What is word parts and combinations

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A reader asks about the terms prefix, root, and suffix, and wonders how to distinguish them in a word.

At the most basic level, words are made up of units of meaning called morphemes. A morpheme may be a recognizable word like tree, run, or button that cannot be broken down into smaller meaningful parts.

A morpheme can represent meaning without being a word. For example, the prefix un- expresses the idea of negation. The suffix -ness, used to turn adjectives into abstract nouns, is a morpheme. The root struct, seen in structure and construct, is a morpheme that embodies the meaning of “to build,” but it cannot stand alone as an English word.

A root is a word’s basic part and carries its fundamental meaning. In the word sadness, for example, the root is sad. Sometimes two roots combine to make one word, as in telephone, a combination of the morpheme tele, which relates to distance, and the morpheme phone, which relates to sound.

Prefixes and suffixes belong to a set of morphemes called affixes. An affix is an element added to the base form or stem of a word to modify its meaning.

Standard English makes use of two types of affix: prefixes and suffixes. A prefix is added at the beginning of a word. For example, the prefix re- is added to a root or a word to denote the idea of doing it again: return, renew, reconstruct.

A suffix is added at the end of a word.

Suffixes are of two kinds, derivational and inflectional. A derivational suffix changes the underlying meaning of the word; an inflectional suffix changes the tense of a verb or the number of a noun, or performs some other grammatical purpose.

Some common derivational suffixes are, -er, -al, -ful, and -ize. The suffix -er added to a verb creates a person or object that performs the action of the verb: teach/teacher, walk/walker, kill/killer, compute/computer; -al and -ful change nouns into adjectives: accident/accidental, forget/forgetful; -ize changes a noun into a verb: terror/terrorize.

Common inflectional suffixes are endings such as, –ed, -ly, -‘s, -s, -er, -ed, -es, -est, and -ing.

Derivational endings are added to a root. For example, the word reconstruction is made up of the root struct, two prefixes, re- and con-, and a suffix, tion. (Because struct ends in t and tion begins with t, one of the ts had to go.)

Inflectional endings are added to a stem, which is the entire word that the ending is being added to. In the words reconstructed and reconstructing, for example, the stem is reconstruct-.

the domain of syntax two levels should be distinguished: that of
phrases and that of sentences.

phrase can generally be defined as a combination of two or more words
which is a grammatical unit but is not an analytical form of some
word. The constituent elements of a phrase may belong to any part of
speech. A word-combination can also be defined as a compound
nominative unit of speech which is semantically global and

difference between a phrase and a sentence is a fundamental one. A
phrase is a means of naming some phenomena or processes, just as a
word is. Each component of a phrase can undergo grammatical changes
while a sentence is a unit with every word having its definite form.
A change in the form of one or more words would produce a new

has to study the
aspects of phrases which spring from the grammatical peculiarities of
the words making up the phrase, and of the syntactical functions
of the phrase as a whole, while lexicology has to deal with the
lexical meaning of the words and their semantic groupings. For
example from
the grammatical point of view the two phrases
identical (the
same pattern verb +
indicating the object of the

can be divided according
to their function in the sentence into:

perform the function of one or more parts of the sentence (predicate,
or predicate and object, or predicate and adverbial
modifier, etc.)

which do not perform any such function
but whose function is equivalent to that of a preposition, or
conjunction, and which are equivalents
of those parts of speech.

1.3. Syntagmatic Connections of Words.

in an utterance form various syntagmatic connections with one

  1. syntagmatic
    groupings of notional words alone,

groups (notional phrases) have self-dependent nominative destination,
they denote complex phenomena and their properties (semi-predicative
combinations): a
sudden trembling; a soul in pain; hurrying along the stream;
strangely familiar; so sure of their aims

  1. syntagmatic
    groupings of notional words with functional words,

combinations (formative phrases) are equivalent to separate words by
their nominative function: with
difficulty; must finish; but a moment; and Jimmy; too cold; so
They are contextually dependent (synsemantism).

  1. syntagmatic
    groupings of functional words alone.

are analogous to separate functional words and are used as connectors
and specifiers of notional elements:
from out of; up to; so that; such as; must be able; don’t let’s.

of notional

fall into two mutually opposite types:

combinations of words related to one another on an equal rank

combinations of words which are syntactically unequal (dominational


is realised with the help of conjunctions (syndetically), or without
the help of conjunctions (asyndetically):
prose and poetry; came and went; on the beach or in the water; quick
but not careless;

sun, no moon; playing, chatting, laughing; silent, immovable, gloomy;
Mary’s, not John’s.

constituents of such combinations form coordinative consecutive

of these, there exist equipotent connections of a non-consecutive
type. In such combinations a sequential element is unequal to the
foregoing element in its character of nomination connections is
classed as (cumulative connections): agreed,
but reluctantly; satisfied, or nearly so.


is effected in such a way that one of the constituents of the
combination is principal (dominating/headword) and the other is
subordinate (dominated/adjunct, adjunct-word, expansion).

connection can be both consecutive
and cumulative:
careful observer; an observer, seemingly careful; definitely out of
the point;
of the point, definitely; will be helpful in any case will be
least, in some cases.

two basic types of dominational connection are:

  1. bilateral
    (reciprocal, two-way) domination (in predicative connection of

  2. monolateral
    (one-way) domination (in completive connection of words).

predicative connection

of words, uniting the subject and the predicate, builds up the basis
of the sentence. The nature of this connections is reciprocal (the
subject dominates the predicate and vice versa).

word combinations are divided into:

  1. complete
    predicative combinations (the subject + the finite verb-predicate);

  2. incomplete
    predicative/semi-predicative/potentially-predicative combinations (a
    non-finite verbal form + a substantive element): for
    the pupil to understand his mistake; the pupil’s understanding his

    pupil understanding his mistake.

domination is considered as subordinative since the syntactic status
of the whole combination is determined by the head-word:
a nervous wreck. astonishingly beautiful.

completive connections fall into two main divisions:

  1. objective

  2. qualifying


reflect the relation of the object to the process. By their form
these connections are subdivided into:

  1. non-prepositional;

  2. prepositional.

the semantico-syntactic point of view they are classed as:

  1. direct
    (the immediate transition of the action to the object);

  2. indirect
    or oblique (the indirect relation of the object to the process).

objective connections are non-prepositional, the preposition serving
as an intermediary of combining words by its functional nature.
Indirect objective connections may be both prepositional and

subdivision of objective connections is realised on the basis of
subcategorising the elements of objective combinations, and first of
all the verbs; thus, we recognise objects of immediate action, of
perception, of speaking, etc.

completive connections

are divided into

  1. attributive
    enormous appetite; an emerald ring; a woman of strong character, the
    case for the prosecution)

unite a substance with its attribute expressed by an adjective or a

  1. adverbial:

    1. primary
      (the verb + its adverbial modifiers):
      to talk glibly, to come nowhere; to receive (a letter) with
      surprise; to throw (one’s arms) round a person’s neck; etc

    2. secondary
      (the non-verbal headword expressing a quality + its adverbial
      marvellously becoming; very much at ease; strikingly alike; no
      longer oppressive; unpleasantly querulous; etc.

noun combinations are directly related to whole sentences
(predicative combinations of words): The
arrival of the train → The train arrived. The baked potatoes →
The potatoes are baked. The gifted pupil → The pupil has a gift.

combinations of adjectives and adverbs (adjective-phrases and
adverb-phrases) are indirectly related to predicative constructions:
neglected — utter neglect — The neglect is utter; very carefully
— great carefulness — The carefulness is great; speechlessly
reproachful — speechless
— The reproach is speechless.

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Q: What are word parts and combination?

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What are word parts?[edit | edit source]

First, try to answer these questions by filling in the blanks:

1. To ‘redo’ means: to do ____ (Answer)
2. The word which starts the same as ‘careful’, but means its opposite is: ____ (Answer)
3. If John is 2 metres tall and Harry is 1.8 metres tall, then John is tall__ than Harry. (Answer)

If you answered these questions right, then this shows that you already know a bit about word parts.

Knowing what they mean and how they work is a very powerful tool.

What types of word parts are there?[edit | edit source]

Prefixes[edit | edit source]

Look at these words:

rename, restart, redesign
1. Where does ‘re-‘ go in these words and what does it mean? (Answer)

A word part which always features at the front of a word is called a prefix (pronounced: PREE-fikz).

Place a possible prefix before these words and start to think about how it changes the meaning of the word (the first one has been done for you):

2. kind
The prefix is: un- (make sure you remember the dash after a prefix)
3. polite
The prefix is: (Answer)
4. fire
The prefix is: (Answer)
5. come
The prefix is: (Answer)
6. mature
The prefix is: (Answer)

Suffixes[edit | edit source]

Now look at these words:

fearless, careless, hatless
1. Where does ‘-less’ go in these words and what does it mean? (Answer)

A word part which always features at the end of a word is called a suffix (pronounced: SUFF-ikz).

Test your suffix knowledge and continue thinking about how it changes the meaning of the word (the first one has been done for you):

2. If Alex is heavier than everyone, then he is the: heaviest
The suffix is: -est (make sure you remember to write the dash «-» before a suffix)
3. The process of attracting is called: ______
The suffix is: _____ (Answer)
4. If someone takes a lot of care, then they are described as: ________
The suffix is: _____ (Answer)
5. If someone is without fear, then they are: ________
The suffix is: _____ (Answer)
6. If someone is kind, they they usually show: ________
The suffix is: _____ (Answer)

Roots[edit | edit source]

Finally, there are the main parts of words called roots.

Roots usually appear in the middle of words, but that’s NOT a good way to think about them.

Look at these examples to see why:

  • -dict- is the root of: predict, dictate, and diction
    • In these examples, -dict- is at the front and end of words.
  • -port- is the root of: imports, exported, and transportation
    • In these examples, -port- is in the middle of words.

(Notice how when we write a root, we put a dash «-» on both sides. Beware that some authors don’t and would just write ‘port’, though.)

Here are two key points to help you tell if a word part is a root:


First, notice how prefixes and suffixes can never stand on their own.

We don’t say: un-, re-, -ness, or -tion

On the other hand, roots might stand on their own.

We do say: kind, fear, and come.
We don’t say: dict

(We do say over- as ‘over’ and ‘-less’ as ‘less’, but this is an example of a prefix and suffix which have the same spelling as a root. Now you see a reason why we ALWAYS put the dashes with them.)


Second, notice how roots carry the main meaning of a word and are what we attach the prefixes and suffixes to.

Try to identify the roots in these words (the first one has been done for you):

1. For antimatter, the root is -matter-
2. For misfire, the root is: ______ (Answer)
3. For transport, export, and support, the root of all of them is: ______ (Answer)
4. For talk, talked, and talking, the root of all of them is: ______ (Answer)
5. For success, access, and recession, the root of all of them is: ______ (Answer)

So, remind yourself that the three types of parts of words are:

6. ______, ______, and ____ (Answer)

Watch out for rules![edit | edit source]

You may have been thinking about rules which tell you how prefixes, suffixes, and roots work.

Remember that English has no rules that work in ALL cases.

For instance, we get the plural of egg, tree, and hand by putting the suffix -s on the end:

eggs, trees, hands

But, we DON’T get the plural of goose that way (after all, it’s geese).

Here are 5 key points for you to remember about making and applying rules concerning word parts.

Make sure you think of other cases where they apply.

Rule 1: Use sense and not just spelling[edit | edit source]

re- is a prefix that means ‘again’, right?

So, what about ‘red’, ‘reck’, and ‘really?’

Well, spelling doesn’t tell you everything!

You can look for clues in pronunciation.

For instance, we usually say re- as «REE»; but this isn’t foolproof either, because of how we say ‘really.’

Start thinking about things to do with the sense of a word such as whether or not you can replace re- with other prefixes (like how ‘redo’ could be changed to ‘undo’).

Is it like this for suffixes, too?

Absolutely. Just think about how -ing is a suffix, but how it clearly isn’t a suffix for the words ‘sing’ and ‘thing.’

Rule 2: You cannot add prefixes and suffixes to everything[edit | edit source]

For the root -do-, we can attach prefixes and get:

redo, undo, overdo

Think for a moment about some prefixes we can’t attach to it (and look in the answer key for some possible answers):

1. _________ (Answer)

Is it like this for suffixes, too?

Just consider the word ‘fun.’

If an activity is more fun than every other activity, do we say it is the ‘funnest’ activity? No.

Rule 3: You cannot take prefixes and suffixes off everything[edit | edit source]

Which one can you NOT take the prefix anti- off?

antimatter, anticipate, antisocial
1. __________ (Answer)

Which one can you NOT take the prefix re- off?

redesign, resend, receive
2. __________ (Answer)

So, we cannot always take prefixes off words and be left with words.

Suffixes are a bit more complicated, because there are two types; one which you can nearly always take off, and one which you nearly always can’t.

We will talk more about this later; but for now, just don’t assume that you can always take a suffix off a word.

(Okay, that’s three helpful rules learned. I hope you are remembering to think of your own examples or this stuff won’t stick!)

Rule 4: Word parts can have more than one meaning[edit | edit source]

The ‘un-‘ in ‘unhappy’ has a different meaning to the un- in ‘undress’.

In the first case, ‘un-‘ means ‘not.’

In the second case, it just means ‘reversal.’

So, don’t make the mistake of believing that you will know the meaning of a word part after meeting it just once.

Rule 5: A word part can be spelled in more than one way[edit | edit source]

For prefixes, look at ‘in-‘, which means ‘not’, as in ‘injustice.’

1. What do we put before ‘possible’ to mean ‘not possible?’ (Answer)

For roots, look at ‘-vis-‘, which means ‘see’, as in ‘visual.’

Now consider that it can also be spelled ‘-vid-‘, as in ‘video.’

For suffixes, look at ‘-s’, which makes plurals, as in ‘eggs.’

2. But, what do we put at the end of ‘box’ to make it plural? (Answer)

So, remember that a word part can be spelled in more than one way.

Go over these five rules again before moving onto the next subsection.

In summary:

Be careful, because word parts CAN have multiple meanings, multiple spellings, and CAN’T be swapped, chopped off, or attached haphazardly.

The parts of speech[edit | edit source]

Sentences are made up of different types of words and each type has its own job to do in the sentence.

We call these types ‘parts of speech.’

There are lots of different ones, but we will look at the four main types.

Noun[edit | edit source]

A noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or idea.

A common noun names a general item (like ‘dog’ or ‘happiness’).

A proper noun names a particular item (a particular person, particular place, particular thing,…) and always begins with a capital letter (like ‘Josh’ or ‘London’).

Anna is going to Germany on Friday and will take her bicycle on the journey.

The common nouns in this sentence are:

1. __________ (Answer)

The proper nouns in this sentence are:

2. __________ (Answer)

Nouns have a singular form (like: egg, hand, goose) and a plural form (like: eggs, hands, geese).

Finally, a pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun (so we don’t have to repeat it).

Examples include: she, he, they, it

When she goes to Germany, she will take her bike, because it has excellent cycling roads.

The pronouns in this sentence are:

3. __________ (Answer)

Adjective[edit | edit source]

An adjective is a word that describes a noun.

When it is cold and snowy, wear thick, black clothes.

The adjectives in this sentence are:

1. __________ (Answer)

Adjectives can be modified to make comparisons:

The comparative (pronounced: kom-PAH-ruh-tiv) of:

  • tall is taller
  • red is redder
  • fun is more fun
  • difficult is more difficult

The superlative (pronounced: soo-PURR-luh-tiv) of:

  • tall is tallest
  • red is reddest
  • fun is most fun
  • difficult is most difficult

Verb[edit | edit source]

A verb is a doing or action word.

Jack always runs to school while Anna eats her breakfast.
1. What are the verbs in this sentence? (Answer)

Verbs are quite complicated.

What is most important to us is learning the FORMS of a verb, because this is where suffixes feature.

As an example, the forms of ‘initiate’ are: initiate, initiates, initiated, initiating

We will look further into this in lesson 2.

Adverb[edit | edit source]

An adverb is a word that that modifies a verb, adjective, or even another adverb.

An adverb answers how, when, where, or to what extent.

I always do my work extremely carefully.

The adverbs in this sentence are:

1. __________ (Answer)

Notice how they often end in the suffix ‘-ly’.

Here are some more examples of adverbs: daily, completely, almost, often, never, soon, cleverly

Lesson 1 Quiz[edit | edit source]

If there was anything you didn’t understand, read it once more, because here’s a quiz (that you should try to get perfect before lesson 2):

1. What are the three main types of word parts?
2. What is the common root of ‘audio’, ‘audible’, and ‘audience’, and what do you think it means?
3. Deconstruct the word ‘prefixes’ into its word parts.
4. Which prefix can be found in the opposite to ‘increase?’
5. ‘non-believer’ features the prefix ‘non-‘ but keeps the dash. Are there examples where id doesn’t?
6. Does ‘over-‘ just mean ‘physically above’, as in ‘overhang’?
7. How else can you spell the suffix ‘-y’ (as in mess -> messy)?
8. What are the four main types of parts of speech?
9. Think of examples of adverbs that don’t end in ‘-ly.’
10. Think of three words that have more than one type of part of speech.


Answer Key[edit | edit source]

What are word parts? (Answers)[edit | edit source]

(Go back to questions)

1. again

2. careless

3. er (making the word ‘taller’)

What types of word parts are there? (Answers)[edit | edit source]

Prefixes (Answers)[edit | edit source]

(Go back to questions)

1. At the front and it means ‘again’.

2. (Already done as an example)

3. impolite; the prefix is: im-

4. misfire; the prefix is: mis-

5. overcome; the prefix is: over-

6. premature; the prefix is: pre-

Suffixes (Answers)[edit | edit source]

(Go back to questions)

1. At the end.

2. (Already done as an example)

3. attraction; the suffix is: -tion

4. careful; the suffix is: -ful

5. fearless; the suffix is: -less

6. kindness; the suffix is: -ness

Roots (Answers)[edit | edit source]

(Go back to questions)

1. (Already done as an example)

2. -fire-

3. -port-

4. -talk-

5. -cess-

6. prefix, suffix, and root

Watch out for rules! (Answers)[edit | edit source]

Rule 2: You cannot add prefixes and suffixes to everything (Answers)[edit | edit source]

(Go back to questions)

1. subdo, interdo, predo

Rule 3: You cannot take prefixes and suffixes off everything (Answers)[edit | edit source]

(Go back to questions)

1. anticipate

2. receive

Rule 5: A word part can be spelled in more than one way (Answers)[edit | edit source]

(Go back to questions)

1. im-, as in ‘impossible’

2. -es, as in ‘boxes’

The parts of speech (Answers)[edit | edit source]

Noun (Answers)[edit | edit source]

(Go back to questions)

1. bicycle, journey

2. Anna, Germany, Friday

3. she, it

Adjective (Answers)[edit | edit source]

(Go back to questions)

1. cold, snowy, thick, black

Adverb (Answers)[edit | edit source]

(Go back to questions)

1. extremely, carefully

Lesson 1 Quiz (Answers)[edit | edit source]

(Go back to questions)

1. prefix, root, suffix

2. -audi-, it means ‘hearing’ or ‘listening’

3. ‘pre-‘ is the prefix; ‘-fix-‘ is the root; ‘-es’ is the suffix

4. ‘de-‘ is the suffix, as in ‘decrease’

5. ‘nonprofit’ (if your example was different, check a dictionary)

6. No. It may also mean ‘excess’, as in ‘overambitious’, or ‘outer’, as in ‘overcoat.’

7. ‘-ey’, as in ‘clayey.’

8. noun, verb, adjective, adverb

9. often, soon

10. ‘abstract’ can be a noun or adjective. ‘fool’ can be a noun or verb. ‘set’ can be a noun, adjective, or verb.

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Семинар 6 Combinability. Word Groups


Syntagmatics — linear (simultaneous) relationship of words in speech as distinct from associative (non-simultaneous) relationship of words in language (paradigmatics). Syntagmatic relations specify the combination of elements into complex forms and sentences.

Distribution — The set of elements with which an item can cooccur

Combinability — the ability of linguistic elements to combine in speech.

Valency — the potential ability of words to occur with other words

Context — the semantically complete passage of written speech sufficient to establish the meaning of a given word (phrase).

Clichе´ — an overused expression that is considered trite, boring

Word combination — a combination of two or more notional words serving to express one concept. It is produced, not reproduced in speech.

Collocation — such a combination of words which conditions the realization of a certain meaning
1. Syntagmatic relations and the concept of combinability of words. Define combinability.
Syntagmatic relation defines the relationship between words that co-occur in the same sentence. It focuses on two main parts: how the position and the word order affect the meaning of a sentence.

The syntagmatic relation explains:

The word position and order.

The relationship between words gives a particular meaning to the sentence.

The syntagmatic relation can also explain why specific words are often paired together (collocations)

Syntagmatic relations are linear relations between words

The adjective yellow:

1. color: a yellow dress;

2. envious, suspicious: a yellow look;

3. corrupt: the yellow press

Because syntagmatic relations have to do with the relationship between words, the syntagms can result in collocations and idioms.
Collocations are word combinations that frequently occur together.

Some examples of collocations:

  • Verb + noun: do homework, take a risk, catch a cold.
  • Noun + noun: office hours, interest group, kitchen cabinet.
  • Adjective + adverb: good enough, close together, crystal clear.
  • Verb + preposition: protect from, angry at, advantage of.
  • Adverb + verb: strongly suggest, deeply sorry, highly successful.
  • Adjective + noun: handsome man, quick shower, fast food.


Idioms are expressions that have a meaning other than their literal one.

Idioms are distinct from collocations:

  • The word combination is not interchangeable (fixed expressions).
  • The meaning of each component is not equal to the meaning of the idiom

It is difficult to find the meaning of an idiom based on the definition of the words alone. For example, red herring. If you define the idiom word by word, it means ‘red fish’, not ‘something that misleads’, which is the real meaning.

Because of this, idioms can’t be translated to or from another language because the word definition isn’t equivalent to the idiom interpretation.
Some examples of popular idioms:

  • Break a leg.
  • Miss the boat.
  • Call it a day.
  • It’s raining cats and dogs.
  • Kill two birds with one stone.

Combinability (occurrence-range) — the ability of linguistic elements to combine in speech.

The combinability of words is as a rule determined by their meanings, not their forms. Therefore not every sequence of words may be regarded as a combination of words.
In the sentence Frankly, father, I have been a fool neither frankly, father nor father, I … are combinations of words since their meanings are detached and do not unite them, which is marked orally by intonation and often graphically by punctuation marks.
On the other hand, some words may be inserted between the components of a word-combination without breaking it.


a) read books

b) read many books

c) read very many books.

In case (a) the combination read books is uninterrupted.In cases (b) and (c) it is interrupted, or discontinuous(read… books).

The combinability of words depends on their lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical meanings. It is owing to the lexical meanings of the corresponding lexemes that the word wise can be combined with the words man, act, saying and is hardly combinable with the words milk, area, outline.

The lexico-grammatical meanings of -er in singer (a noun) and -ly in beautifully (an adverb) do not go together and prevent these words from forming a combination, whereas beautiful singer and sing beautifully are regular word-combinations.

The combination * students sings is impossible owing to the grammatical meanings of the corresponding grammemes.

Thus one may speak of lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical combinability, or the combinability of lexemes, grammemes and parts of speech.
The mechanism of combinability is very complicated. One has to take into consideration not only the combinability of homogeneous units, e. g. the words of one lexeme with those of another lexeme. A lexeme is often not combinable with a whole class of lexemes or with certain grammemes.
For instance, the lexeme few, fewer, fewest is not combinable with a class of nouns called uncountables, such as milk, information, hatred, etc., or with members of ‘singular’ grammemes (i. e. grammemes containing the meaning of ‘singularity’, such as book, table, man, boy, etc.).
The ‘possessive case’ grammemes are rarely combined with verbs, barring the gerund. Some words are regularly combined with sentences, others are not.

It is convenient to distinguish right-hand and left-hand connections. In the combination my hand (when written down) the word my has a right-hand connection with the word hand and the latter has a left-hand connection with the word my.

With analytical forms inside and outside connections are also possible. In the combination has often written the verb has an inside connection with the adverb and the latter has an outside connection with the verb.

It will also be expedient to distinguish unilateral, bilateral and multilateral connections. By way of illustration we may say that the articles in English have unilateral right-hand connections with nouns: a book, the child. Such linking words as prepositions, conjunctions, link-verbs, and modal verbs are characterized by bilateral connections: love of life, John and Mary, this is John, he must come. Most verbs may have zero

(Come!), unilateral (birds fly), bilateral (I saw him) and multilateral (Yesterday I saw him there) connections. In other words, the combinability of verbs is variable.

One should also distinguish direct and indirect connections. In the combination Look at John the connection between look and at, between at and John are direct, whereas the connection between look and John is indirect, through the preposition at.
2. Lexical and grammatical valency. Valency and collocability. Relationships between valency and collocability. Distribution.
The appearance of words in a certain syntagmatic succession with particular logical, semantic, morphological and syntactic relations is called collocability or valency.

Valency is viewed as an aptness or potential of a word to have relations with other words in language. Valency can be grammatical and lexical.

Collocability is an actual use of words in particular word-groups in communication.
The range of the Lexical valency of words is linguistically restricted by the inner structure of the English word-stock. Though the verbs ‘lift’ and ‘raise’ are synonyms, only ‘to raise’ is collocated with the noun ‘question’.

The lexical valency of correlated words in different languages is different, cf. English ‘pot plants’ vs. Russian ‘комнатные цветы’.
The interrelation of lexical valency and polysemy:

the restrictions of lexical valency of words may manifest themselves in the lexical meanings of the polysemantic members of word-groups, e.g. heavy, adj. in the meaning ‘rich and difficult to digest’ is combined with the words food, meals, supper, etc., but one cannot say *heavy cheese or *heavy sausage;

different meanings of a word may be described through its lexical valency, e.g. the different meanings of heavy, adj. may be described through the word-groups heavy weight / book / table; heavy snow / storm / rain; heavy drinker / eater; heavy sleep / disappointment / sorrow; heavy industry / tanks, and so on.

From this point of view word-groups may be regarded as the characteristic minimal lexical sets that operate as distinguishing clues for each of the multiple meanings of the word.
Grammatical valency is the aptness of a word to appear in specific grammatical (or rather syntactic) structures. Its range is delimited by the part of speech the word belongs to. This is not to imply that grammatical valency of words belonging to the same part of speech is necessarily identical, e.g.:

the verbs suggest and propose can be followed by a noun (to propose or suggest a plan / a resolution); however, it is only propose that can be followed by the infinitive of a verb (to propose to do smth.);

the adjectives clever and intelligent are seen to possess different grammatical valency as clever can be used in word-groups having the pattern: Adj. + Prep. at +Noun(clever at mathematics), whereas intelligent can never be found in exactly the same word-group pattern.

The individual meanings of a polysemantic word may be described through its grammatical valency, e.g. keen + Nas in keen sight ‘sharp’; keen + on + Nas in keen on sports ‘fond of’; keen + V(inf)as in keen to know ‘eager’.
Lexical context determines lexically bound meaning; collocations with the polysemantic words are of primary importance, e.g. a dramatic change / increase / fall / improvement; dramatic events / scenery; dramatic society; a dramatic gesture.
In grammatical context the grammatical (syntactic) structure of the context serves to determine the meanings of a polysemantic word, e.g. 1) She will make a good teacher. 2) She will make some tea. 3) She will make him obey.
Distribution is understood as the whole complex of contexts in which the given lexical unit(word) can be used. Есть даже словари, по которым можно найти валентные слова для нужного нам слова — так и называются дистрибьюшн дикшенери
3. What is a word combination? Types of word combinations. Classifications of word-groups.
Word combination — a combination of two or more notional words serving to express one concept. It is produced, not reproduced in speech.

Types of word combinations:

  1. Semantically:
    1. free word groups (collocations) a year ago, a girl of beauty, take lessons;
    2. set expressions (at last, point of view, take part).
  2. Morphologically (L.S. Barkhudarov):
    1. noun word combinations, e.g.: nice apples (BBC London Course);
    2. verb word combinations, e.g.: saw him (E. Blyton);
    3. adjective word combinations, e.g.: perfectly delightful (O. Wilde);
    4. adverb word combinations, e.g.: perfectly well (O, Wilde);
    5. pronoun word combinations, e.g.: something nice (BBC London Course).
  3. According to the number of the components:
    1. simple the head and an adjunct, e.g.: told me (A. Ayckbourn)
    2. Complex, e.g.: terribly cold weather (O. Jespersen), where the adjunct cold is expanded by means of terribly.

Classifications of word-groups:

  1. through the order and arrangement of the components:

a verbal — nominal group (to sew a dress);

a verbal — prepositional — nominal group (look at something);

  1. by the criterion of distribution, which is the sum of contexts of the language unit usage:

endocentric, i.e. having one central member functionally equivalent to the whole word-group (blue sky);

exocentric, i.e. having no central member (become older, side by side);

  1. according to the headword:

nominal (beautiful garden);

verbal (to fly high);

adjectival (lucky from birth);

  1. according to the syntactic pattern:

predicative (Russian linguists do not consider them to be word-groups);

non-predicative — according to the type of syntactic relations between the components:

(a) subordinative (modern technology);

(b) coordinative (husband and wife).

4. What is “a free word combination”? To what extent is what we call a free word combination actually free? What are the restrictions imposed on it?
A free word combination is a combination in which any element can be substituted by another.

The general meaning of an ordinary free word combination is derived from the conjoined meanings of its elements

Ex. To come to one’s sense –to change one’s mind;

To fall into a rage – to get angry.

Free word-combinations are word-groups that have a greater semantic and structural independence and freely composed by the speaker in his speech according to his purpose.

A free word combination or a free phrase permits substitution of any of its elements without any semantic change in the other components.
5. Clichе´s (traditional word combinations).
A cliché is an expression that is trite, worn-out, and overused. As a result, clichés have lost their original vitality, freshness, and significance in expressing meaning. A cliché is a phrase or idea that has become a “universal” device to describe abstract concepts such as time (Better Late Than Never), anger (madder than a wet hen), love (love is blind), and even hope (Tomorrow is Another Day). However, such expressions are too commonplace and unoriginal to leave any significant impression.

Of course, any expression that has become a cliché was original and innovative at one time. However, overuse of such an expression results in a loss of novelty, significance, and even original meaning. For example, the proverbial phrase “when it rains it pours” indicates the idea that difficult or inconvenient circumstances closely follow each other or take place all at the same time. This phrase originally referred to a weather pattern in which a dry spell would be followed by heavy, prolonged rain. However, the original meaning is distanced from the overuse of the phrase, making it a cliché.

Some common examples of cliché in everyday speech:

  • My dog is dumb as a doorknob. (тупой как пробка)
  • The laundry came out as fresh as a daisy.
  • If you hide the toy it will be out of sight, out of mind. (с глаз долой, из сердца вон)

Examples of Movie Lines that Have Become Cliché:

  • Luke, I am your father. (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back)
  • i am Groot. (Guardians of the Galaxy)
  • I’ll be back. (The Terminator)
  • Houston, we have a problem. (Apollo 13)

Some famous examples of cliché in creative writing:

  • It was a dark and stormy night
  • Once upon a time
  • There I was
  • All’s well that ends well
  • They lived happily ever after

6. The sociolinguistic aspect of word combinations.
Lexical valency is the possibility of lexicosemantic connections of a word with other word

Some researchers suggested that the functioning of a word in speech is determined by the environment in which it occurs, by its grammatical peculiarities (part of speech it belongs to, categories, functions in the sentence, etc.), and by the type and character of meaning included into the semantic structure of a word.

Words are used in certain lexical contexts, i.e. in combinations with other words. The words that surround a particular word in a sentence or paragraph are called the verbal context of that word.
7. Norms of lexical valency and collocability in different languages.
The aptness of a word to appear in various combinations is described as its lexical valency or collocability. The lexical valency of correlated words in different languages is not identical. This is only natural since every language has its syntagmatic norms and patterns of lexical valency. Words, habitually collocated, tend to constitute a cliché, e.g. bad mistake, high hopes, heavy sea (rain, snow), etc. The translator is obliged to seek similar cliches, traditional collocations in the target-language: грубая ошибка, большие надежды, бурное море, сильный дождь /снег/.

The key word in such collocations is usually preserved but the collocated one is rendered by a word of a somewhat different referential meaning in accordance with the valency norms of the target-language:

  • trains run — поезда ходят;
  • a fly stands on the ceiling — на потолке сидит муха;
  • It was the worst earthquake on the African continent (D.W.) — Это было самое сильное землетрясение в Африке.
  • Labour Party pretest followed sharply on the Tory deal with Spain (M.S.1973) — За сообщением о сделке консервативного правительства с Испанией немедленно последовал протест лейбористской партии.

Different collocability often calls for lexical and grammatical transformations in translation though each component of the collocation may have its equivalent in Russian, e.g. the collocation «the most controversial Prime Minister» cannot be translated as «самый противоречивый премьер-министр».

«Britain will tomorrow be welcoming on an official visit one of the most controversial and youngest Prime Ministers in Europe» (The Times, 1970). «Завтра в Англию прибывает с официальным визитом один из самых молодых премьер-министров Европы, который вызывает самые противоречивые мнения».

«Sweden’s neutral faith ought not to be in doubt» (Ib.) «Верность Швеции нейтралитету не подлежит сомнению».

The collocation «documentary bombshell» is rather uncommon and individual, but evidently it does not violate English collocational patterns, while the corresponding Russian collocation — документальная бомба — impossible. Therefore its translation requires a number of transformations:

«A teacher who leaves a documentary bombshell lying around by negligence is as culpable as the top civil servant who leaves his classified secrets in a taxi» (The Daily Mirror, 1950) «Преподаватель, по небрежности оставивший на столе бумаги, которые могут вызвать большой скандал, не менее виновен, чем ответственный государственный служащий, забывший секретные документы в такси».
8. Using the data of various dictionaries compare the grammatical valency of the words worth and worthy; ensure, insure, assure; observance and observation; go and walk; influence and влияние; hold and держать.

Worth & Worthy
Worth is used to say that something has a value:

Something that is worth a certain amount of money has that value;

Something that is worth doing or worth an effort, a visit, etc. is so attractive or rewarding that the effort etc. should be made.


  1. Worth + N: worth a lot of money;
  2. Worth + Ving: worth making;
  3. [it] + V-ing: it would be worth asking him
  4. [it] + Ν V-ing: it’s not really worth me voting
  5. Worth + N + to N: worth money to me
  6. [it] + Ν + for Ν to-INF (rare): it would be worth for you to know

If someone or something is worthv of something, they deserve it because they have the qualities required;

If you say that a person is worthy of another person you are saying that you approve of them as a partner for that person.


  1. Attributive: worthy candidate, worthy cause;
  2. Predicative: equally worthy
  3. + to-INF: worthy to be
  4. + of N/V-ing: worthy of closer examination.
Ensure, insure, assure
Ensure means ‘make certain that something happens’.


  1. + Np: ensure fairness
  2. + (that)-CLp.it: Ensure that there is adequate humidity in heated rooms
  3. + Np + Ν: does not ensure women a place at center stage
  4. + Np + for Ν: to ensure good fishing for everyone.
Insure — make sure


  1. + Np: insure continuation;
  2. + (that)-CLp.it: insure that future generations;
  3. + Np + Νp: They will not insure us victory;
  4. + Np + for Ν: insure items for replacement.

to tell someone confidently that something is true, especially so that they do not worry;

to cause something to be certain.


  1. +N: assure the owner;
  2. + (that)-CL: assure him (that) the car will be ready;
  3. + by N: has been assured by the reviews
Observance & Observation

the act of obeying a law or following a religious custom:

religious observances such as fasting

a ceremony or action to celebrate a holiday or a religious or other important event:

[ C ] Memorial Day observances

[ U ] Financial markets will be closed Monday in observance of Labor Day.


the act of observing something or someone;

the fact that you notice or see something;

a remark about something that you have noticed.


  1. + of: observation of human behaviour;
  2. Under +: keeping under observation;
  3. For +: to be admitted for observation;
  4. + on/about: interesting observations on the nature;
  5. to make +: may I make an observation.
Go & Walk

Walk can mean ‘move along on foot’:

A person can walk an animal, i.e. exercise them by walking.

A person can walk another person somewhere , i.e. take them there,

A person can walk a particular distance or walk the streets.


  1. + Np: walk the dog;
  2. +ADJ: made us walk tall again;
  3. + into Np: to walk into a controversy;
  4. +over Np: to walk over me;
  5. ADVP-prep: to walk away/through/away
  6. N + ADV: We had to walk three kilometers to the river.
  7. Np + ADV: Can I walk you home?
  8. ADJ + ADV: it was like walking barefoot in the sand
Influence & Влияние

A person can have influence (a) over another person or a group, i.e. be able to directly guide the way they behave, (b) with a person, i.e. be able to influence them because they know them well.

Someone or something can have or be an influence on or upon something or someone, i.e. be able to affect their character or behaviour in some way


  1. the UN is having difficulty exerting its influence;
  2. [the] + to-INF: the influence to lead the world
  3. + on N/wh-CL: influence on the work of the late 19th-century French avant-garde.
  4. + over Ν: Union influence over Labour
  5. + upon Ν: Its influence upon female physiology
  6. + with Ν: to use their influence with the PLO leadership
Влияние — Действие, оказываемое кем-, чем-либо на кого-, что-либо.


  1. Прил +: значительное влияние
  2. + сущ: влияние среды
  3. Сущ +: сферы влияния;
  4. Гл +: оказывать влияние.
Hold & Держать

to take and keep something in your hand or arms;

to support something;

to contain or be able to contain something;

to keep someone in a place so that they cannot leave.


  1. ADJ +: tight hold;
  2. V +: take/keep hold;
  3. + on: his hold on her;
  4. + OBJ + ADJ: hold the door open;
  5. + OBJ + N: hold him hostage
Держать — взять в руки/рот/зубы и т.д. и не давать выпасть


  1. Сущ +: ноги держат
  2. + сущ: держать себя в руках, держать дистанцию.
  1. Contrastive Analysis. Give words of the same root in Russian; compare their valency:
Chance Шанс
  1. + to-INF: a chance to win;
  2. + (that)-CL: a chance that BA might co-operate;
  3. + for N/V-ing: chance for peace/regaining;
  4. + of N/V-ing /of Ν V-ing: no chance of her accepting;
  5. + for Ν + to-INF: a chance for me to show
  1. Прил +: большой шанс;
  2. + сущ: шанс спасения;
  3. Сущ +: множество шансов;
  4. + гл: шанс даётся
  5. Гл +: дать шанс, оценить свой шанс
Situation Ситуация
  1. As a noun: bland situation, sort of situation;
  2. + that-CL: the situation that I was pregnant;
  3. + wh-CL: the situation when you open the door;
  4. + of N/V-ing: a situation of anarchy;
  5. + with Ν: situation with your husband.
  1. Прил +: чрезвычайная ситуация;
  2. + сущ: ситуация общения;
  3. Сущ +: изменение ситуации;
  4. Гл +: оценить ситуацию;
  5. + гл: ситуация повторилась.
Partner Партнёр
  1. с глаголом be, become, create: to become a partner
  2. существительным live, business: business partner
  1. Прил +: деловой партнёр;
  2. + сущ: партнёр фирмы;
  3. Сущ +: смена партнёра;
  4. Гл +: найти партнёра;
  5. + гл: партнёр решает.
Surprise Сюрприз
  1. to experience surprise (сочетаемость существительных:)
  2. to show surprise (сочетаемость существительных:)
  3. to cause no surprise (сочетаемость существительных:)
  4. to surprise smb (Глагольные словосочетания)
  5. to take smb by surprise (Глагольные словосочетания)
  1. Прил +: небольшой сюрприз;
  2. Сущ +: масса сюрпризов;
  3. Гл +: сделать сюрприз;
  4. + гл: сюрприз удался.
Risk Риск
  1. As a noun: good risk;
  2. + that-CL: the risk that goods go;
  3. + for Ν/[at] + for N/V-ing: the risk for the investor;
  4. + from N/V-ing: risk from pets;
  5. + in N/V-ing: risk in flying south;
  6. + of N/V-ing / of Ν V-ing: the risk of crushing;
  7. + to Ν: a risk to our health;
  8. +for N + to-INF: a risk for Jim to bury Mary there.
  1. Прил +: большой риск;
  2. + сущ: риск заражения;
  3. Сущ +: группа риска;
  4. Гл +: учитывать риск;
  5. + гл: риск возрастает.
Instruction Инструкция
  1. on the instruction of smb (сочетаемость существительных:)
  2. сочетаемость глаголов to make, to create.
  1. Прил +: подробная инструкция;
  2. + сущ: инструкция пользователя;
  3. Сущ +: получение инструкции;
  4. Гл +: следовать инструкции;
  5. + гл: инструкция требовала.
Satisfaction Сатисфакция
  1. with satisfaction (сочетаемость существительных:)
  2. to cause satisfaction (сочетаемость существительных:)
  3. unique satisfaction (сочетаемость существительных:)
  4. total satisfaction (сочетаемость существительных:)
  5. personal satisfaction (сочетаемость существительных:)
  1. Прил +: полная сатисфакция;
  2. Гл +: получить сатисфакцию;
Business Бизнес
  1. [it/no] + to-INF: He’ll make it his business to find out;
  2. [it/no] + V-ing: no business poking their noses;
  3. + of N/V-ing: the business of intervention;
  4. + with Ν: business with the players
  1. Прил +: семейный бизнес;
  2. + сущ: бизнес отца;
  3. Сущ +: развитие бизнеса;
  4. Гл +: вести бизнес;
  5. + гл: бизнес растёт.
Manager Менеджер
  1. to see the manager (Глагольные словосочетания)
  2. He was promoted to manager. (Глагольные словосочетания)
  3. to apply to the manager (Глагольные словосочетания)
  4. to approach the manager about this matter (Глагольные словосочетания)
  5. The guests asked for the manager. (Глагольные словосочетания)
  1. Прил +: старший менеджер;
  2. + сущ: менеджер группы;
  3. Сущ +: должность менеджера;
  4. Гл +: стать менеджером;
  5. + гл: менеджер сообщил.
Challenge Челлендж
  1. challenge to smb (фразеологические сочетания прилагательных с предлогами: господство/ подчинение/давление)
  2. challenge to smb (фразеологические сочетания прилагательных с предлогами:угрозы/насмешка/донос)
  3. challenge to a fight (фразеологические сочетания прилагательных с предлогами:список глаголов, требующих за собой предлог)
  4. to accept smb’s challenge (Глагольные словосочетания)
  5. to challenge a report (сочетаемость существительных:)
  1. Прил +: новый челлендж;
  2. Гл +: продолжить челлендж;
  3. Сущ +: день челленджа.

10. From the lexemes in brackets choose the correct one to go with each of the synonyms given below:

  1. acute, keen, sharp (knife, mind, sight):

acute mind;

keen sight;

sharp knife;

  1. abysmal, deep, profound (ignorance, river, sleep);

abysmal ignorance;

deep river;

profound sleep;

  1. unconditional, unqualified (success, surrender):

unconditional surrender;

unqualified success;

  1. diminutive, miniature, petite, petty, small, tiny (camera, house, speck, spite, suffix, woman):

diminutive suffix;

miniature camera/house;

petite woman;

petty spite;

small speck/camera/house;

tiny house/camera/speck;

  1. brisk, nimble, quick, swift (mind, revenge, train, walk):

brisk walk;

nimble mind;

quick train;

swift revenge.

11. Collocate deletion: One word in each group does not make a strong word partnership with the word on Capitals. Which one is Odd One Out?

1) BRIGHT idea green


child day room



need instruction alternative day conscience

3) LIGHT traffic


day entertainment suitcase rain green lunch

4) NEW experience job


potatoes baby situation year

5) HIGH season price opinion spirits


time priority

6) MAIN point reason effect entrance


road meal course

7) STRONG possibility doubt smell influence


coffee language



situation relationship illness crime matter

  1. Write a short definition based on the clues you find in context for the italicized words in the sentence. Check your definitions with the dictionary.
Sentence Meaning
The method of reasoning from the particular to the general — the inductive method — has played an important role in science since the time of Francis Bacon. The way of learning or investigating from the particular to the general that played an important role in the time of Francis Bacon
Most snakes are meat eaters, or carnivores. Animals whose main diet is meat
A person on a reducing diet is expected to eschew most fatty or greasy foods. deliberately avoid
After a hectic year in the city, he was glad to return to the peace and quiet of the country. full of incessant or frantic activity.
Darius was speaking so quickly and waving his arms around so wildly, it was impossible to comprehend what he was trying to say. grasp mentally; understand.to perceive
The babysitter tried rocking, feeding, chanting, and burping the crying baby, but nothing would appease him. to calm down someone
It behooves young ladies and gentlemen not to use bad language unless they are very, very angry. necessary
The Academy Award is an honor coveted by most Hollywood actors. The dream about some achievements
In the George Orwell book 1984, the people’s lives are ruled by an omnipotent dictator named “Big Brother.” The person who have a lot of power
After a good deal of coaxing, the father finally acceded to his children’s request. to Agree with some request
He is devoid of human feelings. Someone have the lack of something
This year, my garden yielded several baskets full of tomatoes. produce or provide
It is important for a teacher to develop a rapport with his or her students. good relationship



 How do we guess the meanings of the words we have never encountered

How do we guess the meanings of the words we have never encountered before? Attachment: attach (root morpheme) + -ment (suffix) attachment – smth. you add to a document ? Attachmeant ? to mean – meant // -ment N-forming suffix v the file you meant to attach to your email but did not

 This is one of the central questions of lexicology: the structure of words

This is one of the central questions of lexicology: the structure of words and the ways of building new words Lexicology studies the internal structure of words and the rules of word-formation, the formation of new words from the resources of this particular language. Together with the borrowing, wordforming provides for enlarging and enriching the vocabulary of the language.

Morphemes What is the smallest meaningful unit of the language? Sound / phoneme? ?

Morphemes What is the smallest meaningful unit of the language? Sound / phoneme? ? ? Word? ? ? ring > ringlet MORPHEME! Morpheme is the minimum meaningful language unit. Morphemes are not independent, they occur only as parts of words, although a word may consist of a single morpheme (love, house, red, cry).

Types of words from the morphological point of view simple derived (friend) (friendly) words

Types of words from the morphological point of view simple derived (friend) (friendly) words compound (girl-friend) compoundderived (eco-friendly)

 Phonetically conditioned positional variants of a morpheme are called allomorphs. The negative prefix

Phonetically conditioned positional variants of a morpheme are called allomorphs. The negative prefix in- has the following allomorphs: im- (impossible), ir- (irregular), il- (illegal). Morphemes can be classified: a) from the semantic point of view; b) from the structural point of view.

a) Semantically morphemes fall into: roots the lexical nucleus of a word, shared by

a) Semantically morphemes fall into: roots the lexical nucleus of a word, shared by other members of the word-family and does not admit any further analysis into ultimate constituents non-roots inflexions (functional) prefixes affixes (derivational) infixes suffixes

b) Structurally morphemes fall into: free rain bound rainless cranberry morphemes cranberry, receive semibound

b) Structurally morphemes fall into: free rain bound rainless cranberry morphemes cranberry, receive semibound half-rain

Morphemic and word-formation analysis The procedure employed for segmenting words is morphemic analysis based

Morphemic and word-formation analysis The procedure employed for segmenting words is morphemic analysis based on the method of Immediate and Ultimate Constituents. This method is based on a binary principle. At each stage two components are singled out (referred to as the Immediate Constituents (ICs)). Each IC at the next stage of the analysis is broken into two smaller meaningful units. The analysis is complete when we arrive at further unsegmentable units, i. e. morphemes. They are called Ultimate Constituents (UCs).

joyfully joyful joy -ly -ful

joyfully joyful joy -ly -ful

Structural word-formation analysis proceeds further, studying the structural correlation with other words. It is

Structural word-formation analysis proceeds further, studying the structural correlation with other words. It is done with the help of the principle of oppositions, i. e. by studying the partly similar elements, the difference between which is functionally relevant. In our case joyfully and joyful are members of a morphemic opposition. Their distinctive feature is the suffix -ly, like in other oppositions of the same kind: joyful dreadful beautiful joyfully dreadfully beautifully Observing this proportional opposition we may conclude that there is a type of derived adverbs consisting of an adjective stem and the suffix -ly.

 Structural morphemic analysis is helpful in distinguishing compound words formed by composition from

Structural morphemic analysis is helpful in distinguishing compound words formed by composition from the ones formed by other wordformation processes. to daydream to whitewash composition or composition + conversion? day (N) + dream (N) = daydream (N) composition daydream (N) > to daydream (V) conversion white (ADJ) + to wash (V) = to whitewash (V) composition

Word-formation A characteristic feature of all human languages is the potential to create new

Word-formation A characteristic feature of all human languages is the potential to create new words. The categories of noun, verb, adjective, and adverb are open in the sense that new members are constantly being added. The most common types of word formation are derivation (affixation), composition (compounding), conversion. The minor types of word formation are clipping, blending, back-formation, abbreviation, sound-imitation, soundinterchange, distinctive stress.

Affixation (Derivation) Words which consist of a root and an affix (or several affixes)

Affixation (Derivation) Words which consist of a root and an affix (or several affixes) are called derived words or derivatives. Prefixes seldom affect the basic lexico-grammatical component of the stem meaning. A simple word and its prefixed derivative usually belong to the same part of speech: read — reread (v); happy — unhappy (adj. ), but be- + adj. > v (belittle), en- + n > v (encase). Suffixes mostly form a different part of speech and usually modify the lexical meaning of the base: free (adj. ) + -dom > n (freedom) but ring (n) + -let > ringlet (n)

Classifications of affixes according to their origin (native and borrowed) Native suffixes: -er (worker),

Classifications of affixes according to their origin (native and borrowed) Native suffixes: -er (worker), -ness (loneliness), -ing (feeling), -hood (brotherhood), -ship (friendship), -th (truth), -some (handsome), -en (darken), -ful (colorful) Native prefixes: a- (awake) Borrowed suffixes: -ant (deodorant) (Latin), (parentage) -age, -able (readable), -ance (clearance), ard (Spaniard) (French), -ist (linguist), -ism (communism) (Greek) Borrowed prefixes: pre- (prehistoric), post- (postwar), non- (nonhuman), anti- (antiaircraft) (Romanic and Greek) Words that are made up of elements derived from different languages are called hybrids: readable

 according to their semantic characteristics: polysemantic, synonymous and homonymous Polysemantic: -у 1) composed

according to their semantic characteristics: polysemantic, synonymous and homonymous Polysemantic: -у 1) composed of, full of (bony, stony), 2) characterized by (rainy, cloudy), 3) having the character of (bushy, inky). Synonymous affixes: 1) doer of the action: -er, -ist, -ant (lover, journalist, defendant), 2) collectivity: -age, -dom, -(e)ry (officialdom, peasantry), 3) diminutiveness: -ie, -lit, -ling ( birdie, girlie, wolfling) Homonymic: -ly: 1) Adj. + -ly > Adv. (quickly), 2) N + -ly > Adj. (lovely)

 Affixes can also be classified into productive (living) and non-productive (dead). Productive: 1)

Affixes can also be classified into productive (living) and non-productive (dead). Productive: 1) N-forming suffixes: -er, -ing, -ness (blogging, facebooker) 2) V-forming: -ize, -ate (napsterize) 3) Adj. — forming: -y, -ish, -ed, -able, -less (hay-smoked, proceedable, multitalentless) 4) Adv. -forming: -ly (muchly) 5) Prefixes: un-, re-, dis/de- (unfollow, retweet, defriend) Non-productive: 1) N-forming: -th, -hood 2) Adj. -forming: -ly, -some, -en, -ous 3) V-forming: -en

Word-composition (compounding) Compound words are words consisting of at least two stems which occur

Word-composition (compounding) Compound words are words consisting of at least two stems which occur in the language as free forms (blackbird). Compounding is highly productive in English. Mostly it can be found in nouns (doorstep), adjectives (winedark), and verbs (stage-manage). Among noun compounds the following types can be found: N + N > N (steamboat) V + N > N (crybaby) Adj + N > N (strongbox). Compound adjectives can be of the following types: Adj. + Adj. > Adj. (red-hot) N + Adj. > Adj. (bloodthirsty) N + V > Adj. (snow-covered).

 The constituent members of a compound are not always equal. Some compounds are

The constituent members of a compound are not always equal. Some compounds are made up of a determining (basic part = determinatum) and a determined part (serves to differentiate the basic part = determinant). Thus, in steamboat , red in red-hot are determinants, because steamboat is a type of boat, redhot is a degree of hotness. When the meaning of the compound can be inferred from its parts it is called transparent (hairbrush, bedroom, dancing-hall) and non-transparent or idiomatic, when it cannot be inferred from the meaning of components (lazybones, football).

Criteria of differentiation b/w a compound word and a word-combination 1) Graphic - solid

Criteria of differentiation b/w a compound word and a word-combination 1) Graphic — solid or hyphenated spelling airline, air-line, air line 2) Phonological – stress ‘ice-cream (compound) vs. ‘ice ‘cream (free phrase) but this rule does not hold with adjectives: ‘gray’green, ‘easy-‘going Besides, stress can differentiate the meaning of compounds: man’kind «the human race» and ‘mankind «men contrasted with women»

 3) Semantic – a compound expresses a single idea which is not identical

3) Semantic – a compound expresses a single idea which is not identical in meaning to the sum of the meanings of its components in a free phrase. Tallboy does not even denote a person, but a piece of furniture ! But the semantic criterion alone cannot prove anything as phraseological units also convey a single concept. 4) Morphological – a compound is stable a tallboy — a tall and handsome boy a tallboy – a tallestboy 5) syntactic – a compound has one function in the sentence: There is a tallboy in the corner. Ø In most cases, only several criteria can convincingly classify a lexical unit as either a compound word or a word group.

Conversion is an extremely productive way of forming words in Modern English (knife -

Conversion is an extremely productive way of forming words in Modern English (knife — to knife, to take — a take). It is treated differently in linguistic literature. Some linguists define it as a morphological way of forming words (Smirnitsky, Ginzburg), treating conversion as the formation of a new word through changes in its paradigm. Others (Arnold) consider it to be a morphological syntactic word-building method, because it involves the semantic change, a change of the paradigm and a change of the syntactic function of the word. A purely syntactic approach (functional approach) to conversion is popular with linguists in Great Britain and the USA. They define conversion as a kind of functional change.

 1. Verbs converted from nouns (denominal verbs) can express: a) an action characteristic

1. Verbs converted from nouns (denominal verbs) can express: a) an action characteristic of the object: ape — to ape (behave as apes do); b) instrumental use of the object: screw — to screw (‘fasten with a screw’); c) acquisition or addition of the object: fish — to fish; d) deprivation of the object: dust — to dust (‘remove dust from something’), skin — to skin (‘strip off the skin’).

 2. Nouns converted from verbs (deverbal substantives) can express a) instance of the

2. Nouns converted from verbs (deverbal substantives) can express a) instance of the action: to jump — jump, to move — move; b) agent of the action: to help — help ‘a person who helps’; c) place of the action: to drive — drive ‘a path/road along which one drives‘; d) object or result of the action: to peel — peel ‘the outer skin of fruit taken off.

 Some other patterns of conversion can be mentioned. 3. Adjectives > Nouns: supernatural,

Some other patterns of conversion can be mentioned. 3. Adjectives > Nouns: supernatural, impossible, inevitable; 4. Participle > Adjectives: a standing man / rule, running water. But not all the pairs of such words can be formed by conversion. Some of them arose: (1) as a result of the loss of endings in the course of the historical developments of the English language: love, hate, rest, smell, work, end, answer, care, drink, (2) assimilation of borrowings: check, cry, doubt, change. Some linguists (Smirnitsky, Arbekova) call them patterned homonymy.

Minor types of word formation. Shortening While derivation and compounding represent addition, shortening, on

Minor types of word formation. Shortening While derivation and compounding represent addition, shortening, on the other hand, may be represented as subtraction, in which part of word or word group is taken away. Shortening can be called a process of wordcoining.

Clipping is a process of creating of a new word by shortening of the

Clipping is a process of creating of a new word by shortening of the original polysyllabic word (prototype). According to what part is cut off we distinguish: final – doc (doctor), initial – net (Internet) medial clipping – poli-sci (political science).

Blending is combining parts of two words to form one. motel = motor +

Blending is combining parts of two words to form one. motel = motor + hotel brunch = breakfast + lunch, selectric = select + electric dancercise = dance + exercise. Sometimes only the first word is clipped, as in perma-press for ‘permanent-press’.

Back-Formation Back-formation is a process whereby a word whose form is similar to that

Back-Formation Back-formation is a process whereby a word whose form is similar to that of a derived form undergoes a process of deaffixation (the singling-out of a stem from a word which is wrongly regarded as a derivative). resurrect < resurrection enthuse < enthusiasm donate < donation orient < orientation A major source of back-formation in English is represented by the words that end with -er or -or and have meanings involving the notion of an agent, such as editor, peddler, swindler, and stroker. Because hundreds of words ending in these affixes are the result of affixation, it was assumed that these words too had been formed by adding -er or -or to a verb. So, edit, peddle, swindle, and stroke exist as simple verbs.

Abbreviation is the process and the result of forming a word out of the

Abbreviation is the process and the result of forming a word out of the initial elements (letters, morphemes) of a word combination. (a) If the abbreviated written form is read like a word it is called an acronym — AIDS, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), radar (radio detecting and ranging), (b) The other subgroup of abbreviations is pronounces like a series of letters (initialisms) — S. O. S. , NFL (National Football League), B. B. C. (the British Broadcasting Corporation), (c) The term abbreviation may be used for a shortened form of a written word or phrase used in a text for economy of space and effort (graphic abbreviation) — L. A. , N. Y. , B. A. for Bachelor of Arts, ltd for limited, Xmas for Christmas.

 Sound interchange may be defined as an opposition in which words or word

Sound interchange may be defined as an opposition in which words or word forms are differentiated due to an alternation in phonemic composition of the root. The change may affect the root vowel: food N — feed V, root consonant: speak V — speech N, or both: life N — live V. It also may be combined with affixation: strong Adj. strength N, or with affixation and shift of stress: ‘democrat — de’mocracy. Distinctive stress: ‘conduct N — con’duct V, object, etc. Sound imitation is the formation of new words from sounds that resemble those associated with the object or action to be named, or that seem suggestive of its qualities: buzz, hiss, sizzle, cuckoo.

Thanks for attention!

Thanks for attention!

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