What is the word potential mean

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Potential generally refers to a currently unrealized ability. The term is used in a wide variety of fields, from physics to the social sciences to indicate things that are in a state where they are able to change in ways ranging from the simple release of energy by objects to the realization of abilities in people. The philosopher Aristotle incorporated this concept into his theory of potentiality and actuality,[1] a pair of closely connected principles which he used to analyze motion, causality, ethics, and physiology in his Physics, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics, and De Anima, which is about the human psyche.[2] That which is potential can theoretically be made actual by taking the right action; for example, a boulder on the edge of a cliff has potential to fall that could be actualized by pushing it over the edge. Several languages have a potential mood, a grammatical construction that indicates that something is potential. These include Finnish,[3] Japanese,[4] and Sanskrit.[5]

In physics, a potential may refer to the scalar potential or to the vector potential. In either case, it is a field defined in space, from which many important physical properties may be derived. Leading examples are the gravitational potential and the electric potential, from which the motion of gravitating or electrically charged bodies may be obtained. Specific forces have associated potentials, including the Coulomb potential, the van der Waals potential, the Lennard-Jones potential and the Yukawa potential. In electrochemistry there are Galvani potential, Volta potential, electrode potential, and standard electrode potential. In the
thermodynamics, the term potential often refers to thermodynamic potential.

See also[edit]

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  • Potential difference (voltage)
  • Potential energy
  • Water potential


  1. ^ dynamis–energeia, translated into Latin as potentia–actualitas (earlier also possibilitas–efficacia). Giorgio Agamben, Opus Dei: An Archaeology of Duty (2013), p. 46.
  2. ^ Sachs, Joe (2005), «Aristotle: Motion and its Place in Nature», Internet Encyclopedia of PhilosophySachs (2005)
  3. ^ Clemens Niemi, A Finnish Grammar (1917), p. 27.
  4. ^ Tatui Baba, An Elementary Grammar of the Japanese Language (1888), p. 18.
  5. ^ Ratnakar Narale, Sanskrit for English Speaking People (2004), p. 332.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Al White

Score: 4.7/5
(58 votes)

The root word here is potential, from the Latin potentia, «power, might or force.»

Where does the word potential originate from?

late 14c., «possible» (as opposed to actual), «capable of being or becoming,» from Old French potenciel and directly from Medieval Latin potentialis «potential,» from Latin potentia «power, might, force;» figuratively «political power, authority, influence,» from potens «powerful,» from potis «powerful, able, capable; …

Is potential a Latin word?

«Potential» Comes From The Latin Word «Potentia» Meaning «Power» — Being Point.

What does the word potential mean?

1 : the chance or possibility that something will develop and become real There is a potential for injury. 2 : an ability or quality that can lead to success or excellence : promise She has great potential as a musician. potential. adjective.

Why does potential mean?

You use potential to say that someone or something is capable of developing into the particular kind of person or thing mentioned. … If you say that someone or something has potential, you mean that they have the necessary abilities or qualities to become successful or useful in the future.

16 related questions found

What are the potential examples?

Potential is defined as the possibility of becoming something. An example of potential is the highest grades of which a particular student is capable. Capable of being but not yet in existence; latent or undeveloped. A potential problem; a substance with many potential uses.

How do you use the word potential?

expected to become or be; in prospect.

  1. The potential savings are enormous.
  2. You aren’t using your computer to its full potential.
  3. It’s important to draw out a child’s potential capacities.
  4. Every seed is a potential plant.
  5. The company certainly has the potential for growth.

Who is a potential father?

A potential mother or potential father on your family tree is a hint or collection of hints that point to a certain person. You can accept, ignore, or reject a potential parent suggestion. For more information about hints, see Ancestry Hints®.

Which word has a meaning closest to the meaning of the word potential?

likely, hidden, possible, probable, capability, power, capacity, ability, potentiality, budding, future, wherewithal, aptitude, conceivable, dormant, embryonic, imaginable, implied, inherent, latent.

What is the synonym for potential?

Frequently Asked Questions About potential

Some common synonyms of potential are dormant, latent, and quiescent. While all these words mean «not now showing signs of activity or existence,» potential applies to what does not yet have existence or effect but is likely soon to have.

What’s the root word for potential?

When there’s a possibility of something occurring or becoming reality, use the word potentially. … The root word here is potential, from the Latin potentia, «power, might or force.»

What energies are potential?

Types of potential energy include:

  • Gravitational potential energy.
  • Chemical energy.
  • Nuclear energy.
  • Elastic potential energy, also called spring energy.
  • Electrical potential energy especially in a capacitor.

What is the noun form of potent?

The noun form of potent is potency. Example: The medicine is extremely potent, which means that it needs to be used very carefully according to the instructions.

What do u mean by potential difference?

: the difference in potential between two points that represents the work involved or the energy released in the transfer of a unit quantity of electricity from one point to the other.

What is potential resource?

Definition. A type of natural resource that exists in a region and may be used in the future (in contrast to actual resource). Supplement. For example petroleum in India is and will be a potential resource as long as it has not been used yet or accessed for use.

What do you call someone with a lot of potential?

n ability, aptitude, capability, capacity, possibility, potentiality, power, the makings, what it takes (informal) wherewithal.

What does it mean when a guy says you have potential?

If you say that someone or something has potential, you mean that they have the necessary abilities or qualities to become successful or useful in the future.

How do you tell your dad your father is happy?

Sweet Father’s Day Messages

  1. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. …
  2. Today’s your day, Dad. …
  3. Dad, you’re my hero. …
  4. Happy Father’s Day! …
  5. I’m so proud to be your kid. …
  6. Everyone always says they have the best dad in the world, but that can’t be right… …
  7. Thank you for making growing up fun.

What is personal potential?

People generally tell you that you’re naturally gifted with personal potential. Your true potential is supposed to be an activity that you can do amazingly with minimal effort. … With your courage and a firm intention, you can achieve whatever personal potential you want.

How can I develop my potential?

How To Develop Your Full Potential: Bias And Strategies

  1. Discovering Where Your True Potential Lies. …
  2. Convention And Social Proof. …
  3. Comfort Zones And Exploration. …
  4. Inconsistency And Distractions. …
  5. Develop Full Potential Through Effective Strategies. …
  6. Aligning Goals With Dreams. …
  7. Building a Supportive Network.

Has a lot of potential in a sentence?

«They really have a lot of potential to become influential». I think they have a lot of potential. «Of course I feel I have a lot of potential,» he said. Industry analysts say these businesses have a lot of potential, but they face challenges, too.

What means full potential?

: to become the best one can be The school tries to help students reach/realize their full potential.

потенциал, возможность, напряжение, потенциальный, возможный


- потенциал

potentials of war — военный потенциал
nuclear potential — ядерная мощь

- тех., физ. потенциал
- эл. напряжение, потенциал

potential difference — разность потенциалов, напряжение

- сокр. от potential mood
- физ., мат. потенциальная функция


- потенциальный, возможный; скрытый

potential danger — скрытая опасность
potential energy — физ. потенциальная энергия
potential flow — физ. безвихревое /потенциальное/ течение

- сослагательный

potential mood — грам. сослагательное наклонение, выражающее возможность

- редк. мощный, могущественный

Мои примеры


new ways of attracting potential customers — новые способы привлечения потенциальных клиентов  
the potential benefits of the new system — потенциальные преимущества новой системы  
military potential — военный потенциал  
to fulfil one’s potential — реализовать свой потенциал  
to determine the potential — определить потенциал  
data processing potential — возможности обработки данных  
potential entrants — потенциальные конкуренты  
developmental potential — дифференцировочный потенциал  
attraction potential — потенциал сил притяжения  
bounded potential — ограниченный потенциал  
effective potential — эффективный потенциал  
elliptic potential — эллиптический потенциал  

Примеры с переводом

There were several potential buyers.

Потенциальных покупателей было несколько.

The high price is a major hindrance to potential buyers.

Столь высокая цена представляет собой основное препятствие для потенциальных покупателей.

Some potential buyers will be deterred by the price.

Столь высокая цена отпугнёт некоторых потенциальных покупателей.

After thinking about the potential consequences of his plan, he sobered up.

Поразмыслив о возможных последствиях своей затеи, он пришёл в себя.

We believe there is untapped potential.

Мы считаем, что существует неиспользованный потенциал.

It is increasingly difficult for large investors to identify the startups that have true potential.

Крупным инвесторам всё труднее определить, какие же из общей массы «стартапов» обладают реальным потенциалом.

India has the potential to become a full-fledged major power.

У Индии имеется потенциал, чтобы стать полноценной серьёзной державой.

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…his irritated glare squelched any other potential objectors…

…potential jurors were to be drawn from the vicinage in which the crime occurred…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

potentiality  — потенциальность, возможность, потенциальные возможности
potentially  — потенциально, возможно


Doctors are excited about the new drug’s potential benefits.

Critics say the factory poses a potential threat to the environment.

He is a potential candidate for president.

The project has potential risks.


Scientists are exploring the potentials of the new drug.

The new technology has the potential to transform the industry.

There is potential in the new technology, but it will be a long time before it can actually be used.

The company has a lot of potential for future growth.

He has the potential to be one of the team’s best players.

He shows enormous potential as an athlete.

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Recent Examples on the Web

On his two-hour commute home, Outman would mentally review his swing progress and ponder potential tweaks.

Jack Harris, Los Angeles Times, 9 Apr. 2023

In an interview with Business Today, Russell likens the threat of unregulated AI to a potential Chernobyl event.

Tim Newcomb, Popular Mechanics, 9 Apr. 2023

Still, the bigger the program, the bigger the potential liability risks.

Alexandra Sternlicht, Fortune, 8 Apr. 2023

No other details — such as casting or potential release dates — about Mangold or Filoni’s films were revealed.

Jon Blistein, Rolling Stone, 7 Apr. 2023

Thankfully, a potential third season is on the distant horizon.

Wesley Stenzel, EW.com, 6 Apr. 2023

In an email sent to UF employees and students late Wednesday, no one is to use TikTok through the university’s network due to potential security risks.

Nora O’neill, USA TODAY, 6 Apr. 2023

China’s effort has echoes of its defense of another Chinese company that has found itself in the cross hairs of American legal and political controversy: Huawei, the telecommunications giant, which the United States has identified as a potential national security threat.

Steven Lee Myers, New York Times, 6 Apr. 2023

To complicate matters, these cuts come as tech giants are rapidly rolling out transformative new technologies like artificial intelligence and virtual reality — both of which have sparked concerns about their potential impacts on users.

Clare Duffy, CNN, 6 Apr. 2023

Education is the key to unlocking your potential.

Jill Gleeson, Country Living, 10 Apr. 2023

Robby Ashford’s seven-yard touchdown run in the rain during the first quarter of Auburn’s A-Day scrimmage on Saturday that ended in a 24-24 tie illustrated the quarterback’s potential.

Nubyjas Wilborn | , al, 9 Apr. 2023

Houston sports a higher potential to flip from pushover to contender than any of the other half dozen teams at the bottom of NBA league standings.

Michael Shapiro, Chron, 9 Apr. 2023

Balancing his power potential with his lack of contact is an ongoing dilemma.

Paul Sullivan, Chicago Tribune, 9 Apr. 2023

And, it should be said, there has long been debate over how accurately IQ tests are able to gauge overall intelligence and potential for success in society in the first place.

Tim Newcomb, Popular Mechanics, 9 Apr. 2023

Hello, and welcome to this week’s selection of top stories in pictures of Los Angeles Times photographers. Vice President Kamala Harris wrapped up a weeklong trip across Ghana, Tanzania and Zambia, aimed at highlighting Africa’s economic potential.

Times Photography Staff, Los Angeles Times, 8 Apr. 2023

The trends suggest a short-term funding decrease but greater potential for long-term growth, the Stanford report authors suggested.

Clarisa Diaz, Quartz, 7 Apr. 2023

Paulino and Bonaci could emerge as everyday middle infielders, while Jordan and Hickey have above-average offensive potential albeit with positional questions.

Alex Speier, BostonGlobe.com, 7 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘potential.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

potential — перевод на русский


All drugs are potentially dangerous.

Все наркотики потенциально опасны.

It’s no secret that children from slums are potential menaces to society.

Не секрет, что дети трущоб потенциально опасны для общества.

— This is a potentially violent case.

— Он потенциально опасен.

However, the suspected presence of an alien spacecraft must be investigated, in case of potentially fissionable material.

Однако, подозреваемое присутствие чужого космического корабля должно быть исследовано, как потенциально способного к ядерному взрыву.

In this case, we will inform Guardian that is potentially hostile and should not receive this information.

¬ данном случае, он проинформирован, то «‘ранитель» потенциально опасен.

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Roger has potential, but Ruth herself is an ineffectual nitwit.

У Роджера есть потенциал, но сама Рут — полнейшее ничтожество.

And there goes a possible Semmelweis, a potential Pasteur.

Потом идет, возможно, Земмельвейс, потенциал Пастера.

It has an equal potential to destroy your vessel.

Его потенциал достаточен, чтобы уничтожить ваше судно.

But I’d say that the magnetic potential of the effect was…

Скажу лишь, что магнитный потенциал эффекта был—

Its potential is a fact.

Его потенциал — это факт.

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Potentially greater.

Возможно, гениальнее.

A new and potentially revolutionary technology.

О новой и возможно революционной технологии.

A potentially life-changing experience in the theatre.

Возможно, судьбоносный просмотр спектакля в театре.

I am looking around, and all I see is potential.

Я всё осмотрел и вижу, что это возможно.

Potentially significant.

Возможно значительные.

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Firepower potential?

Огневые возможности?

Do you realise the incredible potential that could result from our taking a mutual dip in each other’s respective gene pools?

Ты понимаешь, какой невероятные возможности откроются перед нами, если каждый из нас нырнёт в генетический котёл другого?

Comrades, our own fleet doesn’t know our full potential.

Товарищи, возможности нашего флота велики.

It was needing commercial investment to develop this potential.

Но для того, чтобы показать его возможности, требовалось его коммерческое приложение.

The potential for Ferengi business expansion is staggering.

Возможности для расширения бизнеса ференги просто ошеломляющие.

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Amazing, actually. This could potentially be huge for us and we can’t afford to muck it up.

Вообще замечательная, если серьезно… но для нас это может стать настоящим шансом, то есть мы не можем позволить себе облажаться.

In other words, it can potentially be used to manipulate both humans and cyborgs at will.

Короче говоря, он вполне может быть использован чтобы управлять людьми или киборгами.

Wave power, which extracts energy from the surface motions of the ocean, is estimated to have a global potential of up to 80.000 terawatt-hours a year.

Сила морских волн, существующая благодаря движению океанов, может в глобальных масштабах приносить 80,000 ТВ/ч. каждый год.

Might it not be prudent to get the committee to consider issuing a D-Notice to protect everyone potentially embarrassed by this criminal activity?

Не будет ли благоразумнее собрать комитет и сделать официальное заявление на этот счет? Чтобы защитить тех, кого может затронуть это преступление?

We’re fascinated by this stuff, which has tremendous potential as an anti-inflammatory but also as an anti-psychotic.

Мы поражены этим растением. Оно может быть использовано не только как противо депрессивное, но и как противопсихозное

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I think you Have a lot of potential, and can make a lot of money,

Я думаю, у Вас огромный потенциал, и Вы сможете заработать кучу денег.

We think you got a lot of potential.

Мы считаем, что у вас огромный потенциал.

I agree it has remarkable potential, but you’re still in the most preliminary stages of research.

Я согласна, здесь есть огромный потенциал, но Вы еще находитесь на самых начальных стадиях исследования.

The Millennium Gate has a lot of potential, Henry, you just can’t see it.

У Врат Миллениума огромный потенциал, Генри, ты просто его не замечаешь.

You’ve got a lot of potential in you.

Огромный потенциал.

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Well, potentially, yes.

Ну, вероятно, да.

The product was from Mexico and had potential ties to the Reynosa cartel.

Продукт был из Мексики и, вероятно, связан с картелем Рейноза.

So she’s naturally closer to being, and potentially closer to enlightenment…

Так что она естественно ближе к бытию, и, вероятно, ближе к просветлению…

And potentially deadly.

И, вероятно, смертельный.

Um, some potential foster parents are coming to the youth center, and I have to interview ’em.

Вероятные приёмные родители приезжают в интернат, и мне надо провести с ними собеседование.

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That relationship has obviously got a lot of potential.

Эти отношения, очевидно, имеют большой потенциал.

I grant you, he’s got potential.

— У него большой потенциал.

Hallmark said it showed potential, which is pretty cool.

«Холлмарк» счёл, что у этой открытки большой потенциал.

I’m filled with potential, and I have hostile frustration.

У меня большой потенциал, меня разочаровала враждебность.

He had so much potential.

У него такой большой потенциал.

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Shitty band, shitty equipment — No commercial potential!

Дерьмовая команда, дерьмовое оснащение — никаких коммерческих способностей!

«No commercial potential!»

«Никаких коммерческих способностей! »

Shitty band, shitty equipment, -No commercial potential!

Дерьмовый коллектив, дерьмовое оснащение, — никаких коммерческих способностей!

You have so much potential.

У тебя столько способностей.

Ambition on toast with a side dish of potential.

Амбиции на ломтике хлеба, с гарниром из способностей.

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Throw in the fact that there are three potentially habitable planets, plus a gas giant to act as a comet catcher on the outside of the system? We’re talking miraculous.

Учитывая, что три планеты здесь могут быть пригодны для жизни, а газовый гигант преграждает путь кометам на границе системы, речь идет просто о чуде.

Belkin knows that your bosses are potentially dangerous.

Белкин знает, что твои боссы могут быть опасны.

I no longer seek the answers that Eduardo potentially holds.

Мне больше не нужны ответы, которые могут быть у Эдуардо.

Potentially armed suspects.

Подозреваемые могут быть вооружены.

All these kids are potential witnesses!

Все эти дети могут быть свидетелями.

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The first potential stage is known as the _hylic_ or _potential intellect_. ❋ Isaac Husik (1907)

«The club’s got so much ­potential and needs to grow to become a ­company to match that potential,» she emphasises, tapping into a trend that has increasingly come to dictate modern football. ❋ Unknown (2010)

It was guaranteed to be able to stop a diplodocus in full charge; the electric potential (_potential! ❋ Randall Garrett (1957)

Looks like rain potential is generally .5 «-.75» with some spots maybe topping 1 «, and perhaps others seeing less than .5». ❋ Ian Livingston (2010)

I need to underline the word potential—so far, these risks have been contained. ❋ Paul Hannon (2011)

Perhaps the only thing more tragic than the losses of these children and the diminishing of their potential is the fact that malnutrition is preventable. ❋ World Vision (2010)

I keep getting put in situations where the potential is there, high expectations and come up short. ‘ ❋ Michael Lee (2010)

But if Apple gets the remaining details right, the potential is all to the upside. ❋ Unknown (2010)

You’d be hard pressed to get 30% efficiency in an ICE, but the potential is there for 50% efficiency from a fuel cell. ❋ Unknown (2009)

«The word ‘potential‘ implies there haven’t been profound wines from this region to date,» said Mr. Page, after I mentioned the word. ❋ Lettie Teague (2011)

The grounds weren’t as manicured as we’re used to here on Long Island, but again, the potential is there. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The admiral would not discuss what he called potential future operations, including whether these would involve targeting of Gadhafi command and control targets. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Is it how high Jindal and his potential is above Kilgore, even if he had won in 2005. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Higher potential is also more loss potential and in a retirement plan, the most aggressive is still very conservative by anyone’s normal measures. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Strike that: a potential is a scalar field that is equal to the gradient of a vector field. ❋ Unknown (2009)

[instead] of «i’d [fuck her]», [you say], «she’s got potential» ❋ David (2004)

-He had so much potential. We thought he’d be in [NBA], but furthest he got was [halftime] show.
-Must of [had to] much potential. ❋ Bunstofuns (2010)

*Girl [drives] past a guy who isn’t [standing] [facing] her*
«Oh he has potential» ❋ Alice_in_chains (2009)

Dude, [can’t wait] for the party at [Tom’s] this weekend. It’s got awesome potential.
I broke up with [Clair] last week, when I realised sleeping with her had absolutely no potential ❋ Georgesoton (2009)

Guy 1:»You see the ass on that one?!»
Guy 2:»She’s definitely got potential
Girl Student: «The answer to the problem is [the square] [root] of [3.14]»
Male Teacher: «Excellent. You have a lot of potential ❋ Thesoupnazi (2007)

I want to [reach] my potential and [take it off] [the shelf]. ❋ PapiDen (2010)

[I like that] [boy] [David]. He’s got potential. ❋ LadyBlueJay (2008)

Hey Donna, Paradise Titty is playing Friday nite. You wanna try and go? No worries, I’m [just throwing it out there] as a potential.
I see the [Blue Genie] Art [Bazaar] in my future. It’s a potential fer sure.
Lynda, what potentials do you have for this weekend? I’m looking for things to do. ❋ Coleenmck (2009)

[Speaker] 1: «Did you punch yourself in the face while dancing awkwardly?»
Speaker 2: «[um]… [eh]. Potentially…» ❋ Steffers_11 (2010)

Son: Hey mom, where’s [Kelcey]?
Mom: She’s hanging out with Marco. I think he’s The Potential.
Son: [Oh geez], God help that [poor boy]. ❋ TheNickyZac (2012)

1 : the chance or possibility that something will develop and become real There is a potential for injury. 2 : an ability or quality that can lead to success or excellence : promise She has great potential as a musician.

What are examples of potentials?

Potential is defined as the possibility of becoming something. An example of potential is the highest grades of which a particular student is capable. Even from a young age it was clear that she had the potential to become a great musician.

Does potential mean maybe?

As adverbs the difference between potentially and maybe

is that potentially is in a manner showing much potential; with the possibility of happening in a given way while maybe is .

What is a potential answer?

If you can describe something as possible but not yet actual, choose the adjective potential. Companies try to reach potential customers through advertising. Potential, from the Latin potentia “power,” sounds more complicated than it is. It describes something or someone that has the power to become something.

How do I find my potential?

How to Find Your Potential

  1. Identify Your Inner Voice. The first step towards success is to listen to yourself. …
  2. Make Conscious Efforts. Once you’ve planned a suitable final destination, it’s time to make an effort. …
  3. Define Your Goals. …
  4. Set Milestones. …
  5. Accept Failures. …
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What is the difference of potential?

Potential difference is the difference in the amount of energy that charge carriers have between two points in a circuit. **Measured in Volts: **Potential difference (p.d.) is measured in volts (V) and is also called voltage.

Is potential always positive?

For like charges, the potential energy is always positive, that is because we need to put energy in the system to bring like charges closer together.

What does potential case mean?

Potential Claim means any conduct or circumstance that might reasonably be expected to the be the basis of a Claim.

What is meant by saying that the potential at a point is 1v?

An electric potential of 1 volts at a point means that 1 joule of work is to be done to move one unit of positive charge slowly from infinity to the point. Physics.

What is potential difference and why is it important?

Electric potential difference is a measure of the strength of this force, divided by the amount of electric charge being acted upon. As such electric potential differences are needed to make electrons move, i.e. create electricity, because the potential represents the force needed to get past Newtons first law.

What causes potential difference?

When electrons pass through the component, work is done. Some of the energy of the electrons is transferred to the component. This causes a difference in energy across the component, which is known as an electrical potential difference (p.d.)

What is mean by saying that the electric potential?

Solution. When we say that the electric potential at a point is 1 volt, it means that 1 joule of work has been done in moving 1 coulomb of positive charge from infinity to that point.

What does potential at a point mean?

The electric potential at a point in an electric field is defined as the amount of work done in moving a unit positive charge from infinity to that point along any path when the electrostatic forces are applied.

What is meant by electric potential at a point is 10 volt?

Answer: Electric potential at a point is 10 V means that at that particular point 10 Joules of work is being done per coulomb of charge. In other word, Work done on 1 Coulomb of charge is 10 Joules, which means electric potential at a point is 10 V.

What is meant by saying that the potential difference between two points is 5 volt?

If the potential between two points is 5-Volt, what does it mean? – Quora. The question shoulsd say potential difference between two points is.. This means that when 1 coulomb of charge moves from one point to the other 5 j of energy is required/produced. It means the voltage difference between two points is 5 volts.

What creates electric potential?

In the electrochemical cells of a battery-powered electric circuit, the chemical energy is used to do work on a positive test charge to move it from the low potential terminal to the high potential terminal. Chemical energy is transformed into electric potential energy within the internal circuit (i.e., the battery).

What is meant by saying that the potential at a point is 6v?

If the electrical potential at a point is one Volt, it implies that to move a charge of one Coulomb from infinity to the given point, one Joule of work is being done.

What is meant by saying that the potential difference between 2 points is 1v?

Potential difference between two points is said to be 1 volt when 1 Joule of work is done to move a charge of 1 Coulomb from one point to another.

What is the difference between electric field and electric potential?

Electric field is described as the amount of force per charge while the Electric potential is described as the amount of energy or work per charge. 3. Electric field is a vector quantity while Electric potential is a scalar quantity.

What is meant by the statement potential difference between point a and B in an electric field is 1 volt?

The potential difference is considered as the change in terms of voltage or Del V. It is measured in terms of voltage so that statement got the name voltage change between point A & B is 1. It means that I joule of work is carried out for moving the 1 coulomb of charge from the point A to B.

How much work is done in moving a charge of 2c?

The correct answer is 24 Joule.

Other forms: potentials

If you can describe something as possible but not yet actual, choose the adjective potential. Companies try to reach potential customers through advertising.

Potential, from the Latin potentia «power,» sounds more complicated than it is. It describes something or someone that has the power to become something. A potential success is not yet a success but could be if circumstances are right. When a situation has the potential for disaster, it could turn bad easily. You have potential if you have a natural but undeveloped ability to do something and a building with potential will be really nice once it’s fixed up.

Definitions of potential

  1. adjective

    existing in possibility

    potential problem”




    potentially existing but not presently evident or realized

  2. adjective

    expected to become or be; in prospect

    potential clients”




    of or concerned with or related to the future

  3. noun

    the inherent capacity for coming into being

  4. noun

    the difference in electrical charge between two points in a circuit expressed in volts

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Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:3.4 / 11 votes

  1. potential, potentiality, potencynoun

    the inherent capacity for coming into being

  2. electric potential, potential, potential difference, potential drop, voltageadjective

    the difference in electrical charge between two points in a circuit expressed in volts

  3. potential, possibleadjective

    existing in possibility

    «a potential problem»; «possible uses of nuclear power»

  4. likely, potentialadjective

    expected to become or be; in prospect

    «potential clients»

WiktionaryRate this definition:4.3 / 6 votes

  1. potentialnoun

    Currently unrealized ability.

    Even from a young age it was clear that she had great musical potential.

  2. potentialnoun

    The gravitational potential is the radial (irrotational, static) component of a gravitational field, also known as the Newtonian potential or the gravitoelectric field.

  3. potentialnoun

    The work (energy) required to bring a unit positive electric charge from an infinite distance to a specified point against an electric field.

  4. potentialnoun

    A verbal construction or form stating something is possible or probable.

  5. potentialadjective

    Existing in possibility, not in actuality.

  6. potentialadjective

    Being potent; endowed with energy adequate to a result; efficacious; influential.

  7. potentialadjective

    A potential field is an irrotational (static) field.

    From Maxwell equations (6.20) it follows that the electric field is potential: E(r)uE000128544uE001=uE000128545uEgradu03C6(r).uE000128546uE001

  8. potentialadjective

    A potential flow is an irrotational flow.

    The non-viscous flow of the vacuum should be potential (irrotational).uE000128547uE001

  9. potentialadjective

    Referring to a verbal construction of form stating something is possible or probable.

  10. Etymology: From potentialis, from potentia, from potens; see potent.

Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Potentialadjective

    Etymology: potenciel, Fr. potentialis, Latin.

    1. Existing in possibility, not in act.

    This potential and imaginary materia prima cannot exist without form.
    Walter Raleigh, Hist. of the World.

    2. Having the effect without the external actual property.

    The magnifico is much belov’d,
    And hath in his effect a voice potential,
    As double as the duke’s.
    William Shakespeare, Othello.

    Ice doth not only submit unto actual heat, but indureth not the potential calidity of many waters.

    3. Efficacious; powerful.

    Thou must make a dullard of the world,
    If they not thought the profits of my death
    Were very pregnant and potential spurs
    To make thee seek it.
    William Shakespeare.

    4. In grammar, potential is a mood denoting the possibility of doing any action.

Webster DictionaryRate this definition:3.0 / 2 votes

  1. Potentialadjective

    being potent; endowed with energy adequate to a result; efficacious; influential

  2. Potentialadjective

    existing in possibility, not in actuality

  3. Potentialnoun

    anything that may be possible; a possibility; potentially

  4. Potentialnoun

    in the theory of gravitation, or of other forces acting in space, a function of the rectangular coordinates which determine the position of a point, such that its differential coefficients with respect to the coordinates are equal to the components of the force at the point considered; — also called potential function, or force function. It is called also Newtonian potential when the force is directed to a fixed center and is inversely as the square of the distance from the center

  5. Potentialnoun

    the energy of an electrical charge measured by its power to do work; hence, the degree of electrification as referred to some standard, as that of the earth; electro-motive force

  6. Etymology: [Cf. F. potentiel. See Potency.]

FreebaseRate this definition:2.0 / 1 vote

  1. Potential

    Potential generally refers to a currently unrealized ability. The term is used in a wide variety of fields, from physics to the social sciences to indicate things that are in a state where they are able to change in ways ranging from the simple release of energy by objects to the realization of abilities in people. Examples include:
    In linguistics, the potential mood
    The mathematical study of potentials is known as potential theory; it is the study of harmonic functions on manifolds. This mathematical formulation arises from the fact that, in physics, the scalar potential is irrotational, and thus has a vanishing Laplacian — the very definition of a harmonic function.
    In physics, a potential may refer to the scalar potential or to the vector potential. In either case, it is a field defined in space, from which many important physical properties may be derived.
    Leading examples are the gravitational potential and the electric potential, from which the motion of gravitating or electrically charged bodies may be obtained.
    Specific forces have associated potentials, including the Coulomb potential, the van der Waals potential, the Lennard-Jones potential and the Yukawa potential.
    In electrochemistry there are Galvani potential, Volta potential, electrode potential, standard electrode potential.In Thermodynamics potential refers to thermodynamic potential.

The Standard Electrical DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Potential

    Potential in general may be treated as an attribute of a point in space, and may express the potential energy which a unit mass would have if placed at that point. This conception of potential is that of a property attributable to a point in space, such that if a unit mass were placed there the forces acting upon it would supply the force factor of energy, while the body would supply the mass factor. This property is expressible in units, which produce, if the supposed mass is a unit mass, units of work or energy, but potential itself is neither. Thus taking gravitation, a pound mass on the surface of the earth (assuming it to be a sphere of 4,000 miles radius) would require the expenditure of 21,120,000 foot pounds to remove it to an infinite distance against gravity. The potential of a point in space upon the surface of the earth is therefore negative and is represented by -21,120,000*32.2 foot poundals (32.2 = acceleration of gravity). (See Poundal.) In practice and conventionally all points on the earth’s surface are taken as of zero potential. [Transcriber’s note; 21,120,000 foot pounds is about 8 KWh.]

Editors ContributionRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. potential

    The ability or capacity to create.

    The potential for the future use of the software was so clear, we were delighted.

    Submitted by MaryC on February 19, 2020  

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘potential’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #1558

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘potential’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #2792

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘potential’ in Nouns Frequency: #965

  4. Adjectives Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘potential’ in Adjectives Frequency: #189

How to pronounce potential?

How to say potential in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of potential in Chaldean Numerology is: 2

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of potential in Pythagorean Numerology is: 4

Examples of potential in a Sentence

  1. Jeremy Wang:

    I’ve received an offer from every major streaming platform but decided to go with Facebook because I believe it has the most explosive potential, it’s always a risk to move platforms but my research has made me confident in my choice.

  2. Layton Han:

    Today, there are many different ways to communicate with existing and potential customers, such as through social media and mobile applications, travel brands need to develop and synchronize customer-marketing messages across various channels.

  3. Sidney Madwed:

    The finest gift you can give anyone is encouragement. Yet, almost no one gets the encouragement they need to grow to their full potential. If everyone received the encouragement they need to grow, the genius in most everyone would blossom and the world would produce abundance beyond the wildest dreams. We would have more than one Einstein, Edison, Schweitzer, Mother Theresa, Dr. Salk and other great minds in a century.

  4. Rock Owens:

    It’s disappointing to me for a company to have these kinds of problems with the potential for some kind of disaster.

  5. Wood Mackenzie:

    Tehran is eagerly poised to attract foreign investment and gain access to modern technologies in the whole energy chain, potential for investment in Iran is huge, three quarters of its combined oil and gas reserves – the third largest in the world – are yet to be produced.

Popularity rank by frequency of use

Translations for potential

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  • إمكانيةArabic
  • potencialCatalan, Valencian
  • potenciálCzech
  • potentielDanish
  • möglich, potentiell, Potential, potenziell, PotenzialGerman
  • δυνητικόςGreek
  • potencialSpanish
  • پتانسیلPersian
  • potentiaalinen, mahdollinen, potentiaaliFinnish
  • possibilité, potentielFrench
  • poitéinseal, ionchasach, cumas, acmhainneacht, féideartha, poitéinsiúilIrish
  • פוטנציאליHebrew
  • क्षमताHindi
  • lehetségesHungarian
  • potensiIndonesian
  • mögulegurIcelandic
  • potenzialeItalian
  • פוטנציאלHebrew
  • 潜在的な, 潜在的, ポテンシャル, 可能性, 電位, 戦力Japanese
  • ಸಂಭಾವ್ಯKannada
  • 가능성Korean
  • potentia,Latin
  • torohū, pito mataMāori
  • potentieelDutch
  • potensialNorwegian
  • potencjalny, potencjałPolish
  • potencialPortuguese
  • potențialRomanian
  • потенциальный, потенциал, возможныйRussian
  • potential, potentiellSwedish
  • சாத்தியமானTamil
  • సంభావ్యTelugu
  • ศักยภาพThai
  • gizil, gizli, gizil güç, potansiyelTurkish
  • потенціалUkrainian
  • ممکنہUrdu
  • tiềm năngVietnamese
  • potentialYiddish
  • 潛力Chinese

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