What is the word will in french

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

Such important goals can be achieved should the political will exist.

Ces importants objectifs peuvent être atteints avec de la volonté politique.

It has affirmed our collective will to build a better future.

Elle a affirmé notre volonté collective de bâtir un avenir meilleur.

Their success often depended upon the political will of national authorities.

Leur succès dépendait souvent de la volonté politique des autorités nationales.

Public reports will be issued on the findings of this exercise.

Des rapports publics seront publiés sur les conclusions de ces activités.

This solution will support more efficient and specialized project management.

Cette solution favorise une gestion des projets plus efficace et plus spécialisée.

It contains elements that we will study with the necessary care.

Il contient des éléments que nous étudierons avec l’attention nécessaire.

This will continue to be an area requiring sustained research and innovation.

Ce domaine nécessitera encore des recherches et des innovations soutenues.

Therefore, the mechanisms will not appear credible to the victims.

Ces mécanismes ne peuvent donc pas être crédibles pour les victimes.

Those important messages will guide our work in the period ahead.

Ces importants messages inspireront notre action dans la période à venir.

All three technical assistance programmes will remain in operation in 2007.

Ces trois programmes d’assistance technique demeureront en vigueur en 2007.

Each of these proposals will be preceded by a thorough impact assessment.

Toute proposition sera précédée par une profonde analyse d’impact.

Tomorrow afternoon we will have a round table on nuclear disarmament.

Demain après-midi nous aurons une table ronde sur le désarmement nucléaire.

Five million families will be able to benefit from microcredit programmes.

Cinq millions de familles pourront bénéficier de ces programmes de microcrédit.

The skills inventory is an exercise that will last several months.

L’inventaire des compétences est une opération qui durera plusieurs mois.

The changes will be implemented according to the regular budget cycle.

Les changements seront introduits en suivant le cycle du budget ordinaire.

Regional integration will free us from the domination of those banks.

L’intégration régionale nous affranchira de la domination de ces banques.

This process will result an important effect in reducing civilian casualties.

Ce processus contribuera à réduire fortement le nombre de victimes civiles.

I remain hopeful that they will resolve the pending issues quickly.

Je garde l’espoir qu’elles règleront rapidement les questions pendantes.

Sectoral action will be structured around the main strategies described below.

L’action sectorielle s’articulera autour des principales stratégies décrites ci-après.

The revival of the extracting industries will also benefit the subregion.

Le nouvel essor des industries extractives bénéficiera également à la sous-région.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the verb for I will in French?
  2. Is there a word for Will in French?
  3. How do you say she can in French?
  4. Can I say puis-je?
  5. Is puis-je correct?
  6. What is Je peux je veux?
  7. What is the past tense of ache?
  8. What type of verb is se Promener?
  9. Is se Promener a reflexive verb?
  10. How do you use Promener?
  11. What is the difference between SE Promener and Promener?
  12. What is the meaning of Promener in English?
  13. How do you use SE Promener in a sentence?

Request. When used to form a request, such as will you help me?, a common equivalent in French is to use the verb vouloir which is followed directly by an infinitive.

Is there a word for Will in French?

Note that in French, there is no translation for the often-used “will” in English. The future tense is one entity; more specifically, it is made of the entire verb plus an ending, depending on what subject is being used. Here’s an example of how the future perfect tense is used: Demain, j’aurai déjà lu mon livre.

How do you say she can in French?

The French phrases for “he can” and “she can” are il peut and elle peut: in this case, the final -x changes to a -t in the spelling. So to say “she can help”, this would be elle peut aider.

Can I say puis-je?

Je peux becomes Puis-je (Can I?) in questions where the subject and verb are inverted (we can’t write or say Peux-je). This form of the verb comes from an older style of conjugating the verb pouvoir.

Is puis-je correct?

Je puis is so formal that it is almost never used, orally or written. Puis-je (Est-ce que je peux) is however highly recommended to use in a written formal question, for Est-ce que je peux may seem a bit too familiar. Orally, both are acceptable in a formal situation, puis-je being a little bit more polite.

What is Je peux je veux?

I believe I believe I believe.

What is the past tense of ache?

ache ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌

present tense
I/you/we/they ache
he/she/it aches
present participle aching
past tense ached

What type of verb is se Promener?


Is se Promener a reflexive verb?

Reflexive “se promener” is thus “to take oneself for a walk” i.e, “to have a walk”, which is different from “to walk”. “Se promener” means to take a walk, so its meaning is more specific than “marcher”. Think of the sentence “I washed myself”, it uses the verb “to wash oneself” which is reflexive.

How do you use Promener?

promener (non pronominal) is a transitive verb: you’re making someone having a walk with you, you’re guiding them. I’d just add a precision : in some contexts, se promener can be in other means than by foot.

What is the difference between SE Promener and Promener?

Se promener is when you are rambling, on your own or with friends. Promener is when you take out a friend, dog (on promène le chien).

What is the meaning of Promener in English?

verb. stroll [verb] to walk or wander without hurry.

How do you use SE Promener in a sentence?

Se promener means to take a walk / to walk, wander around. It’s literally “to walk oneself” : Je me promène dans le parc avec Julie. I’m taking a walk in the park with Julie.

I will make you enjoy every day at sea.

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Je saurai vous faire apprécier chaque sortie.

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You will serve it without me, and I will do without you.

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Vous les ferez sans moi, et moi je saurai me passer de vous.

You bring my daughter back to me alive and I will award you, handsomely!

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Ramène-moi ma fille vivante et je saurai te récompenser!

And neither will you, unless you dig a whole lot deeper.

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Et tu ne sauras pas non plus, à moins de creuser beaucoup plus.

You will never understand how much your belief in me means.

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Tu ne sauras jamais ce que ta foi en moi représente.

And you will never have to bury me like I did him.

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Et tu ne sauras pas ce que c’est d’enterrer soi-même son père.

But you will never figure out where Judas sits during lunch.

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Mais tu ne sauras jamais ou s’assied Judas pendant le repas.

While you, lik e the wind, will never know yours.

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Tel le vent, tu ne sauras jamais celle qui est la tienne.

That you will make them respect you.

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Que tu sauras te faire respecter.

I hang up, and you will never know what I know about Mikhail.

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Je raccroche, et tu ne sauras jamais ce que je sais sur Mikhail.

The thing is, you will never really know

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Mais tu ne sauras jamais à quel point je t’aime.

You’re a big boy. You will figure it out.

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T’es un grand garçon, tu sauras te débrouiller.

If something happens to me, will you love her?

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S’il m’arrive malheur, tu sauras l’aimer?

If I tell you a secret, will you keep it?

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Si je te confie un secret, tu sauras le garder?

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If you’re your father’s son, you will defend yourself.

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Si tu es bien le fils de ton père, tu sauras te défendre.

Plus, if you kill me, you will never know what I know.

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Et si tu me tues, tu ne sauras jamais ce que je sais.

You’re a bright girl. You will figure it out.

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Tu es intelligente, tu sauras te débrouiller.

If i help you out, you will never learn to do this on your own.

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Si je t’aide, tu ne sauras jamais le faire seule.

Have you decided when you will tell the others?

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T’as décidé quand tu allais en parler aux autres?

Will you pay this for me tomorrow, before coming to the shop?

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Tu irais payer ça pour moi demain, avant de venir?

You will starve and freeze?

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Que tu allais mourir de faim et de froid?

Will they find the real culprit?

We will also be happy to offer you a shuttle to the airport.

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Nous faisons également un plaisir de vous proposer un transfert de et vers l’aéroport.

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Which you will probably scratch off on the first

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Tu iras sûrement te frotter contre la première bûche venue.

Whatever you do, he will refuse to go now.

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Même si vous le permettez, il refusera maintenant.

I have decided, that you will ask for my hand in marriage.

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J’ai decidé que vous alliez demander ma main en marriage.

However, I will up and leave when,

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Mais je m’en irai où et quand je voudrai.

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Inflections of ‘will‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v aux present
v aux past (Used to convey both past and conditional senses)

WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2023:

Principales traductions
Anglais Français
will⇒ v aux (future: prediction or schedule) (futur de l’indicatif)
   (intention, futur proche) aller + [infinitif] v aux
  I will cook dinner tomorrow. Her birthday will be on a Sunday next year.
  C’est moi qui ferai le dîner demain. Son anniversaire tombera un dimanche l’année prochaine.
  Je vais faire le dîner.
will n (law: testament) (Droit) testament nm
   (Droit) dernières volontés nfpl
  Her father left her the house in his will.
  Son père lui a laissé sa maison dans son testament.
  Dans ses dernières volontés, son père lui a laissé la maison.
will n (determination) volonté, détermination nf
  She accomplished the task through sheer will.
  Elle a réussi par simple volonté.
Traductions supplémentaires
Anglais Français
will n (faculty of conscious decisions) volonté nf
   (Psychologie, Philosophie) volition nf
  The power of the will often exceeds logic.
  La force de la volonté dépasse souvent toute logique.
  La force de la volition dépasse souvent toute logique.
will n (wish) (souhait exprimé) volonté nf
  She went against her father’s will and married the musician.
  Elle est allée à l’encontre de la volonté de son père et a épousé le musicien.
will n (volition) volonté nf
  My grandmother says that what happens is God’s will.
  Ma grand-mère dit que ce qui s’est passé est le fait de la volonté divine.
will n with qualifying adjective (disposition) to bear sb ill will : en vouloir à [qqn] nf
  I bear him no ill will, in spite of what he has done.
  Je ne lui en veux pas, malgré tout ce qu’il a fait.
will v aux (be willing or disposed to) (futur de l’indicatif)
    être prêt à, être disposé à loc v
  The elderly will sacrifice for their grandchildren if they have to.
  Les personnes âgées se sacrifieront pour leurs petits-enfants s’il le faut.
  Les personnes âgées sont prêtes (or: sont disposées) à se sacrifier pour leurs petits-enfants s’il le faut.
will v aux (be required or expected to) (obligation) devoir v aux
  You will present yourself to the commanding officer immediately.
  Vous devez vous présenter au commandant immédiatement.
will v aux (may be expected to) sûrement adv
  She will not have given up hope, as he was only reported missing this morning.
  Elle n’a sûrement pas perdu espoir, car sa disparition n’a été signalée que ce matin.
will v aux (may be supposed to) (supposition) devoir v aux
   (changement de sujet) supposer⇒ vtr
  This will be the place, at least if I have understood the directions.
  Ça doit être là, si j’ai bien compris l’itinéraire.
  Je suppose que c’est ici, du moins si j’ai bien compris les instructions.
will v aux (be sure to) (présent : comportement sûr, à prévoir)
  Most people talk about helping others, but will take good care of themselves first.
  La plupart des gens parlent d’aider les autres, mais prennent bien soin d’eux-mêmes avant tout.
will v aux (habitual action) (habitude) toujours adv
  They will forget to wash at least some of the pots.
  Ils oublient toujours de laver des casseroles.
will v aux negative (ability) (sens négatif : impossibilité) vouloir v aux
  The lock will not open.
  Cette serrure ne veut pas s’ouvrir (or: ne s’ouvre pas).
will v aux (be determined to) (au futur de l’indicatif) faire⇒ vtr
  «From our very first date I’ve wanted to marry her, and I will», he thought.
  «Depuis notre premier rendez-vous, je veux l’épouser, et je le ferai», pensa-t-il.
will [sb/sth] to do [sth] v expr (try to influence with thoughts) mettre toute sa volonté pour que [qqn/qch] fasse [qch] loc v
  He willed the plant to survive, but it withered in the drought.
  Il a mis toute sa volonté pour que la plante survive, mais elle s’est fanée pendant la sécheresse.
will [sth] vtr literary (wish, want) (désir) vouloir⇒ vtr
  Do what you will! I’m leaving in five minutes.
  Fais ce que tu veux ! Moi, je pars dans cinq minutes.
will [sth] vtr (bring willpower to bear on) (volonté) vouloir⇒ vtr
  If the runner wills it enough, he could break the record.
  Si le coureur le veut suffisamment, il battra le record.
will [sth] to happen⇒ vtr (make happen by wishing) vouloir⇒ vtr
  It doesn’t just happen. You need to will it to happen.
  Il faut le vouloir pour que cela se produise.
will [sth] to [sb] vtr (bequeath) (par testament) léguer [qch] à [qqn] vtr + prép
  She didn’t will anything to her family, and left her estate to charity.
  Elle ne légua rien à sa famille et laissa sa fortune à des associations caritatives.

WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2023:

Formes composées
Anglais Français
against his will,
against her will
(in opposition to wishes) contre son gré loc adv
  Abby was taken to the cabin in the woods against her will.
as you will adv archaic (expressing obedience: as you wish) à ta guise adv
  You may do as you will, but that does not mean your actions will be right.
at will adv (whenever wished) à mon/ton/son gré adv
  She just comes and goes at will.
  Elle agit à son gré.
    quand bon me/te/lui/… semble loc adv
  Elle agit comme bon lui semble
with the best will,
with the best will in the world
(no matter how hard you try) avec toute la volonté du monde, avec toute la bonne volonté du monde expr
  With the best will in the world, that alley cat is never going to win any prizes at a cat show.
  Avec toute la volonté du monde, ce chat de gouttière ne remportera jamais de prix à une exposition féline.
bow [sb] to your will v expr (force to obey) soumettre [qqn] à sa volonté loc v
do [sb]‘s will v expr (carry out [sb]‘s instructions) agir selon la volonté de [qqn] loc v
    exécuter la volonté de [qqn] loc v
force of will n (determination) volonté nf
  Marcus isn’t naturally good with numbers. It was really difficult for him to get a degree in math, but he succeeded through sheer force of will.
  Marcus n’est pas naturellement bon avec les chiffres. Il a vraiment peiné pour obtenir une licence de maths, mais il a réussi par sa seule volonté.
free will n (choice, freedom to choose) libre arbitre nm
  Are all things preordained by God or does the individual have free will?
  Est-ce que toutes les choses sont prédéterminées par Dieu, ou est-ce que l’individu dispose de libre arbitre ?
God’s will n figurative ([sth] predetermined or meant to be) destin nm
God’s will n ([sth] determined by God) volonté de Dieu nm
  Elle pense que tout arrive par la volonté de Dieu.
goodwill n (kindness) bonne volonté nf
   (dans certains cas) sympathie, bienveillance, gentillesse nf
  We helped the neighbors repair their fence as a gesture of goodwill.
  Nous avons aidé les voisins à réparer leur barrière en signe de bonne volonté.
goodwill n (consent, willingness) bonne volonté nf
  Very few people pay their taxes with complete goodwill.
  Très peu de gens payent leurs impôts de bonne volonté.
goodwill n (business asset) (Commerce) fonds commercial nm
  The price of the business reflects both tangible assets and goodwill.
  Le prix de ce commerce reflète a la fois les capitaux tangibles et le fonds commercial.
Heads will roll expr figurative (People will be fired) Des têtes vont tomber. expr
  Heads will roll when the manager finds out who broke the machine.
  Des têtes vont tomber quand le directeur va trouver qui a cassé la machine.
I will interj (marriage vow) (au mariage) oui adv
   (rare en France) je le veux expr
  «Abigail Smith, will you promise to love this man and be faithful?» «I will.»
  — Abigail Smith, promettez-vous d’aimer cet homme et de lui être fidèle ? — Oui.
I will miss you,
I’ll miss you
(I will feel your absence) tu vas me manquer, vous allez me manquer expr
  Goodbye, son. I’ll miss you.
  Au revoir, mon fils. Tu vas me manquer.
if you will adv (in other words, so to speak) pour ainsi dire loc adv
  Il a perdu tout son argent aux courses, il est pour ainsi dire ruiné.
if you will adv (polite request) si cela ne vous dérange pas
ill will n (resentment, bad feeling) rancœur, rancune nf
  There is clearly a feeling of ill will between the two politicians.
  Il y a visiblement de la rancœur entre les deux hommes politiques.
iron will n (stubbornness, determination) volonté de fer nf
  She governs the country with an iron will. My sister has an iron will when it comes to physical fitness.
  Elle gouverne le pays avec une volonté de fer. Ma sœur dispose d’une volonté de fer pour tout ce qui activité physique.
    détermination implacable nf
  Elle gouverne le pays avec une détermination implacable.
it will be so expr (this is indisputably going to happen) il en sera ainsi
  If your mother says you have to go to bed early, it will be so.
living will n (legal statement of long-term wishes) (France, sur sa fin de vie) directives anticipées nfpl
   (Can, Belg) testament de vie nm
make a will v expr (write testament bequeathing property) faire un testament loc v
murder will out expr figurative (secret will eventually be exposed) tout se sait un jour ou l’autre expr
    tout finit par se savoir expr
notarial will n (law: will before notary) (Droit) testament notarié nm
nuncupative will n (law: verbal will) (Droit : dicté) testament nuncupatif nm
of your own free will expr (out of choice) de son plein gré expr
  Do you marry this man of your own free will? I retired of my own free will; I was not fired.
  Voulez-vous épouser cet homme de votre plein gré ? J’ai pris ma retraite de mon plein gré, je n’ai pas été renvoyé.
only time will tell expr (will know in the future) Seul l’avenir le dira expr
    Seul le temps (nous) le dira expr
  Whether or not the football player recovers from his injury—only time will tell.
own free will n (personal choice) (son) plein gré nm
    (son) propre chef nm
  It was my own free will to start this project so I can’t blame anyone else when things get tough.
  J’ai commencé ce projet de mon propre chef et je ne peux donc rejeter la faute sur personne quand ça se complique.
partnership at will n (law: can be dissolved without liability) libre partenariat nm
revocation of will n (law: void, destroy) révocation d’un testament nf
self-will n (adherence to own desires) volonté nf
strength of will n (determination) volonté nf
  She was horribly tired, but forced her feet to move by sheer strength of will.
    force d’esprit nf
tenancy at will n (law: without lease) location à discrétion nf
That will do the job. interj informal (that will suffice) Ça fera l’affaire
  That’ll do the job until you can get to a proper mechanic.
  Ça fera l’affaire jusqu’à ce que tu trouves un vrai mécanicien.
Time will tell expr ([sth] will be revealed) l’avenir nous le dira expr
    qui vivra verra expr
   (familier) on verra bien expr
What will be will be. expr (expressing acceptance of future) Advienne que pourra. expr
   (espagnol) Que sera sera. expr
will do interj informal (expressing agreement to do [sth]) je vais le faire loc v
    d’accord interj
   (familier) t’inquiète interj
  “Joe, please take out the garbage.” «Will do, Mom!»
  « Joe, sors les poubelles, s’il te plaît. » « Je vais le faire, maman ! »
  « Joe, s’il te plaît sors les poubelles, s’il te plaît. » « T’inquiète, maman ! »
will power n (determination) volonté nf
  I’d like to give up smoking but unfortunately don’t have the will power.
  J’aimerais arrêter de fumer mais je n’ai pas assez de volonté.
will to power (philosophy) (Philosophie) volonté de puissance nf
ignis fatuus,
friar’s lantern,
(ghost light) (figuré, personne surtout) feu follet nm
   (figuré) miroir aux alouettes nm
will-o’-the-wisp n figurative ([sth/sb] elusive) feu follet nm
ignis fatuus,
friar’s lantern,
n as adj
(relating to a ghost light) feu follet nm
   (soutenu) chimérique adj
  Strange will-o’-the-wisp lights moved over the marshes at night.

French Future Tense: The Clever Guide

Reading time: 8 minutes 

Difficulty: Beginner- Intermediate

Conjugating verbs can be one of the most difficult topics to learn. But before you start to shudder or crawl under your bed in fear of what’s going to happen next, let me assure you that this topic is written as simply as possible for the convenience of newbie French learners.

Besides, French future tense is not  too complicated to learn. Good news, no?

Since we’ll be talking about the Future tense, let us first define what it is.

The future tense is a verb tense that we use to talk about something that will happen in the future, or something that will be true.

french future tense Le Futur

In English

  • The future tense in English can be identified with the word ‘will’ or ‘shall’ that comes before the verb. It can also appear with its shortened form ‘ll.                  Examples:                What will you do?                What shall we do?                I’ll think of something.
  • In addition, English also has progressive forms of the future tense (future progressive tense) which is used to indicate something that will be happening in the future. It is formed by using ‘will’ or ‘shall’ together with ‘be’ and the present participle of the verb.


What will you be doing then?

                I’ll be running at the park.

                He will be asking her out on a date.

  • The word ‘going to’ followed by a verb is used to say something that will happen in the near future.


                I am going to eat a sandwich.

                He is going to attend the meeting.

In French

  • French future tenses do not use an equivalent of the English word ‘will’ or ‘shall’ to indicate a future event. Instead, the ending of the verb is changed to make it into a one-word form of the future tense.
  • Just like in English, the present tense can also be used to tell something that hasn’t happened yet.


Je prends le train de neuf heures. (I’m taking the nine o’clock train.)

  • French also uses an equivalent of the English ‘going to’ to talk about something that will happen in the near future. For this, the verb aller (which means ‘to go’) followed by a verb is used.


Tu vas tomber si tu continues. (You’re going to fall if you carry on.)

Il va manquer le train. (He’s going to miss the train.)


Here are some things to remember about the future tense when speaking in French:

  • In simple statements or informal speech, French often uses the present tense to tell something that’s going to happen in the close future. This happens by using the commonly used verb aller. (example: je vais revenir (I’m going to come back.)
  • In formal language such as in journalism or in narration of factual events, the future tense is often used.
  • It can also be used in making polite requests.
  • The French future tense is often used with these words:

— demain (tomorrow)

— ce soir (tonight)

— la semaine prochaine (next week)

— le mois prochain (next month)

— le week-end prochain (next weekend)

— l’année prochaine (next year)

— plus tard (later)

— bientôt (soon)

Rules on How to Form the Future Tense

  • Most verbs in the future tense consist of this format: the infinitive (or the regular form of the verb) + an ending similar to that of the present tense of avoir (have) – -ai,-as,-a,-ons,-ez,-ont.
  • It is formed with a “future stem” which is basically similar to the infinitive, combined with an ending that is dependent on the subject.

Some examples: donner (to give), finir (to finish), and attendre (to wait)

Pronoun Ending Add to “future stem” What it means
je (j’) -ai je donnerai
je finirai
I will give
I will finish
I will wait
tu -as tu donneras
tu finiras
tu attendras
you will give
you will finish
you will wait
-a il/elle/on donnera
il/elle/on finira
il/elle/on attendra
he/she/it/one will give
he/she/it/ one will finish
he/she/it/one will wait
nous -ons nous donnerons
nous finirons
nous attendrons
we will give
we will finish
we will wait
vous -ez vous donnerez
vous finirez
vous attendrez
you will give
you will finish
you will wait
-ont ils/ elles donneront they will give

Quick tip: je is shortened to j’ when preceding a word that begins with a vowel, h, or the French word y.

To make our discussion easier, we will further divide the rules into 3:

  1. Rules for regular verbs with -er and -ir endings
  2. Rules for regular verbs with -re endings
  3. Rules for irregular verbs

Rules for regular verbs with -er and -ir endings

The simplest of the verbs, all you have to do is use the infinitive form and add the correct ending. Examples are such as the ones used above for donner and finir.

Some changes in spelling for the future stem of regular -er verbs:

  • The consonants ‘l’ and ‘t’ in those  verbs which end in -eler and -eter get doubled. For example: appeler becomes appeller, while jeter becomes jetter. The pronunciation of the first letter e also changes from ‘uhr’ to ‘eh’. Exceptions are the words geler (to freeze), peler (to peel) and acheter (to buy).
  • For verbs that end in -yer, the y often becomes i when used in the future tense. For example: nettoyer (to clean) becomes nettoier.

Rules for regular verbs with -re endings

For these kinds of verbs, the formula is simple: remove the last letter e, and add the appropriate ending. An example is the word attendre used in the examples on the table above.

Rules for irregular verbs

Just like always, there are sets of words which simply refuse to follow the rules. These irregular verbs are, of course, also present in the French future tense.

There are around more than twenty verbs with irregular future stems. But don’t worry because no matter how irregular these verbs are, they still make use of the same endings.

Here are some examples:

The verb avoir becomes  aurai, auras, aura, aurons, aurez, auront

The verb être becomes serai, seras, sera, serons, serez, seront

The verb faire becomes ferai, feras, fera, ferons, ferez, feront

The verb aller becomes irai, iras, ira, irons, irez, iront

Quick Recap

Before we end this topic, here is a quick review of what we have just learned:

  • In informal speech and simple statements, the present tense can be used to talk about a future event.
  • The verb aller (which means to go) can be used in sentences that talk about what will happen in the immediate future. This is similar to the English use of “going to” (e.g. I’m going to clean the room.)
  • For regular verbs ending in -er, -ir and, -re, the future stem is the same as the infinitive but the last -e in -re endings are removed.
  • The future tense endings are -ai, -as, -a, ons, ez, -ont and it is dependent on the subject.
  • Feel free to come back to this page as often as you like in order to familiarize yourself with the rules. For other lessons on learning French, you can also check out the other articles in this website.

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