What is your favorite word in english

  • UMBRELLA is my favorite words. It is a strong word besides loving its sound.

  • Exquisite is my favorite word….

  • It’s difficult to choose only one word, for I like many words. Two words I like the most are: satisfied & complacent, cuz my name “Radia” in my language, Arabic, means that. I like the sound of satisfied and the meaning of complacent as it means so satisfied. I also like the word courageous. Radia, Libya.

  • I like the word “sunshine” the most. Its warmth, glittering and spirituous. It shows a good start, hope and yet…lucky! I wanna be “sunshine in the rain”

  • MY favorite word is wherever, because it sounds good…

  • My favorite is SOURCE… =]
    It just sounds very nice and the meaning is great!

  • My favourite word is APPRECIATE…

  • My favorite word is zucchini ^^ It sounds great !!!!

  • One of my favourite word is enthusiastic (sorry, I know I’m not being very original), it took me ages to be able to pronounce it correctly! I also like outrageous and forerunner.

  • My favorite word is resplendent. It sounds as grand as the sun

  • my favorite words are serenity mmm..and serendipity…oh and sentinel…
    I love the way they sssound 🙂

  • ‘Indigo” is great – it manages to sound both cozy and dangerous.

  • One of my favourite English words is EXTRAORDINARY! Firstly because of the pronounciation, especially when being uttered by my Brittish friends, secondly due to its meaning which is so “out of the way”! =)
    I also love the words HILLARIOUS, FABULOUS and BRILLIANT! Same too reasons!

  • Well, my favourite English word would be “bee”. I don’t know, it just sounds so cute and you instantly can imagine the sound of bees. And you might forget that they can sting, too. So yeah, that’s my favourite word.

  • I love the word ‘procrastination’ because it doesn’t exist in my mother tongue (German), because it sounds sophisticated and because I can use it to tell people in a nice way that they should get their work done 😉

  • My favorite English word is “perhaps” I like to pronounce it and the sound when someone else pronounce it.

  • My favourite English word is “LOVE”…….. 🙂

  • My favorite word is “Serendipity” The first time I heard about this word was in a movie….I like it for its meaning and because in my mother tongue, Spanish, there is not a word that means the same.

  • “payday”.. no seriously.. well half-seriously “acquiese” or “lascivious” 😉

  • that should be “acquiesce”.. can’t spell so why do I teach English??

  • My favorite English word is “twilight” because it asociates with two lovely things bird twitting and day light )

  • I definitely love the sound of “scissors”: you can feel how paper is cut when you pronounce it. And also “Malmsey”, which reminds me of my English History lessons at university…. the Tudors always drank that wine in my teacher’s opinion. Some years later I travelled to Sicily and tasted the local variety of it… Wonderful! Finally, 2 more words: “pristine” and “gorgeous”.

  • hey guys what do you think of..


    i think it’s cool.

  • My favourite is LOVELY…. it has a very nice pronuciation with my Slovak accent.

  • My favourite English word is “compassion” firstly because of the meaning and also because it includes the word “passion” which is another word I love- thus I get 2 for the price of 1…it’s great-I don’t have to choose between the 2 words!

  • Kerfuffle

  • My favorite word is OBLIVION. It sound magical and it evokes the sea and the mountains.

  • i love to use PLEASURE in my sentences 🙂

  • My favourite English word is an expression actually:” two thumbs up”;
    I like this expression because when you say it you use your fingers and body as well and usually when someone speaks he uses his whole body to communicate.
    Morevoer this expression can initiate others like: three thumbs up or ten thumbs up or two hands up etc…….that’s why I do like these words together!

  • “Ombudsman” is Swedish, “zucchini” is Italian – English is such a fabulous language – constantly adorning itself with jewels from multicultural crowns. By the way, “slut” comes from “slattern” which means a sloppy housekeeper, NOTHING to do with loose morals! My favourite word is “voluptuous”, especially as pronounced by an old Finnish friend of mine who used to say “volumptuous” !!!

  • My favorite words are all the performative verbs (promise, forbid, invite, swear, declare etc) not because of their sound but rather because of their power to convey the kind of speech act being performed.
    Claudio Silva

  • My favorite word in English is ‘knowledge’, because I think sounds good! HAHAHA’

  • My favorite English word is definitely “procrastination”. It just sounds good and it’s a very useful word. We also have an equivalent in Spanish (procrastinar), though we don’t use it as often.

  • “tangerine ” because it sounds as it tastes:sour and sweet

  • My favourite English word is “candy” because is sweet

  • I hated MENAGERIE as a child. It made me itch. I see someone wrote RENDEZVOUS. This reminds me of George W, who apparently said that the French were no good in business because they didn’t have a word for ENTREPRENEUR. Well, well!!

  • I really like the word WINNINGEST which I gather is used by sports announcers in the States. In the U.K. we never use that word but it is such a funny (and useful) word!

    Also on the Simpsons they used that word EMBIGGENS, as in “A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man”.

    It’s amazing how these words start off tongue in cheek but end up being used day to day.

  • I think I went thru about a 1/4 of the comments before someone said a “true” English word … one that has Anglo-Germanic roots rather than a Latinate or Greek-rooted word. That’s kind of sad.

    The one that I like the best … bedoven … means to be drenched or drowned (ppl from archaic bedive). For byspel: After walking thru the jungle, he was bedoven with sweat.

  • My favorite English word is “TOUCH”. It sounds great!!!

  • my best word is WEIRD. I love the pronunciation

  • i like to us the word ‘SIBLINGS because it sounds very good when we use it instead saying brothers and sisters

  • My favourite word is awkward. Maybe because of its structure.I really love to use it everyday ! 😀 :))))

  • My favourite word is “super”. It is easily recognized and frequently used by almost everybody!

  • My favourite word is ‘forlorn’, which I heard first in John Keat’s Ode to a Nightingale. I just love how it sounds, because it’s true, “the very word is like a bell”.
    I also like other English words such as ‘solace’ (the very sound of the word transmits softness and calm), ‘dearest’ (it sounds very tender and endearing), ‘sojourn’ (I find it graceful)…

  • my favorite word in English is : AWESOME . and i use it a lot

Opulent. Peach. Elbow.

What’s your favorite word in English? When you work at an online language school, these are the kinds of questions that get asked every day. Not just because it’s helpful for communication, (although that’s important of course), but because some words carry a personal meeting. Sometimes they sound poetic. And sometimes just plain weird. This morning we surveyed the Lingoda team, and here are some of their favorite words in English, and why.

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Ay-up: “It reminds me of home (Yorkshire) and it can be used in a variety of situations. I checked and it’s in the Collins dictionary… though it hasn’t been confirmed as a real word yet!” (Laura, UK)

Tenacity: “Because it is a characteristic that can get you through the challenges and help you get to the ‘finish line’.” (Shari United States)

Whimsical: “Just because it’s my favorite quote from my favorite book*. ‘Life is full of whimsical happenings, Watson.’ *Casebook of Sherlock Holmes. (Caro, Germany)

Fluffy: “Because of the Little Girl with the unicorn from the movie Despicable Me, ‘It’s so fluffy I’m gonna dieeee’.” (Charlotte, Germany)

We: “I love the word ‘we’. It shows strength.” (Palvi, India)

Serendipity: “I just like how it sounds.” (Ari, Colombia)

Sarcasm: “Because life is pain.” (Akber, Pakistan)

Queue: “Because the last four letters in the word are not even needed but they exist.” (Lana, Russia)

Wanderlust: “It is what keeps us going. And I like that it is rooted in the German language.” (Fabio, Italy)

Strengths: “It’s more like a love/hate relationship. Obviously I like the meaning but there are just too many consonants and being a German native the th+s is just torture.” (Caro, Germany)

Underpants: “Only the English could come up with a word so unsexy when talking about underwear.” (Paul, UK)

Synergy: “I like the concept and it sounds and looks cool.” (Abel, United States)

Irregardless: “Because it doesn’t exist but people use it and it’s funny.” (Enrique, Venezuela)

Bewildered: “It sounds exactly like what it means (confused and distracted).” (Peter, UK)

Other words that also made the list: Becoming, Bungalow, Conflate, Dulcet, Elixir, Glamour, Panacea, Ripple, Summery, Umbrella.

That’s a pretty comprehensive list, at least from the Lingoda team. What’s your favorite word in English?

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What is a good favorite word?, Most Popular Favorite Words

  • Effort.
  • Sincerity.
  • Freedom.
  • Peace.
  • Love.
  • Thoughtfulness.
  • Trust.
  • Thanks.

Furthermore, What’s your Favourite mean?, 1 : one that is treated or regarded with special favor or liking That song is my favorite. especially : a person who is specially loved, trusted, or provided with favors by someone of high rank or authority The king granted the land to two of his favorites.

Finally,  What is a flash seminar?, In her fourth year at UVA, Laura Nelson was inspired to create Flash Seminars, one-time classes which facilitate high-energy discussion about thought-provoking topics outside of traditional coursework.

Frequently Asked Question:

What does you are my favorite mean?

n. a a person or thing regarded with especial preference or liking.

What are your favorite words?

Most Popular Favorite Words

  • Effort.
  • Sincerity.
  • Freedom.
  • Peace.
  • Love.
  • Thoughtfulness.
  • Trust.
  • Thanks.

What does one of my favorites mean?

One of my favorite songs” This means that it’s not your only favorite song: you have other favorites too. … If you liked only one song, you would write or say “My favorite song is…” and you could still say or write this if you have one favorite out of all the songs there are available.

Where are my favorites?

Depending on your Android phone, you may also be able to restore your favorites by tapping and holding a blank section of the screen, selecting Folder, and scrolling down and selecting Starred. This will place a folder of all of your favorites that you have previously “starred.”

What is a word for favorite?

In this page you can discover 71 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for favorite, like: best-liked, beloved, desired, liked, favored, minion, apple of one’s eye, preferred, especially liked, adored one and well-liked.

What are the most beautiful words?

The Top 10 Most Beautiful English Words

  • 10 Serendipity (n.)
  • 9 Petrichor (n.)
  • 8 Supine (adj.)
  • 7 Solitude (n.)
  • 6 Aurora (n.)
  • 5 Idyllic (adj.)
  • 4 Clinomania (n.)
  • 3 Pluviophile (n.)

What are the cool words?

List of 500+ Fun, Cool and Interesting Words

  • abecedarian.
  • abracadabra.
  • accoutrements.
  • adagio.
  • aficionado.
  • agita.
  • agog.
  • akimbo.

What are some really good words?

Positive Words Vocabulary List

  • absolutely. accepted. acclaimed. accomplish. accomplishment. …
  • beaming. beautiful. believe. beneficial. bliss. …
  • calm. celebrated. certain. champ. champion. …
  • dazzling. delight. delightful. distinguished. divine.
  • earnest. easy. ecstatic. effective. …
  • fabulous. fair. familiar. famous. …
  • generous. genius. genuine. giving. …
  • handsome. happy. harmonious. healing.

What are the most beautiful English words?

The Top 10 Most Beautiful English Words

  • 10 Serendipity (n.)
  • 9 Petrichor (n.)
  • 8 Supine (adj.)
  • 7 Solitude (n.)
  • 6 Aurora (n.)
  • 5 Idyllic (adj.)
  • 4 Clinomania (n.)
  • 3 Pluviophile (n.)

What are the most positive words?

Top 25 Positive Words In English

  • Flourishing. …
  • Lustrous. …
  • Noble. …
  • Respect. …
  • Laughter. Laughter is the sound of someone laughing. …
  • Unconditional. Unconditional means there are no conditions attached. …
  • Smiling. Smiling is laughing in a smaller, quieter way. …
  • Hope. Hope is the expectation that something will happen.

What are positive words?

What Is A Positive Word? A positive word is a word which has a positive meaning or imposes a positive meaning on an existing word. For example. if you take the sentence ‘this is a cake’ but you wanted to convey that the cake was really good, you could use a positive word to imply that.

What are some powerful words?

The Massive 401+ List of Power Words

Happiness Indulgence Prestige
Powerful Stealthy Ruin
Proven Trend Senseless
Psychological Truth Shameful
Reliable Unadulterated Silly

What are some really cool words?

60+ of the Coolest, Most Epic Words in the English Language

#1–15 #16–30 #31–45
3. Bizarre 18. Flippant 33. Onomatopoeia
4. Blasphemy 19. Gerrymandering 34. Persnickety
5. Bumblebee 20. Hyperbolic 35. Phosphorous
6. Capricious 21. Hypnosis 36. Picturesque

What are some cool English words?

The Top 10 Most Beautiful English Words

  • 10 Serendipity (n.)
  • 9 Petrichor (n.)
  • 8 Supine (adj.)
  • 7 Solitude (n.)
  • 6 Aurora (n.)
  • 5 Idyllic (adj.)
  • 4 Clinomania (n.)
  • 3 Pluviophile (n.)

What are the new slang words for 2020?

Here’s the latest instalment in our “slang for the year ahead” series, featuring terms that range from funny to just plain weird.

  • Hate to see it. A relatable combination of cringe and disappointment, this phrase can be used as a reaction to a less than ideal situation. …
  • Ok, boomer. …
  • Cap. …
  • Basic. …
  • Retweet. …
  • Fit. …
  • Fr. …
  • Canceled.

What are interesting words?

Explore the Words

  • zenith. the highest point of something.
  • zealot. a fervent and even militant proponent of something.
  • yearn. desire strongly or persistently.
  • yawner. a person who yawns.
  • xenophobia. a fear of foreigners or strangers.
  • x-axis. the horizontal axis in a plane coordinate system.
  • wonky. …
  • wanton.

What is the most beautiful word in the world?

“Cellar Door” One of the most famous theories comes from Lord of the Rings author J.R.R. Tolkien, who proposed in a 1955 speech that “cellar door” is the most beautiful word (or phrase) in the English language.

ESL Discussion

My favorite word is audacity. when I first heard this word, it gives me nice feeling. It was like it contained courage, power and determination.

Views: 30

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  • Peppo
    August 24, 2016 16:21

    Imagination and dream. The most peaceful place human could ever be.

  • ann
    August 23, 2016 16:17

    To answer your question I think of the word «unpredictable». Our life in general is unpredictable. So enjoy changes.

  • A word just came into my mind:


  • Rose
    August 3, 2016 12:03

    I don’t have only one single favorite word, my best words are humanity, acceptance and respect in terms of everyone … no matter of his origin, skin color and religion, because we never shall forget what it means to ourselves and to others.

  • my word…There are many people in this world so why i was born?

  • Thank you, dear Setarah… Hugs from here!

    setareh said:

    Dear Serene, the word serene has engraved in my mind since it’s embodied with a nice person.:)

    What is your favorite word in English?

    My favorite word is audacity. when I first heard this word, it gives me nice feeling. It was like it contained courage, power and determination.

  • Dear Night, it means indescribable. It was new to me. Thanks for stopping by.


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My favorite individual word is «immaculate». I feel a certain power in it lol

As for phrase, I’m not sure. I’m certain I have one, but there are so many good ones that it’s hard to remember… maybe something simple like «Well said». Probably because I enjoy giving honest praise. I’ll comment again if I think of a better one

  • Японский

@Loafer Thank you! I can feel kinda that power too

I’ll be glad if you give me other words or phrases😊

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What is your favorite word or phrase in English?

  • what is your favorite english word?


    onomatopoeia is my favourite english word

  • What is your favourite English word?

  • What’s your favourite word in English?



  • What’s your favorite word in english?


    Serendipity, which means something happening by chance and brings you happiness

  • What’s your favourite word in English?


    @Cris_Bert One of my favourite words that comes to mind is : GORGEOUS

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