What is the word realise



I’d just begun to realise he was taking me for a ride.

Я только (наконец-то) начала понимать, что он брал меня покататься.

They didn’t realise that we’d broken their secret code.

Они не осознавали тот факт, что мы взломали их секретный код.

To realise this was to endure very poignant spiritual anguish.

Представить себе это — значило пережить сильнейшее душевное волнение. (Дж. Голсуорси, «Сага о Форсайтах»)»

I realise she can be very annoying, but I think you should apologise all the same.

Я понимаю, что иногда она ужасно бесит, но по-моему, ты всё равно должен извиниться.

I realise that he hasn’t come up with any new ideas, but by the same token we haven’t needed any.

Я хорошо понимаю, что никаких новых идей он не привнёс, но нам, в свою очередь, этого и не понадобилось.

We don’t want to lose him. At the same time, he needs to realise that company regulations must be obeyed.

Мы не хотим его потерять. В то же время, он должен понять, что правила компании нужно соблюдать.

понимать, реализовать, осознавать, осуществлять, сознавать, выполнять


- осуществить, выполнить, реализовать (план, замысел); претворить в жизнь

to realize a plan — выполнить /провести в жизнь/ план
to realize one’s ambitions — осуществить свои честолюбивые замыслы
our hopes were realized — наши надежды сбылись

- представлять себе; (ясно) понимать, осознавать

to realize the difficulties — представлять себе /понимать/ все трудности
to realize one’s error [that one was wrong] — осознать свою ошибку [что был неправ]
I realize how it was done — я представляю себе /понимаю/, как это было сделано
I fully /quite/ realize the fact that … — я отдаю себе полный отчёт в том, что …
I can hardly yet realize the full extent of my loss — всю тяжесть потери /утраты/ я ещё не осознал

- делать ясным, живым, наглядным

these details help to realize the scene — эти подробности позволяют живо представить /воссоздают/ всю сцену

- реализовать, превращать в деньги, продавать

to realize securities — реализовать ценные бумаги, превратить ценные бумаги в деньги
the goods are difficult [easy] to realize — эти товары трудно [легко] продаются; эти товары не находят сбыта [находят сбыт]

- (on, from) выручить (сумму); получить (такую-то сумму за что-л.)

to realize a profit — получить прибыль
to realize a fortune — нажить состояние
he did not realize much for china figures — за фарфоровые статуэтки он получил немного
from overseas sales he realized enough to equip a new workshop — от экспорта он выручил достаточно, чтобы оборудовать новую мастерскую

- принести (прибыль); быть проданным (за такую-то сумму)

the goods realized £100 — товар был продан за сто фунтов стерлингов

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Do you realize you’re an hour late?

Вы понимаете, что опоздали на целый час?

She finally realized her goal.

Она наконец осуществила свою цель.

It was only later that I realized my mistake.

Только потом я понял свою ошибку.

I’m sorry, I didn’t realize who you were.

Прошу прощения, я не знал, кто вы.

I suddenly realized that the boy was crying.

И тогда я вдруг понял, что мальчик плачет.

She realized that she had been cheated.

Она поняла, что её обманули.

I realize this is very short notice.

Я понимаю, что говорю это в самый последний момент.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…I didn’t realize it had gotten so dark in the room until my wife came in and turned on the lamp, momentarily blinding me….

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Возможные однокоренные слова

realizable  — реализуемый, осуществимый, осознаваемый, выполнимый, поддающийся пониманию
realized  — реализованный, осуществленный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: realize
he/she/it: realizes
ing ф. (present participle): realizing
2-я ф. (past tense): realized
3-я ф. (past participle): realized

realise — перевод на русский


I soon realised I would be a child-martyr… with this viper and that ox.

Я вскоре понял, мне предстояло стать ребенком-мучеником между этой гадюкой и этим скотом.

I realised that, without her, it was impossible… for me to make the ball land in a given slot… be it this one or that one.

Я понял, что без неё, было невозможно мне заставить упасть шарик в определённый сектор цилиндра.

The truth is that I realised too late that… Another love exists, and that maybe that’s the real thing.

Я действительно слишком поздно понял, что существует другая любовь, возможно настоящая.

Too late the Caliph realised that it was all his uncle’s doing.

Слишком поздно понял Калиф что всё произошедшее подстроил его дядя

Have you only just realised that?

Ты только сейчас это понял?

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I realise now I’ve been «Miss» for far too long.

Теперь я понимаю, я была «мисс» слишком долго.

When I listen to you, you who are so young among your own kind, I realise that we Sensorites have a lot to learn from the people of Earth.

Когда я слушаю вас, такую молодую даже для своего вида, понимаю, что сенсоритам еще можно многому от вас, людей, научиться.

I realise, of course, that I am no match for the Daleks so if I hand it over, will you help me and my friends to get away from this planet?

Я понимаю, конечно, что не могу сравниться с Далеками. Так что, если я передам его, вы поможете мне и моим друзьям убраться с этой планеты?

-I realise that…

понимаю, что…

I realise it must be difficult.

Я так понимаю, тут все сложно…

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A man can be like that, Paula, something has to happen, a big thing or a little thing, but it can make him realise how much someone means to him, how much he really loves,

Я понимаю. Такое бывает, Пола. Что-то должно случиться, чтобы ты осознал, как сильно тебе кто-то дорог, как сильно ты его любишь.

I will realise the immortality of man…

Я осознал бессмертие человека…

That night I began to realise how little I really knew of Sebastian and to understand why he had always sought to keep me apart from the rest of his life.

В тот вечер я впервые осознал, как мало я, в сущности, знаком с Себастьяном и почему он всё время старался не допускать меня в свою другую жизнь.

You have realised the futility of rituals

Ты осознал тщетность ритуалов

It was only when he reached for a phaser rifle lying on a nearby rock that I realised I was holding my own phaser, and I shot him.

Только когда он потянулся к фазерной винтовке, лежавшей на ближнем камне, я осознал, что держу свой собственный фазер, и застрелил его.

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Do you realise?

Представляешь,парень,на которого я потратила целый год!

Did you realise you might have your picture on page 1?

Представляешь, будет красоваться на первой странице!

Do you realise I don’t have a thing to do until Thursday?

Представляешь, мне не нужно ничего делать до четверга. — Какого четверга?

Do you realise we haven’t been abroad for 11 years?

Ты представляешь, мы не были заграницей 11 лет.

Do you realise the kind of money that your little performance just cost this family?

Ты хотя бы представляешь во что обошлось нашей семье твоё маленькое представление?

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Fairchild, I never realised it, but you’re a terrible snob.

Фэрчайлд, я и не знал, что вы ужасный сноб.

— The man is my father. — Forgive me, I didn’t realise.

— Простите,я не знал.

I’m sorry, I didn’t realise I needed authorisation.

Прошу прощения. Я не знал, что нужно разрешение.

Evidently, your friend did not realise that here in East Germany we use 220 volt current.

Похоже, Ваш друг не знал, что в Восточной Германии в розетках напряжение 220 Вольт.

I didn’t realise we were dealing with a murder.

Ладно-ладно, я же не знал, что речь идёт об убийстве.

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-I realised you would.

— Я так и думал.

As I watched his carriage disappear, I realised that I’d forgotten to thank him.

Я смотрел вслед удалявшемуся экипажу и думал: ведь я забыл его поблагодарить!

I didn’t realise it was quite so late.

Я и не думал, что уже так поздно.

Well, I knew she was fucked in the head, but I didn’t realise she was this vicious.

Я знал, что она с тараканами, но не думал, что настолько.

— None of us realised what you were capable of.

— Никто и не думал, что ты на это способен.

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And I realised in that exact moment that he had two wings.

И в этот момент я заметил, что у него было 2 крыла.

How did you not realise that channel was gonnae blow?

Почему ты не заметил, что канал еле дышит?

— I don’t mean to interrupt Bible study but has anybody realised how screwed we are?

Простите, что прервал богословский диспут! Но кто-нибудь заметил, как мы облажались?

I didn’t realise I’d just turned into Uri Geller.

Я и не заметил, как превратился в Ури Геллера.

No, I’ve just realised what a funny voice you have.

Нет, я только что заметил, что у тебя дурацкий голос.

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I should have realised that suffocating together on the bridge would create heroic camaraderie among you.

Я должен был догадаться, что задыхаясь вместе на мостике могло создать героическое товарищество между вами.

Oh, I should have realised at once.

Ох, я должна была сразу догадаться.

I should have realised!

Я должен был догадаться!

But what Mademoiselle Johnson could not have realised as Madame Leidner had done… ..was that not only was the murderer Dr Leidner, whom she adored…

Но мадмуазель не могла догадаться, как догадалась мадам Ляйднер, что не только совершил его доктор Ляйднер, которого она обожала,

And you. You should have realised that Pendle was a lesbian straight off.

А тебе, тебе следовало сразу догадаться, что Пендл — лесбиянка.

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For centuries people had realised that different substances glow with their own distinctive colours, a bit like a signature.

«а многие столети€ люди пон€ли, что различные вещества накал€ютс€ своими собственными отличительными цветами, похожими на автограф.

He realised that in order to describe certain properties of atoms, He had to use a strange new type of mathematics.

ќн пон€л, дл€ того чтобы описать определенные свойства атомов, он должен использовать странный новый вид математики.

But eventually Rome realised it had to react to the Reformation as well.

—о временем в –име пон€ли необходимость реакции на реформистов.

But after the horrors of conquest, the missionaries realised that in order to win hearts and minds they would have to help the new converts to find joy and celebration in Catholicism.

Ќо после ужасов завоевани€, миссионеры пон€ли, что дл€ полной победы в сердцах и умах людей им нужно помочь новообращенным в обретении радости и поко€ в католичестве.

So in a flash of inspiration, he realised that something in the air had been taken in by the mercury to make the mercuric oxide.

¬незапна€ вспышка озарени€ помогла ему пон€ть: что-то такое было вз€то ртутью из воздуха дл€ образовани€ оксида ртути.

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I realise that, too!

Я тоже об этом подумал!

I never realised.

Никогда бы не подумал.

You never realised what?

Чего бы ты никогда не подумал?

I’ve just realised I have no idea how to land this machine!

— Только сейчас подумал! — О чём? О том, что я не имею ни малейшего представления.

I realised it was time to get out of Omaha and move on.

И однажды я подумал, что пришло время уехать из Омахи, куда глаза глядят.

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    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > realise

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    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > realise

  • 3

    (v) представить себе; представлять себе

    * * *




    Новый англо-русский словарь > realise

  • 4

    1) понимать; 2) реализовать; 3) понятый; 4) реализованный

    English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > realise

  • 5

    Англо-русский современный словарь > realise

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    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > realise

  • 7




    English-Russian smart dictionary > realise

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    Англо-русский словарь по рекламе > realise

  • 9

    1. понимать; реализовать

    2. реализовать

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > realise

  • 10

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > realise

  • 11


    realizovati · реализовати


    Dictionary English-Interslavic > realise

  • 12
    realise ambitions

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > realise ambitions

  • 13
    realise assets

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > realise assets

  • 14
    realise before it was too late

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > realise before it was too late

  • 15
    realise expectations

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > realise expectations

  • 16
    realise the world from the threat of war

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > realise the world from the threat of war

  • 17
    realise the world from the threat of war

    English-Russian military dictionary > realise the world from the threat of war

  • 18
    realise the world from the threat of war

    English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > realise the world from the threat of war

  • 19
    The use of simultaneous divergence and convergence to realise parallel sequences is then studied

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > The use of simultaneous divergence and convergence to realise parallel sequences is then studied

  • 20
    not to realise

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > not to realise


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • réalisé — réalisé, ée (ré a li zé, zée) part. passé de réaliser. Rendu réel. •   On croit voir l Atlantide du chancelier Bacon exécutée, le songe d un savant réalisé, FONTEN. Marsigli …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d’Émile Littré

  • réalisé — ⇒RÉALISÉ, ÉE, part. passé et adj. I. Part. passé de réaliser. II. Adjectif A. DR. COMM. Biens réalisés. Qui ont fait l objet d une réalisation. La réalisation peut avoir lieu en nature: les biens réalisés restent la propriété personnelle des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • realise — (v.) British English spelling of REALIZE (Cf. realize); for suffix, see IZE (Cf. ize). Related: Realisation; realised …   Etymology dictionary

  • realise — (Brit.) v. understand, comprehend; make real, accomplish, actualize; materialize; convert into cash, liquidate (also realize) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • realise — [c]/ˈriəlaɪz / (say reeuhluyz) verb (realised, realising) –verb (t) 1. to grasp or understand clearly. 2. to make real, or give reality to (a hope, fear, plan, etc.). 3. to bring vividly before the mind. 4. to convert into cash or money: to… …  

  • realise — / rɪəlaɪz/, realize verb 1. to make something become real ♦ to realise a project or a plan to put a project or a plan into action 2. to sell for money ● The company was running out of cash, so the board decided to realise some property or assets …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • realise — v. 1) to realise fully 2) (L) she realised that she had been cheated 3) (Q) I realised how my words had been distorted …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Réalise (Release Me) — est la version française de la chanson Release Me, chantée par Agnes[1]. Notes et références ↑ http://www.musiqueradio.com/article news7996 agnes carlsson release me francise.php …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Realisé Moi — Release Me Release Me Single par Agnes extrait de l’album Dance Love Pop Sortie 24 novembre 2008 Voir l historique d …   Wikipédia en Français

  • realise — chiefly British variant of realize …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • realise — re|al|ise [ riə,laız ] a British spelling of realize …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

Other forms: realised; realising; realises

When you realise something, it becomes clear to you. Brits spell this word with an «s,» while Americans will replace the «s» with a «z.» We hope you realise this difference if you are editing a Brit’s writing.

All the meanings of realise amount to making something “real” in some way. If you realise a plan, you make it happen. If you realise a fact, you see its truth. If you realise the seriousness of a situation, you become aware of its dangers. Since this word was originally borrowed from the French réaliser (meaning «make real»), we can understand why the Brits spell it r-e-a-l-i-s-e with an «s.»

Definitions of realise

  1. verb

    be fully aware or cognizant of


    agnise, agnize, realize, recognise, recognize

    see moresee less



    know the nature or character of

    type of:

    cognise, cognize, know

    be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess knowledge or information about

  2. verb

    perceive (an idea or situation) mentally


    realize, see, understand

    envision, fancy, figure, image, picture, project, see, visualise, visualize

    imagine; conceive of; see in one’s mind


    see and understand, have a good eye

  3. verb

    make real or concrete; give reality or substance to

  4. verb

    earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages


    bring in, clear, earn, gain, make, pull in, realize, take in


    act in a certain way so as to acquire

    clear, net, sack, sack up

    make as a net profit

    see moresee less


    show 13 types…
    hide 13 types…
    eke out, squeeze out

    make by laborious and precarious means

    profit, turn a profit

    make a profit; gain money or materially

    rake off

    take money from an illegal transaction

    bring home, take home

    earn as a salary or wage

    rake in, shovel in

    earn large sums of money


    earn before taxes, expenses, etc.

    bear, pay, yield

    bring in

    line one’s pockets

    make a lot of money

    turn a nice dime, turn a nice dollar, turn a nice penny

    make a satisfactory profit

    clean up

    make a big profit; often in a short period of time

    clear, net

    yield as a net profit

    pay off

    yield a profit or result


    use something as a source of income or profit

    type of:

    acquire, get

    come into the possession of something concrete or abstract

  5. verb

    convert into cash; of goods and property

  6. verb

    expand or complete (a part in a piece of baroque music) by supplying the harmonies indicated in the figured bass

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘realise’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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transitive verb



: to bring into concrete existence : accomplish

finally realized her goal


: to cause to seem real : make appear real

a book in which the characters are carefully realized



: to convert into actual money


: to bring or get by sale, investment, or effort : gain


: to conceive vividly as real : be fully aware of

did not realize the risk she was taking


Choose the Right Synonym for realize

I just thought of a good joke

conceive suggests the forming and bringing forth and usually developing of an idea, plan, or design.

conceived of a new marketing approach

imagine stresses a visualization.

imagine you’re at the beach

fancy suggests an imagining often unrestrained by reality but spurred by desires.

fancied himself a super athlete

realize stresses a grasping of the significance of what is conceived or imagined.

realized the enormity of the task ahead

envisage and envision imply a conceiving or imagining that is especially clear or detailed.

envisaged a totally computerized operation

envisioned a cure for the disease

Example Sentences

They did not realize the risk that was involved.

He finally realized the scope of the problem.

She realizes how much things have changed.

Do you realize how difficult that stunt is?

You just have to realize that you can’t always get what you want.

She slowly realized what he was trying to say.

He realized a lifelong dream by winning an Olympic medal.

He finally realized his ambition to start his own business.

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Recent Examples on the Web

Heading into 1985, Morse realized there was more work to do.

Brian Macquarrie, BostonGlobe.com, 12 Apr. 2023

Infante realized that cryptocurrency asset recovery was an area for growth and decided to create her own company.

Leo Schwartz, Fortune Crypto, 11 Apr. 2023

Mack realized what the theater did for him could be an outlet for youth.

La Risa R. Lynch, Journal Sentinel, 11 Apr. 2023

While Rexburg police attempted to locate JJ, investigators soon realized that his sister, Tylee Ryan was also missing, and launched a nationwide search for the children. December 2019 While investigators searched for the missing children, Lori and Chad Daybell traveled back to Hawaii.

Kat Teurfs, Chelsea Narvaez, CBS News, 11 Apr. 2023

Carson took the rabbit to animal control once realizing he was domesticated, but he was never claimed, according to the department.

Taylor Nicioli, CNN, 11 Apr. 2023

Last week, Kaya had a hard time learning the lyrics and Fire realized that time in the competition may be more limited than expected.

oregonlive, 10 Apr. 2023

But because deaths are now so far and few between thanks to vaccines, people have a misconception that measles — and other diseases — are not dangerous rather than realizing vaccines have prevented them from being dangerous.

Mary Kekatos, ABC News, 8 Apr. 2023

The team, according to a senior official who was among the participants, realized there was broad confusion about how Title IX was implemented in schools across the country.

Katie Rogers, New York Times, 7 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘realize.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


French réaliser, from Middle French realiser, from real real

First Known Use

circa 1611, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of realize was
circa 1611

Dictionary Entries Near realize

Cite this Entry

“Realize.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/realize. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
14 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Inflections of ‘realise‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular (UK)
v pres p (UK)
v past (UK)
v past p (UK)

‘realise’ является альтернативным термином для ‘realize’. Вы найдете его в одной или нескольких строках ниже.‘realise’ is cross-referenced with ‘realize’. It is in one or more of the lines below.

WordReference English-Russian Dictionary © 2023:

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английский русский
US: realize
(be aware, know) понимать, осознавать, знать несов
Заметка: Различия в написании: брит.: realise, амер.: realize
  He doesn’t realize how important this is for me.
  Он не понимает (or: осознаёт), как это важно для меня.

Asked by: Stephanie O’Conner

Score: 4.5/5
(18 votes)

to grasp or understand clearly. to make real; give reality to (a hope, fear, plan, etc.). to bring vividly to the mind. to convert into cash or money: to realize securities.

What is the meaning of I realized?

realize verb [T] (BECOME AWARE)

to become aware of or understand a situation: He realized the store would be closing in a few minutes. [ + (that) clause ] Suddenly I realized (that) I was lost.

Whats the difference between realize and Realise?

Realize and realise are alternate spellings of the same word. In the US and Canada, realize is by far the more common spelling. In the UK, Australia, and New Zealand realise dominates, though realize is sometimes used too. … Realize and realise are two different spellings of the same word.

What type of word is Realised?

Realised is a verb — Word Type.

Has been Realised meaning?

1. realised — successfully completed or brought to an end; «his mission accomplished he took a vacation»; «the completed project»; «the joy of a realized ambition overcame him» completed, realized, accomplished.

36 related questions found

Did not Realise or Realised?

Realise and realize are different spellings of the same word, and they can be used interchangeably. Both are common throughout the English-speaking world, though in different areas. Realize is preferred in American and Canadian English, while realise is preferred outside North America.

How do you use realize?

be/become aware

  1. realize (that)… …
  2. The moment I saw her, I realized something was wrong.
  3. I finally came to realize that he would never change.
  4. It is important to realize that there are still potential problems.
  5. realize how, what, etc… …
  6. They hadn’t realized just how much time it would take.

Is it realized or realized?

«I have realised» Implies you have realised something, recently. It also implies you completed your realisation. «I have come to realise» Implies you have recently been realising something. This realisation is on-going, not sudden but progressive.

How do you use Realise in a sentence?

Realise sentence example

He cannot hope to realise his political dreams unless he becomes a better public speaker. She didn’t realise the taxi driver was drunk until it was too late; she was lucky to survive the crash. Our task is not to realise correspondence with something other than thought, Logic, Eng.

What verb is realize?

[transitive, intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses) to understand or become aware of a particular fact or situation realize (that)… I didn’t realize (that) you were so unhappy. The moment I saw her, I realized something was wrong.

How do you spell apologize or Apologise?

Apologise or Apologize?

  1. Apologize is the standard American English spelling.
  2. Apologise is the standard British English spelling.

What does come to realize mean?

Definition of come to the realization

: to become aware : to realize He came to the realization that he was adding up the wrong numbers.

What does the word realize mean in a sentence?

1 : to understand or become aware of (something) They did not realize the risk/danger that was involved. He finally realized the scope of the problem.

Was praised in a sentence?

She was praised by her teacher. They hugged me and praised my act. He praised me for it. He was praised for his courage.

How do you use the word realize in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] I realize that. ( CK)
  2. [S] [T] I didn’t realize that. ( CK)
  3. [S] [T] Tom realized something. ( CK)
  4. [S] [T] I realized I needed help. ( CK)
  5. [S] [T] I realized I couldn’t win. ( CK)
  6. [S] [T] I realized I wasn’t ready. ( CK)
  7. [S] [T] I’m glad you realize that. ( CK)
  8. [S] [T] Tom realized he was alone. ( CK)

What is the sentence of advise?

She advises the President on foreign affairs. We were thinking of buying that house, but our lawyer advised against it. I advise selling your old car. He advises patience when dealing with children.

How do you come to realization?

How to Start Developing Self-Realization

  1. Start Meditating Regularly. Aside from all the scientific evidence that shows the health benefits of meditation, it is also a prime way to achieve self-realization. …
  2. Make Time for Self-Realization Every Day. I know what you’re thinking.

Is Realise British spelling?

In a standard British dictionary — e.g. the Concise Oxford — you will often find that both options are possible in British English — ‘realise‘ or ‘realize’, ‘organsise’ or ‘organize’ — whilst for other entries -ize is listed as unmistakably American, e.g. ‘analyse’ = British English, ‘analyze’ = American English.

Is Realised with an S or Z?

If you are an American writing for global audience, you will prefer to write realize with a z, however a British national writing for global audience will use realise with s. If you are specifically writing for American audience, then regardless of your origin or preference, you will have to use realize with a z.

What is the sentence of Realised?

1. I realised I was becoming increasingly depressed and apathetic. 2. He quit the sport when he realised he didn’t have the killer instinct.

Did not Realise sentence?

Sentence examples for I did not realise that from inspiring English sources. I did not realise that it would take so long to get there, of course. But I did not realise that he had accepted a pay cut on this scale. «I did not realise that I was causing that much of a problem».

Can we use knew with didn t?

«I didn’t know that» is the correct form to use when referring to the past. «I don’t know that» is correct when you are referring to the present. «I didn’t knew that» is INCORRECT. If you are using past tense you say the following: I knew that.



achieve/fulfil/reach/realize your potential (=succeed as much as you have the potential to succeed)

▪ A lot of athletes find it difficult to achieve their potential.

achieve/fulfil/realize a dream (=do or get what you want)

▪ He had finally achieved his dream of winning an Olympic gold medal.

achieve/fulfil/realize your ambition (=do what you wanted to do)

▪ It took her ten years to achieve her ambition.

▪ He was prepared to go to any lengths to fulfil his ambition.

▪ I want to thank all those who made it possible for me to realize a lifetime ‘s ambition.

know/realize the extent of sth

▪ We do not yet know the extent of the damage.

realize your error

▪ By the time she realized her error, it was too late.

realize your mistake

▪ As soon as he realized his mistake he turned in the right direction.

realize/grasp the implications (=understand what they are)

▪ The government has been slow to grasp the implications of the current teacher shortage.

recognize/realize the importance of sth

▪ We all recognize the importance of his work.

suddenly realized

▪ I suddenly realized that there was someone following me.




▪ And the big slob didn’t even realize how objectionable he was.

▪ The sales pitch can be so slick that many consumers don’t even realize they have bought magazines until the bill arrives.

▪ Without even realizing it, she had begun to back away.

▪ Muriel, eleven, never even realized what had happened.

▪ She sits and watches, and they do not even realize that she has provoked them to it.

▪ Had we run the falls without even realizing it?

▪ They gave me no encouragement at all and didn’t even realize I was so into football.

▪ They may not even realize how awful they make you and your sisters feel.


▪ Penn said a decade passed before he realized how profoundly the experience had influenced him.

▪ Don’t you realize how extremely proud that man was?

▪ Did Cornell realize how extensive his legacy would be over time?

▪ He was beginning to realize how very little he understood about either Edward or Katherine Schumacher.

▪ Norm had never realized how tiny Greene was, until now.

▪ Why hadn’t she realized how hopeless she had become, how she had forgotten everything during those months of pregnancy?

▪ Sometimes when Rob realized how much he had old Albert, he felt uncomfortable.


▪ That stupid Agnes never realizes how strong she is, Perdita thought.

▪ You know, I never realized until now just how nice it was.

▪ Gabriel had never realized how many sick or imperfect people there were in the world.

▪ I had never realized how lovely they were, how kind, how unfailingly polite.

▪ I never realized just how evil you rally are.

▪ I had never realized before what a rich source of endorsement and approval mere weight loss could be.

▪ I never realized what good fun fishing was.

▪ Beavis and Butt-head never realized Daria was insulting them, which was part of the humor and also part of their attraction.


▪ She soon realized that these activities were incompatible.

▪ At first she dumped the garden waste, but she soon realized this would make excellent garden compost.

▪ He soon realized he had made a dreadful mistake.

▪ But unlike the Fool, we soon realize that Zampano does not mean what he says.

▪ He realized soon, though, that there was a problem.

▪ He ran to midcourt and hugged Barros, but soon realized that 0. 8 seconds remained on the clock.

▪ This is not the book of a scholar, as you will soon realize, but that of a genuine enthusiast.

▪ His engineers soon realized that this was almost as ludicrous.


▪ I suddenly realized that there were a lot of worthwhile things I could do if I were reprieved.

▪ Gabby felt tears sting her eyes, suddenly realizing the full force of what was happening.

▪ I realized suddenly that this was all.

▪ I said, suddenly realizing that this man was no Saturday-night drunk.

▪ Yes, she realized suddenly, that was it.

▪ Glover suddenly realized that he linked both this boy and Lois with the end of his privacy.

▪ I’ve suddenly realized how bizarre this situation is.

▪ I tried to sound composed, not to show courage but because I suddenly realized it was simply the only alternative.



▪ In the fourth sentence, the focus suddenly shifts to talking about creators in general and how they realize their dreams.

▪ They went on dreaming, but they could not exercise their power to realize their dreams.

▪ But even on the verge of realizing her dream, Gupta is having second thoughts.

▪ Now, however, he realized that those dreams were just fantasies and could never be fulfilled.

▪ But the man who made it possible for Texans to realize their dreams of legally hiding handguns, Republican Gov.

▪ He never came close to realizing his dream of winning the presidency.

▪ Some people dream great dreams, but they never develop a plan complete with goals and tactics to realize their dreams.

▪ Hope dies when there is no way of realizing our dreams.


▪ By the time they realized their mistake and released Mohiuddin, it was too late.

▪ The driver later realized his mistake and notified police.

▪ By 10.00am we realize our mistake in not pressing on all night.

▪ Prison officials calculated that she would be released this summer, realizing their mistake only this week.

▪ Almost inevitably Schultz had gone to the wrong church and had let his staff car go before realizing his mistake.

▪ Too late, she realized her mistake.

▪ In time, of course, they realized their mistake.


▪ It is worth pointing out that more work had been done by the pathfinders than many people realize.

▪ Few people realize where the cluster fly comes from.

▪ However public protests are also gathering momentum as people realize that shrimp farming seems to be a recipe for disaster.

▪ In fact, however, the experiences of men and women are much closer than most people realize.

▪ There’s certainly one mobile unit on the market at the moment, though not many people realize it.

▪ A centre spread in the Evening Standard brought a new cascade. People were realizing that they had a choice.

▪ She felt she should hang up. People, she suddenly realized, could be awful.


▪ Supporters like Jim Cummins maintain that heritage language teaching is an important step in helping immigrant students realize their potential.

▪ But as you grow in confidence, and experience, you will be able to realize your full potential.

▪ A research programme must be given a chance to realize its full potential.

▪ Under Adenauer and Schmidt it realized its full potential.

▪ The essential condition for realizing this potential is the overthrow of all forms of oppression.

▪ As though it does not matter that half of humanity have been prohibited from realizing their potential.



▪ When the rumour reached Gabriel she began to realize what she would say to John Coffin.

▪ She could see his old confidence flooding back as he began to realize that everything was working out very conveniently ….

▪ But now, at last, Californians have begun to realize they are about to lose their landscape heritage.

▪ As we travel through life, we begin to realize that grief and deep disappointments lie beneath the surface of our lives.

▪ He began to realize just how much he knew, and began to think about being an announcer himself.

▪ Slothrop’s search, however, has scarcely begun before he realizes that he himself is under investigation.

▪ And I began to realize that this is something I have to do.


▪ He was beginning to realize how very little he understood about either Edward or Katherine Schumacher.

▪ Community links Many schools are beginning to realize that a home page also can be a link to their communities.

▪ We are also beginning to realize that there are reciprocal interactions between steroids and behaviour.

▪ But despite all the advancements in recent decades, computers are only now beginning to realize their potential.

▪ Living with her, day in day out, I was beginning to realize how unstable she is.

▪ Art dealers were beginning to realize that paintings could become valuable investments for speculators.

▪ Now I think she’s beginning to realize that I scorn her.


▪ Gradually she came to realize that it was reminding her of her father — her father and the allotment.

▪ The oddball species, Packard was coming to realize, were the main show of the clearings.

▪ In later years Chapman came to realize that the extension of the league system was having a bad effect on the game.

▪ The first time Jasmine came home, Paylor realized she would have to raise the child.

▪ It soon comes to realize that to receive human company, barking for a bit should be sufficient.

▪ By eighth grade John had come to realize that secrecy carried its own special entitlements.

▪ By accessing such areas of experience awareness is raised as the range of possible connections comes to be realized.

▪ Had my father at last come to realize how nice it was to have our own place?


▪ He had failed, and he realized he would have to report back on the depth of his failure.

▪ They fail to realize that deposits are merely book entries.

▪ Men generally fail to realize that there are women in the pews in pain — and others have left.

▪ Stalin either failed to realize this or felt he had no choice.

▪ What they failed to realize was that the Volunteers were not being treated differently from anyone else.


little did sb know/realize/think etc

▪ But little did he know at the time, how soon he’d need it.


▪ «She’s been promoted to chief executive.» «Oh, really? I didn’t realize

▪ Even Horton’s family hadn’t realized how sick he was, both physically and emotionally.

▪ I realize that you are very busy, but could I talk to you for a few minutes?

▪ None of us realized the danger we were in.

▪ Oh, is that your chair? Sorry, I didn’t realize.

▪ The initial campaign has realized $5000 in cash and pledges.

▪ Tim only realized his mistake the next day.

▪ We were obliged to realize most of our assets.


▪ Astonishingly the Commission failed to realize that its proposed ratio of one additional member for three constituency members would be inadequate.

▪ Gabby felt tears sting her eyes, suddenly realizing the full force of what was happening.

▪ He’d cried out before he realized what the obstruction was: a pile of bollards.

▪ Mitch Snyder may have realized it was his best chance of making some kind of mark on the parish.

▪ Neither she nor many of the other pilots had the vision to realize they were looking at the future.

▪ Owen realized that was what they had come for.

▪ Then I realized it was Malpass.

▪ Women dieters, she realized, had been duped.

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