What kind of word is an action

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The English language is vast, with many different words and rules to learn. We are here to tell you about one such set of rules/words—action words. Read on to learn about action words and how to use them effectively in written and oral communication.

Table of Contents
  1. Action wordsWhat are they?
  2. Types of action words 
    1. Physical action verbs 
    2. Mental action verbs 
  3. Examples of action verbs in sentences
  4. Using action words to make a compelling resume
    1. 1. Action verbs showcasing a willingness to work
    2. 2. Action verbs showcasing goal-orientation 
    3. 3. Action words list displaying the skill of team-work 
    4. 4. Action verbs showcasing creation and innovation 
  5. Key Takeaways 
  6. FAQs 

Research has revealed that close to 1.35 billion people globally speak English, of which 360 million have English as their first language! That means a significant proportion of the English-speaking population has to learn the necessary rules of English. 

There are close to 3500 rules in the language, in addition to a wide range of words and terminologies. These, put together, allow millions of individuals to communicate clearly. 

Of the different kinds of words used in the English language, action words are among the most popular. A common part of written and spoken communication, these words help facilitate a clear understanding of messages between two or more people. 

So, discover all you need to know about action words below! 

Action wordsWhat are they?

Actions words, also known as action verbs, are words that quite simply express an action. The action is often done by the subject of the clause or sentence and includes eating, sleeping, and sitting, among other activities! It is even possible for there to be an action with no movement!

Action verbs express that a person, object, animal, or process is in a state of being. These verbs, however, should not be confused with two other kinds of verbs, i.e., linking verbs and stative verbs. 

  • Linking verbs serve as a connecting link between a subject and a complement.

For example: Tomorrow is Wednesday. 

Here, ‘is’ is a linking verb because the word links a subject with a subject complement rather than expressing an action taken. 

  • Stative verbs, on the other hand, express the state of being and provide information about the subject. 

For example: John hates spicy food. 

The verb ‘hates’ is a stative verb that provides information about the subject rather than expressing any action that the subject has taken. 

Learning the meaning of difficult words and adding action words to your vocabulary can help you carry excellent conversations in your everyday life!

Types of action words 

Make sure you are using the right kind of action words while conversing or writing!

Action words in English or action verbs are broadly categorized into two main types:

  • Physical action verbs  
  • Mental action verbs

Physical action verbs 

Physical action verbs describe actions that require the movement of bodies and objects. Some of the most commonly used physical action verbs include: 

  • Swim 
  • Tumble 
  • Bend 
  • Ask 
  • Frolic 
  • Hang 
  • Drive 
  • Climb 
  • Kick 

Mental action verbs 

Mental action verbs, on the other hand, are slightly trickier to identify. These may not seem like action verbs at first but can refer to mental activities that a person can undertake. An interesting fact to learn is that many mental action verbs classify as stative verbs because they express conditions or states of being! 

Some examples of mental action verbs include: 

  • Analyze 
  • Dream 
  • Imagine 
  • Consider 
  • Remember 
  • Forget 
  • Memorize 
  • Learn 
  • Condemn 

Examples of action verbs in sentences

Go through the examples of action words to know how to use them in a sentence.

The best way to understand how to use action words or action verbs is to note their meaning when placed in a sentence. 

Here are examples of action verbs: 

  1. The bird sings a beautiful song every morning. 
  2. Close the door when you walk out! 
  3. The horse galloped down the trail. 
  4. It’s the perfect weather to swim in the pool. 
  5. We will eat lunch together tomorrow. 
  6. My baby sleeps in her nursery. 
  7. The piglet grunts
  8. Dr. Silver examines her patient. 
  9. The roof of the house is leaking. 
  10. Joy solved the mystery! 
  11. Harold found a green crayon. 
  12. I have been waiting at the bank for hours. 
  13. I feed my six cats every day. 
  14. The children play basketball during recess. 
  15. She has been sleeping all day. 
  16. Can I buy you dinner? 
  17. We like eating healthy food. 
  18. What would you like to drink
  19. A toddler learns to crawl before she learns to walk. 
  20. Please throw me that ball.
  21. She gave a theatrical bow (bow is the action word depicting what the subject has undertaken). 
  22. Please do not talk to any strangers. 
  23. No, I did not laugh at you. 
  24. Can you smell something funny? 
  25. I am going to paint my picket fence white. 
  26. My daughter is learning to ride a horse. 
  27. Can you please open the door? 
  28. Dolphins dive to depths of as much as two hundred meters.
  29. I enjoy cooking. 
  30. I would like to buy a gift for my fiance. 

Using action words to make a compelling resume

You can make your resume stand out by using some action words in sentences.

Did you know that the right use of action words in English can help you create a compelling resume? Employers are more likely to hire individuals who are energetic, active, and can communicate efficiently. 

So, here is an excellent action words list for you! Use some of these words in your resume to make it stand out from the crowd: 

  • Invented 
  • Founded 
  • Executed 
  • Demonstrated 
  • Created 
  • Computed 
  • Compiled 
  • Calculated 
  • Briefed 
  • Investigated 
  • Edited 
  • Evaluated 
  • Tested 
  • Restored 
  • Reviewed 
  • Surveyed 
  • Synthesized 
  • Promoted 
  • Produced

Additionally, there is a wide range of action words that can be used to demonstrate abilities like creation, goal orientation, people management, and teamwork. 

Here are some examples you can use to add value to your resume.

1. Action verbs showcasing a willingness to work

  • Fulfilled 
  • Organized 
  • Enforced 
  • Realized 
  • Performed 
  • Implemented 
  • Administered 
  • Prepared 
  • Accomplished 

2. Action verbs showcasing goal-orientation 

  • Boosted 
  • Outpaced 
  • Converted 
  • Created 
  • Amplified 
  • Delivered 
  • Maximized 
  • Improved 
  • Generated 
  • Expedited 

3. Action words list displaying the skill of team-work 

  • Collaborated 
  • Merged 
  • Joined 
  • Co-Authored 
  • Wove 
  • United 
  • Partnered 
  • Forged 
  • Gathered
  • Co-Produced 
  • Blended 

4. Action verbs showcasing creation and innovation 

  • Conceptualized 
  • Outlined 
  • Established 
  • Engineered 
  • Composed 
  • Conceived 
  • Crafted 
  • Designed 
  • Built 
  • Authored 
  • Devised 

Key Takeaways 

  • Action verbs are words used to describe the action of a subject, object, or event. These words express the mental or physical state of being of a body. 
  • Action words are often used in daily conversations to convey meaning concerning a situation or an event. These words can also be used in documents like a resume to create a compelling application. 
  • Understanding the rules of using action verbs can help in communicating effectively and efficiently in everyday life. 

We hope you enjoyed learning about action words in this blog! If you have any questions/suggestions, drop a comment below or reach out to us!


Q1. Can action words be used in different tenses? 

Answer – Yes, action words are often used in different tenses. 

Q2. What are transitive action words? 

Answer – Transitive action words take the object. To find the object, we ask the verb questions such as ‘whom and ‘what’. In these verbs, the object performs an action. 

Q3. What is an example of a non-action verb? 

Answer – An example of a non-action verb is ‘prefer’ and ‘want’. These words represent an opinion or a sense. 


What are action words in the English language?

Action words are the words used to express an action done by the subject. There are numerous action words in English vocabulary. And in most cases, an action word marks its appearance right next to the subject.


List 25 commonly used action words in the English Language.

Ride, Sit down, Win, Drink, Stand, Throw, Close, Open, Sleep, Cut , Eat, Cook, Fight, Play, Give, Dig , Laugh, Dance, Climb, Talk, Knit, Kiss, Hug, Bath, Ski


List 100 action words in the English language.

Calculate, Earn, Endure, Examine, Enter, Edit, Energise, Identify, Import, Install, Investigated, Idealise, Improve, Instituted, Imitate, Idolise, Improvise, Instruct, Implant, Navigate, Nominate, Negotiate, Notify, Nominate, Nourish, Normalise, Notice, Observe, Overcame, Open, Obtain, Overhaul, Operate, Offer, Oversaw, Oppose, Officiate, Obey, Participate, Predict, Progress, Paint, Perceive, Prepare, Project, Pamper, Perfected, Prescribe, Promote, Rate, Redesign, Recharge, Renegotiate, Realign, Reduce, Reconquer, Reorganise, Rebuilt, Reengineer, Record, Satisfy, Solve, Scream, Shop, Schedule, Specify, Scribble, Slap, Secure, Speak, Scrub, Smash, Select, Standardise, Seal, Smell, Separate, Stimulate, Search, Smile, Target, Translate, Touch, Teach, Tear, Trade, Talk, Think, Transfer, Terminate, Thank, Transform, Unify, Undress, Unite, Uninstall, Update, Unleash, Upgrade, Unlock.

What kind of word describes an action?

Action verbs are words that describe actions, while non-action verbs are words that refer to a state of being, a need, an opinion, or a sense.

What part of speech are action verbs?

Action verbs can be simply defined as the type of verbs used to express actions instead of states of being. Unlike verbs which describe a particular state, action verbs can be expressed in the progressive tense. As stated in the definition above, action verbs are used to describe an action or a behavior.

Is action an adjective?

adjective. characterized by brisk or dynamic action: an action car; an action melodrama.

What are examples of parts of speech?

Parts of Speech Table

part of speech function or “job” example words
Adverb describes a verb, adjective or adverb quickly, silently, well, badly, very, really
Pronoun replaces a noun I, you, he, she, some
Preposition links a noun to another word to, at, after, on, but
Conjunction joins clauses or sentences or words and, but, when

What are the 8 parts of speech meaning and example?

There are eight parts of speech in the English language: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. The part of speech indicates how the word functions in meaning as well as grammatically within the sentence.

What are the 8 parts of speech in Tagalog?

In Tagalog, there are nine basic parts of speech: verbs (pandiwa), nouns (pangngalan), adjectives (pang-uri), adverbs (pang-abay), prepositions (pang-ukol), pronouns (panghalip), conjunctions (pangatnig), ligatures (pang-angkop) and particles. Tagalog is a slightly inflected language.

What is themselves in parts of speech?

The word ‘themselves’ is classified as a reflexive pronoun. Pronouns are used to take the place of nouns in sentences.

What is the parts of speech of frugality?


How do you teach parts of speech in a fun way?

Parts of Speech Charades: Write down a variety of words, phrases or sentences using nouns, verbs, and adjectives, on index cards. (example: “The angry man ran.”) Place the cards in a hat or bag. Draw a card and without anyone seeing and read it. Now act out what the card says.

What are the basic part of speech?

The four basic parts of speech—nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs—make up over 95% of all words in the English language.

What order should I teach parts of speech?

The Sequence for teaching the Parts of Speech The first terms to teach are noun and verb. First graders can easily learn the concept of “naming words” and “doing words.” Give children plenty of practice with nouns and verbs before going on to another part of speech.

What is a parts of speech poem?

A parts of speech poem has 5 lines and must follow the format below: Line 1 is one article and one noun. Line 2 is an adjective, a conjunction, and another adjective. Line 3 is one verb, one conjunction, and one verb.

How do you effectively teach parts of speech in our class?

How to Teach Parts of Speech

  1. Are articles – a, an, and the.
  2. A noun’s the name of anything; As: School, garden, toy, or swing.
  3. An adjective tells the kind of noun –
  4. Instead of nouns the pronouns stand –
  5. Her head, his face, your arm, my hand.
  6. Verbs tell of something to be done,
  7. How things are done the adverbs tell,
  8. Conjunctions join words together,

What are parts of speech definition?

English Language Learners Definition of part of speech : a class of words (such as adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verbs, etc.) that are identified according to the kinds of ideas they express and the way they work in a sentence.

What is the importance of parts of speech?

The part of speech to which a word belongs guides its use in a sentence and defines the correct word order and punctuation. Knowing the role that each word has in a sentence structure clearly helps to understand sentences and also to construct them properly.

What is the most important part of speech?

Verb. This is the most important part of a speech, for without a verb, a sentence would not exist. Simply put, this is a word that shows an action (physical or mental) or state of being of the subject in a sentence.

Why you have to master the 8 parts of speech?

Understanding the 8 parts of speech is beneficial for analyzing the meaning of each word. By learning the 8 parts of speech, you can easily identify a grammatical problem in the sentence, and see whether there is a run-on sentence, a misused pronoun or a problem of the verb agreement.

How many figure of speech do we have?

In European languages, figures of speech are generally classified in five major categories: (1) figures of resemblance or relationship (e.g., simile, metaphor, kenning, conceit, parallelism, personification, metonymy, synecdoche, and euphemism); (2) figures of emphasis or understatement (e.g., hyperbole, litotes.

What do you think is the importance of knowing the different types of speech?

Answer. Answer: Context is critical, because it tells you, the receiver, what importance to place on something, what assumptions to draw (or not) about what is being communicated, and most importantly, it puts meaning into the message.

Is article a part of speech?

An article is any member of a class of dedicated words that are used with noun phrases to mark the identifiability of the referents of the noun phrases. The category of articles constitutes a part of speech. In English, both “the” and “a/an” are articles, which combine with nouns to form noun phrases.

What is the part of speech of structure?

verb (used with object), struc·tured, struc·tur·ing.

What kind of article is a and an?

In English there are three articles: a, an, and the. Articles are used before nouns or noun equivalents and are a type of adjective….Definite and Indefinite Articles (a, an, the)

Rule #3 All things or things in general (no article) (no article)

Table of Contents

  1. What do you call an action word or a word that denotes an action?
  2. Is action an adjective?
  3. What kind of noun is action?
  4. What is the word action?
  5. What does action mean in a story?
  6. Is Unimpossible a word?
  7. What is impossible in the world?
  8. What is a illegal?
  9. What are illegal activities?
  10. Is Dating legal in India?
  11. What is the base word for illegal?
  12. What is the base of a word?
  13. What does Eligible mean?
  14. What is the prefix for polite?
  15. What is prefix of honest?
  16. What type of word is honest?
  17. What is a prefix and suffix for honest?

action noun (ACTIVITY)

What do you call an action word or a word that denotes an action?

Action words are verbs, as you might guess, which are words that describe actions. These are in contrast to non-action words, also called non-action verbs, which are words that describe a state of being, a need, an opinion, or a sense.

Is action an adjective?

adjective. characterized by brisk or dynamic action: an action car; an action melodrama.

What kind of noun is action?

Action Noun Endings). Most action nouns are uncountable but also usable in a countable way to express a different, non-action meaning (see 14. Action Outcomes and 19.

1a : a thing done : deed. b : the accomplishment of a thing usually over a period of time, in stages, or with the possibility of repetition. c actions plural : behavior, conduct unscrupulous actions.

What does action mean in a story?

“Action is the mode [that] fiction writers use to show what is happening at any given moment in the story,” states Evan Marshall, who identifies five fiction-writing modes: action, summary, dialogue, feelings/thoughts, and background. Writing a story means weaving all of the elements of fiction together.

Is Unimpossible a word?

(rare, nonstandard) Not impossible: possible. (rare, nonstandard) Impossible.

What is impossible in the world?

If you are blind or can read with Braille, then you can read with your eyes closed. Traveling at light speed is physically impossible; light speed is 874,030 times faster than the speed of sound. The fastest man-made object (the Juno spacecraft) has only traveled 295 times the speed of sound.

What is a illegal?

Something illegal is against the law or breaks the rules. Acts that go against the law, such as robbing a bank, are also illegal. There is a wide range of things called illegal, from small acts to big ones, but no matter the seriousness, if it is against the law, it is illegal.

What are illegal activities?

1. An act committed in violation of law where the consequence of conviction by a court is punishment, especially where the punishment is a serious one such as imprisonment. 2. Unlawful activity: statistics relating to violent crime. 3.

Is Dating legal in India?

Cohabitation in India, is legal. It is prevalent mostly among the people living in metro cities in India.

What is the base word for illegal?

The root/base word for illegal is legal.

What is the base of a word?

In English grammar, a base is the form of a word to which prefixes and suffixes can be added to create new words. For example, instruct is the base for forming instruction, instructor, and reinstruct. Also called a root or stem. Put another way, base forms are words that are not derived from or made up of other words.

What does Eligible mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : qualified to participate or be chosen eligible to retire. b : permitted under football rules to catch a forward pass. 2 : worthy of being chosen an eligible young bachelor.

What is the prefix for polite?


What is prefix of honest?

honest – Prefix bribable; purchasable; corruptible; venal.

What type of word is honest?

adjective. honorable in principles, intentions, and actions; upright and fair: an honest person. showing uprightness and fairness: honest dealings.

What is a prefix and suffix for honest?

When we add “suffix – y” to the verb honest, it makes the noun honesty. When we add “suffix – ter” to the verb laugh, it makes the noun laughter.

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