What is uppercase word

Updated: 01/18/2023 by

Uppercase wording example

Alternatively known as caps and capital, and sometimes abbreviated as UC, uppercase is a typeface of larger characters. For example, typing a, b, and c shows lowercase, and typing A, B, and C shows uppercase. To type in uppercase, you can use either the Caps Lock key or the Shift key on the keyboard.


It’s bad etiquette to have everything you type in ALL UPPERCASE CHARACTERS. When reading anything typed in all caps, most readers assume you are YELLING or find the text hard to read.

Why is capitalization important?


Passwords are case-sensitive to add an extra level of security. If your caps lock key is enabled while creating your password, but not when you log in the next day, you won’t be able to access your account.

File names, directories, and paths

When dealing with file names, directories, and paths in many operating systems and paths, they are case-sensitive. For example, in Microsoft Windows nothing is case-sensitive. However, when uploading a file to the Internet, the files and directories become case-sensitive. For example, the file name of this web page is «uppercase.htm» and must be typed in all lowercase in the URL while online. However, if you were viewing the file locally on a Windows computer, the capitalization would not matter.


When dealing with computer measurements and other measurements, capitalization is important for identifying the exact type of measurement. For example, «Mb» (short for megabit) and «MB» (short for megabyte) are two different types of measurements with different values.


Command line commands in operating systems like Linux are case-sensitive, which means if you typed «Ls» to list file you would get an error since the ls command is all lowercase.

Programming functions

In earlier programming languages like FORTRAN, the keywords and the names of data objects needed to be uppercase because punch card machines did not have a Shift key.


To help differentiate an acronym from other words in a sentence, they are typed in uppercase. For example, the acronym RAM is typed in all uppercase to help identify the word as an acronym.

Using the uc function

Many programming and scripting languages use the uc function to convert a variable into uppercase. For example, in the example below is how the uc and ucfirst functions can be used in Perl.

my $example = "hello world";
print "$examplen";
$example = ucfirst($example);
print "$examplen";
$example = uc($example);
print "$examplen";

In the above example, the $example variable is set to all lowercase. The third line uppercases the first character making the text «Hello world,» and the fifth line uppercases the whole string making the text «HELLO WORLD.»

What is the difference between capitalize and uppercase?

Capitalize is used when you’re describing the first letter of a word or a single letter. For example, the first letter in this sentence is capitalized. Uppercase describes a word with every letter being capitalized. For example, the acronym CPU is in uppercase.

When should I capitalize text?

Below is a list of general rules that should be followed when capitalizing words.

  • Always capitalize the first word of a sentence.
  • If the word is a proper noun or derived from a proper noun, the first letter should be capitalized. For example, a name, book, brand, movie, place, product, and trademark are proper nouns and should be capitalized.
  • Capitalize the first letter of a quote unless it is part of the sentence.
  • Roads and streets should be capitalized.
  • A person’s title (not occupation) before their name should be capitalized.

Below is a list of times capitalization should not be used.

  • Never user uppercase for emphasis. Instead, italicize any text you want to emphasize.
  • When writing the full form of an acronym, each word of the acronym should be lowercase unless it is a proper noun.
  • Do not capitalize the word the when used before a proper noun.

Should titles and headings be capitalized?

With formal writing, the titles and headings should use title case. All other forms of writing should follow the rules set by the used style guide. For example, Computer Hope follows the Microsoft Manual of Style and uses sentence case for its headings.

Should I use «uppercase» or «upper case» in my writing?

Both «uppercase» and «upper case» are correct. However, only use one form in your writing. According to The Associated Press Stylebook and the Microsoft Manual of Style, write «uppercase» as one word when used as an adjective and as a noun.

Caps lock, Case, Case-sensitive, Character, Computer acronyms, Font, Lowercase, Proper case, Title case, Typography terms, UC Browser

What is the uppercase word?

To begin (a word) with an uppercase letter. The definition of uppercase is something written or printed with capital letters. An example of uppercase used as an adjective is the phrase uppercase letter, which means the first letter of a person’s name.

What is the difference between is uppercase and to uppercase?

Difference between isuppercase () and touppercase () ​ is given below. Explanation: The isuppercase () verify that particular character or the string is in the capital letter or not while touppercase () ​ function converted the particular character or the string is in the capital letter .

What is an uppercase letter for a password?


How do you capitalize words on Android?

If you are using an Android phone and Gboard, you can capitalize the first letter of any word with three touches. First, double-tap the word in question to highlight the word, then tap the shift button (the up arrow) on the keyboard to capitalize the first letter. Done!

How do you capitalize on a flip phone?

Hold down # key and a text entry mode menu will pop up allowing switching to caps.

How do you type letters on a flip phone?

Alcatel GO FLIP

  1. Press the # Key to change the input method.
  2. In regular text entry mode, press a key one, two, or three times to enter a letter.
  3. Press 0 to enter a space.
  4. Press the Back Key to delete text.
  5. To enter symbols, press *
  6. Scroll to the symbol you wish to use and then press OK.

How do you capitalize in a text?

How to Capitalize When Texting

  1. Open a new text message. The first letter you type in any text message will automatically be capitalized.
  2. Hold the key for each letter you want to capitalize for at least three seconds before releasing.
  3. Continue holding down each letter for at least three seconds, if you need to use Caps Locks in your message.

How do you type an uppercase letter?

For capital letters, hold down the ‘shift’ key and hold and type the letter.

Do you put accents on French capital letters?

You may have heard that capital letters are not supposed to be accented. This may be good advice, but, really, whether to use accents on French capital letters is entirely up to you. Most of the time they are not essential, and so most French speakers do not add them.

How do you write block capitals?

Block letters may also be used as a synonym of block capitals, which means writing in all capital letters or in large and small capital letters, imitating the style of typeset capital letters.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Dr. Osborne Ledner Sr.

Score: 4.8/5
(57 votes)

In computer-related texts, uppercase is often spelled as one solid word. In computer programming, commands are written in UPPERCASE, like this.

Is it upper case or uppercase?

Both «uppercase» and «upper case» are correct. However, only use one form in your writing. According to The Associated Press Stylebook and the Microsoft Manual of Style, write «uppercase» as one word when used as an adjective and as a noun.

What is uppercase format?

The definition of uppercase is something written or printed with capital letters. … Of, printed, or formatted in capital letters. An uppercase A; uppercase titles.

How do I write an uppercase letter?

  1. Uppercase letters are also known as capital letters. …
  2. In English, the first letter of every sentence is capitalized. …
  3. Acronyms are a type of abbreviation. …
  4. Use lowercase letters for all letters other than the first in a sentence, provided that there is no required use for uppercase letters in the sentence.

What is capitalize each word?

To capitalize the first letter of each word and leave the other letters lowercase, click Capitalize Each Word. To shift between two case views (for example, to shift between Capitalize Each Word and the opposite, cAPITALIZE eACH wORD), click tOGGLE cASE.

34 related questions found

What are the 10 rules of capitalization?

Personal Development10 Capitalization Rules

  • Capitalize the first word of every sentence.
  • “I” is always capitalized, along with all its contractions. …
  • Capitalize the first word of a quoted sentence. …
  • Capitalize a proper noun. …
  • Capitalize a person’s title when it precedes the name.

What is capitalization and examples?

Capitalization is the recordation of a cost as an asset, rather than an expense. … For example, office supplies are expected to be consumed in the near future, so they are charged to expense at once.

What is uppercase letter example?

To capitalize a word is to make its first letter an uppercase letter. For example, to capitalize the word polish (which is here spelled with a lowercase p), you would write it with an uppercase P, as Polish. … Some acronyms and abbreviations are written using all uppercase letters, such as NASA and U.S.

What is the uppercase number?

Uppercase characters are capital letters; lowercase characters are small letters. For example, box is in lowercase while BOX is in uppercase. The term is a vestige of the days when typesetters kept capital letters in a box above the lowercase letters.

How can I write uppercase in Mobile?

Double-tap the shift key for caps lock

Want to type in ALL CAPS? No problem! Just double-tap the shift key and a blue indicator will light up. You’ll know you’re in all caps because the letter keys will change to uppercase.

What is a good 8 character password?

Good passwords: must be at least 7 or 8 characters long — longer is better; have both uppercase and lowercase letters; also have digits and/or punctuation (this includes !

Should have at least 1 upper case character?

at least 1 upper case, numeric, and special character must be EMBEDDED somewhere in the middle of the password, and not just be the first or the last character of the password string. Passwords must be at least 10 characters in length, but can be much longer.

Why is it called uppercase and lowercase?

The terms “uppercase» and “lowercase» come from the way in which print shops were organized hundreds of years ago. … The smaller letters, which were used most often, were kept in a lower case that was easier to reach. Capital letters, which were used less frequently, were kept in an upper case.

Is upper case in Java?

Java toUpperCase() with examples

The java string toUpperCase() method converts all characters of the string into a uppercase letter. There are two variant of toUpperCase() method.

Are capital numbers a thing?

Uppercase (or upper case) letters were the original writing style. … There are two relatively common number styles as well* — Lining or titling numbers or uppercase numbers and Oldstyle or lowercase numerals.

What is PAN number in upper case?

The PAN (or PAN number) is a ten-character long alpha-numeric unique identifier. The first five characters are letters (in uppercase by default), followed by four numerals, and the last (tenth) character is a letter. The fourth character identifies the type of holder of the card.

What is lower and uppercase letters?

Upper case letters (also called capital letters) are used at the beginning of a sentence or for the first letter of a proper noun. Lower case letters are all the other letters that don’t begin sentences and aren’t the first letter of a proper noun.

What does it mean to capitalize a cost?

To capitalize is to record a cost or expense on the balance sheet for the purposes of delaying full recognition of the expense. In general, capitalizing expenses is beneficial as companies acquiring new assets with long-term lifespans can amortize or depreciate the costs. This process is known as capitalization.

What is capitalization explain?

Definition: Capitalization is the process of recording an expense or cost in a permanent account and systematically allocating over future periods. In other words, capitalization takes an expense, which would normally be recorded in a temporary account, and records it in a permanent account like an asset account.

What capitalization means?

Capitalisation is a simple shorthand formula that enables investors to work out the current market value of a company. In finance a traditional definition of capitalisation is the dollar value of a company’s outstanding shares. It is calculated by multiplying the number of shares by their current price.

What are the 5 rules of capitalization?

English Capitalization Rules:

  • Capitalize the First Word of a Sentence. …
  • Capitalize Names and Other Proper Nouns. …
  • Don’t Capitalize After a Colon (Usually) …
  • Capitalize the First Word of a Quote (Sometimes) …
  • Capitalize Days, Months, and Holidays, But Not Seasons. …
  • Capitalize Most Words in Titles.

How do you know what to capitalize in a title?

The rules are fairly standard for title case:

  1. Capitalize the first and the last word.
  2. Capitalize nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs (including phrasal verbs such as “play with”), adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions.
  3. Lowercase articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions (regardless of length).

Which words should be capitalized in this sentence?

You should always capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence, no matter what the word is. Take, for example, the following sentences: “The weather was beautiful.

Asked by: Christop Glover

Score: 4.9/5
(66 votes)

Both «uppercase» and «upper case» are correct. However, only use one form in your writing. According to The Associated Press Stylebook and the Microsoft Manual of Style, write «uppercase» as one word when used as an adjective and as a noun.

Is lowercase one word?

Both «lowercase» and «lower case» (with a space) are correct. … According to The Associated Press Stylebook and the Microsoft Manual of Style, write «lowercase» as one word when used as an adjective and as a noun.

What is uppercase word?

To begin (a word) with an uppercase letter. … The definition of uppercase is something written or printed with capital letters. An example of uppercase used as an adjective is the phrase uppercase letter, which means the first letter of a person’s name.

What came first uppercase or lowercase?

The terms “uppercase» and “lowercase» come from the way in which print shops were organized hundreds of years ago. Individual pieces of metal type were kept in boxes called cases. The smaller letters, which were used most often, were kept in a lower case that was easier to reach.

What is uppercase example?

To capitalize a word is to make its first letter an uppercase letter. For example, to capitalize the word polish (which is here spelled with a lowercase p), you would write it with an uppercase P, as Polish. … Some acronyms and abbreviations are written using all uppercase letters, such as NASA and U.S.

42 related questions found

What does uppercase word mean?

Uppercase means the same thing as capital in capital letter—the bigger, taller version of a letter (like W), as opposed to the smaller version, which is called a lowercase letter (like w). Uppercase letters can also be called capitals.

Is uppercase a real word?

Both «uppercase» and «upper case» are correct. … According to The Associated Press Stylebook and the Microsoft Manual of Style, write «uppercase» as one word when used as an adjective and as a noun.

What is uppercase number?

Uppercase (or upper case) letters were the original writing style. Its other name is majuscule letters — writing within well defined upper and lower bounds. … There are two relatively common number styles as well* — Lining or titling numbers or uppercase numbers and Oldstyle or lowercase numerals.

Is lower in Java?

isLowerCase(char ch) determines if the specified character is a lowercase character. A character is lowercase if its general category type, provided by Character. getType(ch), is LOWERCASE_LETTER, or it has contributory property Other_Lowercase as defined by the Unicode Standard.

What does lowercase q mean in Olympics?

An athlete with Q after their name has qualified from that heat and advanced to the next round of the competition, while “q” means that an athlete is not an automatic qualifier but has to wait to see if their time was quick enough to advance.

What does lowercase mean in writing?

What does lowercase mean? Lowercase is used to describe the shorter, smaller versions of letters (like w), called lowercase letters, as opposed to the bigger, taller versions (like W), which are called uppercase letters or capital letters.

What are the uppercase numbers?

Capitals numbers: By the end of the XVIIIth century, due to the many scientific advances, a new kind of numerals known as upper case numbers or capital numbers appeared and they began to be used to document mathematic or technical texts.

What is uppercase number and lowercase number?

Uppercase Letters − A — Z having ASCII values from 65 — 90 where, 65 and 90 are inclusive. Lowercase Letter − a — z having ASCII values from 97 — 122 where, 97 and 122 are inclusive. Numeric values − 0 — 9 having ASCII values from 48 — 57 where, 48 and 57 are inclusive. Special Characters − !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *

How do I type an uppercase symbol?

Press and hold either the left or right Shift and while continuing to hold the Shift key press the letter you want caps. Using the Shift key is the most common method of creating a capital letter on a computer.

What is a good 8 character password?

Good passwords: must be at least 7 or 8 characters long — longer is better; have both uppercase and lowercase letters; also have digits and/or punctuation (this includes !

What is the meaning of 1 uppercase character?

Definitions of upper-case letter. one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis. synonyms: capital, capital letter, majuscule, uppercase.

How do you use uppercase?

Capital Letters

  1. Capitals signal the start of a new sentence. This is a stable rule in our written language: Whenever you begin a sentence capitalize the first letter of the first word. …
  2. Capitals show important words in a title. …
  3. Capitals signal proper names and titles.

What is the meaning of uppercase in password?

If letters are in upper case, they are written as capitals: … Your password should consist of a combination of numbers and letters (using both uppercase and lowercase).

How do I change text to uppercase?

How to change uppercase and lowercase text in Microsoft Word

  1. Highlight all the text you want to change.
  2. Hold down the Shift and press F3 .
  3. When you hold Shift and press F3, the text toggles from sentence case (first letter uppercase and the rest lowercase), to all uppercase (all capital letters), and then all lowercase.

How can I write uppercase in Mobile?

Double-tap the shift key for caps lock

Want to type in ALL CAPS? No problem! Just double-tap the shift key and a blue indicator will light up. You’ll know you’re in all caps because the letter keys will change to uppercase.

What is PAN number in upper case?

The PAN (or PAN number) is a ten-character long alpha-numeric unique identifier. The first five characters are letters (in uppercase by default), followed by four numerals, and the last (tenth) character is a letter. The fourth character identifies the type of holder of the card.

Why are there no uppercase numbers?

Uppercase letters were designed for stuff like engraving. Since the numbers were copied from a system that was meant to be written with a pen there was no pressure for change. You can see this from the fact that upper and lowercase numbers are the same with just different height characteristics.

How do you write an uppercase number?

For capital letters, hold down the ‘shift’ key and hold and type the letter. For symbols at the top of a number key, press down the symbol key and then type the symbol. You can use the ‘shift’ key to type any symbol at the top of a key. The ‘caps lock’ key allows you to write in capital letters.

What are the uppercase and lowercase characters?

What are upper case and lower case letters? Upper case letters (also called capital letters) are used at the beginning of a sentence or for the first letter of a proper noun. Lower case letters are all the other letters that don’t begin sentences and aren’t the first letter of a proper noun.

Прописная буква. Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии.2010.


режим набора в верхнем регистре, заглавными буквами


заголовна; прописна верхнього регістра (про букви)


полигр. заглавный, прописной (о литере, шрифте)


(UC) заглавная, верхнего регистра (о буквах).


(U заглавная, верхнего регистра (о буквах)


верхній регістррегістр великих букв




алфавит верхнего регистра


алфавит верхнего регистра


1) прописной алфавит2) прописной шрифт


Прописной алфавит; Прописной шрифт. Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии.2010.


Найстарший (найвищий) біт


найстарший (найвищий) біт


Велика буквазнак верхнього регіструбуква верхнього регістру


Велика [заголовна] літера


прописная [заглавная] буква, буква верхнего регистра ср. lowercase letter


1) прописная буква, заглавная буква 2) знак верхнего регистра


прописная (заглавная, большая) буква


прописная [ заглавная ] буква; знак верхнего регистра



прописная (заглавная, большая) буква


велика буквазнак верхнього регістру буква верхнього регістру



Перемикання (перехід) на верхній регістр


перемикання (перехід) на верхній регістр


— front-end tools инструментальные средства [САПР ПО] верхнего уровня (для автоматизации первых этапов разработки) см. тж. lowercase tools


верхнеуровневые инструментальные средства проектирования (для автоматизации первых этапов разработки ПО в рамках САПР )


верхнеуровневые инструментальные средства проектирования ( для автоматизации первых этапов разработки ПО в рамках САПР )


Uppercase wording example

Alternatively known as caps and capital, and sometimes abbreviated as UC, uppercase is a typeface of larger characters. For example, typing a, b, and c shows lowercase, and typing A, B, and C shows uppercase. To type in uppercase, you can use either the Caps Lock key or the Shift key on the keyboard.

It’s bad etiquette to have everything you type in ALL UPPERCASE CHARACTERS. When reading anything typed in all caps, most readers assume you are YELLING or find the text hard to read.

When talking about a computer keyboard key, CAPS may be used to label the CapsLock key.

Why is capitalization important?


Passwords are case-sensitive to add an extra level of security. If your caps lock key is enabled while creating your password, but not when you log in the next day, you won’t be able to access your account.

File names, directories, and paths

When dealing with file names, directories, and paths in many operating systems and paths, they are case-sensitive. For example, in Microsoft Windows nothing is case-sensitive. However, when uploading a file to the Internet, the files and directories become case-sensitive. For example, the file name of this web page is «uppercase.htm» and must be typed in all lowercase in the URL while online. However, if you were viewing the file locally on a Windows computer, the capitalization would not matter.


When dealing with computer measurements and other measurements, capitalization is important for identifying the exact type of measurement. For example, «Mb» (short for megabit) and «MB» (short for megabyte) are two different types of measurements with different values.


Command line commands in operating systems like Linux are case-sensitive, which means if you typed «Ls» to list file you would get an error since the ls command is all lowercase.

Programming functions

In earlier programming languages like FORTRAN, the keywords and the names of data objects needed to be uppercase because punch card machines did not have a Shift key.


To help differentiate an acronym from other words in a sentence, they are typed in uppercase. For example, the acronym RAM is typed in all uppercase to help identify the word as an acronym.

Using the uc function

Many programming and scripting languages use the uc function to convert a variable into uppercase. For example, in the example below is how the uc and ucfirst functions can be used in Perl.

In the above example, the $example variable is set to all lowercase. The third line uppercases the first character making the text «Hello world,» and the fifth line uppercases the whole string making the text «HELLO WORLD.»

What is the difference between capitalize and uppercase?

Capitalize is used when you’re describing the first letter of a word or a single letter. For example, the first letter in this sentence is capitalized. Uppercase describes a word with every letter being capitalized. For example, the acronym CPU is in uppercase.

When should I capitalize text?

Below is a list of some of the general rules that should be followed when capitalizing words.

  • Always capitalize the first word of a sentence.
  • If the word is a proper noun or derived from a proper noun, the first letter should be capitalized. For example, a name, book, brand, movie, place, product, and trademark are proper nouns and should be capitalized.
  • Capitalize the first letter of a quote unless it is part of the sentence.
  • Roads and streets should be capitalized.
  • A person’s title (not occupation) before their name should be capitalized.

Below is a list of times capitalization should not be used.

  • Never user uppercase for emphasis. Instead, italicize any text you want to emphasize.
  • When writing the full form of an acronym, each word of the acronym should be lowercase unless it is a proper noun.
  • Do not capitalize the word the when used before a proper noun.

Should titles and headings be capitalized?

With formal writing, the titles and headings should use title case. All other forms of writing should follow the rules set by the used style guide. For example, Computer Hope follows the Microsoft Manual of Style and uses sentence case for its headings.

Should I use «uppercase» or «upper case» in my writing?

Both «uppercase» and «upper case» are correct. However, only use one form in your writing. According to The Associated Press Stylebook and the Microsoft Manual of Style, write «uppercase» as one word when used as an adjective and as a noun.

CSS: заглавные буквы

CSS заглавные буквы помогают разбить монотонность однотипного дизайна, тексты которого выглядят одинаково от начала до конца.

Буквицы раньше и сейчас

Летописцы использовали заглавные буквы в рукописях, которые писались от руки, некоторые из них относятся еще к V веку. Прописные буквы продолжали использоваться с VIII по XV век, когда типографские станки позволили вывести печать на промышленный уровень. И рукописные, и печатные буквицы размещались в начале текста. Часто их украшали декоративным рисунком, который располагался вокруг буквы.

Поднятые и опущенные буквы все еще используются в наши дни. Их можно встретить в газетах, журналах и книгах, а также в цифровой типографии. Поднятые литеры иногда называются вытянутыми. Они размещаются на одном уровне с нижней частью текста, который следует за ними. Опущенные буквы размещаются на одном уровне с верхней частью текста, иногда в слое позади основной части текстового контента, или остальной текст обтекает их.

Поднятые буквы задаются намного проще, так они находятся на одном уровне с остальным текстом, и обычно для этого не нужно менять обтекание внешних полей. Опущенные буквы требуют более тонкой настройки. Вам будет проще разобраться с этим, если сначала вы поймете, как обрабатываются поднятые литеры.

Использование классов

Дизайнеры, которые уже имеют представление о CSS , знают, что нужно создать отдельный класс CSS для первой буквы заглавной.

Код CSS для элемента абзаца и класса, создающего букву, будет выглядеть следующим образом:

А HTML-код будет выглядеть так:

Использование классов

Кажется, слишком просто? На самом деле вам придется вносить коррективы в зависимости от конкретных поднятых букв, так как каждая заглавная литера требует специального кернинга. После выбора шрифта для поднятых букв и для основного текста, нужно создавать отдельные классы для каждой поднятой литеры. В приведенном ниже CSS-классе .myinitialcapsi поле справа имеет отрицательное значение, чтобы уменьшить расстояние между I и n .

Использование классов - 2

В зависимости от разрешения экрана в приведенном выше примере I и n могут выглядеть так, будто они слились вместе. Это происходит из-за засечек на концах букв. Поэтому, прежде чем выбирать окончательный вариант стилей CSS , протестируйте сайт на различных устройствах, чтобы посмотреть, как на них выглядит текст заглавными буквами CSS .

Цитаты и другие частные случаи

Можно увеличить не только буквы в начале текста. Вы можете реализовать еще один класс, чтобы создать увеличенную версию кавычек, которые будут выводиться рядом с буквой. В нашем случае для кавычек не подходит ни класс буквы с размером 48, ни класс текста в 20 пикселей. Скорее, это будет что-то среднее — 30 пикселей. Кавычки мы подвинем вниз на 4 пикселя, чтобы оптически выровнять их с I :

Цитаты и другие частные случаи

Нужно очень внимательно задавать каждую из CSS заглавных букв вместе с кавычками, чтобы их кернинг и выравнивание соответствовали окружающей разметке. Например, букву Т нужно будет сместить влево, немного за край абзаца, чтобы ее поперечная линия визуально вписывалась в макет. Аналогично нужно будет поступить и с круглыми буквами, такими как C , G , O и Q . В этом примере использованы размеры шрифтов 20, 30 и 48. Но вам нужно будет подобрать размеры, исходя из специфики шрифтов, которые вы выбрали. А также размеров и разрешений экранов, на которых будет просматриваться сайт.

Псевдоэлементы и псевдоклассы

С помощью псевдоэлемента CSS можно легко создать поднятую букву, добавив ::first-letter к элементу абзаца. Используйте :first-letter ( с одним двоеточием ) для устаревших браузеров:

HTML-код , который содержит классы CSS , учитывающие кернинг букв N и B , будет выглядеть следующим образом.

Псевдоэлементы и псевдоклассы

Даже с учетом преимуществ, которые предоставляют псевдоэлементы, нам пришлось добавить много кода, чтобы определить отдельные классы для обработки проблем, связанных с кернингом и отступами. Но этот метод преобразует первую букву каждого нового абзаца в CSS заглавную букву. Для кого-то он может не подойти, потому что не нужно преобразовать первую букву каждого абзаца.

Объединение псевдоклассов и псевдоэлементов для создания смарт-макета

Добавление псевдокласса :first-child помогает решить проблему ненужного преобразования первых букв:

Объединив этот код с HTML :

Объединение псевдоклассов и псевдоэлементов для создания смарт-макета

Преимущество использования псевдоклассов заключается в возможности обрабатывать различные частные случаи. А что насчет недостатков? Существует много различных псевдоклассов, и их можно объединить таким количеством способов, что от этого может пойти кругом голова. Например, псевдоклассы :first-child и :first-of-type могут давать одинаковые результаты. Также можно применить псевдокласс не только к абзацу, но и к элементам <section> или <div>. Например, как показано в приведенном ниже примере с поднятым буквами в шрифте Didot . Обратите внимание, как атрибут margin был добавлен справа от буквы А . Иначе она » склеилась » бы с буквой s в начале раздела:

И вместе с HTML :

Объединение псевдоклассов и псевдоэлементов для создания смарт-макета - 2

Если вы чувствуете тягу к экспериментам, то можете исследовать различные методы в дополнение к :first-child и :first-of-type . Например, такие как :nth-of-type или :nth-of-child , чтобы посмотреть, как те или другие типы псевдоклассов можно использовать для текста заглавными буквами CSS . Независимо от того, будете ли вы следовать изложенным в этой статье принципам или начнете копать глубже, когда вы научитесь работать с псевдоклассами CSS first-child , :first-of-type и :first-letter , вы сможете правильно применять их к элементам HTML .

Подводя черту

Использование отдельных классов вместе с псевдоклассами для обработки различных букв — это процесс проб и ошибок, вычислений положительных и отрицательных отступов. И это требует большого терпения. Для таких букв, как F , G , O , P , Q , T , W , V и Y также потребуются отдельные классы кернинга.

Но самое интересное начинается тогда, когда вы на практике начинаете тестировать различные сочетания шрифтов и создавать поднятые буквы, которые будут привлекать внимание ваших читателей и выделять ваш сайт из общей массы.

Дайте знать, что вы думаете по этой теме материала в комментариях. За комментарии, дизлайки, подписки, отклики, лайки низкий вам поклон!

Table of Contents

  1. Are state names capitalized?
  2. What words are capitalized in a title?
  3. How do you do uppercase in Word?
  4. How do you teach capital letters to write?
  5. How PAN number is formed?
  6. What is PAN number?
  7. What is PAN number in Nepal?
  8. What is PAN card in Nepali?
  9. Who can get PAN number in Nepal?
  10. What is TDS Nepal?
  11. What is TDS full name?
  12. Which job has the highest salary in Nepal?
  13. How is TDS calculated in Nepal?
  14. What is the basic salary in Nepal?
  15. What TDS means?
  16. How is TDS calculated?
  17. What is TDS rate?

Alternatively referred to as caps and capital, and sometimes abbreviated as UC, uppercase is a typeface of larger characters. For example, typing a, b, and c shows lowercase, and typing A, B, and C shows uppercase. To type in uppercase, you can use either the Caps Lock key or the Shift key on the keyboard.

Are state names capitalized?

You capitalize “state” only when it follows the name of the state, as in “New York State is also called the Empire State,” or when it’s part of a traditional name for a state, like “Empire State” or “Lone Star State.” When it precedes the name of the state, don’t capitalize the word unless it’s part of a title of …

What words are capitalized in a title?

According to most style guides, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are the only words capitalized in titles of books, articles, and songs. Prepositions, articles, and conjunctions aren’t capitalized (unless they’re the first or last word).

How do you do uppercase in Word?

To use a keyboard shortcut to change between lowercase, UPPERCASE, and Capitalize Each Word, select the text and press SHIFT + F3 until the case you want is applied.

How do you teach capital letters to write?

Here we list some helpful tips and creative tricks to help your preschooler write capital letters.

  1. Start from Easy To Difficult.
  2. Teach Tricks To Remember Letters.
  3. Give Your Preschoolers Worksheets Of Capital Letters.
  4. Make Letter With Fingers In Rice Spread In a Big Tray.
  5. Join The Dots.

How PAN number is formed?

PAN is a ten-digit unique alphanumeric number issued by the Income Tax Department. PAN is issued in the form of a laminated plastic card (commonly known as PAN card). Out of the first five characters, the first three characters represent the alphabetic series running from AAA to ZZZ.

What is PAN number?

Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a ten-digit alphanumeric number, issued in the form of a laminated tamper proof card, by the Income Tax Department of India. Permanent Account Number once allotted to an individual or entity is unaffected by a change of name, address within or across states in India or other factors.

What is PAN number in Nepal?

A Permanent Account Number (PAN) is an identification number that identifies an individual as a taxpayer in Nepal. This number is an identification document for any individual or a tax payer and is meant for the government to keep track of taxes paid by its citizens.

What is PAN card in Nepali?

PAN (Permanent Account Number) is a unique identification number issued to all taxpayers and tax deducted at source (TDS) withholding agents throughout Nepal. The one time allotted PAN of a taxpayer or TDS withholding agent never changes.

Who can get PAN number in Nepal?

The government of Nepal has made it mandatory for all the salaried workers of both private and government firms to register and have a PAN (permanent account number) from the last fiscal year 2019/20. This is done to keep track of the taxes paid by the citizens and revenue leakages.

What is TDS Nepal?

Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) rates in Nepal for 2077/2078 (UPDATED) TDS stands for tax deducted at source. The company or person that makes the payment after deducting TDS is called a deductor and the company or person receiving the payment is called the deductee.

What is TDS full name?

Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)

Which job has the highest salary in Nepal?

Highest Paying Jobs in Sales

  • 1Wholesale Manager(174,000 NPR)
  • 2National Sales Manager(168,000 NPR)
  • 3Sales Director(156,000 NPR)
  • 4Sales Executive(144,000 NPR)
  • 5Sales Manager(138,000 NPR)
  • 6National Account Manager(126,000 NPR)
  • 7Head of Direct Sales(120,000 NPR)
  • 8Head of Retail(118,000 NPR)

How is TDS calculated in Nepal?

You can download the updated excel sheet for calculation of Salary TDS 2076-77 as per income tax Nepal….Individual/Natural Person.

Income Slab Tax Rate
Next NPR 100,000 10%
Above NPR 200,000 20%
Beyond NPR 600,000 30%
Taxable income > NPR 2,000,000 36% (20% additional tax on the calculation made under 30% slab)

What is the basic salary in Nepal?

The ministry has stated that their salary would be raised to Rs 15,000, which includes Rs 9,385 in basic salary and Rs 5,615 inflation allowance. This means that from mid-July, workers in Nepal will earn minimum of Rs 577 per day and Rs 77 per hour on an average.

What TDS means?

Tax Deducted at Source

How is TDS calculated?

The employer deducts TDS on salary at the employee’s ‘average rate’ of income tax. It will be computed as follows: Average Income tax rate = Income tax payable (calculated through slab rates) divided by employee’s estimated income for the financial year.

What is TDS rate?


Nature of payment Section of the Income-tax Act TDS rate effective from April 1, 2021
Commission or brokerage received except for Insurance Commission Section 194H 5%
Payment made while purchasing land or property Section 194IA 1%
Payment of rent by individual or HUF exceeding Rs. 50,000 per month Section 194IB 5%

Lowercase letter definition: Lowercase letters are all other letters not in uppercase.

Uppercase letter definition: Uppercase letters are letters that represent the beginning of a sentence or a proper noun.

In writing, most letters are lowercase. Lowercase letters are all letters that do not begin a sentence or refer to a proper noun.

English alphabet lowercase letters: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z.

Examples of Lowercase Letters:

  • word
  • The word above uses only lowercase letters.
  • The sentence above has lowercase letters after the first letter of the sentence.
  • This sentence and the one directly above have all lowercase letters except for the “T.”

What are Uppercase Letters?

Capital caseUppercase letters are also known as capital letters. Uppercase letters signal to the reader that something is important or significant.

English alphabet uppercase letters: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.

Examples of Uppercase Letters:

  • Jones
    • This is a proper name, so the first letter of the title and the last name are capitalized
  • Main Street
    • This is a proper noun so the first letter of each word is capitalized

When to Use Uppercase Letters

What are lowercase lettersIn English, the first letter of every sentence is capitalized. The uppercase letter signals to the reader that a new sentence is beginning.

Other uses of uppercase letters are detailed below.


All titles are considered proper nouns and require capitalization.


  • Miss Mabry
    • Incorrect: miss mabry
  • Mathers
    • Incorrect: mr. mathers
  • Madam Lockfield
    • Incorrect: madam lockfield
  • Lady Grace
    • Incorrect: lady grace
  • Janks
    • Incorect: mrs. janks


Capitol letters Acronyms are a type of abbreviation. Acronyms are words formed from other letters to make a new word. However, they require capital letters to signal to the reader that those letters stand for something and are not a word alone.


  • NATO
    • North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    • United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
    • Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus

All Proper Nouns

All proper nouns need to be capitalized.


  • We visited the Bowers Museum on Saturday.
    • Incorrect: We visited the bowers museum on Saturday.
  • I would like to tour the Eiffel Tower.
    • Incorrect: I would like to tour the eiffel tower.
  • Their names are Jake and Suzy.
    • Incorrect: Their names are jake and suzy.

When to Use Lowercase Letters

What are uppercase letters Use lowercase letters for all letters other than the first in a sentence, provided that there is no required use for uppercase letters in the sentence.


  • Every word in this sentence other than the first word is written in lowercase.
  • The only words in this sentence that require uppercase letters are the proper nouns, London and Paris.

All nouns that are not proper nouns are called common nouns. All common nouns use lowercase letters (unless a common noun begins a sentence).


  • tree
  • dog
  • bird
  • water
  • air
  • star
  • street
  • girl
  • baby


Define lowercase letters: lowercase letters are those letters used for common nouns and internal words.

Define uppercase letters: uppercase letters (also called capital letters) are those letters that signify the beginning of a sentence or a proper noun.

In summary,

  • Uppercase and lowercase letters refer to all letters used to compose the English language.
  • Uppercase letters are used to begin sentences and are also used for proper nouns.
  • Lowercase letters are all letters that do not begin sentences.


  • 1 What are Lowercase Letters?
  • 2 What are Uppercase Letters?
  • 3 When to Use Uppercase Letters
    • 3.1 Titles
    • 3.2 Acronyms
    • 3.3 All Proper Nouns
  • 4 When to Use Lowercase Letters
  • 5 Summary

The lower-case «a» and upper-case «A» are the two case variants of the first letter in the English alphabet.

Letter case is the distinction between the letters that are in larger uppercase or capitals (or more formally majuscule) and smaller lowercase (or more formally minuscule) in the written representation of certain languages. The writing systems that distinguish between the upper and lowercase have two parallel sets of letters, with each letter in one set usually having an equivalent in the other set. The two case variants are alternative representations of the same letter: they have the same name and pronunciation and are treated identically when sorting in alphabetical order.

Letter case is generally applied in a mixed-case fashion, with both upper and lowercase letters appearing in a given piece of text for legibility. The choice of case is often prescribed by the grammar of a language or by the conventions of a particular discipline. In orthography, the uppercase is primarily reserved for special purposes, such as the first letter of a sentence or of a proper noun (called capitalisation, or capitalised words), which makes the lowercase the more common variant in regular text.

In some contexts, e.g., academic, it is conventional to use one case only. For example, engineering design drawings are typically labelled entirely in uppercase letters, which are easier to distinguish individually than the lowercase when space restrictions require that the lettering be very small. In mathematics, on the other hand, uppercase and lower case letters denote generally different mathematical objects, which may be related when the two cases of the same letter are used; for example, x may denote an element of a set X.


Divided upper and lower type cases with cast metal sorts

Layout for type cases

The terms upper case and lower case may be written as two consecutive words, connected with a hyphen (upper-case and lower-case – particularly if they pre-modify another noun[1]), or as a single word (uppercase and lowercase). These terms originated from the common layouts of the shallow drawers called type cases used to hold the movable type for letterpress printing. Traditionally, the capital letters were stored in a separate shallow tray or «case» that was located above the case that held the small letters.[2][3]

Majuscule (, less commonly ), for palaeographers, is technically any script whose letters have very few or very short ascenders and descenders, or none at all (for example, the majuscule scripts used in the Codex Vaticanus Graecus 1209, or the Book of Kells). By virtue of their visual impact, this made the term majuscule an apt descriptor for what much later came to be more commonly referred to as uppercase letters.

Minuscule refers to lower-case letters. The word is often spelled miniscule, by association with the unrelated word miniature and the prefix mini-. This has traditionally been regarded as a spelling mistake (since minuscule is derived from the word minus[4]), but is now so common that some dictionaries tend to accept it as a nonstandard or variant spelling.[5] Miniscule is still less likely, however, to be used in reference to lower-case letters.

Typographical considerations[edit]

The glyphs of lowercase letters can resemble smaller forms of the uppercase glyphs restricted to the baseband (e.g. «C/c» and «S/s», cf. small caps) or can look hardly related (e.g. «D/d» and «G/g»). Here is a comparison of the upper and lower case variants of each letter included in the English alphabet (the exact representation will vary according to the typeface and font used):

Uppercase A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Lowercase a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

(Some lowercase letters have variations e.g. a/ɑ)

Typographically, the basic difference between the majuscules and minuscules is not that the majuscules are big and minuscules small, but that the majuscules generally have the same height (although, depending on the typeface, there may be some exceptions, particularly with Q and sometimes J having a descending element; also, various diacritics can add to the normal height of a letter).

Ascenders (as in «h») and descenders (as in «p») make the height of lower-case letters vary.

There is more variation in the height of the minuscules, as some of them have parts higher (ascenders) or lower (descenders) than the typical size. Normally, b, d, f, h, k, l, t [note 1] are the letters with ascenders, and g, j, p, q, y are the ones with descenders. In addition, with old-style numerals still used by some traditional or classical fonts, 6 and 8 make up the ascender set, and 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9 the descender set.

Bicameral script[edit]

Adyghe Latin alphabet, used between 1927 and 1938, was based on Latin script, but did not have capital letters, being unicameral (small caps include ᴀ, ʙ, ᴣ, ʀ, , ᴘ, and Latin letter small capital P with bottom hook.svg.

A minority of writing systems use two separate cases. Such writing systems are called bicameral scripts. Languages that use the Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Coptic, Armenian, Adlam, Warang Citi, Cherokee, Garay, Zaghawa, and Osage scripts use letter cases in their written form as an aid to clarity. Another bicameral script, which is not used for any modern languages, is Deseret. The Georgian alphabet has several variants, and there were attempts to use them as different cases, but the modern written Georgian language does not distinguish case.[7]

All other writing systems make no distinction between majuscules and minuscules – a system called unicameral script or unicase. This includes most syllabic and other non-alphabetic scripts.

In scripts with a case distinction, lowercase is generally used for the majority of text; capitals are used for capitalisation and emphasis when bold is not available. Acronyms (and particularly initialisms) are often written in all-caps, depending on various factors.


Capitalisation is the writing of a word with its first letter in uppercase and the remaining letters in lowercase. Capitalisation rules vary by language and are often quite complex, but in most modern languages that have capitalisation, the first word of every sentence is capitalised, as are all proper nouns.[citation needed]

Capitalisation in English, in terms of the general orthographic rules independent of context (e.g. title vs. heading vs. text), is universally standardised for formal writing. Capital letters are used as the first letter of a sentence, a proper noun, or a proper adjective. The names of the days of the week and the names of the months are also capitalised, as are the first-person pronoun «I»[8] and the vocative particle «O». There are a few pairs of words of different meanings whose only difference is capitalisation of the first letter. Honorifics and personal titles showing rank or prestige are capitalised when used together with the name of the person (for example, «Mr. Smith», «Bishop O’Brien», «Professor Moore») or as a direct address, but normally not when used alone and in a more general sense.[9][10] It can also be seen as customary to capitalise any word – in some contexts even a pronoun[11] – referring to the deity of a monotheistic religion.

Other words normally start with a lower-case letter. There are, however, situations where further capitalisation may be used to give added emphasis, for example in headings and publication titles (see below). In some traditional forms of poetry, capitalisation has conventionally been used as a marker to indicate the beginning of a line of verse independent of any grammatical feature. In political writing, parody and satire, the unexpected emphasis afforded by otherwise ill-advised capitalisation is often used to great stylistic effect, such as in the case of George Orwell’s Big Brother.

Other languages vary in their use of capitals. For example, in German all nouns are capitalised (this was previously common in English as well, mainly in the 17th and 18th centuries), while in Romance and most other European languages the names of the days of the week, the names of the months, and adjectives of nationality, religion, and so on normally begin with a lower-case letter.[12] On the other hand, in some languages it is customary to capitalise formal polite pronouns, for example De, Dem (Danish), Sie, Ihnen (German), and Vd or Ud (short for usted in Spanish).

Informal communication, such as texting, instant messaging or a handwritten sticky note, may not bother to follow the conventions concerning capitalisation, but that is because its users usually do not expect it to be formal.[8]

Exceptional letters and digraphs[edit]

  • The German letter «ß» formerly existed only in lower case. The orthographical capitalisation does not concern «ß», which generally does not occur at the beginning of a word, and in the all-caps style it has traditionally been replaced by the digraph «SS». Since June 2017, however, capital ẞ is accepted as an alternative in the all-caps style.[13]
  • The Greek upper-case letter «Σ» has two different lower-case forms: «ς» in word-final position and «σ» elsewhere. In a similar manner, the Latin upper-case letter «S» used to have two different lower-case forms: «s» in word-final position and » ſ » elsewhere. The latter form, called the long s, fell out of general use before the middle of the 19th century, except for the countries that continued to use blackletter typefaces such as Fraktur. When blackletter type fell out of general use in the mid-20th century, even those countries dropped the long s.[citation needed]
  • The treatment of the Greek iota subscript with upper-case letters is complicated.
  • Unlike most languages that use Latin-script and link the dotless upper-case «I» with the dotted lower-case «i», Turkish as well as some forms of Azeri have both a dotted and dotless I, each in both upper and lower case. Each of the two pairs («İ/i» and «I/ı») represents a distinctive phoneme.
  • In some languages, specific digraphs may be regarded as single letters, and in Dutch, the digraph «IJ/ij» is even capitalised with both components written in uppercase (for example, «IJsland» rather than «Ijsland»).[14] In other languages, such as Welsh and Hungarian, various digraphs are regarded as single letters for collation purposes, but the second component of the digraph will still be written in lower case even if the first component is capitalised. Similarly, in South Slavic languages whose orthography is coordinated between the Cyrillic and Latin scripts, the Latin digraphs «Lj/lj», «Nj/nj» and «Dž/dž» are each regarded as a single letter (like their Cyrillic equivalents «Љ/љ», «Њ/њ» and «Џ/џ», respectively), but only in all-caps style should both components be in upper case (e.g. Ljiljan–LJILJAN, Njonja–NJONJA, Džidža–DŽIDŽA).[citation needed] Unicode designates a single character for each case variant (i.e., upper case, title case and lower case) of the three digraphs.[15]
  • Some English surnames such as fforbes are traditionally spelt with a digraph instead of a capital letter (at least for ff).
  • In the Hawaiian orthography, the ʻokina is a phonemic symbol that visually resembles a left single quotation mark. Representing the glottal stop, the ʻokina can be characterised as either a letter[16] or a diacritic.[17] As a unicase letter, the ʻokina is unaffected by capitalisation; it is the following letter that is capitalised instead. According to the Unicode standard, the ʻokina is formally encoded as U+02BB ʻ MODIFIER LETTER TURNED COMMA,[18] but it is not uncommon to substitute this with a similar punctuation character, such as the left single quotation mark or an apostrophe.[19]


Similar orthographic and graphostylistic conventions are used for emphasis or following language-specific or other rules, including:

  • Font effects such as italic type or oblique type, boldface, and choice of serif vs. sans-serif.
  • In mathematical notation lower-case and upper-case letters have generally different meanings, and other meanings can be implied by the use of other typefaces, such as boldface, fraktur, script typeface, and blackboard bold.
  • Some letters of the Arabic and Hebrew alphabets and some jamo of the Korean hangul have different forms depending on placement within a word, but these rules are strict and the different forms cannot be used for emphasis.
    • In the Arabic and Arabic-based alphabets, letters in a word are connected, except for several that cannot connect to the following letter. Letters may have distinct forms depending on whether they are initial (connected only to the following letter), medial (connected to both neighboring letters), final (connected only to the preceding letter), or isolated (connected to neither a preceding nor a following letter).
    • In the Hebrew alphabet, five letters have a distinct form (see Final form) that is used when they are word-final.
  • In Georgian, some authors use isolated letters from the ancient Asomtavruli alphabet within a text otherwise written in the modern Mkhedruli in a fashion that is reminiscent of the usage of upper-case letters in the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic alphabets.
  • In the Japanese writing system, an author has the option of switching between kanji, hiragana, katakana, and rōmaji. In particular, every hiragana character has an equivalent katakana character, and vice versa. Romanised Japanese sometimes uses lowercase letters to represent words that would be written in hiragana, and uppercase letters to represent words that would be written in katakana. Some kana characters are written in smaller type when they modify or combine with the preceding sign (yōon) or the following sign (sokuon).

Stylistic or specialised usage[edit]

In English, a variety of case styles are used in various circumstances:

Sentence case
«The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog»
A mixed-case style in which the first word of the sentence is capitalised, as well as proper nouns and other words as required by a more specific rule. This is generally equivalent to the baseline universal standard of formal English orthography.
In computer programming, the initial capital is easier to automate than the other rules. For example, on English-language Wikipedia, the first character in page titles is capitalised by default. Because the other rules are more complex, substrings for concatenation into sentences are commonly written in «mid-sentence case», applying all the rules of sentence case except the initial capital.
Title case (capital case, headline style)
«The Quick Brown Fox Jumps over the Lazy Dog»
A mixed-case style with all words capitalised, except for certain subsets (particularly articles and short prepositions and conjunctions) defined by rules that are not universally standardised. The standardisation is only at the level of house styles and individual style manuals. (See further explanation below at § Headings and publication titles.)
Start case (First letter of each word capitalized)
«The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog»
Start case or initial caps is a simplified variant of title case. In text processing, title case usually involves the capitalisation of all words irrespective of their part of speech.
All caps (all uppercase)
A unicase style with capital letters only. This can be used in headings and special situations, such as for typographical emphasis in text made on a typewriter. With the advent of the Internet, the all-caps style is more often used for emphasis; however, it is considered poor netiquette by some to type in all capitals, and said to be tantamount to shouting.[20] Long spans of Latin-alphabet text in all upper-case are more difficult to read because of the absence of the ascenders and descenders found in lower-case letters, which aids recognition and legibility. In some cultures it is common to write family names in all caps to distinguish them from the given names, especially in identity documents such as passports. Certain musicians—such as Willow and Finneas, who are both known mononymously—have their names stylised in all caps. Additionally, it is common for bands with vowelless names (a process colourfully known as «disemvoweling») to use all caps, a trend that was possibly started by indie rock band MGMT. Other prominent examples include STRFKR, MSTRKRFT, PWR BTTM, SBTRKT, JPNSGRLS (now known as Hotel Mira), BLK JKS, MNDR, and DWNTWN.
Small caps
«The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog«
Similar in form to capital letters but roughly the size of a lower-case «x», small caps can be used instead of lower-case letters and combined with regular caps in a mixed-case fashion. This is a feature of certain fonts, such as Copperplate Gothic. According to various typographical traditions, the height of small caps can be equal to or slightly larger than the x-height of the typeface (the smaller variant is sometimes called petite caps and may also be mixed with the larger variant).[21] Small caps can be used for acronyms, names, mathematical entities, computer commands in printed text, business or personal printed stationery letterheads, and other situations where a given phrase needs to be distinguished from the main text.
All lowercase
«the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog»
A unicase style with no capital letters. This is sometimes used for artistic effect, such as in poetry. Also commonly seen in computer languages, and in informal electronic communications such as SMS language and instant messaging (avoiding the shift key, to type more quickly). Examples in music are relatively common. For example, several of Taylor Swift’s albums, including reputation, folklore, and evermore, were all stylised in lowercase. Bands such as Weezer and Silverchair were also stylised in lowercase for multiple albums during their respective careers, with the former consistently using lowercase in their logo since their first studio album. Billie Eilish’s debut studio album—When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?—has all of its tracks stylised in lowercase.
A comparison of various case styles (from most to least capitals used)

Case style Example Description
All-caps  THE   VITAMINS   ARE   IN   MY   FRESH   CALIFORNIA   RAISINS  All letters uppercase
Start case The Vitamins Are In My Fresh California Raisins All words capitalised regardless of function
Title case The Vitamins Are in My Fresh California Raisins The first word and all other words capitalised except for articles and short prepositions and conjunctions
German-style sentence case The Vitamins are in my fresh California Raisins The first word and all nouns capitalised
Sentence case The vitamins are in my fresh California raisins The first word, proper nouns and some specified words capitalised
Mid-sentence case the vitamins are in my fresh California raisins As above but excepting special treatment of the first word
All-lowercase the vitamins are in my fresh california raisins All letters lowercase (unconventional in English prose)

Headings and publication titles[edit]

In English-language publications, various conventions are used for the capitalisation of words in publication titles and headlines, including chapter and section headings. The rules differ substantially between individual house styles.

The convention followed by many British publishers (including scientific publishers like Nature and New Scientist, magazines like The Economist, and newspapers like The Guardian and The Times) and many U.S. newspapers is sentence-style capitalisation in headlines, i.e. capitalisation follows the same rules that apply for sentences. This convention is usually called sentence case. It may also be applied to publication titles, especially in bibliographic references and library catalogues. An example of a global publisher whose English-language house style prescribes sentence-case titles and headings is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

For publication titles it is, however, a common typographic practice among both British[22] and U.S. publishers to capitalise significant words (and in the United States, this is often applied to headings, too). This family of typographic conventions is usually called title case. For example, R. M. Ritter’s Oxford Manual of Style (2002) suggests capitalising «the first word and all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs, but generally not articles, conjunctions and short prepositions».[23] This is an old form of emphasis, similar to the more modern practice of using a larger or boldface font for titles. The rules which prescribe which words to capitalise are not based on any grammatically inherent correct–incorrect distinction and are not universally standardised; they differ between style guides, although most style guides tend to follow a few strong conventions, as follows:

  • Most styles capitalise all words except for short closed-class words (certain parts of speech, namely, articles, prepositions, and conjunctions); but the first word (always) and last word (in many styles) are also capitalised, regardless of their part of speech. Many styles capitalise longer prepositions such as «between» and «throughout», but not shorter ones such as «for» and «with».[24] Typically, a preposition is considered short if it has up to three or four letters.
  • A few styles capitalise all words in title case (the so-called start case), which has the advantage of being easy to implement and hard to get «wrong» (that is, «not edited to style»). Because of this rule’s simplicity, software case-folding routines can handle 95% or more of the editing, especially if they are programmed for desired exceptions (such as «FBI» rather than «Fbi»).
  • As for whether hyphenated words are capitalised not only at the beginning but also after the hyphen, there is no universal standard; variation occurs in the wild and among house styles (e.g., «The Letter-Case Rule in My Book»; «Short-term Follow-up Care for Burns»). Traditional copyediting makes a distinction between temporary compounds (such as many nonce [novel instance] compound modifiers), in which every part of the hyphenated word is capitalised (e.g. «How This Particular Author Chose to Style His Autumn-Apple-Picking Heading»), and permanent compounds, which are terms that, although compound and hyphenated, are so well established that dictionaries enter them as headwords (e.g., «Short-term Follow-up Care for Burns»).

Title case is widely used in many English-language publications, especially in the United States. However, its conventions are sometimes not followed strictly – especially in informal writing.

In creative typography, such as music record covers and other artistic material, all styles are commonly encountered, including all-lowercase letters and special case styles, such as studly caps (see below). For example, in the wordmarks of video games it is not uncommon to use stylised upper-case letters at the beginning and end of a title, with the intermediate letters in small caps or lower case (e.g., ArcaniA, ArmA, and DmC).

Multi-word proper nouns[edit]

Single-word proper nouns are capitalised in formal written English, unless the name is intentionally stylised to break this rule (such as the first or last name of danah boyd).

Multi-word proper nouns include names of organisations, publications, and people. Often the rules for «title case» (described in the previous section) are applied to these names, so that non-initial articles, conjunctions, and short prepositions are lowercase, and all other words are uppercase. For example, the short preposition «of» and the article «the» are lowercase in «Steering Committee of the Finance Department». Usually only capitalised words are used to form an acronym variant of the name, though there is some variation in this.

With personal names, this practice can vary (sometimes all words are capitalised, regardless of length or function), but is not limited to English names. Examples include the English names Tamar of Georgia and Catherine the Great, «van» and «der» in Dutch names, «von» and «zu» in German, «de», «los», and «y» in Spanish names, «de» or «d'» in French names, and «ibn» in Arabic names.

Some surname prefixes also affect the capitalisation of the following internal letter or word, for example «Mac» in Celtic names and «Al» in Arabic names.

Unit symbols and prefixes in the metric system[edit]

In the International System of Units (SI), a letter usually has different meanings in upper and lower case when used as a unit symbol. Generally, unit symbols are written in lower case, but if the name of the unit is derived from a proper noun, the first letter of the symbol is capitalised. Nevertheless, the name of the unit, if spelled out, is always considered a common noun and written accordingly in lower case.[25] For example:

  • 1 s (one second) when used for the base unit of time.
  • 1 S (one siemens) when used for the unit of electric conductance and admittance (named after Werner von Siemens).
  • 1 Sv (one sievert), used for the unit of ionising radiation dose (named after Rolf Maximilian Sievert).

For the purpose of clarity, the symbol for litre can optionally be written in upper case even though the name is not derived from a proper noun.[25] For example, «one litre» may be written as:

  • 1 l, the original form, for typefaces in which «digit one» ⟨1⟩, «lower-case ell» ⟨l⟩, and «upper-case i» ⟨I⟩ look different.
  • 1 L, an alternative form, for typefaces in which these characters are difficult to distinguish, or the typeface the reader will be using is unknown. A «script l» in various typefaces (e.g.: 1 l) has traditionally been used in some countries to prevent confusion; however, the separate Unicode character which represents this, U+2113 SCRIPT SMALL L, is deprecated by the SI.[26] Another solution sometimes seen in Web typography is to use a serif font for «lower-case ell» in otherwise sans-serif material (1 l).

The letter case of a prefix symbol is determined independently of the unit symbol to which it is attached. Lower case is used for all submultiple prefix symbols and the small multiple prefix symbols up to «k» (for kilo, meaning 103 = 1000 multiplier), whereas upper case is used for larger multipliers:[25]

  • 1 ms, millisecond, a small measure of time («m» for milli, meaning 10−3 = 1/1000 multiplier).
  • 1 Ms, megasecond, a large measure of time («M» for mega, meaning 106 = 1 000 000 multiplier).
  • 1 mS, millisiemens, a small measure of electric conductance.
  • 1 MS, megasiemens, a large measure of electric conductance.
  • 1 mm, millimetre, a small measure of length.
  • 1 Mm, megametre, a large measure of length.

Use within programming languages[edit]

Some case styles are not used in standard English, but are common in computer programming, product branding, or other specialised fields.

The usage derives from how programming languages are parsed, programmatically. They generally separate their syntactic tokens by simple whitespace, including space characters, tabs, and newlines. When the tokens, such as function and variable names start to multiply in complex software development, and there is still a need to keep the source code human-readable, Naming conventions make this possible. So for example, a function dealing with matrix multiplication might formally be called:

  • SGEMM(*), with the asterisk standing in for an equally inscrutable list of 13 parameters (in BLAS),
  • MultiplyMatrixByMatrix(Matrix x, Matrix y), in some hypothetical higher level manifestly typed language, broadly following the syntax of C++ or Java,
  • multiply-matrix-by-matrix(x, y) in something derived from LISP, or perhaps
  • (multiply (x y)) in the CLOS, or some newer derivative language supporting type inference and multiple dispatch.

In each case, the capitalisation or lack thereof supports a different function. In the first, FORTRAN compatibility requires case-insensitive naming and short function names. The second supports easily discernible function and argument names and types, within the context of an imperative, strongly typed language. The third supports the macro facilities of LISP, and its tendency to view programs and data minimalistically, and as interchangeable. The fourth idiom needs much less syntactic sugar overall, because much of the semantics are implied, but because of its brevity and so lack of the need for capitalization or multipart words at all, might also make the code too abstract and overloaded for the common programmer to understand.

Understandably then, such coding conventions are highly subjective, and can lead to rather opinionated debate, such as in the case of editor wars, or those about indent style. Capitalisation is no exception.

Camel case[edit]

Camel case: «theQuickBrownFoxJumpsOverTheLazyDog» or «TheQuickBrownFoxJumpsOverTheLazyDog»
Spaces and punctuation are removed and the first letter of each word is capitalised. If this includes the first letter of the first word (CamelCase, «PowerPoint», «TheQuick…», etc.), the case is sometimes called upper camel case (or, illustratively, CamelCase), Pascal case in reference to the Pascal programming language[27] or bumpy case.

When the first letter of the first word is lowercase («iPod», «eBay», «theQuickBrownFox…»), the case is usually known as lower camel case or dromedary case (illustratively: dromedaryCase). This format has become popular in the branding of information technology products and services, with an initial «i» meaning «Internet» or «intelligent»[citation needed], as in iPod, or an initial «e» meaning «electronic», as in email (electronic mail) or e-commerce (electronic commerce).

Snake case[edit]

Snake case: «the_quick_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog»
Punctuation is removed and spaces are replaced by single underscores. Normally the letters share the same case (e.g. «UPPER_CASE_EMBEDDED_UNDERSCORE» or «lower_case_embedded_underscore») but the case can be mixed, as in OCaml variant constructors (e.g. «Upper_then_lowercase»).[28] The style may also be called pothole case, especially in Python programming, in which this convention is often used for naming variables. Illustratively, it may be rendered snake_case, pothole_case, etc. When all-upper-case, it may be referred to as screaming snake case (or SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE) or hazard case.[29]

Kebab case[edit]

Kebab case: «the-quick-brown-fox-jumps-over-the-lazy-dog»
Similar to snake case, above, except hyphens rather than underscores are used to replace spaces. It is also known as spinal case, param case, Lisp case in reference to the Lisp programming language, or dash case (or illustratively as kebab-case). If every word is capitalised, the style is known as train case (TRAIN-CASE).[citation needed]

In CSS, all property names and most keyword values are primarily formatted in kebab case.

Studly caps[edit]

Studly caps: e.g. «tHeqUicKBrOWnFoXJUmpsoVeRThElAzydOG»
Mixed case with no semantic or syntactic significance to the use of the capitals. Sometimes only vowels are upper case, at other times upper and lower case are alternated, but often it is simply random. The name comes from the sarcastic or ironic implication that it was used in an attempt by the writer to convey their own coolness (studliness).[citation needed] It is also used to mock the violation of standard English case conventions by marketers in the naming of computer software packages, even when there is no technical requirement to do so – e.g., Sun Microsystems’ naming of a windowing system NeWS. Illustrative naming of the style is, naturally, random: stUdlY cAps, StUdLy CaPs, etc.

Case folding and case conversion[edit]

In the character sets developed for computing, each upper- and lower-case letter is encoded as a separate character. In order to enable case folding and case conversion, the software needs to link together the two characters representing the case variants of a letter. (Some old character-encoding systems, such as the Baudot code, are restricted to one set of letters, usually represented by the upper-case variants.)

Case-insensitive operations can be said to fold case, from the idea of folding the character code table so that upper- and lower-case letters coincide. The conversion of letter case in a string is common practice in computer applications, for instance to make case-insensitive comparisons. Many high-level programming languages provide simple methods for case conversion, at least for the ASCII character set.

Whether or not the case variants are treated as equivalent to each other varies depending on the computer system and context. For example, user passwords are generally case sensitive in order to allow more diversity and make them more difficult to break. In contrast, case is often ignored in keyword searches in order to ignore insignificant variations in keyword capitalisation both in queries and queried material.

Unicode case folding and script identification[edit]

Unicode defines case folding through the three case-mapping properties of each character: upper case, lower case, and title case (in this context, «title case» relates to ligatures and digraphs encoded as mixed-case single characters, in which the first component is in upper case and the second component in lower case[30]). These properties relate all characters in scripts with differing cases to the other case variants of the character.

As briefly discussed in Unicode Technical Note #26,[31] «In terms of implementation issues, any attempt at a unification of Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic would wreak havoc [and] make casing operations an unholy mess, in effect making all casing operations context sensitive […]». In other words, while the shapes of letters like A, B, E, H, K, M, O, P, T, X, Y and so on are shared between the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic alphabets (and small differences in their canonical forms may be considered to be of a merely typographical nature), it would still be problematic for a multilingual character set or a font to provide only a single code point for, say, uppercase letter B, as this would make it quite difficult for a wordprocessor to change that single uppercase letter to one of the three different choices for the lower-case letter, the Latin b (U+0062), Greek β (U+03B2) or Cyrillic в (U+0432). Therefore, the corresponding Latin, Greek and Cyrillic upper-case letters (U+0042, U+0392 and U+0412, respectively) are also encoded as separate characters, despite their appearance being identical. Without letter case, a «unified European alphabet» – such as ABБCГDΔΕЄЗFΦGHIИJZ, with an appropriate subset for each language – is feasible; but considering letter case, it becomes very clear that these alphabets are rather distinct sets of symbols.

Methods in word processing[edit]

Most modern word processors provide automated case conversion with a simple click or keystroke. For example, in Microsoft Office Word, there is a dialog box for toggling the selected text through UPPERCASE, then lowercase, then Title Case (actually start caps; exception words must be lowercased individually). The keystroke ⇧ Shift+F3 does the same thing.

Methods in programming[edit]

In some forms of BASIC there are two methods for case conversion:

UpperA$ = UCASE$("a")
LowerA$ = LCASE$("A")

C and C++, as well as any C-like language that conforms to its standard library, provide these functions in the file ctype.h:

char upperA = toupper('a');
char lowerA = tolower('A');

Case conversion is different with different character sets. In ASCII or EBCDIC, case can be converted in the following way, in C:

int toupper(int c) { return islower(c) ? c  'a' + 'A' : c; }
int tolower(int c) { return isupper(c) ? c  'A' + 'a' : c; }

This only works because the letters of upper and lower cases are spaced out equally. In ASCII they are consecutive, whereas with EBCDIC they are not; nonetheless the upper-case letters are arranged in the same pattern and with the same gaps as are the lower-case letters, so the technique still works.

Some computer programming languages offer facilities for converting text to a form in which all words are capitalised. Visual Basic calls this «proper case»; Python calls it «title case». This differs from usual title casing conventions, such as the English convention in which minor words are not capitalised.


Papyrus fragment with old Roman cursive script from the reign of Claudius (41–54 CE)

Combined case with capital letters above small letters

Late 19th-century mixed cases

Originally alphabets were written entirely in majuscule letters, spaced between well-defined upper and lower bounds. When written quickly with a pen, these tended to turn into rounder and much simpler forms. It is from these that the first minuscule hands developed, the half-uncials and cursive minuscule, which no longer stayed bound between a pair of lines.[32] These in turn formed the foundations for the Carolingian minuscule script, developed by Alcuin for use in the court of Charlemagne, which quickly spread across Europe. The advantage of the minuscule over majuscule was improved, faster readability.[citation needed]

In Latin, papyri from Herculaneum dating before 79 CE (when it was destroyed) have been found that have been written in old Roman cursive, where the early forms of minuscule letters «d», «h» and «r», for example, can already be recognised. According to papyrologist Knut Kleve, «The theory, then, that the lower-case letters have been developed from the fifth century uncials and the ninth century Carolingian minuscules seems to be wrong.»[33] Both majuscule and minuscule letters existed, but the difference between the two variants was initially stylistic rather than orthographic and the writing system was still basically unicameral: a given handwritten document could use either one style or the other but these were not mixed. European languages, except for Ancient Greek and Latin, did not make the case distinction before about 1300.[citation needed]

The timeline of writing in Western Europe can be divided into four eras:[citation needed]

  • Greek majuscule (9th–3rd century BCE) in contrast to the Greek uncial script (3rd century BCE – 12th century CE) and the later Greek minuscule
  • Roman majuscule (7th century BCE – 4th century CE) in contrast to the Roman uncial (4th–8th century CE), Roman half uncial, and minuscule
  • Carolingian majuscule (4th–8th century CE) in contrast to the Carolingian minuscule (around 780 – 12th century)
  • Gothic majuscule (13th and 14th century), in contrast to the early Gothic (end of 11th to 13th century), Gothic (14th century), and late Gothic (16th century) minuscules.

Traditionally, certain letters were rendered differently according to a set of rules. In particular, those letters that began sentences or nouns were made larger and often written in a distinct script. There was no fixed capitalisation system until the early 18th century. The English language eventually dropped the rule for nouns, while the German language keeps it.

Similar developments have taken place in other alphabets. The lower-case script for the Greek alphabet has its origins in the 7th century and acquired its quadrilinear form (that is, characterised by ascenders and descenders[34]) in the 8th century. Over time, uncial letter forms were increasingly mixed into the script. The earliest dated Greek lower-case text is the Uspenski Gospels (MS 461) in the year 835.[35] The modern practice of capitalising the first letter of every sentence seems to be imported (and is rarely used when printing Ancient Greek materials even today).[citation needed]

Simplified relationship between various scripts leading to the development of modern lower case of standard Latin alphabet and that of the modern variants Fraktur (used in Germany until 1940s) and Gaelic (used in Ireland). Several scripts coexisted such as half-uncial and uncial, which derive from Roman cursive and Greek uncial, and Visigothic, Merovingian (Luxeuil variant here) and Beneventan. The Carolingian script was the basis for blackletter and humanist minuscule. What is commonly called «Gothic writing» is technically called blackletter (here textualis quadrata) and is completely unrelated to Visigothic script. The letter j is i with a flourish, u and v are the same letter in early scripts and were used depending on their position in insular half-uncial and caroline minuscule and later scripts, w is a ligature of vv, in insular the rune wynn is used as a w (three other runes in use were the thorn (þ), ʻféʼ (ᚠ) as an abbreviation for cattle/goods and maðr (ᛘ) for man). The letters y and z were very rarely used, in particular þ was written identically to y so y was dotted to avoid confusion, the dot was adopted for i only after late-caroline (protogothic), in beneventan script the macron abbreviation featured a dot above. Lost variants such as r rotunda, ligatures and scribal abbreviation marks are omitted; long s is shown when no terminal s (the only variant used today) is preserved from a given script. Humanist script was the basis for Venetian types which changed little until today, such as Times New Roman (a serifed typeface).

Type cases[edit]

The individual type blocks used in hand typesetting are stored in shallow wooden or metal drawers known as «type cases». Each is subdivided into a number of compartments («boxes») for the storage of different individual letters.[citation needed]

The Oxford Universal Dictionary on Historical Advanced Proportional Principles (reprinted 1952) indicates that case in this sense (referring to the box or frame used by a compositor in the printing trade) was first used in English in 1588. Originally one large case was used for each typeface, then «divided cases», pairs of cases for majuscules and minuscules, were introduced in the region of today’s Belgium by 1563, England by 1588, and France before 1723.

The terms upper and lower case originate from this division. By convention, when the two cases were taken out of the storage rack and placed on a rack on the compositor’s desk, the case containing the capitals and small capitals stood at a steeper angle at the back of the desk, with the case for the small letters, punctuation, and spaces being more easily reached at a shallower angle below it to the front of the desk, hence upper and lower case.[36]

Though pairs of cases were used in English-speaking countries and many European countries in the seventeenth century, in Germany and Scandinavia the single case continued in use.[36]

Various patterns of cases are available, often with the compartments for lower-case letters varying in size according to the frequency of use of letters, so that the commonest letters are grouped together in larger boxes at the centre of the case.[36] The compositor takes the letter blocks from the compartments and places them in a composing stick, working from left to right and placing the letters upside down with the nick to the top, then sets the assembled type in a galley.[36]

See also[edit]

  • All caps
  • Alternating caps
  • Camel case
  • Capitalization
    • Capitalization in English
  • Initial, or drop cap
  • Grammatical case
  • Punctuation
  • Roman cursive
  • Roman square capitals
  • Shift key
  • Small caps
  • Text figures
  • Unicase



  1. ^ «The School’s Manual of Style». Johns Hopkins, Bloomberg School of Public Health. Retrieved 9 November 2018.
  2. ^ Hansard, Thomas Curson (1825). Typographia, an Historical Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing. pp. 408, 4806. Retrieved 12 August 2015.
  3. ^ Marc Drogin (1980). Medieval Calligraphy: Its History and Technique. Courier Corporation. p. 37. ISBN 9780486261423.
  4. ^ Charlton T. Lewis (1890). «Minusculus». An Elementary Latin Dictionary. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago: American Book Company.
  5. ^ The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (4th ed.). Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin. 2000. ISBN 978-0-395-82517-4.
  6. ^ Nesbitt, Alexander (1957). The History and Technique of Lettering (1st ed.). New York City: Dover Publications. ISBN 0-486-20427-8.
  7. ^ Březina, David (2012). «Challenges in multilingual type design»: 14 – via University of Reading Department of Typography and Design.
  8. ^ a b Dennis Oliver. «Using Capital Letters (#1)». Dave’s ESL Cafe. Retrieved 19 February 2017.
  9. ^ Nancy Edmonds Hanson (25 August 2008). «AP Style: Courtesy and Professional Titles». Minnesota State University. Retrieved 19 February 2017.
  10. ^ «Capitalizing Titles of People». English Plus. 1997–2006. Retrieved 19 February 2017.
  11. ^ «Capitalization». The Chicago Manual of Style Online. Retrieved 19 February 2017.
  12. ^ «Citing Sources: Capitalization and Personal Names in Foreign Languages». Waidner-Spahr Library. Dickinson. Retrieved 30 March 2017.
  13. ^ Cf. Güthert, Kerstin (2017), PRESSEMITTEILUNG 29.6.2017 Amtliches Regelwerk der deutschen Rechtschreibung aktualisiert (PDF), Council for German Orthography, p. 1, retrieved 2017-06-29.
  14. ^ «Ijsland / IJsland». Taalunie. Retrieved 9 March 2014.
  15. ^ «Latin Extended-B» (PDF). Unicode. U+01C4, U+01C5, U+01C6, U+01C7, U+01C8, U+01C9, U+01CA, U+01CB, U+01CC. Retrieved 5 February 2017.
  16. ^ «Why I Spell it Hawai’i and not Hawaii, and Why You Should, Too». Blond Voyage. Retrieved 6 August 2017.
  17. ^ «Hawaiian Language Online». The University of Hawai‘i. Retrieved 6 August 2017.
  18. ^ «Spacing Modifier Letters» (PDF). Unicode. U+02BB. Retrieved 6 August 2017.
  19. ^ «‘Ōlelo Hawai’i on the WWW: A.K.A., How To Give Good ‘Okina». KeolaDonaghy.com. Retrieved 6 August 2017.
  20. ^ RFC 1855 «Netiquette Guidelines»
  21. ^ «Registered features – definitions and implementations». OpenType Layout tag registry. Microsoft. Tag:’pcap’, Tag: ‘smcp’. Retrieved 24 March 2017.
  22. ^ «The Guardian and Observer Style Guide». TheGuardian.com. Retrieved 10 June 2014.
  23. ^ R. M. Ritter, ed. (2002). Oxford Manual of Style. Oxford University Press.
  24. ^ Currin Berdine. «What to Capitalize in a Title». AdminSecret. Retrieved 23 February 2014.
  25. ^ a b c Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (2006). «The International System of Units» (PDF). Organisation Intergouvernementale de la Convention du Mètre. pp. 121, 130–131. Retrieved 12 January 2014.
  26. ^ «Letterlike symbols». Charts (Beta). Unicode Consortium. Retrieved 28 July 2017.
  27. ^ «History around Pascal Casing and Camel Casing».
  28. ^ «Caml programming guidelines». caml.inria.fr. Retrieved 2017-03-31.
  29. ^ «Ruby Style Guide». GitHub. Retrieved 11 November 2013.
  30. ^ «Character Properties, Case Mappings & Names FAQ». Unicode. Retrieved 19 February 2017.
  31. ^ «Unicode Technical Note #26: On the Encoding of Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, and Han». Retrieved 23 April 2007.
  32. ^ David Harris (2003). The Calligrapher’s Bible. Hauppauge, NY: Barron’s. ISBN 0-7641-5615-2.
  33. ^ Knut Kleve (1994). «The Latin Papyri in Herculaneum». Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Papyrologists, Copenhagen, 23–29 August 1992. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press.
  34. ^ «Roman Writing Systems – Medieval Manuscripts». Retrieved 2019-07-03.
  35. ^ The earliest known biblical manuscript is a palimpsest of Isajah in Syriac, written in 459/460. Bruce M. Metzger & Bart D. Ehrman, The Text of the New Testament (Oxford University Press: 2005), p. 92.
  36. ^ a b c d David Bolton (1997). «Type Cases». The Alembic Press. Archived from the original on 16 July 2007. Retrieved 23 April 2007.

Further reading[edit]

  • Hamilton, Frederick W. (1918). Capitals: A Primer of Information About Capitalization with Some Practical Typographic Hints as to the Use of Capitals – via Project Gutenberg.

We use the word ‘Uppercase’ for Capital Letters. In the computer science related field we use the word ‘Uppercase‘ instead of ‘Capital Letters‘. You can also see What is Uppercase according to google…

What is Uppercase?


‘BOX’ is in uppercase.

Extra: A program that distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase characters is said to be case sensitive.

5 Answers: What is Uppercase?

  1. Something written or printed with capital letters.
  2. Printed, or formatted in capital letters.
  3. Capital-letter type
  4. distinguished from small letters (lowercase)
  5. Written in upper case means, capital.
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Table of Contents

  1. What words should be capitalized?
  2. Do I capitalize the in a title?
  3. What is capitalization and examples?
  4. What does it mean to capitalize a cost?
  5. What should you not capitalize?
  6. What does Capitalise mean?
  7. Is it better to expense or capitalize?
  8. What does Capitalise mean in accounting?
  9. When should an expense be capitalized?
  10. What is the minimum amount to capitalize asset?
  11. What labor costs can be capitalized?
  12. Is capex a fixed asset?
  13. Where is CapEx in cash flow statement?
  14. What is CapEx formula?
  15. Can capital expenditures be negative?
  16. What are examples of capital expenditures?
  17. Can you have negative PP&E?
  18. Where is capital expenditure recorded?
  19. Is Rent a capital expenditure?
  20. Is Depreciation a capital expenditure?
  21. How is capital expenditure treated in accounting?
  22. What is capital expenditure on cash flow statement?
  23. Is capital expenditure included in profit and loss?
  24. What are the five steps in the capital budgeting process?

Alternatively referred to as caps and capital, and sometimes abbreviated as UC, uppercase is a typeface of larger characters. For example, typing a, b, and c shows lowercase, and typing A, B, and C shows uppercase. To type in uppercase, you can use either the Caps Lock key or the Shift key on the keyboard.

What words should be capitalized?

In general, you should capitalize the first word, all nouns, all verbs (even short ones, like is), all adjectives, and all proper nouns. That means you should lowercase articles, conjunctions, and prepositions—however, some style guides say to capitalize conjunctions and prepositions that are longer than five letters.

Do I capitalize the in a title?

Do not capitalize: a, an, the, in, at, to, etc. Capitalize nouns, verbs, pronouns, possessive pronouns, adverbs, etc. This means you should capitalize “Your” in a title.

What is capitalization and examples?

Use capitals for proper nouns. In other words, capitalize the names of people, specific places, and things. For example: … The word “country” would not normally be capitalized, but we would have to write China with a capital “C” because it is the name of a specific country.

What does it mean to capitalize a cost?

A capitalized cost is an expense that is added to the cost basis of a fixed asset on a company’s balance sheet. … Capitalized costs are not expensed in the period they were incurred but recognized over a period of time via depreciation or amortization.

What should you not capitalize?

According to most style guides, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are the only words capitalized in titles of books, articles, and songs. Prepositions, articles, and conjunctions aren’t capitalized (unless they’re the first or last word).

What does Capitalise mean?

To capitalize is to record a cost or expense on the balance sheet for the purposes of delaying full recognition of the expense. In general, capitalizing expenses is beneficial as companies acquiring new assets with long-term lifespans can amortize or depreciate the costs. This process is known as capitalization.

Is it better to expense or capitalize?

When a cost that is incurred will have been used, consumed or expired in a year or less, it is typically considered an expense. Conversely, if a cost or purchase will last beyond a year and will continue to have economic value in the future, then it is typically capitalized.

What does Capitalise mean in accounting?

In accounting, capitalization refers to the process of expensing the costs of attaining an asset over the life of the asset, rather than the period the expense was incurred. Rather than listing the asset as an expense, the asset is added to the company’s balance sheet and depreciated over its useful life.

When should an expense be capitalized?

Example of Costs Being Capitalized Costs are capitalized (recorded as assets) when the costs have not been used up and have future economic value. Assume that a company incurs a cost of $30,000 in June to add a hydraulic lift to its delivery truck that had no lift.

What is the minimum amount to capitalize asset?

The IRS suggests you chose one of two capitalization thresholds for fixed-asset expenditures, either $2,500 or $5,000. The thresholds are the costs of capital items related to an asset that must be met or exceeded to qualify for capitalization. A business can elect to employ higher or lower capitalization thresholds.

What labor costs can be capitalized?

Also, the company can capitalize on other costs, such as labor, sales taxes, transportation, testing, and materials used in the construction of the capital asset. However, after the fixed asset is installed for use, any subsequent maintenance costs must be expensed as incurred.

Is capex a fixed asset?

Accounting for a Capital Expenditure A capital expenditure is recorded as an asset, rather than charging it immediately to expense. It is classified as a fixed asset, which is then charged to expense over the useful life of the asset, using depreciation.

Where is CapEx in cash flow statement?

Capex is commonly found on the cash flow statement under “Investment in Plant, Property, and Equipment” or something similar in the Investing subsection.

What is CapEx formula?

The CapEx formula from the income statement and balance sheet is: CapEx = PP&E (current period) – PP&E (prior period) + Depreciation (current period) This formula is derived from the logic that the current period PP&E on the balance sheet is equal to prior period PP&E plus capital expenditures less depreciation.

Can capital expenditures be negative?

Capital expenditures are negative because they are amounts that are being subtracted from your balance sheet, or represent a negative capital expenditure on cash flow statements. Sometimes called capital outlays, capital expenditures are used to purchase assets that will serve your business for longer than one year.

What are examples of capital expenditures?

Capital expenditures are a long-term investment, meaning the assets purchased have a useful life of one year or more. Types of capital expenditures can include purchases of property, equipment, land, computers, furniture, and software.

Can you have negative PP&E?

You simply can‘t have negative PPE on the BS. Say for example you have an asset with a NBV of zero and you sell it for $10k. You‘d debit cash and credit a gain acct. … If a company gets more from cash proceeds from sale of PP&E vs.

Where is capital expenditure recorded?

The capital expenditure is recorded as an asset on the balance sheet under the property, plant, and equipment (PP&E) section. However, it’s also recorded on the cash flow statement under investing activities because it’s a cash outlay for that accounting period.

Is Rent a capital expenditure?

Capital expenses are not used for ordinary day-to-day operating expenses of a business, like rent, utilities, and insurance. Another way to consider capital expenses is that they are used to buy and improve assets that have a useful life of more than one year.

Is Depreciation a capital expenditure?

Depreciation expense is used in accounting to allocate the cost of a tangible asset over its useful life. … Over the life of an asset, total depreciation will be equal to the net capital expenditure. This means if a company regularly has more CapEx than depreciation, its asset base is growing.

How is capital expenditure treated in accounting?

Money spent on CAPEX purchases is not immediately reported on an income statement. Rather, it is treated as an asset on the balance sheet, that is deducted over the course of several years as a depreciation expense, beginning the year following the date on which the item is purchased.

What is capital expenditure on cash flow statement?

CapEx can be found in the cash flow from investing activities in a company’s cash flow statement. Different companies highlight CapEx in a number of ways, and an analyst or investor may see it listed as capital spending, purchases of property, plant, and equipment (PP&E), or acquisition expense.

Is capital expenditure included in profit and loss?

The actual cost of a capital expenditure does not immediately impact the income statement, but gradually reduces profit on the income statement over the asset’s life through depreciation. However, a capital expenditure may immediately affect the income statement in other ways, depending on the type of asset.

What are the five steps in the capital budgeting process?

The 5 Steps to Capital Budgeting

  1. Identify and evaluate potential opportunities. The process begins by exploring available opportunities. …
  2. Estimate operating and implementation costs. The next step involves estimating how much it will cost to bring the project to fruition. …
  3. Estimate cash flow or benefit. …
  4. Assess risk. …
  5. Implement.

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