What is word usage in english

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Word usage is the way a word, phrase, or concept is used in a language or language variety. Lexicographers gather samples of written instances where a word is used and analyze them to determine patterns of regional or social usage as well as meaning. A word, for example the English word «donny» (a round rock about the size of a man’s head), may be only a rare regional usage, or a word may be used worldwide by standard English speakers and have one or several evolving definitions.

Word usage may also involve grammar.

See alsoEdit

  • List of English words with disputed usage
  • Text mining
  • Predictive analytics

english grammar word usage

Word usage is a grammatical activity or meaningful process where words and phrases are used in languages or language varieties. Word Usage is the way in which words are actually used in particular contexts, especially with regard to their meanings and strucures.


Fill in the blanks with the words in brackets to form new suitable words.

1. Jane was ________ married to David. (happy)
2. Because of over ________ , she fainted on the floor. (exert)
3. He finished his work ________ and went home early. (hurry)
4. They worked hard and became ________ in their lives. (success)
5. Her ________ was tremendously outstanding. (perform)
6. By the virtue of his ________ of mind, he could prevent that disaster. (present)
7. Teacher asked the student to speak ________ . (loud)
8. The sky was ________ when I was returning to home. (cloud)
9. His mother’s mind filled with ________ . (anxious)
10. Many people die every day due to ________ . (hungry)
11. She could complete her project within the given deadline with his ________ . (helpful)
12. Man is a ________ being. (mortality)


1. Jane was happily married to David.
2. Because of over-exertion, she fainted on the floor.
3. He finished his work hurriedly and went home early.
4. They worked hard and became successful in their lives.
5. Her performance was tremendously outstanding.
6. By the virtue of his presence of mind, he could prevent that disaster.
7. Teacher asked the student to speak loudly.
8. The sky was cloudy when I was returning to home.
9. His mother’s mind filled with anxiety.
10. Many people die every day due to hunger.
11. She could complete her project within the given deadline with his help.
12. Man is a mortal.

Fill in the blanks with the words in brackets to form new suitable words.

1. Heathcliff loved Cathy ________ and deeply. (passionate)
2. Theirs was a very ________ family. (harmony)
3. He was the Corona ________ (survive)
4. Do not make ________ comments. (stupidity)
5. Let’s have a serious ________ on this. (discuss)
6. He was ________ for his life-time achievements. (award)
7. Students participated in the competition ________ (active)
8. ________ of the external appearance is useless. (beautify)
9. He bowled very ________ in the last match. (slow)
10. Her speech has a ________ effect on people. (charisma)
11. You will have to enter data ________ (manual)
12. Antonio and Bassanio are known for their true ________. (friend)


1. Heathcliff loved Cathy passionately and deeply.
2. Theirs was a very harmonious family.
3. He was the Corona survivor.

4. Do not make stupid comments.
5. Let’s have a serious discussion on this.

6. He was awarded for his life-time achievements.
7. Students participated in the competition actively.
8. Beautification of the external appearance is useless.
9. He bowled very slowly in the last match.
10. Her speech has a charismatic effect on people.
11. You will have to enter data manually.
12. Antonio and Bassanio are known for their true friendship.


Use the words given in the brackets properly and rewrite the sentences.

1. The couple was leading a very happy nuptial life. (happiness)
2. The teacher emphasized the importance of discipline. (emphasis)
You must give accent on particular syllables while speaking. (accentuate)
Emma is very perfect in her work. (perfection)
Michael Jackson had a unique style of dancing. (uniquely)
We met each other accidentally. (accident)
Because of a proper guidance, he got success in his life. (succeed)
He asked questions curiously. (curiosity)
I made a different choice and that made a difference. (choose)
John got nervous and failed in the Viva-voce. (nervousness)
Shakespeare contributed greatly to the English literature. (contribution)
It is very important to concentrate on your goal. (concentration)


1. The couple was leading a nuptial life with happiness.
2. The teacher gave emphasis on the importance of discipline.
3. You must accentuate particular syllables while speaking.
4. Emma does her work with a lot of perfection.
5. Michael Jackson danced uniquely.
6. We met each other by accident.
7. Because of a proper guidance, he succeeded in his life.
8. He asked questions with curiosity.
9. I chose differently and that made a difference.
10. Because of nervousness, John failed in the Viva-voce.
11. Shakespeare made a great contribution to the English literature.
12. Concentration on your goal is very important.


Use the words given in the brackets properly and rewrite the sentences.

1. The place I visited yesterday was serene. (serenity)
2. She is looking very glad today. (gladness)
3. Hearing the crying of a small kid, he opened the door. (heard)
4. Robert committed that mistake purposely. (purpose)
5. He was accused of murdering his neighbour. (accusation)
6. Don’t do anything with haste. (hastily)
7. You must look into the matter carefully to solve it. (looking)
8. On seeing her rival, she turned her back. (saw)
9. The child was filled with terror. (terrified)
10. Maria blushed on being praised. (praise)
11. Paul became happy on the acceptance of his proposal. (accepted)
12. The country was liberated from the slavery. (liberation)


1. The place I visited yesterday was full of serenity.
2. There is a lot of gladness on her face today.
3. When he heard the crying of a small kid, he opened the door.
4. Robert committed that mistake on purpose.
5. He was charged with the accusation of murdering his neighbour.
6. Don’t do anything hastily.
7. By looking into the matter carefully, you can solve it.
8. When she saw her rival, she turned her back.
9. The child was terrified.
10. Maria blushed because of her praise.
11. Paul became happy as his proposal was accepted.
12. The country got liberation from the slavery.


Use the words given in the brackets properly and rewrite the sentences.

1. He satisfied all the judges with his performance. (satisfactory)
2. His proposal was approved by the committee. (approval)
3. Everybody was sad at the departed soul. (departure)
4. I am not bound to answer your every question! Understand? (binding)
5. He is not committed to any relationship. He is a free bird! (commitment)
6. They love each other unconditionally. (unconditional)
7. Joseph is very selfish. (selfishness)
8. Helen had great charms! (charming)
9. He is very good at drafting documents. (draft)
10. Meera speaks English fluently. (fluent)
11. The teacher corrected her mistakes in grammar. (correction)
12. She gave a solution to the problem immediately. (solved)

Answers :

1. His performance was satisfactory to all judges.
2. His proposal got approval by the committee.
3. Everybody was sad at the departure of soul.
4. It is not binding on me to answer your every question! Understand?
5. He does not have commitment to any relationship. He is a free bird!
6. Their love to each other is unconditional.
7. Joseph has a lot of selfishness.
8. Helen was greatly charming!
9. He drafts documents very well.
10. Meera is a fluent speaker of English.
11. The teacher made corrections in her mistakes in grammar.
12. She solved the problem immediately.


Use the words given in the brackets properly and rewrite the sentences.

1. Expectation is the root of sorrow. (expect)
2. He has a lot of wealth. (wealthy)
3. It’s very windy outside. (wind)
4. John is focused on his goal. (focus)
5. Amanda was confused about it. (confusion)
6. To share means caring. (sharing)
7. She had lustre in her eyes. (lustrous)
8. Her father has been always supporting her. (supportive)
9. Emma speaks with a great speed. (speedily)
10. Raju is very hard-working. (hard work)
11. Tears came into her eyes suddenly. (tearful)
12. You are very smart boy! (smartness)


1. To expect is the root of sorrow.
2. He is very wealthy.
3. There is a lot of wind outside.
4. John has focus on his goal.

5. Amanda had confusion about it.
6. Sharing means caring.
7. Her eyes were lustrous.
8. Her father has been always supportive to her.
9. Emma speaks very speedily.
10. Raju does a lot of hard-work.
11. Her eyes became tearful.
12. You are a boy having a great deal of smartness!


Use the words given in the brackets properly and rewrite the sentences.

1. She rejected his proposal, so he got upset. (rejection)
2. Robert had a strong hatred for Paul. (hated)
3. He is the master of Chess. (mastery)
4. Jane decided not to meet him again. (decision)
5. Michael wrote an application for a job. (applied)
6. I strongly believe in the existence of the Almighty. (belief)
7. John achieved victory in the match. (victorious)
8. He sells fruits for earning his livelihood. (selling)
9. Gopal was dejected because he failed in the exam. (failure)
10. The movie hit the box-office as it was directed excellently. (direction)
11. He came with flying colours because he studied very hard. (study)
12. She surprised everyone with her new looks. (surprise)


1. Because of her rejection of his proposal he got upset.
2. Robert hated Paul strongly.
3. He has mastery over Chess.
4. Jane made a decision not to meet him again.
5. Michael applied for a job.
6. I have a strong belief in the existence of the Almighty.
7. John became victorious in the match.
8. He earns his livelihood through selling fruits.
9. Gopal was dejected because of his failure in the exam.

10. The movie hit the box-office because of its excellent direction.
11. He came with flying colours because of his very hard study.
12. She gave surprise to everyone with her new looks.

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Hey, there! Welcome to this video on word usage.

Word usage is important when writing or speaking because word usage is what helps us to clearly articulate points with meanings and forms that are appropriate for the context and structure of a sentence. Understanding words and how to use them will greatly improve your ability to be an effective writer.

Here are three things to consider when deciding what words to use in your writing:

1. Does this word actually make sense in the context?
2. Who is your audience?
3. Are you being clear?

1. Choose Words that Make Sense

You must know what the word you are trying to use actually means.

For example:

The fish galloped through the water.

The word gallop is a poor word choice. The fish may have been going fast, but the word gallop is reserved for the quickest speed of a four-legged animal and mainly just refers to a horse.
A more appropriate word to use might be “the fish swam through the water,” or, if you really want your audience to be able to better envision the speed of the fish, you might say “the fish darted through the water,” or perhaps add an adjective like quickly in front of swam. “The fish quickly swam through the water.” There are several words out there you can use that would be appropriate, but there are also several wrong ones, so be sure to choose words that make sense in the context.

Another way we can use words that don’t make sense is by misusing words that sound the same, but, depending on spelling, have different meanings.

For example, their, there, and they’re all sound the exact same but mean different things.

Their shows possession of something and is generally always followed by a noun.

We went to their home for dinner.

Their insinuates ownership of the home. I wouldn’t use their when talking about the proximity of someone: “She’s over their.” The correct word is “she is over there.”

Their, there, and they’re can be used in several different ways. It can be used as an adverb, a pronoun that introduces a noun, an adjective, or a noun referring to a place.
The word they’re is a contraction of they are, and, generally, is followed by a verb, as in “they’re coming with us.”

2. Know Your Audience

Understanding who your audience is is very important as a writer. For instance, if you are writing to second-graders vs. writing to the president of the United States, those two letters will be very different. At least they should be. When writing to second-graders, you want to stay away from more complex words that they don’t yet understand, and when writing to the president, you want to write in a manner that is professional and respectful. Age difference and authority aren’t the only distinctions to make about your audience; cultural differences may also apply. Sometimes words or phrases can have different connotations depending on the culture.


Connotation refers to the societal undertones, cultural implications, or emotions tied to certain words or phrases.

Let’s look at some examples:

In this city, 49% of people are mooching off of the government.

In this sentence, the word mooching has a negative connotation, suggesting that the people are selfishly taking advantage of the government.

In this city, 49% of people are on welfare.

In this sentence, you have simply stated an objective fact, making the connotation neutral.

In this city, 49%of people are in need of financial assistance.

In this sentence, the word need suggests that the people have done all they can, and it is still not enough, making the connotation positive.

Each of these sentences suggests very different things because of the word use. So be careful and considerate in the way that you write. You’re writing may suggest something that you did not intend for it to, so give thought to how words might be perceived by your audience when writing.

3. Write with Clarity

When you write with clarity, this makes your writing easy to follow and easy to understand. If you just try to embellish your writing by throwing really big words in places to try and show mastery, then you risk confusing your audience. Clarity is always the answer. Clarity is mastery. If you can write in a way that is clear, simple, and effective, then you have succeeded.

Here is what I’m talking about.

Our core competencies include, but are not limited to ideating holistic and innovative business plans that, in effect, will invoke a world-class paradigm shift.

This is too much, or should I say “this is extraordinarily beyond what is desired.”

It is not a bad thing, and it can be useful to use larger words, but when it is overdone, your writing can become ineffective, confusing, and it can lose the attention of your audience.

We can rewrite the sentence, to make it clear, direct, and effective without all the jargon.

We specialize in developing, and improving business plans to help you see growth.

I’ve made it short and direct, and I’ve said all the same things in fewer words.

The more you write, the more comfortable, and confident you will be in your ability to choose appropriate wording.

I hope this video was helpful!

See you next time!

Word usage, otherwise known as diction, refers to a writer’s choice of words and the manner in which he uses those words in a given piece of writing. The writer’s choice of words varies significantly based on the type of writing in which he is engaging. A technical writer, for instance, tends to use words precisely and clearly, with the goal of transmitting information. His word usage typically differs from a poet, who often uses flowery and eloquent words to communicate intangible ideas, such as beauty and love. Word choice has a particularly important place in fiction, wherein works taking place in different regions and in different time periods often use significantly different words in order to develop some level of authenticity.

For most people, word usage simply means choosing the appropriate words to use in particular scenarios. This means understanding the meanings of words and how to use them in sentences. Many words have «connotations,» or meanings beyond their technical definitions, however. Understanding both the technical meanings and the connotations of words is essential to proper word usage, as some words with perfectly acceptable definitions have unsavory or insulting connotations.

Woman standing behind a stack of books

Woman standing behind a stack of books

Word usage is a much more pressing issue for writers and speakers than it is for those in other professions. Writers generally must choose words that both clearly and specifically address the subjects they are discussing and that are clear and understandable to their audiences. When writing for a technically-proficient audience, for instance, a writer’s word usage must generally demonstrate understanding of the jargon associated with the subject being discussed. When writing for a general audience, on the other hand, the writer must try to avoid jargon. For writing intended primarily to transmit information, the intended audience is generally the primary determinant of the writer’s word choices.

Many writers and poets use language for artistic purposes and are, therefore, often less influenced by their audiences. Word usage, in such cases, takes on new and more complex dimensions, as the sound and rhythm of the words may be as important as the meanings. This is particularly true in poetry, much of which is governed by strict rules of rhythm and rhyme.

Artistic writers are not the only ones who are occasionally praised for their skilled word usage. Many writers whose primary purpose is to transmit information are well-regarded because of their ability to do so eloquently. Skilled use of words can make even purely technical writing seem almost artistic without detracting at all from its functionality.

Usage refers to the conventional ways in which words or phrases are used, spoken, or written in a speech community.

There is no official institution (akin to the 500-year-old Académie française, for example) that functions as an authority on how the English language should be used. There are, however, numerous publications, groups, and individuals (style guides, language mavens, and the like) that have attempted to codify (and sometimes dictate) rules of usage.

From Latin, usus  «to use


  • «This usage stuff is not straightforward and easy. If ever someone tells you that the rules of English grammar are simple and logical and you should just learn them and obey them, walk away, because you’re getting advice from a fool.» (Geoffrey K. Pullum, «Does It Really Matter If It Dangles?» Language Log, Nov. 20, 2010)
  • «The thoughtful, nondichotomous position on language depends on a simple insight: Rules of proper usage are tacit conventions. Conventions are unstated agreements within a community to abide by a single way of doing things—not because there is any inherent advantage to the choice, but because there is an advantage to everyone making the same choice. Standardized weights and measures, electrical voltages and cables, computer file formats, the Gregorian calendar, and paper currency are familiar examples.» (Steven Pinker, «False Fronts in the Language Wars.» Slate, May 31, 2012)

The Difference Between Grammar and Usage

«In this book, grammar refers to the manner in which the language functions, the ways that the blocks of speech and writing are put together. Usage refers to using specific words in a manner that will be thought of as either acceptable or unacceptable. The question of whether or not to split an infinitive is a consideration of grammar; the question of whether one should use literally in a nonliteral sense is one of usage.» (Ammon Shea, Bad English: A History of Linguistic Aggravation. Perigee, 2014)

Arbiters of Usage

  • «The present-day scholarly concept of usage as a social consensus based on the practices of the educated middle class has emerged only within the last century. For many people, however, the views and aims of the 17th-18c fixers of the language continue to hold true: they consider that there ought to be a single authority capable of providing authoritative guidance about ‘good’ and ‘bad’ usage. For them, the model remains that of the Greek and Latin, and they have welcomed arbiters of usage such as Henry Fowler who have based their prescriptions on this model. In spite of this … no nation in which English is the main language has yet set up an official institution to monitor and make rules about usage. New words, and new senses and uses of words, are not sanctioned or rejected by the authority of any single body: they arise through regular use and, once established, are recorded in dictionaries and grammars. This means that, with the classical model of grammar in rapid decline, the users of English collectively set the standards and priorities that underlie all usage.» (Robert Allen, «Usage.» The Oxford Companion to the English Language, ed. T. McArthur. Oxford University Press, 1992)
  • «Most of the little manuals which pretend to regulate our use of our own language and to declare what is and what is not good English are grotesque in their ignorance; and the best of them are of small value, because they are prepared on the assumption that the English language is dead, like the Latin, and that, like Latin again, its usage is fixed finally. Of course, this assumption is as far as possible from the fact. The English language is alive now—very much alive. And because it is alive it is in a constant state of growth. It is developing daily according to its needs. It is casting aside words and usages that are no longer satisfactory; it is adding new terms as new things are brought forward; and it is making new usages, as convenience suggests, short-cuts across lots, and to the neglect of the five-barred gates rigidly set up by our ancestors.» (Brander Matthews, Parts of Speech: Essays on English, 1901)

Usage and Corpus Linguistics

«English is more diverse than ever in all hemispheres. Research into ‘new Englishes’ has flourished, supported by journals such as English World-Wide, World Englishes and English Today. At the same time, the quest for a single, international form for written communication becomes more pressing, among those aiming at a global readership…

«Many kinds of resource have been brought to bear on the style and usage questions raised. The Cambridge Guide to English Usage is the first of its kind to make regular use of large databases (corpora) of computerized texts as primary sources of current English. . . . The corpora embody various kinds of written discourse as well as transcriptions of spoken discourse—enough to show patterns of divergence between the two. Negative attitudes to particular idioms or usage often turn on the fact that they are more familiar to the ear than the eye, and the constructions of formal writing are privileged thereby. Corpus data allow us to look more neutrally at the distributions of words and constructions, to view the range of styles across which they operate. On this basis, we can see what is really ‘standard,’ i.e. usable in many kinds of discourse, as opposed to the formal or informal.» (Pam Peters, The Cambridge Guide to English Usage. Cambridge University Press, 2004)

Linguists and Usage

«As a field of study, usage doesn’t hold much interest for modern linguists, who are drifting more and more toward qualitative psychology and theory. Their leading theorist, Noam Chomsky of MIT, has acknowledged, with no apparent regret, the pedagogical irrelevance of modern linguistics: ‘I am, frankly, rather skeptical about the significance, for the teaching of languages, of such insights and understanding as have been attained in linguistics and psychology’ … If you want to learn how to use the English language skillfully and gracefully, books on linguistics won’t help you at all.» (Bryan A. Garner, Garner’s Modern American Usage, 3rd ed. Oxford University Press, 2009)


«In the past, unproven ideas about ‘the Standard’ have often been used to forward certain social interests at the expense of others. Knowing this, we do not describe the misuse of the conventions of punctuation in some students’ writing as ‘a crime against civilization,’ although we do point out the mistakes. What interests us far more is that these apprentice writers have interesting ideas to convey, and manage to support their arguments well. They should be encouraged to turn to the task of writing seriously and enthusiastically rather than be discouraged because they cannot punctuate a restrictive clause correctly. But when they ask, ‘Does spelling count?’ we tell them that in writing, as in life, everything counts. For academic writers, as for writers in a wide variety of fields (business, journalism, education, etc.), correctness in both content and expression is vital. . . . Language standardization may have been used as a tool of social oppression, but it has also been the vehicle of broad collaboration and communication. We are right to treat usage both warily and seriously.» (Margery Fee and Janice McAlpine, Guide to Canadian English Usage, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2007)

«Usage is trendy, arbitrary, and above all, constantly changing, like all other fashions—in clothing, music, or automobiles. Grammar is the rationale of a language; usage is the etiquette.»​ (I. S. Fraser and L. M. Hodson, «Twenty-One Kicks at the Grammar Horse.» The English Journal, Dec. 1978)

E.B. White on Usage as a «Matter of Ear»

«We were interested in what Dr. Henry Seidel Canby had to say about English usage, in the Saturday Review. Usage seems to us peculiarly a matter of ear. Everyone has his own set of rules, his own list of horribles. Dr. Canby speaks of ‘contact’ used as a verb, and points out that careful writers and speakers, persons of taste, studiously avoid it. They do—some of them, because the word so used, makes their gorge rise, others because they have heard that we sensitive lit’ry folk consider it displeasing. The odd thing is that what is true of one noun-verb is not necessarily true of another. To ‘contact a man’ makes us wince; but to ‘ground a plane because of bad weather’ sounds all right. Further, although we are satisfied to ‘ground a plane,’ we object to ‘garaging an automobile.’ An automobile should not be ‘garaged’; it should either be ‘put in a garage’ or left out all night.

«The contraction ‘ain’t,’ as Dr. Canby points out, is a great loss to the language. Nice Nellies, schoolteachers, and underdone grammarians have made it the symbol of ignorance and ill-breeding, when in fact it is a handy word, often serving where nothing else will. ‘Say it ain’t so’ is a phrase that is right the way it stands, and couldn’t be any different. People are afraid of words, afraid of mistakes. One time a newspaper sent us to a morgue to get a story on a woman whose body was being held for identification. A man believed to be her husband was brought in. Somebody pulled the sheet back; the man took one agonizing look, and cried, ‘My God, it’s her!’ When we reported this grim incident, the editor diligently changed it to ‘My God, it’s she!’

«The English language is always sticking a foot out to trip a man. Every week we get thrown, writing merrily along. Even Dr. Canby, a careful and experienced craftsman, got thrown in his own editorial. He spoke of ‘the makers of textbooks who are nearly always reactionary, and often unscholarly in denying the right to change to a language that has always been changing …’ In this case, the word ‘change,’ quietly sandwiched in between a couple of ‘to’s,’ unexpectedly exploded the whole sentence. Even inverting the phrases wouldn’t have helped. If he had started out, ‘In denying to a language … the right to change,’ it would have come out this way: ‘In denying to a language that has always been changing the right to change …’ English usage is sometimes more than mere taste, judgment, and education—sometimes it’s sheer luck, like getting across a street. (E.B. White, «English Usage.» The Second Tree From the Corner. Harper & Row, 1954)

Pronunciation: YOO-sij

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