What is the word millions

She has millions of friends.

У неё масса друзей.

This plan offers hope to millions.

План дает надежду миллионам.

Our advertisements reach millions.

Нашу рекламу смотрят миллионы людей.

The tax is expected to yield millions.

Ожидается, что налог принесёт миллионы.

Her last book sold millions of copies.

Её последняя книга продавалась миллионными тиражами.

His estate is worth millions of dollars.

Его состояние оценивается в миллионы долларов.

The country paid millions in reparations.

Страна заплатила несколько миллионов репарации.

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$9 million to save a spotted owl:  

The businessman kited millions of dollars  

His heirs could inherit millions of dollars.  

I could never make this in, a million years!’  

The 1918 flu pandemic claimed millions of lives.  

…killer viruses that claimed millions of lives…  

…dinosaurs antedate cavemen by millions of years…  

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Table of Contents

  1. What parts of speech is Million?
  2. What is the other name for million?
  3. How can I make 1 billion?
  4. Is crore equal to billion?
  5. How much money is 1 crore?
  6. What is 100 crore called?
  7. How much is 100 crore?
  8. How many lakhs is a million?
  9. How many lakhs make a 1 billion?
  10. How much does 1 million mean?
  11. How many is .2 million?
  12. Which is bigger crore or million?
  13. What is 1000000000000000000000000 called?
  14. How can I turn $100 into a million?
  15. How many millions is 1.5 crore?
  16. How many millions is 3 crores?
  17. How many zeros are in a billion?
  18. How many zeros are in a bajillion?
  19. What is a number with 13 zeros called?
  20. What is a number with 99 zeros called?
  21. What is the largest named number?

million Add to list Share. A million is 1,000,000. It’s a large number made of a thousand thousands. The word million comes from the Italian milione, which literally means “a great thousand.” It’s great to have a thousand, but it’s awesome to have a million!

What parts of speech is Million?


What is the other name for million?

Million Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for million?

lot abundance
millions thousands
hundreds billions
gazillions haul
hill amassment

How can I make 1 billion?

1,000,000,000 (one billion, short scale; one thousand million or milliard, yard, long scale) is the natural number following 999,999,999 and preceding 1,000,000,001. One billion can also be written as b or bn. In standard form, it is written as 1 × 109.

Is crore equal to billion?

One billion can be written as b or bn. The value of 1 billion is ten thousand lakhs in the Indian numeral system. In terms of crores, 1 billion is equivalent to 100 crores, i.e. 1 bn (1 b) = 1,000,000,000.

How much money is 1 crore?

A crore (/krɔːr/; abbreviated cr), karor or koti denotes ten million (10,000,000 or 107 in scientific notation) and is equal to 100 lakh in the Indian numbering system.

What is 100 crore called?

These include 1 arab (equal to 100 crore or 1 billion (short scale)), 1 kharab (equal to 100 arab or 100 billion (short scale)), 1 nil (sometimes incorrectly transliterated as neel; equal to 100 kharab or 10 trillion), 1 padma (equal to 100 nil or 1 quadrillion), 1 shankh (equal to 100 padma or 100 quadrillion), and 1 …

How much is 100 crore?

As you can see, 100 crore is the same as 1 billion.

How many lakhs is a million?

ten lakhs

How many lakhs make a 1 billion?

10000 Lakh

How much does 1 million mean?

1 million means one thousand thousand, in maths. The meaning of the word “million” is familiar to both small scale and long scale numbering systems, unlike the larger numbers, which have different names in the two types of systems. One million (i.e., 1,000,000) one thousand thousand.

How many is .2 million?

The number form of 0.2 million is 200000.

Which is bigger crore or million?

1 million is equivalent to 10 lakhs and 100 lakhs is equal to 1 crore. 100 million (or 0.1 billion) is therefore equal to 10 crores(1000 lakhs).

What is 1000000000000000000000000 called?


How can I turn $100 into a million?

How to turn $100 into $1 million, according to 9 self-made millionaires

  1. ‘Invest in something you love.
  2. ‘Buy and sell items from garage sales.
  3. ‘Improve and invest in yourself.
  4. ‘Learn a high-income skill.
  5. ‘Write an e-book.
  6. ‘Buy a multimillion-dollar business with other peoples’ money.
  7. ‘Build a personal brand.

How many millions is 1.5 crore?

0.1 × 20 = 0.2 crore

Million to Crore
Million Crore
10 Million 1 Crore
15 Million 1.5 Crores
20 Million 2 Crores

How many millions is 3 crores?

30 millions

How many zeros are in a billion?

9 zeros in 1,000,000,000 – 100 Crore / 1 Billion.

How many zeros are in a bajillion?

1,000 has three zeros. That means that the next large number, ten thousand (10,000), has four zeros. The same goes when you get into the millions. One million has six zeros (1,000,000).

What is a number with 13 zeros called?


What is a number with 99 zeros called?

Names for large numbers

Scientific notation American name (Short Form) Old-British name (Long Form)
1093 Trigintillion Thousand quindecillion
1096 Untrigintillion Sexdecillion
1099 Duotrigintillion Thousand sexdecillion
10100 Googol Googol

What is the largest named number?

According to many books (such as Mathematics, A human Endeavor by Harold Jacobs)2 the googol is one of the largest numbers ever named. The googolplex is 1 followed by a googol zeros. More recently, Skewer’s number is the largest number ever used in a mathematical proof.

millions — перевод на русский

In the arc of a few centuries, over 8 million women, men and children were burned as witches.

В течении нескольких столетий, по обвинению в колдовстве было сожжено около 8 миллионов женщин, мужчин, стариков и детей.

«You have twenty millions!»

«У тебя есть двадцать миллионов!»

Jerry hasn’t 6 million kopeks.

— У Джерри нет и 6 миллионов копеек. — Нет.


Мой дорогой друг, если я не смогу заплатить, какая разница, полфранка это или 10 миллионов?

I stand as much chance of raising 8 million.

Это то же самое, что восемь миллионов.

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While this happened at #1 Melchior Street, at #7 Melchior Street Mr. Alonso Canez de Valparaiso arrived at the Hotel Carlton with $10,000 dollars in his pocket, and a firm intention to make half a million dollars in three weeks.

Пока это происходило на Мельхиоровой улице 1, на Мельхиоровой улице 7 г-н Алонсо Канес де Вальпараисо прибыл в отель Карлтон с десятью тысячами долларов в кармане, и твёрдым намерением обратить их за три недели в полмиллиона долларов.

We will sell at a profit of a half a million in gold.

Мы их продадим с прибылью в полмиллиона золотом.


Но это же полмиллиона, ваша светлость.

We took the stolen goods, almost half a million, away from them and sent them back to the bank.

Похищенные почти полмиллиона мы у них отобрали и пострадавшим банкам выслали всё до копейки, как доказывают эти квитанции. Дальше!

Do you know .. He’s thinks there’s half a million in gold hidden away in that house someplace.

А знаете, он ведь уверен, что в доме спрятано золота на полмиллиона!

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What would you say to a quarter of a million?

А что вы скажете на четверть миллиона?

Just what Glennister said. A quarter of a million.

Гленнистер прав, четверть миллиона.

That horse is worth quarter of a million, and the crowd would go nuts.

Лошадь стоит четверть миллиона. Толпа взбесится.

Mr. Bartholomew, if I had a quarter of a million dollars… believe me, I’d know it.

Мистер Бартоломью, если бы у меня была четверть миллиона, то поверьте, я бы знала об этом.

They think I have a quarter of a million dollars that belongs to them.

Они считают, что у меня четверть миллиона долларов, принадлежащая им.

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And then somebody dropped two million clams right in his lap.

И потом, кто-то положил два миллиона долларов прямо ему в руки.

He sent the two million over here.

Он прислал сюда два миллиона долларов.

Thousand-dollar bills— The two million!

Тысячи долларов… Два миллиона долларов!

Steele had come up from Arizona to bring me the two million.

Стил приехал из Аризоны, чтобы привезти мне два миллиона долларов.

It’s only a quarter million.

Всего четверть миллиона долларов!

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It is likely that many thousands of families in Britain would be unable to meet the cost of even one substantial shelter and a Government shelter programme for every person in the country would cost an estimated two thousand million pounds.

Скорее всего, многие тысячи семей в Великобритании неспособны потянуть стоимость организации даже одного существенного убежища и государственная программа по обеспечению каждого гражданина собственным убежищем стоила бы предположительно две миллиарда фунтов.

3 thousand million pounds.

На 3 миллиарда фунтов стерлинги.

A realistic estimate, Gentlemen, 3 thousand million pounds sterling.

Реалистически оценивая, господа, 3 миллиарда фунтов стерлингов.

Twenty million or more.

— 2-3 миллиарда.

Still be lacking 7 million 500,000.

Это будет два с половиной миллиарда.

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These luxurious wedding kimonos cost a mere one million yen.

Эти роскошные свадебные кимоно стоят всего 1 млн йен.

30-40 million, I think.

В районе 30-40 млн.

Stock worth 300 million is to be dumped on the market at opening.

300 млн гособлигаций выброшены на рынок.

And it’s not a matter of 300 million, but 3 billion.

И речь идет не о 300 млн, а о 3 млрд.

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It must have been extremely difficult to ask his uncle for money when he had the right to millions.

Будучи взрослым человеком, ему было неудобно просить своего дядю о деньгах, в то время как он имел право на распоряжение миллионным состоянием. Трудно, но и не так уж нестерпимо.

There I flew helicopters, drove tanks, had equipment worth millions.

Ты должен жить. Там я управлял вертолетом, ездил на танке, распоряжался миллионным оборудованием.

The first printing for Misery’s Child was the most ever. Over a million.

Первое издание «Дитя Мизери» разошелся миллионным тиражом.

The strong-willed ruler of ten million people, sitting in her ivory tower… untouched, unwed and unapproachable.

Волевая правительница 10 миллионного народа, восседающая в своей башне из слоновой кости… неприкосновенная, незамужняя и неприступная.

We are not charging you with anything yet, but I do suggest you talk to your captain here about the odds on your losing your pension and your badge, and the possibility of a million dollar lawsuit against you

Мы пока тебя ни в чём не обвиняем. Но я настоятельно рекомендую тебе поговорить сейчас с твоим капитаном о том, что ты можешь потерять пенсию и значок, и вероятность миллионного иска против тебя за нарушение гражданских прав Мр.

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You and 50 million others.

— Ты и ещё 50 миллионов человек.

I don’t want to be like 50 million others.

— Я не хочу быть как 50 миллионов человек.

His hesitation, his collaboration… are responsible for the death of millions.

Не решаясь бороться с ними, ты привёл к гибели миллионов людей!

But compassion for the present torture of his soul must not beget forgetfulness of the torture and the death of millions by the government of which he was part.

Но сочувствие тем душевным мукам, через которые он проходит, не заставит нас забыть о пытках, об уничтожении миллионов людей тем правительством, в котором он состоял.

My counsel says we were not aware of the extermination of the millions.

Господин защитник сказал: мы не знали, что уничтожались миллионы людей;

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Would you pay a million for my skin?

Заплатишь за меня миллион лир?

The Inspector General promised… a reward of one million IL… for the discovery of burglars.

Командующий полицией объявил о награде в миллион лир тому, кто найдет взломщиков.

Let me repeat — one million IL

Я повторяю — миллион лир.


Миллионы лир…

Sue them and you’ll get millions in damages.

Я заставлю ее оплатить ущерб. Миллионы лир ущерба.

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You are also asking me to throw away some millions of francs, my dear doctor. As a sop to your cowardice.

Вы хотите, чтобы из-за вашей трусости, мой дорогой доктор, я выбросил несколько миллионов франков.

He’s a million miles away.

Он за несколько миллионов миль отсюда.

Instead, I’ve an agency of houses and lands… and if I don’t keep my eyes open my workers make me lose millions. Understand?

Но ведь у меня агентство по недвижимости и, если я не буду начеку, мои подчинённые мигом пустят на ветер несколько миллионов.

You lost more millions. In a crazy way.

Только что вы потеряли еще несколько миллионов, да к тому же самым глупым образом.

Statues worth millions are in ruin because there’s no money for security.

А вы знаете, что скульптуры, стоящие на открытом воздухе, скульптуры стоимостью в несколько миллионов, разрушаются потому что не находится нескольких злотых заплатить охраннику

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In the modern world, we regularly encounter the words million and billion, and businesses, governments, astronomers and journalists often think in the millions, billions or even trillions. However, the word million has been around in English only since the late fourteenth century. The word billion was not introduced in the French language until the fifteenth century and didn’t find its way into English until the end of the seventeenth century, which is fairly late in the history of counting. What words were used before this time to talk about large numbers? This article looks at how we started using million and billion and how the meaning of billion has changed.

Before the Words Million and Billion

In fact, the largest number with a single-word name in ancient Greek was 10,000. It was called murios and borrowed into Late Latin as myrias. From myrias we get the English word myriad meaning “an extremely large number or amount”. The ancients also had the “myriad myriad” (10,000 × 10,000) or one hundred million. Larger numbers were described in more roundabout ways or by using mathematical notation; indeed, one million is expressed in Latin as decies centena milia or 10 × 100 × 1,000, and Archimedes (3rd century BCE) had to establish his own system of mathematical notation in order to systematically express numbers larger than the “myriad”. He explains this system in The Sand Reckoner, a treatise that sets out to quantify all the grains of sand in the universe in order to challenge the idea that such a quantity was too large to be counted.

What Exactly Is a Billion?

For those who were taught numbers before the 1970s, the answer to this question may well have been different depending on where you received your schooling. While it is accepted in English today that one billion equals 109, it is important to be aware, especially when reading older texts, that in the United Kingdom billion hasn’t always meant 109. Until the 1970s, when the United Kingdom officially adopted the American definition of billion, this word represented 1012 in British English.

This difference resulted from the emergence of two competing systems for naming large numbers. A fifteenth-century mathematician, Nicolas Chuquet, established one system by combining Latin numerical prefixes (bi-, tri-, etc.) with the suffix -illion to form powers of one million. In this system, a billion equals one million times one million (or one million squared, 1012) and a trillion equals one million cubed (1018). This is known as the long scale, which was used in the United Kingdom until they followed the United States in 1974 by officially adopting the short scale, a system born in France in the seventeenth century and popular in the French-speaking world until midway through the nineteenth century. The short scale uses the same names (billion, trillion, quadrillion, etc.) but assigns different values to them, with one billion equalling a thousand million, one trillion equalling a thousand billion, and so forth, the logic being that the prefix attached to -illion represents n in the formula 103(n+1). For example, quadrillion, with the prefix quadri- meaning “four” is equal to 103(4+1) or more simply 1015. The short scale is used today throughout the English-speaking world, whereas the French language has settled on the long scale, so that an English billion is translated in French as un milliard and a French billion (also called mille milliards or “one thousand milliards” in English) is translated in English as a trillion.
The differences between the long scale and the short scale are summarized in this table:

Number Short Scale Long Scale SI* Prefix SI Symbol
106 one million one million mega- M
109 one billion one thousand million or a milliard giga- G
1012 one trillion one billion tera- T
1015 one quadrillion one thousand billion peta- P
1018 one quintillion one trillion exa- E
1021 one sextillion one thousand trillion zetta- Z
1024 one septillion one quadrillion yotta- Y
1027 one octillion one thousand quadrillion
1030 one nonillion one quintillion

* SI refers to the International System (of Units), a system of measurement widely used in science and international trade.

Abbreviated Forms

People often wonder if there is a correct or best way to abbreviate million and billion when writing about figures.

The most commonly seen short forms for thousand, million, billion and trillion in North America and the United Kingdom, respectively, are outlined in the table below.

Number North America United Kingdom Rarer Forms
thousand K k or K thsnd(.), M
million M m mil(.), mill(.), mln(.), MM
billion B bn bil(.), bill(.), bln(.)
trillion T tn tril(.), trill(.), trn(.), tln(.)

Notice that M appears twice in the table above, to represent both thousand and million. Some (especially older) finance texts use M for thousand and MM for million, which can be a source of confusion as M is now widely used to denote million in North America.

Of the style guides that address spacing in this context, most (AP Stylebook, Chicago Manual of Style, Canadian Style, The Economist Style Guide) say to leave no space (100bn, for example), although it is also common in books and newspaper articles to see the abbreviation preceded by a space.

Since there is no universally accepted way of abbreviating these words, the best practice is to be consistent with whatever system of short forms you choose and to ensure that the meanings of your chosen short forms are clear to your audience—for example by establishing at some point in the text that M stands for million, and so forth. Most style guides agree that it is best to spell out these words in full where possible, and to use the abbreviations where spacing is limited (e.g. in headlines and tables) or when figures are repeated often. The Guardian and The Telegraph spell out thousand, million, etc. in full when referring to people and animals and use the abbreviated forms only when discussing inanimate objects or in financial contexts. Scientific texts, on the other hand, avoid appellations like million, billion and trillion and instead use scientific notation when writing about very large and very small numbers. Scientific notation represents numbers in powers of ten, so that 650 billion can be written as 650 × 109 or as 6.50 × 1011.

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  • 1

    million [ˊmɪljən]

    1) число́ миллио́н


    а) мно́жество, ма́сса;

    б) основна́я ма́сса населе́ния

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > million

  • 2

    • million: to feel/look like a million dollars


    чувствовать/выглядеть отлично <


    чувствоватьвыглядеть на миллион долларов>

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > million

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > million

  • 4

    1. числ. колич. миллион ten million men ≈ десять миллионов человек the total is five million ≈ итого пять миллионов (like) a million dollars ≈ амер. превосходный, отличный The sun is a million of times larger than the earth. ≈ Солнце в миллионы раз больше, чем Земля. a million to one chance ≈ шанс миллион к одному( one) in a million ≈ один на миллион
    2. сущ.
    1) число миллион
    2) обыкн. мн. миллионы, огромное количество The programme was viewed on television in millions of homes. ≈ Эту телевизионную программу смотрели в миллионах домов.
    3) миллион (долларов, фунтов и т.д.)
    миллион (количество) — a * (of) men миллион человек — to count by the * считать миллионами — a quarter of a * men четверть миллиона /двести пятьдесят тысяч/ человек — half a * men полмиллиона /пятьсот тысяч/ человек обыкн. pl миллионы, огромное количество — *s of people миллионы людей миллион фунтов стерлингов, долларов и т. п. — they have *s and *s у них миллионы, они миллионеры — an inheritance of a * миллионное наследство — he made a cool * он заработал /нажил, сколотил/ кругленькую сумму в миллион (долларов, фунтов и т. п.) в грам. знач. числительного: (число) миллион — one * один миллион — a * and one миллион один — four * thousand one hundred and one четыре миллиона одна тысяча сто один — the *-one-thousand-one-hundred-and-first, the *-one-thousand-one-hundred-and-second, etc миллион тысяча сто первый, миллион тысяча сто второй и т.д. > the * множество;
    основная масса населения > to be worth *s иметь миллионы > to talk in *s употреблять в речи большие цифры, оперировать астрономическими цифрами > in a * несравненный;
    очень маленький, ничтожный > he is a man /one/ in a * таких людей больше нет /не бывает/, он самый лучший человек на свете > you have one chance in a * у тебя почти нет никаких шансов > to feel like a * (dollars) превосходно чувствовать себя > thanks a *! огромное спасибо!
    million num. card. миллион;
    ten million books десять миллионов книг;
    the total is four million итого четыре миллиона ~ миллион ~ число миллион ~ n: the ~ множество, масса;
    the million основная массанаселения
    ~ n: the ~ множество, масса;
    the million основная массанаселения
    million num. card. миллион;
    ten million books десять миллионов книг;
    the total is four million итого четыре миллиона
    thousand ~ миллиард
    million num. card. миллион;
    ten million books десять миллионов книг;
    the total is four million итого четыре миллиона

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > million

  • 5


    a million (of) [two millions (of)] men — миллион [два миллиона] человек

    a quarter of a million men — четверть миллиона /двести пятьдесят тысяч/ человек

    half a million men — полмиллиона /пятьсот тысяч/ человек


    pl миллионы, огромное количество

    3) миллион фунтов стерлингов, долларов

    they have millions and millions — у них миллионы, они миллионеры

    he made a cool million — он заработал /нажил, сколотил/ кругленькую сумму в миллион ()

    4) (число) миллион

    one [two, three, ] million — один [два, три ] миллиона

    a million and one [two, ] — миллион один [два ]

    four million one thousand one hundred and one [two, ] — четыре миллиона одна тысяча сто один [два ]

    the million-one-thousand-one-hundred-and-first, the million-one-thousand-one-hundred-and-second, — миллион тысяча сто первый, миллион тысяча сто второй

    the million — а) множество; б) основная масса населения

    to talk in millions — употреблять в речи большие цифры, оперировать астрономическими цифрами

    in a million — а) несравненный; he is a man /one/ in a million — таких людей больше нет /не бывает/, он самый лучший человек на свете; б) очень маленький, ничтожный

    to feel [to look] like a million (dollars) — превосходно чувствовать себя [выглядеть]

    thanks a million! — огромное спасибо!

    НБАРС > million

  • 6


    million num. card. миллион; ten million books десять миллионов книг; the total is four million итого четыре миллиона million миллион million число миллион million n: the million множество, масса; the million основная массанаселения million n: the million множество, масса; the million основная массанаселения million num. card. миллион; ten million books десять миллионов книг; the total is four million итого четыре миллиона thousand million миллиард million num. card. миллион; ten million books десять миллионов книг; the total is four million итого четыре миллиона

    English-Russian short dictionary > million

  • 7

    1. n обыкн. миллионы, огромное количество

    2. n миллион

    to talk in millions — употреблять в речи большие цифры, оперировать астрономическими цифрами

    Синонимический ряд:

    scads (noun) gobs; heap; heaps; jillion; jillions; load; loads; lot; millions; multiplicity; oodles; quantities; ream; reams; scads; slather; slathers; slew; thousand; thousands; trillion; trillions; wad; wads

    English-Russian base dictionary > million

  • 8



    The sun is a million times larger than the Earth. — Солнце в миллион раз больше, чем Земля.




    1) миллионы, огромное количество

    The programme was viewed on television in millions of homes. — Эту телевизионную программу смотрели в миллионах домов.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > million

  • 9

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > million

  • 10

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > million

  • 11

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > million

  • 12

    1. num. card.

    миллион; ten million books десять миллионов книг; the total is four million итого четыре миллиона

    1) число миллион

    2) the million а> множество,масса;

    б) основная массанаселения

    * * *

    * * *

    * * *

    [mil·lion || ‘mɪlɪən]

    * * *

    * * *

    1. числ. колич.
    2. сущ.
    1) число миллион
    2) обыкн. мн. миллионы, огромное количество
    3) миллион (долларов, фунтов и т.д.)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > million

  • 13

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > million

  • 14

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > million

  • 15

    I [‘mɪljən]



    II [‘mɪljən]



    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > million

  • 16

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > million

  • 17

    Англо-русский технический словарь > million

  • 18


    Общая лексика: масса, миллион, млн., огромное количество, число миллион, миллион , Лям

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > million

  • 19
    million m3

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > million m3

  • 20



    миллионы, огромное количество

    множество, масса

    основная масса населения

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > million


  • Следующая →
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См. также в других словарях:

  • Million — (de) …   Kölsch Dialekt Lexikon

  • million — [ miljɔ̃ ] n. m. • v. 1270; it. milione ♦ Mille fois mille (106). ⇒ méga . Un million, dix millions d hommes. Mille millions (⇒ milliard) , un million de millions (⇒ billion) . ♢ Absolt Million de francs, d unités monétaires. Un appartement de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Million — (Abkürzung Mio.) ist ein Zahlwort, beziehungsweise der Zahlenname für die Zahl 1.000.000. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Sprachliches 2 Vorsätze für Maßeinheiten 3 Mathematisches …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • million — mil‧lion [ˈmɪljən] number million PLURALFORM or millions PLURALFORM written abbreviation m 1,000,000 * * * …   Financial and business terms

  • million — Million. s. m. Dix fois cent mille. Il y a en France tant de millions d hommes. un million de livres. un million d or ou d escus vaut trois millions de livres. Il faut remarquer qu en matiere d argent lors qu on met absolument, Million, on entend …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

  • Million+ — Million+, formerly known as the Campaign for Mainstream Universities (CMU) is the membership group of 27 UK universities incorporated post 1992 and university colleges. Many have long histories as colleges and subsequently polytechnics. Formed in …   Wikipedia

  • million — When preceded by a numeral or a quantifying word such as many or several, the plural is million (unchanged: twenty million people), but millions is used when it is followed by of, typically with imprecise reference (have done it millions of… …   Modern English usage

  • Million — Sf tausend mal tausend std. (15. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus it. milione m. Großtausend, sehr große Zahl , einer Augmentativbildung zu it. mille tausend , aus l. mīlle. Zunächst gebraucht als Bezeichnung sehr großer Geldsummen; die Festlegung… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • million — (n.) late 14c., from O.Fr. million (late 13c.), from It. millione (now milione), lit. a great thousand, augmentative of mille thousand, from L. mille, which is of uncertain origin. Used mainly by mathematicians until 16c. India, with its love of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Million — Million: Zu it. mille »tausend«, das auf das lat. Zahlwort mille (vgl. ↑ Meile) zurückgeht, stellt sich das mit Vergrößerungssuffix gebildete it. milione »Großtausend«. In dieser Bedeutung gelangte das it. Wort seit dem 13. Jh. in die anderen… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • million — [mil′yən] n. [ME millioun < OFr million < It milione < mille, thousand < L] 1. a thousand thousands; 1,000,000 2. a million (unspecified but understood) monetary units, as dollars, pounds, francs, etc. 3. an indefinite but very large… …   English World dictionary

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