What is the word from clue 4

level 1

· 3 yr. agoWinner X3

Building on the previous comment…

The baccae.com site is for a (apparently real) manufacturer of gin, in France.

The telephone number on that site is «06 61 39 69 33».

The advice tells us not to dial random internet phone numbers. But we can turn them into a URL:




level 2

· 3 yr. agoCode Hunter

do we have any leads on what the 11 character phrase could be? I’m wondering if the “Bacca Boy” youtube channel is any clues but I’m not sure


Continue this thread 

Crossword Labs


  1. 1. What your group is
  2. 2. Close to
  3. 5. The kind of mind the Lord needs
  4. 10. As an ______ to the nations
  5. 11. Direct one’s gaze toward someone or something or in a specified direction
  6. 12. Stay the ______
  7. 14. The top cardinal direction
  8. 15. Behold, the Lord requireth the ______
  9. 17. When you’re looking for something
  1. 1. One of the most common words in the English language, used twice in this sentence alone
  2. 3. Every _____ needs a sure foundation
  3. 4. In what section of the Doctrine and Covenants is our Youth Conference theme found?
  4. 6. The kind of things the willing and obedient will eat
  5. 7. The Gate Truman Angell designed
  6. 8. A people of one heart and one mind
  7. 9. Don’t be this when you’re doing good
  8. 13. The kind of things out of which proceed great things
  9. 16. A common conjunction
  10. 17. Homophone of four

wordle 230 answer feb 4 solution

Another day, another fun Wordle to solve! In this article, we will take a look at the hint of the day and the final Wordle #230 Answer / Solution for February 4 2022. If you are stuck after a few tries and want some help to solve it, this guide will help you out.

Wordle #230 Answer Hint & Clues for Today

First, let’s take a look at the hint of the day. Here are some clues that will help you get closer to the answer.

  • Clue 1: It’s a 5 letter word that has 2 vowels.
  • Clue 2: The vowels are placed in the middle of the word.
  • Clue 3: One of the synonyms of the word is ‘Fold’.
  • Clue 4: It’s a 5 letter word that starts with PL. Here are some Word Suggestions for today’s word that may help you think of some words in the right direction (it does not include the final answer).
    • PLAIN
    • PLAIT
    • PLAID
    • PIANO
    • PLOAT
    • PLAUD
    • PLATE
    • PLIED
    • PLIES
  • Clue 5: Here are some letters that exist and don’t exist in the word.

wordle 230 hint

Also Read | How to Play Previous & All Old Wordles

Today’s Wordle #230 Answer for February 4 2022

  • The Wordle solution for February 4th, 2022 is PLEAT.
  • Pleat definition: It’s a double or multiple fold in a garment or other item made of cloth, held by stitching the top or side. (Definition from Oxford Languages)

Hopefully, this helped you out! To see a complete compilation of all Wordle answers from 2022, head over to our guide here. For some more help, you can also check out our Word Cloud and suggestions list.

If you really need some help, here’s how to cheat in Wordle. And for everything else related to Wordle, we’ve got a whole category dedicated to it. If you are also a fan of AAA gaming, don’t forget to explore our content on Gamer Tweak because we cover all the latest and evergreen ones too.

Please find below all the Escape Room Mystery Word All Clue Answers. The following hints / answers will help you solve all the levels of this amazingly popular game. Without losing any further time we are sharing below all the clues for you.

Escape Room Mystery Word All Clue Answers

It is the best selling book in the world BIBLE
Just remove ice CREAM
W’ is next to hat WHAT
The answer is an electronic folder INBOX
Try to combine the words represented by the two pictures LATE
The answer no longer happening or existing DONE
What three letters turn a girl into a woman? AGE
You always need it except sleeping SHOE
What is the note paste on? WALL
Hold On Pain Ends. – Focus on letters that are different from HOPE
Its is a direction NOTRTH
The most powerful women in the old times QUEEN
What does this nail look like? SNAIL
What do you think of the state of these glasses? FULL
This word is a kind of food HOTDOG
am/is/are = Be BELONG
What fruit is never found singly? PEAR
F’ is aimed at. Try to combine something FAME
What can pierce one’s ears without a hole? A kind of sound NOISE
What goes through a door but never comes in or goes out? KEYHOLE
1=5 2=10 3=15 4=10 so 5=? Not all equations are useful ONE
HOW MANY HOLES IN CLOTHES? Neckline is also a hole SIX
Don’t suspect the answer is showing in the paper – What did you see BLANK
What is the common of these in the desk? HARMFUL
It is a variety of corn kernel which expands and puffs up when heated POPCORN
Try to combine the words represented by the two pictures BELLBOY
Pronounce : Red E READY
This answer is a part of the human body FOREHEAD
If you drop a white hat into the red sea what does it become? WET
What month do soldiers hate? MARCH
What do these cities have in common? CAPITAL
There are four letters in this picture LIKE
The answer meaning : the word is a building where you can shop in it MALL
Try to combine the words represented by the two objects in the room BATMAN
Try to combine the words represented by the two objects in the room MEATBALL
The answer meaning : a sheet of information in the form of a table graph or diagram CHART
This word means : containing nothing EMPTY
What 5 letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? SIXTH
Who likes me NOBODY
The answer is made up of the letters in the titles of the book LOVE
Harry is married. He has hidden his wife’s necklace GREEN
The ‘H’ in the paper appears in the room SLEEP
What is common of these book names? COUNTRY
It is a place name HOLLYWOOD
Try to combine the words represented by the two objects in the room CUPCAKE
The answer is part of the human body FACE
Try to combine the words represented by the two pictures CHERRY
How to express a lack of 1? NONE
Which kind of animals have the largest natural breasts? ZEBRA
What is the heavient in room? – There are 4 things on the ground WATER
Connect the letters in a specific order STAR
Short is cut into two parts what word can you think of? SHORTCUT
Focus the highlight ASIA
Try to combine two clues that you analyzed BEDROCK
Try to combine the words represented by the two objects in the room DESKTOP
RED + GREEN = ? – This man is running IRON
Pay attention to the position of ‘D’ relative to the key in the picture DONKEY
I get wet while drying . what am I ? You use it almost every day. TOWEL
What starts with e ends with e and only has one letter? ENVELOPE
What’s number does the car stop on? NINETY
Which first boiling ? oil water LEFT
All the letters on the compass are helpful for getting the answer NEWS
What do the words on the ball have in common? ELEMENT
X means not CANNOT
Try to combine clues that you analyzed GRAY
Which one is faraway from you? – We are in the book APPLE
I fly without wings . What am I? TIME
Water always fill the lowest cup first OPEN
A=1 Z=26 HAPPY
The globe will fall down QUAKE
What did the factory do? POLLUTE
Try to combine two clues that you analyzed BREAKFAST
The combination of the two things in the picture.. EGGHEAD
Find the important word that means place BRIDGE
Notice the customer LEG
it is three-dimensional THREE
The first two equations are interference items NULL
These pencils are different in width FIFTY
The color of the balloon should match the order of the letters NOTE
Often used to inspire people SLOGAN
Rock = Rock Scissors = Scissors Paper = Paper EQUAL
Try to combine two words that analyze from this scene BARGAIN
Where’s the cat? CATALOG
Notice the man’s head TOOTH
Focus on the right half of the picture SKIRT
0 is in the answer NINE
it is not a real room MUSHROOM
Get three letters with color SIXTY
The statement of green is false YELLOW
What do these four states stand for? SEASON
This question is correct but moving matches is useless FLIP
Try to combine the words represented by the two pictures BRAIN
The answer is a combination of two words that in the scene FIRSTHAND
Only one difference NUMBER
Three differences: flower cat square on the wall FIVE
Think about it why is there only one equal sign? THIRTY
it’s not a place COW
Try to combine the words represented by the two pictures BATTEN
Try to combine two clues that you analyzed BLAST
There only a bell. The count of bells is helpful for the answer ABLE
This city belongs to the Midwest of the United States CHICAGO
UYHNB’ can build a shape as a clue SIMON
The password for the door is not a number ANSWER
Not everyone will get hurt SECOND
Which month of the year does the calendar show? JUNE
The answer meaning : a graphic representation of the passage of time TIMELINE
The ‘AGE’ is covered; Try to combine and get a word COVERAGE
How to connect a boy and a hoodie? CHILDHOOD
Why does the stickman crying? REGRET
Whose flag is in the room? PIRATE
It’s not human SNOWMAN
What is the shape that these shapes all have? TRIANGLE
The sofa and pictures have the same color THIRD
The square’s color is obtained by crossing each other in red green and blue TWELVE
Sum up the above 3 equation and you will find something FORTY
E’ and ‘Bell’ What can you think of? BELLE
Thinking the letter on T-shirt and the men. Try to combine MANY
Consider carefully the relationship between people. SEVEN
The cabinet’s function STOREY
Try to combine the words represented by the two pictures CLEVER
Find the important word hidden in the picture FOUR
Calculator has no negative numbers ZERO
This picture represents the existence of your vital signs BEAT
Try to combine two clues that you analyzed TREETOP
How do you evaluate the words he wrote? SCRAWL
The number results you get are clues to analyze the picture on wall YELLOW
This is a special time means what? MIDNIGHT
Alphabetical order of the title of a book VOWEL
Money’ consists of five letters 3+2=5 MONKEY
The result has five numbers EIGHT
The answer is a student FRESHMAN
Try to combine clues that you analyzed HINT
The thing in the picture appears in the old car REVERSE
Same article but different authors PIRATE
Look at their status HALF
Its shape like a lettre STAG
Do you know the golden ratio RATIO
Three ads TRIAD
Many points can form a line PIPELINE
Pay attention to the pronuciation of colors and letters REED
Can you get a symbol? INFINITE
No matter what you say it will be broken SILENCE
Bag and pipe are useful others are useless BAGPIPE
What will happen to this man? TUMBLER
in in in in in in INLINE
What date is today? TUESDAY
What is special about this letter in de book? ABROAD
I like Mr.W Mr.O Mr.L because initial? HAT
The color square Represent different numbers TWENTY
The color square Represent different things PENALTY
All stories are in the books LIBRARY
The pictures on the wall are Band posters at different ages BANDAGE
This is a kind of bedclothes BEDSHEET
Which color block has the largest area? WHITE
Which color block is different from others? TENTH
1 1 2 3 5 ? 13 27? Dou you think it difficult? EIGHT
Wow ? how beautiful it is! – This closet has some same color BOOKS
what stays hot even if put it in a fridage? – This is a kind of vegetables PEPPER
A case is in the cabinet SHOWCASE
A kind of Household appliances ICEBOX
God bless me ? – What is this book? PRAY
What do you call yourself? PHONEME
What do you see in the paper? – There is really something WORD
The largest single digit you can see is a few ? – There are not 8 numbers in the pictures NINE
Riding this bike the rear wheel turs ten laps the front wheel will turn a few laps? – Look at the state of this bike. ZERO
Which object is illogical in this room? WATCHES
What’s the longest word in the world? – A distance unit word SMILES
What word can you analyza from the compass NEWSPAPER
Try to combine words from clues that you analyzed KINGPIN
What is the middle of good and evil? – Good and evil are three words AND
26? Fe? 55.84? – They represent the same thing?. IRON
What is the connection between poeple and the joyxtick FUNNY
– Tweleve = six six = three eight = ? – How many letters in the numbers? FIVE
What is the Electron doing? CURRENT
– What animal has a like cat eyes like cat a tail like a cat and very cute but isn’t cat? – It is also cat. KITTEN
The answer is a combination of two words that in the scene KEYBOARD
Think about How to use the scene : the bull is dozer BULLDOZER
Thinking the relation of ET and something ONE
12 * * – 1 11 * 32 HUNDRED
How to point cupid’s arrow to you? ROTATE
I will follow you anywhere and watch you silently in the dark SHADOW
Have you seen my butter? It disappeared again. What is the bird doing? BUTTERFLY
What did we breathe before the oxygen was discovered? It is the third-most abundant element in the universe by mass. OXYGEN
What is the chiken doing? WAYLAID
How can I do it right? INVERSION
Only one sentence is True how much have money he? ZERO
How long does it take to fully charge? NOW
Which can’t be ate? GLASS
What’s the largest number? FIFTEEN
C O. It is a chemical element CARBON
what should he ignite first? MATCH
It takes the form of a circular arc RAINBOW
It is not only a fan FANCY
Which is the first one? Silver? Gold? EVERY
1.14155926 2.14155926 3.14155926 4.14155926 The value is getting bigger INCRASE
It is used in building materials LIME
The room is too cold please raise the temperature. What Action you need to do? PULLUP
What is in the blanks? FILL
Who will be die? INITIATOR
Beating the head with the items on the ground who is the most painful. – Which one will be hurt? HEAD
Try to combine the words represented by the two pictures CARPET
The ‘e’ may feel dark DIME
The important thing is that we stick togegher – Buzz lightyear QUOTE
It is a chemical compound METHANE
Maybe its content is wrong CALENDAR
Which object is illogical in this room SWING
It is a chemical element NITROGEN
Which object is illogical in this room DOOR
This is a wonderful movie. – It is a sports drama film name ROCKY
You can often see it on the trash bin RECYCLE
What kind of table has no legs? TIMETABLE
You can focus on the combination of words SUITCASE
What is the baby doing? BABYSIT
What do they have in common? LANGUAGE
2X5=? 3+6=? 5-3=? – it is a course MATH
Tina said that you can never go south all the time why? POLE
Which object is illogical in this room MIRROR
It is an object that allows the flow of an electrical current in one or more directions CONDUCTOR
There’s a five pointed star hidden in it. How many graphics does it FOUR
What is it on the table? BAKE
Why is this room warm? FIRE
Look at my eyes – What do you see? BLUE
This singer is so dazzling and famous STAR
What we are? – Person people HUMAN
What happened to this vase? BROKEN
How to be balance? APPLE
Football Basketball Bowling BALL
What are they doing? SHAKE
They are all less then 0 MINUS
Airplane drive licence – Who do these things belong to? PILOT
What does the flower look like? SUN
A group consisting of parents and children FAMILY
What is the current state of the scales? BALANCE
To become the legally accepted husband or wife of someone in an official or religious ceremony. MARRY
He’s no longer a part of them – A guy is isolated by others APART
What is put on the dish? FRUIT

Location questions and answers for Scavenger Hunt Hogwarts Mystery ! Use clues to decipher the location answer and then check back after time has passed for more clues, there are 5 clue total ! Once all locations have been submitted, return to see if you deciphered the clues correctly.
So if you need guide for these Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Scavenger Hunt : Barnaby’s Knarl Tour, Corey’s Case, Levi’s Misplaced Wand, Murphy’s Mental Match, Penny’s Potions, Rowan’s Case answers then find no where else ! here are the Location – Clue List :

Hogwarts Mystery Scavenger Hunt

Astronomy Tower
The tallest tower at Hogwarts
The stars are best seen from this tower
Your class starts when the stars are in the sky

Black Lake Underwater
I hope you know the Bubbble-Head Charm
Watch out for the Grindylows

A safe harbour
A portrait of Percival Pratt hangs here
New students dock here at the start of the year

Centaur Camp
You’ll need to bring a gift if you want to visit
Human visitors are rarely allowed at this Camp

Changing Room
Grab your brooms and gear up for Quidditch
Are you ready for a moment of vivification

Is that a teacup with legs on that desk
You may see a pineapple dancing in this class
Let’s agree to meet in Classroom 2E

Care of Magical Creatures
You’ll find many creatures here
Is that a Chimaera I see

Commentary Box
Murphy McNully’s throne, so to speak
You can comment on Quidditch here

A long hall — that’s all
A passage connecting rooms

You can spend your break in this open space
You’ll have gobs of fun in this place
Is that a fountain I hear

Defense Against the Dark Arts
What’s that I see? It’s Classroom 3C
No cursing allowed in this classroom

I predict that you will find this location
A crystal ball wouldn’t be out of place here
Chintz armchairs and little pouffes, anyone
A cross between an attic and an old tea shop

Dumbledore’s Office
If you’re lucky, you may see a bird catch fire
This is where you find the Supreme Mugwump

Filch’s Office
There’s lots of confiscated items here
Some well-polished manacles hang here

Flourish & Blotts
Grab your schoolbooks in Diagon Alley
You can attend book signings here

Forest Grove
A small clearing in the Forbidden Forest
There may be a forbidden Cursed Vault here

Forest Lake
I really lake this spot in the forest
You may see centaurs here getting water

Grand Staircase
It’s easy to get turned around here
An ever changing way to move between floors
You’ll find secret passages in the paintings

Great Hall
Where we all come together
You might find a grand feast or two here

You may want to invest some time here
The safest place in the world for anything

Scavenger Hunt Location Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery

Hagrid’s Garden
Hagrid has strange things growing here
Where can I find a pumpkin at Hogwarts
You may see Fang amongst the pumpkins

Hagrid’s Hut
A cosy hut for a beloved Gameskeeper
Care for a rock cake? You’ll find some here

Your magical abilities really bloom here
The Professor here plants seeds of learning
Greenhouse Three is a must-see

Hog’s Head Inn
Yeh get a lot o’ funny folk’ here
Owned and operated by a Dumbledore

History of Magic
A real snooze-fest
There’s a ghost teaching this class

Hospital Wing
Scrapes and bruises get treated here
Only 6 visitors per patient, please
Come here if you have a cough or runny nose

Don’t let Pitts catch you in here
Where would you find Jae Kim
Close to the Hufflepuff Common Room

Knockturn Alley
Don’ want no one ter see yeh down there
Around the corner from Diagon Alley
Mundungus Fletcher’s favourite alley

I shore hope you brought your swim gear
I a-shore you this place is great for a swim

Leaky Cauldron
A broken down shop on Charing Cross Road
The oldest pub in London

I can hear a pin drop here
Overdue books must be returned immediately
You should really check out this location

Merpeople Village
I hope you’re dressed to meet the Merqueen
Stone homes in the middle of the lake

Muggle Studies
Rubber ducks, toaster, and blenders — oh my
What is the function of a rubber duck
The one place where electricity (sort of) works

Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C
The owner remembers every item ever sold
Owlery Who… Who… Who goes there
Where our fine-feathered friends roost

One of the coldest classrooms at Hogwarts
The walls are lined with strange concoctions
You’ll brew up a good time here

Prefect’s Bathroom
You’ll find a portrait of a mermaid on the wall
Fancy a bath
To the left of a statue of Boris the Bewildered

Quidditch Pitch
It’s time to play Quidditch
You’ll meet the Quidditch team out here to play

Quidditch Stands
Where you go to watch Quidditch matches
Best seats in the house for a Quidditch match

Red Cap’s Hole
Watch out for the red-capped fiend here
You may find some treasure down here

Spider’s Lair
The home of the Acromantulas
Careful of the webs

Three Broomsticks
The best Butterbeer in Hogsmeade is here
The social hub of Hogsmeade
Allegedly as old as Hogsmeade itself

Training Grounds
Practise your spells on the dummies out here
A flat, grassy area perfect for learning to fly

Transfiguration Class
You may know me as Classroom 1B
Two golden cat statues stand proudly
I heard a cat Animagus teaches this class

Whomping Willow
Planted in 1971 to hide a secret passage
Watch out for that branch

Run by the hilarious Bilton Bilmes
The prime outlet of Frog Spawn Soap

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