What is the word stress in english

Wondering how to teach English pronunciation more effectively? Here are definitions, examples, techniques and activity ideas for the classroom that may boost your lessons and help your learners be more successful!

Word stress is the emphasis we place in a specific syllable of a word when pronouncing it. In English words that have more than one syllable, we usually don’t pronounce every syllable with the same weight, so each syllable in a word can be stressed or unstressed.

Stressed syllables are louder than the others — i.e. air comes out of our lungs with more power; but they might also be longer, or pronounced with higher or lower in pitch. Syllables that are not pronounced with such emphasis are usually referred to as unstressed syllables, and they are usually not pronounced as clearly as the others.

Some longer words may have more than one ‘strong syllables’, but one of them tends to stand out more than the other. They are referred to as primary and secondary stress, the former being the strongest.

Stress is usually represented in the phonemic chart and transcription by the symbol /ˈ/ placed before the stresses syllable. In words that have secondary stress, we include the symbol /ˌ/ before the appropriate syllable (e.g. everybody: /ˈev.riˌbɒd.i/).

Unlike sentence stress, that frequently changes position according to the speakers’ intention, word stress tends to be fairly invariable. As a result, even when we want to emphasise a word over all others in an utterance, we tend to stick to the usual word stress pattern, making the stressed syllable even longer, louder or more high-pitched.

Because of this relative invariability, mistakes in word stress may lead to more problems with intelligibility than other errors related to pronunciation, so it is crucial that students are made aware of how the word is usually pronounced. Luckily, the same regularity makes stress patterns fairly easy to teach, and it helps students recognise words with less effort.

Next time you’re teaching, consider using the tips below to include work on word stress in your lessons.

1) Draw students’ attention to word stress whenever you teach them a new word

Even though the English language does show some identifiable patterns and ‘rules’ when it comes to word stress, they tend to be rather abstract and might confuse rather than enlighten students. You may increase chances of internalisation of accurate pronunciation, however, if you deal with word stress as an essential characteristic of the new word when teaching it, just like meaning and spelling, for example.

Some patterns may be easier for students to cope with.

2) Make word stress visible

Not only can visual reference can be quite helpful to clarify the pronunciation of words, but it can also provide students with a model they can use to systematise or organise new vocabulary they learn in a more autonomous way.

Here are some examples of how you to illustrate word stress.

3) Correct mistakes in word stress often.

Given its generally invariable character, misplacing word stress may affect intelligibility (arguably, more so than mispronunciation of individual sounds in a word). Therefore, it is of really important that learners be not only taught, but also corrected when they misplace word stress.

Some useful techniques to correct mistakes related to word stress are:

  • Use one of the ways of recording stress above to draw students’ attention to the stress pattern and ask them to try it again.

  • Use different fingers to mark each syllable and point at the one that corresponds to the stressed one.

  • Say that the pronunciation of the word isn’t accurate and give the learner a second chance to get it right.

  • Tap on a surface or clap your hands in a way that illustrates the stress pattern (alternating stronger and weaker sounds).

  • Use drawings or different-sized objects to illustrate the appropriate stress patterns and ask the learner to try to produce it again.

4) Use playful activities to teach or practice pronunciation

Regardless of the age of the learner, activities that involve an element of fun can help lower learners’ affective filter, or anxiety levels, and increase opportunities for internatlisation.

The domino game below was designed for a vocabulary lesson in which pre-intermediate learners are being exposed to new lexis to describe professions and revisiting some occupations they already know.

Stage 1 — Lead-in

Students get in pairs and brainstorm jobs that are common now that weren’t common in the past.

Stage 2 — Language presentation and clarification

Meaning: Students analyse statements with the new lexis and match the highlighted words to definitions.


«I’m an intern now, but I want to keep working here after I graduate from Uni.

Definition: someone who is finishing their training for a job by getting practical experience.

Teacher than asks some CCQs to check students’ understanding.

Pronunciation: Teacher distributes dominoes and ask students to try to get rid of their pieces just as they would when playing regular dominoes. Instead of numbers, however, they are to match words with similar stress patterns.

Stages 3 and 4 — After this stage, students take part in controlled and less-controlled practice.

CLICK HERE to download a free PDF version of the domino.

CLICK HERE to donwload a blank PDF version of the domino, so you can use it in your lessons on any topic.

I hope this post has been useful to you! Let us know how you teach word stress and if you tried sny new things after reading this.

You can reach us at info@whatiselt.com or on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @whatiselt.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel!

See you next time!

  1. Word stress, its acoustic

  2. The
    linguistic function of a word stress.

  3. Degree
    and position of a word stress.


sequence of syllables in the word is not pronounced identically. The
syllable or syllables which are pronounced with more prominence than
the other syllables of the word are said to be stressed or accented.
The correlation of varying prominences of syllables in a word is
understood as the accentual structure of the word.

to A.C. Gimson, the effect of prominence is achieved by any or all of
four factors: force, tone, length and vowel colour. The dynamic
stress implies greater force with which the syllable is pronounced.
In other words in the articulation of the stressed syllable greater
muscular energy is produced by the speaker. The European languages
such as English, German, French, Russian are believed to possess
predominantly dynamic word stress. In Scandinavian languages the word
stress is considered to be both dynamic and musical (e.g. in Swedish,
the word komma
(comma) is distinguished from the word komma
(come) by a difference in tones). The musical (tonic) word stress is
observed in Chinese, Japanese. It is effected by the variations of
the voice pitch in relation to neighbouring syllables. In Chinese the
sound sequence “chu” pronounced with the level tone means “pig”,
with the rising tone “bamboo”, and with the falling tone “to

It is fair
to mention that there is a terminological confusion in discussing the
nature of stress. According to D. Crystal, the terms “heaviness,
intensity, amplitude, prominence, emphasis, accent, stress” tend to
be used synonymously by most writers. The discrepancy in terminology
is largely due to the fact that there are 2 major views depending on
whether the productive or receptive aspects of stress are discussed.

The main
drawback with any theory of stress based on production of speech is
that it only gives a partial explanation of the phenomenon but does
not analyze it on the perceptive level.

investigations study the physical nature of word stress. On the
acoustic level the counterpart of force is the intensity of the
vibrations of the vocal cords of the speaker which is perceived by
the listener as loudness. Thus the greater energy with which the
speaker articulates the stressed syllable in the word is associated
by the listener with greater loudness. The acoustic counterparts of
voice pitch and length are frequency and duration respectively. The
nature of word stress in Russian seems to differ from that in
English. The quantitative component plays a greater role in Russian
accentual structure than in English word accent. In the Russian
language of full formation and full length in unstressed positions,
they are always reduced. Therefore the vowels of full length are
unmistakably perceived as stressed. In English the quantitative
component of word stress is not of primary importance because of the
non-reduced vowels in the unstressed syllables which sometimes occur
in English words (e.g. “transport”, “architect”).


In discussing accentual
structure of English words we should turn now to the functional
aspect of word stress. In language the word stress performs 3

  1. constitutive– word
    stress constitutes a word, it organizes the syllables of a word into
    a language unit. A word does not exist without the word stress. Thus
    the function is constitutive – sound continuum becomes a phrase
    when it is divided into units organized by word stress into words.

  2. Word
    stress enables a person to identify a succession of syllables as a
    definite accentual pattern of a word. This function is known as
    identificatory (or

  3. Word
    stress alone is capable of differentiating the meaning of words or
    their forms, thus performing its distinctive
    . The accentual patterns of
    words or the degrees of word stress and their positions form
    oppositions (“/import – im /port”, “/present – pre


There are
actually as many degrees of word stress in a word as there are
syllables. The British linguists usually distinguish three degrees of
stress in the word. The primary stress is the strongest (e.g.
exami/nation), the secondary stress is the second strongest one (e.g.
ex,ami/nation). All the other degrees are termed “weak stress”.
Unstressed syllables are supposed to have weak stress. The American
scholars, B. Bloch and J. Trager, find 4 contrastive degrees
of word stress: locid, reduced locid, medial and weak

Germanic languages the word stress originally fell on the initial
syllable or the second syllable, the root syllable in the English
words with prefixes. This tendency was called recessive. Most English
words of Anglo-Saxon origin as well as the French borrowings are
subjected to this recessive tendency.

are also differentiated according to the placement of word stress.
The traditional classification of languages concerning the place of
stress in a word is into those with a
fixed stress and a free stress
. In
languages with a fixed stress the occurrence of the word stress is
limited to a particular syllable in a multisyllabic word. For
example, in French the stress falls on the last syllable of the word
(if pronounced in isolation), in Finnish and Czech it is fixed on the
first syllable.

borrowed words retain their stress.

In languages with a free
stress its place is not confined to a specific position in the word.
The free placement of stress is exemplified in the English and
Russian languages

(e.g. E. appetite – begin –

озеро – погода
– молоко)

The word
stress in English as well as in Russian is not only free but it may
also be shifting performing semantic function of differentiating
lexical units, parts of speech, grammatical forms. It is worth noting
that in English word stress is used as a means of word-building (e.g.
/contrast – con/trast, /music – mu /sician).


  1. What
    features characterize word accent?

  2. Identify
    the functions of word stress.

  3. What
    are the types of word stress?

  4. Do AmE and
    BE have any differences in the system of word stress? Give your

Lecture 8. Intonation

  1. Intonation.

  2. The
    linguistic function of intonation.

  3. The
    implications of a terminal tone.

  4. Rhythm.


Intonation is a language
universal. There are no languages which are spoken as a monotone,
i.e. without any change of prosodic parametres. On perceptional level
intonation is a complex, a whole, formed by significant variations of
pitch, loudness and tempo closely related. Some linguists regard
speech timber as the fourth component of intonation. Though it
certainly conveys some shades of attitudinal or emotional meaning
there’s no reason to consider it alongside with the 3
prosodic components of intonation (pitch, loudness and tempo)
Nowadays the term “prosody” substitutes the term “intonation”.

On the acoustic level pitch
correlates with the fundamental frequency of the vibrations of the
vocal cords; loudness correlates with the amplitude of vibrations;
tempo is a correlate of time during which a speech unit lasts.

The auditory level is very
important for teachers of foreign languages. Each syllable of the
speech chain has a special pitch colouring. Some of the syllables
have significant moves of tone up and down. Each syllable bears a
definite amount of loudness. Pitch movements are inseparably
connected with loudness. Together with the tempo of speech they form
an intonation pattern which is the basic unit of intonation.

An intonation pattern contains
one nucleus and may contain other stressed or unstressed syllables
normally preceding or following the nucleus. The boundaries of an
intonation pattern may be marked by stops of phonation, that is
temporal pauses.

Intonation patterns serve to
actualize syntagms in oral speech. The syntagm
is a group of words which are semantically and syntactically
complete. In phonetics they are called intonation
. The
intonation group is a stretch of speech which may have the length of
the whole phrase. But the phrase often contains more than one
intonation group. The number of them depends on the length of phrase
and the degree of semantic impotence or emphasis given to various
parts of it. The position of intonation groups may affect the


The communicative
intonation is realized in various ways which can be grouped under
five – six general headings:

  1. to
    structure the intonation content of a textual unit. So as to show
    which information is new or can not be taken for granted, as against
    information which the listener is assumed to possess or to be able
    to acquire from the context, that is given information;

  2. to
    determine the speech function of a phrase, to indicate whether it is
    intended as a statement, question, etc;

  3. to
    convey connotational meanings of attitude, such as surprise, etc. In
    the written form we are given only the lexics and the grammar;

  4. to
    structure a text. Intonation is an organizing mechanism. It divides
    texts into smaller parts and on the other hand it integrates them
    forming a complete text;

  5. to
    differentiate the meaning of textual units of the same phonetic
    structure and the same lexical composition (distinctive or
    phonological function);

  6. to
    characterize a particular style or variety of oral speech which may
    be called a stylistic function.


Classification of intonation

Different combinations of
pitch sections (pre-heads, heads and nuclei) may result in more than
one hundred pitch-and-stress patterns. But it is not necessary to
deal with all of them, because some patterns occur very rarely. So,
attention must be concentrated on the commonest ones:

  1. The Low (Medium) Fall
    pitch-and-stress group

  2. The
    High Fall group

  3. Rise
    Fall group

  4. The
    Low Rise group

  5. The
    High Rise group

  6. The
    Fall Rise group

  7. The
    Rise-Fall-Rise group

  8. The
    Mid-level group

No intonation pattern is used
exclusively with this or that sentence type. Some sentences are more
likely to be said with one intonation pattern than with any other. So
we can speak about “common intonation” for a particular type of

  1. Statements are most widely
    used with the Low Fall preceded by the Falling or the High level
    Head. They are final, complete and definite.

  2. Commands,
    with the Low Fall are very powerful, intense, serious and strong.

  3. Exclamations
    are very common with the High Fall.


We cannot fully describe
English intonation without reference to speech rhythm. Rhythm
seems to be a kind of framework of speech organization. Some
linguists consider it to be one of the components of intonation.

Rhythm is understood as
periodicity in time and space. We find it everywhere in life. Rhythm
as a linguistic notion is realized in lexical, syntactical and
prosodic means and mostly in their combinations.

In speech,
the type of rhythm depends on the language. Linguists divide
languages into two groups:

  1. syllable-timed(French, Spanish);

  2. stress-timed(English, German, Russian).

In a
syllable-timed language the speaker gives an approximately equal
amount of time to each syllable, whether the syllable is stressed or

In a
stress-timed language the rhythm is based on a larger unit, than
syllable. Though the amount of time given on each syllable varies
considerably, the total time of uttering each rhythmic unit is
practically unchanged. The stressed syllables of a rhythmic unit form
peaks of prominence. They tend to be pronounced at regular intervals
no matter how many unstressed syllables are located between every 2
stressed ones. Thus the distribution of time within the rhythmic unit
is unequal.

rhythm is traditionally defined as recurrence of stressed syllables
at more or less equal intervals of time in a speech continuum.


  1. Name
    the basic components of intonation.

  2. What
    is the connection between pitch and tempo?

  3. What
    for do we need different nuclear tones?

  4. Which
    nuclei are the commonest?

9. Territorial varieties of English pronunciation

  1. Varieties
    of language.

  2. English


varieties of the language are conditioned by language communities
ranging from small groups to nations. National
is the language of a nation,
the standard of its form, the language of a nation’s literature.
The literary spoken form has its national
pronunciation standard
. A “standard”
may be defined as a socially accepted variety of a language
established by a codified norm of correctness. It is generally
accepted that for the “English English” it is “Received
Pronunciation” or RP; for the “American English” – “General
American pronunciation”; for the Australian English – “Educated

every national variant of English has considerable differences in
pronunciation, lexics and grammar, they all have much in common which
gives us ground to speak of one and the same language – the English

national variety of the language falls into territorial
or regional dialects
. Dialects are
distinguished from each other by differences in pronunciation,
grammar and vocabulary. When we refer to varieties in pronunciation
only, we use the word “accent”.

The social
differentiation of language is closely connected with the social
differentiation of society. Every language community, ranging from a
small group to a nation has its own social
, and consequently, its own
social accent.

“language situation” may be spoken about in terms of the
horizontal and vertical differentiations of the language, the first
in accordance with the sphere of social activity, the second – with
its situational variability. Situational varieties of the language
are called functional dialects or functional styles and situational
pronunciation varieties – situational accents or phonostyles.


two main types of English are spoken in the English-speaking world:
English English and American English.

According to British
dialectologists (P. Trudgill, J. Hannah, A. Hughes and others) the
following variants of English are referred to the English-based
group: English English, Welsh English, Australian English, New
Zealand English; to the American-based group: United States English,
Canadian English.

Scottish English and Irish
English fall somewhere between the two being somewhat by themselves.

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word stress

In our previous post, we shared 12 great tips to help you improve your English pronunciation.  For tip number nine, Understanding Word Stress & Sentence Stress, we explained the importance of word stress rules for communicating effectively in English. In this post, we delve a little deeper into the subject.

What is Word Stress?

The stress placed on syllables within words is called word stress. In one word, we place emphasis on one syllable, while the other syllables are given less emphasis.

English words only have one stressed syllable. Whilst longer words can have a secondary stress, it is always a much lighter stress. It is also worth noting that we stress vowel sounds and not consonants.

In English we have variable stress where the position of the stress is unpredictable. This contrasts with some other languages – like Polish or Finnish – that have fixed stress where the stress on virtually any multi-syllable word falls on a particular syllable. Learn more here.

Where you place stress or emphasis within a word can affect the way in which it is pronounced and therefore its meaning. As a result, knowing which syllable within a word should be emphasised or stressed is very important for correct pronunciation. The reason for this is that placing stress on the wrong syllable within a word can completely change the meaning of a word.

Understanding The Importance of Word Stress

So, understanding the importance of word stress is vital if you want to improve your English pronunciation and speak English like a native English.

But if word stress is so important, exactly what are the rules that we need to follow?

As with so many aspects of the English language, there are many rules to learn. Then, to make things even more tricky, there are also many contradictions or exceptions to those rules. This can make learning English more challenging for some students.

To help you out, we have compiled some simple guidelines for learning the rules of word stress.  We don’t cover all aspects of English word stress rules but the points  we have mentioned will certainly get you started.

English Word Stress Rules

1. Word Stress For Two-Syllable Words

Two-Syllable Nouns

If the word is a two-syllable noun, we usually place the stress on the FIRST syllable.

Example: MONkey, TEAcher, DIStance, INsect, TAble,

Two-Syllable Adjectives

If the word is a two-syllable adjective,  as with two-syllable nouns, we usually place the stress on the FIRST syllable.

Examples: SIlent, BORing, LIttle, PURple, STUpid, CLEver, FRIEndly

Two Syllable Verbs

Conversely, if the word is a two-syllable verb we generally stress the SECOND syllable.

Examples: beGIN, surVIVE, aTTEND, coLLECT, preVENT

See more examples of verbs where the second syllable is stressed.

Two Syllable Prepositions

The SECOND syllable is also stressed if the word is a preposition.

Examples: aROUND, beFORE, beLOW, inSIDE, toWARDS (See more examples of prepositions with stress on second syllable)

2. Word Stress For Words That Are Both Nouns & Verbs

When a word can be both a noun and a verb, we stress the FIRST syllable for the noun and the SECOND syllable for the verb.


1) The violent CONflict between the couple conFLICTS with their pacifistic beliefs.

2) The PREsents he preSENTS his wife never fail to disappoint her.

3) They will no doubt disCOUNT my suggestion for DIScounts on Chinese courses for the elderly.

Click here for some good examples with audio included:

As mentioned, there are always exceptions to the rules. That said, it’s fairly accurate to say that only around 20% of two-syllable words have their stress on the second syllable.

3. Word Stress For Words Ending in ‘er’ & ‘ly’.

If a word ends in either ‘er’ or ‘ly’, whether it’s a noun, an adjective or an adverb, the general rules is that the stress is placed on the first syllable.


ANgrily, PERfectly, SUddenly, HAppily,

FOReigner, GARdener, BARtender, MANager

BIgger, BEtter, FAtter

4. Words That Use The Suffix ade, ee, ese, ique, ette & oon

Stress the actual suffix of words (including the first consonant before the suffix) ending in -ade, -ee, -ese, -ique and -ette and -oon



ampuTEE, guaranTEE, aGREE,


vinaigRETTE, kitcheNETTE, laundeRETTE,



5. Simple Word Stress Rules For Suffixes

The rule changes for words with a number of other suffixes such as -ery, -ian, -ible, -able, i-al, -cian, -ic, -ish, -ics, -ion, -ious, -ia, and -ient. Instead of placing the emphasis on the actual suffix as illustrated in the examples above, we stress the syllable just before the suffix.


-ery: CELery, SURgery, reCOVery
-ian: boHEMian, coMEdian, ciVILian, beauTICian
-ible: AUDible, adMISSible, SENSible
-able: aDAPTable, SUITable, CHANGEable
-ial: fiNANcial, artiFICial, oFFICial
-cian: maGIcian, opTIcian, beauTIcian
-ic: BAsic, draMAtic, characteRIStic
-ish: GARish, ENglish, unSELfish
-ics: dyNAMics, aeRObics, hypNOtics
-ion: VERsion, classifiCAtion, CAUtion
-ious: harMONious, PREvious, VARious, FURious
-ia: TRIVia, maLARia, multiMEdia
-ient: ANcient, NUtrient, suFICient
-osis: thromBOsis, psyCHOsis, osMOsis

A good way to remember some of the suffixes above is to use the rule for nearly all suffixes that start with an ‘i’ or a ‘u’. For example, the suffixes -ion, -ual, -uous, -ial, -ient, -ious, -iuor, ior, -ic, -ity.

Notice again  how we stress the syllable immediately before the suffix in the following examples:















Note, some exceptions to this rule include words ending in -ism, -ist and -ize.

English Word Stress Videos

How Dictionaries Help With Word Stress

If you are unsure about where to place the stress in a word, you can always refer to an English dictionary.  All good dictionaries give the phonetic spelling of a word.

You can learn which syllable of a word is stressed by looking at the phonetic spelling. The stressed syllable is commonly shown with an apostrophe (‘) just before or just after the stressed syllable.

Unfortunately, dictionary creators never agreed on one system so you should refer to your dictionary’s (how to use this dictionary) notes to see which system they use.

Here’s an example from my dictionary that shows which syllable to stress by placing the apostrophe immediately BEFORE the stressed syllable:

photograph | ‘fəʊtəɡrɑːf

photographic | ˌfəʊtə’ɡrafɪk 

Using the system of capitalising the stressed syllable as in all of my examples above, these two dictionary examples look like this:



Learn Word Stress With Practise & Experience

As previously mentioned, the list of rules above is by no means complete. However, it does explain where to place the primary emphasis on numerous English words.

If the thoughts of learning all these rules is overwhelming, do not be too discouraged.  Many English learners naturally assimilate to word stress rules simply by listening and practicing the language.

Probably the best way to learn is from experience.  Try to get a feel for the music of the language by listening carefully to spoken English.

Of course, if you would like some extra assistance with your English speaking skills, contact us to find out more about our English courses in Hong Kong.

Here’s a brief overview of our English courses. Click the image for more details.

Word Stress in English — Blog

What is word stress in English and why is it important? It’s super important because a mistake in word stress can mean someone might not understand you. 

Listeners’ ears are waiting to hear the sounds we stress to help them hear which words you are saying.

So, if you stress the wrong syllable, they may hear the wrong word or something that is not a word at all.

Using word stress correctly will help you speak clearly and it will improve your pronunciation. 

This lesson will help you get syllable stress right so you can confidently communicate and start getting that natural rhythm in your English speaking. I also have a trick for you today that can help you figure out the stress for some of the longest, most difficult looking words to pronounce.  

Easy tips to use word stress in English.

First — You Need to Understand What a Syllable Is

To understand what syllable stress is, first we have to make sure we know what a syllable is. Let’s do a little review of what a syllable is so we can then look at how to stress one. 

In English our words are broken into smaller sound parts, syllables. A word might have one syllable, like dog, cat, mouse, or even strengths or stretched, which sound long but only have one syllable. So syllables are different sound parts, it is not about length. One syllable is usually made up of one vowel sound and you can usually tell something is a syllable if you have to move your chin down to say it. 

For example, when I say ‘dog’, my chin moves once: one syllable. But when I say ‘puppy’, it moves twice because we have 2 syllables.  

Now, Let’s Look at Syllable Stress

In English we do not treat syllables equally. We help the listener hear which word we are saying by stressing a syllable in each word.

For example, that thing we keep our food cold in is called a:


It is definitely not called a  RE-frig-er-a-tor or a re-frig-ER-a-tor or a  re-frig-er-A-tor or even a re-frig-er-a-TOR. This word is pretty unique, so a mistake in the stress here wouldn’t cause a huge problem but may be misunderstood and cause confusion. 

But what about this example?

  • I am going to reCORD some music. (verb)
  • She ran so fast she broke the world REcord! (noun)

The stress of a syllable changes the meaning of these words. One is a noun, the other is a verb. So there is an important difference in meaning that is made through correct word stress.

There are lots of English words that are both verbs and nouns with just a syllable stress change, and I will share the most important ones with you coming up.

But Which Syllable Should You Stress in a Word?

There are 3 ways you can identify the correct syllable for word stress in English:

  1. You can listen carefully to native speakers and try to identify which syllable they stress.
  2. Use a dictionary. A dictionary will use an apostrophe just before the stressed syllable to mark the stress. Like this:



  3. Or the easiest is to use the following 3 tricks to help you. These tricks are based on common patterns in English.

3 Tricks for Word Stress in English

Rule Number 1: 

For most 2 syllable nouns & adjectives, stress the first syllable:

  • ‘CLI mate
  • ‘PAR ent
  • ‘KNOWL edge
  • ‘FLIP pant
  • ‘SPA cious
  • ‘BA sic
  • ‘OB ject

Rule Number Two

For most 2 syllable verbs do the opposite, stress the second syllable:

  • be ’COME
  • em ’BRACE
  • re ’FLECT
  • for ‘GAVE
  • a ‘DORE
  • ob ‘JECT

Rule Number Three

This rule about syllable stress helps us out with some of the longest and most difficult words like: administration, exploitation, interruption, accusation, intervention, abbreviation, commission, extension, incomprehension

In words like these, with the final sound or word ending (suffix) -tion or -sion, we stress the syllable right before -tion and -sion. This gives us a sound to focus on saying clearly.

For example:

  • ad min i ‘STRA tion
  • in com pre HEN sion
  • a ccu ‘SA tion
  • in ter RUP tion
  • ex TEN sion

Word Stress for Nouns & Adjectives vs. Verbs

We have many words in English work two jobs: both noun and verb.

But, the syllable stress helps us to make sure we know which one is which. Other words like this include:

  • an ‘IN crease vs. to  in ‘CREASE
  • a ‘DE crease vs. to de ‘CREASE
  • a ‘RE fund vs. to re ‘FUND
  • an ‘IN vite vs. to in ‘VITE
  • a ‘PRO ject vs. to pro ‘JECT
  • an ‘EX port vs. to ex ‘PORT
  • a ‘SUS pect vs. to sus ‘PECT
  • an ‘IN sult vs. to in ‘SULT
  • a ‘PRE sent vs. to pre ‘SENT

❤️lessons on English pronunciation? Be sure to check out:

The Right Way to Ask Questions with Intonation

How Intonation Changes Meaning in English

Now it is your turn to practice.

Choose one of the words from our list of -tion and -sion suffixed words and come up with an example sentence.

Practice saying your sentence, stressing the correct syllable.

Remember to share it with us in the comments below, and show us the stressed syllable with an apostrophe or you can use capital letters to show it if you like. We look forward to hearing your examples!

Have a fantastic Confident English Wednesday!

~ Annemarie

You’ll also get my Confident English lessons delivered by email every Wednesday and occasional information about available courses. You can unsubscribe any time.

In English, we do not say each syllable with the same force or strength. In one word, we accentuate ONE syllable. We say one syllable very loudly (big, strong, important) and all the other syllables very quietly.

Let’s take 3 words: photograph, photographer and photographic. Do they sound the same when spoken? No. Because we accentuate (stress) ONE syllable in each word. And it is not always the same syllable. So the «shape» of each word is different.

Listen to these words. Do you hear the stressed syllable in each word?

stressed syllableunstressed syllableunstressed syllable 3 syllables, stress on #1

unstressed syllablestressed syllableunstressed syllableunstressed syllable 4 syllables, stress on #2

unstressed syllableunstressed syllablestressed syllableunstressed syllable 4 syllables, stress on #3

This happens in ALL words with 2 or more syllables: TEACHer, JaPAN, CHINa, aBOVE, converSAtion, INteresting, imPORtant, deMAND, etCETera, etCETera, etCETera

The syllables that are not stressed are weak or small or quiet. Fluent speakers of English listen for the STRESSED syllables, not the weak syllables. If you use word stress in your speech, you will instantly and automatically improve your pronunciation and your comprehension.

Try to hear the stress in individual words each time you listen to English — on the radio, or in films for example. Your first step is to HEAR and recognise it. After that, you can USE it!

There are two very important rules about word stress:

  1. One word, one stress. (One word cannot have two stresses. So if you hear two stresses, you have heard two words, not one word.)
  2. The stress is always on a vowel.

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