strong coffee

  • An adjective can be AFTER one of the following verbs.

Table No. 1

             Verb                                      Transfer
1   to be   be
2   to seem   sound
3   to appear  1. to appear, 2. to appear
4   to become   become
5   to get  1. to receive, 2. to become, 3. to appear
6   to look  1. look, 2. look
7   to feel  feel
8   to sound  sound
9   great taste  1.Taste, 2.Taste
10   to smell  1.smell, 2.smell

Let’s illustrate dry and lifeless information from the table with living examples of English sentences with adjectives

  — The bride was beautiful — the bride was beautiful (just in case, let me remind you that was followed by the adjective beautiful is the past singular form of the verb to be).

— He seemed happy — he seemed happy (the sentence he seemed absolutely happy — he seemed absolutely happy — would have been more appropriate, but then the adverb absolutely followed immediately after the verb, and not the adjective happy, and the logic of the explanation would not be entirely correct).

— People in the room appeared calm and relaxed-people in the room seemed calm and relaxed (here it is worth keeping in mind that adjectives follow the verb to appear, which can also be translated as “to appear” and then the meaning of the translation of the whole sentence will be somewhat mysterious)

— The rose smells delicious — the rose smells luxurious.

— My boss got angry — My boss got angry.

If one of these English verbs is followed by 2 or more adjectives, they are separated by and (but not by any means a comma).

— The ocean looked dark and stormy — the ocean looked dark and stormy.

— Every time you ask him about money he becomes nervous and tense-Every time you ask him about money, he gets nervous and tense (familiar situation, isn’t it?)

I think you will agree that all of the above regarding the location of English adjectives in a sentence is fairly obvious. Therefore, it’s time to consider a more complex issue, namely:

The only correct order of adjectives before a noun in English

It will not be a divine revelation if we say that before any English noun there can be not one, but several adjectives.

The question is, is there any rule for their following one after another, or is it possible to put adjectives in a phrase (or in a sentence) before a noun in an absolutely arbitrary order?

There is order, but for some reason they do not talk about it in English courses, and in textbooks and manuals on this topic they are not too widespread. What is strange, is it really classified information?

Let’s depict all this disgrace in the form of another table (No. 2)

The order of the English adjectives before the noun (from left to right).

Serial number Kind of adjectives         Examples
1 Adjectives expressing a subjective assessment or opinion.
  • Attractive-attractive
  • Interesting-interesting
  • Awful-awful
2 Size adjectives.
  • Big- big
  • Wide-wide
  • Long-long
3 Age related adjectives.
  • Old-old
  • New-new
  • Young-young
4 Adjectives that talk about the form of something.
  • Round-round
  • Wiry-like wire
  • Rectangular-rectangular
5 Color adjectives.
  • Red-red
  • Black-black
  • Ivory-ivory
6 Origin adjectives.
  • American-American
  • Russian-Russian
  • Asian-asian
7 Adjectives describing the material.
  • Wooden-wooden
  • Paper-paper
  • Plastic-plastic, plastic
8 Adjectives goals, so to speak (sounds a little clumsy, but what to do)
  • Magnifiying-augmenting
  • Cleaning-cleaning

Best illustrated with scenes from films that follow the adventures of the virtuous gentleman’s cocaine lover, Sherlock Holmes, and his faithful squire, Dr. Watson.

It is known (from the words of Conan Doyle, but what to do, you have to trust the writer) that Holmes spent most of the time in one of his three main incarnations.

Either he selflessly played music, maddening the neighbors and the landlady, Mrs. paradoxical conclusions from what he saw.

Take the story of the Hound of the Baskervilles, where the protagonists spend their time in a castle in the middle of the Devonshire Marshes.

The detective himself is absent, and Sir Henry and Watson, heavily loaded with whiskers at dinner, catch the butler Barrymore when he signals Morse code to the fugitive convict Selden, standing by the window.

What adjectives can describe the window and what should be their order in a typical English sentence?

A small (number 2, size) old (number 3, age) wooden (number 7, material) window is a small old wooden window.

The Baskerville passions began with a visit by Dr. Mortimer to an English detective and a forgotten cane, which Holmes analyzed in detail. What can be the set of adjectives in a sentence describing such a subject?

Impressive (number 1, opinion) long (number 2, sizes) British (number 6, origin) stick-long imposing British cane.

And finally, the last paragraph of today’s article in the advice section will tell you how to respond to an offer where there are

Nouns that act as adjectives

An exhaustive explanation on the question of how in such a «magical» way English nouns are transformed into adjectives when translated into Russian is located here.

In short, in a sequence of several nouns, like this:

a soldier scout knife

the last noun (rightmost in the sequence) is translated as a noun, and those nouns in front of it are translated as adjectives.

a soldier scout knife — soldier scout knife (soldier scout knife if you prefer a more euphonious version)

And what will be correct, for the English language, of course, the order of the words (adjectives and nouns) in a phrase, where the main word is all the same noun «knife», and it is described by means of adjectives

— enormous-huge

— steel-steel

and nouns

— soldier soldier

a enormous steel soldier knife — huge steel soldier knife

A noun acting as an adjective should be located closest to the main noun.

Absolutely marvelous proposal, but you can’t say otherwise

Therefore, table 2 can be safely converted into a table (no. 3).

Serial number Kind of adjectives Examples
1 Adjectives expressing a subjective assessment or opinion.
  • Attractive-attractive
  • Interesting-interesting
  • Awful-awful
2 Size adjectives.
  • Big-big
  • Wide-wide
  • Long-long
3 Age related adjectives.
  • Old-old
  • New-new
  • Young-young
4 Adjectives that talk about the form of something.
  • Round-round
  • Wiry-like wire
  • Rectangular-rectangular
5 Color adjectives.
  • Red-red
  • Black-black
  • Ivory-ivory
6 Origin adjectives
  • American-American
  • Russian-Russian
  • Asian-asian
7 Adjectives describing the material.
  • Wooden-wooden
  • Paper-paper
  • Plastic-plastic, plastic
8 Adjectives goals, so to speak (sounds a little clumsy, but what to do)
  • Magnifiying-augmenting
  • Cleaning-cleaning
9  Nouns as adjectives  Almost any noun

On this I suppose, the order of adjectives in an English sentence / phrase can be considered comprehensively considered.

Bow. A curtain

If you are sure that you have completely sorted out this question, check yourself. But not in some eerily constructed artificial exercises (very similar for this reason to Frankenstein), but on the material of two sections:

Now that’s exactly it!

A small music video will help you to distract a little from the endless series of all these nouns, adjectives, other parts of speech and other grammar.

See you in the next article!

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Source: http://sinenglish.ru/poleznye-sovety/korotkie-i-bystrye-sovety-dlya-izucheniya-anglijskogo/pravilnyj-poryadok-prilagatelnyx-v-anglijskom-yazyke-obyazatelno-k-ispolneniyu.html

Form the adjectives culture. Formation of adjectives in English

As in our native Russian, in other languages, words are also added, for example, with suffixes, as a result of which a new word is obtained. Knowledge of how words are formed in English opens up quite a lot to the student. Having mastered some simple rules and looking at a few examples, you will soon learn to intuitively “create” new phrases as you speak. Fortunately, this is easier in English than in Russian.

Nouns are the basis for word formation. It is from them that, as a rule, the formation of verbs, as well as their various degrees, comes. It is worth noting that English words are not inflected, only prepositions are used for this.

There are many types of word formation. However, they are not difficult to learn. For a start, it’s a good idea to know how they are created.

«-Ly» and «-en»: education and adjectives

To make an adjective or adverb out of a noun, the suffix «-ly» or «y» is often added:

  • Friend — friendly
  • Luck — lucky

With the help of all the same «-ly» and «-y», adverbs can be formed from adjectives:

  • Sad — sadly
  • Bad — badly

There is also a suffix «-en», with the help of which an object is converted into a property:

  • Wood — wooden
  • Gold — golden

List of Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

List of Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

 It is very important to know how the words will change from one part of speech to another. For example, a noun beauty can be written as beautiful in adjective form beautifully in adverb form and beautify in the verb form. This kind of change will take place when we add suffixes and prefixes to the root word. Here, you will find a huge list of Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, and Adverbs with the added prefixes and suffixes for the modification.

A suffix is a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word to make a new word. Suffix changes a word from one part of speech to another like a noun to an adjective.

A prefix is a letter or group of letters placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning.

List of Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, and Adverbs:

1. Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs
2. enable ability able ably
3. accept acceptance acceptable acceptably
4. accuse accusation accusing accusingly
5. achieve achievement achievable  
6. act act, action, activity   active actively
7. add addition additional additionally
8. admire admiration admirable admirably
9. advise advice advisable advisably
10. agree agreement agreeable agreeably
11. anger anger angry angrily
12. appreciate appreciation appreciable, appreciative appreciatively
13. approve approval approving approvingly
14. approximate approximation approximate approximately
15. argue argument arguable, argumentative arguably
16. attend attention attentive attentively
17. attract attraction attractive attractively
18. base base, basis basic basically
19. beautify beauty beautiful beautifully
20. believe belief believable believably
21. bore bore, boredom bored, boring boringly
22. breathe breath breathless breathlessly
23. calm calm, calmness calm calmly
24. care care careful, caring carefully, carelessly
25. centralize centre, centralization central, centralized centrally
26. characterize character characteristic characteristically
27. circulate circulation circular  
28. clean cleanliness clean cleanly
29. clear clarity, clearance clear clearly
30. collect collection collective collectively
31. colour colour coloured colourfully
32. comfort comfort comfortable comfortably
33. compare comparison comparable, comparative comparatively
34. compete competition competitive, uncompetitive competitively
35. complete completion complete completely
36. conclude conclusion conclusive conclusively
37. condition condition conditional conditionally,
38. confide confidence confident, confidential confidently, confidentially
39. confuse confusion confused, confusing confusingly
40. consider consideration considerable, considerate considerably
41. continue continuation, continuity continual, continuous continually, continuously
42. cool cool, coolness cool coolly
43. correct correction, correctness correct, corrective correctly
44. create creation, creativity creative creatively
45. criticize critic critical critically
46 accustom custom customary customarily
47. dare dare daring daringly
48. darken dark, darkness dark, darkened, darkening darkly
49. deaden death dead, deadly, deathly deadly, deathly
50. deceive deceit, deception deceitful, deceptive deceptively
51. decide decision decided, decisive decidedly, decisively
52. decorate decoration decorative decoratively
53. deepen deep, depth deep, deepening deeply
54. defend defence defensive defensively
55. define definition definite definitely
56. demonstrate demonstration demonstrable, demonstrative demonstrably
57. depend dependent, dependence dependable dependably
58. describe description describable descriptively
59. destroy destruction destructive destructively
60. determine determination determined determinedly
61. differ, differentiate difference different differently
62. direct direction direct directly
63. disagree disagreement disagreeable disagreeably
64.. disappoint disappointment disappointed, disappointing disappointingly
65. distance distance distant distantly
66. disturb disturbance disturbed, disturbing disturbingly
67. doubt doubt doubtful doubtfully
68. dream dream dreamless, dreamy dreamily
69. dress dress dressed, dressy dressily
70. drink drink, drunkenness drunk, drunken drunkenly
71. ease ease, easiness easy easily
72. educate education educated, educational educationally
73. effect effect, effectiveness effective effectively
74. electrify electricity electric, electrical electrically
75. embarrass embarrassment embarrassed, embarrassing embarrassingly
76. emphasize emphasis emphatic emphatically
77. encourage encouragement encouraged, encouraging encouragingly
78. end end unending, endless endlessly
80. energize energy energetic energetically
81. enjoy enjoyment enjoyable enjoyably
82. entertain entertainment entertaining entertainingly
83. enthuse enthusiasm enthusiastic enthusiastically
84. equalize equality equal equally
85. excel excellence excellent excellently
86. excite excitement excitable, excited, exciting excitedly, excitingly
87. excuse excuse excusable excusably
88. expect expectation expectant expectantly,
89. expend expenditure, expense expensive expensively
90. experiment experiment experimental experimentally
91. explain explanation explanatory, explicable inexplicably
92. explode explosion explosive explosively
93. express expression expressive expressively
94. familiarize familiarity familiar familiarly
95. fashion fashion fashionable fashionably
96. fear fear fearful, fearless, fearsome fearfully, fearlessly
97. finalize final final finally
98. fish fish, fishing fishy fishily
99. fit fit fitted fittingly
100. force force forceful, forcible forcefully, forcibly
101. forget forgetfulness forgetful forgetfully
102. formalize formality formal formally
103. frequent frequency frequent frequently
104. freshen freshness fresh freshly
105. frighten fright frightened, frightening, frightful frighteningly, frightfully
106. harden hardship hard hard, hardly
107. harm harm, harmfulness harmful, harmless harmfully, harmlessly
108. heat, overheat heat heated heatedly
109. help help helpful, helpless helpfully, helplessly
110. hope hope hopeful, hopeless hopefully, hopelessly
111. hurry hurry hurried hurriedly
112. hurt hurt hurtful hurtfully
113. ice ice icy icily
114. imagine imagination imaginable, imaginative unimaginably, imaginatively
115. impress impression impressive impressively
116. increase increase increased increasingly
117. infect infection infectious infectiously
118. insist insistence insistent insistently
119. instruct instruction instructive instructively
120. intend intent, intention intended, intentional, intentionally
121. interest interest interested, disinterested, uninterested, interesting interestingly
122. invent invention inventive inventively
123. invite invitation, invite inviting invitingly
124. know knowledge knowledgeable, known knowingly, knowledgeably
125. enlarge enlargement large largely
126. laugh laugh laughable laughably
127. outlaw law lawful lawfully
128. legalize legality legal legally
129. lengthen length lengthy lengthily
130. light, lighten light light lightly
131. locate, location local locally
132. love love lovable, lovely lovingly
133. lower low low, lower low
134. man man, mankind manly mannishly, manfully
135. mark mark marked markedly
136. match match matchless matchlessly
137 materialize material, 


immaterial, materialistic materially
138. mean meaning, 


meaningful, meaningless meaningfully, 


139. measure measurement measurable immeasurably
140. memorize memory memorable memorably
141. mind mind, mindlessness mindless, mindful mindlessly
142. minimize minimum minimal minimally
143. mistake mistake mistaken mistakenly
144. moralize moral, morality moral, moralistic morally
145. mother mother, motherhood motherly  
146 move move, movement movable, moving movingly
147. murder murder murderous murderously
148. name, rename name named, unnamed, nameless namely
149. nationalize nation, nationalization, nationality national, nationalistic nationally
150. naturalize nature, naturalist, naturalization, natural, 


151. necessitate necessity necessary necessarily
152. need need needy needlessly
153. unnerve nerve, nervousness nervous, nervy, nervously, nervelessly
154. renew news, newness new, renewable newly, anew
155. normalize normality normal normally
156. notice notice noticeable noticeably
157. obey obedience obedient obediently
158. offend offence offensive offensively
159. officiate office official officially
160. open openness open openly
161. operate, cooperate operation operational, 


162. opt option optional optionally
163. originate origin original originally
164. pain pain painful, painless painfully, painlessly
165. part, impart part, partition partial, impartial partially, partly
166. pacify peace peaceful peacefully
167. perfect perfection perfect perfectly
168. personalize, personify person, personality personal, personalized personally
169. persuade persuasion, persuasiveness persuasive persuasively
170. play, outplay play, playfulness playful, playable playfully
171. please pleasure pleasant, pleasurable pleasantly, unpleasantly
172. point point, pointlessness pointed, pointless pointlessly, pointedly
173. politicize politics political, politicized politically
174. popularize popularity popular popularly
175. power, empower power powerful, powerless powerfully
176. prefer preference preferable, preferred preferably
177. present presence, presentation, present, presentable presently
178. privatize privacy, privatization private privately
179. profit profit, profitability profitable profitably
180. progress progress, progression progressive progressively
181. provide provision provisional provisionally
182. publicize public, publicity public publicly
183. punish punishment punishable, punishing punishingly
184. purify purification, purity pure purely
185. question question questionable questionably
186. quieten quiet quiet quietly
187. race race racial racially
188. realize realism, reality real, realistic really, realistically
189. reason reason reasonable reasonably
190. receive receipt, reception, receptive, reciprocal reciprocally
191. recognize recognition recognizable recognizably
192. reflect reflection reflective reflectively
193. regret regret regrettable, regretful regrettably, regretfully
194. regulate regular, regularity regular regularly
195. relate relation, relationship related, relative relatively
196. rely reliability reliable reliably
197. remark remark remarkable remarkably
198. repair repair irreparable irreparably
199. repeat repeat, repetition repeated, repetitive repeatedly, repetitively
200. report report reported reportedly
201. respect respect respectable, respectful, respective respectably, respectfully, respectively
202. respond response, responsiveness responsive responsively
203. rest rest restless, rested, restful restlessly
204. enrich riches, richness rich richly
205. right right, rightness, righteous, rightful right, rightly, rightfully
206. romanticize romance, romanticism romantic, romanticized romantically
207. roughen rough, roughness rough roughly
208. round round round, rounded roundly
209. sadden sadness sad, saddened sadly
210. satisfy satisfaction satisfactory, satisfactorily
211. school school, pre-school scholastic scholastically
212. search, research search, research searchable searchingly
213. sense, sensitize sense, sensibility, sensitivity, sensitiveness sensible, sensitive, sensory sensibly, sensitively
214. separate separation separable, separate separately
215. shake shake, shakiness shaky shakily
216. shape shape shapely, shaped shapelessly
217. sharpen sharpness sharp sharply, sharpish
218. shock shock shocking, shockable shockingly
219. shorten short, shortness short, shortish shortly
220. shy shyness shy shyly
221. sicken sick, sickness sick, sickly sickeningly
222. signify significance significant significantly
223. silence silence silent silently
224. simplify simplicity, simplification simplistic simply
225. single single singular singly
226. sleep sleep, sleepiness asleep, sleepy sleepily
227. socialize society,  sociable, social socially
228. soften softness soft softly
229. solidify solid, solidity solid solidly
230. specialize specialty special, specialized specially
231. speed speed, speediness speedy speedily
232. spot spot spotted, spotty spotlessly
233. stand, withstand stand, standstill standing, outstanding outstandingly
234. steepen steepness steep steeply
235. stiffen stiffness stiff stiffly
236. strengthen strength strong strongly
237. strike strike striking strikingly
238. structure structure, structuralism structural structurally
239. study student, study studious studiously
240. style style, stylishness stylish, stylistic stylishly, stylistically
241. substantiate substance substantial, substantive substantially
242. succeed success, succession successful, successive successfully
243. suggest suggestion suggestive, suggestible suggestively
244. support support, supportiveness supportive, supporting supportively
245. suppose, presuppose supposition supposed supposedly
246. surprise surprise surprised, surprising surprisingly
247. suspect suspect, suspicion suspected, suspicious suspiciously
248. sweeten sweet, sweetness sweet sweetly
249. symbolize symbol, symbolism symbolic symbolically
250. sympathize sympathy sympathetic sympathetically
251. systematize system, systematization systematic systematically
252. talk talk, talks talkative talkatively
253. taste taste tasteful, tasty tastefully
254. thank thanks, thankfulness thankful thankfully
255. theorize theory, theorem theoretical theoretically
256. thicken thick, thickness thick thickly
257. thin thinness thin thinly
258. think thought, thoughtfulness, thoughtful thoughtfully
259. threaten threat threatening threateningly
260. tighten tightness tight tight, tightly
261. tire tiredness tired, tiresome, 


tiredly, tiresomely
262. touch touch touched, touching, touchy touchingly, touchily
263. trouble trouble troublesome, troubling troublingly
264. trust, entrust trust, trusteeship trusting, trustworthy trustfully
265. typify type typical typically
266. understand understanding understandable understandably
267. use usage, use used, useful usefully
268. vary variant, variety, variation variable, varied, various invariably, variously
269. violate violence violent violently
270. wrong wrong wrongful wrongly, wrongfully
271. warm warmth warm warmly
272. waste wastage, waste waste, wasteful wastefully
273. watch watch, watchfulness watchful watchfully
274. weaken weakness weak weakly
275. weigh, outweigh weight weighty, weightless weightlessly
276. widen width wide widely
277. wonder wonder wonderful wonderfully
278. worry worry worried, worrying, worrisome worryingly
279. write, rewrite writing written  

End of the list of Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, and Adverbs:

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 Apart from this list of Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs, you can also refer to the following topics.

  • Proper Adjectives
  • Adjectives of Quality (Qualitative Adjectives/Descriptive Adjectives)
  • Adjectives of Quantity (Quantitative Adjectives)
  • Adjectives of Number (Numeral Adjectives)
  • Demonstrative Adjectives
  • Interrogative Adjectives
  • Distributive Adjectives
  • Possessive Adjectives (Pronominal)
  • Emphasizing Adjectives
  • Exclamatory Adjectives
  • Participle Adjectives
  • Relative Adjectives
  • Compound Adjectives
  • Formation of Adjectives

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