What is the word music in french

The word for music in French is musique. It is pronounced with the stress on the second syllable or second part of the word: ‘mew ZEEK.

What’s the French word for music?

music: musique art musical.

What is the word for music?

A collection of sounds that are harmonized and organized in time or beats. melody. harmony. tune.

How do you say types of music in French?

21 French Music Type Names

  1. la musique classique – classical music.
  2. l’opéra (m) – opera music.
  3. la musique country – country music.
  4. la musique folklorique la musique traditionnelle – folk music.
  5. le jazz – jazz.
  6. le funk – funk.
  7. le hip-hop – hip-hop.
  8. la musique pop – pop music.

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Is music feminine in French?

The word for “music” becomes feminine in French! This is because French has distinctions for every single name or noun and all of them are either masculine or feminine in gender.

How do you say music in different languages?

In other languages music

  1. American English: music /myˈuzɪk/
  2. Arabic: مُوسِيقَى
  3. Brazilian Portuguese: música.
  4. Chinese: 音乐
  5. Croatian: glazba.
  6. Czech: hudba.
  7. Danish: musik.
  8. Dutch: muziek.

Why is music called music?

The word music comes from the Greek word (mousike) which means “(art) of the Muses”. In Ancient Greece the Muses included the goddesses of music poetry art and dance. Someone who makes music is known as a musician.

What are the 10 words associated with music?

10 Words to Describe Music

  • 1 – Rhythm. Rhythm is essential for musical feel. …
  • 2 – Tempo. Tempo is easy to comprehend because it is measurable. …
  • 3 – Harmony. …
  • 4 – Melody. …
  • 5 – Instrumentation. …
  • 6 – Dynamic. …
  • 7 – Texture. …
  • 8 – Genre.

What does sonore mean in music?

sonore. resonant with rich tone.

How do you say indie music in French?

Similar translations for “indie music” in French

  1. musique de scène.
  2. musique de film.

Are music terms in French?

The French names for musical genres are often the same as in English but there’s still plenty of French vocabulary to be learned. *The verb écouter means “to listen to” so when followed by something like radio there is no preposition: écouter la radio.

Is it LA or le musique?

Answer and Explanation:

The word musique in French is a feminine noun. Musique is pronounced ‘mew-zeek’. You will need to use the feminine definite article la to say the…

Is Francais masculine or feminine?

The name of the language is LE françAIS – masculine S silent lower case F.

What is the word for music lover?

Musicophile — ODO seems close to the meaning. n. A music lover.

What does Glazba mean?

glàzba f (Cyrillic spelling гла̀зба) (Croatia) music Synonym: mùzika.

What is the meaning of Melophile?

One who loves music. noun.

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Why is music important in France?

Music is an important part of French culture given their long history of famous musicians like Edith Piaf Lucienne Delyle and Charles Trenet. The magical city of Paris remains one of the world’s biggest hubs for jazz clubs and is also well known for having street musicians on every corner.

Who invented music?

They usually put forward several answers including crediting a character from the Book of Genesis named Jubal who was said to have played the flute or Amphion a son of Zeus who was given the lyre. One popular story from the Middle Ages credits the Greek philosopher Pythagoras as the inventor of music.

Is rap really music?

“Rap only fulfils one of these the rhythm section. There’s not a lot of melody and there’s not a lot of harmony. And thus effectively it is basically spoken rhythm. It’s not actually a form of music.

What are the 7 elements of music?

For the purpose of this class we will refer to SEVEN elements of music: Rhythm Melody Harmony Timbre Dynamics Texture and Form.

How do you describe mood in music?

Loudness or intensity of a song can be connected with anger while softer songs would suggest tenderness sadness or fear (Bhat et al 360). Higher overall pitch can be an indicator of happiness carefree and light moods within a song while lower pitch implies a darker sad and serious tone.

Are music terms Latin?

Many musical terms are in Italian because the vast majority of the most important early composers from the Renaissance to the Baroque period were Italian. That period is when numerous musical indications were used extensively for the first time.

What do you call a list of music?

opus. noun. music a piece of music or a collection of pieces of music written by a particular composer.

What does Leger mean in music?

A ledger line or leger line is used in Western musical notation to notate pitches above or below the lines and spaces of the regular musical staff.

What does moins vite mean in music?

Translation of “moins vite !” in English. slow down!

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What does Tres Leger mean in music?

English Translation. very light. More meanings for très léger.

What does au mouvement mean in music?

The full French musical phrase is retour au mouvement and indicates that the music’s tempo should return to its original tempo. Sometimes the term is abbreviated as au mouvt.

What does Tres Rythme mean?

that’s life is not it.

What does Poco mean in piano?

Definition of poco

: to a slight degree : somewhat —used to qualify a direction in music poco allegro.

What does LA music mean?

the music. More meanings for la musique. music adjective noun. la musique musique musical mélomane chantant.

What does ecouter de la Musique mean in English?

Translation of “écoute la musique” in English. listen to music. just listen to the music. listening to the music. enjoy the music.

Is Piano masculine or feminine in French?

The gender of piano is masculine. E.g. le piano.

Is it France or la France?

(Except at the beginning of a sentence when it is La France it is la France.)

Is Francais plural?

In French grammar here’s how you turn a singular noun into a plural noun: For most nouns you add –s to the end. … For example: un Français (a Frenchman) remains des Français (Frenchmen) and un virus (a virus) remains des virus (viruses). Family names aren’t pluralized in French.

Learn French with songs Indila – Dernière Danse [French Pronunciation Guide]

How do you say ‘music’ in French?

How to say “Music” in French | la musique

How to say ‘music’ in French?

Table of Contents

  1. What is the word for music in French?
  2. How do you say musical Theatre in French?
  3. Is musical in French masculine or feminine?
  4. How do you say pizza in French Google Translate?
  5. What is the plural of musical in French?
  6. Widely used phrases
  7. Which is the correct translation of the word musical?
  8. What do you call a stringed instrument in French?
  9. When to use the verb jouer in French?

The French word for music is E.g. la musique.

How do you say musical Theatre in French?

musical: musicien; musical; mélodieusement; musicalement; ayant du talent pour la musique; doué pour la musique. theater: théâtre; auditorium; salle d’audiences; salle de conférences.

Is musical in French masculine or feminine?

The word musique in French is a feminine noun.

How do you say pizza in French Google Translate?

French translation of ‘pizza’

  1. [base] de pizza.
  2. [dough] à pizza.
  3. [slice, topping] de pizza.
  4. [chain, company] de pizzerias.
  5. [oven] à pizza.

What is the plural of musical in French?

[myzikal ] Word forms: musical, musicale, masculine plural musicaux.

Widely used phrases

French Phrases: Music and musical instruments in French This page gives the French name for various common instruments, arranged according to their orchestral family. At the bottom of the page, we also consider how to use the verb jouerwith these instruments. French names of musical instruments Keyboard instruments

Which is the correct translation of the word musical?

Musical describes things that are concerned with playing or studying music. He has a real musical talent. A musical is a play or film that uses singing and dancing in the story. He has written a new musical. l’ or le? Which version is correct? Il parle bien l’anglais. Il parle bien le anglais. de or du? Which version is correct?

What do you call a stringed instrument in French?

Stringed instruments. The French for stringed instruments is usually instruments à cordes. In an orchestra, you may also refer to the famille des cordes or famille du violon (string family) :

When to use the verb jouer in French?

In French, the verb jouer is used to mean to play when referring to instruments 1. However, the preposition to use depends on the circumstance: if you’re talking about the general activity of playing an instrument, particularly when it would sound odd in English to say play on, then use de : je joue du violon

What is the meaning of musique?

Musique is the French word for music.

Is music feminine in French?

The word for “music” becomes feminine in French!

How do you say I like music in French?

j’adore la musique means i love music. if you want to be precise : J’aime beacoup la musique, which means i like a lot of music .

How do you say I love to listen to music in French?

J’écoute la musique. I’m listening to music. J’écoute de la musique.

How do you say I like to listen to in French?

J’aime / j’adore écouter (de la) musique.

How do you conjugate Ecouter in French?

‘Ecouter,’ is a verb in French that means ‘to listen to’ in English….Lesson Summary.

Subject Pronoun Ecouter Conjugation
je j’écoute
tu tu écoutes
il/elle/on il/elle/on écoute
nous nous écoutons

How do you say times in French math?

Multiplications. We can use fois (times) or multiplié par (multiplied by).

What does Font mean in French math?

When more than one French translation is given, the more formal term is listed first. l’ opération. = égale, font, ça fait. result.

What is science subject in French?

2. (= school subject) sciences fpl. to study science étudier les sciences. modifier. [class, teacher] de sciences.

How do you say school subjects in French?

School subjects

  1. J’ai trois cours d’anglais par semaine.
  2. Je trouve le français un peu barbant.
  3. L’espagnol est difficile, mais j’aime bien ça.
  4. Le prof de maths est très rigolo.
  5. Les sciences, c’est intéressant.
  6. Ma matière préférée, c’est la chimie.
  7. La physique, c’est la matière la plus difficile.
  8. La biologie, c’est facile.

Is Mathematiques masculine or feminine?

The word for mathematics is plural = les mathématiques and it is feminine.

Is Chocolat masculine or feminine in French?

The gender of chocolat is masculine. E.g. le chocolat.

Is Monkey masculine or feminine in French?

Generic Names of Animals: Either Masculine or Feminine Ex. 1: un singe (= a monkey), un perroquet (= a parrot), un hippocampe (= a seahorse) are masculine nouns.

How do you differentiate LE and LA in French?

With masculine singular nouns → use le. With feminine singular nouns → use la. With nouns starting with a vowel, most nouns beginning with h and the French word y → use l’. With plural nouns → use les.

Is Le or La masculine?

le, la and les are the french equivalents for the. As French makes a distinction between “masculine and feminine objects”, people use le for masculine things/persons and la for feminine things/persons. However, in the plural, only les is used whatever the gender is.

The French word for music is



The gender of musique is feminine. E.g. la musique.


The plural of musique is musiques.

French Definition

Translations for music and their definitions

musique pronunciation
     1. n-f. music
     2. v. first-person singular present indicative of musiquer
     3. v. third-person singular present indicative of musiquer
     4. v. first-person singular present subjunctive of musiquer
     5. v. third-person singular present subjunctive of musiquer
     6. v. second-person singular imperative of musiquer
     1. n. (heraldry) a (geometrical) division using two colors
     2. n. (music) a score, often comprising all parts
     3. n. (databases, computing) partition




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  • How do you say playing music in French?
  • What is French music in French?
  • What do you call a music lover?
  • Why is music called music?
  • Is music feminine in French?
  • How do you write singing in French?
  • How do say French in French?
  • What does true music mean?
  • How do the British pronounce dance?
  • How do you pronounce hepaticae?
  • How do you say she loves music in French?
  • What is etre English?
  • How do you say play a song in French?
  • How do you say genres of music in French?
  • How do u say music in German?
  • What is the Russian word for music?
  • Can you be addicted to music?
  • What is a piece of music called?
  • What is a slow song called?
  • How was music born?
  • Is rap a music?
  • Where did the word music come from?
  • Who was the first singer?
  • Conclusion

The French term for music is musique.

Similarly, What do you call music in French?

gen) musique f. [mjuzk] He was not paying attention to the music. He couldn’t hear the music.

Also, it is asked, What is the word for music?

A collection of harmonized and arranged sounds in time or beats. Tune, melody, and harmony

Secondly, Is music a French word?

E.g., la musique is a French term meaning music.

Also, How do you say music?

Pronunciationen myoozk (public relations) (UK) /mjuzk/ (IPA) (US) Audio (UK) 0:02. (file) Audio (US) 0:01. IPA: /mjuzk/ (file) -uzk rhymes with

People also ask, How do you say in French I love music?

I like music, or I appreciate music, or I enjoy listening to music. You might say “Je s’aime musique” if you wanted to employ the reflexive verb of music, but it would imply that you love each other, which is true in certain ways.

Related Questions and Answers

How do you say playing music in French?

verb [example] play music vb [example] listen to music

The music. More musical terms in French. music is a noun that refers to music.

What do you call a music lover?

melancholic (plural melomaniacs) Someone who has an extraordinary affinity for music; someone who enjoys music. [from 19th c.]

Why is music called music?

Music is derived from the Greek word (mousike), which literally means “(art) of the Muses.” The Muses were goddesses of music, poetry, painting, and dancing in Ancient Greece. A musician is someone who creates music.

Is music feminine in French?

In French, the term music is a feminine noun.

How do you write singing in French?

chanteur (singing) singe roussir. singing chant. Moucharder, song chanter.

How do say French in French?

The most prevalent nickname for French people is “Les Français.” It means “the French” or “the people of France.” Un(e) Français is how you say “a French person” (e).

What does true music mean?

1: classical music is a sound arrangement including melody, rhythm, and typically harmony. 2: the skill of creating appealing or expressive tonal combinations, generally using melody, rhythm, and harmony In college, I want to major in music.

How do the British pronounce dance?

The UK transliteration for ‘dancing’ is as follows: dns, a modern IPA. dns, a traditional IPA. “DAANS” is one syllable.

How do you pronounce hepaticae?

Hepaticae phonetic spelling he-pat-i-cae. Hepat-i-cae. He-pat-icae. Bosco, Antonette

How do you say she loves music in French?

She is a music lover. She is passionate about music.

What is etre English?

The word tre (pronounced ay-tr with a soft ‘r’ at the end) is used to describe the state of things. Being may be conjugated with a variety of French subject pronouns, combined with adjectives, and used in a variety of colloquial formulations. The verb être must be conjugated differently for each French pronoun.

How do you say play a song in French?

Similar Frenchgager interpretations for “perform a tune.” interpréter.représenter.jouer.

How do you say genres of music in French?

La musique classique – classical music has 21 different names in French. Opera music is known as l’opéra (m). Country music is music from the United States. Folk music is also known as traditional music or traditional music. Jazz – le jazz funk – le funk hip-hop – le hip-hop Pop music is music that is popular.

How do u say music in German?

Simply say “musik” in German to expressmusic.” Because German and English are so closely connected, they share a lot of terminology.

What is the Russian word for music?

How do you say “music” in Russian?

Can you be addicted to music?

In a nutshell, no. Music addiction is not officially recognized as a mental health disorder by experts. That does not negate the fact that music habits may be harmful at times. If you’re acquainted with the process of addiction, you’re probably aware of the involvement of dopamine.

What is a piece of music called?

morceau – a brief literary or musical work. opus – a long literary or musical production.

What is a slow song called?

Adagio means’slow’ in Italian. This indicates that the song should be played slowly. Barber’s ‘Adagio’ is an excellent example.

How was music born?

Music appeared in the Paleolithic era, while it is unknown whether it was the Middle (300,000 to 50,000 BP) or Upper Paleolithic (300,000 to 50,000 BP) (50,000 to 12,000 BP). The great majority of Paleolithic instruments dating from the Upper Paleolithic have been discovered in Europe.

Is rap a music?

Rap and hip hop have always been as musical as any other kind of mainstream music in the past. You’ll recognize it when you hear it.

Where did the word music come from?

The word’music’ comes from the Ancient Greek o (mousiké), which means ‘(art) of the Muses.’ The nine Muses were goddesses in Greek mythology who inspired literature, science, and the arts, and who were the source of knowledge expressed in Greek poetry, song lyrics, and tales.

Who was the first singer?

On April 9, 1860, Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville created the earliest recorded recording of an audible human voice. It was a 20-second audio of someone performing the popular French folk song “Au Clair de la Lune.” The song was recorded using a phonautograph machine, which could only record and not playback.


The “i am studying music in french” is a song that was released by the band iamstudyingmusicinfrench. The song has been translated into many languages, including French.

This Video Should Help:

The “french to english” is a tool that will convert the French word for “music” into an English word. This can be helpful when trying to spell words in a language you don’t know.

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  • listen to music – french translation
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