What is the worst bad word

(image via wikimedia)

People have been ranking the worst bad words for generations, and nobody has ever quite come to an agreement.  I should know.  I’ve been around for several generations, and I’ve heard the arguments. Even George Carlin couldn’t settle the argument, partly because he didn’t include enough words and partly because times have changed since then.

When I was a kid, the only objective way to rank the bad words was to match each one with the severity of punishment given for saying it.  Some bad words meant getting beaten while others simply got you sent to your room (which for me, wasn’t a punishment).  There was no cable or internet back then, so all we had for reference was our parents’ reactions.

Racial/ethnic slurs weren’t argued about because some of us were taught that slurs were worse than profanity, but the punishment for racial slurs was inconsistent in the 1970s.  Some parents (like mine) punished all racial slurs worse than they would for profanity.  Other parents didn’t punish their kids at all for slurs.  Don’t get me wrong.  I didn’t have the urge to say racial slurs.  I did, however, love yelling out profanity if I could get away with it.

Please don’t read any further if you’re offended by profanity.  The term “bad words” is used in the title, so that should give you fair warning.  I’m not using symbols in place of letters to hide the profanity.  Sh*t means shit, and everybody knows it.

I’ve left out some words because I don’t hear them often.  The words below are commonly written or said or thought of.  At the very least, everybody knows what each word below means:

(Honorable Mention)

Hell- Hell is a four letter word, but it’s a place, not a body part or body function.  I have a tough time making a bad place a profane word, so if it’s bad, it’s the mildest of bad words.

Crap- Crap was considered a bad word when I was kid, but I don’t think it should have been, so it’s not on this list.

Ass- Ass can be a jerk or a donkey, and even with context it can be tough to tell, and that’s why it ranks as honorable mention.

10.  Bastard- You have to be an elitist jerk to think having unmarried parents is grounds to insult somebody. But there are a lot of jerks out there, and using this word is still frowned upon.

9.  Damn- Damn is short for damnation, and damning somebody is pretty bad. It’s so commonly used, though, that it’s lost some of its effect.

8.  Dick- Any variation of dick (cock, shlong, prick, etc..) should be ranked about the same as dick. Dick can be a person’s name.  Cock can be a male rooster.  Shlong is just a shlong, but it’s cool because it has the word long in it.

7.  Asshole- Being an asshole is worse than being an ass because you have to dig deeper to get to the asshole. As ass can do stupid stuff unintentionally.  An asshole is a jerk on purpose.

6.  Shit- Shit is bad because it refers to a gross body function and it’s four-letters. This is the best word to say when you’re in sudden pain because it’s bad but it’s forgivable (if you’re around reasonable people).

5.  Pussy- This is the female version of dick, but it’s worse because it refers to a female body part.  Pussy is usually used to an insult a guy, implying that he’s a wimp.  Most guys would rather be called a dick than a pussy.

4.  Bitch- This is the female version of bastard, except being compared to a dog is worse than being told you don’t have a legal father, and insulting a female is worse than insulting a male. Calling somebody a son of a bitch is more acceptable than calling a woman a bitch for the same reason.  It’s also worse to call a woman a bitch than it is to call a guy a pussy.

3.  Fuck- This is bad because it’s a blunt four-letter word for sexual activity. Saying “motherfucker” or “Fuck you” doesn’t make fuck much worse than when it’s used by itself.

2.  Goddamn- Maybe goddamn isn’t a word because it’s a form of damn, but people say this a lot, and god is not usually added to other bad words. Nobody says “Godshit” or “Godfuck.”  It’s just Goddamn.  Goddamn is worse than fuck because you’re invoking eternal damnation by the ultimate deity, and that’s worse than wishing fornication (even self-fornication or fornication with one’s mother) on somebody else.

1.  C***- Whoa! When I was a kid, you’d never say this word in front of adults.   In fact, I don’t know anybody who says this word on a regular basis.  Plus, it’s the female body part, and nobody with any respect is going to call out the female body part.  Plus, it ends with –unt, which is almost as bad as –uck.  C*** was worse than pussy because it’s four-letters and is usually directed at a female.  I’m not even willing to spell it out because I know if I had said it as a kid, I would have been disfigured by the punishment.  As an adult with a blog, I might be brave, but I’m not that brave.

Some might argue c*** shouldn’t be on the list because it’s rarely used.  I understand that, but I think it’s rarely said because it’s so bad.


There it is!  The ten (or more) worst words ranked in order.  What do you think?  What words do you think should be added to the list?  Which words do you think are ranked in the wrong order?

damn, jerk, ugly, stupid, fart knocker…. Or he could be legitimately swearing like a sailor, in which case he’d be using Elizabethan English: Block, stone, fool, beslubbering, bawdy, yeasty, vassal, rank, pox-marked, pus-filled, vagrant, tooth-spitting, filthy, villainous, wretch, etc.

Likewise, What swear words are allowed in PG 13?

If you’ve ever wondered why action films are edited down to PG-13 for the theater while the R-rated cut that makes it onto home video seems more like the version the director intended, that is the answer. And you can only say « fuck » once in a PG-13 rated film.

Also, Is Frick a bad word?

Frick isn’t a swear word. I know there are certain individuals who think c r a p is a swear word (even though it really isn’t), but “frick” isn’t a swear word by any sense of the meaning of “swear word”. No one is going to get offended by someone saying “frick”.

Secondly, What’s the baddest word?

‘Moist’ – a word apparently despised the world over – is about to be named the worst word in the English language. The word has emerged as a clear frontrunner in a global survey conducted by Oxford Dictionaries.

Furthermore What does the F word say? —used as a way to refer to the offensive word « fuck » without saying it or writing it He got in trouble for using the f-word on television.

Why are PG-13 movies allowed F-word?

The F-word rule came into practice with the creation of the PG-13 rating category in 1984. Since then, it has caused several filmmakers to make changes in the embryonic stages of making a movie to avoid an R rating, which limits the potential audience.

Can a PG movie have the F-word in it?

The restrictions set by the Us ratings board mean the F-word can only be used once in a PG-13 movie.

What is the most inappropriate PG-13 movie?

The Most Inappropriate PG Movies Of All Time

  • Sixteen Candles (1984) Sixteen Candles is a classic, but it really doesn’t belong in the PG category. …
  • Jaws (1975) …
  • Poltergeist (1982) …
  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) …
  • Ghostbusters (1984) …
  • The NeverEnding Story (1984) …
  • Grease (1978) …
  • Arthur (1981)

What is the D word?

The D-Word is an online community for professionals in the documentary film industry. … The name « D-Word » is defined as « industry euphemism for documentary, » as in: « We love your film but we don’t know how to sell it. It’s a d-word. » As of 2019 it has over 17,000 members in 130 countries.

Does freakin mean the F word?

Yes, “fricking” or “freaking” are basically milder substitutes for the “F-word”. They are thus LESS offensive than that word. But among people who do not use vulgar language, these words could still be offensive. …

What is the T word?

What parents need to know. Parents need to know that Laverne Cox Presents: The T Word is a documentary featuring transgender young adults speaking honestly about their lives. There’s no foul language, nudity, sex, drinking, or drugs.

What is the P word?

P word is a euphemism that may refer to the following: Paki, a derogatory term for a person from South Asia (particularly Pakistan), mainly used in the United Kingdom. Prostitute, considered an offensive term by most sex workers’ rights activists.

What is the H word?

h-word (plural h-words) (euphemistic) The word hell/Hell.

What is pg14?

Edit. TV-14. Programming rated TV-14 in the United States TV Parental Guidelines signifies content with parents strongly cautioned. It is equivalent to the MPAA film rating PG-13. Content may be unsuitable for minors younger than 14 years of age.

What is a PG-13 movie?

PG-13: Parents Strongly Cautioned, Some Material May Be Inappropriate for Children Under 13. This rating is a stronger caution for parents that content included may not be appropriate for children under 13 (pre-teen ages). This may include stronger language, extended violence or sexual situations and drug-use.

Are you allowed a F word in PG-13?

And in most cases, PG-13 movies only get one or two single uses of the infamous “F-word”. … That being said, there’s still restrictions on how the word can be used. It’s passable as an expletive, but not as a verb. The latter will shoot you straight into “R” territory.

Can a 11 year old watch a PG movie?

Yes. Unless your kids are particularly immature for their age, 11 is plenty old enough to watch PG-13 movies. The rating system overestimates the age range for movies because they want to avoid complaints. Most kids can watch PG-13 movies around 9 or 10.

What is allowed in a PG-13 movie?

A PG-13 motion picture may go beyond the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted R category.

How many swear words can a PG-13 movie have?

PG-13 – Parents Strongly Cautioned – Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. These films may contain sex references, up to four uses of explicit language, drug innuendo, strong crude/suggestive humor, mature themes, moderately long horror moments and/or moderate action violence.

What is rated R 13?

An “R-13” classification advises parents or supervising adults, as well as the would-be viewers themselves, that the film may contain any of the following: themes, language, violence, nudity, sex, horror, and drugs whose treatment may not be suitable for children below thirteen (13) years of age.

What is the most inappropriate animated movie?

Top 15 Most Inappropriate Animated Films

  • Heavy Metal (1981) R | 86 min | Animation, Adventure, Fantasy. …
  • Heavy Traffic (1973) R | 77 min | Animation, Comedy, Drama. …
  • Coonskin (1974) …
  • Tarzoon: Shame of the Jungle (1975) …
  • Fritz the Cat (1972) …
  • Hey Good Lookin’ (1982) …
  • American Pop (1981) …
  • Felidae (1994)

Why is Jaws not rated R?

There was no PG-13 then, and the MPAA ratings board was more lenient then with violence and gore (of which Jaws has quite a bit) and profanity and nudity (not really an issue in this case) in terms of how much a movie could get away with before the board slapped it with a more restrictive R rating.

What is the H word?

Welcome to the H-Word, a series dedicated to evaluating, challenging, and re-presenting sex worker portrayals in the media from a feminist, pro-sex worker (though not necessarily pro-sex work) stance. … And yes, the “H-Word” is hooker.

What is the G cuss word?

List of Curse Words Beginning With G. gay – homosexual. gayass – butt. gaybob – homosexual. gaydo – homosexual.

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The Collector

The Collector

3 недели назад

Bro why are all the comments from 7 years ago

Ethel Estrada

Ethel Estrada

1 год назад

HELLO niños!!!!!!!!! I am Pennywise but I’m afraid of clowns!!!!



1 год назад

Why do words even have to be bad like it’s just a word cmon

rebecca c.

rebecca c.

1 год назад

I don’t use «bad» words because my parents(and Christian society in general) considers them bad, and the Bible specifically says to «honor thy father and mother». I have also heard that some of them have bad meanings(such as the F word).

My view is that: yeah, those words are only «bad» because society has decided that they are. Buuuuuut…. now that society has decided that, they ARE bad words. So I won’t say them.

Also, do any other Christians get really irritated when cussing is bleeped out in movies…. but not using God’s name in vain? Like… that’s worse than the swearing!

Reno the gaming king

Reno the gaming king

1 год назад

Do not say k!k!



2 года назад

I miss this type of YouTube content…



2 года назад


James T. Moran

James T. Moran

2 года назад

The worst swear word is the C word not the F word! But the F bomb is probably the second worst curse word.



2 года назад

me again: what is ‘ducking’ wrong with my mother my mom: GET THE ‘duck’ OUT OF MY HOUSE



2 года назад

me when sees this: what the ‘duck’ is this my mom: WHAT DID YOU SAY YOUNG LADY me:……nothing my mom: GET RECKED B*TH

Zachary Sahuque

Zachary Sahuque

2 года назад

Young George Carlin



2 года назад

If you read the Anne of Green Gables books, it talks about their maid/housekeeper person saying «darn» and how much of a big deal it was, because it was considered a swear.:)

Linda Jennes

Linda Jennes

2 года назад

I just did this because my game wouldn’t work and I got to mad at it👿👿 the games Wildcraft

LSW35 Games

LSW35 Games

2 года назад

I’ve had people get mad at me for saying «darn» and «crap». I don’t know why. 🤷‍♂️

Queen Angelise

Queen Angelise

3 года назад

D I c. K

Marisa Harris

Marisa Harris

3 года назад

That’s bull shrimp



3 года назад

you dense cabbage

Victoria Soto

Victoria Soto

3 года назад

O i thought it was one of these:ki$@ cun@ cu! Bone$

«What the F***», or 5 most popular obscene English words

«What the F***», or 5 most popular obscene English words

  1. Most of us try to solve problems peacefully: somebody chooses negotiation (we wrote an article about it), somebody just takes a step back and apologizes. But sometimes there are situations, when it’s impossible to give up, and a small argument turns into a serious controversy. The mind is silent in such situations, and people use so-called obscene or swear words. They are what we are going to discuss in this article.
  3. You are going to talk about bad words? Is that even appropriate?

  5. Yes we are going to talk about them, and we don’t consider talking about them inappropriate. Bad words are just another part of the language, so there is no reason to be ashamed of talking about them.
  6. Interesting fact: bad words are 0.7% of all the words that an English-speaking person uses every day. Compare: pronouns (I, we, you, he and so on) are just 1% of the same number.
  7. Note: we don’t encourage you to use such words; we are talking about them strictly in educational purposes. Knowing and using are different things. Yes, bad words are first and foremost a way to express one’s emotions, but a well-educated person, who knows a language very well, can express any idea without using bad words.
  9. Why are bad words bad?

  11. Before we get to the words themselves, here is what we want to discuss: how come that the words we call bad today are bad? Is it some combination of sounds that makes them obscene?
  12. Actually, it’s not that complicated. Most bad words that we know today are a result of class difference. In medieval England the lower class, Saxons, spoke Germanic language, whereas the upper class, Normans, spoke a language, related to French and Latin. English, as we know it today, contains a lot of consequences of class difference. The lower class worked with animals, that’s where we have the names from (cow, pig, sheep). The upper class only ate those animals, so the names of meat come from their language (beef, pork, mutton, respectively).
  13. The same goes for bad words: socially acceptable defecate comes from Latin, and insulting shit comes from Germanic.
  14. Class differences are not the only reasons why bad words are bad. Some of the words were made up on purpose, some were originated from things people were afraid of or didn’t understand (death, disease, STDs).
  15. Negative attitude towards obscene vocabulary is normal — their being tabooed is what makes them «strong».
  16. More than that, bad words are developing just like everything else in a language. For instance, bloody shocked people in the beginning of XX century, but today Ron Weasley from «Harry Potter» series uses it all the time.
  19. Many people think that there aren’t many bad words in the English language, but it’s not true. There are quite a lot of them. We are going to tell you about the most popular of them.
  20. 1. F*ck (F*cking).
  21. This word today is not something shocking anymore: it can be used to the radio, on cable TV, and very widely in movies. Nevertheless, it’s a pretty strong word that has plenty of variations: fuck off, motherfucker, fuck over, fuck around, fuck up and many more. It’s often used to emphasize: «Why the f*ck did you do it?».
  22. 2.Shit.
  23. You can say this word having slipped and fallen on ice. Just like the previous example, shit can be heard on TV and in tv-series quite often. A derivative from shit is bullshit.
  24. 3.Damn.
  25. It’s often used like this: «Damn it!». A stronger form is goddamn. Just like f*ck, it can be used as an emphasis: «You are goddamn right!».
  26. 4.Hell.
  27. This word is used alone only in its first meaning — inferno. In all other cases it’s used as a part of an expression: Why the hell did you tell him that?», «Get the hell out of here».
  28. 5.B*tch.
  29. It’s usually used toward a woman, but a «Breaking Bad» character Jesse, used it for everything, no matter what. B*tch also has variations: b*tch around, b*tchy and some more.
  31. Of course, there are a lot of other bad words in the English language but we only wanted to tell you about the most popular ones. We’ll say it again: we are not promoting such words and we think they are offensive. But knowing them is important, because they are used very often in mass culture and in real life.
  32. Learn more about English with TreeWords!

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Oh fuck off.

Swearing is cool and fun and everybody should just fucking get on board with it because it’s the ruddy future.

Last year, Ofcom issued their categorisation of swear words in terms of offensiveness and it was a bit fucking timid to be honest.

So, let’s get down to it. I’ve picked 40 common swears and ranked them in order of delivery satisfaction, from least enjoyable to most satisfying to say.

40. Cow

If someone calls you a cow, regardless of whether they are Kat Slater or not, you cannot truly feel offended. Cows are beautiful and without them we would never have burgers. It’s the same as calling you a cattle, which is how posh people pronounce kettle so simmer down.

39. Damn

This isn’t even a swear word and I’m annoyed that I’ve included it in the list to be honest. It’s the most fire album of 2017 thanks to Kendrick Lamar, and I refuse to regard it as anything else. It’s also something a beaver builds, aside from lasting and meaningful friendships.

38. Crap

Anything that’s an anagram of ‘carp’ simply cannot be seen as threatening and that is firmly but fairly the law in this country. It literally means poop, which is a perfectly normal bodily function. When you’re under the age of 11 it feels like a really cool word to use, but then other 4-letter c-words barge their way into your vernacular.

37. Bloody

Unless you are describing the viscosity of blood, this ‘swear word’ is too tame to be taken seriously. It’s like a garnish for regular words, e.g. Those bloody beetroots are delicious, etc. There are far more adventurous bodily fluids that can be used to insult a person, if you ask me.

36. Sod

‘It was reported that the murderer appeared to fall into a blind violent rage after he was referred to as a sod’, is a sentence you will never hear in a court of law. Calling someone a sod is about as effective as calling them a clumptyduff, which is a word I just made up. You are a sod, Keith, a combination of turf and grass.

35. Bugger

Oh dear, the crumpets are out of date, well bugger our luck, Jeffrey. If you get your swearing tendencies from Downton Abbey, then this one is the curse word for you. I’m almost certain that a bugger is a person that has a large collection of insects and you’ll do well to convince me otherwise.

34. Git

Definitely more of a jokey nickname than a serious swear word, you simply cannot take someone seriously if in the heat of the moment, the best insult they can muster up is git. At best, it’s a typo of GIF. If someone had poisoned you and you were using your last dying breath to tell them what’s what, the last thing you’d call them is a git.

33. Arse

“I can’t believe you’ve burned down my house, you are such an arse”, said no one ever. The whole point of a swear word is to emphasise your emotions. By using another word for ‘bottom’, you’re unlikely to impress anyone by calling them an arse. If anything, you’ll be ridiculed for the rest of your natural life for using such a tame little word.

32. Bint

Watch out, we’ve got a badass over here. Throwing out words like bint is sure to get you locked up for crimes against banter, that’s for certain. It’s mostly used in relation to women, but, go with me on this one, imagine calling a man a bint. Well he’d just be devastated until the end of time to be on the receiving end of such a heated and cutting insult.

31. Munter

This word originated when someone mistyped punter. ‘But ‘m’ and ‘p’ are quite far apart on a keyboard’, I hear you say. Listen, I just make up these facts, not the logic behind them. Good luck ever getting your frustration across with a word like munter in your repertoire, you blatant Enid Blyton character.

30. Minger

TRUTH: I once watched an episode of University Challenge where one of the contestants’ surname was legitimately Minger. So when she buzzed in an answer, the voiceover would announcer her as ‘Queen’s University Minger’ and I’ve never laughed so much in my entire shitty life. I can’t find the footage but please can someone try harder than I have. It was gold.

[Ed: It literally took 5 seconds to find on google]

29. Balls

If you’re a little fraidy cat, maybe this word will offend you and also everyday things such as fresh air, water and flavoured yoghurts. Balls can refer to any number of things. One time, I read an article in a college paper and the writer was so afraid of balls that he/she wrote it as ‘b*lls’. THAT COULD’VE BEEN ANYTHING! That pervert could’ve rested his bills on your face for all we know.

28. Arsehole

Calling someone a literal part of their anatomy is never going to be a satisfying experience. ‘Ugh Ken mate you absolute elbow’. That’s him told. Ken’s never going to steal your wife again. Ken you’re such a pancreas mate. Ken you’re an ingrowing toenail. I am sure you can sense the sincerity of my insults by my spot on anatomical selections.

27. Bullshit

Although an undeniably great word, it’s not particularly effective. A word that we use more or less every day is inevitably going to lose its touch over time. I’ve described the most innocent of experiences as bullshit, such as a stain on my shirt or the threat of nuclear war. I need something more from a swear word. More finesse, less livestock excrement.

26. Pissed

I’d like to make my feelings perfectly clear on this word: Why can’t we give it one meaning. If someone is described as being pissed, it’s hard to determine whether they’re drunk or annoyed, or both. We need to settle on one definition and I’d like it to be in reference to insobriety. Glad I could get that off my chest. Thank you.

25. Shit

Let. Us. Challenge. Ourselves. To. Use. More. Inventive. Swear. Words. Shit just isn’t cutting the mustard for me anymore, we can do better. The world has gone to shit, so let’s not allow our vocabulary to do the same. Better words for shit include: turd, post-food, faeces, love package, and dump.

24. Jesus Christ

It’s just a man’s name FFS. If you were to drop a heavy object on your toe, you’re hardly going to shout ‘GRAHAM SMITH!’ Swear jars deserve better circumstances for being filled. Jesus Christ is not a swear word, nor should it be regarded as such. It gets a 0/10 for effectiveness.

23. Bitch

Schoolyard taunts were always retorted with: ‘A bitch is a female dog, dogs bark, bark comes from trees. and trees are beautiful so thanks for the compliment’. It was extremely extra but it distracted the bullies for long enough so you could Heely away from the situation rapidly. You wouldn’t call someone a pen (female swan) or a tigress (female antelope jk it’s a tiger).

22. Son of a bitch

Technically all male dogs are sons of bitches and I just won’t have a bad word said about a dog. Ever. This is a safe zone for dogs. Dogs are among our most popular readers here at JOE, and we are legally obligated to acknowledge that by making them feel comfortable and catered for. Who’s a good boy? You all are. Even the girl dogs too.

21. Bollocks

*sighs* It’s with a heavy heart I must announce that we’re back to the anatomy swearing again. Bollocks is just a fancier word for balls but we’re still dealing with the same premise. Please see number 29 above for my feelings on the matter.

20. Bellend

Yet more anatomical cursing. In terms of housekeeping, it’s nice that there’s one single word to describe the head of a penis, but I think users of swear words would actually find the term ‘penis head’ a far more satisfactory way to refer to someone that is precisely that. Try it yourself. Call someone a penis head today!

19. Tit

Again, you’re going to find that calling someone a boob is far more satisfactory than this allegedly vulgar term that Drake and Josh’s sister coined during that wonderful television show. Tit is also a type of bird, and probably more satisfying than calling someone a chaffinch.

18. Fanny

One time I met a girl on holidays and her name was legitimately Fanny, so I struggle to take this swear word seriously. Add to that, the fact that Americans use it to refer to an overall butt and we’re in a situation where the word has lost all credibility entirely. Geographically speaking, where even is the fanny?

17. Snatch

Here are my personal understandings of the word ‘snatch’ – it is a movie directed by Guy Ritchie and it is the act of grabbing something aggressively. I refuse to acknowledge it as any other meaning, let alone a swear word. Much like the current price of Freddos, it’s just not good enough.

16. Clunge

This particular swear word sounds like something a plumber would do with some weird looking tool when you’ve overloaded your toilet. ‘Yeah looks like it’s an easy enough job, I’ll just get behind the sink, give it a quick clunge and we’ll be good to go’. Also, calling someone a vagina is 100% more satisfying. That’s tried and tested.

15. Gash

I went to school with a girl whose surname was Gash, so I can’t now and never will take this curse word seriously. It also sounds too violent for the nature it’s intended to relate to. ‘The patient has suffered a serious gash, but is said to be in a stable condition’. Hah he suffered a vagina, what an idiot

14. Prick

A nurse’s warning before an injection is difficult to take seriously when used in a swear word capacity. Yes it’s also a word for penis, but at the same time it’s an effective method of drawing blood. For instance, pinch wouldn’t be a great swear word. ‘Fuck off Jeremy you utter pinch’.

13. Twat

Or as the Americans say, *shudders*, twot. It’s a decent swear word, especially if you really want to undermine someone without going the full monty and calling them the c-word. Twat is a lighter, more family friendly version of many insults that you can get away with if you don’t particularly fancy being murdered.

12. Punani

A fair recipient of the title Funniest Swear Word Ever, this particular curse is very versatile, it sounds like something off an Indian menu and can be shortened to ‘poon’ if you’re feeling adventurous. Unlike many of the above entries, punani is actually far more satisfactory than its true meaning – female genitalia. ‘Derek, you’re such a female genitalia’ doesn’t have as much oomph.

11. Pussy

This special curse word is a lot of fun because people, particularly the elderly, use it frequently without any malice intended. Many of us will have been subjected to our grandparents trying to get the cat indoors by saying ‘Here pussy’ and had to stifle our laughter. If a group of lads go on patrol in Magaluf but not for pussy, did they ever really go on patrol at all?

10. Minge

Definitely a French word for something like grapes, minge is a very decent swear word. It’s exotic, edgy and always a great grounds for outrageous graffiti. I’ve seen ‘Kelly has a smelly minge’ scrawled across more bathroom doors than I’ve seen it scrawled across hot dinners.

9. Cock

Despite one being on the front of a Corn Flakes box, cock is a really solid swear word. You can describe a situation as being cock, a person as being a cock and if you’re feeling particularly spicy, a group of people as a load of cock. Cocks literally make the world go round.

8. Knob

It’s the silent ‘k ‘ that really clinches this one. Any swear word for penis is typically a winner, as this top ten fully reflects. Knob, similar to number 11 in the list, is an everyday word that can often be used innocently which makes its appeal as a swear word even more so. Shoutout to the shop in Dublin that’s legitimately called ‘Knobs and Knockers’.

7. Dickhead

Close your eyes. Picture a person with an actual dick for a head. Open your eyes. Doesn’t the world feel brighter somehow? Like everything hasn’t quite fallen to pieces just yet. Every time you call someone a dickhead, an angel’s dick falls off. If you’re feeling particularly intellectual, you can call someone a Richard Cranium and see how long it takes for them to figure it out.

6. Dick

A shortened version of the aforementioned swear, dick is particularly excellent because it’s also a popular name among elderly men. I used to play tennis in a club where there were two coaches named Dick and Willy. Needless to say, it wasn’t long before I was asked to leave the premises and return when I’d matured. Still haven’t gone back tbh.

5. Bastard

People are called bastard all the time, with little regard to whether their parents were married at the time of their birth. Most of us know a few legitimate bastards, but mostly it’s the inauthentic bastards that get told what’s what. I’ll call anyone a bastard if they wrong me, so watch your back.

4. Fuck

The average adult uses this word upwards of 200 times a day, 400 if they’re working in an office environment, or with children. Everything about the word ‘fuck’ is perfect. Fuck you, fuck me, fuck him, fuck her, fuck you (plural), fuck us, fuck them, fuck everything. Fuck.

3. Motherfucker

In the business of swearing, things are taken to a slightly edgier level when you bring a parent into it. Technically, everyone’s dad is a motherfucker, but in my experience, they don’t enjoy being made aware of this fact. In instances of extreme frustration, motherfucker, at a beefy four syllables long, can offer the desired release.

2. Wanker

Most people are wankers, it’s a perfectly normal thing to do. But for some reason, folks aren’t too keen on being reminded of that, particularly those in a position of power such as parents, teachers and members of the clergy. If you combine the appropriate hand gesture with wanker, you’re onto a winner.

1. Cunt

I felt nervous even typing this word. Cunt is the one of the few swear words that’s just an absolute no go in many situations. In my house, you can get away with a decent selection of bad swears, but if you even so much as try to drop a C-bomb, you’ll be emancipated by sundown.

Cunt is versatile, it’s forceful and the combination of the harsh ‘C’ and ending with a sharp ‘T’ is borderline sexual. It’s the ultimate insult. Ideally, I’d like to live in a world where it’s socially acceptable to use the world wherever and whenever you like. I want to jokingly call my employer a cunt when he says my language is disgraceful – and not get fired this time.

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