What is the word profession mean

The word profession is a term that comes from the Latin language «professio» and «onis» which means action and effect of professing. The definition of this concept is the constant activity that determines the entrance to a work group. The term also refers to what a profession is, a career that requires specific university studies, where it is possible to obtain the necessary knowledge for a certain job performance. On the other hand, People who study and obtain a degree or certificate are known as professionals.

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The meaning of profession can be defined as the constant activity that acts as a way of life and that establishes the entrance to a certain work group.

This term has had an evolution over time and has been due to a historical development, which has renewed and created systems of different types, up to the modern methods of today.

The antecedents on where the definition of profession comes from are located in ancient Hebrew books where it was indicated that this term was used and associated with priestly works, businesses at the disposal of the king or a Royal official, since the word means to send or command, which was to do a mission.

The concept of profession in the current interpretation could not be traced beyond the pre-industrial era, because it is the result of industrialization and the division of labor.

In another definition, the term refers to what is a specialized task of work within society, and which is carried out by an individual trained for said work.

In a more restrictive aspect, it is said that it refers specifically to certain areas of work that need university studies, where the necessary knowledge is acquired to learn how to be a professional, an example of professions are law, psychology, medicine, architecture, nursing, among many others.

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This is distinguished from a trade or occupation, since the second usually refers to the characteristics of a person’s work. And the profession is about performance, discipline and practice. It deals with the development of knowledge, enriching it from its nature and in turn investigates the theoretical support of practice.

The researcher Wilensky in 1964 defines that the profession is a special way of occupational distribution based on a body of systematic knowledge obtained through school training, and determines that an activity becomes considered profession, when it achieves the five phases of the professionalization system, where:

  • Employment is transformed into a full-time job as a result of the social need for the birth and enlargement of the labor market.
  • Institutions are created for the formation and training of new professionals.
  • Associations are formed where the profiles of the expert in a profession are determined.
  • The profession is legalized, thus ensuring the monopoly of knowledge competition and the practice of it.
  • A code of ethics is obtained with the purpose of protecting in this way the “genuine in the profession”.

All those who obtain it have a source of motivation and carry it out constantly, in addition to having a particular set of knowledge and skills obtained during an extensive stage of training and education.

What is a professional

Someone qualified or so called is an individual who has been academically prepared to perform a particular trade. According to the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy) defines it as a person who usually exercises an activity, whether it is the same good or not, legally and morally.

On the other hand, the RAE states that anything carried out by specialists (some activity, such as medicine) excludes students, for example.

This expression could also be applied as an adjective that refers to the performance of people, for example it can be ensured that someone with this qualifier is the one who fulfills their tasks as such, knows how to treat the other people who work with them appropriately. him and that he also complies with his work schedule fully, etc.

The qualification of professional is not only applied to those who obtain a degree that confirms the studies carried out, in the same way, those individuals who meet high levels of morale and duty with their work are called professional, as well as present a performance or development impeccable work.

Normally, professionals without an acquired degree have the ability to perform a job without the slightest precision in the applied methodology. These people who manage to break these rules established by society are called empirical or self-taught.

However, for the practice of some careers it is not enough to learn by yourself, but rather that an exhaustive preparation is strictly required, as is the case for example of bioanalysts, doctors, educators, engineers, architects, among other faculties.

In these cases, despite advances in technology such as video tutorials, virtual encyclopedias, and various investigative materials available on the virtual network, they are not enough for those who have access to them and seek to be classified as professionals in jobs such as those mentioned above.

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Characteristics of a professional

There are many features in these, but the main and most prominent are the following:

  • You have specialized knowledge in your area.
  • They have adequate academic training.
  • Master all the topics related to your work area.
  • They are regulated through organizations such as unions, unions or professional associations.
  • It is necessary to have a spirit of service to the population (for this reason some are volunteers, or certain organizations carry out small tasks ad honorem).
  • Ethical rules when carrying out their activities.
  • Another of the characteristics of an individual who works in his area, with a labor dependency relationship, is the fact that when he receives a bonus or remuneration, it will usually be greater than that of the rest of the workers who are in the same area, but they do not have a degree to check their knowledge and skills in this field.
  • Every professional, like just another citizen, has a certain role within society, collaborating with it and contributing good to it. All careers, no matter how different, make their contribution to society, providing social, technological, biological knowledge, collaborating in the health or cultural area, carrying out scientific studies and development, among others.

    At the beginning, all graduates will be inexperienced but with the passing of the years and taking new knowledge and experiences necessary on the tasks they require to continue progressing.

    Examples of professions

    Here are some examples of professions:

    • Lawyer.
    • Medicine.
    • Architecture.
    • Social comunication.
    • Bachelor of Education.
    • Psychology.
    • Administrator.
    • Bioanalysis.
    • Engineer.
    • Astronomy.

    According to the Oxford Dictionary, the term ‘profession’ refers to an occupation that entails the application of ‘professed’ knowledge of some field, subject or science.

    Thus, two points are critical when it comes to defining ‘profession.’

    1. It comprises of skill or expertise in a particular field, subject or science.
    2. It entails the application of those skills. 

    Accordingly, a profession requires an individual to undergo rigorous training and acquire formal education to become a part of it.

    Besides, skill and application, the term ‘profession’ have an element of declaration or vow inherent in it as ‘profession’ also means an announcement of one’s belief in a religious order.

    Consequently, an individual as a part of a profession is expected to follow some ethical standards concerning that field. 

    Key Takeaways

    1. A profession is a type of occupation that requires specialized education, training, and skills to perform a specific job.
    2. A profession typically has a governing body that regulates standards and practices within the field.
    3. Examples of professions include doctors, lawyers, engineers, and accountants.

    Origin and Evolution of the term ‘Profession.’

    The term ‘Profession’ traces its origin in the Latin word ‘Profiteri‘ (old) and ‘Professio’ (new) meaning ‘declaring publicly’, primarily, something that is of great importance.

    Interestingly, in those days, nothing was more important than religion as reflected from the fact that Webster’s Third New International Dictionary first described the term ‘profess’ as the act of taking religious oath publicly.

    Eventually, as time passed, this narrow, specific and restricted meaning of the word ‘Profession’ expanded to incorporate a public declaration of non-religious ideas as well.

    Accordingly, with the advent of modern times, as liberal-capitalist ideas started gaining more importance and eventually became the order of the day, the term ‘Profession’ acquired a more secular connotation.

    Besides that, as specialisation became one of the main components of the liberal-capitalist system, the word ‘Profession’ began to be associated with expertise and skill.

    This argument is further confirmed by the fact that during the 16th century-a peak time of the Renaissance period, the word ‘Profession’ was used for the first time to refer to occupations like medicine, law, theology and often military. These were considered as the field of the learned and elites.

    Besides that, the term ‘Profession’ is a truncated version of the word ‘liberal profession’ which in turn has been Anglicised from the French word “profession libérale” in the 19th century.

    ‘Profession’ with its current classless (upper-middle) and predominantly economic connotation was adopted in the 20th century.

    As of today, the term ‘Profession’ refers to any occupation practised by individuals with the relevant qualifications and skills to serve the interest of a client or the general public.

    However, it is neither a trade nor an industry. It differs from both of these terms insofar as a code of ethics governs the individuals who are a part of it.

    Milestones that transform an Occupation into a Profession

    While all professions may involve an ‘occupation’, not all occupations are professions. Instead, a ‘profession’ is just one of the types of ‘occupation’. An ‘occupation’ to be called a ‘profession’ has to achieve the following significant breakthroughs:

    1.  Becoming a full-time vocation.
    2.  The founding of a training school.
    3. The origination of a university school.
    4. The setting up of a local association.
    5. The founding of a national association of professional ethics.
    6. The institution of state licensing laws.


    The following are some significant examples of a profession:

    1. Scientist
    2. Architecture
    3. Information Technology
    4. Distributor
    5. Medicine, and many more.

    Advantages of Profession

    Some significant advantages of a profession include:

    1. It focuses on enhancing efficiency.
    2. It is based on specialisation and enhancement of skills.
    3. It is governed by a code of conduct and therefore, makes individuals responsible.

    Disadvantages of Profession

    The following are some principal disadvantages of a profession:

    1. With a strict code of conduct, a ‘profession’ sometimes encroaches upon an individual’s personal space.
    2. Too much adherence to professional conduct often increases the stress levels of individual members of a profession.


    1. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23707630
    2. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ286271

    Chara Yadav

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    Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.

    Table of Contents

    1. What is a sentence for profession?
    2. What is profession explain with example?
    3. What are some examples of professions?
    4. What are the 5 qualities of a professional?
    5. What are the five professions?
    6. What are the 7 professions?
    7. What are the 3 oldest professions?
    8. What are the most common professions?
    9. What is the #1 job in America?
    10. What is the most rare job?
    11. What is the biggest job?
    12. Which job has highest salary?
    13. Which govt job has highest salary?
    14. What is the most wanted job?
    15. What are the happiest jobs?
    16. What are the most fun jobs?
    17. What job makes a lot of money?
    18. What’s a fun job that makes a lot of money?
    19. What are easy jobs?
    20. What is the best job in the world?

    A profession is an occupation founded upon specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to supply disinterested objective counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain.

    What is a sentence for profession?

    (1) Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary. (2) Drastic measures are needed to clean up the profession. (3) His son is intended for the medical profession. (4) He is a lawyer by profession.

    What is profession explain with example?

    The definition of a profession is a job, or what you do for a living. A lawyer is an example of a profession. When you work as a teacher, this is an example of a situation where education is your profession. Profession means a declaration. Tellling someone you did something wrong is an example of a profession of guilt.

    What are some examples of professions?

    The term professional refers to anyone who earns their living from performing an activity that requires a certain level of education, skill, or training….Types of professionals include:

    • Accountant.
    • Teacher.
    • Technician.
    • Laborer.
    • Physical.
    • Commercial Banker.
    • Engineer.
    • Lawyer.

    What are the 5 qualities of a professional?

    Listed below are my picks for the top five qualities that lead to high job performance and success throughout a career:

    • 1) Ability to Learn.
    • 2) Conscientiousness.
    • 3) Interpersonal Skills.
    • 4) Adaptability.
    • 5) Integrity.

    What are the five professions?

    Salaries Of The Five Most Traditional Professions

    • Doctor. The profession of doctor has always been one that carries a certain level of respect.
    • Lawyer. The lawyer profession is one built heavily around prestige.
    • Teachers.
    • Soldier.
    • Fireman.

    What are the 7 professions?

    Keep reading to learn more about this personality type and the best Type 7 careers….The best careers for Type 7 personalities.

    1. Fitness instructor.
    2. Event planner.
    3. Flight Attendant.
    4. Entrepreneur.
    5. Blogger.
    6. Life coach.
    7. Publicist.

    What are the 3 oldest professions?

    8 Oldest Professions in the World

    • Builder. Originated: between 10,000 – 15,000 years ago.
    • Farmer. Originated: about 12,000 – 13,000 years ago.
    • Musician. Originated: about 50,000 years ago.
    • Artist. Originated: over 67,000 years ago.
    • Storyteller.
    • Clothier/Tailor.
    • Hunter/Butcher.
    • Toolmaker.

    What are the most common professions?

    Most common jobs in America

    • Electrician.
    • Registered nurse.
    • Marketing specialist.
    • Police officer.
    • Truck Driver.
    • Operations manager.
    • Lawyer.
    • Software developer.

    What is the #1 job in America?

    A separate 2020 ranking by Glassdoor of “50 Best Jobs in America” listed front-end engineers (computer programmers who make a median base salary of $105,240 a year) at No. 1 — knocking data scientists from the No. 3 spot to the No. 4 spot after four years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    What is the most rare job?

    There are only 370 private household chefs (associated with an establishment) in the U.S., making this the rarest job of all. According to the BLS, they make $31,080 a year, on average. The mean annual pay across all professions in the U.S. is $45,230.

    What is the biggest job?

    50 Careers With Largest Employment

    # Occupations Worker in ’10
    1 Retail salespersons 4,489,200
    2 Cashiers, except gaming 3,550,000
    3 Office clerks, general 3,024,400
    4 Combined food preparation and serving workers, including fast food 2,701,700

    Which job has highest salary?

    • 1) Medical Professionals (Doctors & Surgeons)
    • 2) Data Scientist.
    • 3) Machine Learning Experts.
    • 4) Blockchain Developer.
    • 5) Full Stack Software Developer.
    • 6) Product Management.
    • 7) Management Consultant.
    • 8) Investment Banker.

    Which govt job has highest salary?

    Top 10 Highest Paying Government Jobs in India

    • Indian Foreign Services. Indian foreign Services officers are selected through Civil Services exams conducted by the UPSC.
    • IAS and IPS.
    • Defense Services.
    • Scientists/Engineers in ISRO, DRDO.
    • RBI Grade B.
    • PSU.
    • Indian Forest Services.
    • State Service Commissions.

    What is the most wanted job?

    Here are the top 15 in-demand jobs in 2021 along with the education levels and skills needed to land them.

    1. Frontline Ecommerce Worker.
    2. Loan and Mortgage Experts.
    3. Health Care Supporting Staff.
    4. Business Development and Sales Professionals.
    5. Experts in Workplace Diversity.
    6. Digital Marketing Professionals.
    7. Nurses.

    What are the happiest jobs?

    The 10 Happiest and Most Satisfying Jobs

    • Dental Hygienist.
    • Physical Therapist.
    • Radiation Therapist.
    • Optometrist.
    • Human Resources Manager.

    What are the most fun jobs?

    12 of the most fun jobs in every field

    1. Video game designer. National average salary: $10.80 per hour.
    2. Fashion consultant. National average salary: $10.87 per hour.
    3. Radio announcer. National average salary: $13.61 per hour.
    4. Event planner.
    5. Race car driving instructor.
    6. Pet groomer.
    7. Race car mechanic.
    8. Sommelier.

    What job makes a lot of money?

    Get Matched!

    • Anesthesiologist. #1 in Best Paying Jobs.
    • Surgeon. #2 in Best Paying Jobs.
    • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. #3 in Best Paying Jobs.
    • Obstetrician and Gynecologist. #4 in Best Paying Jobs.
    • Orthodontist. #5 in Best Paying Jobs.
    • Prosthodontist. #6 in Best Paying Jobs.
    • Psychiatrist. #7 in Best Paying Jobs.
    • Physician.

    What’s a fun job that makes a lot of money?

    Jobs that pay between $60,000 and $90,000 and evoke minimal stress include dietician, audiologist, technical writer, hydrologist and geographer. With competitive salaries above $100,000, enjoyable careers include mathematician, astronomer, orthodontist, physicist and political scientist.

    What are easy jobs?

    25 Easy Part-Time Jobs

    1. Appointment Setter. If you have good communication skills, appointment setting could be the job for you.
    2. Brand Ambassador.
    3. Classroom or Library Monitor.
    4. Customer Service.
    5. Data Entry.
    6. Delivery Driver.
    7. Fitness Instructor.
    8. Food/Product Demonstrations.

    What is the best job in the world?

    Here are the top 13 best jobs in 2019, according to U.S. New & World Report:

    • Nurse Anesthetist (tie)
    • Nurse practitioner.
    • Pediatrician.
    • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon (tie)
    • Obstetrician and Gynecologist (tie)
    • Physician (tie)
    • Prosthodontist (tie) Median salary: $185,150.
    • Occupational Therapist. Median salary: $83,200.



    From Middle English professioun, from Anglo-Norman professioun, Old French profession (declaration of faith, religious vows, occupation), from Latin professiō (avowal, public declaration), from the participle stem of profitērī (to profess).


    • IPA(key): /pɹəˈfɛʃən/
    • Rhymes: -ɛʃən


    profession (plural professions)

    1. Declaration of faith.
      1. (religion) A promise or vow made on entering a religious order. [from 12th c.]

        She died only a few years after her profession.

        • 1796, Matthew Lewis, The Monk, Folio Society 1985, p. 27:
          Rosario was a young novice belonging to the monastery, who in three months intended to make his profession.
      2. The declaration of belief in the principles of a religion; hence, one’s faith or religion. [from 16th c.]
        • 1780, William Cowper, letter, 12 June:
          I congratulate you upon the wisdom that withheld you from entering yourself a member of the Protestant Association [] it is likely to bring an odium upon the profession they make, that will not soon be forgotten.
      3. Any declaration of belief, faith or one’s opinion, whether genuine or (as now often implied) pretended. [from 16th c.]

        Despite his continued professions of innocence, the court eventually sentenced him to five years.

        • 1837, L[etitia] E[lizabeth] L[andon], Ethel Churchill: Or, The Two Brides. [], volume II, London: Henry Colburn, [], →OCLC, page 126:

          I scarcely know any thing that really interests me, and I would give a great deal not to be so quick-sighted as I am; it would be so pleasant to believe only a tithe of the professions that are made me.

    2. Professional occupation.
      1. An occupation, trade, craft, or activity in which one has a professed expertise in a particular area; a job, especially one requiring a high level of skill or training. [from 15th c.]

        My father was a barrister by profession.

        • 1886, George Bernard Shaw, Cashel Byron’s Profession. A Novel, London: The Modern Press, [], →OCLC, page 4:

          “You are very idle, Cashel; I am sure of that. It is too provoking to throw away so much money every year for nothing. Besides, you must soon be thinking of a profession.” “I shall go into the army,” said Cashel. “It is the only profession for a gentleman.”

      2. (collective) The practitioners of such an occupation collectively. [from 17th c.]

        His conduct is against the established practices of the legal profession.

    Derived terms[edit]

    • helping profession
    • liberal profession
    • oldest profession
    • professional
    • professionless
    • pseudoprofession
    • semiprofession
    • world’s oldest profession


    declaration of faith, belief or opinion

    • Bulgarian: вероизповеда́ние (bg) n (veroizpovedánie)
    • Dutch: professie (nl) f
    • Finnish: uskontunnustus (fi) (of faith), julistus (fi), vakuutus (fi) (of opinion)
    • French: profession (fr) f
    • German: Bekenntnis (de) n
    • Greek: ομολογία (el) f (omología)
    • Romanian: profesiune de credință (ro) f (of faith)
    • Russian: вероиспове́дание (ru) n (veroispovédanije)
    • Spanish: profesión (es) f
    • Telugu: విశ్వాసం (viśvāsaṁ)


    • Albanian: profesion (sq) m
    • Arabic: مِهْنَة‎ f (mihna), وَظِيفَة (ar) f (waẓīfa)
      Egyptian Arabic: مهنة‎ f (mihna)
    • Armenian: մասնագիտություն (hy) (masnagitutʿyun)
    • Azerbaijani: peşə (az), ixtisas, məslək
    • Bashkir: профессия (professiya), һөнәр (hönär)
    • Belarusian: прафе́сія f (prafjésija), фах m (fax), заня́так (be) m (zanjátak), заня́цце n (zanjáccje)
    • Bengali: পেশা (bn) (peśa)
    • Bulgarian: профе́сия (bg) f (profésija), заня́тие (bg) n (zanjátie)
    • Burmese: အလုပ်အကိုင် (my) (a.lup-a.kuing), အလုပ် (my) (a.lup)
    • Catalan: professió (ca) f, ofici (ca) m
    • Chechen: корматалла (kormatalla)
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 職業职业 (zh) (zhíyè), 行業行业 (zh) (hángyè)
    • Czech: povolání (cs) n, profese (cs) f
    • Danish: erhverv (da), fag n, profession (da) c, livsstilling c
    • Dutch: beroep (nl) n, professie (nl) f
    • Esperanto: profesio (eo)
    • Estonian: amet (et), elukutse (et)
    • Finnish: ammatti (fi)
    • French: profession (fr) f, métier (fr) m
    • Galician: profesión (gl) f
    • Georgian: პროფესია (ṗropesia), სპეციალობა (sṗecialoba), ხელობა (xeloba), საქმიანობა (sakmianoba)
    • German: Beruf (de) m, Profession (de) f
    • Greek: επάγγελμα (el) n (epángelma)
    • Hebrew: מִקְצוֹעַ (he) m (miktsóa)
    • Hindi: पेशा (hi) m (peśā), वृत्ति (hi) f (vŕtti), व्यवसाय (hi) m (vyavsāy), व्यवहार (hi) m (vyavhār)
    • Hungarian: foglalkozás (hu), hivatás (hu), szakma (hu)
    • Icelandic: atvinna (is) f
    • Indonesian: profesi (id)
    • Ingrian: ammatti
    • Italian: professione (it) f
    • Japanese: 職業 (ja) (しょくぎょう, shokugyō)
    • Kazakh: мамандық (kk) (mamandyq), кәсіп (kk) (käsıp)
    • Khmer: វិជ្ជាជីវៈ (vɨcciəciivĕəʼ), អម្រស់ (km) (ʼɑmrɑh)
    • Korean: 직업(職業) (ko) (jigeop)
    • Kurdish:
      Northern Kurdish: pîşe (ku), meslek (ku), mihne (ku), hokar (ku), kariyer (ku), profesyon (ku)
    • Kyrgyz: профессия (ky) (professiya), кесип (ky) (kesip)
    • Lao: ອາຊີບ (ʼā sīp), ວິຊາຊີບ (wi sā sīp)
    • Latvian: amats (lv) m, profesija f
    • Lithuanian: profesija f
    • Macedonian: професија (mk) f (profesija), занимање (mk) n (zanimanje)
    • Malay: profesion
    • Maltese: professjoni f
    • Maori: umanga
    • Mongolian:
      Cyrillic: мэргэжил (mn) (mergežil)
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: yrke (no) n, profesjon m
      Nynorsk: yrke n, profesjon m
    • Oromo: ogummaa
    • Pashto: مسلک (ps) m (maslak)
    • Persian: پیشه (fa) (piše), حرفه (fa) (herfe), کسب (fa) (kasb)
    • Polish: zawód (pl) m, fach (pl) m
    • Portuguese: profissão (pt) f
    • Romanian: profesie (ro) f, meserie (ro) f, profesiune (ro) f
    • Russian: профе́ссия (ru) f (proféssija), заня́тие (ru) n (zanjátije)
    • Rusyn: профе́сія f (profésija)
    • Scottish Gaelic: dreuchd f
    • Serbo-Croatian:
      Cyrillic: профѐсија f, зани́ма̄ње n
      Roman: profèsija (sh) f, zanímānje (sh) n
    • Slovak: povolanie n, profesia f
    • Slovene: poklic m
    • Spanish: profesión (es) f
    • Swedish: yrke (sv) n, fack (sv) n, profession (sv) c
    • Tagalog: panungkulan
    • Tajik: касб (kasb), пеша (peša), ҳунар (hunar), ихтисос (ixtisos)
    • Tatar: һөнәр (tt) (hönär)
    • Telugu: వృత్తి (te) (vr̥tti)
    • Thai: อาชีพ (th) (aa-chîip)
    • Turkish: meslek (tr)
    • Turkmen: kesp, hünär, kär
    • Ukrainian: профе́сія (uk) f (profésija), фах (uk) m (fax), заня́ття n (zanjáttja)
    • Urdu: پیشَہ‎ m (peśā)
    • Uyghur: كەسىپ(kesip)
    • Uzbek: kasb (uz), hunar (uz)
    • Vietnamese: nghề (vi), nghề nghiệp (vi)
    • Volapük: cal (vo)
    • Yiddish: פּראָפֿעסיע‎ f (profesye)



    Borrowed from Latin prōfessiō (accusative singular prōfessiōnem).


    • IPA(key): /pʁɔ.fɛ.sjɔ̃/, /pʁɔ.fe.sjɔ̃/


    profession f (plural professions)

    1. profession, public declaration
      Toute profession d’incrédulité (…) sera poursuivie comme outrage à la religion et scandale pour les mœurs. (Proudhon, Révol. soc., 1852)
      1. profession, public declaration of faith
        D’une voix altérée, il prononça la profession de foi musulmane, comme pour se prémunir contre une tentation qu’il redoutait sans pouvoir la préciser. (Du Camp, Nil, 1854)
    2. profession, occupation, trade, craft, activity
      une profession lucrative.
    3. profession, practitioners of a profession collectively
      Ces décisions s’imposent à toute la profession, elles ne sont exécutoires qu’après approbation par le ministre.

    Derived terms[edit]

    • profession de foi
    • professionnalisation
    • professionnaliser
    • professionnalisme
    • professionnellement
    • professionnel, professionnelle


    • professer
    • professeur

    Further reading[edit]

    • “profession”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.

    Old French[edit]

    Alternative forms[edit]

    • professioun (Anglo-Norman)
    • professiun (Anglo-Norman)


    Borrowed from Latin professio.


    profession f (oblique plural professions, nominative singular profession, nominative plural professions)

    1. profession; declaration (usually of faith)


    • Godefroy, Frédéric, Dictionnaire de l’ancienne langue française et de tous ses dialectes du IXe au XVe siècle (1881) (profession, supplement)

    What does the word profession mean?

    A profession is an occupation founded upon specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to supply disinterested objective counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain.

    What does being a professional mean?

    Being a professional suggests things such as being qualified (however defined) and practising in a definable area, having expertise based on a deep level of knowledge, and having a commitment to the area of practice — possibly (but not necessarily) through being a member of a relevant professional body.

    What is a good professional?

    A good professional focuses on the task that needs to be done at that time. He is capable of the sustained, concentrated effort that is needed, especially for larger tasks. He usually focuses his attention on one thing at a time and tries to finish it before moving on to another task.

    What are the three features of a profession?

    The three features of a profession are: Members have a good deal of autonomy, the professions themselves are dedicated to the common good, and they have a professional code of ethics.

    What are the main features of profession?

    The fundamental characteristics of a profession:

    • Great responsibility. …
    • Accountability. …
    • Based on specialized, theoretical knowledge. …
    • Institutional preparation. …
    • Autonomy. …
    • Clients rather than customers. …
    • Direct working relationships. …
    • Ethical constraints.

    What are the true professions?

    Traditionally a true profession is a field that requires specialized education and an accreditation process. Fields such as medicine, law, accountancy, real estate etc . … The license is, in turn, based on educational requirements, and the passing of a comprehensive examination.

    What is the difference between profession and professional?

    The main difference between Professional and Profession is that the Professional is a person who is paid to undertake a specialized set of tasks and to complete them for a fee and Profession is a vocation founded upon specialized educational training.

    Is a profession a career?

    Career and profession both are long-term endeavours of life. While career encompasses all the jobs, business or any other type of work performed by an individual during his life, the profession is an occupation for which a person should have good knowledge and expertise, to provide services to others.

    What is the difference between profession and professional ethics?

    Personal ethics refers to the ethics that a person identifies with in respect to people and situations that they deal with in everyday life. Professional ethics refers to the ethics that a person must adhere to in respect of their interactions and business dealings in their professional life.

    What is profession and professional ethics?

    Professional ethics are principles that govern the behaviour of a person or group in a business environment. Like values, professional ethics provide rules on how a person should act towards other people and institutions in such an environment.

    What is importance of professional ethics?

    Good Ethics is a fundamental requirement of any profession. It is integral to the success of the business as well. Ethics is a system of moral principles governing the appropriate conduct of a person or a group. Maintaining good ethics is being consistent with the principles of correct moral conduct constantly.

    What is an example of professional ethics?

    Differences between personal and professional ethics In the workplace, an example of professional ethics would be the same person returns a wallet to their coworker due to a code of conduct rule of no stealing.

    What are the elements of ethics?

    Consider these eight elements that comprise the ethical bedrock of an awesome organization:

    • Respect: As an entrepreneur building a business, you need to respect yourself and surround yourself with people you can respect. …
    • Honor: …
    • Integrity: …
    • Customer focus: …
    • Results-oriented: …
    • Risk-taking: …
    • Passion: …
    • Persistence:

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    The profession of film director can and should be such a high and precious one; that no man aspiring to it can disregard any knowledge that will make him a better film director or human being.

    Sergei Eisenstein



    From Medieval Latin professiō the taking of vows upon entering a religious order, from Latin: public acknowledgment; see profess.


    Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






    Profession is a noun.

    A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.




    A profession is a vocation founded upon specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to supply objective counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain. The term is a truncation of the term «liberal profession», which is, in turn, an anglicisation of the French term «profession libérale». Originally borrowed by English users in the nineteenth century, it has been re-borrowed by international users from the late twentieth, though the class overtones of the term do not seem to survive retranslation: “liberal professions” are, according to the Directive on Recognition of Professional Qualifications “those practised on the basis of relevant professional qualifications in a personal, responsible and professionally independent capacity by those providing intellectual and conceptual services in the interest of the client and the public”.

    Definition of profession in the English dictionary

    The first definition of profession in the dictionary is an occupation requiring special training in the liberal arts or sciences, esp one of the three learned professions, law, theology, or medicine. Other definition of profession is the body of people in such an occupation. Profession is also the act of professing; avowal; declaration.


    Synonyms and antonyms of profession in the English dictionary of synonyms


    The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «profession» and belong to the same grammatical category.

    Translation of «profession» into 25 languages

    online translator


    Find out the translation of profession to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

    The translations of profession from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «profession» in English.

    Translator English — Chinese


    1,325 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Spanish


    570 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Hindi


    380 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Arabic


    280 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Russian


    278 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Portuguese


    270 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Bengali


    260 millions of speakers

    Translator English — French


    220 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Malay


    190 millions of speakers

    Translator English — German


    180 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Japanese


    130 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Korean


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Javanese


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Vietnamese


    80 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Tamil


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Marathi


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Turkish


    70 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Italian


    65 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Polish


    50 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Ukrainian


    40 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Romanian


    30 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Greek


    15 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Afrikaans


    14 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Swedish


    10 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Norwegian


    5 millions of speakers

    Trends of use of profession


    The term «profession» is very widely used and occupies the 8.595 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



    Very widely used

    The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «profession» in the different countries.

    Principal search tendencies and common uses of profession

    List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «profession».


    The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «profession» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «profession» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

    Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about profession


    Famous quotes and sentences with the word profession.

    Almost any film that you do is an opportunity to open you up and make you more aware of an area that you might not be thinking about. That’s what is kind of cool, or one of the cool things about this profession.

    As long as you’re growing in your profession and you’re respected, you’re going to stay as clean as you can, because you’ve got something that you love that you don’t want to lose.

    This profession has fed me creatively and allowed me to have a home life and a private life.

    At this period the enthusiasm of the amateur was fast giving way to a more steady commercial instinct, and I let no opportunity slip of improving my position, but I felt that I was still labouring under the disadvantage of not having acquired some technical profession.

    What a beautiful art, but what a wretched profession.

    If you have good songs and a real desire to make music, the next thing to do, instead of approach record companies, is to get yourself a really good manager because then it allows you to focus on your profession of being a musician. Then they can focus on the darker art of the record label and the music industry.

    I just wanted to defend football, which is not always easy to do. Those of us who have been in the sport so many years now realise we must protect it and look after it. I was speaking about football, what it means. It is our profession, it has been our lives, and we must take care of it a little.

    I was raised to be in service to something larger than myself. A lot of actors concentrate on what they will get out of the profession, rather than what they can offer it. The way I see it, if you come with something to offer, you can offer it forever.

    I feel blessed that I found not just a profession, but a 24/7 way of life that I purely love. That curiosity to be current, to listen to the Hozier album, to be early in recognition of a Lorde and spending time with her and Miguel, the pleasure of seeing new talent erupt… I love it.

    The profession of film director can and should be such a high and precious one; that no man aspiring to it can disregard any knowledge that will make him a better film director or human being.


    Discover the use of profession in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to profession and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


    Translation as a Profession

    The book starts with a presentation of the diversity of translations and an overview of the translation-localisation process. The second section describes the translation profession and the translators markets.


    Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management

    Collects some of the author’s classic articles on management, covering such issues as corporate strategy, management style, and corporate change

    Peter Ferdinand Drucker, 1998


    Profession of Medicine: A Study of the Sociology of Applied …

    . Profession of Medicine is a landmark in the sociological analysis of the professions in modern society.»—Ron Miller, Sociological Quarterly «This is the first book that I know of to go to the root of the matter by laying open to view …


    Mrs. Warren’s Profession

    The clash of these two strong-willed but culturally constrained Victorian women is the spark that ignites the ironic wit of one of George Bernard Shaw’s greatest plays, a withering critique of male domination, sexual hypocrisy, and societal …

    George Bernard Shaw, 2010


    Translation as a Profession

    Written by a professional translator with 14 years of industry experience, this book shows you where the opportunities are for freelance or corporate employment, how to find them, and make the most of them, along with tips and tricks to …


    Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession

    Access the fully searchable text online at www.expertconsult.com. Treat conditions associated with breastfeeding-such as sore nipples, burning pain, or hives-using extensive evidence-based information.

    Ruth A. Lawrence, Robert Michael Lawrence, 2011


    The World’s Newest Profession: Management Consulting in the …

    In The World’s Newest Profession, first published in 2006, Christopher McKenna offers a history of management consulting in the twentieth century.

    Christopher D. McKenna, 2006


    Architecture—art Or Profession?: Three Hundred Years of …

    What relation does an architect’s education have to the built environment? What lessons are there from the past? This book will be of interest to students, lecturers and all those interested in the debates around contemporary architecture.

    Mark Crinson, Jules Lubbock, 1994


    From Craft to Profession: The Practice of Architecture in …

    This is the first in-depth study of how the architectural profession emerged in early American history.


    Architect?: A Candid Guide to the Profession

    This revisededition of the best basic guide to the architectural profession includes new information pertinent to current education andpractice and addresses issues and concerns of great interest tostudents choosing among different types of …


    Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term profession is used in the context of the following news items.

    Alleged fraudster duped medical profession using another man’s …

    A man purporting to be a psychiatrist was hired by the Waikato District Health Board using legitimate documents and referees belonging to … «Stuff.co.nz, Jul 15»

    Technology Leading Audit Profession Evolution: KPMG/Forbes …

    «Audit 2020: A Focus on Change» points to the innovations underway in the audit profession due to the explosion of available data and the … «PR Newswire, Jul 15»

    A wake-up call on diversity in the legal profession

    The lack of diversity in the legal profession, as evidenced by the inequality in the appointments of senior counsel at the Supreme Court and … «Livemint, Jul 15»

    One third of the profession is fake, claims BCI chief. So can the real …

    But this is not merely an accident, a symptom of an unscrupulous profession or as Mishra alleges, the fault of people like former Delhi law … «Legally India, Jul 15»

    Lacasse wins Advancing and Leading the Profession award

    On June 19, Cheryl Lacasse, MS, RN, OCN, clinical professor at the University of Arizona College of Nursing, was named the Mountain West … «Inside Tucson Business, Jul 15»

    A heroic profession foreign to many

    You have had a long day at work, you get home and are getting ready to cook dinner. It starts getting dark, a storm is brewing and the lights start … «Your Houston News, Jul 15»

    One in Four Teachers Leaves Profession Within 5 Years

    According to the report, one out of every three teachers leaves the profession within five years. By comparison, one in four finance workers … «Arutz Sheva, Jul 15»

    Fruit-seller secures 2nd position, vows to continue ‘profession‘ to …

    It is my profession which helps me to feed my poor family,” he said. He said that the fruit-selling on a cart had never created hurdle in the way of … «Pakistan Today, Jul 15»

    Morning Briefing: Shocking revelation about Indian legal profession

    The Bar Council of India has revealed a startling statistic about the country’s legal profession; 30 per cent of lawyers are fake! Speaking at an … «Australasian Lawyer, Jul 15»

    The Army Profession Annual Symposium 2015

    To highlight the newly published Army Ethic (within ADRP 1, June ’15) and how it guides senior leaders in their strategic stewardship … «United States Army, Jul 15»


    « EDUCALINGO. Profession [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/profession>. Apr 2023 ».

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    Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:4.5 / 18 votes

    1. professionnoun

      the body of people in a learned occupation

      «the news spread rapidly through the medical profession»; «they formed a community of scientists»

    2. professionnoun

      an occupation requiring special education (especially in the liberal arts or sciences)

    3. profession, professingnoun

      an open avowal (true or false) of some belief or opinion

      «a profession of disagreement»

    4. professionnoun

      affirmation of acceptance of some religion or faith

      «a profession of Christianity»

    WiktionaryRate this definition:4.2 / 5 votes

    1. professionnoun

      A promise or vow made on entering a religious order.

      She died only a few years after her profession.

    2. professionnoun

      A declaration of belief, faith or of one’s opinion.

      Despite his continued professions of innocence, the court eventually sentenced him to five years.

    3. professionnoun

      An occupation, trade, craft, or activity in which one has a professed expertise in a particular area; a job, especially one requiring a high level of skill or training.

      My father was a barrister by profession.

    4. professionnoun

      The practitioners of such an occupation collectively.

      His conduct is against the established practices of the legal profession.

    5. Etymology: From professioun, profession, from professio, from the participle stem of profiteri.

    Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. Professionnoun

      Etymology: profession, Fr. from profess.

      1. Calling; vocation; known employment.

      I must tell you,
      You tender more your person’s honour, than
      Your high profession spiritual.
      William Shakespeare, Henry VIII.

      If we confound arts with the abuse of them, we shall condemn all honest trades; for there are that deceive in all professions, and bury in forgetfulness all knowledge.
      Walter Raleigh.

      Some of our profession keep wounds tented.
      Richard Wiseman.

      No other one race, not the sons of any one other profession, not perhaps altogether, are so much scattered amongst all professions, as the sons of clergymen.
      Thomas Sprat, Sermons.

      This is a practice, in which multitudes, besides those of the learned professions, may be engaged.
      Isaac Watts.

      2. Declaration.

      A naked profession may have credit, where no other evidence can be given.
      Joseph Glanvill, Sceps.

      Most profligately false, with the strongest professions of sincerity.
      Jonathan Swift.

      3. The act of declaring one’s self of any party or opinion.

      For by oil in their lamps, and the first lightning of them, which was common to them both, is meant that solemn profession of faith and repentance, which all christians make in baptism.
      John Tillotson, Sermons.

      When christianity came to be taken up, for the sake of those civil encouragements which attended their profession, the complaint was applicable to christians.
      Jonathan Swift.

    WikipediaRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. Profession

      A profession is a field of work that has been successfully professionalized. It can be defined as a disciplined group of individuals, professionals, who adhere to ethical standards and who hold themselves out as, and are accepted by the public as possessing special knowledge and skills in a widely recognised body of learning derived from research, education and training at a high level, and who are prepared to apply this knowledge and exercise these skills in the interest of others.Professional occupations are founded upon specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to supply disinterested objective counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain. Medieval and early modern tradition recognized only three professions: divinity, medicine, and law, which were called the learned professions. A profession is not a trade and not an industry.Some professions change slightly in status and power, but their prestige generally remains stable over time, even if the profession begins to have more required study and formal education. Disciplines formalized more recently, such as architecture, now have equally long periods of study associated with them.Although professions may enjoy relatively high status and public prestige, not all professionals earn high salaries, and even within specific professions there exist significant differences in salary. In law, for example, a corporate defense lawyer working on an hourly basis may earn several times what a prosecutor or public defender earns.

    Webster DictionaryRate this definition:3.5 / 2 votes

    1. Profession

      the act of professing or claiming; open declaration; public avowal or acknowledgment; as, professions of friendship; a profession of faith

    2. Profession

      that which one professed; a declaration; an avowal; a claim; as, his professions are insincere

    3. Profession

      that of which one professed knowledge; the occupation, if not mechanical, agricultural, or the like, to which one devotes one’s self; the business which one professes to understand, and to follow for subsistence; calling; vocation; employment; as, the profession of arms; the profession of a clergyman, lawyer, or physician; the profession of lecturer on chemistry

    4. Profession

      the collective body of persons engaged in a calling; as, the profession distrust him

    5. Profession

      the act of entering, or becoming a member of, a religious order

    6. Etymology: [F., fr. L. professio. See Profess, v.]

    FreebaseRate this definition:2.5 / 2 votes

    1. Profession

      A profession is a vocation founded upon specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to supply objective counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain. The term is in essence a rather vaguer version of the term «liberal profession», an anglicisation of the French term «profession libérale». Originally borrowed by English users in the nineteenth century, it has been re-borrowed by international users from the late twentieth, though the class overtones of the term do not seem to survive retranslation: “liberal professions” are, according to the Directive on Recognition of Professional Qualifications “those practised on the basis of relevant professional qualifications in a personal, responsible and professionally independent capacity by those providing intellectual and conceptual services in the interest of the client and the public”.

    Editors ContributionRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. profession

      A person or group of people with a specific type of job.

      Their profession was known worldwide

      Submitted by MaryC on February 24, 2020  

    Matched Categories

      • Affirmation
      • Avowal
      • Occupation
      • Occupational Group

    British National Corpus

    1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

      Rank popularity for the word ‘profession’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #3169

    2. Nouns Frequency

      Rank popularity for the word ‘profession’ in Nouns Frequency: #1120

    How to pronounce profession?

    How to say profession in sign language?


    1. Chaldean Numerology

      The numerical value of profession in Chaldean Numerology is: 4

    2. Pythagorean Numerology

      The numerical value of profession in Pythagorean Numerology is: 1

    Examples of profession in a Sentence

    1. Irina Mordukhovich:

      Our goal with this is to do the science and provide more evidence for policy-makers about this profession‘s health, we hope this helps.

    2. Dan Domenech:

      We’ve seen large numbers of educators, superintendents included, principals included, teachers included, who are leaving the profession and it’s going to be a long-term problem, it is a matter of threats. It’s a matter of politics. It’s a matter of not being able to do the job that they feel they need to do to protect the children and their staff.

    3. Clyde Rabideau:

      Saranac Lake Mayor Clyde Rabideau’s Saranac Lake Mayor Clyde Rabideau, every minute of his life is dedicated to his profession.

    4. William Hogarth:

      All the world is competent to judge my pictures except those who are of my profession.

    5. Tom Jackson:

      However, the general social acceptance of hate and violence toward any and all law enforcement recently has created such an unpredictable and uncontrollable threat to our lives, many feel it is not a good career to be involved in. Statistics show the number of police officers feloniously killed in the line of duty had been on a downward trajectory since 1970. This year, cop deaths are up more than 50 percent, and the victims in Dallas, Baton Rouge and other cases were targeted for assassination rather than killed in the process of confronting dangerous criminals. According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, the number of officers fatally shot is already up 56 percent compared with last year. One person who is all too familiar with race-related riots and police problems is Tom Jackson, former police chief in Ferguson, Mo. The shooting of cops is going to hurt recruitment badly, how can you convince people to come to the profession, or stay in the profession, when hundreds of people are in front of them threatening to rape their grandkids ? Now officers’ spouses and children are seeing cops going down and they are begging their loved ones to get out of the force or not sign up as planned, added Tom Jackson, who retired in March, 2015. According to Tom Jackson, Tom Jackson former department is still rocked by the heavy riots and remains 17 officers short – dropping from a full strength of 55 in Tom Jackson time to 38 now.

    Popularity rank by frequency of use

    Translations for profession

    From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

    • مهنة, وظيفةArabic
    • прафесіяBelarusian
    • ofici, professióCatalan, Valencian
    • корматаллаChechen
    • povolání, profeseCzech
    • fag, erhvervDanish
    • BerufGerman
    • ομολογία, επάγγελμα, διακύρηξη, ομότεχνοιGreek
    • profesioEsperanto
    • profesiónSpanish
    • elukutse, ametEstonian
    • حرفه, پیشهPersian
    • vakuutus, lupaus, professio, uskontunnustus, ammatti, ammattikunta, julistusFinnish
    • professionFrench
    • dreuchdScottish Gaelic
    • पेशाHindi
    • foglalkozás, szakma, hivatásHungarian
    • մասնագիտությունArmenian
    • atvinnaIcelandic
    • professioneItalian
    • 職業Japanese
    • 직업, 職業Korean
    • mihne, pîşe, meslek, profesyon, hokar, kariyerKurdish
    • amats, profesijaLatvian
    • umangaMāori
    • profesionMalay
    • beroepDutch
    • zawód, fachPolish
    • profissãoPortuguese
    • legământ, meserie, profesiune, profesie, jurământRomanian
    • профессияRussian
    • poklicSlovene
    • yrkeSwedish
    • ప్రమాణము, విశ్వాసం, వృత్తిTelugu
    • อาชีพThai
    • meslekTurkish
    • фах, професіяUkrainian
    • پیشہUrdu
    • nghề, nghề nghiệpVietnamese
    • calVolapük
    • פּראָפֿעסיעYiddish
    • 行业Chinese

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    профессия, исповедание, обет, профессиональный


    - профессия; род занятий; специальность; ремесло

    the (learned) professions — богословие, право, медицина
    liberal professions — свободные профессии
    a doctor [a carpenter] by profession — врач [плотник] по профессии
    the military profession — военная специальность
    profession of farming — занятие сельским хозяйством
    to follow /to practise, to pursue/ a profession — заниматься чем-л.; работать кем-л.

    - (the profession) употр. с гл. во мн. ч.
    - лица какой-л. профессии

    the legal profession — юристы
    the military profession — военная специальность
    the medical profession — а) профессия врача; б) медицинское «сословие», врачи
    the profession as a whole condemned him — все коллеги осудили его

    - театр. жарг. актёры
    - заверение, заявление

    professions of friendship [of love] — заверения в дружбе [любви]
    insincere professions — неискренние заявления

    - (веро)исповедание

    the profession of Christianity — исповедование христианства

    - обет
    - пострижение в монахи; вступление в религиозный орден

    Мои примеры


    people of high rank and profession — люди высокого звания и профессии  
    at the top of his profession — на вершине своей профессии  
    a lawyer by profession — юрист по профессии  
    teaching profession — преподавательская деятельность  
    by profession — по профессии  
    respectable profession — уважаемая профессия  
    profession of faith — провозглашение веры  
    acting is a chancey profession — в профессии актёра очень много зависит от случая  
    the acting profession — актёрская профессия; профессия актёра  
    improve the status of the nursing profession — поднять престиж профессии медсестры  
    enter the legal profession — стать юристом  
    liberal profession — свободная профессия  

    Примеры с переводом

    She’s a lawyer by profession.

    По профессии она юрист.

    Teaching as a profession is very underpaid.

    Учитель — крайне низкооплачиваемая профессия.

    Here is Mr. Black, the leader of his profession.

    Это мистер Блэк, настоящий профессионал в своём деле.

    Lear asks each daughter to make a profession of her love for him.

    Лир попросил каждую дочь выразить ее любовь в нему.

    She’s a credit to her profession.

    Она делает честь своей профессии.

    He is an ornament to his profession.

    Он украшение своей профессии.

    There is a need to raise morale in the teaching profession.

    Необходимо поднять боевой дух среди учителей.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    Others in her profession are in the same boat.

    He commands (=has and deserves) the respect of everyone in the profession.

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    Возможные однокоренные слова

    profess  — исповедовать, преподавать, притворяться, обучать, избрать своей профессией
    professional  — профессиональный, профессионал, спортсмен-профессионал

    Формы слова

    ед. ч.(singular): profession
    мн. ч.(plural): professions

    Other forms: professions

    An open declaration of an opinion or belief is a profession. If you announce that you believe the earth is flat, your profession of this opinion might cause some giggling among your well-educated friends.

    Careers that require specialized training or advanced degrees are considered professions. Your parents may want you to go into a profession like the practice of law, but you dream of being a rodeo clown. The collective group of people practicing a profession is also called profession. The medical profession doesn’t know what to make of that thing growing out of your foot. You are a medical mystery!

    Definitions of profession

    1. noun

      an occupation requiring special education (especially in the liberal arts or sciences)

      see moresee less


      show 19 types…
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      learned profession

      one of the three professions traditionally believed to require advanced learning and high principles


      the profession or art of a writer


      the profession of designing buildings and environments with consideration for their esthetic effect


      the profession of teaching (especially at a school or college or university)


      the profession of reporting or photographing or editing news stories for one of the media


      the profession devoted to governing and to political affairs

      engineering, technology

      the practical application of science to commerce or industry

      law, practice of law

      the learned profession that is mastered by graduate study in a law school and that is responsible for the judicial system


      journalism practiced for the newspapers

      medicine, practice of medicine

      the learned profession that is mastered by graduate training in a medical school and that is devoted to preventing or alleviating or curing diseases and injuries


      the learned profession acquired by specialized courses in religion (usually taught at a college or seminary)

      instruction, pedagogy, teaching

      the profession of a teacher

      aeronautical engineering

      the activity of designing and constructing aircraft

      automotive engineering, automotive technology

      the activity of designing and constructing automobiles

      chemical engineering

      the activity of applying chemistry to the solution of practical problems

      communications technology

      the activity of designing and constructing and maintaining communication systems

      computer technology

      the activity of designing and constructing and programming computers

      high tech, high technology

      highly advanced technological development (especially in electronics)

      rail technology, railroading

      the activity of designing and constructing and operating railroads

      type of:

      business, job, line, line of work, occupation

      the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money

    2. noun

      the body of people in a learned occupation

      “the news spread rapidly through the medical

    3. noun

      an open avowal (true or false) of some belief or opinion

      profession of disagreement”



    4. noun

      affirmation of acceptance of some religion or faith

      profession of Christianity”

      see moresee less

      type of:


      (religion) a solemn declaration that serves the same purpose as an oath (if an oath is objectionable to the person on religious or ethical grounds)

    DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘profession’.
    Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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