What is the word made in spanish

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Past participle ofmake. There are other translations for this conjugation.

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слово на испанском

словом на испанском языке

The teaching of Don Juan transforms the body into an electronic scanner, he said, looking for an adequate word in Spanish to compare the body to an electronic telescope.

Учение дона Хуана превращает тело в электронный «сканер», — сказал он, пытаясь найти подходящее слово на испанском, чтобы сравнить тело с электронным телескопом.

They have a word in Spanish for people like Donald Trump; that word is mentiroso.

У них есть слово на испанском для таких людей, как Дональд Трамп; это слово mentiroso.

I admitted to the commission that I said a word in Spanish once and only once.

Я сказал комиссии, что я употребил это слово только один раз и на испанском.

I forget the word in Spanish, too.

What is your favourite word in Spanish?

Others have questioned that, saying that there is no such word in Spanish.

This is my favorite word in Spanish.

The most used word in Spanish is the preposition «DE».

This linguistic problem consists in writing and pronouncing this word in Spanish and Catalan.

Данная лингвистическая проблема заключается в написании и произношении этого слова на испанском и каталонском языке.

I did not know a word in Spanish when I arrived at the Institute.

I admitted to the commission that I said a word in Spanish once, and only once.

This word in Spanish means «pipe», and, in fact, canyons are part of the water-pipe laid by the nature.

Это слово по-испански означает «труба», и, по сути, каньоны являются частью водопровода, проложенного самой природой.

There is a word in Spanish — «mañana», which means tomorrow.

In fact, about 30% to 40% of words in English have a related word in Spanish.

From bureaucratic institutions to finding the suppliers, from ordering furniture and equipment to recruiting people to work for us… and all of this without a word in Spanish.

От бюрократических учреждений и заказа мебели и оборудования, до найма людей, работающих на нас… И всё это, не зная ни слова по-испански.

The word in Spanish means «place where something is done or made.»

Site по-английски означает «место, на котором что-то есть, было или будет».

All the teaching is carried out in Spanish and without using any other language, resulting in a direct, situational and communicative method that relies on establishing direct mental associations between the concept and the word in Spanish.

Преподавание ведется только на испанском языке, без использования какого-либо другого языка, развивая прямой, ситуативный и коммуникативный метод и поиск умственных связей между понятием и словом на испанском языке.

They are all part of the group of 30 celebrities who have shared through video their favorite word in Spanish as part of the celebrations for ‘E Day’ by the Cervantes Institute.

Все они входят в группу 30 знаменитостей, поделившихся через видео своим любимым словом на испанском языке в рамках празднования «E-Day» Институтом Сервантеса.

Is there a word in Spanish for someone who used to pretend to be a professor, but was a teacher, but wasn’t actually a teacher, and he’s now a student?

Есть ли в испанском языке слово для человека, который притворялся профессором но был учителем, но не настоящим учителем, и теперь он студент?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 22. Точных совпадений: 22. Затраченное время: 59 мс


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Put on your learning cap, grab a cup of coffee, and get comfy because we’re about to cover the 1,000 most common Spanish words for beginners! There are nearly a million words in the Spanish language, but luckily you don’t need to memorize them all to speak Spanish.

We’ve picked out the 1,000 most common Spanish words and created this categorized vocabulary guide so that you can effectively communicate in Spanish—even as a beginner!

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The Essentials

For any Spanish beginner, it’s always important to know the essentials. These are must-know words and phrases if you’ve just started learning. Take a look at these first words in our guide of the 1,000 most common Spanish words. 

  • — yes
  • no — no 
  • ¿entiende(s)? — do you understand?
  • no entiendo — i don’t understand
  • no (lo) sé — i don’t know
  • no tengo ni idea — i have no idea
  • no hablo español — i don’t speak spanish
  • estoy perdido(a) — i’m lost

Introduce Yourself

Introducing yourself is always one of the best ways to start speaking Spanish! That’s why we included these essential conversation starters into our list of the 1,000 most common Spanish words. 

  • me llamo — my name is
  • mi nombre es — my name is 
  • soy…  — i’m…
  • ¿cómo te llamas? — what is your name?
  • (yo) soy de… — i am from…

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– Erica P. Parent of 1

What’s Up

  • ¿cómo está usted? — how are you? (formal)
  • ¿cómo estás? — how are you? (informal)
  • ¿qué tal? — how are you? (informal) / what’s up?
  • ¿cómo te va? — how ‘s it going?
  • ¿qué haces? — what are you doing?
  • ¿qué pasa? — what ‘s happening?

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These common Spanish words and versatile replies make for an easy response to dozens of questions!

  • ¿y tú? — and you?
  • muy bien — very well
  • así, así — so, so
  • mal — bad
  • como siempre — as always

Etiquette Words

  • ¡de nada! — you’re welcome! / no problem!
  • por favor — please
  • ¡perdon! — excuse me!
  • ¡disculpe! — excuse me!
  • ¡lo siento! — sorry! 
  • gracias  — thank you
  • salud — bless you

Question Words

  • ¿qué…? — what?
  • ¿quién…? — who?
  • ¿cuándo…? — when?
  • ¿dónde…? — where?
  • ¿por qué…? — why?
  • ¿cuál? — which?
  • ¿cómo…? — how?

Spanish Pronouns

  • Yo — I
  • tú (informal) — you
  • usted (formal) — you
  • él — he
  • ella — she
  • nosotros/nosotras — we
  • ustedes — you all
  • ellos — they
  • ellas(females) — they 


  • hola — hello
  • buenos días — good morning
  • buenas tardes — good afternoon
  • buenas noches — good evening / good night
1000 Most Common Spanish Words

Talking About Age

  • (yo) tengo … años — i am … years old.
  • old — viejo/a
  • young — joven
  • middle-aged — de mediana edad
  • youthful — juvenil
  • nuevo/a – new  


  • ¡feliz cumpleaños! — happy birthday!
  • ¡felicitaciones! — congratulations!
  • ¡diviértete! — have fun!
  • ¡buen provecho! — bon appetit!
  • ¡bienvenidos! / ¡bienvenidas! — welcome!
  • salud! — cheers!

Say Good-Bye

  • adiós — goodbye
  • chao — goodbye
  • hasta luego — see you later (most likely today)
  • hasta mañana — see you tomorrow
  • nos vemos — see you (informal)
  • ¡cuídate mucho! — take care!
  • ¡tenga un buen día! — have a nice day!
  • ¡hasta luego! — see you soon!
  • ¡buen viaje! — have a good trip!

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Time Words

No list of the 1,000 most common Spanish words would be complete without time words. 

Days of the Week

  • Domingo — Sunday
  • Lunes — Monday
  • Martes — Tuesday
  • Miércoles — Wednesday
  • Jueves — Thursday
  • Viernes — Friday
  • Sabado — Saturday

Months of the Year

  • Enero — January
  • Febrero — February
  • Marzo — March
  • Abril — April
  • Mayo — May
  • Junio — June
  • Julio — July
  • Agosto — August
  • Septiembre — September
  • Octubre — October
  • Noviembre — November
  • Diciembre — December

Other Time Words

  • anteayer — day before yesterday
  • ayer — yesterday
  • el año — year
  • el día — day
  • el mes — month
  • el siglo — century
  • la hora — hour
  • hoy — today
  • la semana — week
  • madrugada — dawn, very early in the morning
  • mañana — tomorrow
  • mañana — morning
  • medianoche — midnight
  • mediodia — noon
  • el minuto — minute
  • la noche — night
  • el pasado mañana — day after tomorrow
  • los segundos — seconds
  • la tarde — afternoon

Family Words

This Spanish vocab helps you talk about your relatives.

Nuclear Family

  • el padre — father
  • el papá —  dad
  • la madre  — mother
  • la mamá — mom
  • el hermano —  brother
  • la hermana — sister
  • el hijo  — son
  • la hija  — daughter
  • la familia cercana —  close family

Extended Family

  • el abuelo  — grandfather
  • la abuela  — grandmother
  • el bisabuelo — great-grandfather
  • la bisabuela — great-grandmother
  • la nieta — granddaughter
  • el nieto — grandson
  • el tío — uncle
  • la tía — aunt
  • el tío abuelo — great-uncle
  • la tía abuela — great-aunt
  • el primo — cousin (male)
  • la prima — cousin (female)
  • mis parientes — my relatives

Family Verbs

  • abrazar — to hug
  • amar — to love
  • reír — to laugh
  • perdonar — to forgive

Action Verbs

  • empezar —  to start
  • seguir — to follow
  • abrir —  to open
  • buscar — to search
  • cantar — to sing
  • cerrar — to close
  • destruir — to destroy
  • dormir — to sleep
  • encontrar — to find
  • esconder — to hide
  • esperar — to wait
  • faltar — to miss
  • hacer — to do 
  • intentar — to try
  • llamar — to call
  • llevar — to take
  • llorar — to cry
  • luchar — to fight
  • mentir — to lie
  • odiar — to hate
  • recibir — to receive
  • reconocer — to recognize
  • robar — to steal
  • salvar — to save
  • sonreír — to smile
  • soñar — to dream
  • tomar — to take
  • Vivir — to live

The Five Senses

Spice up your Spanish with these common words for your senses. 


  • tranquilo/a – quiet
  • ruidoso/a – loud
  • gritar — to shout
  • escuchar — to hear
  • silencio — silence
  • alto loud
  • bajo — soft
  • ensordecedor — deafening
  • agudo — sharp, high-pitched
  • grave — low-pitched
  • melodioso — melodious
  • armónico — harmonic
  • zumbido — buzz
  • sordo deaf
  • duro de oíd — hard of hearing
  • oído fino acute hearing
  • problemas de audición — hearing-impaired
  • fuera de alcance —  out of earshot


  • ver — to see
  • mirar — to look
  • de colores— colorful
  • blanco y negro black and white
  • brillante — bright
  • apagado — dim
  • claro — light
  • oscuro — dark
  • ciego blind
  • mirar fijamente to stare
  • echar un vistazo to glance
  • bizquear — to squint
  • guiñar — to wink
  • parpadear to blink


  • tocar — to touch
  • agarrar — to grab
  • suave — soft
  • áspero(a) — rough
  • liso(a) — smooth
  • rugoso(a) — wrinkled
  • pegajoso(a) — sticky
  • punzante — sharp
  • sedoso(a) — silky
  • esponjoso(a) — spongy
  • mullido(a) — fluffy
  • hormigueo — tingle
  • entumecido(a) — numb
  • rozar — to touch gently
  • acariciar — to caress
  • agarrar — to grab


  • olor — smell
  • el perfume — scent
  • la fragancia — fragrance
  • el hedor — stench
  • apestoso(a) smelly
  • fresco(a)   fresh
  • acre — pungent
  • húmedo(a) — musty
  • podrido(a) — rotten
  • ahumado(a) — smoky
  • apestar — to stink


  • gusto —- taste
  • sabor — flavor
  • probar — try
  • sabroso  — está sabrosa
  • delicioso —  delicious 
  • perfecto  —  perfect
  • apetitoso  — appetizing
  • dulce  — sweet
  • dulzón —  sugary 
  • soso  — bland

Describing Words


  • abierto/a – open 
  • ancho/a – wide
  • estrecho/a – narrow
  • lejano/a – far
  • cercano/a – close

Personality and Emotions

  • alegre – joyful
  • gracioso/a – funny, amusing
  • serio/a – serious
  • tímido/a – shy
  • valiente – brave
  • loco/a – crazy
  • contento(a) — content
  • feliz — happy
  • preocupado(a) — worried
  • nervioso(a) — nervous
  • tranquilo(a) — tranquil
  • calmado(a) — calm
  • emocionado(a) — excited

Physical Adjectives


  • largo/a — long
  • corto/a short
  • liso/a — straight
  • rizado/a curly
  • ondulado/a — wavy
  • castaño/a — brown
  • rubio/a — blonde
  • pelirrojo/a red
  • negro/a — black
  • canoso/a — grey
  • abundante — thick
  • fino/a — thin
  • escalado/a layered
  • teñido/a — dyed
  •  saludable — healthy
  • claro/a — light
  • encrespado/a — frizzy
  • brillante — shiny
  • calvo/a bald


  • grande – big
  • pequeño/a – small  
  • enorme – huge 
  • delgado/a — lean
  • esbelto/a — slender
  • flaco/a — skinny
  • menudo/a — petite
  • alto/a — tall
  • bajo/a — short


  • hermoso/a — beautiful 
  • guapo/a — handsome 
  • feo/a — ugly  
  • adorable — cute  
  • bonita — pretty  
  • impresionante — stunning
  • poco atractivo/a — plain  
  • promedio/a — average  
  • atractivo/a — attractive  


  • negro —  black
  • marrón / café —  brown
  • gris — grey
  • blanco — white
  • amarillo —  yellow
  • anaranjado — orange
  • rojo — red
  • rosado —  pink
  • morado / púrpura — purple
  • azul —  blue
  • verde — green

Arts and Crafts

  • colorear — to color
  • construir — to construct
  • cortar — to cut
  • coser — to sew
  • dibujar — to draw
  • pintar — to paint


  • cero — zero
  • uno — one
  • dos — two
  • tres — three
  • cuatro — four
  • cinco —  five
  • seis — six
  • siete — seven
  • ocho —  eight
  • nueve — nine
  • diez — ten


This animal vocab will help you talk about animals both on land and in the ocean!

Farm Animals

  • el gato — cat
  • el perro — dog
  • el conejo — rabbit
  • el pollo — chicken
  • la gallina — hen
  • el gallo —  rooster
  • la vaca —  cow
  • el toro —  bull
  • la oveja —  sheep
  • el caballo — horse
  • el cerdo — pig
  • la cabra —  goat
  • el burro —  donkey
  • el ratón —  mouse

Forest Animals

  • el ciervo —  deer
  • el mapache —  raccoon
  • la ardilla -— squirrel
  • el búho —  owl
  • el zorro —  fox
  • el lobo —  wolf
  • el oso —  bear

Ocean Animals

  • el cangrejo — crab
  • la medusa — jellyfish
  • el delfín —  dolphin
  • la ballena —  whale
  • el tiburón —  shark
  • la foca —  seal
  • el lobo marino —  sea lion
  • la morsa —  walrus
  • el pingüino — penguin


  • el viaje — trip
  • el equipaje  — bags
  • la salida — exit
  • la llegada — arrival
  • los documentos de identidad — id papers
  • el billete de avión — boarding pass
  • el hotel — hotel
  • el permiso de conducir — driver’s license
  • echar gasolina — to get gas
  • viajar — to travel
  • volver — to return
  • ir — to go
  • salir — to leave
  • parar — to stop
  • partir — to depart
  • porter(a) — doorman
  • hostia — hostess
  • botones — bellhop
  • anfitriona— airline hostess


  • el avión —  airplane
  • el coche —  car
  • la bicicleta — bicycle
  • la motocicleta — motorcycle
  • el tren —  train
  • el metro/subte —  subway
  • el autobús — bus
  • el barco — ship
  • taxista — taxi driver
  • revisor(a) — train conductor
  • dependiente de gas — gas station attendant
  • conductor(a) — driver, chauffeur 
  • camionero(a) — truck driver


  • el sol —  the sun
  • las nubes —  the clouds
  • la niebla — the fog
  • la neblina — the mist
  • la lluvia —  the rain
  • la llovizna — the drizzle
  • la tormenta —  the storm
  • el tornado —  the tornado
  • el trueno — the thunder
  • el relámpago — the lightning strike
  • el rayo — the lightning bolt
  • el viento — the wind
  • la brisa — the breeze
  • el granizo — the hail
  • el hielo — the ice
  • la nieve —  the snow
  • el calor —  the heat
  • el frío —  the cold
  • la humedad — the humidity
  • la temperatura — the temperature
  • el pronóstico — the forecast

Weather Verbs

  • llover  —  to rain
  • lloviznar  —  to drizzle
  • diluviar  — to pour down
  • granizar  — to hail
  • nevar  —  to snow


  • el invierno  —  winter
  • la primavera  —  spring
  • el verano —  summer
  • el otoño  —  fall


  • carta de motivación  — cover letter
  • el cv  — resume
  • la firma  — firm
  • el negocio  — business
  • la compañía  — company
  • el jefe  — boss
  • el empleado  — employee
  • trabajar  — to work
  • negociar — to negotiate
  • consultor(a) —  consultant
  • dueño(a) — owner


  • abogado(a) — lawyer
  • arquitecto(a) — architect
  • bombero(a) — fireman
  • campesino(a) — farm worker
  • carpintero(a) — carpenter
  • cartero(a) — postal worker
  • casero(a) — landlord
  • científico(a) — scientist
  • cocinero(a) — cook, chef
  • consejero (a) — counselor  
  • constructor (a) — construction worker
  • contador(a) — accountant/bookkeeper 
  • doméstico(a) —  maid
  • detective — detective
  • director, revisor, redactor(a) — editor
  • electricista — electrician
  • escritor / autor(a) — writer / author
  • vaquero, tropero(a) — cowboy
  • manejador(a) — manager
  • granjero(a) — farmer
  • ingeniero(a) — engineer
  • jardinero(a) — gardener
  • jefe — boss
  • juez — judge
  • lavandero(a) — laundry person
  • marinero(a) —  merchant marine
  • mecánico (a) — mechanic
  • camarero(a) — waiter
  • padre — priest
  • panadero(a) — baker
  • pastor(a) — pastor/minister
  • periodista reporter/journalist
  • pescador(a) — fisherman
  • pintor(a) — painter
  • plomero(a) — plumber
  • Policía — policeman
  • programador(a) — computer programmer 
  • dueño(a) — owner
  • químico(a) — chemist
  • ranchero(a) — rancher
  • rebuscador(a) — researcher
  • reparador(a) — repairman
  • técnico(a) de laboratorio — lab technician
  • trabajador(a) de fábrica — factory worker
  • veterinario(a) — veterinarian


  • ir al gimnasio — go to the gym
  • ir de caminata — go hiking
  • levantar pesas — lift weight
  • mantenerse en forma — to stay in shape
  • practicar — to practice
  • nadar — to swim
  • el yoga — yoga
  • el fútbol — soccer
  • el fútbol americano — football
  • el béisbol — baseball
  • el baloncesto — basketball
  • el golf — golf
  • el hockey — hockey
  • el tenis — tennis
  • el voleibol — volleyball
  • luchar — to wrestle/to fight
  • correr — to run
  • esquiar — to ski
  • el partido — game/match
  • la carrera — race
  • el torneo — tournament

Sports Verbs

  • patear — to kick
  • saltar — to jump
  • parar — to stop/to block
  • balancear — to swing
  • servir — to serve
  • rematar — to spike
  • pegar — to hit
  • driblar — to dribble
  • tirar — to throw
  • agarrar — to catch
  • ganar — to win
  • perder — to lose
  • empatar — to tie
  • caminar — to walk
  • bailar — to dance
  • jugar — to play
  • competir — to compete

Time to Eat!

These common Spanish words for food will leave you hungry for more Spanish!

Food and Drink

  • la comida — food 
  • las bebidas — drinks
  • las verduras — vegetables
  • las frutas — fruits
  • cocinar — to cook
  • tengo hambre — i’m hungry
  • tengo sed — i’m thirsty


  • la res  beef
  • el pollo — chicken
  • la gallina — chicken 
  • el cordero  lamb
  • la barbacoa  grilled
  • el cerdo — pork
  • el perrito caliente — hot dog
  • el jamón — ham
  • la hamburguesa — hamburger
  • el tocino  bacon
  • el pescado — fish


  • la zanahoria  carrot
  • la lechuga  lettuce
  • el tomate — tomato
  • la maíz — corn
  • la papa — potato
  • la patata  — potato
  • las papas  french fries
  • las patatas fritas  french fries
  • el brocoli  broccoli
  • la espinaca  spinach
  • la cebolla  onion
  • la col  cabbage
  • la ensalada — salad
  • la aceituna  olive
  • las calabacitas  squash
  • el hongo  mushroom
  • el pepino  cucumber


  • la manzana  apple
  • la pera  pear
  • la fresa  strawberry
  • la frambuesa  raspberry
  • la zarzamora — blackberry
  • el arándano  blueberry
  • el arándano rojo — cranberry
  • la naranja  orange
  • la mandarina  tangerine
  • la toronja  grapefruit
  • el limón  lemon
  • la lima  lime
  • el plátano  banana
  • la piña  pineapple
  • el coco  coconut
  • el mango  mango
  •  la papaya — papaya


  • la cerveza —  beer
  • el refresco —  pop, soft drink
  • el té  tea
  • el té helado  iced tea
  • el café  coffee
  • la leche  milk
  • el agua  water
  • el jugo — juice
  • el batido —  milkshake


  • el chocolate  chocolate
  • los dulces  candy
  • el pastel  cake
  • las galletas  cookies
  • el helado   ice cream
  • el churros con chocolate  chocolate churros
  • el basque cheesecake  cheesecake


  • el plato  plate
  • el plato hondo  bowl
  • el vaso  glass
  • la copa —  cup
  • el tenedor  fork
  • la cuchara  spoon
  • el cuchillo  knife
  • la servilleta  napkin


  • dulce — sweet
  • salado(a) — savory
  • rico(a) — delicious


  • el desayuno — breakfast
  • el almuerzo — lunch
  • la cena — dinner
  • el tentempié — snack


  • la prenda, la ropa — clothes
  • los zapatos — shoes
  • el pantalón — pants
  • la camiseta / la camisa — shirt
  • la chaqueta — jacket
  • la falda — skirt
  • el suéter — sweater
  • el vestido — dress

Holidays and Parties

  • la navidad — christmas
  • el año nuevo— new year
  • la pascua —  easter
  • el día de san valentín — valentine’s day
  • el día de la madre — mother’s day
  • el día del padre — father’s day
  • el día de la independencia — independence day
  • el día de acción de gracias — thanksgiving
  • el cumpleaños — birthday
  • la fiesta — the party
  • la boda — the wedding

Parts of the Body

  • el cuerpo humano — the human body
  • la cabeza — head
  • el pecho — chest
  • el oído / la oreja — ear
  • el ojo — eye
  • la cara — face
  • la mano — hand
  • la boca — mouth
  • el pie —  foot
  • la espalda —  back
  • el pelo  —  hair
  • el codo — elbow
  • el dedo — finger
  • la pantorrilla — calf
  • la pierna — leg
  • la muñeca — wrist
  • el talón — heel
  • el brazo — arm
  • el cuello — neck
  • el tobillo — ankle
  • la frente — forehead
  • el muslo — thigh
  • la barba — beard
  • el bigote — mustache
  • la lengua — tongue
  • el dedo del pie — toe
  • la cintura — waist
  • la cadera — hip
  • las nalgas — buttocks
  • el pulgar — thumb
  • la rodilla — knee
  • la nariz — nose
  • la mejilla, el cachete — cheek
  • los labios — lips
  • el hombro — shoulder
  • la barbilla, el mentón — chin
  • las cejas — eyebrows
  • las pestañas — eyelashes
  • el ombligo  — belly button
  • la piel  — skin
  • el vientre — stomach
  • la garganta — throat
  • los dientes/las muelas — teeth

Transition Words

Connect your Spanish ideas with these transition words and your sentences will begin to flow with ease!

Time and Place

  • al principio — at the beginning
  • en primer lugar — firstly
  • para comenzar — to start
  • antes — before
  • después — after
  • a continuación  — in continuation
  • mientras tanto — meanwhile
  • al final — at the end

Add an Idea

  • además — additionally
  • aparte de — apart from
  • asimismo — at the same time
  • también — also
  • de igual manera  — in the same way

Compare contrast

  • pero  — but
  • sin embargo  — however
  • no obstante  — nevertheless
  • por otro lado  — on the other hand
  • aunque  — even though
  • a pesar de  — despite

Location Words

Wherever you are, you’ll want to be able to talk about your location in Spanish. 


  • dentro de — inside of
  • encima de/sobre — on top of
  • debajo de — underneath of
  • delante de — in front of
  • detrás de — behind
  • entre — between
  • en — in/on/at
  • dentro de — inside of
  • fuera de — outside of
  • arriba de — above
  • en medio de — in the middle of
  • cerca de — close to
  • lejos de — far from
  • al lado de — next to
  • alrededor de — around
  • a la izquierda de — to the left of
  • a la derecha de — to the right of

Location Verbs

  • estar — to be
  • colocar — to place
  • ubicar — to position
  • poner — to put
  • situar — to place

Here and There

  • aquí, acá — here
  • ahí — there
  • allí — there
  • allá — over there


  • el este — east
  • el norte — north
  • el oeste — west
  • el sur — south


Classroom Objects

Check out this classroom vocabulary for some of the 1,000 most common Spanish words.

  • la clase classroom
  • el aula — classroom
  • la pizarra — blackboard
  • el pizarrón — whiteboard
  • la tiza chalk
  • el marcador marker
  • el borrador — eraser 
  • el escritorio desk
  • el pupitre — desk
  • la silla — chair
  • la mochila —  backpack
  • el libro — book
  • el cuaderno notebook
  • el papel paper
  • el lápiz pencil
  • los lápices de colores coloring pencils
  • el sacapuntas pencil sharpener
  • el bolígrafo pen
  • la goma — eraser 
  • las tijeras — scissors
  • la cola/el pegamento glue
  • la regla — ruler
  • la grapadora — stapler
  • el estuche — pencil case

Classroom Activities

  • estudiar — to study
  • repasar — to revise
  • aprender —  to learn
  • saber — to know
  • hacer los deberes — to do homework
  • hacer la tarea  — to do homework
  • leer — to read
  • escribir — to write
  • hablar — to speak
  • decir — to say
  • preguntar — to ask
  • charlar — to chat
  • dictar — to dictate
  • deletrear —  to spell
  • contar — to count
  • faltar — to miss school
  • aprobar —  to pass a subject/a test
  • reprobar— to fail a subject/a test
  • prestar —  to lend
  • tomar prestado to borrow
  • traer — to bring
  • enseñar — to teach
  • mostrar — to show
  • nombrar — to name
  • ayudar — to help

Places in a School

  • la escuela — school
  • el colegio — school
  • el gimnasio — gym
  • el patio — playground
  • el baño — restroom
  • el pasillo — hallway
  • la biblioteca — library
  • la oficina  —  office
  • la sala de profesores — staff room
  • el comedor — cafeteria
  • la cocina — kitchen
  • la enfermería — infirmary
  • el laboratorio — lab

People in a School

  • maestro/a — teacher (primary school)
  • profesor/a — teacher (secondary school)
  • entrenador/a — coach
  • enfermero/a — nurse
  • director/a —  principal
  • alumno/a — student
  • estudiante —  student

More School Words

  • el almuerzo —  lunch
  • el recreo —  recess
  • las vacaciones —  vacations
  • la comida —  food
  • el casillero —  locker
  • la materia —  subject
  • la matemática —  math
  • la biología —  biology
  • la química —  chemistry
  • la física —  physics
  • la educación física —  physical education
  • la historia —  history
  • la literatura —  literature
  • la prueba — test
  • el examen —  exam
  • la nota — grade
  • la calificación — grade


  • un ordenador (Spain)  — a computer
  • una computadora (Latin America) —  a computer
  • una tableta  —  a tablet
  • una impresora  —   a printer
  •  el ratón  —   the mouse
  • apagar  —   to turn on
  • encender  —   to turn off
  • el disco duro   —  the hard drive
  • el teclado   —  the keyboard
  • la tecla  —   the key
  • los auriculares   —  headphones
  • el micrófono  —   the mic
  •  la pantalla  —   the screen
  •  la cámara  —   the camera
  • los altavoces  —  the speakers
  • una aplicación  —   an app
  •  base de datos  —   database
  • las redes sociales  —   social networks
  • el enlace   —  the link
  • subir  —   to upload
  • guardar  —   to save
  • borrar  —   to delete
  • hacer click  —   to click
  • bajar/descargar   —  to download
  • buscar en Google   —  search on Google
  • pirata informático —   hacker
  • contraseña   —  password

Home Sweet Home!

Household vocabulary is an important part of the 1,000 most common Spanish words so that you can talk about the place where you spend most of your time.

  • la casa — house, home
  • el hogar — home
  • la habitación  — bedroom
  • el cuarto  — bedroom
  • el dormitorio  — bedroom
  • la sala  — living room 
  • el comedor  — dining room
  • la cocina  — kitchen
  • el baño  — bathroom
  • el pasillo  — hallway 
  • el jardín  — yard, garden
  • el garaje  — garage
  • cómodo/a  — comfortable  
  • acogedor  — cozy
  • desordenado/a  — messy
  • limpio/a  — clean 


  • la pasta de dientes — toothpaste
  • el cepillo de dientes — toothbrush
  • el jabón — soap
  • el secador de pelo — hair dryer
  • el champú — shampoo
  • el cepillo — brush
  • el papel higiénico — toilet paper
  • la toalla — towel
  • el agua jabonosa — soapy water
  • la bolsa de basura — trash bag
  • el cubo de basura — trash can
  • el cesto de la ropa sucia — laundry basket
  • la navaja de afeitar — razor
  • la maquinilla de afeitar eléctrica — electric razor
  • la crema de afeitar — shaving cream
  • el enjuague bucal — mouthwash
  • el cepillo de pelo — hair brush
  • el peine — comb
  • el limpiador facial — facial cleanser
  • la balanza— scale
  • el pañuelo de papel — tissue
  • los juguetes de baño — bath toys
  • la alfombra de baño — bath mat
  • la ducha — shower
  • la bañera — bathtub
  • el fregadero — sink
  • el inodoro — toilet
  • el grifo — faucet
  • el espejo — mirror
  • peinar — to comb

Kitchen Verbs

  • cocinar —  to cook
  • comer — to eat
  • adobar —  to marinate
  • sazonar —  to season
  • lavar — to wash
  • cortar —  to cut
  • pelar —  to peel
  • picar —  to chop
  • moler —  to grind
  • incorporar — to add
  • mezclar — to mix
  • catir —  to whisk
  • licuar —  to blend
  • combinar —  to combine
  • freír — to fry
  • hervir —  to boil  
  • colar — to strain
  • cocer — to cook
  • hornear — to bake 
  • asar —  to grill / roast
  • saltear — to saute
  • preparar — to prepare
  • descongelar — to defrost
  • quemar —  to burn
  • tostar —  to toast
  • derretir — to melt
  • rodajear —  to slice
  • calentar —  to warm up / heat
  • rellenar —  to fill / stuff
  • lavar —  to wash
  • limpiar —  to clean
  • desayunar — to have breakfast
  • cenar — to have dinner


  • la puerta —  the door
  • el armario — the wardrobe
  • la estantería — the shelf
  • la ventana — the window
  • las cortinas —  the curtains
  • el escritorio —  the desk
  • el ordenador —  the computer
  • la cama — the bed
  • el cojín — the pillow
  • el edredón — the quilt
  • las sábanas — the bedding
  • la almohada — the pillowcase
  • la lámpara — the lamp
  • la mesilla de noche — the night table or nightstand
  • el espejo — the mirror
  • el cuadro — the painting

Living Room

  • la puerta — the door
  • el armario —  the wardrobe
  • la estantería the shelf
  • la ventana —  the window
  • las cortinas — the curtains
  • la mesa —  the table
  • la silla — the chair
  • el sillón — armchair
  • la alfombra — the carpet or rug
  • la lámpara — the lamp
  • la planta — the plant
  • las flores — the flowers
  • la chimenea — the chimney
  • el suelo — the ground
  • el techo — the ceiling


  • dependiente/a — shop assistant
  • caja — checkout
  • rebajas — sales
  • ocasión — bargain
  • recibo — receipt
  • probadores — dressing room
  • tamaño — size
  • tienda de ropa — clothing store
  • zapatería — shoe store
  • librería — bookstore
  • almacén — department store
  • supermercado — supermarket
  • joyería — jeweler
  • juguetería —  toy store
  • almacenero(a) — grocer
  • comerciante (a) — merchant
  • tendero(a) — shopkeeper
  • dependiente — clerk
  • cajero(a) — cashier

Talk About Your Health in Spanish

If you ever get sick abroad or have an emergency in a Spanish-speaking country, these health words will come in handy! Health vocabulary is an essential part of the 1,000 most common Spanish words.

Healthcare Professionals

  • los cuidados de la salud — healthcare
  • el dentista — dentist
  • el doctor/a — doctor
  • el enfermero/a — nurse
  • el médico general — general practitioner
  • el médico de cabecera — general practitioner
  • el médico especialista — specialist
  • el/la nutricionista — nutritionist
  • el/la paciente — patient
  • el/la paramédico — paramedic
  • quiropráctico(a) — chiropractor 
  • el/la pediatra — pediatrician 
  • el psicólogo/a — psychologist
  • los primeros auxilios — first aid
  • la salud — health

Healthcare Services

  • la ambulancia — ambulance
  • la aseguradora — insurance carrier
  • el centro de salud — clinic
  • la clínica — clinic
  • la farmacia — drug store
  • droguería — drug store
  • el hospital — hospital
  • el pabellón — ward
  • la sala de espera — waiting room
  • la sala de operaciones — operating room
  • el sanatorio — sanatorium

Illnesses and Injuries

  • la alergía allergy
  • la  asfixia — suffocation
  • el asma — asthma
  • el ataque al corazón/paro cardiaco — heart attack
  • el calambre — muscle cramp
  • el cancer — cancer
  • el chinchón— head bump
  • el corte — cut
  • la deshidratación — dehydration
  • la diabetes — diabetes 
  • la diarrea — diarrhea
  • el dolor — ache/pain
  • el dolor de cabeza — headache
  • el dolor de garganta — sore throat 
  • el dolor de estómago — stomach ache
  • el dolor de diente — toothache
  • la enfermedad — disease
  • la enfermedad cardiaca — heart disease 
  • la enfermedad infecciosa — infectious disease
  • los escalofríos— shaking chills
  • la fractura — fracture
  • la fiebre — fever
  • la gripe — flu
  • la herida — wound
  • la hipotermia — hypothermia
  • la infección — infection
  • el malestar — discomfort
  • el morete/moretón — bruise
  • la náusea — nausea
  • el raspón — graze
  • el resfriado — cold
  • el sangrado — bleeding
  • la tos — cough
  • el virus — virus
  • el vomito — vomit

Start Today!

You now have the 1,000 most common Spanish words in your language toolbox! Start practicing these new words with a professional teacher today. Sign up for a free trial class and find out for yourself just how easy it is to learn Spanish. Our friendly, native-speaking teachers are experienced at working with beginners and will have you speaking Spanish in no time! 

Ready to learn more Spanish vocabulary? Check these out!

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Faustina Mulnik

As a native English speaker, I’ve spent over 6 years perfecting my Spanish. My studies have led me to major in Spanish, translate documents at a local museum, and communicate with people I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to know. I’ve studied abroad in Spain, lived in Yellowstone National Park for a summer, and volunteered in Costa Rica. I’m a passionate travel enthusiast seeking to share my love for all things Latin America.

Faustina Mulnik

Count Tops Out at 24 Letters

Photo by El Colleccionista de Instantes; licensed via Creative Commons.

The answer depends on what you mean by the longest word, but regardless of your definition the longest word isn’t superextraordinarísimo, the 22-letter word once listed in a famous recordbook and the word that was usually cited as the longest in the language. (It means «most superextraordinary.»)

The designation of superextraordinarísimo seems arbitrary at best. For one thing, the word isn’t in real use. When I first researched this article in 2006, a Google search showed not a single instance where the word was used on a Spanish-language website — except on pages listing what they called the longest Spanish words. (Since I write the original version of this article, claims of superextraordinarísimoit being the longest word have mostly disappeared.) And superextraordinarísimo has two other strikes against it: If one is going to create words by adding prefixes and suffixes, one could just as well make a 27-letter word by using the adverbial form, superextraordinarísimamente. Or one could just as easily use longer root words, ending up with words such as superespectacularísimamente («most superspectacularly»). But again they’re hypothetical words rather than ones that get legitimate use.

A better choice for a 22-letter word is esternocleidomastoideo, the name of a certain neck muscle. It can be found in Spanish-language medical texts.

But we can do better without coining words. The longest words to be found in general publications appear to be two 23-letter beauties: anticonstitucionalmente («unconstitutionally») and electroencefalografista («electroencephalograph technician»), the latter also appearing in the Spanish Royal Academy’s dictionary. Since the latter is a noun, it can be made a 24-letter plural, electroencefalografistas, my designation as the longest legitimate Spanish word. Although it’s not an everyday word, you can find it in encylocopedias and some phone directories.

Of course, there’s always the 32-letter nonsense word supercalifragilisticoexpialidoso, the Spanish transliteration of «supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,» which appears in Spanish versions of the Walt Disney musical Mary Poppins. However, that word’s use is essentially limited to the film and play.

By coining cognates of some especially long English words, it would be possible to come up with longer words still. For example, some medical words and names of some chemicals in English top 30 letters, and the longest English word listed in an accepted dictionary is reported to be «pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis,» a type of lung disease. Conversion of the word to Spanish, made easy by the fact that all the roots have Spanish cognates, presumably would be neumonoultramicroscopicosiliciovolcanconiosis at 45 letters, or something similar. But such words are best spurious rather than legitimate Spanish.

One of the best things about learning Spanish from English is that there are hundreds of words you already know.

As an English speaker, you have a huge advantage in learning Spanish compared to say a person trying to learn Spanish with a native language from a country such as Japan or China. You have the advantage of the same alphabet and a mile-long list of cognates. What this means is you effectively start learning Spanish with a vocabulary of almost 1000 words without even trying.

When you find words that are the same in both languages they are referred to as English-Spanish cognates.

The proper definition of cognate is reserved for words that exist in two different languages and have the same root or origin. Since Spanish and English both have Latin roots there are heaps of words that are the same or very close in both languages.

In this article, I’m going to provide a list of perfect cognates and near-perfect cognates for Spanish and English.

There are way more English-Spanish cognates than what I have provided in this article but the cognates that I have focused on are the more useful due to their frequency and practicality in both languages.

I suggest you read through the full list once over and then when you have a good feel for the patterns that start to emerge with the cognates, start to put them in a few Spanish sentences to get a feel for how they sound.

Obviously, they aren’t pronounced the same as in English but once you have the rules down for Spanish pronunciation you are free to communicate away.

Cognates Definition

In this article, I have defined perfect cognates as words that are spelt exactly the same in Spanish and English except for maybe an accent over one letter and they mean the same thing in both languages.

I have defined near perfect cognates as words that have up to 3 letters different. But you will be able to see that there are certain patterns that form with near perfect cognates that allow you to potentially predict when a near cognate is likely to exist if, of course, you don’t have this list handy.

Printable Version: Download this PDF version of the cognates list to use as a study reference.

There is also a heap of false cognates or false friends, which will be a topic for another post but note here that they are words that are spelt the same or similar but mean completely different things. For example one of the most famous Spanish-English false friends is ‘embarazada’ which doesn’t mean ‘embarrassed’ it means ‘pregnant’.

Perfect Cognates

Here is the list of perfect English-Spanish cognates that I have selected for their practicality:

Spanish English
Actor Actor
Admirable Admirable
Agenda Agenda
Alcohol Alcohol
Altar Altar
Animal Animal
Area Area
Artificial Artificial
Auto Auto
Balance Balance
Bar Bar
Base Base
Brutal Brutal
Cable Cable
Canal Canal
Cáncer Cancer
Canon Canon
Capital Capital
Carbón Carbon
Cartón Carton
Central Central
Cerebral Cerebral
Cheque Cheque
Chocolate Chocolate
Circular Circular
Civil Civil
Club Club
Collar Collar
Colonial Colonial
Coma Coma
Combustión Combustion
Conclusión Conclusion
Conductor Conductor
Confusión Confusion
Considerable Considerable
Control Control
Cordial Cordial
Criminal Criminal
Crisis Crisis
Cultural Cultural
Debate Debate
Decisión Decision
Diagonal Diagonal
Dimensión Dimension
Director Director
Disco Disco
División Division
Doctor Doctor
Drama Drama
Durable Durable
Editorial Editorial
Electoral Electoral
Elemental Elemental
Enigma Enigma
Error Error
Excursión Excursion
Experimental Experimental
Explosión Explosion
Expulsión Expulsion
Extensión Extension
Exterior Exterior
Factor Factor
Familiar Familiar
Fatal Fatal
Federal Federal
Festival Festival
Final Final
Flexible Flexible
Formal Formal
Fórmula Formula
Frontal Frontal
Fundamental Fundamental
Gala Gala
Gas Gas
General General
Génesis Genesis
Global Global
Grave Grave
Habitual Habitual
Hobby Hobby
Horizontal Horizontal
Horror Horror
Hospital Hospital
Hotel Hotel
Idea Idea
Ideal Ideal
Imperial Imperial
Implacable Implacable
Incursión Incursion
Individual Individual
Industrial Industrial
Inevitable Inevitable
Inferior Inferior
Informal Informal
Inseparable Inseparable
Inspector Inspector
Interminable Interminable
Invasión Invasion
Invisible Invisible
Irregular Irregular
Judicial Judicial
Kilo Kilo
Lateral Lateral
Legal Legal
Liberal Liberal
Literal Literal
Local Local
Macho Macho
Maestro Maestro
Mango Mango
Manía Mania
Manual Manual
Marginal Marginal
Material Material
Matrimonial Matrimonial
Medieval Medieval
Mediocre Mediocre
Melón Melon
Mental Mental
Menú Menu
Metal Metal
Miserable Miserable
Moral Moral
Mortal Mortal
Motel Motel
Motor Motor
Múltiple Multiple
Municipal Municipal
Musical Musical
Natural Natural
Noble Noble
Normal Normal
Nostalgia Nostalgia
Ópera Ópera
Oral Oral
Oriental Oriental
Original Original
Panorama Panorama
Particular Particular
Pasta Pasta
Pastor Pastor
Patio Patio
Patrón Patron
Peculiar Peculiar
Penal Penal
Perfume Perfume
Personal Personal
Peseta Peseta
Piano Piano
Plaza Plaza
Plural Plural
Popular Popular
Pretensión Pretension
Principal Principal
Probable Probable
Propaganda Propaganda
Protector Protector
Provincial Provincial
Radical Radical
Radio Radio
Región Region
Regional Regional
Regular Regular
Religión Religion
Reunión Reunion
Revisión Revision
Ritual Ritual
Rural Rural
Secular Secular
Sentimental Sentimental
Serial Serial
Sexual Sexual
Similar Similar
Simple Simple
Singular Singular
Social Social
Solar Solar
Solo Solo
Subversión Subversion
Superficial Superficial
Superior Superior
Taxi Taxi
Televisión Television
Terrible Terrible
Terror Terror
Total Total
Transcendental Transcendental
Triple Triple
Tropical Tropical
Unión Union
Universal Universal
Usual Usual
Verbal Verbal
Versión Version
Vertical Vertical
Violín Violin
Visible Visible
Visual Visual
Vital Vital
Vulgar Vulgar
Vulnerable Vulnerable

Near Perfect Cognates

Here the near perfect cognates are divided into separate lists based on their behaviour:

The following near perfect cognates follow the rule for nouns ending ‘tion’ in English can be converted to Spanish by replacing with a ‘ción’.

Spanish English
Abstracción Abstraction
Acción Action
Acusación Accusation
Adaptación Adaptation
Admiración Admiration
Aplicación Application
Apreciación Appreciation
Asociación Association
Aspiración Aspiration
Atención Attention
Atracción Attraction
Autorización Authorization
Celebración Celebration
Circulación Circulation
Civilización Civilization
Clasificación Classification
Colaboración Collaboration
Colección Collection
Combinación Combination
Compensación Compensation
Composición Composition
Concentración Concentration
Concepción Conception
Condición Condition
Conservación Conservation
Consideración Consideration
Constitución Constitution
Construcción Construction
Exposición Exposition
Ficción Fiction
Formación Formation
Nación Nation
Simplificación Simplification

The following near perfect cognates follow the rule for English nouns ending ‘ary’ can be converted to Spanish by replacing with a ‘ario’.

Spanish English
Adversario Adversary
Aniversario Anniversary
Arbitrario Arbitrary
Comentario Commentary
Complementario Complementary
Contrario Contrary
Diario Diary
Glosario Glossary
Estuario Estuary
Primario Primary
Rosario Rosary
Salario Salary
Secretario Secretary
Solitario Solitary
Vocabulario Vocabulary
Temporario Temporary

The following near perfect cognates follow the rule for English adjectives ending ‘ic’ can be converted to Spanish by replacing with a ‘ico’.

Spanish English
Académico Academic
Alcohólico Alcoholic
Artístico Artistic
Auténtico Authentic
Automático Automatic
Básico Basic
Característico Characteristic
Clásico Classic
Cómico Comic
Democrático Democratic
Dinámico Dynamic
Diplomático Diplomatic
Doméstico Domestic
Dramático Dramatic
Económico Economic
Electrónico Electronic
Erótico Erotic
Exótico Exotic
Fantástico Fantastic
Genérico Generic
Genético Genetic
Geométrico Geometric
Heroico Heroic
Irónico Ironic
Mágico Magic
Médico Medic
Mosaico Mosaic
Orgánico Organic
Pánico Panic
Plástico Plastic
Poético Poetic
Público Public
Romántico Romantic
Sistemático Systematic
Trágico Tragic

The following near perfect cognates follow the rule for English adjectives ending ‘ous’ can be converted to Spanish by replacing with a ‘oso’.

Spanish English
Curioso Curious
Delicioso Delicious
Glorioso Glorious
Misterioso Mysterious
Numeroso Numerous
Precioso Precious
Religioso Religious
Tedioso Tedious

The following near perfect cognates follow the rule for nouns ending ‘ct’ in English can be converted to Spanish by replacing with a ‘cto’.

Spanish English
Abstracto Abstract
Acto Act
Artefacto Artefact
Compacto Compact
Conflicto Conflict
Contacto Contact
Correcto Correct
Exacto Exact
Excepto Except
Insecto Insect
Perfecto Perfect
Producto Product

There you have it, not all, but a good summary of the most useful English-Spanish cognates.

If you enjoyed this post then make sure you check out the Spanish Conversation Hacking Guide, in there you will find the 1000 most useful Spanish words based on frequency use in the Spanish language (and that aren’t cognates!).

What have I missed? Can you think of any others?

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