scramble [ˊskræmbl]
2) кара́бканье
3) мотого́нка по пересечённой ме́стности
1) кара́бкаться; пробира́ться, проти́скиваться
3) дра́ться, боро́ться за облада́ние ( for — чем-л.)
4) де́лать яи́чницу-болту́нью
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > scramble
Персональный Сократ > scramble
1. [ʹskræmb(ə)l]
1. карабканье
взлёт (истребителей-перехватчиков) по тревоге
3. схватка, свалка, борьба ()
there was a scramble for these books — эти книги рвали из рук, за этими книгами была драка
4. мотогонка по сильно пересечённой местности; мотокросс
2. [ʹskræmb(ə)l]
1. 1) карабкаться; взбираться, пробираться
to scramble into safety, to scramble out of danger — избавиться от опасности
to scramble along in the world — жить бедно /трудно/; еле-еле перебиваться
to scramble into one’s clothes — наспех /кое-как/ одеться, накинуть на себя что попало
to scramble through one’s toilet — поспешно привести себя в порядок, кое-как закончить свой туалет
1) быстро взлетать
2) поднимать в воздух истребители-перехватчики по тревоге
3. устраивать свалку, драться, бороться ()
to scramble for smth. /to get smth./ — драться /бороться/ за получение чего-л.
разбрасывать; швырять, бросать (
в толпу)
5. взбалтывать
6. зашифровывать передачу
НБАРС > scramble
имя существительное:глагол:
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > scramble
1. n карабканье
2. n воен. взлёт по тревоге
3. n схватка, свалка, борьба
4. n мотогонка по сильно пересечённой местности; мотокросс
5. v карабкаться; взбираться, пробираться
6. v с трудом сделать
7. v делать наспех
8. v воен. быстро взлетать
9. v воен. поднимать в воздух истребители-перехватчики по тревоге
10. v воен. устраивать свалку, драться, бороться
11. v воен. редк. разбрасывать; швырять, бросать
12. v воен. взбалтывать
13. v воен. зашифровывать передачу
Синонимический ряд:
1. clutter (noun) clutter; hash; hugger-mugger; jumble; jungle; litter; mash; mishmash; muddle; rummage; shuffle; tumble
2. mess (noun) chaos; confusion; disarrangement; disarray; disorder; disorderliness; disorganisation; mess; mix-up; snarl; turmoil
8. jumble (verb) confuse; disorder; jumble; mess up; muddle; snarl
9. mix (verb) blend; combine; interfuse; mix
10. sprawl (verb) ramble; sprangle; sprawl; spread-eagle; straddle; straggle
English-Russian base dictionary > scramble
scramble делать яичницу-болтунью scramble драться, бороться за обладание (for — чем-л.) scramble карабканье scramble карабкаться; продираться, протискиваться scramble ползти; цепляться (о растениях) scramble свалка, драка, борьба (за овладение) scramble швырять в толпу (монеты)
English-Russian short dictionary > scramble
1. сущ.
1) свалка, драка, борьба( за овладение) mad, wild scramble ≈ жуткая драка wild scramble for tickets ≈ дикая давка за билетами There was a scramble to buy tickets. ≈ Около билетных касс была жуткая давка.
2) карабканье
2. гл.
1) а) продираться, протискиваться;
пробираться с трудом( обык. вперед или вверх) Syn: clamber, squeeze into, squeeze through, squeeze between б) карабкаться;
ползти, цепляться (тж. о растениях)
2) воен. а) поднимать в воздух истребители-перехватчики по тревоге б) быстро взлетать, подниматься в воздух по тревоге
3) драться, схватываться, бороться за обладание( чем-л. for) Too many firms are scrambling for a share of profits in the new industry. ≈ Слишком много компаний борются за право располагать долей прибыли в новом производстве.
4) взбалтывать (обычно яйца для болтуньи) Scramble a couple of eggs for me. ≈ Взбей/взболтай мне пару яиц. Scramble me a couple of eggs. ≈ Взбей/взболтай мне пару яиц. Syn: shake up, stir up
5) редк. швырять, бросать, разбрасывать( что-л. в толпу — монеты и т. п.)
карабканье — a brisk * to the top быстрый подъем на вершину крутой горы (военное) взлет( истребителей-перехватчиков) по тревоге — * aircraft дежурный самолет схватка, свалка, борьба ( за овладение чем-л.) — the * for office погоня за должностью — a * for new lands борьба за захват новых земель — the * for a living борьба за существование — to fling oneself into the * вмешаться в свалку — there was a * for these books эти книги рвали из рук, за этими книгами была драка мотогонка по сильно пересеченной местности;
мотокросс карабкаться;
взбираться, пробираться — to * along the edge of a cliff пробираться по самому краю утеса — to * among rocks карабкаться по скалам — to * over the wall перелезать через стену — to * up a hill взбираться на гору с трудом сделать( что-л.) — to * into safety, to * out of danger избавиться от опасности — to * through difficulties еле-еле справиться с трудностями — to * along in the world жить бедно /трудно/;
еле-еле перебиваться делать наспех( что-л.) — to * into one’s clothes наспех /кое-как/ одеться, накинуть на себя что попало — to * through one’s toilet поспешно привести себя в порядок, кое-как закончить свой туалет — to * through a book быстро просмотреть книгу — he hastily *d up the papers он быстро сгреб все бумаги в кучу (военное) быстро взлетать (военное) поднимать в воздух истребители-перехватчики по тревоге устраивать свалку, драться, бороться( за овладение чем-л.) — to * for smth. /to get smth./ драться /бороться/ за получение чего-л. — to * for one’s living с трудом зарабатывать на жизнь — to * for office драться за должность — to * for seats броситься (наперегонки) занимать места( редкое) разбрасывать;
швырять, бросать (обыкн. в толпу) взбалтывать — to * eggs делать омлет зашифровывать передачу
scramble делать яичницу-болтунью ~ драться, бороться за обладание (for — чем-л.) ~ карабканье ~ карабкаться;
продираться, протискиваться ~ ползти;
цепляться (о растениях) ~ свалка, драка, борьба (за овладение) ~ швырять в толпу (монеты)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > scramble
а) пробираться; протискиваться с трудом прям. и перен.
I had not even scrambled into my clothes when the clock struck five. — Я даже не успел ничего на себя накинуть, как часы пробили пять.
б) карабкаться, взбираться
б) быстро взлетать, подниматься в воздух по тревоге
3) драться, бороться
Too many firms are scrambling for a share of profits in the new industry. — Слишком много компаний борются за право участия в прибылях новой отрасли.
Scramble a couple of eggs for me. — Сделай мне омлет из двух яиц.
б) смешивать, перемешивать; перепутывать; приводить в беспорядок
а) свалка, драка
mad / wild scramble — жуткая драка
There was a scramble to buy tickets. — Около билетных касс была жуткая давка.
б) схватка, борьба
взлёт по тревоге
Англо-русский современный словарь > scramble
взлет по тревоге; поднимать в воздух по тревоге; быстро взлетать; зашифровывать, кодировать ; занимать места при боевой тревоге; срочный взлет!
English-Russian military dictionary > scramble
- скремблировать
- свалка (в хоккее на льду)
Несколько хоккеистов из обеих команд, борющихся за овладение шайбой.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]EN
Several hockey players from both sides close together battling for possession of the puck.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]Тематики
- хоккей на льду
- scramble
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > scramble
Politics english-russian dictionary > scramble
The pilots are always ready to scramble to their planes in response to any alert — Пилоты всегда готовы быстро занять свои места в самолетах в случае воздушной тревоги
The new dictionary of modern spoken language > scramble
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > scramble
взлет по тревоге; pl. перехват цели; действия по тревоге; взлетать по тревоге; поднимать истребителиперехватчики в воздух по тревоге; действовать по тревоге(о лётчиках и самолётах); изменять частоту связи до отбоя тревоги; зашифровывать изменением частоты; передавать на изменённой частоте; «немедленно взлетайте»
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > scramble
ˈskræmblсхватка, борьба (за овладение чем-л) драться, бороться (за овладение чем-л)
Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > scramble
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > scramble
1) Общая лексика: беспорядочно собирать, бороться за захват, бороться за обладание , борьба, взбираться, выкарабкаться, выкарабкиваться, делать яичницу-болтунью, драка, драться за захват , карабканье, карабкаться, мотогонка по сильно пересечённой местности, мотокросс, подползти, ползти, пробираться, продираться, продраться, протискиваться, протиснуться, свалка , уцепиться, хватка, цепляться , швырнуть в толпу, швырять в толпу , борьба , драться, схватка
3) Военный термин: быстро взлетать, взлёт ( истребителей-перехватчиков) по тревоге, взлёт истребителей-перехватчиков по тревоге, занимать места при боевой тревоге, зашифровывать, поднимать в воздух (истребители-перехватчики) по тревоге, кодировать
4) Техника: засекречивать , скремблирование, смешать, шифровать , скремблировать
9) Макаров: засекречивание, скремблирование , скремблировать
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > scramble
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > scramble!
• 1) /vi, climb/ взбираться; 2) /vt/ зашифровывать; 3) /in passive/ скремблировавший; 4) /vi, crawl/ ползти; 5) /vi, clamber/ карабкаться; 6) /vi, struggle/ бороться
Англо русский политехнический словарь > scramble
свалка, драка
схватка, борьба
автогонки по пересеченной местности
продираться, протискиваться; пробираться с трудом
карабкаться; ползти, цепляться
поднимать в воздух истребители-перехватчики по тревоге
быстро взлетать, подниматься в воздух по тревоге
драться, схватываться, бороться за обладание
смешивать, перемешивать; перепутывать; приводить в беспорядок
швырять, бросать, разбрасывать
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > scramble
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
Scramble — may refer to:* Scramble, a team play scoring system in golf * Scramble (arcade game), a 1981 horizontally scrolling shoot em up, arcade game * Pedestrian scramble, a pedestrian crossing system that stops all traffic and allows pedestrians to… … Wikipedia
Scramble — Scram ble, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Scrambled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Scrambling}.] [Freq. of Prov. E. scramb to rake together with the hands, or of scramp to snatch at. cf. {Scrabble}.] 1. To clamber with hands and knees; to scrabble; as, to scramble up… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scramble — Scram ble, n. 1. The act of scrambling, climbing on all fours, or clambering. [1913 Webster] 2. The act of jostling and pushing for something desired; eager and unceremonious struggle for what is thrown or held out; as, a scramble for office.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scramble — Scram ble, v. t. 1. To collect by scrambling; as, to scramble up wealth. Marlowe. [1913 Webster] 2. To prepare (eggs) as a dish for the table, by stirring the yolks and whites together while cooking. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Scramble — bezeichnet ein Computerspiel, siehe Scramble (Computerspiel) eine Ampel Schaltung, siehe Diagonalqueren eines von Luftwaffen ausgeführtes Startprozedere, siehe Alarmstart Diese Seite ist eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
scramble — [n] mix up, confusion clutter, commotion, competition, conglomeration, free for all*, hash*, hassle, hustle, jumble, jungle, litter, melee, mishmash, muddle, race, rat race*, rush, shuffle, struggle, tumble, tussle; concepts 230,388,432 Ant.… … New thesaurus
scramble — [skram′bəl] vi. scrambled, scrambling [< ? SCAMPER + SCRABBLE] 1. to climb, crawl, or clamber hurriedly 2. to scuffle or struggle for something, as for coins scattered on the ground 3. to struggle or rush pell mell, as to get something highly… … English World dictionary
Scramble-b! — Is a manga series written and drawn by Nishimura Tomoko . With the main character a junior high school girl named Sora Ninomiya. She was just a new student at Seirin Junior High School, where her grandfather was the principal. And with the B Club … Wikipedia
scramble — index bluster (commotion), brawl, commingle, competition, confound, disorganize, disorient, dispatch … Law dictionary
scramble — ► VERB 1) move or make one s way quickly and awkwardly, typically by using one s hands as well as one s feet. 2) make or become jumbled or muddled. 3) make (a broadcast transmission or telephone conversation) unintelligible unless received by an… … English terms dictionary
scramble — I UK [ˈskræmb(ə)l] / US verb Word forms scramble : present tense I/you/we/they scramble he/she/it scrambles present participle scrambling past tense scrambled past participle scrambled * 1) a) [intransitive] to climb somewhere using your feet and … English dictionary
схватка, борьба, карабканье, свалка, драка, карабкаться, бороться, цепляться, ползти
существительное ↓
- карабканье
a brisk scramble to the top — быстрый подъём на вершину крутой горы
- воен. взлёт (истребителей-перехватчиков) по тревоге
scramble aircraft — дежурный самолёт
- схватка, свалка, борьба (за овладение чем-л.)
the scramble for office — погоня за должностью
a scramble for new lands — борьба за захват новых земель
the scramble for a living — борьба за существование
to fling oneself into the scramble — вмешаться в свалку
there was a scramble for these books — эти книги рвали из рук, за этими книгами была драка
- мотогонка по сильно пересечённой местности; мотокросс
глагол ↓
- карабкаться; взбираться, пробираться
to scramble along the edge of a cliff — пробираться по самому краю утёса
to scramble among rocks — карабкаться по скалам
to scramble over the wall — перелезать через стену
to scramble up a hill — взбираться на гору
- с трудом сделать (что-л.)
to scramble into safety, to scramble out of danger — избавиться от опасности
to scramble through difficulties — еле-еле справиться с трудностями
to scramble along in the world — жить бедно /трудно/; еле-еле перебиваться
- делать наспех (что-л.)
to scramble into one’s clothes — наспех /кое-как/ одеться, накинуть на себя что попало
to scramble through one’s toilet — поспешно привести себя в порядок, кое-как закончить свой туалет
to scramble through a book — быстро просмотреть книгу
he hastily scrambled up the papers on — быстро сгрёб все бумаги в кучу
- быстро взлетать
- поднимать в воздух истребители-перехватчики по тревоге
- устраивать свалку, драться, бороться (за овладение чем-л.)
to scramble for smth. /to get smth./ — драться /бороться/ за получение чего-л.
to scramble for one’s living — с трудом зарабатывать на жизнь
to scramble for office — драться за должность
to scramble for seats — броситься (наперегонки) занимать места
- редк. разбрасывать; швырять, бросать (обыкн. в толпу)
- взбалтывать
to scramble eggs — делать омлет
- зашифровывать передачу
Мои примеры
reporters scrambling to finish stories by deadline — журналисты, которые торопятся закончить рассказы в срок
the scramble for power in the country — борьба /схватка/ за власть в этой стране
mad scramble — жуткая потасовка
mad / wild scramble — жуткая драка
the scramble for new lands — борьба за овладение новыми территориями
scramble for one’s living — с трудом зарабатывать на жизнь
scramble for office — погоня за должностью
scramble along the edge of a cliff — пробираться по самому краю утёса
scramble into clothes — наспех одеться, накинуть на себя что попало; кое-как одеться
scramble out of danger — избавиться от опасности
scramble eggs — делать омлет
scramble into safety — избавиться от опасности
Примеры с переводом
Scramble a couple of eggs for me.
Сделай мне омлет из двух яиц.
There was a scramble to buy tickets.
Около билетных касс была жуткая давка.
He scrambled up the ramp.
Он вскарабкался вверх по склону.
They tried to scramble up the cliff.
Они попытались взобраться на утёс.
The words in each sentence are scrambled.
Слова в каждом предложении перепутаны /переставлены/.
I’ll scramble some eggs for breakfast.
Я поджарю на завтрак омлет из нескольких яиц.
Too many firms are scrambling for a share of profits in the new industry.
Слишком много компаний борются за право участия в прибылях новой отрасли.
ещё 16 примеров свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
News of the factory closing found workers scrambling to find jobs.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
unscramble — расшифровывать, разлагать на составные части
scrambled — взбитый
scrambler — шифратор, шифровальное устройство, скремблер, перемешиватель
Формы слова
I/you/we/they: scramble
he/she/it: scrambles
ing ф. (present participle): scrambling
2-я ф. (past tense): scrambled
3-я ф. (past participle): scrambled
ед. ч.(singular): scramble
мн. ч.(plural): scrambles
Britannica Dictionary definition of SCRAMBLE
[no object]
always followed by an adverb or preposition
to move or climb over something quickly especially while also using your hands
We scrambled over the boulders and kept climbing up the mountain.
He scrambled up the ramp.
to move or act quickly to do, find, or get something often before someone else does
reporters scrambling to finish stories by deadline
Both players scrambled for the ball.
News of the factory closing found workers scrambling to find jobs.
It started to rain, and we all scrambled for cover.
[+ object]
to prepare (eggs) by mixing the white and yellow parts together and then stirring the mixture in a hot pan
I’ll scramble some eggs for breakfast.
[+ object]
to put (parts of something) in the wrong order
— often used as (be) scrambled
The letters of the words are scrambled. [=mixed up]
[+ object]
to change (a radio or electronic signal) so that whoever receives it will not be able to understand it
We will have to scramble our radio communications.
The cable company scrambles the channels that you do not pay for.
[no object]
American football, of a quarterback
to run with the ball while being chased by defensive players
The quarterback scrambled for a 5-yard gain.
scrambled eggs and toast
a scrambled signal
Britannica Dictionary definition of SCRAMBLE
an act of scrambling: such as
the act of moving or climbing over something quickly especially while also using your hands
a quick scramble over boulders
the act of moving or acting quickly to do, find, or get something
the scramble for power in the country
a scramble for the ball
There was a mad scramble to fill vacant positions at the school.
American football
a play in which the quarterback runs with the ball while being chased by defensive players
— usually singular
He gained 10 yards on a scramble.
Origin uncertain. Perhaps from earlier dialectal scramble, scrammel (“to collect or rake together with the hands”), from scramb (“to pull or scrape together with the hands”) + -le (frequentative suffix) (compare Dutch schrammen (“to graze, brush, scratch”)); or alternatively from a nasalised form of scrabble (“to scrape or scratch quickly”).
- IPA(key): /ˈskɹæmbl̩/
- Rhymes: -æmbəl
scramble (third-person singular simple present scrambles, present participle scrambling, simple past and past participle scrambled)
- (intransitive) To move hurriedly to a location, especially by using all limbs against a surface.
2012 April 18, Phil McNulty, “Chelsea 1-0 Barcelona”, in BBC Sport[1]:
As half-time approached Fabregas had another chance to give Barcelona the lead. He collected an incisive Messi pass and this time beat Cech, who required Cole to scramble back and clear the ball off the line.
1898, J. Meade Falkner, chapter 3, in Moonfleet, London; Toronto, Ont.: Jonathan Cape, published 1934:
When I saw the coffin I knew that I was respited, for, as I judged, there was space between it and the wall behind enough to contain my little carcass; and in a second I had put out the candle, scrambled up the shelves, half-stunned my senses with dashing my head against the roof, and squeezed my body betwixt wall and coffin.
- (intransitive) To proceed to a location or an objective in a disorderly manner.
- (transitive, of food ingredients, usually including egg) To thoroughly combine and cook as a loose mass.
- I scrambled some eggs with spinach and cheese.
- (transitive) To process (telecommunication signals) to make them unintelligible to an unauthorized listener.
- (transitive, military) To quickly deploy (vehicles, usually aircraft) to a destination in response to an alert, usually to intercept an attacking enemy.
- (intransitive, military) To be quickly deployed in this manner.
- 1969, Burke Davis, Get Yamamoto (page 115)
- As the planes scrambled, four of his veterans went up: Tom Lanphier, Rex Barber, Joe Moore and Jim McLanahan. They had waited with other Lightnings at 30,000 feet and dived on a formation of eleven Zeroes far below, working in pairs.
- 1969, Burke Davis, Get Yamamoto (page 115)
- (intransitive, sports) To partake in motocross.
- (intransitive) To ascend rocky terrain as a leisure activity.
- (transitive) To gather or collect by scrambling.
c. 1589–1590, Christopher Marlo[we], Tho[mas] Heywood, editor, The Famous Tragedy of the Rich Ievv of Malta. […], London: […] I[ohn] B[eale] for Nicholas Vavasour, […], published 1633, →OCLC, Act I, 155-57:
They say we are a scatter’d nation:
I cannot tell, but we have scrambled up
More wealth by far than those that brag of faith.
- (transitive) To struggle eagerly with others for something thrown upon the ground; to go down upon all fours to seize something; to catch rudely at what is desired.
1637, John Milton, “Lycidas”, in Poems of Mr. John Milton, […], London: […] Ruth Raworth for Humphrey Mosely, […], published 1646, →OCLC, page 62:
Of other care they little reck’ning make, / Then how to ſcramble at the ſhearers feaſt,
- (transitive) To throw something down for others to compete for in this manner.
- 1952, Walkabout (volume 18, page 40)
- […] Father Boniface standing on the verandah of the Monastery on a Sunday afternoon “scrambling” lollies to the kids […]
- 1952, Walkabout (volume 18, page 40)
Derived terms[edit]
- scramblase
- scrambled eggs
to proceed to a location or an objective in a disorderly manner
to process telecommunication signals to make them unintelligible to an unauthorized listener
- Albanian: please add this translation if you can
- Armenian: please add this translation if you can
- Belarusian: please add this translation if you can
- Bulgarian: кодирам (bg) (kodiram)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: please add this translation if you can
- Esperanto: please add this translation if you can
- Estonian: please add this translation if you can
- Finnish: salata (fi), vääristää (fi)
- French: brouiller (fr)
- Georgian: please add this translation if you can
- German: verwürfeln
- Greek: περιπλέκω (el) (peripléko)
- Hungarian: rejtjelez, kódol (hu)
- Latvian: please add this translation if you can
- Lithuanian: please add this translation if you can
- Polish: szyfrować (pl) impf, zaszyfrowywać impf, zaszyfrować pf
- Romanian: please add this translation if you can
- Russian: шифрова́ть (ru) impf (šifrovátʹ), зашифро́вывать (ru) impf (zašifróvyvatʹ), зашифрова́ть (ru) pf (zašifrovátʹ)
- Slovak: please add this translation if you can
- Turkish: şifreleme (tr)
- Ukrainian: please add this translation if you can
to quickly enter vehicles and proceed to destination
- Albanian: please add this translation if you can
- Armenian: please add this translation if you can
- Belarusian: please add this translation if you can
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: please add this translation if you can
- Esperanto: please add this translation if you can
- Estonian: please add this translation if you can
- Finnish: lähettää (fi)
- Georgian: please add this translation if you can
- German: ausschwärmen (de)
- Hungarian: please add this translation if you can
- Japanese: please add this translation if you can
- Latvian: please add this translation if you can
- Lithuanian: please add this translation if you can
- Polish: wyrywać się impf, wyrwać się pf
- Romanian: please add this translation if you can
- Russian: please add this translation if you can
- Slovak: please add this translation if you can
- Turkish: please add this translation if you can
- Ukrainian: please add this translation if you can
to partake in motocross
- German: Motocross fahren, crossen (slang)
to struggle
- Bulgarian: боричкам се (boričkam se)
- German: rangeln (de), balgen (de) (reflexive)
- Mongolian: тэмцэх (mn) (temcex)
- Vietnamese: bon chen (vi)
scramble (plural scrambles)
- A rush or hurry, especially making use of the limbs against a surface.
a last-minute scramble to the finish line
- (military) An emergency defensive air force mission to intercept attacking enemy aircraft.
- 1984, Steve Harris, «Aces High», Iron Maiden, Powerslave.
There goes the siren that warns of the air raid / Then comes the sound of the guns sending flak / Out for the scramble we’ve got to get airborne / Got to get up for the coming attack.
- 1984, Steve Harris, «Aces High», Iron Maiden, Powerslave.
- A motocross race.
- Any frantic period of competitive activity.
2011 January 8, Chris Bevan, “Arsenal 1 – 1 Leeds”, in BBC Sport[2]:
And the Leeds defence, led by the impressive Alex Bruce, was also in determined mood. Jonathan Howson had to clear a Sebastien Squillaci effort off his line and Becchio was also in the right place to hack clear after a goalmouth scramble.
2014 October 21, Oliver Brown, “Oscar Pistorius jailed for five years – sport afforded no protection against his tragic fallibilities: Bladerunner’s punishment for killing Reeva Steenkamp is but a frippery when set against the burden that her bereft parents, June and Barry, must carry [print version: No room for sentimentality in this tragedy, 13 September 2014, p. S22]”, in The Daily Telegraph (Sport)[3]:
[I]n the 575 days since [Oscar] Pistorius shot dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, there has been an unseemly scramble to construct revisionist histories, to identify evidence beneath that placid exterior of a pugnacious, hair-trigger personality.
- (gridiron football) An impromptu maneuver or run by a quarterback, attempting to gain yardage or avoid being tackled behind the line of scrimmage.
- (golf) A statistic used in assessing a player’s short game, consisting of a chip or putt from under 50 yards away that results in requiring one putt or less on the green.
- (golf) A variant of golf in which each player in a team tees off on each hole, and the players decide which shot was best. Every player then plays their second shot from within a club length of where the best ball has come to rest, and the procedure is repeated until the hole is finished.
Derived terms[edit]
- pedestrian scramble
- scramble band
- scramblement
- tofu scramble
- sortie
a rush or hurry
- Bulgarian: бързане n (bǎrzane)
- Finnish: kiire (fi)
- French: bousculade (fr) f
- German: Gedränge (de) n, Gerangel (de) n, Gedrängel (de) n (coll.)
- Hungarian: kapkodás (hu)
- Russian: спе́шка (ru) f (spéška), ажиота́ж (ru) m (ažiotáž), сва́лка (ru) f (sválka) (scuffle)
- Spanish: arrebato (es) m, arrebatiña, rebatiña (es)
- Swedish: rusch (sv) c, rusning (sv) c, huggsexa (sv) c
- Turkish: acele etme
- (UK) Shouted when something desirable is thrown into a group of people who individually want that item, causing them to rush for it.
- cambrels, clambers, crambles, scambler
Word Scramble Word Finder is a tool used to help players succeed at the multiplayer game Word Scramble, in addition to other puzzles. Click here to play word scramble. Once the player has entered their available letters, the finder will offer a variety of words that will fit into the spaces on offer. The tool can also solve a word once given a clue, matching all possible answers against a clue database.
Word Scramble Game
What is Word Scramble Game
Martin Naydel created Word Scramble Games or Jumbled words in the year 1954. In the game, the letters that can make a meaningful word are scrambled or mixed up together in a random fashion when a person plays word scramble game. Players have to rearrange the letters to make a meaningful sentence. The game is more like the tasks you used to do to learn words and spellings when you were a kid. One needs to arrange the vowels and consonants to make a word which has a meaning.
Say, for example, «CIPFIOCA.» Rearrange the letters, and yes, you are right! The word is «PACIFIC.» Another example is «LEPAES», which is easier than the former one. It turns out to be «PLEASE» when you unjumble the letters and rearrange them.
How to Play Word Scramble Games?
As we have mentioned, in word scramble games, one has to re-arrange or unjumble the scrambled letters to make a meaningful word. This game is also known as unscrambling.
Anagram scramble is a part of word scramble. Anagram scramble refers to words or phrases that are spelled by rearranging letters. The word ‘anagram’ means to discover hidden meanings by reading letters out of order. But when you play anagram scramble, you don’t have to find any hidden purpose as such. You need to see letters and unjumble them from a set of scrambled words to create words that are present in it.
By unjumbling those letters, you can make meaningful words of different lengths.
For instance, «CIPFIOCA» – when you unjumble the letters, you get a seven-letter word called «PACIFIC.»
Again when you can pick words of different lengths from the jumbled letters «CIPFIOCA»- for instance, three-letter words like «CAP,» and «PAC.» Besides, you can get a two-letter word, like «If.»
You can play word scramble games, and anagram scramble both online and offline. Millions of sites on the internet allow you to perform word unscramble games free of cost or with a modicum cost of membership.
Letter Arrangements. Unscramble Online vs. Offline
Jumbled letters can be arranged in different ways. Here are the different styles of letter arrangements:
Vertical Letter Arrangement
The jumbled letters can be placed vertically one after another, just like a column of letters.
Horizontal Letter Arrangement
On the other hand, the letters of a scrambled word can be present horizontally. It looks like a row of letters arranged haphazardly.
Triangular Letter Arrangement
The letters can be randomly present inside a triangle. You can pick letters in three different ways-
You can either choose the letters from X-axis, i.e., from the horizontal size.
Or you can choose from Y-axis to create a meaningful word.
In addition to this, you can choose the scattered letters from the whole triangle to create a word. You need to follow this method when you have to create a lengthy word.
Two Essential Steps for Word Scramble Players
- When playing offline, you need a board to rearrange the letter-engraved tiles. While playing and racking up your points, you need to rearrange the letter-engraved tiles on the board to create meaningful words.
- You need to keep the right order of vowels and consonants in your mind so that you create a meaningful word. Usually, you score 1 point for each four-letter word and 5 points for each ten-letter words. You score more points as the word gets lengthy.
Word Scramble Solver
Who doesn’t like to win! We are sure that you would like to score more points than your indoor-game partners. Cheating seems fun when you are playing with your friends; of course, not the other way around. You can get word scramble cheat codes while playing online games. Besides, you can use unscramble cheat while playing offline. You score more points when using a wildcard. Just in case you have used all your wildcards, you can still score more points when you cheat. Usually, your chance to win the unscramble game increases with the help of wildcards and cheat codes.
We have one more solution for you, just in case you want to score more points than your friends and win. You can take the help of word scramble dictionary. Both word scramble dictionary and word unscrambler are available online. There are millions of site where you can just put the jumbled letters to obtain the unjumbled or unscrambled words. Besides, you can get online help while playing anagram scramble. Moreover, you can visit the online word scramble dictionary and take its help to improve your performance. You can also take the aid of Word solver.
Tips and Tricks to Unjumble Scrambled Words
The best advice to win word scramble game is to read and practice words of a particular language. However, practice increases the chance of winning. Here is a list of unscrambled words, and the ways to unjumble them might help you to play better.
Scramble Words List
Below is a scramble words list. Here are some sets of jumbled words. We have unjumbled them with the help of online word scrambler and obtained as many words as possible. You can get a various length of words from all scrambled words. You need to put some scrambled letters and rearrange them to be an expert word solver.
Scrambled Word #1: PLEA
The unscrambled words are:
- Five-letter word: APPLE
- Four-letter words: PALP, PALE, LEAP, PLEA
- Three-letter words: PAL PEA, LAP and so on
Scrambled Word #2: REGIT
The unscrambled words are:
- Five-letter word: TIGER
- Four-letter words: TRIG, TIRE, TIER, RITE
- Three-letter words: RET, TIE, GET and so on
Scrambled Word #3: LEWBO
The unscrambled words are:
- Five-letter words: BOWEL, BELOW, ELBOW
- Four-letter words: BLEW, BOWL, BLOW, LOBE
- Three-letter words: OWL, OLE, OWE, WEB, WOE, BOW and so on
Scrambled Word #4: NUOPIACORC
The unscrambled words are:
- Ten-letter word: CORNUCOPIA
- Seven-letter words: RACCOON
- Six-letter words: URANIC, COUPON, CORONA, RACOON
- Four-letter words: RUIN, COIN, COCO, CARP, IRON, POUR
- Three-letter words: RUN, OUR, CAP, PAC, RAN and so on
Most Popular Scrambled Words and How to Solve Them
Here’ list of most popular scrambled words. You can solve them with word scramble help. Besides, numerous sites will help you to solve word puzzles online. You can also use word scramble maker, to learn how can bring twist and turns in words while you unscramble words.
Top 10 Most Popular Scrambled Words
- ATARACTIC (Antarctica)
- CLAMBERS (Scramble),
- SPURRIES (Surprise and Up risers),
- SATURANTO (Astronaut),
- AURNATTOS (Astronaut),
- CRETICK (Cricket),
- WOBEL ( Bowel, Elbow, and Below),
- SUPEREGO (Portuguese),
- CAMERIA (America),
- PURREO (Europe) etc.
Word scramble game is one of the exciting indoor games that you can play in your leisure time. Most importantly, unscrambling random letters and creating words out of it is brainstorming. Besides, word solving helps kids a lot while learning words and language. This is one of those games you will enjoy playing with your family and friends.