What is the word picture game

What’s the Word? is a nice Windows Phone puzzle game to pass the time with. What’s the Word? presents you with four pictures and you are tasked with figuring out what common descriptive word they share.

I have to admit the puzzles start out really easy but slowly pick up speed and can be somewhat challenging.

What’s the Word? is a rather simple game and an equally simple lay out. The main menu has options to jump into the game, view the help section, mute the sound and review the game over in the Windows Phone Store.

What's the Word?

The game has 192 puzzles spread out across nine albums. Albums vary in size and progressively get more challenging. You are given a thumbnail view of each puzzle to let you skip around or you can just start at the first puzzle and work your way through things.

The puzzle page will present you with four pictures with a similar descriptive word. At the top of the page you’ll see the album number and your current coin count. Coins are earned as you complete the puzzles and can be used to purchase hints.

Below the pictures is your answer box and letter choices to complete the answer. The Question Mark pulls up your hint options that range from reveal a single letter to remove letters from the letter field (narrows down your choices).

Again, the puzzles start off fairly simple and build in strength. They really never get overly difficult but the game is an entertaining way to pass the time. I can see What’s the Word? appealing to a wide age group and it may not be a bad game to add to your Windows Phone Kid’s Corner.

What’s the Word? is a free, ad-supported game for your Windows Phone that you can pick up here (opens in new tab) at the Windows Phone Store.

QR: What's the Word?

All the latest news, reviews, and guides for Windows and Xbox diehards.

George is the Reviews Editor at Windows Central, concentrating on Windows 10 PC and Mobile apps. He’s been a supporter of the platform since the days of Windows CE and uses his current Windows 10 Mobile phone daily to keep up with life and enjoy a game during down time.

Guessing Games for Kids

Guessing games are great to use as warmers, fillers, and review activities. Not only are they a lot of fun, but they are also fantastic for learning vocabulary and grammar.

On this page we list the 10 super fun guessing games for kids. Although these activities are mainly aimed at young learners, many of these guessing game ideas can be easily adapted to use with adults and teenagers.

For more classroom game ideas, check out our other post, 10 Incredibly Fun Vocabulary Activities For ESL Kids.

1: Guess the Word Games

Whichever topic you are teaching, a simple guess the word game, although simple, can be very effective. Show students some flashcards and ask them to repeat after you. Once students have practiced enough, choose one flashcard, and don’t show the students. Then ask them to try to guess what the word is while using the target expression.

For example, if you teaching animal words, when students guess they can ask the teacher ‘Is it an elephant?’, and the teacher can respond ‘Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.’.

2: Hidden Picture Guessing Games

ESL PowerPoint Games

In this guessing game there is a picture hidden behind some color squares. As you click the squares the image is slowly revealed and students must try to guess what it is.

This guess the picture game is a great way to introduce or review new words with students and can be used with any vocabulary. For hidden picture PPT games on many topics, and an editable template, click here.

3: Guess the Picture (Pictionary)

This simple guessing game idea needs little to no prep. All you need for this game is something to draw on. To play as a whole class, ask a student to draw something on the board from the lesson and ask students to guess what the picture is of.

To make it more fun, divide the class into two / three teams. Give each team 30 seconds or so to guess as many pictures as they can. This game is a lot of fun and young learners especially love showing off their artistic skills.

4: Guess the Mystery Object

Using real objects in the classroom is a great way to connect the vocabulary and grammar that students are learning to the real world. A great way to do that is with this guess the object game. To play, you need a bag or a box to put the mystery objects in.

Invite students one by one to come up to the front of the class and reach into the bag/box and feel the object inside. Without looking at the object, they must try to guess what the mystery object is. This can lead to some hilarious guesses! This activity is great for both kids and older ESL students.

5: Online Guessing Games

In these online guessing games, students must use ‘Telepathy’ to read the teacher’s mind and find out the answer. Of course, your students can’t really read minds, but kids love pretending that they can.

In these guessing games each answer as two possible answers and students must choose ONE and write it down. If they get it correct, they get a point. If they get it wrong, they don’t. Many online guessing games can be found on our Activity Videos page.

This game can be played individually or in pairs / small teams. For a Telepathy game PPT template, and a printable answer worksheet, click here.

6: ‘I Spy’ Guessing Games

When you were a child you probably played a variation of this game at one time or another. In the classic (British) version of I Spy, one person would look around and choose an object that they can see and then say ‘I spy with my little eye something beginning with (b).’. At which point the other people must try to guess what object beginning with the letter b he/she is thinking of.

This kind of guessing game can be used in your English class to review many different words and topics. For example, if teaching colors, one student can look around and choose an object and then say ‘I see something (green)’. The other students must then guess what green thing they are thinking of.

Or, if you are teaching adjectives, one student can look around and choose something and then describe it using adjectives. For example, ‘I see something big and heavy.’.

7: ‘Act It Out’ Guessing Game (Charades)

In the classic version of charades people would use actions instead of words to act out the title of a movie, book, play, or song. In the English classroom, this kind of activity can be used to review key vocabulary and expressions that students have learned.

To play, write down the key words / phrases from the lesson on pieces of paper and put them all in a small container. Then divide the class into 2/3 teams. One person from each team will choose a piece of paper and act out the word without speaking or making any noise. If the team guesses correctly, then they get a point.

8: Guess The Word To ‘Save The Teacher’ (Hangman)

Hangman is a classic classroom game in which students must try to guess the word the teacher is thinking of by guessing letters of the alphabet. If students guess the wrong word then the teacher would begin drawing a picture of a hanging man. If students get it wrong too many times and the teacher completes the picture, then the students lose.

Although this drawing is just a simple stick figure, the idea of showing children a drawing of a man hanging from his neck seems quite gruesome to me, and not appropriate for kids. As a fun alternative to hangman, try ‘Save The Teacher’ using the video above. The rules are exactly the same as hangman.

To play, think of a word and draw a small horizontal line corresponding to each letter of that word. Then ask students to guess the word by first guessing letters from the alphabet. If they guess correctly, then write it in the correct space on the board. If students guess wrong play the video and the fuse will get closer to the rocket. When students guess wrong too many times, the teacher and the rocket will blast off into space!

9: ‘What Am I?’ Guessing Game

In this guessing game, the teacher would think of something and then give students 3 clues as to what it is by saying sentences as if he/she is the object. For example, if the word the teacher is thinking of is ‘The Sun’ then the 3 clues he/she might say “I am hot. I am bright. You can’t see me at night. What am I?” This is a great way to reinforce students’ understanding of the lesson’s vocabulary and a fun review activity. For more ‘What am I? quizzes check out these ’40 What Am I?’ questions.

10: Guessing Games With Cards

Most ESL textbooks these days come with small word/picture cards at the back. If you’re not so lucky, you can download and print free mini-flashcards from our flashcards page. To play this game, ask students to make groups of 3/4. Then give each group a set of cards. Then one student from each group should close their eyes while the other members of the group point to one of the cards.

Then the student should open his/her eyes and guess what card they chose while using the target language. If he/she guesses correctly then they can keep that card. Then it’s the next students turn. The game finishes when all the cards are gone and the students with the most cards is the winner.

Thanks for reading. I hope you found some useful guessing game ideas for your next class. Before you go, don’t forget to check out our free other free games and activities including PowerPoint Games, Online Quizzes, and Online ESL Games.

Rebus puzzles, also known as word picture puzzles or picture riddles, use images or words to convey a phrase or message, typically a common idiom or expression..

What is a photo hunt?

Photo Hunt is a spot the difference game. In each level, players are shown two photos—side-by-side—that are identical except for five differences. The objective is to find and identify the differences between the pictures before the timer runs out.

What is the Wordle game everyone is playing?

Wordle is an online 5-letter word game.

Then there’s the green letter which means it’s in the word and in the right place. Players select letters of the alphabet on the virtual keyboard and enter them into the 5 blank tiles. When they’re happy with their 5-letter word guess, they press the submit button.

How do you play a photo scavenger?

You must find all items and snap a photo. Once the timer ends, whoever has the most pictures wins. If participating as a team, you must always stay together. One cannot wander off and try and find items on their own.

What is a picture scavenger hunt?

Photo Scavenger Hunt is a fun team-based scavenger hunt activity with an interesting twist — the goal is to bring back digital photos (or polaroids) of various places and things. By doing this, people will capture good memories and also have some experience working together and collaborating as a team.

What is virtual scavenger hunt?

During a virtual scavenger hunt, each person or team races to track down items or solve riddles, using their home as the playing grounds. There is usually a host for the virtual event whose job is to keep track of time, items and the winners.

How do you play scavenger hunt?

How to play:

  1. Create a list of things to find, hear or do.
  2. Create a time limit (optional).
  3. Give children the list and let them scavenge around and find, smell or do all of the things on their list.
  4. The player or team who ticks everything off on their list first, or ticks off the most items before the time is up, wins.

What is the photo challenge Tiktok?

While its name doesn’t give much away, the challenge involves users showing off their favorite pictures of themselves. Someone’s ‘The Photo’ refers to a sole image of them that they love, although some people end up selecting multiple.

What is the 365 photo challenge? A 365 Photo Challenge is a project where you capture an image every day for a year. Instead of coming up with your own topics, the Calendar, and daily prompts tell you what to look for and shoot. The benefits of this project idea come in droves.

How do you play Pictoword?

Gameplay. In Pictoword, the player will “read” two pictures to form a word. The puzzles can be a combination of the pictures (A picture of an ear and ring will form Earring), a homonym (A picture of a knight and mare will form Nightmare) or what the pictures sound like (A picture of a taxi and dough will form Tuxedo).

What is a photo challenge?

What Is the Photo Challenge? The photography challenge is a daily exercise that aims to help you become more creative in photography. Each challenge pushes you to try new ideas and techniques that you wouldn’t consider doing otherwise.

Is Pictoword app free?

Play this new addicting word puzzle game that is great for adults of all ages – absolutely free! Download now and put your mind to the test! Gather around the table for game night and play Pictoword with friends and family!

What is a five letter word for picture puzzle?

picture puzzle Crossword Clue

Answer Letters
picture puzzle with 5 Letters
picture puzzle with 6 Letters

What is the photo challenge on Instagram?

The good news is, the latest challenge on the ‘gram is pretty simple: Followers ask you to share photos of something specific (whether that’s a funny throwback, an embarrassing flick, or a sweet photo of a furry friend) and you answer their request with a photo on your Instagram Story.

What is the most fun app? 17 Cool and Fun Android Apps to Kill Boredom

  • 9GAG. You must be pretty well aware of 9GAG and if you are not, you are missing out on your daily dosage of memes, GIFs, funny pictures and videos.
  • TikTok. TikTok has taken the world by storm.
  • Doublicat.
  • Dad Jokes.
  • Voice Changer Fun.
  • Bubble Wrap.
  • Easy xkcd.
  • Shake Me.

How do you play guess my word? What You Do

  1. Start by explaining to your child that you will be playing a guessing game together. Let her know that you will be giving her three clues to try to guess which vocabulary word from the list you are describing.
  2. Give your child three clues to describe the vocabulary word you have in mind.

How does the game 4 Pics 1 Word work? Gameplay. 4 Pics 1 Word’s gameplay is very simple: each level displays four pictures linked by one word – the player’s aim is to work out what the word is, from a set of letters given below the pictures.

What is another word for picture puzzle?

What is another word for picture puzzle?

jigsaw game
puzzle tangram
Chinese puzzle jigsaw puzzle

How do you do a rebus puzzle?

Each rebus puzzle consists of a category, the answer boxes, and a series of picture clues. The category gives a vague hint to what sort of answer you are looking for (person, phrase, thing etc.). The answer boxes give the enumeration for the word or words in the answer – one letter per box.

What is the meaning of picture puzzle?

Also called picture puzzle . a set of irregularly cut pieces of pasteboard, wood, or the like that form a picture or design when fitted together. any complex, confusing situation, condition, or item, as one composed of seemingly diverse or unrelated elements.

Where do I find Wordle game?

Where and how can you play the game? Currently, Wordle is available online only. It is accessed via the webpage www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle. All you have to do is to visit the Wordle website, where you will be greeted five-wide by a six-long grid of empty, white boxes.

Can I play old Wordle games?

Well, you can finally play the game’s entire archive thanks to the aptly titled Wordle Archive website. The free daily word game Wordle blew up in popularity at the start of 2022 despite not having an app and only allowing players to tackle one puzzle per day.

What is the original Wordle game?

What is the Wordle website? Originally, Wordle was hosted on the powerlanguage.co.uk web address. Wardle got the name, he told TechCrunch, after someone called him and friends out for using foul language, but they misheard it as “power language.”

How do you make a picture treasure hunt?

How to Prepare the Photo Scavenger Hunt

  1. Choose the location of the hunt.
  2. Make a list of items to photograph.
  3. For older kids who need more of a challenge, try using riddles or more challenging and creative clues that require some thought.
  4. Set a time limit, if appropriate.

How do you do a selfie scavenger hunt? Team Building Scavenger Hunt:

Get each member of your team to link arms with two others, until everyone is linked. Then, snap a selfie that fits as many people in the frame as you can (the group with the most people captured wins!).

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Each word puzzle contains four pictures that have one word in common. Play picture puzzles that become more challenging as you progress. The more word puzzles you can solve, the more levels you will unlock.

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Guess the Word

Guess the Word is a fun vocabulary game for young learners and young teens with a level of A2 (Basic user) on the CEFR.

In this game students read a definition of a word and have to guess what the word is using the letters that appear. This game is a great way to practice reading, spelling and review vocabulary all at the same time. You can also use this activity to prepare Cambridge Flyer level students for the Flyers exam as a similar task appears in the exam though this game is a great game for any group with an A2 or below level.

There are a total 11 categories of vocabulary covering the most common language studied at this level. Can your students guess all the words?

How to Play Guess the Word

    1. Project the game on the whiteboard.
    2. In teams or individually students have to read the definition and guess what the word is. If they don’t know the word they can buy hints which reveals some of the letters of the word.
  1. The team that guesses the most words wins!

More Online ESL Speaking Games

Discover more vocabulary activities


Vocabulary Games

ESL Say It! – A simple no prep warmer/cooler or quick break for students. In this activity students have to say a word from a category that begins with a letter.

ESL Guess Who – Practice describing people with this fun online game.

MIXUP – A simple quick fire vocabulary game. How many words can you guess in 90 seconds?

Word Wheel – Get class started with this fun vocabulary challenge. In this game students try and guess what the nine letter word is while also making words using the letters and the key letter. The team with the most words and points will win!

Learn to tell the time – Practice reading the setting the time with this fun interactive game to practice telling the time.

ESL Scattergories! – A classic quick thinking vocabulary where students need to think of vocabulary quickly to get the most words beginning with a letter.

Scattagories for Kids! – Now play with young learner and lower level students in this simplified version of our classic game.

Name 5! – Name 5! is a simple no prep vocabulary warmer. In this activity students need to say a number of words based on a range of topics. Can your students beat the clock!

5 Seconds! – Students need to say 3 words from a random category in 5 seconds to score a point.

2 Pictures 1 Compound – Can you guess the closed compounds nouns from the pictures? Practice guessing the compounds nouns with this fun interactive game.

Interactive Board Games – Practice speaking, grammar and vocabulary with these interactive online board games. New board games added regularly.

ESL Vocabulary Fortunes – An online game for teens and adults that is a great way to practice vocabulary on a large number of topics.

Animal Vocabulary Games – Practice animals with these four interactive online games. These fun games are a great way to revise animal vocabulary with your students.

Story Dice – Get your students making and telling stories with this fun online story tool.

ESL Countdown – Practice vocabulary and spelling with countdown.

Anagram Word Game – A simple word game. Suitable for teens and adults with an intermediate and above level of English.

ESL Category Generator – Generate categories to get your students practicing vocabulary. Great activity to be used with a ball or in online classes to get students thinking at the start of class as a warmer.

Trivia Quiz Generator – Generate quizzes quickly with this simple tool. Ideal for teens and adults intermediate and above.

Random Letter Generator – Generate random letters from the alphabet with this simple letter generating tool.

ESL Idiom Generator – Generate over 100 of the most common English language idioms. Get students to draw or mime out the idioms as a way to introduce them to the most common idioms in English.

Random Noun Generator – Randomly generate over 200 of the most common nouns in the English Language. Great for Pictionary and other end of the class coolers.

Catchphrase – A quick fire word game where students explain as many words as they can within the time limit.

Pictionary – Automatically generate words from three different levels of difficulty and play Pictionary with your students in a flash.

ESL Boggle – Boggle is a great warmer that can be used in the classroom. With this online version get students writing words to be the top of the class.

ESL Quizzes – Our Quizzes are a great way to end class and practice key vocabulary for a wide range of themes. Check back regularly as we are adding new quizzes regularly.

Discover games on our Youtube Channel.

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