What is the word some in grammar

В английском языке some, any и no относятся к категории неопределенных местоимений. Ниже будут рассмотрены правила употребления some, any и no, а также их производных.

Правила употребления some

1. Использование some с неисчисляемыми существительными в значении «немного»:

There is some tea in the cup. – В чашке есть немного чая.

К неисчисляемым существительным английского языка, как правило, относятся такие категории существительных, как вещественные, абстрактные, то есть то, что нельзя посчитать.

2. Также some употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными, стоящими во множественном числе в значении «несколько», «некоторые»:

Some pupils brought interesting books. – Несколько учеников/ некоторые ученики принесли интересные книги.

3.Еще один случай употребления неопределенного местоимения some – с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, при этом значение будет «какой-то»:
Some guy called and wanted to talk with you. – Звонил какой-то парень и хотел поговорить с тобой.

Как правило, some и его производные употребляются в утвердительных предложениях, но также есть случаи, когда местоимение some используется в вопросительных предложениях.

1. Когда мы хотим попросить о чем-то или наоборот, предложить что-то:

Would you like some soup? – Не хотели бы Вы немного супа?

Can I have some cold milk, please? – Можно мне холодного молока, пожалуйста?

2. Когда мы задаем вопрос, ответ на который предполагается быть утвердительным:

What a smell! Are you cooking something tasty? – Какой запах! Ты готовишь что-то вкусненькое?

Есть еще одно правило употребления some в английском языке. Местоимение some можно использовать с предлогом of в значении «некоторые из». В данном случае перед существительным необходимо поставить либо определенный артикль, либо указательное или притяжательное местоимение.

Some of my friends are going to Moscow this week. – Некоторые из моих друзей собираются в Москву на этой неделе.

Some of the houses were destroyed during the fire. – Некоторые из домов были разрушены во время пожара.

Правило употребления местоимения any

Местоимение any и все его производные обычно употребляются в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях:

I don’t have any problems at school. –У меня нет проблем в школе.

Do you have any news? – Есть какие-нибудь новости?

Также есть правила для случаев, когда any употребляется в утвердительных предложениях:

1. Когда имеется в виду «любой», «всякий», «что угодно», «где угодно», «как угодно»:
Anyone can do this. – Любой может это сделать.

2. В придаточных предложениях после «if»:
If you have any questions let me know. – Если у вас будут вопросы, дайте знать.

3. Если в предложении уже имеются нижеперечисленные наречия и предлог с отрицательным значением:

  • Hardly
  • Scarcely
  • Never
  • Without
  • Seldom
  • Rarely

I seldom go anywhere at night. – Я очень редко выхожу куда-либо ночью.

Without any doubt, he is a good person. – Без сомнения, он хороший человек.

He never stays alone at home. – Он никогда не остается дома один.

Если местоимение any употребляется с предлогом of, то на русский язык конструкция будет переводиться как «любой»:

You can take any of these books they are all very interesting. – Можешь взять любую из этих книг, они все очень интересные.

Но стоит запомнить правило с any, что производные от местоимения, такие как anyone, anybody, anywhere, не могут использоваться с предлогом of.

После производных местоимений можно использовать наречие else в значении «еще», «кроме».

Are you going to tell me anything else? – Ты хочешь мне сказать что-то еще?

Does anybody need extra paper? – Кому-нибудь еще нужна бумага?

Правило употребления some, any и артиклей a/an

Есть случаи, когда можно задуматься над выбором между some, неопределенным артиклем «а» и нулевым артиклем. Этот случай касается неисчисляемых существительных.

  • Could you give me some water, please?
  • Could you give me a water, please?
  • Could you give me water, please?

Все три предложения переводятся как «Не могли бы вы дать мне воды, пожалуйста?». Разница состоит в том, что в первом предложении мы как бы просим небольшое количество жидкости, во втором, употребляя артикль «а», мы имеем в виду, что нам нужен один стакан или чашка воды, грубо говоря, одна «порция», а в третьем варианте мы имеем в виду, что нам важна вода, а не что-то другое, неважно в каком количестве.

Правило употребления местоимения no

Местоимение no употребляется как перед исчисляемыми существительными, так и перед неисчисляемыми. Само предложение, в котором есть местоимение no приобретает отрицательное значение. Стоит отметить, что глагол в предложении с no будет всегда в положительной форме, поскольку двойного отрицания в английском языке нет.

I have no tasks to do now. – Сейчас мне нечего делать.

We have no juice at home. Please, go to the shop. – У нас дома нет сока. Пожалуйста, сходи в магазин.

Правила образования производных местоимений и наречий от some, any, no


I have something to tell you. – Я хочу тебе кое-что сказать.

Did he see anything terrible there? – Он увидел там что-то ужасное?

I know nothing about him. – Я не знаю о нем ничего.

Somebody/ someone has stolen my purse! – Кто-то украл мой кошелек!

Has anybody/ anyone heard something about Jack? – Кто-нибудь слышал что-нибудь о Джеке?

The keys should be somewhere on the table. – Ключи должны быть где-то на столе?

We can go anywhere this summer. – Мы можем поехать летом куда угодно.

He is nowhere to be found. – Его нигде нет.

Производные местоимения, образованные от some, any, no, используются в предложении без существительных, и могут выполнять в предложении роль подлежащего или дополнения. При этом такие подлежащие согласуются со сказуемым в третьем лице единственного числа:

Nobody knows where to go. — Никто не знает, куда идти.

Something is bothering you. — Что-то тебя беспокоит.

Somebody has been sleeping in my bed. — Кто-то спал в моей кровати.


  • 1 What is some in grammar?
  • 2 Which parts of speech is some?
  • 3 What is diachronic identity?
  • 4 What is synchronic movie?
  • 5 What is synchronic phonology?
  • 6 What is an example of synchronicity?

Some and any are used to state the quantity, amount of something. When using some or any, the exact number is not stated. The exact number is not known. The exact number is not important or relevant. Some and any are used with countable and uncountable nouns.

What is the word some in grammar?

We use some and any with uncountable nouns and plural nouns. The general rule is that you use “some” in positive sentences and “any” in negative sentences and questions. “I have some ideas.” When we use some in a question, we limit what we are offering the other person.

Where we use any in sentence?

As a general rule, we use ‘some’ for affirmative sentences, and ‘any’ for questions or negative sentences. Usually, both ‘some’ and ‘any’ can only be used with countable plural nouns or uncountable nouns. For example, “I have some questions.”

Which parts of speech is some?

Parts of Speech Table

part of speech function or “job” example words
Determiner limits or “determines” a noun a/an, the, 2, some, many
Adverb describes a verb, adjective or adverb quickly, silently, well, badly, very, really
Pronoun replaces a noun I, you, he, she, some
Preposition links a noun to another word to, at, after, on, but

What are the two elements of grammar?

The two most basic parts of a sentence are the subject and predicate. The subject of a sentence is the person, place, or thing that is performing the action of the sentence. The subject represents what or whom the sentence is about.

What is a synchronic study?

Synchronic study: A study that is done at a single point in time rather than over the course of a period of time (longitudinally).

What is diachronic identity?

By diachronic identity we mean an identity holding between something existing at one time and something existing at another. One question is whether synchronic and diachronic identity are different kinds of identity. Some philosophers are willing to countenance different kinds of identity.

Is Synchronically a word?

synchronic. Belonging to the same period of time as another: coetaneous, coeval, coexistent, concurrent, contemporaneous, contemporary, synchronous.

What is difference between diachronic and synchronic?

Diachronic linguistics is the same thing as historical linguistics. Diachronic linguistics is the study of the changes in language over time. Synchronic linguistics is the study of the linguistic elements and usage of a language at a particular moment.

What is synchronic movie?

When New Orleans paramedics and longtime best friends Steve and Dennis are called to a series of bizarre and gruesome accidents, they chalk it up to a mysterious new drug found at the scene. But after Dennis’ oldest daughter disappears, Steve stumbles upon a terrifying truth about the supposed psychedelic that will challenge everything he knows about reality — and the flow of time itself.

What does langue mean?

langue, which is primarily used to refer to individual languages such as French and English; and. langage, which primarily refers to language as a general phenomenon, or to the human ability to have language.

What is synchronic dictionary?

1 : synchronous. 2a : descriptive sense 4 synchronic linguistics. b : concerned with events existing in a limited time period and ignoring historical antecedents.

What is synchronic phonology?

In phonology. Synchronic (descriptive) phonology investigates sounds at a single stage in the development of a language, to discover the sound patterns that can occur. For example, in English, nt and dm can appear within or at the end of words (“rent,” “admit”) but not at the…

How do you spell synchronistic?


  1. coincidence in time; contemporaneousness; simultaneousness.
  2. the arrangement or treatment of synchronous things or events in conjunction, as in a history.
  3. a tabular arrangement of historical events or personages, grouped according to their dates.

Is synchronicity a good sign?

There is a strong link between synchronicity signs and successful manifestation through the Law of Attraction. In addition, seeing these signs can help to affirm you’ve chosen the right manifestation goal.

What is an example of synchronicity?

Many people see synchronicity as a lesson, affirmation, or message from Life. One example of synchronicity is hearing the same name over and over again (in books, on TV, on number plates, in dreams) and later discovering that the name is a suburb where you finally find your dream home.

What is number synchronicity?

Seeing repetitive numbers is a form of synchronicity – a phenomenon described by psychiatrist Carl Jung as “a meaningful coincidence of two or more events where something other than the probability of chance is involved.” In other words, synchronicity is far more than serendipity which involves luck and chance.

Words in English can be confusing, especially when those words are meant to signify a specific (or generalized) number. “Some” is one such word that makes learning it confusing. It makes people ask questions like how much is some? And what number is some associated with?

The definition of some in numbers is that it equals at least one, but possibly all. That might sound strange at first, but hear us out. When we use “some” in a sentence, we are talking about one or more things. Depending on the context, it could refer to all. For example, “some of my friends” could mean “two of my friends,” just as easily as it could mean “all of my friends.” The context is important with the usage of “some.”

A lot of people are familiar with “some,” meaning at least one. They’ll use it to give someone an indefinite number or a quick answer to a question that asks for quantification. For example, if someone asked you “how many people are coming,” and you reply “some friends,” it’s a quick way to respond without having to give the exact number, because either you don’t know it yourself, or you don’t really care about the answer!

Some is used mostly as a brush-off word that helps to distinguish a number. As we said, though, the number comes more from context than definition. You can’t put one singular number to it and expect it to equal the same amount every time. That’s the glory of using words like “some” or “several,” there’s never a direct answer, so you can have fun with them.

10 Examples Of How To Use “Some” In A Sentence

Now that we’ve cleared up the definition of “some” and how many it might refer to, it’s time to put our newfound knowledge into action. Let’s look through some examples of using it (see how we just used it in that sentence, too). We’ll show you when it’s best suited, as well as when it can mean anywhere between one thing or person, to all the things and people.

  • Some of my friends are coming around later.
  • You’ll find some food in the fridge.
  • Some of you won’t be graduating tomorrow.
  • Some of us might not make it.
  • I’ve ordered us some Indian food.
  • We’re not some random people.
  • Do you have some milk?
  • Does anyone have some answers to my question?
  • Some of you may die, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take.
  • Some day soon, I’ll make it out of here.

You can talk about friends, food, days, and everything in between. In each of these cases, the object of the sentence relating to “some” varies. If it can be quantified (given a number), then the word “some” may apply when talking about an indefinite number.

Synonyms For “Some”

Now that we’ve covered all we need to know about “some” and what it means, there’s one last thing to cover. If you’re still unsure of how to use “some” or fancy having a wider range of words to use, then synonyms might be the answer for you! Finding alternatives to words not only makes you more comfortable with replacing words you’re not too familiar with, but it also shows you have a much deeper understanding of the language!

  • Few

This is one of the other most common quantifiable words in English. We use this to talk about more than one, but only a selection of a group.

  • Various

A way to say that varying options are spoken about. It’s a bit more restrictive than the open-ended “some,” but it’s still a good choice.

  • Several

Another quantifiable word that refers to more than “few.” If you’re using this instead of “some,” you’re often using it on the upper end of the amount scale.

  • A number

This one’s good if you don’t want to give an exact number but have a rough idea anyway.

  • A portion

This one’s similar to “a number” but is reserved for specific situations, so you can’t always use it. For example, you can say “a portion of cake,” but you won’t get away with “a portion of friends.” It’s usually referring to amounts in food.

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Some Is vs. Some Are – Learn If “Some” Is Singular Or Plural

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

местоимения some и any

Слова some и any используются в разных значениях, также есть производные от них местоимения со схожими значениями. Основное правило заключается в том, что обычно (но не всегда) some используется в утвердительных предложениях, а any в отрицаниях и вопросах.

«Обычно, но не всегда», потому что some может использоваться и в вопросах, об этом я подробнее рассказал в пункте «Когда some используется в вопросах вместо any».


  • Some и Any в значении «несколько, какое-то, какие-нибудь» — перед существительным во мн. числе.
  • Some и Any в значении «некоторое количество, немного» — перед неисчисляемым существительным.
  • Some в значении «некий, какой-то» — перед исчисляемым существительным в ед. числе.
  • Some в значении «некоторые» — перед существительным во мн. числе.
  • Any в значении «любой, всякий».
  • Когда Some используется в вопросах вместо Any.
  • Местоимения, производные от Some и Any.

Some и any могут использоваться в значениях «несколько, какое-то, какие-нибудь» перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе (some и any выступают как местоимения-прилагательные, то есть заменять прилагательное). В этом случае на русский язык some обычно не переводится.

There are some books on the shelf. — На полке есть книги (несколько книг, какие-то книги).

I am going to feed some birds. — Я собираюсь покормить птичек (некоторое количество птиц, каких-то птичек).

Have you got any yellow bricks? — У вас есть желтые кирпичи? (какое-то количество кирпичей)

Jack doesn’t have any matches. — У Джека нет спичек (никаких).

They asked me some questions. — Они задали мне несколько вопросов.

Примечание: some и any могут также использоваться вместо существительных во множественном числе, выступая как местоимения-существительные.

They wanted to see some samples of our product, and we sent them some. — Они хотели увидеть образцы нашей продукции (некое кол-во), и мы отправили им несколько (образцов).

I needed some nails, but they didn’t have any. — Мне нужны были гвозди (некое кол-во), но у них их не было.

Some и any в значении «некоторое количество, немного» — перед неисчисляемым существительным

В примерах выше местоимения some и any использовались в значении «несколько, какие-нибудь», то есть речь шла не только о количестве, но и о его неопределенности. Второй случай очень близок похож по значению к первому, но здесь не может быть значения «несколько», так как речь идет о неисчисляемом предмете.

В значениях «некоторое количество, немного, сколько-то» some, any употребляются перед неисчисляемым существительным.

Give me some money please — Дай мне (немного, сколько-то) денег, пожалуйста.

I have got some food — У меня есть (немного, некое кол-во) еды.

Don’t give me any money — Не давай мне (нисколько) денег.

I haven’t got any food — У меня нет еды (нисколько).

Примечание: some и any могут также использоваться вместо неисчисляемого существительного.

I need oil. Please pass me some. — Мне нужно масло, передай мне, пожалуйста, немного (масла).

She needs some water, but we don’t have any. — Ей нужна вода (сколько-то), но у нас ее нет (нисколько).

Some в значении «некий, какой-то» — перед исчисляемым существительным в единственном числе

Some перед исчисляемым существительным в единственном числе употребляется в значении «какой-то, некий». Это особенно характерно для разговорной речи.

Someone asked about you. Some guy. — Кто-то про тебя спрашивал, какой-то парень.

There is some picture on the wall. — На стене какая-то картина.

I can see some strange cloud in the sky. — Я вижу какое-то странное облако в небе.

Some в значении «некоторые» — перед существительными во множественном числе

Перед существительными во множественном числе some может употребляться в значении «некоторые» (как местоимение-прилагательное).

Some people know what they want, some don’t — Некоторые люди знают чего хотят, некоторые нет.

Some flowers are not beautiful — Некоторые цветы некрасивы.

Если это существительное обозначает группу лиц/предметов и перед ним стоит артикль the, притяжательное (my, her и проч.) или указательное местоимение (this, those и др.), после some ставится of.

Some of my neighbors don’t like my dog. — Некоторым моим соседям не нравится моя собака.

Some of the candidates didn’t come to the interview. — Некоторые кандидаты не пришли на собеседование.

Any в значении «любой, всякий»

Местоимение any также употребляется в значении «любой, какой-нибудь» в утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях.

Visit me at any time — Приходи ко мне в любое время.

You can use any tool — Вы можете использовать любой инструмент.

Когда some используется в вопросах вместо any

Я отмечал в начале статьи, что some, как правило, используется в утверждениях, а any — в вопросах и отрицаниях. Однако есть случаи, когда some используется в вопросах — здесь все зависит от того, какой смысл мы вкладываем в предложение.

Возьмем, например, вопрос:

Do you have any salt? — У вас есть соль? (сколько-нибудь соли)

Здесь мы спрашиваем, есть ли у собеседника хоть сколько-нибудь соли, какое-нибудь количество соли, то есть нас интересует наличие соли вообще у этого человека. Если any заменить на some, то смысл немного изменится.

Do you have some salt? — У вас есть соль? (немного соли, некоторое количество соли)

Здесь мы уже спрашиваем, есть ли у собеседника некоторое количество соли. Это довольно небольшая и не всегда существенная разница. Она особенно заметна, если мы хотим что-то предложить, тогда some уместнее:

Would you like some ice-cream?

В этом примере «some ice-cream» значит «некоторое количество, сколько-то, немного мороженого». Как правило, подобные вопросы задают именно с «some». Но если сказать:

Would you like any ice-cream?

То получится странноватый вопрос, как если бы мы спросили очень робко, будто боясь отказа, не желаете ли вы какого-нибудь мороженого?

Когда мы просим некоторое количество чего-то, тоже уместнее some, например:

Can I take some sugar?

Этот вопрос поймут, как «Могу я взять (немного) сахара?» Но если сказать:

Can I take any sugar?

Смысл будет: «Могу ли я взять любой сахар?» Как если бы мне предложили к чаю на выбор 10 видов сахара, а я уточнил, действительно ли я могу взять любой из них?

Местоимения, производные от Some и Any

Местоимения some и any могут сочетаться с one, body, thing, образуя неопределенные местоимения someone, somebody, anyone, anybody, something, anything.

Some Any
One Someone — кто-то Anyone — кто-нибудь
Body Somebody — кто-нибудь Anybody — кто-нибудь
thing Something — что-то Anything — что-нибудь

Подобно some и any производные от some используются в утвердительных предложениях, а производные от any в отрицательных и вопросительных.

Somebody is hiding there — Кто-то там прячется.

Is anybody hiding there? — Там кто-нибудь прячется?


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Key words: Grammar: Possessive pronouns (second form). Comparison of adjectives and adverbs. Participle I. Indefinite pronouns some, any. Word formation: Compound words with some, any, every, no

как переводится слово some

In Lesson 4, you learned about the possessive pronouns my, his, her, its, our, their. Possessive pronouns have this form when they appear in front of a noun as its definition. But when they stand instead of a noun, replace it, then their form changes somewhat. Compare:

Compare also sentences with the same meaning:

Read and translate:

Take my notebook and give me yours. I your house; do you want to see ours? Give them our map, theirs is too small. She says that bag is hers.

1) Adjectives

In modern English, there are two ways to form degrees of comparison of adjectives:

The first method — using suffixes. In this way, the degrees of comparison of monosyllabic adjectives, as well as those disyllabic adjectives that end in y, are formed. Comparatively, the suffix -er [q] is added to them, and in the excellent -est [qst]. For example:

Polishing Comparative Superb
warm warm warmer warmer (the) warmest warmest (warmest)
wide wide wider is wider (the) widest widest (widest)
big big bigger bigger (the) biggest
easy easy easier easier (the) easiest (lightest)

A noun defined by a superlative adjective usually has the article the or possessive pronoun:

This bridge is the finest in London. This is the most beautiful bridge in London.

He is my oldest friend. He is my oldest friend.

Comparison grades have the following spelling features

a) doubling a consonant before -er and -est, if the consonant is preceded by a short vowel: bid, bigger, (the) biggest;

b) the transition of the final у в iif the letter y is preceded by a consonant: easy, easier, (the) easiest.

second method — by adding the words more [mO:] more and (the)

most [must] most of all, the most… This is how the degrees of comparison of most disyllabic and all polysyllabic adjectives are formed. For example:

These two methods are basic for the formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives.

In addition, the degrees of comparison of some adjectives are derived from other roots. There are few such adjectives. Remember them:

Please note that the degrees of comparison of the corresponding Russian words are also formed from different roots: good is better; bad — worse; much more.

2) Adverbs

The degrees of comparison of adverbs are formed in the same way as the degrees of comparison of adjectives:

1) Using suffixes:

near — nearer — nearest close, closest, closest

2) Descriptively:

Source: http://www.englspace.com/online/lesson10/index.shtml

The use of some, any, no in English

как переводится слово some

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A pronoun is a word that indicates an object or quality of an object, but does not directly name it. Today we will take a look at the indefinite pronouns some, any, no in English.

Rules for using some, any, no

Before we consider the cases of the use of some, any, no, let’s find out the translation of these words.

  • Some — some, some, some, a few.
  • Any is translated in the same way, and can also be translated as «any».
  • No — no, not at all.

The general rule for these pronouns is: some, any, no must come before the noun they define. In this function, they resemble articles (a / an and the), which are also used before a noun. Let’s take a look at the table.

Sentence Example Countable Uncountable

+ We need an (some) apple. some apples. some rice. some milk.
We don’t need a (any) tomato.any tomatoes. any rice.any sugar.
? do we need a (any) tomato? any tomatoes? any rice? any sugar?

It is important to remember that it is better not to leave a noun unaccompanied by a pronoun or article. And now — to the rules of using some, any, no in English.

  1. The pronoun some is used in affirmative sentences. But it can also be found in interrogative sentences when it comes to a request or an offer to do something for someone.

    There is some portrait on the wall. — There is a portrait hanging on the wall.

    The boys broke some windows in the house. — The boys broke several windows in the house.

    Would you some beer? — Would you like some beer? (offer)

    Give me, please, some juice. — Please give me some juice. (request)

    Please note that with words in the singular, some translates as «some» (some boy — some boy), with the same plural nouns — «several» (some people — several people), but with uncountable nouns — «a little» (some sugar — a little sugar).

  2. The pronoun any is used in interrogative and negative sentences instead of some and means «any, some, no».

    Do you speak any foreign languages? — Do you speak any foreign languages?

    Did the manager take any decision? — Did the manager make any decision?

    I did not find any mistakes. — I haven’t found any errors.

    If any is in an affirmative sentence, then it is translated as “any”, “any”, “whatever”.

    Any vegetable is useful for your health. — Any vegetable is good for your health.

    Any girl wants to get married. — Every girl wants to get married.

    You can catch any of these buses. “You can take any of these buses.

  3. Watch the video from a native speaker to understand the difference between some and any.

  4. The pronoun no as a definition is used with all types of nouns, both in the singular and in the plural. It expresses the absence of something and is used only in negative sentences.

    John has no furniture in his flat. — John has no furniture in the apartment.

    Fortunately there are no cars in this area. “Fortunately, there are no cars in this area.

    Note the difference between not and no. We use not for a verb, and no before a noun:

    I have no telephone at home. = I have not got a telephone at home. “I don’t have a phone at home.

    There are no pupils in the classroom. = There are not any pupils in the classroom. — There are no students in the class.

    there is no information in the file. = There is not any information in the file. — There is no information in the file.

    You can use either option: no or not any. Just do not mix them with each other, because in an English sentence there can be only one negation.

    There is no any difference. — There is not any difference or There is no difference… — No difference.

The combination of some, any, no with other words

When we talk about people, things, places, we can add some, any, no and get new words. Let’s look at the table to find out which words we can add these pronouns to.

AboutSome + Any + No +

People Somebody, someone — someone, someone, someone, someone Anybody, anyone — anyone, anyone, anyone, anyone, anyone Nobody, no one — nobody, nobody
Things Something — something, something, something Anything — anything Nothing is nothing, nothing
Places Somewhere — somewhere, somewhere, somewhere Anywhere — Anywhere, Anywhere, Anywhere Nowhere — nowhere, nowhere

And a few more rules worth paying attention to.

Source: https://engblog.ru/some-any-no

Any Some Terms of Use

как переводится слово some

By Alina Skorokhodova Mar 6, 2019 Indefinite pronouns indicate an indefinite object, object or person, as well as a small number. In English, this group includes some, any with their derivatives. Despite the same translation — «some, some, a little, a little, some, some», they have differences in the rules of use.


Used primarily in affirmative sentences, special questions, and requests and offers. In general questions, the same can be used when it is necessary to especially strongly emphasize a small amount of something.


It is used, as a rule, in negative phrases, general issues. In questions requiring a yes / no answer, in conditional sentences. It is also used in affirmative sentences, but in the meaning of «any, no matter what».

Comparative use of the pronouns some and any

The main difference lies in the types of utterances in which these pronouns are used.

Can I have something to eat? Yes, you can eat anything you want.

Can I eat something? Yes, you can eat what you want.

Rules for using some / any

Both of these words can act as:

  • Pronoun adjectives (i.e. together with nouns)
  • Pronoun nouns (i.e. instead of nouns)

They are used both for countable nouns in both numbers, and relatively uncountable ones. Accordingly, with uncountable (which includes mainly abstract concepts, substances, etc.) will mean «a little». Countable nouns are «a certain number, a few.»

Some applies

  • In statements.
    • You need to answer some questions. — You need to answer some questions.
    • We have some time to do this. — We have some time for this.
  • In special matters (ie, where the special interrogative words «what, where, when, etc.» are used.


    • Where can I have some drink? — Where can I have a drink?
  • In requests or suggestions.
    • I can give you some lessons if you want. “I can give you some lessons if you want.

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Any used

  • For general questions.
    • Will there be any people in the room? — Will there be any people in the room?
  • For negations (together with the not particle)
    • There were not any dogs in the garden… “There were no dogs in the garden.
  • In affirmative sentences can be used when it is important to put the emphasis that «it does not matter which, any»
    • You could find these flowers in any forest. — You can find these flowers in any forest.
    • Parents may return at any time. — Parents can return at any time.
    • What kind of tea do you drink? Any will be ok. — What kind of tea do you drink? Anyone will do.
  • Since any is used in negative constructs, it will also be used after negative adverbs, such as:
    • Hardly, scarcely (hardly, almost not)
    • Never (never)
    • Without (- without, and when it is followed by the fourth / ing form of the verb, then «without doing anything»)
    • Seldom, rarely (rarely, infrequently, occasionally)
    • little, few (a little, a little)

Both of these pronouns can be translated into Russian, or their meaning is conveyed descriptively with the preservation of the meaning.

For example, usually some is left without translation when it is used with uncountable nouns, but the meaning implies “a little, a certain amount, a little”.

Could you give me some tea, please?

Could you pour me some tea, please.

Important notes

When used with uncountable nouns, some means only a certain amount, a part, and not the whole whole.

For comparison:

  • Lend me some money for shopping. — Lend me some money for shopping.
  • Give me the money, or I`ll shoot! — Give me money (everything you have), otherwise I’ll shoot!

It is also worth considering that when using indefinite pronouns with countable nouns, it is no longer necessary to put a definite / indefinite article.

  • Where are the textbooks? — Some are on the table. — Where are the textbooks? — They (some) are on the table.
  • I need some food. Please give me some. — I need some food. Please give me food.

If the pronoun some is used with respect to a certain set of persons or objects in the meaning, then the preposition of is placed after it, and the definite article the or the possessive / demonstrative pronoun is required before the subsequent noun. Derivatives from indefinite pronouns are not used in this construction.

Some of our guests were late. Some of our guests were late.
Some of the apples were already eaten… Some of the apples have already been eaten.

Derived from some and any

The pronouns some and any form derivatives with the suffixes «thing, body, one, where, when».

  • something, anything — «something, anything, whatever» when it comes to inanimate objects and objects
  • somebody, someone; anybody, anyone «Someone, someone, anyone, anyone, someone», are used in relation to animate nouns, that is, people
  • somewhere, anywhere — «somewhere, somewhere, somewhere, everywhere, nowhere», that is, relative to the location

When using derivatives, you should follow the same rules as for the original pronouns.

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Source: https://eng911.ru/rules/any-some-ispolzovanie.html

English grammar for beginners, part 5

: 20.03.2017

And here is another article from the «Grammar for Beginners» series. We have already published four articles and received hundreds of grateful responses from our readers. As a reminder, in this series of articles, we explain grammar in accessible words without complicated terms, so that beginners or people who don’t remember the basics of English well can understand grammar and put it into practice.


  • 1. Demonstrative pronouns this, that, these, those
  • 2. The use of few, a few, little, a little, a lot of, plenty
  • 3. Peculiarities of using some, any, no
  • 4. Indefinite pronouns with some-, any-, no- and every-

Be sure to check out the following articles in this series:

Demonstrative pronouns this, that, these, those

Demonstrative pronouns in English indicate an object, person, animal. In the singular we use the pronoun this (this, this, this) and that (that, that, that), in the plural — these (these) and those (those).

This and theseThat and those

1. We talk about objects and people who are next to us… In some cases, such phrases will contain the word here, which will indicate to you the proximity of the item. this book here. — Look at this book. (which means the book is next to us)Thesis shoes are too small. — These the shoes are too small. (you try on shoes and tell the seller that they are small) 1. We talk about objects and people who are far from us… In some cases, such phrases will contain the words over there, which will indicate to you the distant location of the object.That book over there belongs to me. — And the book belongs to me. (the book is at the other end of the room, and you show the person that the book over there is yours)Those shoes look fantastic! — Those the shoes look fantastic! (shoes are on the shelf farthest from you)
2. Talking about something happening at the moment of speech or close to the moment of speech.This girl is charming. — This the girl is adorable. (we are looking at the girl at the moment)Thesis hamburgers are tasty. — This is delicious burgers. (refers to the hamburgers we are eating at the moment) 2. Talking about the event in the past tense, that is, distant from the moment of speech.That girl I met last week was charming. — And the girl I met last week was adorable. (the action took place in the past)Those hamburgers we ate yesterday were tasty. — Those the burgers we ate yesterday were delicious. (we are talking about the past — a distant moment in time)
3. When we introduce ourselves (in a telephone conversation) or introduce a person / several people.hello, this is John! — Hey, it John! (we call and introduce ourselves)Thesis are my colleagues, Tom and Jerry. — This is my colleagues, Tom and Jerry. 3. When you ask the person to introduce themselveswith whom you are talking on the phone (person is far away from you) .Hello, is That Sally? — Hey, it Sally?

An interesting point: the pronouns this and it are very similar, we can say both This is a dog and It is a dog. What is the difference between them?

This is a dog. — This is a dog. (emphasis on the first word: we want to say that this, and not some other, animal is a dog)

A cat and a dog are standing in front of us. Your friend points to the cat and claims it is a dog. You point to a dog and say: This is a dog.

It is a dog. — This is a dog. (emphasis on the second word: we want to emphasize that this animal is a dog, not a cat)

Your friend points you to the dog and says it’s a cat. In this case, you tell him: It’s a dog.

Do you understand the difference between these pronouns? Then take our test.

Demonstrative test this, that, these, those

Using few, a few, little, a little, a lot of, plenty

In Part XNUMX of our Grammar for Beginners, we have already learned five words for the amount of something: many, much, some, any, and no. Now let’s see what other expressions are used to denote the number of countable (which can be counted) and uncountable (which cannot be counted) nouns. For convenience, we will present everything in the table.

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns Translation Example

a lot of, lots of many, very many I have a lot of books in my library. — In my library lots of books.I put plenty of milk in my coffee. — I poured lots of milk in your coffee.
many much many (many in all kinds of sentences, much mostly in negative and interrogative sentences) do you have many books. — At your place lot books? Do you put much milk in my coffee? — You lot poured milk into my coffee?
some a little, a little (in affirmative sentences) I have some books. — I have some books.I put some milk in my coffee. — I poured slightly milk in your coffee.
Any several, a little (in interrogative and negative sentences) do you have Any books? — Do you have slightly books? Did you put Any milk in my coffee? — You poured slightly milk in my coffee?
a few a little little but enough I have a few books in my library. — In my library slightly books. (so many books are enough for me) I put a little milk in my coffee. — I poured slightly milk in your coffee. (It’s enough)
few little little and not enough I have few books in my library. — In my library little books. (so little that it’s not enough, there’s a lack) I put little milk in my coffee. — I poured little milk in your coffee. (I would like more, I feel a lack)
No. there is no one (s), there is no I have No. books in my library. — In my library no one books.There is No. milk in my coffee. — In my coffee there is no milk.

We want to clarify in a little more detail the difference between the words a few (a little) and few (little). The first of them (a few and a little) are used in case you have little of something, but this amount is still enough for you, you do not experience a shortage. While few and little we use, when you don’t have enough of something and this amount is not enough for you, you are missing it.

Peculiarities of using some, any, no

We figured out how to denote quantity using the words some, any, no. As you noticed, indefinite pronouns in English always appear before a noun and, in fact, replace the article. Let’s see examples of how this happens:

there is a book in the box. = There is some book in the box. — In the box some kind of

Source: https://englex.ru/english-grammar-for-beginners-part-5/

The turnover there is / there are, its negative form. Indefinite pronouns

Turnover there is/there are literally translated as «There is.» Choice is or are depends on the number of nouns pointed to by the turnover.

The need to use this turnover, perhaps, is not very clear for beginners to learn English, since the analogies of turnover there is/there are in Russian, no. The skills of using this phrase will be useful in the future and will undoubtedly make the language more expressive and beautiful.

This turnover has a fairly wide range of applications. In this topic, we will analyze one such application, namely, an indication of the location of an object.

Compare two sentences:

There are two books on the table. — There are two books on the table (There are two books on the table) and

Two books are on the table. — Two books on the table.

In a non-revolving sentence, the emphasis is on the object (two books). The turnover shifts this emphasis to the location of the object — that makes all the difference. It all depends on what is paramount to you. The difference can be seen from the translation, which is better at first to be guided at first. Thus, if necessary, to say that something is somewhere or located, we use the phrase there is / there are.

Affirmative sentences

An affirmative sentence begins with a turnover, followed by a subject (noun), which can be preceded by a numeral, possessive pronoun and / or adjective. In the last place is the circumstance of place: 1) There is / there are 2) what (who) is 3) where is.

There is a nice-looking girl in that room.
There are five red apples in my bag.

Indefinite pronouns

When using the phrase there is / there are are actively used by indefinite pronouns. Most often these are pronouns some и Anythat represent a certain amount of an object.

some roughly translates to «somewhat / some»
Any — «any / any»

Approximately — because often these pronouns are NOT translated (in sentences) into Russian, and sometimes their translation is very important. You need to get used to the use of these pronouns, since there are no complete analogues of them in the Russian language. But there are certain rules that make it easier to use these indefinite pronouns.

Pronoun some, as a rule, is used only in affirmative suggestions. Pronoun Any usually used in sentences negative и interrogative.

И someand Any are equally used with countable and uncountable nouns.

There ARE some books on the table. Possible translations: There are several books on the table; There is (some) books on the table.

Possible translations: There is (is) some tea in the cup. There is some tea in the cup.

Source: https://www.study.ru/courses/elementary/oborot-there-isthere-are

Some and Any in English — dot the I

As you know, it is impossible to learn any language for its full use, without having sufficient knowledge of the basis of this language, which is largely grammar. A good knowledge of grammar makes it possible to communicate correctly, build sentences, rewrite and, in general, get full access to all language tools of a particular language.

Learning English may seem difficult only at first glance, grammar is at first quite difficult for many, but if you look at how many people around the world are successfully learning English, you can come to the conclusion that this language is not so difficult to master.

In addition, it is the Russian language that is considered one of the most difficult in the world, and if we know Russian, then we will be able to learn English.

Basic grammar and some important points of information

There are many important and interesting questions in the grammar of the English language that require close study, and today we will talk about exactly what place the words some and any occupy in the English language and what this linguistic phenomenon is. More precisely, this is not even a design, but a language tool that will allow you to achieve the desired effect.

 The words some and any are pronouns, but these are not ordinary pronouns, they are «indefinite». Indefinite pronouns are always used to indicate something, most often using a noun in a complex. As a rule, these words have meaning only in English, and they are not even translated into Russian, but let’s look at everything in order.

What are some and any for, how and where to use them

In English, some and any are used to denote an indefinite, often small, amount of something. Most often, these indefinite pronouns act as definitions for a noun and are placed instead of an article.

The word some, as a rule, is used precisely in affirmative sentences when it is placed before countable nouns (water is uncountable, coins are countable, that is, coins can be counted) in the plural, as well as before uncountable nouns.

In this case, some will assign the meaning «several» or «some». This is easier to understand by looking at more specific examples.

Examples of using some and any

Examples of using the pronoun some

I’ve got SOME interesting books to read. — I have SEVERAL interesting books to read.

SOME children don’t sleep. — SOME kids don’t like sleeping.

As you can see, in these two examples the pronoun some acquires different meanings — “several” and “some”. In the same meanings, the word can be used not only in affirmative sentences, but also in interrogative ones.

Examples of usage and purpose of the pronoun any

The pronoun any is used, as a rule, in negative and interrogative sentences and is translated as the adverb «a little», «at least a little», or is not translated into Russian at all. Combined with the negative particle not, the pronoun any acquires the meaning «none», which is often used in negative sentences. For example:

They haven’t got ANY mistakes in this text. — They have NO mistakes in this text.

When executing the function of defining an uncountable noun, the pronoun any takes the meaning «any»:

Have you got ANY milk here? Is there milk here? (HOW MUCH milk)

As you can see, in the last example, the pronoun is not translated into Russian and takes on special meaning only in English.

Article recommended by an expert: Maria Solomatina

Source: https://1hello.ru/grammatika/some-any-v-anglijskom-yazyke-rasstavim-vse-tochki-nad-i.html

How to use Some and Any in English (rules and examples)

Words some and any are used in different meanings, there are also pronouns derived from them with similar meanings. The basic rule is that some is used in affirmative sentences, and Any in denials and general issues.


Some and any meaning “several, some, some” — before a plural noun. number of

Some and any can be used in the meanings “several, some, some” before countable plural nouns (some and any act as adjective pronouns, that is, replace an adjective). In this case, into Russian some usually not translated.

There are some books on the shelf. — There are books on the shelf (several books, some books).

I am going to feed some birds. — I’m going to feed the birds (some birds, some birds).

Have you got Any yellow bricks? — Do you have yellow bricks? (some number of bricks)

Jack doesn’t have Any matches. — Jack has no matches (no matches).

They asked me some questions. “They asked me a few questions.

Note: some and any can also be used in place of plural nouns, acting as pronouns.

They wanted to see some samples of our product, and we sent them some… — They wanted to see samples of our products (a certain number), and we sent them some (samples).

I needed some nails, but they didn’t have Any… — I needed nails (a certain number), but they did not have them.

Some and any meaning “a certain amount, a little” — before an uncountable noun

In the examples above, the pronouns some and any were used in the meaning of “several, some”, that is, it was not only about the quantity, but also about its uncertainty. The second case is very close in meaning to the first, but there cannot be the meaning of “several” here, since we are talking about an uncountable subject.

In the meanings “some, a little, some” some, any are used before an uncountable noun.

give me some money please — Give me (some, some) money, please.

I have got some food — I have (a little, a certain amount) food.

Don’t give me Any money — Don’t give me (any) money.

I haven’t got Any food — I have no food (not at all).

Note: some and any can also be used in place of an uncountable noun.

Source: https://langformula.ru/english-grammar/some-any/

Indefinite pronouns some, any and rules for their use

Hi, dear friends. The pronouns some and any have a similar meaning — they translate as “some, some”. However, in speech they are used in different ways. Let’s consider the rules for using «some» and «any», as well as their derivatives.

The general rule of thumb for these pronouns is: some, any must come before the noun they define. In this function, they resemble articles (a / an and the), which are also used before a noun. Let’s take a look at the table.


+ We need an (some) apple.some apples. some rice. some milk.
We don’t need a (any) tomato.any tomatoes. any rice.any sugar.
? do we need a (any) tomato? any tomatoes? any rice? any sugar?

Pronoun some

Indefinite pronoun some mostly used in affirmative sentences.

  • There is some water in the cup — there is some water in the cup
  • There is some person in the hall — there is some person in the hall
  • I have some plums — I have some plums

In interrogative sentences, some is used only in two cases: if we offer something to someone и if we ask for something.

  • Would you some chocolate? — Would you like some chocolate?
  •  Can I have some salt, please? — Can I have some salt, please?

The word some is translated into Russian in different ways, depending on which nouns it is combined with. In combination with countable nouns in the singular, we translate some as “some”, if the countable nouns are in the plural, then “several”, and if some is used with uncountable nouns, then it can be translated into Russian as “ slightly ”or not, depending on the context.

  • There is some book on the desk. Is it yours? “There’s a book on the table.
  • Is this yours? — I have several pens, I can give you one.
  • There is some milk in the bottle, but not much. — There is milk in the bottle, but not much.
  • Take two eggs and some flour. — Take 2 eggs and some flour.

Pronoun any

Indefinite pronoun Any performs the function some in interrogative and negative sentences.

  • I have some money
  • I don’t have money — I don’t have any money
  • You have money? — do you have any money?

Any can be used in an affirmative sentence, but in such cases its meaning will be “any, any, any».

  • Any person wants to be happy — any person wants happiness
  • You may call me any time — you can call me anytime

The combination of some, any with other words

When we talk about people, things, places, we can add some, any and get new words. Let’s look at the table to find out which words we can add these pronouns to.

About some + any +
People Somebody, someone — someone, someone, someone, someone Anybody, anyone — anyone, anyone, anyone, anyone, anyone
Things Something — something, something, something Anything — anything
Places Somewhere — somewhere, somewhere, somewhere Anywhere — Anywhere, Anywhere, Anywhere


  • I have something to tell you. “I want to tell you something.
  • Did he see anything terrible there? — He saw something terrible there?
  • I know nothing about him. “I don’t know anything about him.
  • Somebody / someone has stolen my purse! — Someone stole my wallet!
  • Has anybody / anyone heard something about Jack? — Has anyone heard anything about Jack?
  • The keys should be somewhere on the table. — Should the keys be on the table somewhere?
  • We can go anywhere this summer. — We can go anywhere in the summer.

Derivative pronouns formed from some, any are used in a sentence without nouns, and can act as a subject or object in a sentence. Moreover, such subjects agree with the predicate in the third person singular:


  • Something is bothering you. — Something is bothering you.
  • Somebody has been sleeping in my bed. — Someone was sleeping in my bed.

Some, Every, Any, No & Compounds

As you can see, there are not so many rules. If you study all this, the use of some, any should not cause any difficulties. We hope that your English grammar knowledge box has been replenished. Good luck!

Source: http://englishfox.ru/mestoimeniya-some-any.html

Indefinite words in English. Some any no — negative and indefinite pronouns in English

Friends, we have already learned many types of English pronouns. Everyone has long known that the pronoun is one of the main parts of speech that replaces a noun in a sentence and in speech.

Today we will discuss another kind of English pronouns — indefinite pronouns. Indefinite pronouns in English are a very curious thing. After all, they all come from two short words — Some и Any, which seem to be similar, but used in different ways.

Let’s figure out what these words are, how and where they are used, what meaning they have in a sentence. Some и Any translated as «some, some, a little, a little.» In the sentence, they serve as a definition. They are translated virtually the same way, but they are used differently in the sentence. And here is the very use of these words.

Someused in affirmative sentences:

  • IHavesomegoodfriends. — I have some good friends.
  • SandrahassomeFrenchbooksathome. — Sandra has several French books at home.

Anyused in negative and interrogative sentences. Sometimes it can be translated as «none» or even omitted in translation:

  • Ihaven «tAnybooksofMathematics. — I don’t have any books on mathematics.
  • DoyouHaveAnylettersfromTom? — Do you have any letters from Tom?

Sometimes a word Somecan be used in interrogative sentences if you offer something to the interlocutor:

  • would you some coffee? — Would you like some coffee?

As you have already noticed, Some и Anygo well with both countable and uncountable nouns:

  • WeHavesomemilkandTwoeggs;sowecanmakeacake. — We have some milk and two eggs; we can bake a cake.
  • WeHavesomepepper,butwedon «tHaveAnysugar;weshouldntbuysome. — We have some pepper, but no sugar; need to buy some (sugar).

To reinforce what you have learned, try translating the following sentences into English using words Some и Any… Exercises of this type will train you in the knowledge of indefinite pronouns:

  1. Do you have knives and forks?
  2. He has several German books at home.
  3. Show him some photos, please.
  4. Does he have any English magazines at home?
  5. Do you have children?
  6. Jim has some colored pencils.
  7. A friend of mine has several geographic maps.

The indefinite pronoun table is easy!

All we need to know is that indefinite pronouns in English are formed from words Some и any.And together we will compile a table of these indefinite pronouns!

Pay attention: we take words Some и thing and get Something; or Any и body and get Anybody.You have probably recognized these indefinite pronouns. The use of such words in speech is familiar to everyone who learns English! Well, well, we’ve refreshed our memory, now let’s get down to the table!

Pronoun Transfer
Some Some, some some, (none)
Someone Someone, someone, someone

Someone, someone, no

Somebody Someone, someone, someone

Someone, someone, no

Something Something, something, something

Something, something, nothing

Somewhere Somewhere, somewhere

Somewhere, somewhere (nowhere)

somehow Somehow, somehow, somehow
Somehow, somehow, no way

Here’s a table we have with you turned out. Small, but very necessary for the use of indefinite pronouns in speech.

The use of these pronouns in a sentence and in speech corresponds to the use of words Some и any.All on Someused in affirmative sentences; all on Any— in negative and interrogative. For example:

  • You should finish your report a, otherwise you can get a bad mark. — You must somehow finish your report, otherwise you can get a bad grade.
  • DoyouKnowanyonewhoCouldhelpus? — Do you know someone who would help us?
  • Ican «tstopthewater,por favor,dosomething! — I can’t stop the water, please do something!
  • Isanybodyin? — Is there anyone at home?
  • WeneedsomeonewhoknowsEnglish. — We need someone who knows English.

We hope friends, you all understand about indefinite pronouns. Now let’s see how to learn them quickly and easily.

How to quickly and easily learn indefinite pronouns?

Friends, if you are learning English, then you cannot do without indefinite pronouns. With them, your speech will be much more developed. How can you quickly and easily learn them?

The most optimal way is to form sentences and do exercises with indefinite pronouns. As much of this type of work as possible and you will very quickly master indefinite pronouns, and most importantly, you will get used to using them in speech.

We wish you good luck and early learning of the indefinite pronouns of the English language!

In English, pronouns play a particularly important role. Their use requires the development of certain skills and abilities. In this article, we will learn how indefinite pronouns behave in English and get acquainted with the rules for their use.

There are different schools of the English language, and they use different classifications of pronouns, so we will focus on those words whose ambiguity raises the least doubt.

Pronouns are 100 percent indefinite. some и Any in English, and, with a slight stretch, No., since this word and its derivatives simply deny the presence of an object or person.

Therefore, let us first dwell in detail on the first prepositions mentioned. Let’s start with the word some, which in most cases is used in affirmative sentences to mean «a little.»

There is some coffee in the thermos… There is some coffee in the thermos.

There are some potatoes in the pale… There are some potatoes in the bucket.

The assertion rule does not work when we ask polite questions with the words could, would:

Source: https://parlini.ru/neopredelennye-slova-v-angliiskom-yazyke-some-any-no.html

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