What is the word mate means

Etymologists say sailors and labourers were calling each other mate by the mid-15th century. Later that same century the term had evolved on ships to refer to an officer, the mate, who saw that the orders of the master or commander were carried out.

Where did the term mate come from?

The term mate originally stems from the German word “gemate” which means to share a meal at the same table. Nothing much has changed. Every January 26, people across Australia share food around the barbecue, where this term of endearment is often casually thrown around.

Why do English say mate?

So, ‘mate’ is British slang for a friend. But, like a lot of British slang, mate is a word that is used as much sarcastically as it is sincerely. You’re just as likely to call someone ‘mate’ when they’re your friend as when they’re annoying you.

What is the word mate slang for?

Slang – Mate. Meaning – Friend. This expression is usually used to refer to male friends but is increasingly being used to refer to female friends as well. This slang is extremely common British and Australian slang.

When did Australians start saying mate?

Although it had a very detailed entry in the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (the letter M was completed 1904–8), the Australian National Dictionary (AND) included mate in its first edition of 1988, thus marking it as an Australianism.

Who says mate the most?

The word “mate” is very common in Australian and British English and can help you sound a lot more natural when speaking Englsih in these places. Although it’s not used in American English, it is understood by English speakers all over the world.

Which country uses the word mate?

Common in many parts of the UK and Australia, ‘mate’ is a friendly way to address a person informally. ‘Alright, mate? ‘ is a casual way to ask how someone is.

Does mate mean friend?

Friend is the term used in AmE meaning someone with whom you have a bond. Mate is the term used in BrE to refer to a friend (in the AmE sense) but may also be a cordial way of referring to another person whom you may or may not know.

Can you say thanks mate to a girl?

5 Answers. Mate/pal work just fine for ladies as long as they actually are your friend: best of mates, we’re just mates, pals together and so on, but, mate/pal doesn’t work as well as it does with men when the woman you are apologising to is unknown to you.

Why are the British so obsessed with tea?

Turns out, it’s all to do with taxes. Tea was first brought to Britain in the early 17th century by the East India Company and was presented to King Charles II. His Portuguese wife, Princess Catherine of Braganza, set the trend in drinking tea, which then caught on among the aristocrats of the time.

Can I call a girl mate?

Men and women can be both be mates of both men and women. In most UK dialects where it is used, it just means “friend” (with subtle shadings of meaning depending on the dialect). So the answer is “yes”.

Does mate come from inmate?

An inmate is a person who lives in a specific place, especially someone who’s confined there, like a prisoner.This meaning comes from in and mate, “friend or companion.” By the 1830s, inmate had come to mean “one confined to an institution.”

What are Australian stereotypes?

Stereotypes of Australia: What’s Fact and What’s Fiction?

  • Kangaroos & koalas are everywhere. This one is partially true.
  • Everyone is a surfer bro.
  • The entire continent is a desert.
  • Shrimp on the barbie.
  • It’s always hot & always sunny.
  • Aussies live off of kangaroo meat & Vegemite.
  • Deadly animals will kill you.

What is G Day Mate mean?

Good Day
G’day is a shortened form of ‘Good Day’ and it is the equivalent of ‘Hello. ‘ Mate means friend or buddy and it can be used to address your friend or a total stranger. So, everyone can be your mate in Australia.

Why do the British say innit?

“Innit” is an abbreviation of “isn’t it” most commonly used amongst teenagers and young people. This phrase is used to confirm or agree with something that another person has just said. “It’s really cold today.”

When should I use mate?

Some people use mate as a way of addressing other people when they are talking to them. Come on mate, things aren’t that bad. Someone’s wife, husband, or sexual partner can be referred to as their mate. He has found his ideal mate.

What’s the difference between mate and buddy?

Key Difference: Buddy is an informal way to refer to a male friend. Mate is a friend or a companion used as a friendly form of address between men or boys. People usually get confused about the usage of the words, buddy and mate. Both words are used to refer to a friend.

What is the difference between mate and companion?

is that companion is a friend, acquaintance, or partner; someone with whom one spends time or keeps company while mate is a fellow, comrade, colleague, partner or someone with whom something is shared, eg shipmate, classmate or mate can be (chess) short for checkmate or mate can be ).

What do you call a woman in Australia?

Aussie Slang Words For Women:
Sheila. Chick. Woman. Lady.

What countries put milk in their tea?

Doodh pati chai, literally ‘milk and tea leaves’, a tea beverage drunk in India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Teh tarik, a kind of milk tea popular in Malaysia and Singapore. Suutei tsai, a salty Mongolian milk tea. Shahi haleeb, a Yemeni milk tea served after chewing qat.

Why do British drink so much?

If you’ve ever wondered why we Brits are so famed for drinking too much – a new study might just have found the answer. According to data studied from 193 countries, those who live in cooler places with fewer daylight hours are much more likely to consume alcohol than those in sunnier and warmer climates.


  • 1 Where did the term mate come from?
  • 2 Why do English say mate?
  • 3 What is the word mate slang for?
  • 4 When did Australians start saying mate?
  • 5 Who says mate the most?
  • 6 Which country uses the word mate?
  • 7 Does mate mean friend?
  • 8 Can you say thanks mate to a girl?
  • 9 Why are the British so obsessed with tea?
  • 10 Can I call a girl mate?
  • 11 Does mate come from inmate?
  • 12 What are Australian stereotypes?
  • 13 What is G Day Mate mean?
  • 14 Why do the British say innit?
  • 15 When should I use mate?
  • 16 What’s the difference between mate and buddy?
  • 17 What is the difference between mate and companion?
  • 18 What do you call a woman in Australia?
  • 19 What countries put milk in their tea?
  • 20 Why do British drink so much?

Other forms: mates; mating; mated

Someone’s mate is their spouse, partner, boyfriend, or girlfriend. Your grandmother’s long-term sweetheart is her mate. Awwww.

A husband or wife is one kind of mate, and animals have mates too, chosen for reproduction and sometimes to assist in raising babies. Anything that comes in a pair — like socks, contacts, shoes, or earrings — also has a mate. Your pal or buddy can be called a mate as well. As a verb, to mate means «to breed» or «to reproduce.» In Middle Low German, mate means «one eating at the same table.»

Definitions of mate

  1. noun

    a person’s partner in marriage


    better half, married person, partner, spouse

    see moresee less


    show 35 types…
    hide 35 types…

    someone who marries one person while already legally married to another


    the husband or wife of a reigning monarch

    helpmate, helpmeet

    a helpful partner

    hubby, husband, married man

    a married man; a woman’s partner in marriage

    monogamist, monogynist

    someone who practices monogamy (one spouse at a time)

    honeymooner, newlywed

    someone recently married


    someone who is married to two or more people at the same time

    married woman, wife

    a married woman; a partner in marriage

    battle-ax, battle-axe

    a sharp-tongued domineering wife

    benedick, benedict

    a newly married man (especially one who has long been a bachelor)


    a woman who has recently been married

    crown princess

    the wife of a crown prince


    a man whose wife committed adultery

    family man

    a man whose family is of major importance in his life

    first lady

    the wife of a chief executive

    golf widow

    a wife who is left alone much of the time because her husband is playing golf

    bridegroom, groom

    a man who has recently been married

    honest woman

    a wife who has married a man with whom she has been living for some time (especially if she is pregnant at the time)

    house husband, househusband

    a husband who keeps house while his wife earns the family income

    homemaker, housewife, lady of the house, woman of the house

    a wife who manages a household while her husband earns the family income


    the wife or widow of a marquis


    a married woman (usually middle-aged with children) who is staid and dignified


    the wife of a mayor

    missis, missus

    informal term of address for someone’s wife

    old lady

    your own wife


    a woman with two or more husbands


    a man with two or more wives

    prince consort

    a prince who is the husband of a reigning female sovereign

    sheika, sheikha

    the wife of a sheik


    an Italian title of address equivalent to Mrs. when used before a name

    trophy wife

    a wife who is an attractive young woman; seldom the first wife of an affluent older man

    ux., uxor

    (legal terminology) the Latin word for wife


    a husband who murders his wife


    wife of a viceroy


    a wife or widow of a viscount

    type of:

    domestic partner, significant other, spousal equivalent, spouse equivalent

    a person (not necessarily a spouse) with whom you cohabit and share a long-term sexual relationship

    relation, relative

    a person related by blood or marriage

  2. noun

    the partner of an animal (especially a sexual partner)

    “he loved the mare and all her

    “camels hate leaving their

  3. “he lost the
    mate to his shoe”



  4. noun

    informal term for a friend of the same sex

  5. noun

    a fellow member of a team

  6. noun

    the officer below the master on a commercial ship

  7. verb

    engage in sexual intercourse

    mate in the Spring”

  8. verb

    bring two objects, ideas, or people together


    couple, match, pair, twin


    give or join in marriage

  9. noun

    a chess move constituting an inescapable and indefensible attack on the opponent’s king

  10. verb

    place an opponent’s king under an attack from which it cannot escape and thus ending the game

  11. noun

    South American holly; leaves used in making a drink like tea


    Ilex paraguariensis, Paraguay tea

    see moresee less

    type of:


    any tree or shrub of the genus Ilex having red berries and shiny evergreen leaves with prickly edges

  12. noun

    South American tea-like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate

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The word «Mate» is a word commonly used in Britain, New Zealand and Australia. It is also used by ethnic communities in Britain such as the East Asian community (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka).

«Mate» is commonly spelled as «M8» in Text Language or LeetSpeak.

The word «Mate» can be used in a variety of ways, from greetings to flip-offs to sarcasm.

A week ago I was cycling home from work and this twat of a driver nearly knocked me off because he was desperately trying to get through the traffic lights. He called me a «Twat» and I shouted «Fuck off mate!» at him. This is just one example.

Here is a list of examples and situations in which «Mate» may be used:

Greeting: «Hello mate!»

Sarcasm: «Mate that was fucking orgasmic»

Endearment: «Mate you’re a legend.»

Flippancy: «Alright mate keep your hair on»

by Hen2 May 31, 2015

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Slang term in English Language for a friend. Used to describe someone who replies to messages from other ‘mates’, enjoys banter, and doesn’t spend all day avoiding other ‘mates’ and leaving them to play Warzone and FIFA on their own.

Oi Ross, thought you were my mate? Where’ve you been all day, mate?

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Mate is one of the most sweet and loving boys you will ever meet. He is a great friend. He is really funny, trustable and handsome. If you have a Mate in your life you’re really lucky and you should never let him go! He will make you feel better when you’re sad, but Mate’s are also real sensitive so you should watch out about what you say. If you do something that hurts him he will forgive easily if you are really sorry when you say sorry. Also you should never lie to a Mate because he can see right through you. If you have a Mate in your life your real lucky!!

Random Person: Omg! You have a Mate?!

Me: Uhm yes

Random Person: You should never let them go!!

Me: i know :)

Get the Mate mug.

An abbreviation that is widely used in texting and chat, and on Facebook and elsewhere on the internet, but what does Mate mean in slang?

what does mate mean

Most Common Mate Meaning

Mate means friend.

Using Mate

Mate is used as a (usually friendly) form of address, or to refer to your friend.


You can’t beat a bit of male bonding with your best mate.

Alternative Mate Meaning

The sexual partner of a bird or other animal.


Related Slang Terms

M8 – Mate.

Bruh – Brother.

Bub – Brother or friend.

G – Gangster, meaning friend or associate.

Homie – A close friend.

Woe – A friend or associate.

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an associate; fellow worker; comrade; partner (often used in combination): classmate; roommate. friend; buddy; pal (often used as an informal term of address): Let me give you a hand with that, mate. Nautical. first mate.

Simply so What is slang for mate? Slang u2013 Mate. Meaning u2013 Friend. This expression is usually used to refer to male friends but is increasingly being used to refer to female friends as well. This slang is extremely common British and Australian slang.

Is it mate or mate? Name. The English word comes from the French maté and the American Spanish mate, which means both mate and the vessel for drinking it, from the Quechua word mati for the calabash gourd used to make it. Both the spellings “maté” and “mate” are used in English.

also Can we use mate for friend? Mate is used in American (U.S. and Canadian) English, but it is not used as slang for friend.

Can I say mate to a girl?

5 Answers. Mate/pal work just fine for ladies as long as they actually are your friend: best of mates, we’re just mates, pals together and so on, but, mate/pal doesn’t work as well as it does with men when the woman you are apologising to is unknown to you.

How do you use mate in a sentence? Mate sentence example

  1. She’s your mate and my sister. …
  2. Carmen had been his soul mate for a long time. …
  3. A human mate and so soon after he’s taken command. …
  4. A bad deal by a deity or its mate will ruin the universe. …
  5. Hope that you’ll start accepting me as your husband – your mate ; not just a lover.

Who can I call mate?

Maybe not around men because men seem to think mate only refers to “men” but I hear women often referring to their “mates” especially in sport. It’s kind of like saying “guys” or “folks” it’s gender neutral. If you consider someone to be your friend then you can call them mate unless they don’t like being called mate.

When should I use mate? Some people use mate as a way of addressing other people when they are talking to them. Come on mate, things aren’t that bad. Someone’s wife, husband, or sexual partner can be referred to as their mate. He has found his ideal mate.

What is the sentence of approached?

1. As her birthday approached, the little girl began to plan for her upcoming party. 2. The police officer approached the vehicle slowly and demanded that those inside hold up their hands.

How do you use fail in a sentence? “The system has failed us.” “She failed that exam.” “He was disappointed that he failed his audition.” “The business failed the inspection and had to shut down.”

What does it mean when a female calls you mate?

Mate is slang for friend in some countries.

How do you address a friend? Thanks to @ABAEnglish, I can say “friend” in many ways in English!

  1. Mate. The word “mate” is a very British word which means “friend”. …
  2. Buddy. “Buddy” in the United Kingdom is a very popular boy dog’s name, however in the United States, it’s an endearing term for a close friend. …
  3. Pal. …
  4. Chum. …
  5. Bezzie.

What is slang for best friend?

Slang for Friend

  • Dawg: A friend, or perhaps a close friend. …
  • Amigo: Spanish for “friend”, but used as slang for friend in many English-speaking countried. …
  • Chum: A close friend. …
  • Bestie: Short for “best friend”. …
  • Biffle: Comes from the acronym “BFFL” meaning “best friends for life”. …
  • Bhessy: Best friends.

What is MATE based on?

MATE is based on GNOME, one of the most popular desktop environments for free and open source operating systems like Linux. Though, to say MATE is based on GNOME is an understatement. MATE was born as a continuation of GNOME 2 after GNOME 3 was released in 2011.

Is MATE de good? MATE is incredibly sharp out of the box with a great theme and icon pack. The feel is great as well, with very minimal resource usage and a fast, snappy interface. Things run well, and MATE would be a great choice for a lower-end system or those looking to remain efficient on system resources.

What does it mean to approach someone? : the act of moving or becoming near or nearer to someone or something : the act of approaching : an act or occurrence in which something comes nearer. : the act of speaking to someone for some purpose (such as to ask a question or make a request)

How do you use approve in a sentence?

Approve sentence example

  1. I really don’t approve of this. …
  2. Katie wouldn’t approve of that attitude. …
  3. Alex wouldn’t approve , but it was her land and her phone. …
  4. The Circuit Quarterly Meeting had to approve the arrangements for the support of the preachers.

How do you use assess in a sentence? Assess sentence example

  1. She tried to assess how many there might be. …
  2. I’ll come get you in the morning, so we can assess your skills. …
  3. I am here simply to assess what is in your brain. …
  4. We can send someone to assess what we can do there, too.

What does failing someone mean?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English fail somebody to not do what someone has trusted you to do SYN let somebody down I feel I’ve failed my children by not spending more time with them.

How do you use failure? Failed sentence example

  1. I failed you and Katie both. …
  2. Carmen was so tired that the icy wind failed to keep her awake. …
  3. I.ve failed miserably in my role as a foster mom, and he nearly died because of it.

What is the verb for failure?

fail. (intransitive) To be unsuccessful. (transitive) Not to achieve a particular stated goal. (Usage note: The direct object of this word is usually an infinitive.)

What does it mean if your crush calls you mate? Mate is a term for friend used by many people around the world. He sees you like a sibling or best friend but, not a romantic or love interest.

What does it mean when she calls you friend?

Her using the word “friend” doesn’t necessarily mean you are friend-zoned, maybe you started as friends, or she wanted to emphasize she is there for you like a good friend would be. She can be more than a friend and still call you a friend.

What is a fancy word for friend? Words related to friend

acquaintance, ally, associate, buddy, classmate, colleague, companion, cousin, partner, roommate, advocate, backer, patron, supporter, chum, cohort, compatriot, comrade, consort, crony.

What do you call a male friend?

You might call him one of the following terms: Friend, buddy, a guy that I know, pal, a cool Dude (may be a dated expression), bud, homey, colleague (in a professional setting), classmate (in a school setting), stand-up guy, etc.

Can I call my friend darling?

Yes its pretty normal. I don’t see how it can be wrong usage like someone here mentioned. Its just an affectionate word used to address someone you like. It means beloved but beloved can be anyone.

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