What is the word together

вместе, друг с другом, одновременно, собранный, тесно связанный, неразлучный


- вместе; совместно; сообща

Now all together. — A теперь все вместе.
to act together — действовать сообща
to go for a walk together — прогуляться вместе
to take a decision together — принять совместное решение
We stand or fall together. — Мы вместе и в радости, и в горе.

- (with) вместе с; в добавление к; наряду с

to send a letter together with a parcel — посылать письмо вместе с посылкой

- в одну группу; воедино

to get together — а) собирать; б) собираться; в) договориться; г) накоплять; д) объединяться
to call together — созывать /собирать/ вместе
to sew two pieces of cloth together — сшивать два куска материи
to bring the blades of a pair of scissors together — закрыть ножницы, соединить лезвия ножниц
to join together — объединять(ся), связывать(ся), соединять(ся)
to add together — разг. прибавлять, складывать

- друг с другом

to fight together — драться друг с другом
compared together — сравнивая одно с другим
to knock /to strike/ together — сталкивать друг с другом; ударять одно о другое

- одновременно

to come /to occur, to happen/ together — происходить одновременно
We arrived together. — Мы приехали одновременно.
We arrived together with our host. — Мы приехали в одно время с нашим хозяином.
Rain and snow were falling together. — Шёл снег вперемешку с дождём.

- разг. подряд; непрерывно

He never slept twice together in the same apartment. — Он никогда не ночевал две ночи подряд в одной и той же квартире.
for hours together — часами
to work for several days and nights together — работать несколько дней и ночей без перерыва /подряд/

- вместе взятые

Together they won only 21% of the votes. — Вместе они завоевали всего двадцать один процент голосов.
This book costs more than all the others together. — Эта книга стоит дороже, чем все остальные вместе взятые.

- в браке; в романтических отношениях

She knew better than anybody who and who were together. — Она знала лучше других, кто с кем живёт или встречается.
When did the Petersons get back together? — Когда это Питерсоны снова сошлись?
Are those two together? — Эти двое — пара?


- разг. тесно связанный, неразлучный

They are a very together pair. — Эти двое совершенно неразлучны.

- спокойный, уравновешенный; собранный; удовлетворённый; организованный

She’s one of the most together people I know. — Она одна из самых организованных людей, которых я знаю.
a very together person — очень уравновешенный /собранный/ человек
to be looking together — иметь удовлетворённый вид

Мои примеры


two sticks of dynamite bound together by tape — две динамитные шашки, связанные вместе лентой  
to keep body and soul together — кое-как сводить концы с концами  
to clamp together — прижимать, сжимать  
to clang glasses together — чокаться, звенеть стаканами  
to come closer together — подойти ближе друг к другу  
to cluster together — собираться вместе  
coming together — сближение  
to cuddle up together — прижаться друг к другу  
a book hastily thrown together — наспех составленная книга  
fix brick together — класть кирпич вперевязку  
chum together — жить вместе в одной комнате  

Примеры с переводом

They came together.

Они пришли вместе.

Once more all together!

Ещё раз, все вместе!

We enjoy spending time together.

Нам очень нравится проводить время вместе.

Mix the butter and sugar together.

Смешайте сливочное масло с сахаром.

He’s a very together person.

Он очень уравновешенный человек.

Her back aches if she sits up for long together.

У неё начинает болеть спина, если она долго сидит прямо.

Together we can win.

Залог нашей победы — в единстве.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

altogether  — целое, в целом, совсем, всего, совершенно, вполне
togetherness  — чувство единства, близость, духовное единение, единство душ

What is the meaning of the word together?

into or in union, proximity, contact, or collision, as two or more things: to sew things together. into or in relationship, association, business, or agreement, etc., as two or more persons: to bring strangers together.

What does have a together mean?

To be well-prepared and organized for something, especially mentally.

What kind of word is together?


Is together a phrase?

The definition of together is in the same place or a person who is stable or in touch with reality. An example of together used as an adjective is the phrase “the children are together” in the picture. Together is defined as in or into one unit, or at the same time.

Where do you put together in a sentence?

(1) We have put together an anthology of children’s poetry. (2) These shelves are very easy to put together – you can’t go wrong. (3) The university was put together by stages. (4) He’s put together a magnificent break.

Where do we use together in a sentence?

Together sentence example

  • Together they led her away.
  • Now that they were all together , it would be a good time to tell them.
  • They studied together at the library on Wednesday evenings.
  • I’m sorry I involved you but we’re in this together ; the five of us.

How do you spell together?

Correct spelling for the English word “together” is [təɡˈɛðə], [təɡˈɛðə], [t_ə_ɡ_ˈɛ_ð_ə] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Is it togather or together?

The main difference between Togather and Together is that the Togather is a misspelling of together and Together is at the same time, in the same place; in close association or proximity. At the same time, in the same place; in close association or proximity.

What does cooperatively mean?

adjective. working or acting together willingly for a common purpose or benefit. demonstrating a willingness to cooperate: The librarian was cooperative in helping us find the book.

What’s another word for cooperatively?

What is another word for cooperatively?

in conjunction conjointly
collectively mutually
collaboratively unitedly
combinedly commonly
communally conjunctly

What does hardheaded mean?

1 : stubborn, willful. 2 : concerned with or involving practical considerations : sober, realistic some hardheaded advice a hardheaded observer of winds and tides.

What is the meaning of egotistical?

: characterized by egotism : having, showing, or arising from an exaggerated sense of self-importance an egotistical person/attitude/manner …

Is ego and selfish the same?

is that selfishness is the quality of being selfish, the condition of putting one’s own interests before those of others while egoism is the tendency to think of self and self-interest.

How can you tell if someone is egotistical?

Signs of a big ego include high self-confidence, blindness to personal flaws, focus on self over others, and difficulty seeing other points of view. Others may find such a person’s egotism an annoying trait. It’s worth noting, however, that egotistical behavior does not necessarily indicate narcissism.

Is egotistical positive or negative?

People with a healthy ego are adaptable to the changing tides of the business world. Although the word ego often carries a negative connotation – as in egocentric or egotistical — in actuality, the ego has both positive and negative aspects.

What are the disadvantages of ego?

10 Reasons Why ‘Too Much Ego’ Will Ruin Your Life

  • It makes you less compassionate.
  • It pushes people away from you.
  • It stops you from growing.
  • It blocks love from coming into your life.
  • It makes you irrational.
  • It makes you competitive in an unhealthy way.
  • It makes you critical.
  • It makes you greedy.

Is the ego good or bad?

One study found that healthy doses of ego directly feed into your willpower, which means, it might help you stick to a diet or focus on a major project, for example. An ego can also help you stay resilient when things go wrong, according to Bentley. When deployed properly, an ego can also help us grow.

What is a fragile ego?

3255 replies. Answer has 6 votes. One meaning of ‘ego’ is a person’s opinion of his or her own worth; someone with a fragile ego has a sense of self that lacks confidence, who is easily caused to hold themselves in low esteem.

What do you call someone with a fragile ego?

You have fragile ego The stereotype of a narcissist is that they are completely self-centred and full of themselves. Although the narcissist feels superior to others they’re generally unsatisfied with themselves, therefore they don’t take criticism very well and get angry or upset with knock-backs.

What is the male ego?

Learn the basic characteristics of the socially constructed male ego. The male ego is driven by recognition, attention, and action. Men are assumed to be more active beings who do important things (such as political leaders, soldiers, scientists, etc.) and who are deserving of attention by others.

What does a fragile ego look like?

If a person has a fragile ego, he or she is always (probably unconsciously) looking for validation. The person with a fragile ego has a hard time determining these things for him or herself without some kind of validation. A word on validation. Validation is not always obvious or positive.

What do you do when you hurt a guy’s ego?

3 Apologize If you’ve bruised your man’s ego, it’s not the end of the world, as long as you take action. In “How to Give a Meaningful Apology,” psychotherapist Beverly Engel lists steps to take: apologize, acknowledge your offense, provide an explanation for your actions and express genuine remorse.

Who has more ego male or female?

Men have more ego displays. But they tend to see themselves as jocular competitors, although their competitive interactions are more overt and obvious.” According to Johnson, the unconscious bias that happens between women occurs in a completely different way.

Should you stroke a man’s ego?

If you want to make your man feel good, give him a genuine compliment. However, if you want to stroke your man’s ego and literally make him feel like your king, then genuinely compliment him in front of, or to others.

How do you break a guys ego?

How Do You Hurt A Man’s Ego?

  1. Tell him he is wrong. It can be very easy to feel like you are scared of a man’s ego.
  2. Be consistent.
  3. Take a break.
  4. See other people.
  5. Play hard to get.
  6. Say how he is hurting others.
  7. Remind him of his mistakes.
  8. Don’t compliment his wins.

How do you know if a guy is using you for an ego boost?

Suggest taking things slow and getting to know each other as friends first. If he’s genuinely interested in you, taking things slow won’t be a problem for him. But if you hear about him hooking up with someone else the next day, he’s probably just using you for an ego boost.

How do you attract a man’s ego?

  1. 1 Maintain your outer appearance. Maintain your outer appearance. Physical beauty is a large part of attraction especially when dealing with a man with a huge ego.
  2. 2 Play it cool. Play it cool.
  3. 3 Exude confidence. Exude confidence.
  4. 4 Make him feel like a man. Make him feel like a man.
  5. 5 Be his friend. Be his friend.

What can I say to boost my man’s ego?

3 Proven Ways To Boost Your Mans Ego

  • Compliment him- “Baby you weren’t lying when you said you’d been hitting the gym”.”I feel safe around you” ” You take really good care of us” “You satisfy me in bed”
  • Respect him– Respect his opinion, respect his ability to lead, respect his need to be alone.

What is the meaning of the word together?

Alex Heath


What is the meaning of the word together?

into or in union, proximity, contact, or collision, as two or more things: to sew things together. into or in relationship, association, business, or agreement, etc., as two or more persons: to bring strangers together.

What kind of word is together?


How do you use the word together?

CK 1 2007641 Let’s do this together.

  1. [S] [T] Stay together. ( CK)
  2. [S] [T] We ate together. ( Hybrid)
  3. [S] [T] We eat together. ( CK)
  4. [S] [T] We jog together. ( CK)
  5. [S] [T] We run together. ( CK)
  6. [S] [T] We bike together. ( CK)
  7. [S] [T] We came together. ( CK)
  8. [S] [T] We live together. ( CK)

What is the deeper meaning of togetherness?

Togetherness is a happy feeling of affection and closeness to other people, especially your friends and family.

What is a good word for togetherness?

Synonyms & Antonyms of togetherness

  • cooperativeness,
  • kinship,
  • oneness,
  • solidarity,
  • unity.

What’s the opposite of intimacy?

Antonyms: ignorance, ignoring, inexperience, unfamiliarity. Synonyms: acquaintance, association, companionship, experience, familiarity, fellowship, friendship, knowledge.

What does lack of intimacy mean?

article continues after advertisement. Often, the lack of intimacy is the reason partners feel emotionally abandoned and lose interest or desire for sex leading to “inhibited sexual desire.” The fear of intimacy can cause partners to be emotionally unavailable and lead to an endless dance of pursuit and distancing.

What’s another word for intimacy?

Intimacy Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for intimacy?

closeness familiarity
togetherness understanding
amity belonging
close relationship companionship
comradeship friendliness

What is an intimate secret?

2 deeply personal, private, or secret. 3 often postpositive; foll by: with.

What are intimate thoughts?

1 : very personal or private intimate thoughts. 2 : marked by very close association intimate friends. 3 : suggesting closeness or warmth : cozy an intimate restaurant.

What is intimacy to a woman?

What is intimacy? Intimacy is closeness between people in personal relationships. It’s what builds over time as you connect with someone, grow to care about each other, and feel more and more comfortable during your time together. It can include physical or emotional closeness, or even a mix of the two.

What is healthy intimacy?

Instead of taking what people say personally and reacting emotionally, healthy intimacy allows you to try to understand what is going on for them. We all think and act differently, so open communication between you and others is the key to learning to empathize and understand others.

What do you call a relationship without dating?

Situationship Is The Term For Your Undefined Relationship.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • together [təˈgeðə] нареч

    1. вместе, совместно, воедино, сообща, вдвоем, дружно, заодно

      (along, jointly, two, amicably, besides)

      • live together – жить вместе
      • bring together – собрать воедино
    2. друг с другом

      (with each other)

    3. одновременно


    4. наряду, наравне

      (beside, equally)

    5. вкупе

    6. в паре, на пару

      (in a pair)

вместе together, along, in conjunction, along with, teamwise
воедино together
друг с другом together
одновременно simultaneously, at the same time, together, contemporaneously
сообща together, jointly, in conjunction, teamwise
заодно at the same time, together, in concert
слитно together
подряд in a row, in succession, successively, running, together, in sequence
непрерывно permanently, incessantly, together
собранный assembled, collected, gathered, picked, together, accumulated
тесно связанный inwrought, near, together
неразлучный inseparable, thick, inseverable, together

Предложения со словом «together»

But two days before her death, the images we spent months working on together of her as a warrior she dreamed of becoming were published at a large exhibition in Milan by Vogue Magazine.

Но за два дня до её смерти фотографии, над которыми мы вместе работали месяцами, на которых она воительница, которой мечтала стать, были выставлены на большой выставке в Милане журналом Вог.

It started slowly, but as they emitted gravitational waves, they grew closer together , accelerating in speed, until, when they were revolving at almost the speed of light.

Сначала медленно, но из — за излучения гравитационных волн они приближались друг к другу, ускоряясь до тех пор, пока не начали вертеться почти со скоростью света.

Fishermen are particularly interested in their adductor muscles, which are organs that hold the two shells together like a hinge.

Рыболовам особенно интересны приводящие мышцы, аддукторы, которые держат две раковины вместе, как шарниры.

So what you need is highways, trains, anything connecting these small town centers together .

Поэтому вам понадобятся автомагистрали, поезда — всё, что позволит соединить эти небольшие центры города.

So for example, spontaneous synchronization, how audiences are clapping and suddenly start all clapping together , the fireflies flashing together .

Так, например, спонтанная синхронизация, когда зрители вдруг начинают хлопать все в едином ритме или светлячки светятся вместе.

And even though no robot is doing anything perfectly, the rules are such that we can get the collective to do its goal robustly together .

И хотя ни один из роботов не делает ничего идеально, правила таковы, что мы можем заставить коллектив достигнуть цели надёжно и вместе.

So what if we could create robots that could build together ?

Что, если бы мы могли создавать роботов, которые умели бы строить?

So if you think about robots that maybe could move sandbags and could help build levees, or we could think of robots that built out of soft materials and worked together to shore up a collapsed building — so just the same kind of rules in different kinds of bodies.

Можно представить роботов, которые могли бы перемещать мешки с песком и помогать строить дамбы, или мы могли бы придумать роботов, сделанных из мягких материалов, работающих вместе, укрепляя рухнувшее здание, — то есть одни и те же правила, но для разных типов роботов.

When these laws work together , they bring about the beautiful, messy, complex world we live in.

Когда эти законы работают вместе, они создают тот красивый, запутанный, сложный мир, в котором мы живём.

Bringing it all together , I found that there are what I call four pillars of a meaningful life.

Объединив всё это, я обнаружила то, что называю «четырьмя основными элементами жизни со смыслом».

Maybe today we can imagine together other types of clouds, clouds we can live with.

Возможно, сообща мы сможем представить себе другие виды облаков, с которыми мы сможем жить.

And we washed them, we cut them up, we glued them together , and we began to draw on them, creating a huge canvas.

Мы их мыли, нареза́ли, склеивали и рисовали на них, создавая гигантское полотно.

Seeing the power of this idea, we started to initiate a new era; one that would leave behind the violence of the Anthropocene and give way to a new era, which we call the Aerocene — an era of ecological awareness, in which we learn to float together , live together in the air, and come to an ethical commitment with the atmosphere and with planet earth.

Поверив в эту идею, мы начинаем представлять себе новую эпоху, которая оставит позади жестокость антропоцена ради вхождения в новую эпоху, названную нами «аэроцен» — эпоху экологической сознательности, в которой мы научимся вместе парить в воздухе, достигать этического согласия с атмосферой и планетой Земля.

Together with MIT, we developed a program that predicts how we can navigate the wind highways.

Совместно с МИТ мы разработали программу прогнозирующую возможность полёта с помощью потоков воздуха.

When two or more people get too close together , even those farthest away are affected — everyone falls to the same spot.

И если двое и больше людей слишком приблизятся друг к другу, это подействует на людей вдалеке от них: все они упадут в одно и тоже место.

The landscapes are tiny and the steps are tiny, but I hope we can take them together .

Это минималистичные ландшафты и небольшие шаги, но я надеюсь, что они позволят нам двигаться совместно.

It would certainly clear things up a lot and make your operations together more effective.

Это бы многое прояснило, позволило бы вам действовать намного эффективнее.

And we work with them to bring the tech sector to the table with artists and creatives and marketing expertise so that we can actually have a more robust and challenging of extremism that works together .

Мы работаем с ними, чтобы сделать преимуществом технологический сектор с артистами, творцами и экспертами рынка, чтобы вместе они смогли выстроить более прочную и сложную защиту от экстремизма.

But what this represents is the ability for large, public organizations and private industry to come together for initiatives like ours.

Но это показывает способность больших государственных организаций и частных компаний работать вместе над инициативами, подобным нашей.

Typically, traditionally, we solve these types of social dilemmas using regulation, so either governments or communities get together , and they decide collectively what kind of outcome they want and what sort of constraints on individual behavior they need to implement.

Традиционно такого рода социальные дилеммы решаются с помощью законов, правительства или сообщества вместе решают, что им нужно и как для этого ограничить поведение отдельной личности.

When they get out on the jobsite and they start working together , you start seeing amazing things happen.

Когда они выйдут на работу и начнут работать вместе, вы увидите невероятные преображения.

What if we all stood together , as many people as possible, in the shadow of the moon?

Что, если мы все вместе, как можно больше людей, встанем в тень Луны?

Taken together , these studies suggest that our brain automatically responds to beauty by linking vision and pleasure.

Оба эксперимента показали, что наш мозг автоматически реагирует на красоту, связывая визуальный образ и удовольствие.

They require us to use our attention and coordinate it together .

Они требуют от нас общего внимания и согласованных действий.

Climate change is going to require that a lot of people are being able to coordinate their attention in the most empowering way together .

Проблема изменения климата требует от всех людей без исключения объединиться и максимально сконцентрировать своё внимание.

Inside our common house, we have a large dining room to seat all 28 of us and our guests, and we dine together three times a week.

Внутри нашего общего дома есть большая столовая, вмещающая всех 28 жильцов и наших гостей, там мы все вместе обедаем три раза в неделю.

Through the careful selection of furniture, lighting and acoustic materials to support eating together ; in the careful visual location and visual access to kids’ play areas around and inside the common house; in the consideration of scale and distribution of social gathering nodes in and around the community to support our daily lives.

Во внимательном подборе мебели, освещения и звукоизоляции, чтобы способствовать совместным трапезам; в тщательном визуальном расположении и визуальном доступе к территории детских игровых площадок вокруг и внутри общего дома; в учитывании масштаба и расположения мест общих сборов внутри и за пределами территории коммуны, чтобы сделать повседневную жизнь легче.

And in visiting over 80 different communities, my measure of communitas became: How frequently did residents eat together ?

После посещения более 80 различных коммун я начала измерять коммунитас так: Как часто её участники вместе едят?

While it’s completely up to each group how frequently they have common meals, I know some that have eaten together every single night for the past 40 years.

Это полностью зависит от самой коммуны, как часто люди вместе завтракают, обедают и ужинают, я знаю некоторые, которые каждый вечер ужинают вместе на протяжении уже сорока лет.

And from my observations, I can tell you, those that eat together more frequently, exhibit higher levels of communitas.

И по своим наблюдениям, могу сказать, что те, кто вместе трапезничают чаще, показывают более высокий уровень коммунитас.

It turns out, when you eat together , you start planning more activities together .

Получается, что, когда вы вместе принимаете пищу, вы также начинаете планировать совместную деятельность.

When you eat together , you share more things.

У вас появляется больше общего.

But as an architect, I’m going to suggest that you take a walk with your neighbor, share a meal together , and call me in 20 years.

А как архитектор я предложу вам пойти со своим соседом на прогулку, пообедать за одним столом и позвонить мне через 20 лет.

But together , they had become a rather unlikely pairing, and they had produced the Federalist Papers, which offered a justification and, as I mentioned, a marketing plan for the Constitution, which had been wildly effective and wildly successful.

Но вместе они образовали неожиданный союз и выпустили сборник «Федералиста», предлагавший оправдание и, как я уже упоминал, маркетинговый план для Конституции, который был безумно эффективен и также безумно удачен.

And in this pivotal, critical decision, instead of just telling the world that his old friend Hamilton was wrong and was adopting the wrong policies, he actually began to argue that Hamilton’s ideas were unconstitutional — that they violated the very nature of the Constitution that the two of them had drafted together .

И он принял краеугольное, переломное решение: вместо того, чтобы просто сказать миру, что его дружище Гамильтон ошибался и проводил неверные политические стратегии, в реальности Мэдисон стал утверждать, что идеи Гамильтона шли вразрез с Конституцией, что они угрожали самой сути Конституции, которую они вместе составляли.

The capacity to put together private groups, individuals, political parties and others who would organize to try to bring about fundamental change.

Его потенциал объединять частные группы, отдельные личности, политические партии и организации, которые образовываются, чтобы попытаться привнести кардинальные изменения.

Do it with respect and knowledge and confidence that it’s only by working together that the constitutional technology can do the job that it is designed to do.

Делайте всё это с уважением, и знанием, и с уверенностью, что только если мы будем работать все вместе, лишь тогда технология Конституции сможет делать ту работу, для которой она создана.

And after years of living with migrants and working with them and just really doing everything that they were doing, I started piecing all these data points together — from the things that seem random, like me selling dumplings, to the things that were more obvious, like tracking how much they were spending on their cell phone bills.

И спустя годы жизни с мигрантами и работы с ними бок о бок, делая всё то же, что они, я начала собирать по кускам всю эту информацию, начав с того, что казалось случайным, как моя торговля пельменями, до более очевидных вещей, как, например, отслеживание их счетов за телефон.

All of us together trying to understand how consciousness happens and what happens when it goes wrong.

Мы все вместе пытаемся понять, как возникает сознание и что происходит, если оно даёт сбой.

Let me bring things together step-by-step.

Подведу итог сказанного по порядку.

Maybe, just maybe, clouds could slow down global warming, and buy us a little bit more time to get our act together , which would be very convenient right now.

Может быть, только может быть, облака замедлят глобальное потепление и выиграют для нас время, чтобы мы могли взяться за ум, что было бы очень кстати в данный момент.

We have to stitch together the output of multiple satellites with different viewing angles and orbits and carrying different camera equipment.

Мы должны сшить вместе выход нескольких спутников с различными углами обзора и орбитами и нести различное оборудование камеры.

But when you have a stopping cue that, every time dinner begins, my phone goes far away, you avoid temptation all together .

Но если есть ограничитель, — каждый раз в обед я не беру с собой телефон, — то искушения нет вовсе.

It was no accident that Sherry Turkle of MIT called the book she wrote on the impact of social media Alone Together .

Неслучайно Шерри Тёркл из МИТ назвала свою книгу о влиянии на нас соцcетей «Одиночество вместе».

The trouble is now that two things have happened which shouldn’t have happened together .

Беда в том, что сейчас произошли две вещи, которые не должны были случиться одновременно.

That, too, is magical thinking, because the only people who will save us from ourselves is we the people, all of us together .

Это тоже магическое мышление, потому что спасти нас от самих себя можем только мы, народ, — все мы сообща.

And when we do that, and when we move from the politics of me to the politics of all of us together , we rediscover those beautiful, counterintuitive truths: that a nation is strong when it cares for the weak, that it becomes rich when it cares for the poor, it becomes invulnerable when it cares about the vulnerable.

И когда мы это делаем, когда переходим от политики «себя» к политике «нас вместе», мы заново открываем прекрасные, парадоксальные истины: что нация сильна, когда заботится о слабых, что она становится богаче, когда заботится о бедных, что она становится неуязвимой, когда заботится об уязвимых.

So for the sake of the future you, together let us strengthen the future us.

Поэтому ради будущего «тебя» давайте сделаем сильнее будущих «нас».

And some 40 years after that was created, a small group of us got together to have a go, a run at the whole challenge of flight that inspired people for years, and do it in a very different kind of way.

Приблизительно через 40 лет после создания этого рисунка мы собрались небольшой группой и решили действовать, бросить вызов полёту, который вдохновлял людей долгие годы, и сделать это не совсем обычным способом.

It’s filled simultaneously with heartbreaking sweetness and beauty, desperate poverty, floods and babies and acne and Mozart, all swirled together .

Жизнь одновременно наполнена невыносимой сладостью и красотой, безнадёжной бедностью, наводнениями, детьми, акне и Моцартом, смешанными в одно.

This brings us to number four: everyone is screwed up, broken, clingy and scared, even the people who seem to have it most together .

Это приводит нас к номеру четыре: все брошены, сломлены, прилипчивы и напуганы, даже те, кто кажется успешным.

I mean, my realm is sort of faith and writing and kind of lurching along together .

Я имею в виду, моя область — это вера, и творчество, и что — то вроде совместного прорыва.

I’m a computational neuroscientist, and I work on cognitive brain-machine interfaces, or bringing together the brain and the computer.

Я занимаюсь вычислительной нейробиологией и работаю над когнитивными нейрокомпьютерными интерфейсами, то есть над проблемой объединения мозга и компьютера.

After all, cities are places of concentrated variety where the world’s cultures and languages and lifestyles come together and mingle.

В конечном итоге именно в городах сконцентрированы разнообразные мировые культуры, языки и уклад жизней множества народов.

It’s time for us to go as far as it takes to change this condition together .

Пришло время нам сделать всё, чтобы изменить мир.

Then I thought, what if I could play with a computer — together with a computer at my side, combining our strengths, human intuition plus machine’s calculation, human strategy, machine tactics, human experience, machine’s memory.

Тогда я подумал: а что, если сыграть вместе с компьютером, имея компьютер на своей стороне, объединив наши силы — человеческую интуицию с машинными расчётами, человеческую стратегию с машинной тактикой, человеческий опыт с машинной памятью?

We need to work together , slow down global warming slow down ocean acidification and help to maintain a healthy ocean and a healthy planet for our generation and for generations to come.

Нам всем необходимо работать вместе, чтобы замедлить глобальное потепление, окисление океана и помочь поддержать здоровье океана, здоровье всей планеты для нашего и будущих поколений.

We are OK Go, and we’ve been together as a band since 1998.

Мы группа OK Go, которая была основана в 1998 году.

So I spent a full month putting together a giant spreadsheet for this.

Я целый месяц собирал эту огромную таблицу.

We and we the people must raise justice up and must bring peace to our nation and must come together in concord, and we have a choice.

Мы как нация должны восстановить справедливость, вернуть мир нашей стране, мы должны идти сплочённо, и у нас есть выбор.

A family of political vampiresworship $together tostay together. ❋ Unknown (2007)

Several teachers of the school telephoned ‘Khaleej Times’, complaining against the picture, captioned ‘We play together; we stick together’, featured in the book ‘Friends Forever’. ❋ Unknown (2005)

When Tyler and I first got back together, my main goal was getting out of college as fast as I could so I could get a career going so we could start our life together… ❋ Goldylockz22 (2004)

The statistical documents which have now been prepared with so much care by Parliament, and published by the accurate and indefatigable Mr Porter, himself a decided free trader, demonstrate that, of the manufacturing productions, nearly three-fourths are taken off by the home market, and _four-fifths_ by the home and colonial market taken together, leaving only ONE-FIFTH for _the whole foreign markets of the world put together_ — ❋ Various (N/A)

These two great architects of military organization founded their separate systems upon one controlling idea — that _if men can be trained to think about moving together, they can then be led to move toward thinking together_. ❋ United States. Dept. Of Defense (N/A)

Position II.; that these met together, the word used, verse 6, _they came together_, evidenceth, and verse 25. ❋ Unknown (N/A)

I told you about the way my old man and woman made a home together, ‘and worked at their market gardening together, and read and studied together — did everything from first to last _together_. ❋ Unknown (1912)

The simplest, humblest, hardest life, until we’ve made our way together — _together_, René, and conquered a place in the world for ourselves, that we’ll owe to no one but ourselves. ❋ Eug��ne Brieux (1895)

A large number were armed with paving-stones, which they would smite loudly together, saying in deep undertones, «_all together_.» ❋ Joel Tyler Headley (1855)

«Our hands were tied ­together with a ribbon to show the tying together of our lives,» says ❋ Unknown (2010)

XD And where timing can be so key to one’s success both Momusu and Utaban were so new together, coinciding perfectly as they each grew on their own and of course * together*. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Said corporation shall have authority to May operate purchase and operate together the plants and properties together*, etc. ❋ Unknown (1663)

_mingled together_, saith, «If any named a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or drunkard, or rapacious, with such an one not to eat together,» ver. ❋ Unknown (N/A)

She had decided that her mother should never again receive commands from any one — that her shoulders were strong enough to bear the welcome burden, that they would face the new life and its possible sufferings together — _together_, that was the main thing. » ❋ Kate Dickinson Sweetser (N/A)

In fine, I see by our example, that the society of men is maintained and held together _at what price soever; in what condition soever they are placed they will close and stick together_ [see the doctrine of things and their original powers in the ❋ Delia Bacon (1835)

Do the Republicans really think that putting Bachman and Palin together is a good idea? ❋ Unknown (2010)

So long as one human eye remains to linger on the page of history, the story of his abasement will be read, sending him and his name together to an infamy so profound, a damnation so deep, that the hand of resurrection will never be able to drag him forth. ❋ Robert W. Merry (2009)

Old man Jacobsen told me that biology was the science of plants and animals, then he calmly suggested that we look up the word together in the dictionary. ❋ Victor Villaseñor (2010)

We are [more then friends] because, we are together. ❋ Johnny O/BT (2005)

«He’s not very together
«[Get it] together, [man].» ❋ Apers0n (2007)

We’re not [going out] but we are together. ❋ Mike (2005)

Baby when we are Together Together. can we [get a dog]?
Together Together?
[Yah], you know… like [married]… ❋ TwirlyGirly (2011)

When we met the feeling of [togetherness] was [resounding] and [our love] will never be broken. ❋ Ace4kingAce (2019)

[May] [we live] [life] Togethering ❋ Keath Pearson (2009)

«jesus, you only took one [pill] guy! [get your shit together
«how together are you, i need [a ride] home» ❋ Pussywillowya (2008)

[The reality] is, many people are on their own, and they won’t find many people that give a fuck in life. In what way is someone with a job in [the media] or the government in it together with someone looking for another job since everything got [shut down]? ❋ Solid Mantis (2020)

Alex:Are [Erika] and Brian [going out]?
[Devin]: No they’re just together. ❋ Get Stupid (2006)

On [Christmas Eve] I had a [togetherness] with my sisters.
After a night of [binge drinking] I had a togetherness with my friends. ❋ Schill Sista (2010)

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WordReference English-Russian Dictionary © 2023:

Главные переводы
английский русский
together adv (in one group) вместе, совместно нар
  We went to the theatre together.
  Мы пошли в театр вместе.
together adv (in one place) вместе
  We have the whole family together.
  Мы собрали всю семью вместе.
together adv (into one group) воедино, вместе нар
  She gathered the flowers together in a bunch.
  *Она собрала цветы в букет.

Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

together [təˈgɛðər]
adv вме́сте; (at same time) одновреме́нно
together with вме́сте с +instr

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

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