Word Game is a phenomenon that has taken mobile gamers by storm.
Made by Gabriel Silviu Stefan, the same minds that brought us Wordmania, these puzzles will test your logical thinking in all sorts of ways.
Each of the four pictures have something in common, which is what you must find. When your brain is exhausted, use our help pages instead.
With simple search you will find the answers in no time. Just select your level and we will show you the answer. Good luck
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Слайд 2www.ZHARAR.com
Word — the word is a weapon, the word policy word-for-word,
appreciating my power. Recally that a word is correct using the power of words, the prospects of growth. Obviously, that is our future. The living word — the word to find and resourceful States that the agitation of the mind, wisdom, the word of unloading thoughts affect it, but it was exciting, involving close listening to the music of the drilling was calling, choose arrive. Scrabble -the word of knowledge, word or images of living eyes, which expired the event takes place, this day was more than enough, supply of important key words I want to say. The living word is.
Слайд 3Type of word:
Edification words ( нақыл сөздер )
Forbidden words ( тыйым
сөздер )
Cratorical words ( шешендік сөздер )
Proverbs ans sayings ( мақал-мәтел )
The term of the word ( термин сөздер )
Winged words ( қанатты сөздер )
Слайд 4www.ZHARAR.com
1) Native language — grown thoughts.
2) Good word — have wealth..
The word formidable fortress — the planned date of termination.
4) Silece, playing, invented say.
5) But the word that reached his eyes on the ground.
6) The word is comprised of bone, sticks of meat.
7) Water and stone mountain planned termination date, planned date of termination.
Слайд 5www.ZHARAR.com
A person’s upbringing – education of joy was tomorrow, and thus
his future path.
A. S. Makarenko
Winged words
The beauty of thought — language, The beauty of the language, the word.
«Population growth and educational development must, above all, wisdom and freedom «for.»
Chokan Valikhanov.
Слайд 9«Сөзден сөз тер»
(Жауабы: Бауыр, бал, су, ара, ар, ауа, қас,
бақ ас, қар, сақ, қуыр, рас, сау…)
Слайд 12
Think the words:
Слайд 13Thank you for attention!
Слайд 17 Қорыта келгенде, бастауыш сыныптың оқу үрдісінде «ойын» түрлерін
оның ішінде ұлттық ойындарды пайдалану, біріншіден, оқушылардың білімін берік меңгерту құралы болса,
екіншіден, балалардың сабаққа деген қызығушылығын, белсенділігін арттырып, білім сапасын көтеру болып табылады. Сонымен бірге оқушы ұлттық құндылықтар туралы мағлұмат алып, халықтың өзіндік ерекшелігі мен мәдениетін құрметтеуге талпынады.
- Arts & Humanities
- 3-5
- 6-8
- 9-12
Brief Description
In Secret Word, students work in teams and use clues to identify a word that only one team member knows.
- exercise vocabulary and thinking skills.
- work cooperatively with teammates.
- follow game instructions.
game, vocabulary, word, secret, team
Materials Needed
- word list
Lesson Plan
In Secret Word, teams of students try to guess a word from clues given by a teammate who knows it. The activity may be adapted for any subject by selecting an appropriate list of «secret words.»
To set the stage for this game, set two chairs in front of the room and divide the students into two teams. Players will take turns in the role of the child who is «in the know.» Have one representative from each team take a seat in the chair and face his (or her) teammates.
Reveal the secret word to the two students in the chairs. Choose one of those students as the first to give a clue to his team. Clues must be relevant to the word and cannot include the word itself. The team confers briefly and makes a guess. If it is incorrect, the second team takes its turn with a clue and guess. Play alternates until one team guesses the secret word and wins a point. The team that does not receive the point gets to go first with the next secret word.
For example, given the secret word «apple»
The team with the most points when time is up wins the game.
Lesson Plan Source
Education World
Submitted By
Cara Bafile
National Standards
NL-ENG.K-12.4 Communication Skills
NL-ENG.K-12.5 Communication Strategies
NL-ENG.K-12.6 Applying Knowledge
NL-ENG.K-12.12 Applying Language Skills
Find more great learning games in Education World’s Learning Games Archive.
Wordle can be hard. Like, really, really, hard. It’s for that reason alone that no one can possibly blame you for seeking answers online. If a word game in 2022 uses words that were predominantly used in 1842, someone involved in the creation of the game enjoys seeing people suffer.
Wordle can also be fun. Like, really, really, fun. It can be just as exciting to participate in the social element as playing the game itself. Wordle challenges players with a unique daily word and gives them only six chances to guess it with the clues provided. If you get it wrong, you’re forced to live with the shame and angst of a thousand suns. If you get it right, it’s just an ordinary Wordle kind of day.
Finding the Wordle of the Day
So, to avoid said shame and angst, we here at Gamer Journalist would like to extend an olive branch to the average Wordle connoisseur. Instead of only giving the answers, we’ll start by offering hints. If, after considering the hints, you cannot seem to figure out what the word is, then you can scroll down to find the answers. And, as I mentioned before, there is no shame in skipping ahead to the answers.
If you bookmark this page, you’ll be able to incorporate it into your morning routine. But, be warned — if you decide to continue scrolling, you surrender the right to complain about spoilers. Also, don’t be the kind of person who brags about getting the answer right when all you did was read this page. I have a five-letter word for people like that: BRUSK. It’s up to you to decide if you see this guide as a Wordle cheat code.
It’s that time again! As is usual, we won’t immediately give today’s word away, but rather, I’ll offer hints to help you reach the answer on your own. If you still can’t get it after the hints — again, no shame, this game can be difficult — then at that point, we’ll give away the correct answer.
So, here are the clues for APRIL 14, 2023:
- Number of vowels: TWO
- First and last letters: T & F
- Five different letters: YES
*to be clear, when I say vowel, I am referring to A, E, I, O, and U.
If you’re still confused about today’s word of the day, let’s proceed to the answer:
Today’s Wordle Answer
The Wordle for today, APRIL 14, is THIEF.
Did you get the correct answer? If not, better luck tomorrow!
Yesterday’s Wordle Answer
The Wordle for yesterday, April 13, is CARAT.
April Wordle Answers
- Wordle 662 (April 12) – BORAX
- Wordle 661 (April 11) – QUALM
- Wordle 660 (April 10) – UNDER
- Wordle 659 (April 9) – SNAFU
- Wordle 658 (April
- Wordle 657 (April 7) – LOCUS
- Wordle 656 (April 6) – LEAFY
- Wordle 655 (April 5) – SMASH
- Wordle 654 (April 4) – RATIO
- Wordle 653 (April 3) – FLORA
- Wordle 652 (April 2) – STOCK
- Wordle 651 (April 1) – MARCH
March Wordle Answers
- Wordle 650 (March 31) – EVERY
- Wordle 649 (March 30) – BREAD
- Wordle 648 (March 29) – BESET
- Wordle 647 (March 28) – HURRY
- Wordle 646 (March 27) – GUANO
- Wordle 645 (March 26) – UNTIE
- Wordle 644 (March 25) – VOTER
- Wordle 643 (March 24) – GROUT
- Wordle 642 (March 23) – STAID
- Wordle 641 (March 22) – DUVET
- Wordle 640 (March 21) – TOUGH
- Wordle 639 (March 20) – GLOVE
- Wordle 638 (March 19) – CREDO
- Wordle 637 (March 18) – YACHT
- Wordle 636 (March 17) – MEALY
- Wordle 635 (March 16) – CIDER
- Wordle 634 (March 15) – SWEEP
- Wordle 633 (March 14) – SURLY
- Wordle 632 (March 13) – BLAME
- Wordle 631 (March 12) – BIRTH
- Wordle 630 (March 11) – EMAIL
- Wordle 629 (March 10) – REVEL
- Wordle 627 (March 9) – WHERE
- Wordle 626 (March
- Wordle 625 (March 7) – HORSE
- Wordle 624 (March 6) – PINKY
- Wordle 623 (March 5) – TOXIC
- Wordle 622 (March 3) – TREND
- Wordle 621 (March 4) – SQUAT
- Wordle 620 (March 2) – ABOVE
- Wordle 619 (March 1) – MOOSE
February Wordle Answers
- Wordle 618 (February 28) – POLKA
- Wordle 618 (February 27) – WORSE
- Wordle 617 (February 26) – SYRUP
- Wordle 616 (February 25) – FIFTY
- Wordle 615 (February 24) – ARBOR
- Wordle 614 (February 23) – VAGUE
- Wordle 613 (February 22) – RIPER
- Wordle 612 (February 21) – RUDDY
- Wordle 611 (February 20) – SWEAT
- Wordle 610 (February 19) – KIOSK
- Wordle 609 (February 18) – AVAIL
- Wordle 608 (February 17) – CACHE
- Wordle 607 (February 16) – MAGIC
- Wordle 606 (February 15) – SALSA
- Wordle 605 (February 14) – SOUND
- Wordle 604 (February 13) – USAGE
- Wordle 603 (February 12) – GIANT
- Wordle 602 (February 11) – DEBUG
- Wordle 601 (February 10) – HEADY
- Wordle 600 (February 9) – STAGE
- Wordle 599 (February
- Wordle 598 (February 7) – APPLE
- Wordle 597 (February 6) – NINTH
- Wordle 596 (February 5) – DANCE
- Wordle 595 (February 4) – UNLIT
- Wordle 594 (February 3) – TASTY
- Wordle 593 (February 2) – SHIRK
- Wordle 592 (February 1) – SCOLD
January Wordle Answers
- Wordle 591 (January 31) – CROSS
- Wordle 590 (January 30) – CRAVE
- Wordle 589 (January 29) – FISHY
- Wordle 588 (January 28) – FLIRT
- Wordle 587 (January 27) – WORRY
- Wordle 586 (January 26) – BEEFY
- Wordle 585 (January 25) – MAIZE
- Worlde 584 (January 24) – COUNT
- Wordle 583 (January 23) – ELUDE
- Wordle 582 (January 22) – MATEY
- Wordle 581 (January 21) – BLURB
- Wordle 580 (January 20) – ALTER
- Wordle 579 (January 19) – MUCKY
- Worlde 578 (January 18) – CHARD
- Wordle 577 (January 17) – ADOPT
- Wordle 576 (January 16) – FROCK
- Worlde 575 (January 15) – SPIRE
- Wordle 574 (January 14) – KOALA
- Wordle 573 (January 13) – HUMAN
- Wordle 572 (January 12) – LEAPT
- Wordle 571 (January 11) – SEDAN
- Wordle 570 (January 10) – GRIMY
- Wordle 569 (January 9) – PIXIE
- Wordle 568 (January
- Wordle 567 (January 7) – LEMON
- Wordle 566 (January 6) – BELIE
- Wordle 565 (January 5) – SLEEK
- Wordle 564 (January 4) – LAYER
- Wordle 563 (January 3) – ANTIC
- Wordle 562 (January 2) – SKIRT
- Wordle 561 (January 1) – WHINE
December Wordle Answers
- Wordle 560 (December 31) – MANLY
- Wordle 559 (December 30) – MOLAR
- Wordle 558 (December 29) – HAVOC
- Wordle 557 (December 28) – IMPEL
- Wordle 556 (December 27) – CONDO
- Wordle 555 (December 26) – JUDGE
- Wordle 554 (December 25) – EXTRA
- Wordle 553: (December 24) – POISE
- Wordle 552: (December 23) – AORTA
- Wordle 551 (December 22) – EXCEL
- Wordle 550 (December 21) – LUNAR
- Wordle 549 (December 20) – THIRD
- Wordle 548 (December 19) – SLATE
- Wordle 547 (December 18) – TAPER
- Wordle 546 (December 17) – CHORD
- Wordle 545 (December 16) – PROBE
- Wordle 544 (December 15) – RIVAL
- Wordle 543 (December 14) – USUAL
- Wordle 542 (December 13) – SPOKE
- Wordle 541 (December 12) – APPLY
- Wordle 540 (December 11) – NAIVE
- Wordle 539 (December 10) – KNOCK
- Wordle 538 (December 9) – BRAID
- Wordle 537 (December
- Wordle 536 (December 7) – JOUST
- Wordle 535 (December 6) – AMBER
- Wordle 534 (December 5) – WOKEN
- Wordle 533 (December 4) – ADORE
- Wordle 532 (December 3) – TORSO
- Wordle 531 (December 2) – CHAFE
- Wordle 530 (December 1) – EJECT
November Wordle Answers
- Wordle 527 (November 30) – STUDY
- Wordle 526 (November 29) – UNDUE
- Wordle 525 (November 28) – TEPID
- Wordle 524 (November 27) – HAPPY
- Wordle 523 (November 26) – CLEAN
- Wordle 522 (November 25) – ITCHY
- Wordle 521 (November 24) – FEAST
- Wordle 520 (November 23) – DRIVE
- Wordle 519 (November 22) – PRIME
- Wordle 518 (November 21) – AXIOM
- Wordle 517 (November 20) – BRAVE
- Wordle 516 (November 19) – AVERT
- Wordle 515 (November 18) – GLYPH
- Wordle 514 (November 17) – THERE
- Wordle 513 (November 16) – BAKER
- Wordle 512 (November 15) – SNARL
- Wordle 511 (November 14) – MAPLE
- Wordle 510 (November 13) – INANE
- Wordle 509 (November 12) – VALET
- Wordle 508 (November 11) – MEDAL
- Wordle 507 (November 10) – UNITE
- Wordle 506 (November 9) – SPELL
- Wordle 505 (November
- Wordle 504 (November 7) – BEGIN
- Wordle 503 (November 6) – STALE
- Wordle 502 (November 5) – DREAM
- Wordle 501 (November 4) – PHOTO
- Wordle 500 (November 3) – ALOUD
- Wordle 499 (November 2) – INEPT
- Wordle 498 (November 1) – PINEY
October Wordle Answers
- Wordle 497 (October 31) – PINEY
- Wordle 496 (October 30) – PINEY
- Wordle 495 (October 29) – LIBEL
- Wordle 494 (October 28) – SNEAK
- Wordle 493 (October 27) – CARRY
- Wordle 492 (October 26) – FLOUT
- Wordle 491 (October 25) – FOGGY
- Wordle 490 (October 24) – FAULT
- Wordle 489 (October 23) – MUMMY
- Wordle 488 (October 22) – SPIEL
- Wordle 487 (October 21) – GROVE
- Wordle 486 (October 20) – DENIM
- Wordle 485 (October 19) – QUIRK
- Wordle 484 (October 18) – EXIST
- Wordle 483 (October 17) – STEIN
- Wordle 482 (October 16) – SPADE
- Wordle 481 (October 15) – CATCH
- Wordle 480 (October 14) – FLOOR
- Wordle 479 (October 13) – EQUAL
- Wordle 478 (October 12) – IONIC
- Wordle 477 (October 11) – VALID
- Wordle 476 (October 10) – ENJOY
- Wordle 475 (October 9) – HOWDY
- Wordle 473 (October 7) – DANDY
- Wordle 472 (October 6) – SLOTH
- Wordle 471 (October 5) – MARSH
- Wordle 470 (October 4) – BOUGH
- Wordle 469 (October 3) – STING
- Wordle 469 (October 2) – TWINE
- Wordle 468 (October 1) – LEAVE
September Wordle Answers
- Wordle 467 (September 30) – SCORN
- Wordle 466 (September 29) – SCALD
- Wordle 465 (September 28) – USURP
- Wordle 464 (September 27) – SOGGY
- Wordle 463 (September 26) – BRISK
- Wordle 462 (September 25) – ADMIT
- Wordle 461 (September 24) – GRATE
- Wordle 460 (September 22) – SAINT
- Wordle 459 (September 21) – RECAP
- Wordle 458 (September 20) – ALIKE
- Wordle 457 (September 19) – TRICE
- Wordle 456 (September 18) – STICK
- Wordle 455 (September 17) – CHUTE
- Wordle 454 (September 16) – PAPER
- Wordle 453 (September 15) – DOUBT
- Wordle 452 (September 14) – THYME
- Wordle 451 (September 13) – ALPHA
- Wordle 450 (September 12) – BOOZE
- Wordle 449 (September 11) – TIBIA
- Wordle 448 (September 10) – LOFTy
- Wordle 447 (September 9) – THEME
- Wordle 446 (September
- Wordle 445 (September 7) – LEERY
- Wordle 444 (September 6) – TAUNT
- Wordle 443 (September 5) – WHOOP
- Wordle 442 (September 4) – INTER
- Wordle 441 (September 3) – GULLY
- Wordle 440 (September 2) – CHARM
- Wordle 439 (September 1) – FUNGI
August Wordle Answers
- Wordle 438 (August 31) – PRIZE
- Wordle 437 (August 30) – ONSET
- Wordle 436 (August 29) – CHIEF
- Wordle 435 (August 28) – GAUZE
- Wordle 434 (August 27) – RUDER
- Wordle 433 (August 26) – IRONY
- Wordle 432 (August 25) – CLOWN
- Wordle 431 (August 24) – NEEDY
- Wordle 430 (August 23) – WOVEN
- Wordle 429 (August 22) – MERIT
- Wordle 428 (August 21) – WASTE
- Wordle 427 (August 20) – TREAT
- Wordle 426 (August 19) – SHRUG
- Wordle 425 (August 18) – TWANG
- Wordle 424 (August 17) – TWICE
- Wordle 423 (August 16) – GRUEL
- Wordle 422 (August 15) – POKER
- Wordle 421 (August 14) – KHAKI
- Wordle 420 (August 13) – HUNKY
- Wordle 419 (August 12) – LABEL
- Wordle 418 (August 11) – GLEAN
- Wordle 417 (August 10) – CLING
- Wordle 416 (August 9) – PATTY
- Wordle 415 (August
- Wordle 414 (August 7) – SMEAR
- Wordle 413 (August 6) – ALIEN
- Wordle 412 (August 5) – BUGGY
- Wordle 411 (August 4) – RHYME
- Wordle 410 (August 3) – YOUTH
- Wordle 409 (August 2) – COYLY
- Wordle 408 (August 1) – QUART
July Wordle Answers
- Wordle 407 (July 31) – CRAMP
- Wordle 406 (July 30) – BLUFF
- Wordle 405 (July 29) – UPSET
- Wordle 404 (July 28) – STOMP
- Wordle 403 (July 27) – MOTTO
- Wordle 402 (July 26) – CINCH
- Wordle 401 (July 25) – ELOPE
- Wordle 400 (July 24) – POWER
- Wordle 399 (July 23) – MIDGE
- Wordle 398 (July 22) – TRYST
- Wordle 397 (July 21) – APHID
- Wordle 396 (July 20) – TRITE
- Wordle 395 (July 19) – ANGRY
- Wordle 394 (July 18) – FLOCK
- Wordle 393 (July 17) – WACKY
- Wordle 392 (July 16) – ROOMY
- Wordle 391 (July 15) – WEDGE
- Wordle 390 (July 14) – LIVER
- Wordle 389 (July 13) – BLAND
- Wordle 388 (July 12) – NIGHT
- Wordle 387 (July 11) – MADAM
- Wordle 386 (July 10) – BERTH
- Wordle 385 (July 9) – STEAD
- Wordle 384 (July
- Wordle 383 (July 7) – AGAPE
- Wordle 382 (July 6) – FLUFF
- Wordle 381 (July 5) – FIELD
- Wordle 380 (July 4) – SEVER
- Wordle 379 (July 3) – LILAC
- Wordle 378 (July 2) – EGRET
- Wordle 377 (July 1) – PINTO
June Wordle Answers
- Wordle 376 (June 30) – HUTCH
- Wordle 375 (June 29) – GAWKY
- Wordle 374 (June 28) – DROLL
- Wordle 373 (June 27) – RETRO
- Wordle 372 (June 26) – RUSTY
- Wordle 371 (June 25) – BEADY
- Wordle 370 (June 24) – SMITE
- Wordle 369 (June 23) – BRINK
- Wordle 368 (June 22) – AWFUL
- Wordle 367 (June 21) – GLOAT
- Wordle 366 (June 20) – INPUT
- Wordle 365 (June 19) – LOSER
- Wordle 364 (June 18) – CACAO
- Wordle 363 (June 17) – BLOWN
- Wordle 362 (June 16) – APRON
- Wordle 361 (June 15) – PRIMO
- Wordle 360 (June 14) – ATONE
- Wordle 359 (June 13) – DONOR
- Wordle 358 (June 12) – FLOAT
- Wordle 357 (June 11) – GOOSE
- Wordle 356 (June 10) – PIETY
- Wordle 355 (June 9) – GIRTH
- Wordle 354 (June
- Wordle 353 (June 7) – FLOOD
- Wordle 352 (June 6) – GLOOM
- Wordle 351 (June 5) – DEPTH
- Wordle 350 (June 4) – FROTH
- Wordle 349 (June 3) – PHASE
- Wordle 348 (June 2) – SHOWY
- Wordle 347 (June 1) – CREAK
May Wordle Answers
- Wordle 346 (May 31) – MANOR
- Wordle 345 (May 30) – ATOLL
- Wordle 344 (May 29) – BAYOU
- Wordle 343 (May 28) – CREPT
- Wordle 342 (May 27) – TIARA
- Wordle 341 (May 26) – ASSET
- Wordle 340 (May 25) – VOUCH
- Wordle 339 (May 24) – ALBUM
- Wordle 338 (May 23) – HINGE
- Wordle 337 (May 22) – MONEY
- Wordle 336 (May 21) – SCRAP
- Wordle 335 (May 20) – GAMER
- Wordle 334 (May 19) – GLASS
- Wordle 333 (May 18) – SCOUR
- Wordle 332 (May 17) – BEING
- Wordle 331 (May 16) – DELVE
- Wordle 330 (May 15) – YIELD
- Wordle 329 (May 14) – METAL
- Wordle 328 (May 13) – TIPSY
- Wordle 327 (May 12) – SLUNG
- Wordle 326 (May 11) – FARCE
- Wordle 325 (May 10) – GECKO
- Wordle 324 (May 9) – SHINE
- Wordle 323 (May
- Wordle 322 (May 7) – MIDST
- Wordle 321 (May 6) – BADGE
- Wordle 320 (May 5) – HOMER
- Wordle 319 (May 4) – TRAIN
- Wordle 318 (May 3) – HAIRY
- Wordle 317 (May 2) – STORY
- Wordle 316 (May 1) – FORGO
April Wordle Answers
- Wordle 315 (April 30) – LARVA
- Wordle 314 (April 29) – TRASH
- Wordle 313 (April 28) – ZESTY
- Wordle 312 (April 27) – SHOWN
- Wordle 311 (April 26) – HEIST
- Wordle 310 (April 25) – ASKEW
- Wordle 309 (April 24) – INERT
- Wordle 308 (April 23) – OLIVE
- Wordle 307 (April 22) – PLANT
- Wordle 306 (April 21) – OXIDE
- Wordle 305 (April 20) – CARGO
- Wordle 304 (April 19) – FOYER
- Wordle 303 (April 18) – FLAIR
- Wordle 302 (April 17) – AMPLE
- Wordle 301 (April 16) – CHEEK
- Wordle 300 (April 15) – SHAME
- Wordle 299 (April 14) – MINCE
- Wordle 298 (April 13) – CHUNK
- Wordle 297 (April 12) – ROYAL
- Wordle 296 (April 11) – SQUAD
- Wordle 295 (April 10) – BLACK
- Wordle 294 (April 9) – STAIR
- Wordle 293 (April
- Wordle 292 (April 7) – FORAY
- Wordle 291 (April 6) – COMMA
- Wordle 290 (April 5) – NATAL
- Wordle 289 (April 4) – SHAWL
- Wordle 288 (April 3) – FEWER
- Wordle 287 (April 2) – TROPE
- Wordle 286 (April 1) – SNOUT
How Does Wordle Work?
Wordle at its heart is a puzzle game, think Sudoku or crossword puzzles but for the digital age. Currently, you can play Wordle from the official New York Times website. It’s free to play as well. While there’s no official mobile app (don’t get fooled by clones), you can still play from your mobile. The goal of Wordle is to guess a five-letter word in a limited number of chances.
How Do You Play Wordle?
The objective is to guess the hidden WORDLE in six attempts or less. Each guess must be a five-letter word, and the color of the tiles will show you how close you are to the answer. Green letters mean the letter is in the Wordle at the exact location. Yellow letters mean the letter is in the Wordle in a different location.
What Is the Optimal Strategy for Wordle?
It’s better to go into the game with a strategy than blindly guessing. While any letter can appear in the game, some letters have better statistical odds than others. The following nine letters appear more often than others: A, I, N, L, 0, E, I, S, R, T. In fact, with the letter E, you can almost cut the number of guesses in half. There’s a total of 1,259 words that don’t have E and 1,056 words with an E.
It may be tempting to try multiple vowels, but you have much better odds if you guess words that have only one vowel. From there you can help narrow things down. But don’t be afraid to break out the dictionary or use our Wordle helper if you get truly stumped.
After solving a puzzle, a box will pop up with your results. You can tap on the green share button to copy your results to the clipboard and share them. If you accidentally closed the popup, you can tap on the statistics button at the top of the page. After tapping the share button, you can press CTRL+V to share your results!
When Does Wordle Reset?
A new Wordle is available every day at midnight in your local time.
Looking for wordle word today? We are going to leave you some clues so that before seeing the solution to wordle today you try to solve it yourself, but if there is no way, we will tell you what the word today is in wordle. Wordle is the trendy word game on the internet and it has versions in all languages, every day you can play to discover wordle today answer in a new word with very basic rules that we will explain to you and without the need to install anything, since it is a game without downloading online.
What is todays wordle 04/14/2023
- Use a good first wordle of the day with as many vowels as possible and most used consonants.
- Use the words FOIST and SLATE as the letter combinations are perfect to unscramble the word.
- Word selected by the creator will never be made up of the conjugation of a verb, but of nouns and adjectives.
Game Name | Wordle – A daily word game |
Developed by | Josh Wardle |
New puzzle time | 12 am local time |
Help wordle word of the day | word unscrambler |
Recent Answer added | 04/14/2023 |
Wordle official website | Wordle – The New York Times |
Wordle today hint
To be a wordle expert and win, there are certain tricks that can be used without cheating. You can use foist and slate as wordle today hint. These two words are very valuable to discover wordle today word.
The essential thing is to try to get as much information as possible in the first two attempts and then it is easier to guess the hidden word. Radio is the best word to start your ‘Wordle’ challenge, as it contains almost all the vowels in just 5 letters, which will give you a big advantage on your first try to solve wordle word of the day.
Wordle word today with cheats
There are three ways to cheat in Wordle of the day. Some are scarier and some are more fair, but make no mistake, they are all wordle cheat and in the end you lose the fun part of the game. The possible pitfalls in wordle are the following:
- Play in incognito mode: endless opportunities to guess the wordle today nyt.
Know all the Wordle words: you can look at the source code, since in the source code you can find a list with all of them. - Search for the solution: It is easy to find the word of the day if you search for wordle today clue.
- Wordle in your social networks or browser search engine, since all the players share the same word and it is very easy find wordle answer.
- Search words ending with or words that start with, before looking at the solution and they will surely help you to solve wordle answer today
If you have already tried several attempts to guess today’s word in wordle, before looking at the solution try looking for 5 letter words that start with …, as this can help you solve the wordle puzzle today.
Wordle Answer for the April 14 2023
As we have explained in our list of tricks to always win in Wordle, you can try some trick before, but if you want wordle’s solution today, this is Wordle word for today, published on 04/14/2023. The answer for today’s wordle word is in the next list.
What’s Wordle word today?
We have compiled the list of Wordle word today answers for each day so that you know the solution to all the wordle words in English. What is the word wordle today? Our wordle helper can tell you all about you need to solve what is the wordle today.
If you need more information about wordle game website where you can play wordle today free. Continue reading our posts about wordle, you don´t need to download anything or install any app wordle.
Have you ever played WORDLE with 2 words at the same time? ▶️ PLAY DORDLE
Wordle infinite game
If you want to play wordle unlimited and with different numbers of letters, try this INFINITE WORDLE where you can even challenge your friends with the word you choose. Select the number of letters to play:
Play infinite Wordle with different numbers of letters
Wordle of the day
List with all available wordle for April from ny times wordle today:
- wordle April 1 is MARCH in 651 answer
- wordle April 2 is STOCK in 651 answer
- wordle april 3 is FLORA in 653 answer
- wordle april 4 is RATIO in 654 answer
- wordle april 5 is SMASH in 655 answer
- wordle april 6 is LEAFY in 656 answer
- wordle april 7 is LOCUS in 657 answer
- wordle april 8 is LEDGE in 658 answer
- wordle april 9 is SNAFU in 659 answer
- wordle april 10 is UNDER in 660 answer
- wordle april 11 is QUALM in 661 answer
- wordle april 12 is BORAX in 662 answer
- wordle april 13 is – in 663 answer
- wordle april 14 is THIEF in 664 answer
- wordle april 15 is AGONY in 665 answer
- wordle april 16 is DWELT in 666 answer
- wordle april 17 is WHIFF in 667 answer
- wordle april 18 is HOUND in 668 answer
- wordle april 19 is THUMP in 669 answer
- wordle april 20 is PLATE in 670 answer
- wordle april 21 is KAYAK in 671 answer
- wordle april 22 is BROKE in 672 answer
- wordle april 23 is UNZIP in 673 answer
- wordle april 24 is DITTO in 674 answer
- wordle april 25 is JOKER in 675 answer
- wordle april 26 is METRO in 676 answer
- wordle april 27 is LOGIC in 677 answer
- wordle april 28 is CIRCA in 678 answer
- wordle april 29 is CEDAR in 679 answer
- wordle april 30 is PLAZA in 680 answer
NOTE: Does wordle use plurals? Wordle, the popular word guessing game from the New York Times, will no longer use plural words, according to an announcement made Nov 2022.
What is the word wordle today?
You can find Wordle word today searching in twitter or other socials networks, but if you want, in world3dmap.com you can see wordle today to solve your daily mysterious 5 letter words. You can find the solution in a list of wordle archive answer in English.
Does wordle use plurals?
No, wordle will not use plurals in this word game. Wordle, the popular word guessing game from the New York Times, will no longer use plural words, according to an announcement made Nov 2022.
However, there will be no words ending in “es” or “s” in the word list. The answer can still be plural like GEESE or FUNGI, but it will never be FOXES or SPOTS. Players can still guess words ending in “s” or “es” to narrow down the answer.
Does wordle use proper nouns?
Wordle uses two lists of words. One is the list of all valid guesses, and the other is a list of possible answers. The list of possible answers was manually curated to only include relatively common words that someone could reasonably get correct. I skimmed a list someone posted online which they scraped from the website, and I didn’t see any proper nouns there.
However, in the list of all valid guesses, proper nouns are definitely allowed.
This list is way larger, so I skimmed the first thousand words to see if I could spot any proper nouns. My search found TEXAS, JAMES, SWISS, and FEDEX, all of which I tried on the actual Wordle game to verify that it would accept it. However, other common proper nouns like KEVIN don’t count according to the word list. It’s likely that some of these proper nouns also have other definitions that justify them being in a word list.
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Post your wordle results with us, or if you find the wordle answer today before we do share it in the comments.