What is the word of the day on mike and mike

Published November 8, 2019

How is it spelled?

It’s often assumed that there is only one right way to spell things in the English language. However, there is no single objective authority on English spelling. English, like many languages, is a living thing. It changes over time, with many different regional variations on how to spell words.

That can lead to some confusion, of course. Debates on the way to spell certain words have been raging for centuries. Perhaps the most famous (or infamous) example of this is when American lexicographer Noah Webster “simplified” spelling in his dictionary by dropping the letter -u from words with -ou, as in color for colour and neighbor instead of neighbour. He also exchanged S for Z, in words like analyze (instead of analyse).

This sparked many differences not only between American and UK spellings of certain words, but also debated spellings of American words we use in our everyday lives. Read on for some of the most confusing … and see if you agree with one spelling or the other.

grey or gray

In November of 1893, lexicographer Sir James Murray, primary editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, looked into whether Brits were more likely to use gray or grey. The results were ambiguous.

A majority of people in the UK at the time were more likely to spell it grey. However, some printers—including the venerable Times—used the spelling gray. There were even some people who responded that grey was a lighter color than gray. Since Murray’s time, the debate has become a bit more settled, although there are differences on either side of the pond.

By the 20th century, grey had become the usual spelling of the word in the UK, while gray was most often used in the US. The word comes from Old English, and there isn’t a preponderance of evidence as to which spelling would be “more” correct.

So, moral of the story, either gray or grey could be correct, depending on which side of the Atlantic you live on.

okay or OK

The origins of okay, sometimes spelled OK and even, at one point, okeh, are unknown. There are as many theories as there are spellings.

Typically, a word in all capitals, like OK, is an acronym, implying that each letter stands for a word—like how US stands for United States. But what the letters in OK may stand for has been lost to the sands of time. Lexicographer Allen Walker Read argued in 1838 that OK stood for “Oll Korrect” or “Ole Kurreck,” part of a fad for misspelled words, but that claim is hard to substantiate.

Others, including President Woodrow Wilson, attributed the word to the Choctaw okeh, meaning “it is so,” and spelled it accordingly.

At any rate, when the word first appeared in print in 1839, it was spelled OK. But, by the 20th century, many publications were using the somewhat more elegant spelling of okay. Which of these spellings you use is really up to you—there’s no clear answer. The Associated Press recommends OK; the Chicago Manual prefers okay.

Basically, whichever of these spellings you choose is A-OK by us.

whoa or woah

Woah (or whoa) is onomatopoeic. That means it is a word written to express a sound.

Originally, it was a sound said to farm animals and horses to get them to move in a certain direction—or stop moving. When the word was first written in the 19th century, it was most often transcribed as whoa. According to Google Ngram results, this spelling remains the most common version of the word.

However, by at least 1984, woah began to be used on early internet forums instead of whoa. By the 1990s, it had become much more common in print.

Beware: while both spellings have significant usage, most dictionaries recognize the spelling woah as “incorrect.”

doughnut or donut

Just as both jelly-filled and chocolate-glazed versions of these fried treats are delicious, both doughnut and donut are correct spellings of the word.Doughnut is the older of the two spellings. It’s also most obviously related to what the dessert is made out of—dough.

The simplified spelling of donut is an American invention that came along later. It also gained a boost when Dunkin’ Donuts opened in 1950.

So, while doughnut remains more common, both of these spellings are perfectly fine.

flier or flyer

Like grey/gray, the flier/flyer debate has been going on for centuries.

A flier—or flyer—can mean any number of things. It can be something, or someone, who flies. Or, in the United States anyway, it can mean a small piece of paper with information on it. And those are just two of the many meanings of the word.

When the word was first coined in the mid-1400s, it was spelled variously as flier or flyer. This spelling ambiguity has continued since then. For a while in the 19th century, flier and flyer were neck-in-neck in terms of popularity, but these days flyer is by far the more common spelling.

Either way, both are accepted spellings of this word.

theater or theatre

One of the great trans-Atlantic spelling divides is theatre vs. theater. For a while, the spelling of this word wasn’t settled.

Circa 1380, it was often spelled theatre or teatre. In the UK from 1500–1700, the preference was for the spelling theater. (That’s how Shakespeare spelled it.) By the 19th century, theatre once again became much more common in the UK. However, in the US, the spelling theater was preferred. And that’s how the lay of the land remains today.

So, whether you spell it theatre or theater largely depends on which side of the Atlantic you find yourself on. That said, the spelling theatre is still found in the US—it’s often considered a slightly fancier way to write the word.

T-shirt or tee-shirt

When you get up in the morning, do you put on a T-shirt or tee-shirt?

T-shirts are so named because they look like a capital letter T. That makes T-shirt a somewhat more intuitive spelling.

By the 1940s, tee-shirt had emerged as an acceptable alternative spelling for T-shirt. However, it remains far less popular than the original T-shirt. Plus, the Chicago Manual and other style guides usually recommend T-shirt.

That said, we’re sticking with our favorite sentence in this slideshow: they’re both correct.

pajama or pyjama

When you go to bed, do you put on pajamas or pyjamas? Again, the answer tends to come down to whether or not you live in the British Commonwealth—except Canada.

The word pyjama comes from the English transliteration of the Hindustani pay-jama, a word used to describe loose pants tied with a drawstring commonly worn in India. During the British colonial era in the country, Europeans adopted pyjamas as nightwear. By 1845, pyjamas had made their way to the US—but they were now spelled pajama. In the US, this spelling remains the most popular, whereas in the UK, Australia, and other Commonwealth countries, it’s most often spelled pyjama.

However, Canadians, who perhaps have been influenced by their American neighbors, seem split on the pyjama/pajama divide, according to Google Trends.

If you’re really not sure which of these spellings to choose, you can always opt for something a little easier to spell: PJs or jammies.

mic or mike

Mic mike is shorthand for microphone. According to the New York Times, the abbreviation mike may have appeared by 1926 as a cheeky nickname. The alternate spelling mic came along by 1961. However, this spelling is a bit confusing. It looks like it should be pronounced “mick,” which is not a nice word. And, as the Times points out, bicycle isn’t abbreviated bic, it’s bike.

In the years since, there hasn’t been any consensus on whether mike or mic is the correct way to spell this abbreviation. Even the AP Stylebook has waffled on this point. Regardless, mic has been making something of a comeback in recent years. As for us, either spelling—mic or mike—is correct, as long as you’re consistent.

And that’s our mic (or mike) drop moment.


Модуль 4

Урок 5 (4с) стр.40

Тема: My favourite day. Мой любимый


1.     How are you?

2.     Who is on duty

3.     Who is absent

4.     What season is it

5.     What date is it

Речевая зарядка

1.     What is your
favourite day of the week?

2.     What do you do on
that day?

упражнения 1 стр.40

Brainstormingмозговой штурм

Spidergramдиаграмма в
виде паука

1.     What is a perfect
day like for you?
(Каков для вас идеальный день?)

Perfect day

1.     Morning — have a
big breakfast.

2.     Afternoon —

3.     Evening —

упражнения 2 (а) стр.40

Read the title. Which is Ann’s favourite
day? – Her favourite day is Saturday.

Read the text and find out why she likes
ответить, надо прочитать текст

Лексика для
понимания текста


a big breakfast

set off

Scout Club

go camping


put up


tie knots

build fires

go climbing





[set ɔf]

[skaut klʌb]

[gou kæmpiŋ]


[put ʌp]


[taɪ nɔts]

[bild faɪərz]

[go klaɪmiŋ]

[kæmp faɪə]


 — идеальный

 — плотный

 — отправляться
(в путь)

 — Клуб Скаутов

 — отправляться
в поход

 — прибывать

 — ставить

 — лидер,
вожатый (скаутов)

 — завязывать

— сложить костёр

 — лазить по

 — костёр

 — однозначно, безусловно, абсолютно

Чтение текста и
выполнение задания (предполагаемый ответ):

Why does Ann like
Saturday? —
likes Saturday because she has Scout Club meeting. They go camping on Saturday
and do many interesting things there.

Выполнение упражнения 2 (b) стр.40

Answer the following questions:

1.     Which is Ann’s
perfect day? – Her perfect day is Saturday.

2.     What does she do
in the morning? – She has a big breakfast in the morning.
She puts on
her uniform and sets off with her friend for the Scout Club. She goes camping
with the Scout Club.

3.     What does she do
in the afternoon? – She plays football or goes climbing.

4.     What does she do
in the evening? –
cooks dinner with the rest of the group. She goes to her tent. She tells
or listens to
stories. She goes to sleep

Изучение  Study skills

Using linkers – Использование словсвязок

Во время повествования
событий используются слова-связки, чтобы показать порядок происходящих действий
или событий. Это сделает вашу манеру письма более организованной.

упражнения 3 (а) стр.40

Name the words in the text which
show the order things happened.

Напоминание слов —
 связок с 5 класса:

whenкогда ; after that после
and и,
а (это не слово-связка, а союз, помогающий тоже связывать слова в предложении)

then затем;
before до.

Найти в тексте упр.
№2 слова-связки

Keys: then, later,
after that, when, before.

Выполнение упражнения 3 (b) стр.40

Link the sentences. Use: and, then, after
that, when, before.

1.     On Saturdays I
meet my friends for coffee. We go to the cinema.

2.     She has breakfast.
She leaves for school.

3.     On Sundays we have
a family dinner. We watch a movie.

4.     I get up. The
alarm clock rings.

5.     She has a bath.
She gets dressed.


1.     On Saturdays I
meet my friends for coffee. After that / Then we go
to the cinema.
Saturdays I meet my friends for coffee before we go to the

2.     — -She has
breakfast, then she leaves for school.

3.     — On Sundays we
have a family dinner before/and we watch a movie.
/On Sundays we have
a family dinner. After that we watch a movie.

4.     — I get up when the alarm clock rings.

5.     She has a bath, then
she gets dressed.

упражнения 4 стр.40

Work in pairs. Discuss your
perfect day. Use the questions in exercise 2b to help you.
Беседа в паре о субботе. (Образецдиалог):









Which is a perfect day for you?

It’s Saturday.

Why? What do you do in the morning?

I have a big breakfast.

What do you do in the afternoon?

I have lunch with my family.

What do you do in the evening?

We cook with mum something special for
dinner then I have free time.

Рассказ об
идеальной субботе: (Предполагаемый ответ):

My perfect (ideal)
day of the week is Saturday, because because it is the last day of school and
my parents at home. In the morning my mother cooks for me a big breakfast and
then I go to school. At Saturday we have less lessons and I come back home in
the afternoon. Then I have some time to watch TV. After watch we cook with my
mother tasty dinner and we have dinner  with the whole family. After that I go
to the bathroom and then go to sleep. This is my perfect day, because I spend
it with my family.

Беседа в
паре о воскресенье: (Образец-диалог):









Which is a perfect day for you?

It’s Sunday.

Why? What do you do in the morning?

I have a big breakfast and I don’t go to
school, then I can get up late.

What do you do in the afternoon?

I go out with my friends. We walk in the
park, ride bicycles or go skateboarding.

What do you do in the evening?

I have dinner with my family. I play computer
games and watch DVDs

Рассказ об идеальном
воскресенье: (предполагаемый ответ):

Му perfect day is Sunday.
I wake up late, at about 10 o’clock. Before I get up, I stay in bed for a while
and watch TV. Then I have breakfast or lunch. 1 eat pancakes with strawberries.
After that I go out with my friends. We walk in the park, ride bicycles or go
skateboarding. It’s great! In the evening I have dinner with my family. Then I
play computer games and watch DVDs. I love Sundays.

Выполнение упражнения 5 стр.40

Write a short article for the
school magazine about your perfect day of the week. Write why you like it and what
you do in the morning, afternoon, evening (50-80 words).

Как написать
статью для журнала о своём идеально проведённом дне.

1)    Можно
использовать монологические высказывания из упражнения №4.

2)    Дополнительный
образец — статья для журнала «Мой идеальный день».

Saturday is a
perfect day for me. In the morning I get up late, have a shower and have
breakfast. I don’t go to school on Saturdays.  Then I go jogging. I often take
my dog with me. After that I usually read books and listen to music. In the
afternoon I have lunch. Then I play computer games or go out with my friends.
In the evening I have dinner with my parents and watch TV or chat with my
friends. I love Saturdays. (85 words)

Выполнение упражнения 1 стр.25 в рабочей тетради

Fill in the correct word.







1.     Bob and Laura
__________ up late on Sundays.

2.     They _________ off
early in the morning when they go on holidays.

3.     Little Paul know
how to _________ knots.

4.     When we go camping
we ___________ a fire.

5.     They _________ climbing
at the weekends.

6.     My grandfather
likes to __________ stories about his childhood.

Keys: 1 – wake; 2 – set; 3 – tie; 4 –
build; 5 go; 6 — tell

упражнения 2 стр.25 в рабочей тетради

Read the text and choose the
correct answer.

Sunday is always a
perfect day for me.  The best part about Sundays is that I get to sleep late!
Before I get out of bed, I think about what I will do that day. Then, I get up
and go downstairs where mum always has a big breakfast waiting for me. After
breakfast, I take a book and go out into our garden. I sit and read for a few
hours and then I take my dog, Jeff, to the park for a nice long run. After
that, I walk home and I go and have lunch with my family in our favourite
restaurant. In the afternoon, dad takes us for nice long drives in the country.
In the evenings, we all watch a film together and then we go to bed. Sometimes
I think it’s sad that Sunday only comes once a week!


Cindy wakes up at 10 o’clock on Sunday






Doesn’t say


Cindy gets out of bed as soon as she
wakes up.






Doesn’t say


Cindy reads before she goes to the park.






Doesn’t say


Cindy’s family walks to the restaurant.






Doesn’t say


Cindy and her family watch a film after
their drive.






Doesn’t say

Keys: 1B; 2A; 3C; 4C; 5A


упражнения 3 стр.25 в рабочей тетради

Underline the correct item.

1.     When/Then we watch a film
at the cinema, we eat chocolates and popcorn.

2.     He has breakfast when/before
he leaves for school.

3.     Mary tidies her
room on Saturdays. After that/And she plays outside with her friends.

4.     First, we take
showers and then/before we get dressed.

Keys: 1 – When; 2 – before; 3 – After
that; 4 – then.

упражнения 4 стр.25 в рабочей тетради

Listen and tick (v) the
correct answer.

Текст для аудирования:

Mike: What’s your
schedule like, Bob?
(Каково твоё расписание, Боб?)

Bob: Busy! I have a very busy
schedule. I wake up at 7.00, take a shower and have breakfast at 7.30.

Mike: That’s early! I
don’t wake up until 8.00. But then I don’t start school until 9.00.

Bob: Lucky you! I have
to be at school by 8.00.

Mike: And what time do
you finish school?

Bob: At 2.00.

Mike: What do you do
after school?

Bob: I go to the gym
with my friends. You know, the one near my house.

Mike: Yes, I know it.
How long do you exercise for?

Bob: Hmmm, let’s see. I
start at 4.30 and leave around 6.00.

Mike: Wow! That’s great!

Bob: I really like
exercising but I can’t stay any later than 6.00 because I have piano lessons at

Mike: You have piano
lessons every day?

Bob: Every day, except
for Thursdays and weekends.

Mike: What do you do on Thursdays
after school? Do you go home and relax?

Bob: No, I have
football practice for 2 hours. After that I go home, do my homework and have

Mike: And at weekends?

Bob: Most weekends I go
camping with my parents.

Mike: That sounds like a
lot of fun.

Bob: It is! And I need
it after such a busy week!


At 7:30 in the morning Bob


has breakfast.


wakes up.


takes a shower.


At 4:30 in the afternoon Bob goes to the








At 6:45 in the evening he has


piano lessons.


guitar lessons.


dance lessons.


On Thursdays Bob plays








At the weekends Bob goes







Keys: 1A; 2B; 3A; 4B;

Тема «Любимый день недели. Настоящее простое и длительное время».

Преподаватель Климова Ирина Владимировна.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Цели урока.


  • знакомство с новой лексикой по теме «Мой рабочий день»

  • повторение грамматических тем «Настоящее простое и длительное время».

Развивающие. Создание условий для отработки навыков и умений в аудировании, говорении, чтении и выполнении грамматических упражнений.

Воспитательные. Развитие умения думать, сравнивать и анализировать, расширение кругозора учащихся.

Практические. Совершенствование навыков аудирования. говорения, чтения, а также грамматических навыков).

Задачи урока.

  • развитие навыков аудирования

  • развитие навыков монологической речи

  • совершенствование грамматических навыков.

Оснащение. Карточки с раздаточным материалом (грамматические задания, задания по чтению и аудированию). Аудиозапись.Учебники.

Используемая литература

  1. Английский язык. И.П. Агабекян Ростов-на-Дону. «Феникс». 2011

  2. New Headway Intermediate.Student’s Book. Oxford University Press.

  3. New Headway Intermediate.Workbook.Oxford University Press.

Ход урока.

I.Прослушивание песни «Blue Monday» и ответы на вопросы.

Blue Monday, by Fats Domino

Blue Monday, how I hate Blue Monday

Got to work like a slave all day

Here come(s) Tuesday, oh hard Tuesday

I’m so tired (I’ve) got no time to play

On Wednesday, (I) work twelve hours, then

Go home, fall into bed at ten,

‘Cause Thursday is a hard working day

And Friday I get my pay

Saturday morning, oh Saturday morning

All my tiredness has gone away

Got my money and my honey

And I’m out on the town to play

Sunday morning my head is bad

But it’s worth it for the fun that I had

Sunday evening it’s goodnight and amen

‘Cos on Monday I start again.

T 2.2 What is the singer’s favorite day of the week?

  • What’s wrong with the other days?

  • Which days are OK?

Ответ.His favorite day is Saturday. The other days are not so good because he has to work. Friday is OK because he gets paid, and on Sunday he has a hangover but he doesn’t mind because he has had some fun in the evening before.

II.Аудирование текста «Мой любимый день недели»

1. Listen to four people (Vicky, Terry, Dave, Jenny) retelling about their favorite day of the week. Answer the questions.

  • What is his/her favorite day of the week?

  • Why?

Ответы.Vicky’s favorite day of the week is Monday because she only has two lessons on Monday.

Terry’s favorite day of the week is Friday because his friends come into the restaurant and they have a laugh.

Dave’s favorite day of the week is Sunday because he spends the day on the beach.

Mike and Jenny’s favorite day of the week is Wednesday because that is the day they go hunting.

2. Listen again and complete the sentences.

  1. I_______with my parents during term-time.

  2. I_______day today.

  3. …it__________work at all.Time_________by.

  4. The restaurant_________redecorated at the moment…

  5. I___________because it’s challenging, but I_________surfing.

  6. The boards____________in South Africa.

  7. We rarely___________at the weekend or Christmas Day…

  8. Now we are lambing, so we_______, either.


  1. I don’t live with my parents during term-time.

  2. I am having a very bad day today.

  3. …it doesn’t feel like work at all. Time just flies by.

  4. The restaurant is being redecorated at the moment…

  5. I like my job because it’s challenging, but I live for surfing.

  6. The boards are made in South Africa.

  7. We rarely have a day off at the weekend or Christmas Day…

  8. Now we are lambing, so we aren’t getting any sleep, either

What else can you remember about each person?

3. What is your favorite day of the week and why?

Script. My favourite day of the week


I go to a boarding school, so I don’t live with my parents during term-time. Erm …,what I like is being with my friends all the time. Whether we’re working or just chatting, it’s great to know that there’s always someone there. There’s also a lot of freedom. I don’t have to tell my parents where I’m going, who I’m going with, you know … Normally Monday is my favourite day because I only have two lessons on a Monday, but I’m having a very bad day today because I have homework from every one of my teachers, and I have to do it now!


I work in a restaurant in Manchester. I have two days off a week, usually Monday and Wednesday, but my favourite day of the week is, in fact, Friday, even though I work that day. It’s the best night because all my mates come into the restaurant and we have a great laugh. There’s a real buzz to the place, and it doesn’t feel like work at all. Time just flies by. The restaurant’s being redecorated at the moment, so everything’s a bit crazy.


I’m a police officer. I like my job because it’s challenging, but I live for surfing. I go as often as I can. I’m opening two shops that sell surfboards in the next few months. The boards are made in South Africa. Sunday is my favourite day of the week. I get up as early as I can, and spend the day on the beach.


Mike and I live on a farm in beautiful countryside. I know we’re very lucky, but it’s hard work. We rarely have a day off at the weekend or Christmas Day, or any day of the year. We have to feed the sheep. Now we’re lambing, so we aren’t getting any sleep, either. But I suppose our favourite day is Wednesday because that’s the day we generally go hunting. We go on the moors with about twenty friends.

III.Повторение грамматики. Настоящее длительное и настоящее простое время.

  • Запись правила.

  • Тренировочные упражнения.

1.Прочитайте текст про себя и найдите в тексте предложения с глаголами в настоящем простом и настоящем длительном времени. Найдите в тексте предложения с глаголами в страдательном залоге.(Present Simple-8/Present Continious-5/ Present Simple Passive-2/ Present Continuous Passive-1)

Scottish Artist, Born and Bred.

Annie McLean is one of the Scotland’s most famous living artists.HENRY LUCAS went to visit her on her island paradise.

Annie McLean was born in St Andrews on the east coast of Fife, Scotland. She trained at the College of Fine Art, in edingborough.She lives on the Isle of Lohan in Scotland with her husband Duncan and three children. Home is a 300-year-old farmhouse which overlooks the sea. It is a working farm, and Duncan keeps sheep, chickens and pigs.

Annie paints animals and wildlife. “I paint what I see around me,” she told me,” birds, animals, trees and flowers. I find my work totally absorbing. I work outside in the open air as long as it is light, from dawn until dusk-about 16 hours a day in summer, though less now because it’s winter.”

Her work is becoming increasingly popular, and she is planning to open a gallery on the island. «At the moment I am working on a series of wild flowers», she said to me over coffee in her studio.

The Isle of Lohan is inhabited by 700 hundred people who are employed mainly in the fishing industry. The population is falling because young people are leaving the island to look for work. The island is being developed as a tourist destination-50 000 visitors come every year-but it is big enough for Annie to escape and find her inspiration.

2. Complete the sentences using the words in the box and the tense given.

paint Present Continuous Present Simple

  • Annie _____animals and wildlife.

  • At the moment she ______ a series of wild flowers.

find Present Simple Present Simple Passive

  • She_______her work totally absorbing.

  • A lot of rare birds______on the island.

think Present Simple Passive Present Continuous

  • Annie______of opening a small gallery.

  • She_______to be one of Scotland’s most important artists.

know Present Simple Present Simple Passive

  • Her work______all over the world.

  • She_________most of the people on the island.

work Present Simple Present Continuous

  • She_______in the open air from dawn until dusk.

  • She_______only_______six hours today because it is winter.

3. Here are some answers to questions about Annie McLean. Write questions.

  1. Where does she live? On the Isle of Lohan in Scotland.

  2. How many_________________________________? Three.

  3. What_______________________________? He is a farmer.

  4. ____________________________________? Animals and wildlife.

  5. Where______________________________? In the open air.

  6. _____________________doing at the moment? She is painting a series of wild flowers?

  7. __________________young people________________? Because there aren’t any jobs.

  8. _________________________________? 50 000

4. Correct the information in these sentences.

  1. Annie lives in Ireland. She doesn’t live in Ireland. She lives in Scotland.

  2. Her husband grows fruit and vegetables.

  3. Annie paints portraits.

  4. She’s painting a series of birds.

  5. The people of Lohan are employed in farming.

  6. Young people are leaving the island to get married.

IV. Подведение итогов урока и выставление оценок.

V. Задание на дом.

Выучить правило и слова.

Приложение 1.

Лексика урока.

  1. a boarding school –школа -интернат

  2. term-time –учебное время

  3. mates-одноклассники

  4. to have a great laugh-хорошо посмеяться

  5. challenging-трудный

  6. a surfboard –доска для серфинга

  7. on the beach-на пляже

  8. to feed -кормить

  9. to lamb-принимать роды у овец

  10. to go hunting-ходить на охоту

  11. on the moors- на пастбище

  12. born and bred-коренной

  13. an island-остров

  14. a paradise-рай

  15. a coast-побережье

  16. the College of Fine Art — колледж изобразительного искусства

  17. to overlook the sea- с видом на море

  18. to keeps sheep-разводить овец

  19. to paint wildlife –рисовать природу

  20. totally absorbing-полностью поглощающий

  21. to work in the open air-работать на свежем воздухе

  22. from dawn until dusk-от рассвета до заката

  23. to inhabit-населять

  24. mainly-главным образом

  25. the population is falling-население уменьшается

  26. destination –место назначения

  27. to escape –уходить (от чего-то)

  28. inspiration-вдохновение

Приложение2. Грамматические правила.

Настоящее простое время.Present Simple Tense.

I.Настоящее неопределенное время употребляется в следующих случаях:

1. Для выражения обычного действия, совершающегося постоянно, регулярно.Every day I go to school.

2. Для выражения общеизвестных положений.The earth goes round the sun. 

3. Вместо будущего времени в придаточных предложениях условия и времени (после союзов when, if, after, before, as soon as, till ).If the weather is fine they will stay in the wood. 
2) Будущее действие в соответствии с расписанием. The train to London leaves at 5 p.m.

II. Утвердительная форма настоящего неопределенного времени образуется от инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to. В третьем лице единственного числа глаголы принимают окончание -s или -es: studystudies/ playplays /loseloses /dressdresses /washwashes

2. В вопросительной форме вспомогательный глагол do /doesстоит перед подлежащим, а смысловой — после него.Do you study physics? Does he play football? Where do you live?
3. Отрицательная форма настоящего неопределенного времени образуется также при помощи вспомогательного глагола do/does и отрицательной частицы not. This year we do not (don’t) study physics. Не does not play (doesn’t) football. 

Словасигналы: every day(week,month,year,season),usually, always,sometimes,often,regularly etc.

Настоящее длительное время.Present Continuous Tense.

I. Настоящее продолженное время употребляется в следующих случаях:

1. Для выражения действия, совершающегося в момент говорения или в настоящий момент. Этот момент может быть выражен такими словами, как now, at this moment Professor P. is delivering a lecture in the assembly hall.

2. Для выражения действия, проходящего в определенный период времени. Период может длиться от 5 дней до 5 лет. What are you doing these days? I am preparing for my exams.

3. Для выражения действия, которое запланировано и произойдет в ближайшем будущем. We are leaving Moscow tomorrow. 

4.Для выражения эмоционально-окрашенных действий. Не is forever losing his things! Вечно он теряет свои вещи!

II. Для образования

вопросительной формы

вспомогательный глагол to be ставится перед подлежащим, а причастие настоящего времени смыслового глагола — после подлежащего.Is he reading a newspaper? What are you doing tonight?
Для образования

отрицательной формы

после вспомогательного глагола to be ставится отрицательная частица not. Не is not (isnt) reading a newspaper.

III. Глаголы, выражающие чувство, восприятие, умственную деятельность и т. п. не могут обозначать действие и состояние как процесс, поэтому в формах продолженных времен они не употребляются. В английском языке они называются state verbs.
К их числу относятся такие глаголы, как:

to have — иметь
to be — быть
to seem — казаться
to mean — значить
to know — знать
to remember — помнить
to want — хотеть
to understand — понимать
to recognize — узнавать
to notice — замечать
to believe — верить
to belong — принадлежать
to matter — иметь значение
to consist — состоять
to contain — содержать
to see — видеть
to feel — чувствовать
to hear — слышать
to love — любить
to like — нравиться
to hate — ненавидеть
to prefer — предпочитать
to please — удовлетворять
to possess — обладать
to depend — зависеть

Английский язык, 4 класс.

Урок № 5. A day in my life! (раздел Будние дни)

Цели урока:

Познакомиться учащихся с временем Present Continuous и с количественными числительными, которые обозначают десятки.

Задачи урока:

Научиться говорить о событиях, происходящих в данный момент,
задавать вопросы и отвечать на них и использовать в речи количественные числительные, которые обозначают десятки. Закрепить лексические единицы по теме урока. Развить навыки аудирования, чтения, говорения, письма.


Рассказ о событиях, происходящих в данный момент речи. Сообщение о возрасте, дате или количестве, с использованием количественных числительных, которые обозначают десятки. Лексические единицы по теме урока.

Ожидаемые результаты:

Мы узнаем принцип образования количественных числительных и сможем их использовать в речи. Мы научимся использовать Present Continuous.

Учебник (учебник, которому соответствует урок):

Н. И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М. Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс Английский язык. 4 класс: учебник для общеобразовательных организаций. — М.: Просвещение, 2018. — (Английский в фокусе)

In this lesson

  • You will listen, read, and speak about ability and things happening now.
  • You will learn to describe things in Present Continuous. You will learn to ask and answer what is happening at the moment.
  • You will learn to use numbers.
  • Ключевые слова: skating, diving, sailing, surfing, skiing, playing the violin. Numbers: 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.

Блок 3. Тестовые вопросы.

Task 1. Match the parts to make the sentences. (Подбор подписей к картинкам). На экране иллюстрации. Ребенок перетаскивает слова к нужной картинке.

Картинки (можно символические):


dive, skate, surf, play the violin, sail, ski


1. ski

2. sail

3. skate

4. play the violin

5. surf

6. dive

Task 2. Put the words in the alphabetic order. (Восстановление последовательности элементов горизонтальное)

skate, surf, dive, play the violin, sail, ski

Ответы: dive, play the violin, sail, skate, ski, surf

Task 3. Write the words in three columns. (Подстановка элементов в пропуски в таблице)

Дается три колонки. Ребенок перетаскивает каждое слово в соответствующую колонку.

Read -reading

Make -making

Put -putting

diving, skating, playing, sailing, skiing, surfing


Read -reading

Make -making

Put -putting

playing sailing surfing

diving skating


Task 4. Find and circle the words. (Филворд)








Task 5. Tick the answer (единичный выбор — тип маркера ответа: check box (галочка))

1. Mike ________ a banana.

is eating

is eatting

2. Jenny ________.

are skating

is skating

3. Donna and Mark________.

are skiing

are sking

4. My friends________.

is surfing

are surfing

5. His uncle ________.

is diving

is diveing


  1. is eating
  2. is skating
  3. are skiing
  4. are surfing
  5. is diving

Task 6. Make the sentences negative. (ввод с клавиатуры) Ребенок впечатывает в пропуски отрицательные конструкции.

  1. I ______ (dive) into the sea at the moment.
  2. His dad ______ (play) the violin now.
  3. Our uncle ______ (dive) into the sea at the moment.
  4. Their brother ______ (ski) in the park now.
  5. Her sister ______ (make) a sandcastle at the moment.


  1. I’m not diving into the sea at the moment.
  2. His dad isn’t playing the violin now.
  3. Our uncle isn’t diving into the sea at the moment.
  4. Their brother isn’t skiing in the park now.
  5. Her sister isn’t making a sandcastle at the moment.

Task 7. Answer the questions. (Подстановка элементов в пропуски в тексте) Ребенок перетаскивает фразы ниже в соответствующие пропуски. Галочки и крестики нужны и важны для выполнения упражнения.

Yes, it is

No, he isn’t

No, they aren’t

Yes, he is

Yes, they are

  1. Is your dad skating? (✓) – _________.
  2. Are the girls painting? (✗) – _______________.
  3. Is the boy making a sandcastle? (✗) – _______________.
  4. Is the sun shining? (✓) – _______________.
  5. Are your friends having fun? (✓) – _______________.


  1. Yes, he is
  2. No, they aren’t
  3. No, he isn’t
  4. Yes, it is
  5. Yes, they are

Task 8. Choose the correct answer. Use the hints. (выбор из выпадающего списка)

  1. Are you having fun at the moment? (V)

Yes, I am.

No, I’m not.

  1. Is your best friend playing soccer now? (X)

Yes, he is.

No, he isn’t.

  1. Are the children reading a book at the moment? (X)

Yes, they are.

No, they aren’t.

  1. Are your parents working now? (V)

Yes, they are.

No, they aren’t.

  1. Is your pet diving into the sea at the moment? (X)

Yes, it is.

No, it isn’t.


  1. Yes, I am.
  2. No, he isn’t.
  3. No, they aren’t.
  4. Yes, they are.
  5. No, it isn’t.

Task 9. Put the words in the correct order. (восстановление последовательности)

  1. sister/now/My/the guitar/is playing. _________
  2. a boat/is sailing/His/at the moment/mum. _________
  3. friend/Their/is skiing/in the park/now. _________
  4. Our/now/English teacher/in Australia/is surfing. _________
  5. grandpa and grandma/now/are skating/Her. _________


  1. My sister is playing the guitar now.
  2. His mum is sailing a boat at the moment.
  3. Their friend is skiing in the park now.
  4. Our English teacher is surfing in Australia now.
  5. Her grandpa and grandma are skating now.

Task 10. Write the words. (клавиатурный тренажёр)

Ученик ставит буквы в словах в правильный порядок и впечатывает их в клеточки.

1. eninyt _ _ _ _ _ _

2. tihtry _ _ _ _ _ _

3. tyseevn _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4. isyxt _ _ _ _ _

5. dhnredu _ _ _ _ _ _ _


  1. ninety
  2. thirty
  3. seventy
  4. sixty
  5. hundred

Task 11. Fill in the crossword. (английский кроссворд)

По горизонтали

1. 100

3. 50

4. 60

5. 80

6. 30

По вертикали

2. 90

3. 40

4. 70


По горизонтали

1. hundred

3. fifty

4. sixty

5. eighty

6. thirty

По вертикали

2. ninety

3. forty

4. seventy

Task 12. Colour the answers. (выделение цветом ответа)

We are on holiday now. We’re at the beach. My little brother is eight/eigt. He is making/is drawing a sandcastle. My mum is reading/is swimming in the sea. I’m eating/eat ice-cream. We are all haveing/having fun!



is making

is swimming

’m eating


Task 13. Write the questions. (ввод с клавиатуры)

  1. My mum is thirty-six and my dad is forty. ________
  2. The boys are skating now. ________
  3. He is playing the violin at the moment. ________
  4. My sister is surfing now. ________
  5. My grandma is sixty-one. ________


  1. How old are your parents?
  2. What are the boys doing now?
  3. What’s he doing at the moment?
  4. What’s your sister doing now?
  5. How old is your grandma?

Task 14. Write the sentences in English. (ввод с клавиатуры)

  1. Моему питомцу 10 лет.
  2. Он не играет в хоккей сейчас.
  3. Мы катаемся на коньках в данный момент.
  4. Мой лучший друг сейчас играет на скрипке.
  5. Сейчас моя сестра не ныряет в море.

Ответы (в некоторых случаях предусмотреть два варианта для значения «сейчас, в данный момент»):

  1. My pet is ten.
  2. He isn’t playing hockey now (или at the moment).
  3. We are skating at the moment (или now).
  4. My best friend is playing the violin now (или at the moment).
  5. My sister isn’t diving into the sea now (или at the moment).

Блок 4. Контрольный модуль.

Вариант 1

Task 1. Make the words out of the letters. (восстановление последовательности элементов)












Task 2. Answer the questions. (Подстановка элементов в пропуски в тексте)

Yes, she is

Yes, it is

No, they aren’t

Yes, they are

Yes, he is

1. Is your dad skating? (✓) – _________.

2. Are the children eating pizza? (✗) – _______________.

3. Are the girls painting? (✓) – _______________.

4. Is the boy making a sandcastle? (✗) – _______________.

5. Is the sun shining? (✓) – _______________.


  1. Yes, he is
  2. No, they aren’t
  3. Yes, they are
  4. No, he isn’t
  5. Yes, it is

Task 3. Write the words. (клавиатурный тренажёр)

  1. dhnredu _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  2. eninyt _ _ _ _ _ _
  3. fityf _ _ _ _ _
  4. tihtry _ _ _ _ _ _
  5. tyseevn _ _ _ _ _ _ _


  1. hundred
  2. ninety
  3. fifty
  4. thirty
  5. seventy

Вариант 2

Task 1. Write the verbs with -ing. (ввод с клавиатуры)

ski _____

dive _____

sail _____

skate _____

swim _____







Task 2. Answer the questions. (Подстановка элементов в пропуски в тексте)

Yes, I am

No, they aren’t

Yes, he is

No, he isn’t

Yes, they are

  1. Are the children painting? (✓) – _______________.
  2. Is the boy playing the violin? (✓) – _______________.
  3. Are your friends having fun? (✗) – _______________.
  4. Is he riding a bike? (✗) – _______________.
  5. Are you eating ice cream? (✗) – _______________.


  1. Yes, they are
  2. Yes, he is
  3. No, they aren’t
  4. No, he isn’t
  5. Yes, I am

Task 3. Write the sentences in English. (ввод с клавиатуры)

  1. Моему домашнему питомцу 8 лет.
  2. Он не играет в хоккей сейчас.
  3. Что сейчас делает твой брат?
  4. Мы катаемся на коньках в данный момент.
  5. Сейчас моя сестра не ныряет в море.

Ответы (в некоторых случаях предусмотреть два варианта для значения «сейчас, в данный момент»):

  1. My pet is eight.
  2. He isn’t playing hockey now (или at the moment).
  3. What is your brother doing now (или at the moment)?
  4. We are skating at the moment (или now).
  5. My sister isn’t diving into the sea now (или at the moment).

помогите!!! Test 8-5
1. Fill in: pollution, global warming, poverty, endangered, famine, homeless.
1. Because of ________ our planet gets hotter and hotter.
2. The oil spill near Alaska in 1989 was the worst case of water _____ in history.
3. Many people have been left ________
4. There are a lot of ________ species on the planet.
5. We say that people live in _______ when they don’t have enough money to pay for their food or housing.
2. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.
1. The ________ at the theatre last night was unforgettable! PERFORM
2. Her sister made such a nice_________ for the party. INVITE
3. What are your__________ in food? PREFER
4. Thanks to the generous_________ new houses were built. DONATE
5. The__________ of a very important letter was a shock for us. DISAPPEAR
3. Put the verbs in brackets into –ing form or infinitive (with or without to)
1. He avoids ___________ (travel) by plane because of his phobia.
2. What you can ____________ (do) is just not to mind your business.
3. Let’s spend our weekend ____________(shop) downtown.
4. Mark has decided ____________ (become) a lawyer as his father.
5. Don’t let him _________ (eat) ice cream or he will get a sore throat.
4. Fill in: used to, be used to, get used to in the correct form.
1. When I was a child I _______________ (ask) a lot of questions.
2. Sue lives alone. It is not strange for her. She ____________________ (live) alone.
3. She’s been in Britain for three months and she can’t ______________ (drive) on the left.
4. Mike __________________ (do) his homework to music. It’s a usual way he does it.
5. Paul grew in a house by the sea, so he __________ (go) swimming every day.
5. Fill in the correct preposition.
1. A lot of doctors were called ______ to help people after the air crash.
2. Call ______ sometime and we’ll watch the new DVD together.
3. The meeting was called ______ but we still don’t know why.
4. A nurse often calls ______ my granny because she is not well.
5. The tsunami in Indonesia called_______ immediate action.
6. Fill in the correct preposition.
1. Relax, we are _____ of danger.
2. How ________ earth did you get here?
3. Only stupid people would keep lions as pets – they are wild _____ nature
4. After the hurricane Katrina New Orleans was _______ruins.
5. He was horrified to see his office ______ flames.

Опубликовано 3 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от Кybako

  1. Ответ

    Ответ дан

    прочитайте текст еще раз и определите правильное или неправильное предложение

  2. Ответ

    Ответ дан


    ребят, делайте так. мне 5 поставили

Самые новые вопросы


Математика — 3 года назад

Решите уравнения:
а) 15 4 ∕19 + x + 3 17∕19 = 21 2∕19;
б) 6,7x — 5,21 = 9,54


Информатика — 3 года назад

Помогите решить задачи на паскаль.1)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти произведение всех элементов массива.2)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти сумму четных элементов массива.3)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти максимальный элемент массива.4)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти максимальный элемент массива среди элементов,
кратных 3.


География — 3 года назад

Почему япония — лидер по выплавке стали?


Математика — 3 года назад

Чему равно: 1*(умножить)х?     0*х?


Русский язык — 3 года назад

В каком из предложений пропущена одна (только одна!) запятая?1.она снова умолкла, точно некий внутренний голос приказал ей замолчать и посмотрела в зал. 2.и он понял: вот что неожиданно пришло к нему, и теперь останется с ним, и уже никогда его не покинет. 3.и оба мы немножко удовлетворим свое любопытство.4.впрочем, он и сам только еле передвигал ноги, а тело его совсем застыло и было холодное, как камень. 5.по небу потянулись облака, и луна померкла. 


Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.

[Tim speaks to Mike on the phone]

What you doing playing Army on a Sunday morning, you’re missing Grange Hill!

The T.A is no game Tim!

It isn’t the T.A Mike, it’s the Rough Ramblers.

You’re a civilian, you don’t understand. You’re thinking, «It’s Sunday. I’d rather be in bed.»

Yeah, and you’re thinking, «It’s Sunday. I’d rather be in Apocalypse Now.»

[Mike blows a bird whistle]

That’s easy for you to say. What you doing later on?

It’s classified.

Well, why don’t you come round? Look, I’m bored.

I can’t. Combat canoeing. I’m going to do an Eskimo Roll with a two stone rucksack in my bag, along with a loaded rifle.

They don’t have rifles in the Rough Ramblers Mike.

Hand grenades?




Listen Tim. I Gotta go. Looks like we’re moving out. Roger. Bravo. Tango. Alpha!

[Mike puts the phone down, and sees some kids carrying a canoe over]

Come on, Mike!

[Mike gives the kids a thumbs up]


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    Английский язык

    5 — 9 классы

    20.04.2020 17:51

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    • Репетитор в Риме
    • Репетитор в Мытищах
    • Репетитор в Лондоне
    • Репетитор в Межгорье
    • Репетитор в Газиантепе
    • Репетитор в Луховицах
    • Репетитор в Аддис-Абебе
    • Репетитор в Кусе

      Репетиторы по предметам:

      • Репетитор по русскому языку
      • Репетитор по английскому языку
      • Репетитор по немецкому языку
      • Репетитор по математике
      • Репетитор по биологии
      • Репетитор по физике
      • Репетитор по химии
      • Репетитор по французскому языку
      • Репетитор по итальянскому языку
      • Репетитор по китайскому языку

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