What means this word is this word meaning mean this word does this word mean

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2 года назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

10. Choose the correct sentence:
Q. He don’t smoke
B. He not smoke
C. He doesn’t smokes
D. He doesn’t smoke
11. Choose the correct sentence:
A. What means this word?
B. What does mean this word?
C. What does this word mean?
D) What is this word mean?
пж помогите​

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2 года назад

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10 после doesn’t никогда не прибавляется окончание глаголу

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15 авг. 2018

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«What does this word mean?» Makes grammatical sense
«What means this word?» Is incorrect, it could also be misunderstood to mean what = this word.

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В чем разница между What does this word mean? и What means this word? ?

  • В чем разница между What does it mean? и What does that/this mean? ?

  • В чем разница между What does this word mean? и What means this word? ?


    @antipinalina029 «What does this word mean?» is the correct version. Forget the second one as it is grammatically incorrect.

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    You would use the auxiliary verb if you were asking a question.

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    When you are making a stateme…

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    @DDabcc147 This distinction is between (1) grammatically correct speech, and (2) casual speech in an informal conversation.
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    Only the first is grammatically correct.

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Выберите правильный вариант:

1. When ___ you born?
a) do b) did c) were

2. What does this word ___?
a) means b) mean c) meant

3. My head is full ___ fantastic ideas.
a) at b) of c) with

4. My sister likes green apples. I ___ like them.
a) also b) too c) either

5. He never ___ lies.
a) say b) tells c) tell

6. The TV programme wasn`t very good. There are ___ cartoons in it.
a) little b) a little c) few

7. Let`s meet ___ a quarter past 9.
a) at b) in c) on

8. He ___ never ___ on the stage.
a) have performed b) has not performed c) has performed

9. Jim has got ___ juice than Mary.
a) little b) less c) fewer

10. I don`t care ____ soap operas.
a) for b)with c) at

(Английский язык)
Даю 20 баллов

1 ответ:



1. C
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. A

Читайте также

<span>Hello my dear friend. I am all right, alive and healthy. How are you? Now what do you do? I next week are going to London and I would like to see you. Give your phone number when I’m in London, will call. Yet.</span>

Вам перевод нужен? Если да то вот: 
1. rain 2. snow. 3. fall/autumn 4.heat 5.rain

<span>1. Прошлой ночью я пошел спать (рано, раньше, раньше), чем обычно<span>.
</span></span><span>2. Скорость этого самолета-это как (высок, выше, самый высокий), как скорость звука<span>.
3.</span></span>Фильм был очень плохой. Я думаю, это (плохо, хуже, худший) фильм, который я когда-либо видел<span>.
4.</span>Это (дорого, дороже, самый дорогой) ехать на машине или на поезде<span>?</span>

1) did
2) fixed
3) watered
4) cleaned, played
5) listened, watched
6) cried, smiled
7) shouted
8) worked
9) baked
10) cooked

Примерные ответы

1. Where do you live?

I live in a three-room flat on the second floor of a nine-storey block of flats in the central part of my city, which is Minsk, Belarus.

2. Where do your parents live?

They live at the same address as I do, or it’s better to say that I live with my parents.

3. Have you got any brothers or sisters? Where do they live?

I’ve got a younger sister. She lives with us, in our parent’s flat.

4. Do you sometimes go away for the weekend?

Yes, we do. We’ve got a house in the country where we spend most weekends.

5. Where can you go for the weekend?

I can go to my grandparents’ place or spend some time with my friends.

6. Do you like to stay at home with your family?

I did, when I was younger. Now I spend less time with them.

7. When do you usually go on holiday?

I usually go on holiday in summer and I like it.

8. When can your wife (husband) have a holiday?

I’m not married)))

9. Where do you usually go for your holiday?

I usually go to the seaside or travel abroad. I love visiting different countries.

10. Do you go somewhere this year?

My family and I are going to Croatia this month. I’m looking forward to this trip.


1. ___________________your name?
2. _________ old are you?
3. Выберите верное
I’m 17 years old.
I’ve 17 years old
I are 17 years old.
I have 17 years old
4. ______a bicycle?
You have
Has you
Do you have
You’ve got
5. John___________ a tennis racket.
hasn’t got
not has
haven’t got
6. Give it to______.
7. Выберите верное
He no can speak Spanish.
He can’t speak Spanish.
He can’t to speak Spanish.
He no speak Spanish.
8. ______________on the left in America.
You mustn’t to drive.
You not must drive.
You mustn’t driving.
You mustn’t drive.
9. Whose desk is this?___________
It’s of Robert.
It’s Robert.
It’s Robert’s
It’s to Robert.
10. Выберите верное
He don’t smoke.
He not smoke.
He doesn’t smokes.
He doesn’t smoke.
11. Выберите верное
What means this word?
What does mean this word?
What does this word mean?
What is this word mean?
12. Walk!
Run not.
Not run.
Don’t run.
No run.
13. Listen! I________________to you.
am talking
do talk
am talk
14. Выберите верное
What you are doing?
What’s you doing?
What are you doing?
What are you do?
15. ________________ people over there are German.
16. How many chairs are there?
There are five.
There is five.
It is five.
They are five.
17. I haven’t got__________________money.
18. There are_______________people here already.
a few
a little
a lot
19. Were there many people at the party?
Yes, they were.
Yes, there were.
Yes, there was.
Yes, they was.
20. Sarah__________out last night.
didn’t went
didn’t goes
didn’t go
no went
21. I went to America _____________English.
for learning
for to learn
to learn
to learning
22. She’s___________than I am.
more old
more older
most older
23. He’s ____________ at tennis than football.
more good
more better
24. You’re not___________I am.
as tall than
as tall as
as taller as
tall as
25. I_________________TV this evening.
am going to watch
go to watch
26. Выберите верное
What time is the train going to leave?
What time the train is going to leave?
What time is going to leave the train?
What time going to leave is the train?
27. I enjoy________________early.
get up
getting up
to get up
to getting up
28. Выберите верное
You will come with me tomorrow?
Do you come with me tomorrow?
Come you with me tomorrow?
Will you come with me tomorrow?
29. Oh no!______________ my key.
I lose
I’m lost
I’ve lose
I’ve lost
30. _____________English since I was 12.
I’m studied
I’ve studied
I learn
I’ve studying
31. I spoke to a girl________ was from Barcelona.
32. I was in America____________two weeks.
33. When I looked out of the window,___________________.
it was snowing
it were snowing
it snowed
it’s snowing
34. He left without__________________goodbye.
to say
35. I don’t mind_______________________.
I wait
to wait
that I wait
36. He speaks English______________________.
good but slow
well but slow
good but slowly
well but slowly
37. If you _____________the box, you’ll find a present.
would open
will open
38. I like this record.
So do I
So am I
So I like
So I do
39. You ________________speak perfect English to get this job.
don’t have to
don’t have
not have to
40. English___________________all over the world.
are spoken
is speaking
is spoke
is spoken
41. My bike_________________.
have been stolen
has stolen
has been stole
has been stolen
42. If you______it, it would break.
would drop
will drop
had dropped
43. _________________this letter tomorrow.
I want that you send
I want you to send
I want you send
I want you sending
44. I spoke to_____________.
45. These machines__________________.
need overhauling
need overhauled
need to overhaul
need to overhauling
46. Do you know what___________________?
am I required to do
they require me to do
I require to do
I am required to do
47. If the temperature is 100C, water _________
is boiling
will boil
48. Whenever the bell rang, our dog______rush to the door barking.
made as if to
49. If only_____ time to do a bit more sightseeing.
I have
I had
I should have
I would have
50. It is a man _______ works in an office.

Пройдите тест, ответив на предложенные вопросы.

Вопрос №1

I don’t understand this sentence. What _______________________?

does mean this word

does this word mean

means this word

this word is mean

Вопрос №2

How ___________________________ now? Better than before?

you are feeling

do you feel

is you feeling

your feeling is

Вопрос №3

Ana has lost her umbrella again. It’s the third time this __________________________.

has happened



is happened

Вопрос №4

Where’s the film I gave you? What ______________________ with it?

have you done

have you been doing

are you doing

have you do

Вопрос №5

We’re good friends. We ___________________ each other for a long time


have known

have been knowing


Вопрос №6

It’s five years _____________________ Liz.

that I don’t see

that I haven’t seen

since I didn’t see

since I saw

Вопрос №7

The Chinese ______________________ chess.


have invented

had invented


Вопрос №8

___________________________ a house when they were living in Paris?

Had they

Did they have

Were they having

Have they had

Вопрос №9

That bag looks heavy. ______________________ you with it.

I’m helping

I help

I’ll help


Вопрос №10

Mary is in hospital. ‘Yes, I know. ____________________ her tomorrow.

I visit

I’m going to visit

I’ll visit

I’ll visiting

Вопрос №11

Don’t worry _______________________ late tonight.

if I am

when I am

when I’ll be

if I’ll be

Вопрос №12

How long ______________________ here?

you live

do you live

have you lived

are you living

Вопрос №13

What ______________________ at 11 o’clock last night?

have you done

were you doing

have you been doing

had you done

Вопрос №14

We’d rather _________________________ to bed early last night.

to have gone

to go


have gone

Вопрос №15

«Have you ever been to Italy?» «Yes, I __________________ there in 1993.»

have gone


have been going

have been

Вопрос №16

«How long have you worked here?» «By the end of the month I ___________________________ here for five years.»

‘II work

‘m going to work

‘ll have been working

‘ll be working

Вопрос №17

«We’ll need some Coke for the party.» «I ____________________________ some.»


will have bought

‘ve already bought

had bought

Вопрос №18

«I need to give a message to Sam.» «I ________________________ her at the office this afternoon.»


have seen

‘II have seen

‘II be seeing

Вопрос №19

The president went home when he _________________________ with the conference.

had finished

have finished

has finished


Вопрос №20

Because they _______________________ away, they hardly ever go to the beach anymore.


has moved

have moved

had moved

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