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Posted on Nov 21, 2013
After «moist,» of course.
There are TONS of words in the English language.
Some of them are great, like «balderdash.»
Or «hullabaloo.»
But there are some that are just…horrendous. Like «phlegm.»
Or «pustule.»
So — if you were master of the English language and could get rid of one word, what would it be?
Choose wisely.
OK so I saw a poll for your favourite word and it spurred me on to ask this question. Only because I severely detest the word «Batch». Ugh. I don’t know if «Blatch» is a word but that’s even worse. So what’s your least favourite word?
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Moist, clunge and the mosty disgusting sentence ever:
«A moist waft of phlegm»
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Hahahaha. Like it.
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I hate the word scrumptious…always have since I was a kid..ughhhhhhh!!!
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It sort of reminds me of bubbly fat. Not really sure why.
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Wart, pustule, whitehead, blackhead, angina, crotch, biggot, upchuck, prego (refering to pregnant women). I’m sure there’s more. I’ll think of them soon
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haha. I used to live in a place called Whitehead, with Blackhead just a mile away!
My least favourite word is shite — coz my mom always told us that we were shite.
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Oh my gosh! Towns with those names!! Ewwwwwww!!!! Hahahhaa.
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#1, Butt-cheek
#2, Casserole
#3, Booklet
#4, Pamphlet
#5, ToesTop five words I hate. #1 is my least favorite.
And I happen to find #5 very attractive for some reason but i hate the word. Very weird.Comment Hidden (
i HATE the word «ya’ll»
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Pussy. I hatehatehate that word.
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when people pronounce ‘whore’ like ‘whooower’ uuuugggg i feel like im being molested when i hear that.
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never say blood fart out loud….its fucking disgusting
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Hahahaha. That reminded me of queefe. Another AWFUL word!!!!!!!
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Yeah that is pretty gross.
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I HATE THE WORD «PANTIES»!! OMG! No, for real. I hate the word panties. It seems so dirty. My uncle was with his daughter who was 3 at the time and was like «did you remember to put your panties on?» and he said it normally as if he was talking about shoes. It disgusted me. And she says it too and I find it soooo disturbing.
I also don’t like «pussy», «dick», or «rod». For the same reason. Weirdly enough I’m okay with «cock» XD
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rubbish, toss, seldom, ass-wipe, lol, omg, putrid, dudette, bothered, ski-doo, piece, cake
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Blurb… Sounds like someone puking or some putrid yellow/brown/black vat or something.
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I hate when grown adults say Mang instead of Man or when they spell things wrong on purpose: Dude=Dood, Rock=Rawk, ect…
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I first heard the word CACOPHONY not too long ago and immediatly hated it with passion. I just looked it up and it means ; a harsh mixture of sounds. So i guess it makes sense that it would be a ugly word.
Also, there used to be a porn producer a while ago that used to always say FUCK HOLE to the actresses and it really ticked me off.Comment Hidden (
I agree, I hate fuckhole!
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Statistics. I can’t pronounce it.
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I don’t know what my least favourite word is but I can tell you two of my most favourite. Two little words my mother said to me earlier this afternoon and which woke me what I only now realise has been a nightmare. She relayed these two little words from the mouth of an oncologist who doesn’t get to say them often enough.
All. Clear.
Although it made me cry and still is making me cry, I hope anyone waiting for these two little words, either now or in the future, gets to hear them too. I feel very lucky today.
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Aw Dappled — I wondered where you were. Well I’m very happy for you both
good health to you x
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Thank you, Miss Tottykins on the other side of the planet.
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Had to google the word ‘oncologist’ but omg you had a tumour? Anyhow congratz! ^ Hopefully many more people can share your luck :O
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Not me. My mum. This is the first day in a while I can say that my mother doesn’t have cancer any more. Some people, both on IIN and off it, have tried to monopolise and make me feel even worse. If that’s the kind of thing that makes them feel good, I pity them. But I still hope they find some way to be happier than they are. And I hope others get to hear news as overwhelming (but ultimately positive) as I’ve just received. It’s a dreadful illness and it’s taken some important people in my life but we’re starting to get the measure of it.
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ah well it would of been bad either way, but watching it happen to someone you care about is the worst
You shouldn’t feel bad, its not something that’s in your control. Most important thing with this kind of stuff is a positve attitude, sometimes mentality can make so much of a difference O__O
bleugh, this advice is coming a weee bit too late since you probably don’t need it anymore ah vellComment Hidden (
it was always natural as a young boy to yell penis all the time. and then i was fine with tits and pussy. but wen it came to vagina it just sounded so weird. lol, so i put vaj, dunno if that was wat u were going for, and wth is minge?… My fav word is conundrum !!!!
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Minge is an English word I think, for vagina. My bf says it all the time — I hate it.
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coupon because everyone says it differently!
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How else can you say coupon?
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I have heard it said like «kupon or Coopon» and also «Q-pon»
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Ew @ Q-pon
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I had the same reaction to that.
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Haha, funny
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«juicy wet hole» that offends me i dont know why
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Hmmm yeah I wouldn’t like anyone to say that about mine I have to say.
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words that people mispronounce.
like when people say «wrastling» instead of «wrestling»
or when people say «It-lee» instead of «Italy»Comment Hidden (
For me, its woof instead of wolf. Drives me absolutely out of mind crazy. But my most hated word is broad. My mom used to call me that when she thought she was being tough, and threatening. Ohh I’m so scared.
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i agree. woof is what the dogs do. wolf is an animal
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My dad seems to purposely mispronounce words. And put accent on the wrong sylables.
He says BATT-rees (batteries), DEEEE-troit (Detroit), ambyooLANCE, rucks (rocks). He calls the remote control the TEEE VEEEE handle.
There’s so many more….He’s strange.
I think wrasslin’ is actually a real word.
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Lol @ TEEE VEEEE handle. I haven’t heard that one before! I like the way it makes it sound like a mechanical device
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He picked up a bunch of that shit from being a truck driver. So like the handle is like slang for CB radio or something, so somehow it comes from that….as far as I know. I’ve never heard anyone say it besides him though so maybe he made it up himself.
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OMFG, i love yelling AmbyooLance in a rednecky accent, its sounds so stoopid. i hated it till i did it, then is was just funny to me
then after we can go gator wrasslin’
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«Cry», god I hate that word!
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Rubbish. Fecal. Supper. I will kill you if you say any of those words to me.
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«Pahk ya Cah.»
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No, thank God.
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Hehe you’re from the UK too?
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Trying to figure out where I live, eh? Not going to work.
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I hate the word exactly.
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Improper Grammar that some people use
Nipples (Depends on the situation)
Etc.Comment Hidden (
I hate when someone is saying something then they say «oooh that’s so interesting,don’t you think that’s interesting,I find that VERY interesting.» I just wanna drug em in the face lol. I like when southern folks say «hmya» for words like yeah,and here its so funny.
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i hate it when people say retard, not just because of what it means but it’s also a generally strange word..
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«panties» and «menstrual blood»
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I dont like the word enjoy on frozen dinners,and when people say it when serving food.Makes my skin crawl.
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Hahaha actual lol x
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One of my least favourite words is actually the word ‘peeve’ lol, idk.. just urks me :S
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When people say, «doughnit» instead of «doughnut»
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Pretty much anything that people in Pennsylvania say as slang.
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Haha oh yeah I hate that — and kiddies.
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Delicious isn’t one of my favourite words, but I don’t hate it.
Check out this song, if you want to hear more about favourite and least favourite words: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq2DcrLcQII&feature=related
[Word by The Left Rights]
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O….K…. I’m listening to Pretty on the Inside right now — but that is the weirdest thing I have ever heard!!!
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And that’s just for starters!
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«Whatever» makes it seem like the person isn’t paying attention.
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Who are my fellow Batch haters?
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Minge and Frilly…I don’t even really know why I hate them but I get the impression that only really annoying people use these words.
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Feminist. When I hear the word, I always envision some hirsute, masculinized, ugly man-hating woman. I know it’s a stereotype, but I can’t help but think that. Yeech… Lol.
@MRSHINYSHOES There’s nothing wrong with masculinized or ugly or hirsute (whatever that word means…maybe it’ll be my new least favorite word) women (I’m not a supporter of anyone hating any gender), btw. Thanks for the answer.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir The stereotype certainly doesn’t help the word, but that’s the image in my mind whenever I hear or see the word. Lol.
Omg, I hate the word “dollop” too.
But I think I hate the word “ointment” more. Not because of connotations, I just think it’s one ugly fucking word.
@Mariah LOL!
There are a few words that upset me because people who use them so often use them incorrectly.
1) Unique – this word, an adjective, cannot ever be properly modified by any other adjective. Something either is unique or it is not.
2) Proof or proves – The scientific method does not provide such things. It confirms theories by failing to show them to be false despite extensive efforts by multiple independent scientists.
Of course I can’t stand abusive words like bitch, faggot, dike, and so on when they are used as pejoratives. If someone can’t find something supportive to say, then they should try to say nothing at all.
I hate the word opinion.
@gailcalled I don’t even…what the…what does it even mean?
Pulmonary tuburculosis. It was a favorite word of the British novelist C.P. Snow and appeared enough in “The Master” for me to have looked it up and then never forgotten it.
@gailcalled Fascinating…thanks for that!
Pulchritude. Because it’s a deceptive, lying word. It sounds ugly but means beautiful.
Yes, I’m serious. That’s the best I can do. That word makes me cringe. Even when it’s being used by a 2 year old… even more so when it isn’t.
My mother uses “dollop” all the time, and it’s become a bit of family tradition to tease her for using it. It really is a funny word.
I don’t like barf or the phrase, blow chunks. Makes me feel sick to my stomach when people say them.
And even though I find racial/ethnic/homophobic slurs powerless, I can’t stand faggot.
Everything about that word is shitty. It doesn’t even have to be the way someone says it, just the word in general sucks and delivers an uncomfortable punch to the gut just by existing. I dislike it so much that even though I would prefer to never outright judge someone based on how they speak, when I know that faggot is even occasionally in someone’s vocabulary, it immediately turns me off.
“horrid” and “irregardless”
the c word
penile and penal
I hate the words ‘actually’ & ‘learned’. The word actually can be taken out of the English language completely & no one would notice, nor would our conversation be effected. Go ahead & try it…use the word actually in a sentence & then say the sentence again taking the word out. … Better isn’t it!? I know. Plus, so many people struggle with its pronunciation & that is quite bothersome as well.
Learned…something about how it tumbles off the tongue..it feels like a word a toddler would use when they haven’t grasped the rules of grammar.
Dollop does it for me too.
I cracked up reading your word cuz it was THE word I was going to share. lolol
I also don’t like the word “panties.” It seems slightly creepy to me, but on the other hand the word underwear seems too clinical and utilitarian. And underpants isn’t much better than panties or underwear. What the hell am I supposed to call my underwear?
@lillycoyote Your ‘delicates’.
@rpmpseudonym LOL That’s both creepy and Victorian. A very bad combination if you ask me.
@lillycoyote Crotchwear? Sounds athletic doesn’t it? Like something you wear for a marathon or impromptu rugby match.
It’s just such an ugly word.
I just call them ‘undies’
‘Underpants’ does anyone even say that anymore?
Maybe grandmas 80+ lol
As in ‘corporate branding’ or ‘product branding’. To me it’s just a stuffy way of trying to make your company or your product sound more important than it really is.
Also, the words ‘stymie’, ‘kibble’ and ‘Webinar’ and the term ‘Heebie-Jeebies’.
Wow..I am reading LOTS of words I don’t like.
A phrase I can’t stand is ‘shits & giggles’ really? WTF does that mean? haha
Aw, @rpmpseudonym, you’re not catching me out like that, Barney or no Barney!
@Rufus_T_Firefly, had to look up the word webinar, I HATE it now. Thanks for planting that grammatical seed of evil in my brain.
@Coloma Bahahaha, shits and giggles is silly though!
”Yeah, you think that wittle baby bear is cute now… Just wait till he grows up and rips your face off for shits and giggles.” XD
@Coloma “Undies.” That works for me. Thanks.
@aprilsimnel Okay, I know I’m horrible but the word moist turns me on.
@Rufus_T_Firefly Funny, I actually like the word kibble for some reason. It’s so, I don’t know, so “kibblely.”
@aprilsimnel Yes, particularly when paired with the word “towlette” which isn’t even really a word. The idea of the “moist towlette” gives me the shudders too for some reason.
Panties. I don’t know why but that word just sounds nasty to me. My dad always called his unders “panties”. He was forever getting in the shower and then yelling to my mom when he was done “Chris! Bring me my panties! I forgot them!” I guess that’s what he gets for having two girls.
@rpmpseudonym – Glad I could be of service. <grin>.
When British sports announcers trot out the obligatory “penultimate” lap designation. The shoe thuds every time.
And for that matter when Brits pronounce weekEND or sterAYLE. I love British use and think it superior in almost all circumstance, but those sound poncy.
“Bourgeois” – I’m not sure if America even has them, or are nothing but them, but it’s a word that seems to be used like a weapon – a very dull weapon – like a small Wiffleball bat held by a pimple faced teenager, who is himself “bourgeois”.
I like reading through this, particularly @Dr_Lawrence and @rpmpseudonym, but all others too. A GQ.
@mrentropy – when I was a kid, trying to be helpful, I informed my boss “irregardless” was not a word. Big mistake. The word always reminds me of that now, so I dislike it for personal reasons, and because I used it for so long unknowingly. That’s a good one.
@knitfroggy Just glad to know that I am not the only one that dislikes the word “panties” and finds it kind of nasty and creepy.
Now there’s a word to research…panties..pantaloons? lol
I bet we can find ‘someone’ to gather the data on the origin. lolol
@lillycoyote It does just sound creepy. My daughter calls hers “pannies”. I have been telling her for years they are “unders” but she will probably never change until she grows up and realizes that “pannies” are creepy!
Conflagration. Feels like somebody filled my mouth with random Scrabble tiles.
@Coloma Don’t worry; I’m on top of it, or underneath it, or all over it or whatever and wherever
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Yep, they cover the nether regions. haha
Alright..an epihany…my least favorite word of all time is…..
Man..runs the gauntlet on ugly sounding word with an even uglier meaning. :-/
@jjmah calls drawers gotchies.
I hate the word “panties”, too. I also greatly dislike the words “nasty” and “unitard”. I am weird.
Note, I think we should all call our underwear “balbriggans” from now on, per @lillycoyote‘s first link.
Xian Xia,Mei Lan,Quan Xi,and any word that sounds so Chinese.
Ugh, I hate dollop too. Also- gulp. It has this horrible guttural uhl sound in it- then to be ended by one of the most spit inducing consonants! Ick!
Hubbs hates guesstimate. He says they’re two totally different things, damnit.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir – Well, your thrill can make up for my strong dislike! Have at it, m’dear!
“Clotted cream” who the heck would want to eat that, after hearing it called that?
The word I hate most is “spelunking”. I think it’s the ugliest word ever. I’ll stick with “caving”.
I’ve always called em’ skivvies. But supposedly that’s only fer mens-is. I refer to hers as pantyliscious.
Oh, and I don’t seem to ever remember liking the word “cud”…
Cud is a portion of food that returns from a ruminant’s stomach in the mouth to be chewed for the second time.
Kind of related to pantyliscious.
late edit: “tuberculosis”
Oh, and nucular.
I have 2 of them. The first is “cancer” (it seems so common and several people close to me died from it). The second would have to be “confidence” it just seems you hear it everywhere like a zillion times.
All of the various scatological terms turn me off.
I was trying to think of a word I don’t like when I realized I quite like the combination “moist panties.”
Another nasty one is coprophagy.
@ratboy – I kinda like that combo as well.
Today my least favorite words are ‘sinus infection’ and my favorite word is anti-biotic. lol
@gailcalled, how does that little butt-licker Milo feel about coprophagy?
@ratboy: About the same as I feel when I take a shower…clean.
@ratboy and rufus – you’ll like the thread about Gardnerella vaginalis if you like the moist panties combo. Enjoy.
@zenele, thanks heaps. I now think that there is something fishy about “stinky panties.”
Whatnot…. I had an english professor use that word non-stop in her lectures. It became so bad that the guys started betting with each other how many times she would possibly say it during a class.
Not sure if this counts, but when people say “across” but put a t sound at the end, that drives me nuts.
Tying in with the weekends theme over this way.
@Coloma Snot’s not really your least favorite word, is it? It’s not as bad as many words out there, if you ask me. Sorry, that was really pathetically simple minded but somehow I couldn’t stop myself : ).
@Coloma My sinuses are trying to keep your misery in company.
On that note, ‘pain’ is an unpleasant word.
Ow…don’t make me laugh, pressure, pressure…
Dude, Hubby and Missus as in the missus
@Simone_De_Beauvoir – great to finally see your quite healthy rack icon this morning ^^.
“Douche” bag was a very hip epithet back 15 years ago when no one used it online.
Now when someone uses it I quite literally picture them as being the douche bag – spewing used vinegar water or whatever out of their mouths. Dear god, I feel sick.
Vastly overused at a company I worked for in the late 90s.
Gah…drinking coffee…nice visual..lol
With a not-so-sturdy basis for my detestation, I still have to add ‘plethora’ to my ongoing list of un-words. My reasoning: The only times I have heard it used in casual conversation, the people who used it were a bit arrogant & had a certain level of douchbaggery(sorry @ipso). With each person, comes a personal preference in its pronunciation. Pleh-THORah. Pleth-ER-ah. How it strides & swaggers like a duke of asshole kingdom off their tongue, it just gets to me. Forgive me fellow Flutherines who do use the word & do not inhabit this phony sophistication. It’s similar to the use of former/latter in conversation. I feel they are words people use when they don’t have a relatively large vocabulary, so they hide under their tongue, these key words – signifiers of an intelligence gained from conversation with a congressman or shitty novelist.
Whew. Got that out of my system.
@rpmpseudonym It’s really hard for me to dislike the word “plethora” just because it’s so much fun to say, but I would never use it seriously in a conversation. Some of my friends and enjoy casual word play, because words are fun. The only circumstance where we would use a word like that would be, say, we were standing in front of a pastry counter try to decide what to order and somebody would say something about how every looked good and there were too many to choose from and then one of us would probably say something stupid like: “Yes, a plethora, a veritable plenitude of pastries” just because the words are fun to say.
@lillycoyote I agree, but it’s also the reason I want to lay it to rest in a vocab graveyard. It’s one of those words we use when we make a mockery of its status in the English language. (like at a bakery, describing the abundance of baked goods to choose from). I would never use plethora in a serious conversation. It creates a rumble strip that the listener gets caught up on & ends up stopping you to say, “Wait a minute, what the hell did you just say?”
While plethora (& former/latter) may be great words to poke fun at, I would sacrifice the joy of saying those uptight words in silly situations, if in turn, I would never have to hear someone say them with conviction & expect me to take them seriously.
I have never really spoken/written about words I disliked. I had no idea this anger was inside of me. Thanks a lot @Simone_De_Beauvoir, for unleashing this beast within me.
Hahaha…you’re hilarious, and, very well written.
Yeah..Plethora..but ya know..it’s a good spitting word..get the lisp thing down and it could be kinda fun to parrot it back to someone. lol
Another one… “congealed.” A gross sounding word with a pretty gross meaning!
@Coloma : Plethora means extheth. Both are utheful words.
Todays word:
A false positive on my recovery…gah….‘snot fun at all.
haha..oh don’t make me laugh, my head, my head..
@Coloma: Thorry.
I hate the N word. Or any word that is derogatory toward a single ethnicity, race, creed or gender. I kind of like the word bitch though, especially since I started calling men bitches. I love the look on their face.
If you mean what real word I hate….cumulative. I cannot pronounce it for the life of me for some reason. I don’t know why it’s like I have a mental block as where to place the emphasis accent. It always comes out as cumative.
@Paxan8 : Think four syllables; qu mu la tiv (accent is on “tiv.”
the one word i hate is Pimple it makes me wanna beat the shit out of whoever says it and it also makes me wanna cut myself <——not literally gonna cut myself for the people take stuff like that literal
What is your least favorite English word?
3 years ago
1 Answers
Personally I’m not sure if I have a least favourite word, but one of my former colleagues hated the words «moist» and «quiche», even more so when said together. Not sure why though, since a dry quiche doesn’t sound very appetising.
3 years ago
Forum>What is your least favorite English word?