What is word chain game

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For the games in which one word is progressively changed into another, see Word Ladder and Word golf.

Word chain, also known as grab on behind, last and first, alpha and omega, and the name game,[1][2][3] is a word game in which players come up with words that begin with the letter or letters that the previous word ended with. A category of words is usually chosen, there is a time limit such as five seconds,[1][4] and words may not be repeated in the same game.[5] The version of the game in which cities are used is called geography.


An example chain for food would be: Soup — Peas — Sugar — Rice.[1]

The game is used as a tool for teaching English as a second language[6][7] and as a car game.[5]


A similar Japanese game is shiritori, in which the word must begin with the last mora, or kana, of the previous word. It includes a rule for loss: words ending with N may not be used since the kana is never used in the beginning of words. The game antakshari (ant means end, akshar means letter), played in India, Pakistan and Nepal also involves chaining, but with verses of movie songs (usually Bollywood songs). In Russia a game similar to the Word chain is called Words (Russian: слова), or «A Game of Cities» (Игра в города) if played using city and town names. In French-speaking countries, the game marabout involves the last syllable.

In Chinese languages a similar game is known as jielong (接龍), where players start new words with the last hanzi of the preceding word. Another variant of the game is known as tzuchuan (字串), which utilises adding, removing or replacing of one of the character’s components to form another character. The most popular variant of the game is known as chengyu jielong (成語接龍), which involves four character idioms instead.

There is also a similar South Slavic game called kalodont, in which players continue the chain by beginning with last two letters of the previous word.

In Korean, a similar game is kkeunmaritgi (끝말잇기), in which players must say a word that starts with the last Hangul letter of the previous word. In Romanian, there is a game called «Fazan» («Pheasant»), in which players must say a word that starts with the last two letters of the previous word.

Writing poetry following the same principle is called capping verses.[8][9] Various other variants exist, such as Ancient Greek skolion.

See also[edit]

  • Generalized geography, a PSPACE-complete problem in computational complexity theory.


  1. ^ a b c Wise, Debra; Sandra Forrest (2003). Great big book of children’s games: over 450 indoor and outdoor games for kids. McGraw-Hill Professional. ISBN 0-07-142246-3.
  2. ^ Wood, Clemend; Gloria Goddard (1940). The complete book of games (2 ed.). Garden City.
  3. ^ «How to Play the Name Game!». The Van Gogh-Goghs. 1999. Retrieved 27 April 2019.
  4. ^ Cullen, Ruth (2004). Brainiac’s Gross-Out Activity Book. Activity Journal Series. Peter Pauper Press. ISBN 0-88088-448-7.
  5. ^ a b Rosenthal, Aaron. «Are We There Yet?». Street Directory. Retrieved 8 December 2009.
  6. ^ Sperling, Dave. «w-o-r-d c-h-a-i-n». Dave’s ESL Cafe. Retrieved 8 December 2009.
  7. ^ Hill, Monica (2005). «Fun Vocabulary Learning Activities». Harsh words: English words for Chinese learners. Hong Kong University Press. p. 138. ISBN 962-209-717-0.
  8. ^ Cap Verses (To)., Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, Brewer, 1898
  9. ^ Brewer, E. Cobham (1898). «Cap Verses (To).». Dictionary of Phrase and Fable.

The Word Chain game for ESL students can be used to help build their vocabulary using a variety of themes. It can be used with larger groups or even in pairs.

Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Age Group: Kids, Adults

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Word Chain Game

Word Chain ESL Game Preparation:

Not much pre-class preparation is required for the Word Chain game. If you want, you could think of a few different vocabulary themes based on the words in the textbook that you are using for the class, but it isn’t really necessary.

Word Chain ESL Game Guidelines:

To explain to the class how to do the Word Chain activity, first, think of a theme like “movie stars” or something simple like “colors” if it is a very basic level of students.

Let’s use the “colors” example to start for the explanation. Grab a board marker and write the word “yellow” on the board so that everyone can see.

Now, underline the last letter of the word yellow and draw an arrow to the next word that they need to think of that starts with “W”. Tell them it has to be a color word only. They should come up with “white” fairly easily.

With the last letter of “white” being “E”, draw another arrow to start the next color word beginning with “E”.

Give students some time to answer. If nobody can think of a color that begins with “E” then suggest that they could have said the color “emerald green” and carry on with “N”. This should be enough to give them the idea of what to do for the game.

Next, have the students form a circle standing up or sitting at their desks in some kind of circular arrangement.

When everyone is ready, tell them that they are going to do the same activity, but this time they have to think of the words quickly and individually one after the other taking turns. Any student who cannot think of the next word fast enough is out of the game.

Try different themes to keep it interesting and challenging for the students. The rules can be varied somewhat, but this is the general aim of the Word Chain game.

Once you have completed a number of rounds, you could award the best student with a prize for positive reinforcement, especially if they are children.

Follow-Up ESL Activities:

As an extension to the word chain game, you could give the students five words from the activity and have them write sentences using the words.

Alternatively, you could try to find movie scenes that use words from the game and try the Movie Dialog Listening Activity as an extension to the lesson.

For a fun discussion extension to the lesson, most students really enjoy the Funny or Die ESL Speaking Activity.

More ESL Vocabulary Games for Kids and Adults:

  • I Spy
  • No Harm No Vowel
  • To Be
  • Halloween
  • Comparatives
  • Prepositions
  • Body Parts
  • Toilet Paper
  • Have You Ever
  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Word Whack
  • Hangman
  • Hot Seat
  • Simon Says
  • Pass the Marker
  • Memory Race
  • Board Race
  • Mystery Word
  • 20 Questions

View the vocabulary games archive.

View more ESL activities.

Related ESL Resources Online:

  • ESL Games for Kids on ESLkidsStuff.com

Цепочка слов, также известная как возьмитесь за, последний и первый, альфа и омега, и название игры . это словесная игра, в которой игроки придумывают слова, которые начинаются с той буквы или букв, которыми заканчивалось предыдущее слово. Обычно выбирается категория слов, есть ограничение по времени, например пять секунд, и слова не могут повторяться в одной игре. Версия игры, в которой используются города, называется география .


  • 1 Время
  • 2 Связанные игры
  • 3 Примеры из популярной культуры
  • 4 См. Также
  • 5 Ссылки


Пример цепочки для еды: суп — горох — сахар — рис.

Игра используется в качестве инструмента для обучения английскому как второму языку и как автомобильная игра.

Связанные игры

Аналогичная японская игра — Shiritori, в которой слово должно начинаться с последнего слога, или kana, предыдущего слова. Он включает в себя правило потери: слова, заканчивающиеся на N, не могут использоваться, поскольку кана никогда не используется в начале слов. Игра Антакшари (муравей означает конец, акшар означает букву), в которую играют в Индии, Пакистане и Непале, также включает цепочку, но с стихи песен из фильмов (обычно песни Болливуда ). В России игра, похожая на цепочку слов, называется «Слова». Во франкоязычных странах в игре Marabout используется последний слог.

Написание стихов по тому же принципу называется закрывающими стихами. Существуют различные другие варианты, такие как Древнегреческий skolion.

Примеры из популярной культуры

  • В европейской версии Tomodachi Life одним из игровых событий является игра в слова. Это английская версия турнира Shiritori Tournament, и в североамериканской локализации она отсутствует и заменена аналогичным мероприятием под названием Rap Battle, которое было включено в европейскую локализацию вместе с Word Chain.

См. Также

  • Общая география, PSPACE-complete проблема в теории вычислительной сложности.


  1. ^ Wise, Debra; Сандра Форрест (2003). Большая большая книга детских игр: более 450 домашних и подвижных игр для детей. McGraw-Hill Professional. ISBN 0-07-142246-3 .
  2. ^Вуд, Клеменд; Глория Годдард (1940). Полная книга игр (2-е изд.). Гарден-Сити.
  3. ^«Как вести игру в имена!». Ван Гог-Гоги. 1999. Проверено 27 апреля 2019 года.
  4. ^Каллен, Рут (2004). Полная книга действий Брэйниака. Серия журналов деятельности. Питер Паупер Пресс. ISBN 0-88088-448-7 .
  5. ^ Розенталь, Аарон. «Мы уже там?». Справочник улиц. Проверено 8 декабря 2009 г.
  6. ^Сперлинг, Дэйв. «Ч-о-р-д ц-ч-а-и-н» Кафе Дэйва ESL. Проверено 8 декабря 2009 г.
  7. ^Хилл, Моника (2005). «Занятия по изучению словарного запаса». Резкие слова: английские слова для изучающих китайский. Издательство Гонконгского университета. п. 138. ISBN 962-209-717-0 .
  8. ^Cap Verses (To)., Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, Brewer, 1898
  9. ^Брюэр, Э. Кобэм (1898). «Cap Verses (To)». Словарь фраз и басен.

Об играх, в которых одно слово постепенно заменяется другим, см. Word Ladder и Word golf .

Цепочка слов , также известная как захват сзади , последний и первый , альфа и омега , а также игра с именами , представляет собой игру в слова, в которой игроки придумывают слова, начинающиеся с той буквы или букв, которыми заканчивалось предыдущее слово. Обычно выбирается категория слов, есть ограничение по времени, например пять секунд, и слова не могут повторяться в одной игре. Версия игры, в которой используются города, называется географией .


Пример цепочки для продуктов питания: Суп — Горох — Сахар — Рис.

Игра используется как инструмент для обучения английскому как второму языку и как автомобильная игра .

Похожая японская игра — Сиритори , в которой слово должно начинаться с последней мора или каны предыдущего слова. Он включает в себя правило потери: слова, оканчивающиеся на N, не могут использоваться, поскольку кана никогда не используется в начале слов. Игра Антакшари ( муравей означает конец , акшар означает буква ), в которую играют в Индии , Пакистане и Непале, также включает цепочки, но со стихами из песен из фильмов (обычно песен из Болливуда ). В России игра, похожая на цепочку слов, называется «Слова». Во франкоязычных странах в игре Marabout используется последний слог.

Написание стихов по тому же принципу называется завершением стихов. Существуют различные другие варианты, например, древнегреческий сколион .

Примеры из популярной культуры

  • В европейской версии Tomodachi Life одним из игровых событий является игра в слова. Это английская версия Shiritori Tournament, и в североамериканской локализации она отсутствует и заменена аналогичным мероприятием под названием Rap Battle , которое было включено в европейскую локализацию вместе с Word Chain.

Смотрите также

  • Обобщенная география , полная проблема PSPACE в теории сложности вычислений .

использованная литература

  1. ^ a b c
    Мудрая, Дебра; Сандра Форрест (2003). Большая большая книга детских игр: более 450 домашних и подвижных игр для детей . McGraw-Hill Professional. ISBN 0-07-142246-3.
  2. ^ Вуд, Клеменд; Глория Годдард (1940). Полная книга игр (2-е изд.). Город-сад.
  3. ^ «Как играть в игру в имя!» . Ван Гог-Гоги . 1999 . Проверено 27 апреля 2019 года .
  4. ^ Каллен, Рут (2004). Полная книга действий Брейниака . Серия журналов деятельности. Питер Паупер Пресс. ISBN 0-88088-448-7.
  5. ^ а б Розенталь, Аарон. «Мы уже на месте?» . Уличный справочник . Проверено 8 декабря 2009 года .
  6. ^ Сперлинг, Дэйв. «цепочка слов» . Кафе Дэйва ESL . Проверено 8 декабря 2009 года .
  7. ^ Хилл, Моника (2005). «Занятия по изучению словарного запаса». Резкие слова: английские слова для изучающих китайский язык . Издательство Гонконгского университета. п. 138 . ISBN 962-209-717-0.
  8. ^ Cap Verses (To). , Словарь фраз и басен, Брюэр, 1898 г.
  9. ^ Брюэр, Э. Кобэм (1898). «Cap Verses (To).». Словарь фраз и басен .

Any ESL teacher knows the merit of having games and activities in an ESL classroom. Not only can these games and activities be used as a time filler or extra practice, but they can also be used for warm-up activities, breaking the ice, or adding a little fun to the class.

In this article, we will focus on those types of games and activities in which no prep is required; thus, making them easy to implement at the top of the hat.

Read on to learn more!

1. Word Chain

Suitable for: kindergarten to adolescents
Use: icebreaker/warmer/time-filler/vocab practice

Students stand in a circle or just stand up where they are (depending on the layout of your classroom). You can also play this game with a ball or without one.

You can start the game for the first time by giving a student any letter in the alphabet, e.g. “i”. Pass the ball to a student, then they have to say a word that starts with that letter, e.g. “ice”. The next student then gives a word that starts with the last letter of “ice”, e.g. “egg”. And so the game continues.

You can also play different variations with the game, e.g. a student needs to give words that are longer than three letters, it should be related to a theme, all words should be verbs, etc.

2. Word Association

Suitable for: elementary students to adults
Use: icebreaker/warmer/time-filler/vocab exercise

The game is similar to ‘word chain’, but the purpose is to have a theme, and the students need to say what is the first word they associate with that theme.

All you need is a soft ball or die. Students stand in a circle, and the ball is passed from student to student, with each student saying the first word they can think of associated with the theme.

If you have a big class, divide the class up into two or three smaller groups and play.

3. Baamboozle

Suitable for: elementary students
Use: icebreaker/warmer/time-filler

If you want to get your students excited or regain their attention, play one of Baamboozle’s 750,000 free mini-games. Focused more on elementary students, the immense variation of games makes sure that there are definitely suitable games for your students.

4. Line Up

Suitable for: elementary students to adults
Use: icebreaker/conversation practice

This no prep ESL game is especially great if it is your first time teaching a class or if the whole class is new and students should get to know each other.

You can come up with three questions, such as “What’s your name?”, “Where are you from?”, and “What is your favourite book?” If needed, you can write these on the board. Students stand in two lines, facing each other. Once you say, “Go”, the students on one side of the line start asking the person opposite them the questions. Once the first pair of students is done asking each other, they say, “Switch”, and one line of students move one space down. And so the activity continues.

Rather than just an icebreaker or getting-to-know-you type of activity, use this for conversation practice with students asking and answering questions or practicing dialogue related to the topic, for example, ordering food in a restaurant, where one line of students are the ‘waiter’ and the other the ‘customers’.

Not working for you? Check out these activities too.

5. A-Z Reflection

Suitable for: elementary students to adults
Use: word practice

Students write down all the letters of the alphabet on a piece of paper. You can choose a topic or theme, and all words need to match the letters. Depending on their level, they can also write down more than just one word. For example, a theme could be what they did over the long weekend (they don’t have to write what really happened, but can use their imaginations, too). Each word or phrase they write next to the letter of the alphabet needs to start with that letter, e.g. S – saw a dragon boat competition.

This activity could be shortened if there are time limits and can also serve as a good way to see what words your students know prior to teaching a topic or theme.

6. Words in a Word

Suitable for: elementary students to adults
Use: icebreaker/warmer/time-filler

Depending on your ability to think on your feet, this ESL activity might require a wee bit of prep (or just looking online or in a dictionary for a long-ish word).

This no prep Word in a Word activity presents students with one word to find all the words that they can within this word or using only the letters in the word in a certain time limit. An example of this one word is “landscapes”.

As the teacher, you can impose several rules depending on the level of your students, such that all words, for example, should be four letters or more. Students can work individually, in pairs, or in small groups.

7. Charades & Pictionary

Suitable for: kindergarten to adults
Use: review vocab

Since these games are somewhat similar, they are grouped together.

Depending on your class size, divide the students into two groups (or four). Each player gets a word, and they can easily be chosen from the vocab list in the reading book or from a previous unit.

In Charades, the player needs to act out the word without saying anything. While this is happening, the students in the group guess the answer. For each correct answer, the group gets one point.

In Pictionary, instead of acting out the word, the student needs to draw a picture of it. No numbers, letter, or symbols can be used. Again, the team needs to guess the answer, and a point is awarded for each correct guess.

Students can easily play Charades or Pictionary play until all the words on the list have been reviewed.

Final Thoughts

As stated above, ESL games and activities that require no preparation are always handy, whether to act as an ice breaker or warmer activity, fill up time in a class, or to practice vocabulary or conversation for example. These are only a sample of no prep games that you can utilise in your classroom, and as you develop as a teacher, you will later on have hundreds f these types of ESL games to make use of as the opportunity or need presents itself.

Want more teaching tips? Visit our Teaching Tips blog.

About the Author

Denine Walters is currently a freelance writer, editor/proofreader and ESL teacher. Previously, she taught online English lessons to students from all around the world and, before that, she lived and taught English to young learners in Taiwan. In her free time, she likes to read, do scrapbooking and grammar quizzes, and travel.

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