What is the word for travelling in your job

If you’re interviewing for a job that requires you to travel for work, you should prepare commonly asked interview questions about your willingness to travel. The interviewer is interested to hear from you if you are ready to travel as much as the position requires. When you have applied for a job that requires traveling, you need to make sure you have a solid answer ready.

When traveling requirements have not specifically been mentioned before or described in the job description, you should still prepare for this question. This is to make sure that when the interviewers do ask you this question, it won’t catch you off guard.

Related questions to assess your willingness to travel for work are:

  • Did you have to travel a lot during your previous positions? Did you enjoy it?
  • Do you own a car? Are you willing to use it for business travel purposes?
  • How many nights are you willing to spend on the road for work?

In this blog, we explain how you can answer questions about your willingness to travel for work. We also discuss how you can use these questions to your advantage during your job interview. Furthermore, read more about frequently asked job interview questions here and check our job interview preparation checklist.

Why interviewers ask about your willingness to travel for work

The main reason for interviewers to ask you this question is to assess if you’re willing and able to travel as much as the position requires you to do. Also, they want to know the extent to which you are willing to travel for work. For example, some jobs could even require you to relocate for a certain amount of time.

In most cases, the interviewer will explain the requirements in more detail during the interview. However, it’s possible that they ask you the question ‘are you willing to travel for work?‘ first, to see what your answer is.

Usually, the job description already mentions the traveling requirements for the job. If this is the case, the question should catch you off guard during the interview. Furthermore, it should already get you thinking about the fact if you’re willing to do the required travel.

How to prepare for interview questions about your willingness to travel for work

The best way to answer questions about traveling is by giving an honest answer. You want to emphasize specific experiences with traveling that lead you to the conclusion that you’re willing to travel for work. There are several steps that you can take to make sure that you give the interviewer a solid answer to demonstrate your suitability for the job.

Understand the travel requirements for the job

Every preparation for a specific interview question starts with doing your research. In this case, research the company, position, and job description. This way, you make sure that before you apply, you get a good understand of the traveling requirements for the position.

Also, if you already found out that you’re not able to do the required amount of traveling, don’t apply. Either the interviewer will figure out your possible travel limitations, or you will get hired for a job that will not make you happy. Such situations are a waste of time and your career, and should, therefore, be avoided.

Think about your willingness and ability to travel for work

Once you found out the requirements with regard to traveling, you can think about your ability and willingness to travel. It’s important that you’re honest about this. It makes no sense to say that you’re willing to travel when you’re actually not or when you’re not able to for whatever reason.

If you are able and willing to travel, but you have any limitations, state this. For instance, if a personal situation restricts you to travel, make sure you explain this to the interviewer. Try to be as honest as possible in your answers to avoid getting hired for a job you might have to quit in the near future again.

Come up with questions to ask the interviewer for clarification

Asking the interviewer questions back, in general, is a good idea during a job interview. This will make you look interested and engaged. Is this case, when the interviewer asks you if you’re willing to travel for work, you can discuss this and also ask clarifying questions back.

If you are willing and ready to travel, you can still ask follow-up questions to get more information about the required traveling. For example, if the job description only states that traveling is required, you can ask how much traveling is actually involved in the position.

Another question you can ask is how the travel is broken up. In other words, are you away for days, weeks, or months? Other questions that you can ask are:

  • Where will I be traveling?
  • Are weekend travels included?
  • How long do I have to travel on average?
  • Are there different purposes for each trip?

Of course, you should tailor your questions to the position that you’re applying to. Doing so will not only make you seem interested and motivated, but it will also keep you from any future surprises about the amount of travel you will have to do later on.

Explain how you have traveled for work in the past

To give your answer more weight, you can explain to the interviewer how you have traveled for work in the past. Furthermore, this shows that you’re comfortable and experienced with traveling for work. If applicable, include details in your answer that align previous travels for work to the position that you’re currently interviewing for.

Focus your answers on how you can add value to the company

Besides the fact that the interviewer is looking for you give a positive answer to the question ‘are you willing to travel for work?’, they also want to hear from you how you can help the company. In other words, don’t only focus on what it can bring to you, but also focus on that you understand why travel is important and needed for the job.

Red flags for the interviewer

There are several elements that interviewers consider warning signs. Below we walk you through a couple of the most commonly made mistakes.

  1. Not providing enough detail

Traveling might be an important part of a specific job that you’re interviewing for. The interviewer wants to know from you what attracted you to this job, why you applied, and how you feel about traveling. It’s important that you can provide the interviewer with a strong answer to all these questions.

For example, if you claim that you do not have trouble with being away for longer periods but you have never experienced this before, this might be considered a warning sign. The interviewer is trying to make the right hiring decision. This means that they are looking for someone who will stay with the company for a longer period.

  1. Failing to respond effectively

Your answers should be short and concise. Avoid rambling and give the interviewer a to-the-point answer to demonstrate your suitability for the job. The same goes for follow-up questions. If you make certain claims about your work experience and you fail to answer follow-up questions the right way, this might come across weak.

Proper preparation will help you avoid such a situation. Thoroughly research the job description and company so that you’re able to explain why you can take on the day to day tasks. In this case, don’t just say that you’re willing to travel but explain why the job suits you and how you successfully traveled for work in the past.

For example, if the interviewer asks you ‘tell him about a time you had to travel for work,’ you can expect follow-up questions such as ‘what was the purposes of your travel?‘ and ‘what was the outcome?‘ Make sure you have answers ready to questions that you expect based on your research.

  1. Negativity

A positive tone of voice comes a long way. Negativity, on the other hand, is considered a warning sign. If you had negative travel experiences for work, this is not the moment to share them.

Focus your answer on the positive aspects and how you’re motivated to perform the job to the best of your ability.

Sample answers to questions about your willingness to travel

Below we discuss a couple of sample answers to the interview questions ‘are you willing to travel for work?‘. However, these are just ‘general’ examples. Make sure that you tailor your answers to your specific situation and the job that you’re interviewing for.

Example Answer 1:

‘Yes, I’m certainly willing to travel for the job. In my current position, I travel approximately one week per month. For me, this is a perfect balance, and I’m comfortable with traveling.

I’m curious to learn more about the position and travel schedule it includes. This way, we can come up with a solution that works well for the company and my personal responsibilities.’

Example Answer 2:

‘I’m definitely willing to travel for work. As a sales representative, I understand very well that meeting regularly with clients is essential to maintain and develop a professional relationship. 

The job description states that traveling is required, and I was wondering if you could give me a bit more detailed information about the type of traveling required. This way, I get a better idea of the traveling schedules.’

Example Answer 3:

‘I have worked in sales for most of my career, and I am accustomed to traveling a lot for work. At the moment I spent anywhere between 1 and 3 weeks per month on the road.

The job description mentioned that, on average, approximately 25% to 50% of travel is required for the position. Is this correct? I would like to learn more about the traveling schedules and further requirements. Could you please explain these in more detail?’

Job Interview Topics – Common Job Interview Questions & Answers

Below you can find a list of common job interview topics. Each link will direct you to an article regarding the specific topics that discuss commonly asked interview questions. Furthermore, each article discusses why the interviewer asks these questions and how you answer them!

  1. Accomplishments
  2. Adaptability
  3. Admission
  4. Behavioral
  5. Career Change
  6. Career Goals
  7. Communication
  8. Competency
  9. Conflict Resolution
  10. Creative Thinking
  11. Cultural Fit
  12. Customer Service
  13. Direct
  14. Experience
  15. Government
  16. Graduate
  17. Growth Potential
  18. Honesty & Integrity
  19. Illegal
  20. Inappropriate
  21. Job Satisfaction
  22. Leadership
  23. Management
  24. Entry-Level & No experience
  25. Performance-Based
  26. Personal
  27. Prioritization & Time Management
  28. Problem-solving
  29. Salary
  30. Situational & Scenario-based
  31. Stress Management
  32. Teamwork
  33. Telephone Interview
  34. Tough
  35. Uncomfortable
  36. Work Ethic

how much are you willing to travel interview question

If a job involves any travel, you’re likely to hear interview questions like, “Are you willing to travel?” “How much are you willing to travel?” etc.

So in this article, I’m going to walk you through how to answer all of these interview questions. And we’ll look at how to understand the meaning of “travel percentage,” so you’ll know what the job is really going to require before you say “yes” or “no.”

And finally, I’m going to share multiple word-for-word example answers to help you get confident and comfortable with this type of question. So make sure you read until the end. 

Let’s get started…

Answers to “How Much Are You Willing to Travel?”

If they ask an open-ended interview question like this about your willingness to travel, you should state your answer as a percentage.

For example, you could say:

“I’m willing to travel up to 30% of the time. That’s what I did in my last job, and I know I’m comfortable with that amount.”

They may ask you directly for a percentage, with a question like, “what percentage are you willing to travel?” and you’d answer that in the same way. What does travel percentage mean, though? If you’re not sure, it’s essential to understand. So let’s discuss the meaning of “travel percentage.”

Travel percentage meaning: What is travel percentage?

So what does 70 percent travel mean? It means that the employer expects you to be traveling or in cities other than your home city for 70 percent of your working days. So you would expect to spend seven days traveling or away from home for every three days in your home town/office.

This is a very high amount of travel. In my experience working as a recruiter, most travel jobs are 50% or below, because this is less stressful and more sustainable for the worker. So, this is something to keep in mind when deciding how much you’re willing to travel, and whether you’ll take or decline the job offer. 

How to Answer, “Are You Willing to Travel X Amount?” – Examples

The hiring manager may also come out and tell you how much travel is involved, and then ask an interview question to determine if this is an acceptable travel amount. In this case, if it’s acceptable to you, then you can indicate that you are on-board with what they’re proposing. For example, you could say:

“That amount of travel will work for me. In my last company, I traveled that same amount, and it worked out fine.”

(It’s always good to show you’ve done something successfully in the past. This is the best way to improve to a new employer that you’ll be successful with them, too!)

No worries if you haven’t traveled for a job before, though…

Here’s an example of how you could still answer this question:

“That amount of travel sounds acceptable to me. I have no problem doing that for this role.”

Here’s another example:

“That sounds acceptable to me. I’d love to hear more about the role, and if it’s a good fit, then I am able to travel.”

Make Sure You Know What You’re Agreeing To

Another thing to keep in mind is the actual travel schedule. Two jobs could both have the same travel percentage – let’s say 50%. But one could have you spending two weeks away and then two weeks at home, while the other could have you traveling for 2-3 days at a time, returning, and doing it all again a few days later.

Depending on your family, children, etc., you may be able to handle one of these travel requirements but not the other. So the travel duration and schedule are two factors you should clarify before answering. You can say, “I would like to understand the company travel schedule a bit better. Can you give me an example of how long each trip would be, or what a typical month looks like?” This will help you get a clear picture of what your work schedule would look like before you answer the interview question. So don’t be afraid to ask questions of your own. You can’t answer interview questions like, “Are you willing to travel for this job?” without knowing what the company expects! For example, if they ask, “Can you travel if the job requires it?” you’d want to respond by saying, “How much travel is expected in the role?” You can’t give a good answer without knowing what they’re proposing or asking, so clarify that first. Once you know what the company expects, then it’s time to directly answer their question and indicate whether you can travel the amount they require.

You Can Also Try to Negotiate Your Travel Percentage/Willingness to Travel

If you’re interested in the job but can’t travel quite as much as they’re proposing, you can say:

“I don’t think I can travel quite that amount. The job and work sound interesting, and I’d love to consider the position if the travel requirements can be reduced to 30%”.

This may work, or it may not (depending on the role and company’s flexibility), but it’s worth asking! This way, you’ll find out the best they can do! You never know if they’re asking, “How much are you willing to travel?” because it’s a hard requirement, or if they’re just wondering how much you’re willing to do So give an honest answer and don’t be afraid to make a counter-proposal.

A lot of job seekers are afraid to set limits or “push back” in a job interview, but this can actually make you more attractive to the company. It shows confidence! However, you also don’t want to rule yourself out in an interview. So if you’re not quite sure, but think it’s possible to travel the amount that the company would like, just say “yes” for now. You’re not accepting the job or signing a contract. You’re just indicating whether this might be possible for you. And your goal in any interview is to get invited to the next step in the process… or get a job offer. So if you think it’s even remotely possible to travel the amount they want, then yes “Yes” and keep interviewing!

You can always go home and talk to friends and family and make a better decision about whether this is right for you! You do NOT need to decide this in the interview!

How to Answer, “Are You Willing to Travel or Relocate?” – Examples

This is a slightly different question. But just like with the questions and sample answers above, you should give an honest, upfront answer. There’s no sense in wasting their time if you absolutely cannot relocate. But if it’s even slightly possible, say “Yes” when an employer asks if you’re willing to relocate. Don’t rule yourself out. 

Remember: Your goal in the interview is to impress them and get invited back to the next round – so keep going with the job interview, and ask questions to learn more as you go! You’re NOT wasting the recruiter’s or hiring manager’s time by exploring the opportunity, as long as there’s a tiny chance you’d be willing to travel or relocate for the job. They want the opportunity to sell you on their position! I can’t stress this enough: You’re not wasting their time. I hear a lot of job seekers bring up concerns about this, so I just wanted to set the record straight!


You should now know what travel percentage is, and how to answer any time an employer asks about what percentage you’re willing to travel.

Remember – you’re not signing a contract or agreeing to anything in writing; you’re merely indicating whether this could potentially work (for the right opportunity). So stay calm, use the sample answers above, and be direct/concise when responding in a job interview.

This isn’t one of those interview questions where the hiring manager needs to hear a long-winded answer. So once you’ve answered the question, stop and let the interviewer move on!

Being stuck behind a desk or in a cubicle from 9 to 5 can be tedious, particularly when you’re dreaming of adventuring to far-off places. Most regular people get a reprieve from the rat race for just two weeks each year when they take vacations to reset. They spend the rest of their time getting work done and dreaming of the opportunity to explore foreign lands and new cultures.

Instead of working at a job where you can only travel once or twice a year, why not get a job that requires travel as one of your duties? This way, you can explore the world while earning money and building your career.

Jobs Where You Can Travel

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2018, 25% of employees did a part or all of their work from home. That’s up from 19% in 2003, and in the COVID/ post-COVID world, the trends show many more workers are working remotely and may continue to do so indefinitely.

Jobs that allow you to travel don’t just include remote or work-from-home opportunities. You can also earn a living by choosing employment that requires travel as part of the job’s duties. Business professionals often have to travel to meet new and existing clients or to attend conferences or close sales deals. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics states in the same study that around half of management or professional employees sometimes worked from home in 2018. None of these options sound appealing? Other opportunities include gigs such as housesitting, babysitting or travel writing where you can travel from place to place working.

Join the movement and find jobs that allow you to travel while working from home or by landing positions that require travel.  To help you out, we’ve created a list of 15 jobs that require travel or allow you to travel as you work, so you can get out there and start adventuring.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Flight Attendant

1. Flight Attendant

One of the best jobs that allow you to travel is being a flight attendant. Most flight attendants start out in the United States initially, before being allowed to operate longer flights that hit travel destinations such as Japan, Canada, and Southeast Asia. You’ll travel on stunning aircrafts to different countries all while earning a nice income and good benefits.

Requirements for being a flight attendant vary among different airlines, but most require you to be able to reach the overhead bins and stand on your feet for extended periods of time. Additional experience as a server or in a customer service-facing role is useful for flight attendant applicants.

Skills such as speaking a foreign language and CPR training are also highly valued by airline hiring managers. Many airlines post their job opportunities directly on their own websites and it’s useful to pick an airline which operates lots of flights from your home airport to limit your commute time on flight days.

Flight attendants often work random hours and can encounter difficult or disruptive passengers as well as typical travel disadvantages such as jet lag. But, as a reward for your hard work, you’ll earn free or discounted flights for you and close family members as well as the opportunity to see beautiful places across the world.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Cruise Ship Worker

2. Cruise Ship Worker

Cruise ship jobs have a reputation for being one of the best jobs where you can travel. You get paid to see the world and interact with people from a variety of cultural backgrounds, all while collecting a salary and receiving free room and board. Since cruise ships offer almost every service imaginable, there are job opportunities for individuals from all backgrounds. You can be a server in one of the restaurants, a technician, cashier and even a performer in one of the ship’s acts.

Cruise ship work can seem like a dream job to people who love to travel, but it also requires a lot of hard work and long hours. You can find job postings on Cruise Ship Jobs along with information on whether it’s the right job for you and what to expect. Cruise ships depart from ports across the globe including popular destinations such as New York and Hawaii, and while you’ll work long hours, you are still given free time to explore the cities on your route.

“I’ve been a sailor, a merchant marine, since I was young,” says Location Indie member Jill Friedman of CaptainJillsJourneys.com. “I got into it specifically to travel. I’ve been all over the world by sea. I love it for the opportunities it gives me to travel, and also for the large blocks of time off. It can be a fairly well-paid occupation, too. It’s not nearly as much fun as it was a couple of decades ago, but I would still recommend it. I started out as a deckhand/galley hand and managed to work my way up to captain. There are all sorts of jobs out there (especially on cruise ships).”

Want to create a dream job for yourself? Enter your email below to get our Behind the Laptop Guide for FREE and discover 10 real stories from people like you who took action and found their way to a life of freedom and travel. 

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Travel Agent

3. Travel Agent

For many years, the travel agency industry declined as people started going online to book their own flights and vacation packages. However, in the last few years, the travel industry has made a comeback thanks to its reputation and expertise.

With so many travel websites offering user feedback and reviews, it’s hard to differentiate between opinions of seasoned travelers and one-time visitors. Travel agents, on the other hand, are experts in their industry and can easily tell a client if a certain hotel or locale will be a good fit for their preferences.

To be a travel agent, you need to have extensive experience travelling the world. You do not have to have a certification or license to be a home-based travel agent, but some states or municipalities require agents to complete a registration. For this position, skills and experience are more valuable than education degrees. You need to possess good attention to detail to avoid booking mistakes, and you must also be a great communicator in order to understand and meet client requests.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Customer Service Representative

4. Customer Service Agent

Many companies are taking their customer support departments digital, making this a sector that is seeing high growth in work-from-home positions. Customer service agents ensure a high-quality customer service experience and address any issues that customers may encounter.

To qualify for these positions, you need to be friendly and level-headed as you will be the first point of contact for disgruntled or upset customers. You’ll need to be able to guide customers through a resolution process. Skills required to be successful as a work-from-home customer service agent include fast typing, fast Internet speeds, acute listening skills and a calm demeanor.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Aid Worker

5. International Aid Worker

If you want to make a difference while you travel, consider being a Peace Corps Volunteer or an aid worker for an international organization such as the Red Cross or USAID.

In these positions, you’ll visit countries across the globe that are in dire need of assistance during wars, famines and in the aftermath of natural disasters. Many of these organizations offer a full salary, housing, and student loan deferment and the experience will stand out on your resume.

Having a background in health, social services, agriculture and international relations is helpful when working with international aid groups. You may also be required to undergo medical evaluations or to get special vaccines and immunizations before you’re allowed to travel to certain areas.

Working for international aid organizations can be taxing emotionally and physically and you’ll regularly spend weeks at a time in remote locations without access to basic necessities. The work you will accomplish will make a huge difference in the lives of locals and you’ll see parts of the world most people don’t have access to.

6. Foreign Service Officer

If you love your country as much as you love to travel, you can combine your two passions into one rewarding career as a Foreign Service officer. Just like diplomats, these individuals travel the globe working on complex issues such as immigration, refugee flows, and disaster aid while representing the interests of the United States. Many employees interact directly with foreign governments and are assigned to new places every few years.

To qualify for these positions, you must pass the Foreign Service Officer Test and select a career track within the department. Positions are posted at the Department of State website along with guidelines on how to become involved with the Foreign Service and how to pick the right career path within the department.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Consultant

7. Consultant

Companies regularly hire consultants to offer insight and advice on how to fix complex problems in their business and industry. The main skill required for consulting is to have specialized knowledge in a particular field. Since this knowledge is so exclusive, a consultant is likely to have clients dispersed across the country, and often across the globe.

Travel is integral to this job since close relationships with clients are important for maintaining working partnerships. For people who are social and love to travel, this job is an ideal way to see the globe while earning a great income.

Want to create a dream job for yourself? Enter your email below to get our Behind the Laptop Guide for FREE and discover 10 real stories from people like you who took action and found their way to a life of freedom and travel. 

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: English Teacher

8. English Teacher

If English is your native language and you are familiar with basic teaching concepts and skills, you can become an English instructor and teach abroad. The main requirements for teaching English generally include having a Bachelor’s Degree and often some teaching experience. The good news is that working as a tutor, aide, or study leader can qualify as experience and for some companies that’s all you need. Some companies will require you to have a TESOL or CELTA credential so it’s important to find out the requirements before you apply.

There are companies online like VIPKID and DaDaABC that allow you to be an ESL teacher for students in China without leaving your home.  Several of our Location Indie members earn a living teaching through companies such as these.  All you need to do is set up a small teaching space in your house and the company creates lesson plans and finds students for you. Pay can be as high as $21 for each 45-minute session and if you teach enough classes, you can turn this into a full-time job.

9. Au Pair

One of the most famous travel jobs is being an au pair. While most common in European countries like France, these jobs are prevalent across the globe. Websites like InterChange connect au pairs to host families everywhere from America to Australia and New Zealand.

If you’re responsible and are good with children, this is a great way to see a foreign country and make money. Au pairs live with a host family in exchange for childcare and assisting children with their homework or shuttling them to after school activities.

Some au pairs also earn an additional salary on top of their free room and board. Many host families bring the au pair on family vacations to exotic destinations so they can help with the children while exploring different countries.

Tour Guide

10. Tour Guide

Imagine roaming the canals of Venice or tearing through the jungle in a safari jeep while sharing your love of travel with like-minded individuals. As a tour guide, you can travel the world and share your passion for wanderlust with other travellers on vacation. You need to be able to manage large groups of people and a background in history or local knowledge is essential to being successful.

Many tour guides work as freelancers, but there are also larger companies that hire tour guides to run their travel programs. The workload can change throughout the year and usually features a busy peak season and a low season where you may not have as many tours. If you love living out of a suitcase and sharing your love of places with people, this is a great job opportunity to combine with travel.

Location Indie cofounder Jason Moore got his start in the touring industry.  “I was a touring professional for 10+ years managing events and a couple of music tours and worked one summer as a tour guide. It’s a fantastic way to go if you don’t mind having your schedule dictated to you and just want to travel,” he says.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Telemedicine

11. Telemedicine

Technology has made it possible for healthcare services to be obtained online, which means you can take your medical career on the go by working from home. Doctors and nurses in many states can now prescribe medications online, making visits to the doctor’s office less common.

Telemedicine jobs also include psychology and counseling positions that can be done from the comfort of your and your client’s own homes. You can find job postings on websites such as Soliant, which work to connect prospective employees with new opportunities.

Alternatively, you can work as a travel nurse and traverse the country while administering life-saving medicines. Travel nursing jobs typically require a background in health as well as residency requirements before being allowed to work remotely.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Writer

12. Writer

One of the most accessible jobs for traveling the world is travel writing. As a writer, you can cover popular new destinations and off the beaten path locales in blog posts or articles for journals and publications. World-renowned sites such as The New York Times, Conde Nast and National Geographic all hire travel writers to report on vacation destination sites around the world.

As a reporter for a large publication, you’ll travel on the company’s dime while highlighting the year’s best travel destinations and experiences. If you choose to become a travel blogger, you will travel and work with local tourism industries and businesses to promote the locations as travel destinations.

If you are a travel writer for your own blog, you can share your own experiences abroad and make extra income as a brand ambassador and through affiliate links on your website.

Location Indie member Tim Wenger works as a freelance writer and has clients both inside and outside the Location Indie community.

Want to create a dream job for yourself? Enter your email below to get our Behind the Laptop Guide for FREE and discover 10 real stories from people like you who took action and found their way to a life of freedom and travel. 

ski instructor

13. Ski Instructor

If you love the mountains and snow sports, you can combine your passion for the great outdoors with travel by becoming a ski instructor. Thanks to alternating seasons in different hemispheres, you can spend part of the year as a ski instructor in Argentina and the other part in Japan.

There are even indoor ski resorts where you can teach, just in case there’s a warm winter and not enough snow at the traditional resorts. You can teach different ski styles from slopestyle and park to telemark and alpine skiing.

Resorts across the globe from Canada and New Zealand to Chile and Switzerland hire seasonal ski instructors. Most resorts require some form of certification and there are different levels, which allow you to teach everyone from first-time skiers to advanced backcountry terrain. It’s best to get certified in the country in which you want to teach and to obtain certifications before applying.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Engineer

14. Engineer        

If you have software or computer engineering skills, you can earn a living by working remotely as an engineer and travelling the world. Many digital nomads are developers or graphic designers, like Location Indie member Kelly Claus, who build websites while living in places like Chiang Mai, Thailand of Seoul, South Korea. To be successful in this career path, you’ll need to have a computer science or engineering degree.

Jobs That Allow You To Travel: Scuba Instructor

15. Scuba Diving Instructor

The vast oceans on Planet Earth feature a whole other world for you to explore. As a scuba diving instructor, you’ll see worlds of animals that only exist in a few places, and teach the basics of diving to new students.

You can dive with sharks off the coast of South Africa, watch the manta rays feast off the coast of Indonesia and explore shipwrecks beneath the surface of the sea. Scuba diving instructors can select from many different locations ranging from the Arctic and Antarctic to warm, tropical waters and even the Dead Sea.

Becoming a scuba diving instructor is not cheap and the entire process takes several months, so if this is the path you choose, make sure to factor in enough time for training and certification. PADI requires applicants to be certified open water divers for at least six months before they can start training as instructors. Alternatively, SSI requires a minimum of 75 logged dives as well as SSI Dive Control Level or PADI Dive Master certifications before you can enroll in the instructor course.

Another water-related option is lifeguarding.  “After dropping out of college I went back to working as a lifeguard,” says Location Indie member Mitko Karshovski from ThatRemoteLife.com. “Although it’s not the most glamorous job in the world, as long as you do not sign a salary contract you can work in the summer and get tons of hours and overtime and then use that money to hit the road for some time. If you get a job with a lifeguard staffing company like I did, then you can return in the winter and work at another site like an indoor pool. Like I said, not the most glamorous job, but no one ever told me I couldn’t leave for a few weeks or months.”

Start Exploring

Now that you’ve seen the possibilities, you can start assessing which skills you possess and how you can turn those into a career where you can travel. At Location Indie, we’re here to help you along the way! Check out our blog for tips and tricks on everything from travel destinations to travel health insurance. Our community is another great place to make friends and get answers to your travel and work questions.

You may decide that working remotely is the best solution for you, or perhaps you love company culture and prefer to explore the world by working in a position that requires extensive travel. Whatever you choose to do, remember to be realistic about what it means to travel and work at the same time.

Becoming a digital nomad or a location independent employee means you’ll have to time to explore the world while building your career and chasing your passions. Remember that travel jobs don’t have to be permanent.

If you want to test out the lifestyle before committing to it, try choosing one of the seasonal travel jobs such as a tour guide, cruise worker or ski instructor to get your feet wet. Finding a job that allows you to travel enables you to combine your passions and see the world, one task at a time.

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Do you dream of being able to work from anywhere in the world, but aren’t sure how? Sign up below and we’ll send you our free guide, «Behind the Laptop: 7 Ways to Earn Money While Traveling the World.» You’ll also get our value-packed newsletter with more inspiration for making your dreams of location independence come true!

A long time ago I learned one thing about myself. I learned that I can’t live in one place for too long and I need to travel often. But before I realized that, subconsciously I was always looking for various projects and jobs that require travel, pay well, and provide great opportunities to move abroad.

And this is what my life for many years was about.

I would find a job that let me move to another state, allow me to travel and learn something new in between. After a while (like in a year or so) I needed a new challenge and more travel. So I would find another job in another part of the country that also provided an opportunity to travel.

With such a lifestyle, I got to live in five different states (originally I am from Ukraine,) then in five more countries and then I started an online business that helped me start making money online and travel whenever and wherever I want. 

Throughout all these years I also learned another thing – there are actually a lot of people in this world who are like me. They are also eager to find a job that will either require travel or leave enough time for personal travel and adventures. 

In fact, that time when moving from one place to another was a challenging thing to do has passed. Today we are living in the world when it’s easy to travel and easy to move somewhere new. Alright, it’s not that easy now with all the madness but things will improve for sure, just give it some time.   

If you have a goal to move to a new region, country, city, or state, you need to remember that it’s very possible. You just need to arrange a few things and have a plan. And the most exciting part about a move to another country is the ability to travel extensively and see the world at your own pace.

So, in this very long and very detailed post, I would love to share a list of amazing traveling jobs.

Some of them are either jobs that I worked or considered to work myself. Others are careers that involve traveling that are pretty common these days. A lot of these jobs pay well and don’t need any experience. Other jobs require degree and experience but pay even better. More on that below.

NOTE: Since our world recently went crazy, a job market started to experience the toughest times. Obviously, we all know that and we are all in the same boat. Yet, you have to remember that things will get better.

Now, is the best time for you to stay positive and invest time in yourself. I am also giving lots of tips on what you can do today to be able to get one of these jobs in the nearest future and in the midst of the crisis.

Disclaimer: Some of my posts contain affiliate links. That means if you click a link and make a purchase, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Jobs That Require Travel With No Experience

1. Hotel Professional

***Yes, these days hospitality business is on hold. But guys, it is going to come back. If you are thinking to enter this field, now is the best time to learn how you can do that. 

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There is a reason why I would like to start my list with hotel professional jobs. The hospitality business has a lot to offer and this is one of a few fields only that you can enter without experience and in many cases degree. Everything that you need is your charisma, ability to work with people, and desire to deliver an outstanding service.

But before I go into details, let me tell you two things:

First of all, a lot of jobs in the hospitality field do not require direct travel (some do and we’ll talk about them later). But! From my personal experience and from the experience of my colleagues, with a hotel professional job you have hundreds of opportunities to move around and explore the world at your own pace. Below I’ll explain how.

Second, the hospitality business is truly an amazing field for anyone who doesn’t have working experience or wants to travel without a degree.

Mark and I have spent years working in the hospitality industry while making a pretty good salary, enjoying benefits that come with it and moving around the United States. If we ever want to go back into this business, our experiences that come from top hotels in the U.S. will help us land a job in many hotels not only in America but outside the country.

After starting our full-time travel we have been already offered hotel jobs in Vietnam, had set interviews in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Qatar Doha and Europe. We believe it is a wonderful opportunity to see the world while having a meaningful career.

Getting a Hospitality Job – What You Need to Know

There is a wide range of jobs within the hospitality industry. Since hotels are open 7 days a week, 365 days a year, you can choose for yourself which shift to work. Choose your own schedule and enjoy diversity.

So many people from different cultures and backgrounds work in hotels. Most of the chains offer amazing opportunities. While most of the jobs require you to stay in one place you can easily move to another country or region within the same brand. And when I say this type of job let’s you travel, I mean you can transfer to a new hotel in a new location every 6-12 months.

Also, this is probably one of a few fields where you can move up a career ladder very quickly. You can start with an entry-level job and become a manager within a year. Or, you can apply for the same position but in a new city or country. The hotel management team who is interested to bring you onboard will always facilitate the visa process. It is one of the best ways to get a work permit abroad.

I am currently working on a few posts on how to get into the hospitality field and what to know before thinking to work as a hotel professional. You are welcome to sign up for my newsletter to know when the new post is up on the blog.

Courses & Classes to Take to Enter the World of Hospitality:

Yet, at the same time, I would love to recommend you look into a few tailored online hospitality courses (mentioned below) that introduce you to the industry and teach you all the main aspects.

Taking any of the courses does not mean that you will automatically get a job. However, educating yourself is important, plus you’ll get your name out there and understand if this field is for you at all.  

Right now, while the economy around the world is going through tough times, the hospitality business is one of those industries that was hit really hard. Hotels are closed and no one is traveling. However, the time of uncertainty will pass and people will start traveling even more than they used to in the past.

So you have a great opportunity now to use all that time and learn as much as you can. If you would like to become a hotel professional in the nearest future, start investing in yourself today. Start devoting a few hours per week to something that can help you change career in the future.

And what is really great with the hospitality business, for entry-level jobs, you don’t necessarily need to have a degree. All you need is your personality, understanding how this industry works, zest to learn, and professionalism. 

That being said, I highly recommend you looking into a few courses and find free information from hotel professionals who are already in this business.  

I personally have taken dozens of courses. Some of them, at first sight, were offering high-quality online education but in reality, had a lot of information that I could find online for free.

So, among all those courses I took, I would highlight only a few:  


I took a lot of Udemy online classes which for the most part were very helpful. At present time, Mark is still going through two of their courses on web development (I am mentioning them below.) 

So, if you are new to the hospitality business or even if you have been doing this for a while, you have a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow. And here what I personally can highly speak of:

  • Customer Service 2.0 – for those interested to work in Front of the Office department 
  • How to Become a Professional Waiter – if you are looking to work in a restaurant (at the hotel or anywhere else.)
  • Improve Your English For Tourism And Hospitality – for non-native speakers who are looking to work in the hospitality business in English speaking country 
  • Hotel Management Fundamentals – a great short course on a career as a hotel manager
  • Social Media Marketing – a social media course that will come in handy in many fields, not just hospitality. But if you are interested to work in the marketing department. 
  • How to Open Your Own Hotel, B&B, or Inn – very helpful course for anyone who is thinking to open his own Airbnb/bed & breakfast/Inn, etc.


  • HOW TO BUILD A HOSPITALITY BUSINESS – this course prepares for a professional management career in the hotel industry. It consists of four courses and can teach you the fundamentals of hotel demand management, distribution, and revenue management. Learn here if working in revenue management may be for you. 
  • OVERVIEW OF HOSPITALITY SCHOOLS IN THE US – list of the best schools for the hospitality degree.

2. Traveling Housekeeper

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Some people may assume that this job is very similar to a hotel professional job that I mentioned above. Yes and no.

Traveling housekeeper is basically a person who chooses to look for housekeeping jobs anywhere in the world and go when the opportunity arises. But to tell you the truth, there are plenty of opportunities. Finding a job won’t take much of the time. Although keep in mind, this is not fully one of the jobs that involve traveling. It is that job where you can travel as you wish. 

In nowadays world, when more and more people choose to travel and more new B&Bs and guest houses are popping out, there is a huge demand for people who do housekeeping. Besides that, let’s be honest, the majority don’t want to do this type of job. Finding it will not be difficult to do.

Anyone can become a traveling housekeeper. This is a wonderful job for those who want to travel and work but don’t hold any degree or experience. More than that, if you are thinking about how to get a job abroad without experience, you can always start with a housekeeper job. Also, if you’ve had a career in something else but want to take a break and move around, take a look at this type of job for travelers.

I have never really thought that it allows you to travel the world until I started to meet others who are doing it.

Last year, for instance, in Kotor, Montenegro, I met a guy from the UK who was spending three months there working as a housekeeper in a guest house. Two months ago, when visiting Cyprus, I met a girl from Russia who was spending three months on the island also working as a housekeeper in one of the hotels.

And then just two weeks ago in Braşov, Romania, I met an American lady who was spending two months in the city working at the hostel. She has been traveling as a housekeeper for a few years now while living in different countries around Europe.

Getting a Traveling Housekeeper job

There are many various websites where you can look for this type of jobs in other countries. Depending on a destination, you can work in hostels and guest houses, fancy hotels, and someone’s homes.

If traveling to another country where you are not authorized to work, most likely you will be doing this job in exchange for housing and food only. Although some places are willing to pay a stipend.

If you are interested to check a few jobs, for the beginning, I suggest you take a look at Workaway or Worldpackers websites. They are the most known. However, I am writing another blog post on how and where to find housekeeping jobs around the world. So make sure to check it later.

Also, I recommend you checking a few courses in housekeeping (like this one,) if you are willing to find a housekeeping job quickly in a hotel or rent your property on Airbnb. 



3. Member of an Archaeological or Geological Expedition

jobs that require travel

In order to work as an archeologist, you must have higher academic education and at least some experience. However, excavations and geological developments involve not only scientists and archeologists but also unskilled workers who can do some simple work.

If you get a chance to join the expedition, you will be able to travel to a historical place, touch the antiquities, and communicate with highly intelligent people. Some decide to pursue a degree in this field after participating in a few expeditions while others, mainly students, choose this opportunity mainly for traveling.

If you decide to start looking for these jobs, keep in mind a few things. First, you must have good health, stamina, and be physically prepared. The work is associated with archaeological expeditions always takes place in different climates. A person should not have any allergies, especially to materials of organic origin.

This type of work can be done both individually and in a team. Therefore, those who apply should be also emotionally stable, calm, and patient.

For more details on this career, check the environmental science website. For job opportunities in underwater and nautical archaeology, see this website.

There are hundreds of various jobs in geology here. While most of them require a degree in this field, there are still some jobs with pretty basic requirements. 

Jobs That Require Travel And No Degree

4. Traveling Photographer Job

traveling jobs

Before you jump to the next job, don’t skip this one, thinking that you know everything about a job as a photographer.

Becoming a professional traveling photographer can open a door to endless opportunities if you are ready to invest time and be disciplined. It can go from something as simple as selling or licensing your own photographs and being able to travel to huge photo shoots abroad for the client’s expense. 

However, don’t assume that a desire to travel and the ability to see good potential shots are enough to start this career.

First of all, you’ll need to buy the right type of camera and have patience – both in anticipation (and creation) for a good shot, and in terms of building a career. You definitely won’t become a star in a month, so expect to study and practice a lot.

Also, you’ll need the stamina to withstand the rhythm of work and business skills to sell your services.

So, if you decide to seriously take up photography, first of all, start studying. Yet at the beginning of your journey, you don’t need any expensive online photographer courses for beginners. Seriously, it’s just a waste of money. These days, there is a huge amount of absolutely free information and you can easily learn the basics with that. YouTube is your friend here.

Later with time, when moving to the next level, you’d probably need to buy a course (also optional.) But on initial stages, there is no need for that.

Here is a quick helpful post on how to become a professional travel photographer if you are curious. 

5. Traveling Jobs in Agro-Tourism (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms)

Voluntary Organic Farm Workers is a trend that getting more and more popular each year. Organic farms exist in at least 50 countries and you can go to any place you feel like.

The job basically includes 4-6 hours a day of work 5-6 days per week. In exchange, you receive accommodation and food. No one owes anything to anyone – it is some type of exchange without money.

To become a member of the program, the farmer provides evidence of the ecological cleanliness of his farm and pays an annual fee. Volunteers also pay a fee when register on the website.

While this is technically not a job, you still get most of the expenses covered in exchange for work. Today you can be collecting coffee in Brazil, grapes in France or olives in Italy, and tomorrow fly to Australia to pick the peaches.

One of the most known websites for finding jobs in this field is Wwoof organization. Among others are WorkingTraveler and Helpx. Although WorkingTraveler besides job opportunities has volunteering and free hospitality projects. 

For paid jobs in agro-tourism in the USA, UK, Australia, read this article. They nailed it and probably provided all sources for finding a farm job. Do your research on other countries since there are a lot of farms around the world. 

6. Tourist Entertainer

Jobs where you travel

Here is another job for people who like to travel. A tourist entertainer is a person who conducts various celebratory and entertainment events and himself acts in them as an actor. The task is to maintain the joyful mood of the audience and participants.

There are 3 different types of entertainers:

– Those who work with children – usually with children under the age of 14. Most in demand at children’s parties.
– Entertainers who work on corporate programs – they usually help a corporate leader in hosting games and competitions and participates in promotions and presentations.
– Entertainers at the hotel – work in hotels located in resort areas. There, they engage in entertainment programs for people of all age groups.

If you want to travel the world, then you have to look for jobs in the last category. Jobs for entertainers at hotels are seasonal and permanent. The biggest demand is in the areas with all-inclusive hotels.

This job perfectly suits actors and is perfect for cheerful and sociable people. Your chances are even higher if you speak other languages.

You can learn more about this career and browse jobs on this website or this one.

NOTE: Right now, finding a job as a tourist entertainer is difficult since tourism is on hold. But soon things will start picking up. 

7. Truck Driver 

A career of a truck driver is an excellent option for those who don’t have a degree and don’t see themselves working in the office but who are eager to make good money pretty fast and travel around the country (and abroad.) And this is definitely a job with a lot of travel. 

However, the profession of a truck driver is rather a lifestyle. Despite the apparent simplicity, it is definitely not the easiest and safest job. And it doesn’t fit everyone. This job is difficult and a driver should be in good shape, physically and emotionally.

Still, there are many benefits, a good salary, and ability to travel.

Yeah, I get that you don’t experience a lot from behind the wheel. But you still see different sceneries, cities and smaller towns when driving through them. Also, you may see something while having rest time.

By the law (depending on the country,) a driver can drive a truck for a certain period of time and then have 10-20 hour rest. In the USA for example, the rest time is usually 10-12 hours and driving hours cannot exceed 11 hours. So you decide how to spend your rest time.

Another thing, some truck driving jobs are among the highest paying travel jobs.

According to the Bureau of Labor, the salary in America varies from $30,000 to $120,000 a year. It depends on qualifications, experience, the state, and the company you work for. Check this excellent source for more details. 

How to Find a Job of a Truck Driver 

First of all, the qualifications.

In order to become a truck driver, you do not need to have a degree. In general, education is not important here.

The main thing is to be at least 21 years old (for the US,) pass a drug and alcohol test, undergo a physical exam, attend a truck driving school training which will prepare you for a commercial driver’s license test and knowledge, and then get your license in DMV.

I have never personally thought about becoming a truck driver. So I can’t share much about this job. But I would love to refer you to people who have been doing this for a while and can tell you a lot. Like this amazing blog about how to become a truck driver or this website with careers and online education.

American drivers who are looking to work in one of the European countries have such an opportunity too. There is a high demand for private truck drivers in countries across Europe. You just need to check their own set of licensing requirements. 

8. Cruise Ship Worker

This is another wonderful job that includes travel and a lot of it. You literally make a living traveling the world while having free lodging and meals. It is somewhat similar to working in a large resort hotel since the territory of modern ocean liners is quite comparable to the size of coastal hotel complexes.

Nevertheless, job seekers on cruise liners need to understand and prepare themselves for the fact that life on the ship is significantly different from life on the mainland. You need to take into account that most of the time you will be in the open sea or ocean, as well as the fact that working on cruise ships requires hard work and diligence, which requires good health, a lot of strength and patience.

However, the reward for hard work will be very generous. The average salary of a service worker on a cruise liner is $1000-1500 US dollars per month. Additionally to that, you receive free accommodation, 3 meals a day, snacks, and uniforms. Those who are more qualified, like managers, often have doubled salaries and more.

Where to Find Cruise Ship Jobs 

Jobs that involve traveling

In today’s post-virus world, finding a cruise ship job is not that easy. Not many companies are hiring and the competition is big. Still, you should definitely try if that’s your dream. I advise you to look for cruise ship jobs in the luxury travel sector. Rich people continue to travel as they did before. There are multiple (smaller) cruise ships these days in the oceans that keep hiring staff.

One of the easiest ways to apply for this type of job would be through direct application on the cruise line’s website. But besides this option, there are dozens of online job finders and hiring platforms that work better for many people.

Here are the best online job boards to find cruise ship jobs:

FLEXJOBS: One of the best sites for finding a job in general, be it remote work from home, on-site jobs, freelance jobs, full-time or part-time jobs. Cruise jobs are there too. Put “cruise” or “cruise ship” in the search line on the homepage to get access to the most recent postings.

ALLTHINGSCRUISE: Online job board with direct links to the cruise line’s own online employment pages. Through their aggregate, you can view up-to-date openings and apply for jobs directly.

ALLCRUISEJOBS: All types of cruise jobs in one place. This online platform connects you with different recruiters who have lots of recent, up-to-date vacancies.

CRUISEJOBFINDER: Another excellent website with thousands of job openings. Besides cruise vacancies, there are also resort jobs, luxury yacht crewing, and tour operator jobs. This one and the previous one are good for people who look to work in the luxury travel sector.

Besides these online job finders, you can always browse jobs on the cruise line’s official website. The most popular cruise lines are the Norwegian Cruise Line, Royal Caribbean, Carnival, Celebrity Cruises, Princess Cruises, Cunard, and Disney Cruise Line. 

9. Au-Pair as One of the Best Travel Jobs For Young People

I wouldn’t be recommending this job if I didn’t do it myself and didn’t know how much it can pay you back. Also, with the au-pair job, a lot of families never ask for any degree. Experience – yes, CPR certificate – yes. Degree – no.

Every time I am thinking about my au-pair years I am getting a warm and comforting feeling inside. I wish I could actually go back in time and replay those moments again.

Some people will say that au-pair is not a job, but an exchange program. That is true, but at the same time, it is a job you do for others. And very often you can find au-pair jobs that require travel and allow you to travel during your free time. You work a full-time schedule and put a lot of effort in taking care of little ones. And yes, taking care of children is a job no matter what other people tell you.

Au-pair salary is not high, but taking into consideration that all your expenses are covered, the pocket money you get from a family is more than enough.

I was able to travel on my monthly au-pair salary, save up for my first car, and buy lots of unnecessary things. Families I lived with were traveling from time to time, so it provided me with an amazing opportunity to see a little bit of the U.S.

An au-pair job is not a short-term job for carefree people who don’t have a plan for their life. It is a very rewarding and enriching experience. It can grow into any other job related to children and their development.

Besides the hospitality career, I had another career in education, and that career began with my experience as an au-pair. This job taught me life, helped me travel, and build a platform for my future growth.

Don’t try to become an au-pair though if you don’t like kids. It should be obvious, right?

Where to Find Au-Pair Jobs

jobs that involve traveling

These days, there are many websites for finding an au-pair job. Some of them serve as platforms that connect host families with au-pairs directly while others are websites of agencies where you need to register and let an agent help you find a family.

During the time when I was an au-pair, I was using many different sites. Some of my favorites are:

AUPAIRWORLD – it is one of the most popular au-pair websites with thousands of families across the world.

GREATAUPAIR – a great platform for anyone who is trying to find a job quickly without too much experience. However, many families offer pay below average and there are a lot of scam postings. So you’d need to spend a good chunk of time finding a good match. I personally worked for two amazing families whom I found on this website.

SCANDINAVIAN AU-PAIR CENTER – this au-pair agency has been on the market for many years. It has offices in Europe and North America but works with families in Scandinavian countries. Some families look for families for a short period of time. It can be a great opportunity for someone who is outside of Europe.

CARE.COM – This website is not an au-pair site but there you can find a lot of live-in nanny positions as well as housekeeping, senior care, pet care, tutoring, and special needs jobs. It covers mainly the USA and Canada. 



Remote Jobs That Let You Travel the World

10. Blogger (Read Why!)

Honestly, I have never really thought that I would ever recommend blogging as one of those great jobs that pay you to travel. And actually, if you make it as a career, it will pay very well. You don’t have to choose a niche in travel (especially during these times) to start working online and be able to travel (or live) anywhere in the world.

Once you make money online from your own website, you decide where and when to go. You still may need to travel to conferences, meetups, and various events to grow as a professional and learn. Although with a new corona-world, there will be more online events than actual physical ones.

A professional blogger is not really a traveling job that requires travel. It is rather a fantastic job that gives you more freedom and time to travel whenever you want.

I started to blog 2 years ago and today I am making enough from my blog to be able to live in a developing country and cover the expenses of three people. Not enough yet to live a luxury lifestyle in the U.S. but enough not to go back to a cubical lifestyle.

If you click through different posts on this blog, you’ll notice that it’s mainly about travel (which is pretty non-existent now), yet, I mastered the ways how to make money with it. In fact, I am now making the same amount of money that I was making before the outbreak.  

Blogging is tough and very competitive but if you are defined to walk this path and learn how this business works, you will surely have success.

How to Become a Successful Blogger & Turn It Into a Career Where You Can Travel

Becoming a blogger these days is easy and quick. But becoming a successful blogger, who knows how to make money with the website and become location independent, takes true passion and dedication.

If you are now seriously thinking (or have been thinking for some time) to start a blog and turn it into a money-making machine, my number one advice for you is: start investing in yourself. Start investing time, effort, money into learning from people who have already established a successful blogging business. Launching a blog (or any website) and filling it with inspirational content is only one part which, to be honest, won’t get you far.

The most important thing about a successful blogging career is to have a strategy and know exactly what to do in order to make money. To be able to monetize a blog, you need first to learn how to optimize your posts and make them rank on Google, so people notice and click to your site. Next, you have to learn how to market, run social media campaigns, produce valuable content, talk to your readers, and more. 

If you have already started a blog, launching it anytime soon, or planning to launch in the nearest future, I highly recommend you watch this free training from one of my favorite travel bloggers (and one of my teachers) where he is showing exactly what to do to build a successful blog.

There is really a lot to learn and do. But if you learn from people who have already achieved what you want to achieve, you will be there soon too. 

I am also thinking to start a series of posts where I’ll share my experience with blogging, how I make money today, what were my ups and downs when I started out, and what it took me to get where I am. If you are curious to follow along, subscribe to my newsletter to start receiving emails from me, including those about blogging. Until then, check Nick’s video to receive answers to the most important questions about blogging as one of the best travel careers.

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Social Media Consultant job allows you to travel in that way that in many cases you work remotely. Especially in the nowadays world when more and more companies let their workers work from home.

If you know how to engage with the customers using social media on behalf of a brand and make the audience follow you, think about the opportunity to become a social media consultant.

Yet, this job is not that easy as many people picture it. However, if you master it and enjoy the routine, you can work from anywhere in the world following your own schedule.

With the constant growth of social media users and an increase in online shopping, social media consultants are going to be more and more in demand. And with this job, they can work full-time within the company or online as freelancers.

If you are seriously thinking about how to become a successful social media consultant, take a look at this article.

First of all, of course, you need to have a well-written resume with your latest experience in this field. If there is no gained experience yet, consider becoming an intern for a few months. 

The best sources for finding a social media consultant job are:

NAUKRI – just this site alone has more than 10,000 jobs in the social media sector;

LINKEDIN Jobs,  SHINE, and TIMESJOBS are other websites.

12. Digital Content Creator

A digital content creator is a person who helps small and medium businesses to create and elaborate digital content with a goal to increase sales and get profit. Digital content creators produce articles, photos, videos, movies, and can work in any field.

I am a digital content creator who, first of all, works for herself and, second, has a few side projects. With my side projects, I produce content for travel magazines and other bloggers. While this job does not sponsor my travels, I am capable to work online from anywhere in the world. I choose for myself when to travel and how much time to spend on the road.

With that said, I still want to emphasize that not everyone can be a digital content creator. It sounds like an easy job when in reality it involves a lot of hours of work, research, and creative thinking.

Some of the most famous websites for finding a job as a digital content creator are Fiverr.com, Indeed, LinkedIn, SimplyHired, Freelancer.

13. Virtual Assistant

Consider This Before Starting to Look for a Remote Work

I am strongly convinced that the job of a virtual assistant is a fantastic job that lets you travel, move around a lot, and helps you choose where to live.

The person who is somewhat a universal specialist who helps an entrepreneur conduct business through the Internet. He/she plays a very similar role as a personal assistant but everything is taking place online instead of the actual office. A virtual assistant answers emails, works on a schedule, does some social media work, creates presentations, organizes webinars, arranges mailing services, and does any other task that a person he works for needs.

Depending on previous experience, the assistant may specialize in one field or another. But in general, this is a person who knows how the Internet works, can find the right service, write a request, control contractors and be the “many-armed” multi-worker who knows how to make other person life easier.

It doesn’t matter in which country the entrepreneur lives and where the Virtual Assistant decides to be based. They meet and collaborate on the Internet anyways.

The best sources for finding a job as a virtual assistant are Upwork, Remote, Peopleperhour, Freelancer, WeWorkRemotely, and Flexjobs.

14. Freelance Web Developer

If you are reading this section, it means you are either a web developer or thinking to become one. Those who are just considering an opportunity to enter this field need to decide at first which area they want to learn – front end, back end, WordPress, or other stacks.

Once you decide, the next step is to devote days, weeks, and months to education and actually finding a hands-on experience.

This job is very rewarding but like many other jobs, it is demanding and challenging. The following post answers many questions and tells the truth about beginning freelance web development.

If you make a decision that you want to become a freelance web developer, it is a good idea to start with an online course(s). To help you get started, Mark, based on his experience, can recommend the following courses:

The Web Developer Bootcamp – a course for beginners created by an excellent instructor from San Francisco Colt Steele. It’s easy to understand for anyone who hasn’t touched web development before.

Web Design For Everybody – the basics of website design and creation. This course teaches how to write correct HTML5 and CSS3, and how to create interactive web experiences with JavaScript.

Becoming a Web Developer – go from no-code to an in-demand junior web developer. Learn the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 

The Complete Web Development Bootcamp – if you are thinking to take only one single course, this is the one to choose! It is based on theory and practice, has excellent content, and teaches how to build any website you want. The instructor is using a simple language and thoroughly explains each part. Even if you have zero experience in coding, at the end of this course you’ll feel like a pro! 

Coding for Dummies (Book) – an excellent all-in-one book with a total of 9 books about web development and programming for people who are totally new to this field. With this book, you can learn HTML, CSS, and a few other coding subjects. With it, you will learn everything you need to be able to start working on coding projects of your own.

15. Freelance Bookkeeper

The company that needs accounting services can conduct it in three different ways – to hire a full-time accountant, outsource it, or hire a freelance bookkeeper to help with some basic stuff.

Online accounting is a cloud-based Internet service with a paid set of tools. With their help, you can generate initial documentation, send a report to the tax and extra-budgetary funds in electronic form. It can become an assistant to a simple business.

Bookkeeping is different from accounting. It does not require any special set of skills or any analysis. It is actually a great job for people who don’t have a lot of experience but want to transfer to a new field quickly.

Some bookkeepers work with a high school diploma only. However, to make it easier for you to find a job, I recommend looking into obtaining a certification or licensing through one of the national organizations.

Every company needs some form of bookkeeping. And in today’s world, more and more companies look for online bookkeepers to keep expenses down. It is a win-win situation for everyone.

Learn more about how to become a bookkeeper at home.

16. Software Developer & Other IT Jobs

jobs that require travel

Do you know that a lot of software development jobs can be actually done remotely? And that you don’t really need to have a degree to become a developer yourself?

Software developer jobs are not really among jobs that require travelling, but they can bring you lots of opportunities to travel independently as much as you want. With this job you always have a choice to work in the office or go remote. If you go remote, decide for yourself where to be based and how often to travel.

A software developer job is by no means an easy task. It requires a lot of dedication, passion, and effort. Learning code is not for everyone. You would need to invest a lot of time in self-education and development before applying for jobs in this field and hoping to get a good paying salary.

If you enjoy a lot of challenges and solving problems then maybe software development could be the next job that will enable you to see the world.

See the following page for more tips and courses in this field.

Where to Find a Remote Job as a Software Developer or IT Specialist

There are dozens of various websites with IT jobs. Some may suit one group of people while others will work better for others.

Websites that Mark found helpful when looking for a job are WeWorkRemotely, WorkingNomads, Upwork, and FreelancerMap. 

PowerToFly is a site that helps women to find a tech job.  



Jobs That Require Travel And Pay Well

17. VIP Flight Attendant

jobs that require travel

This is definitely one of those jobs that require a lot of travel and pay really good money for it.

We all know about commercial flight attendant jobs but not so much about the corporate flight attendants. 

I actually don’t believe you can qualitatively and deeply experience a new destination during your layover, or a few of them. But with flight attendant job you can be based in a new city and/or country, and fly for free all over the world during your days off or vacation.

When you are working as a commercial flight attendant, you usually fly standby. Flying that way is not always fun because it requires a lot of flexibility and adjustment, and you don’t get a free flight every single time. But considering the fact that you are flying for a small fee helps you forget about some inconveniences.

There are so many perks you receive with a commercial flight attendant job, even though it is always demanding and often stressful. However, you’ll get a totally different experience and money when working as a commercial flight attendant.

I would love to share some truly valuable information (from one of my friends) on how to become a corporate flight attendant and make more than $100,000 a year



18. Professional Nanny

Many people don’t take nanny positions seriously, believing it’s not prestigious to be a babysitter. I’ve heard some people saying that only uneducated and unambitious individuals work as nannies because there is nothing else they can do with their lives. Ouch, hearing that hurts. Because in reality, working as a Nanny is very demanding, rewarding, and joyful at the same time. This job requires a patient, knowledgeable, and loving heart.

And what, if I tell you that as a Professional Nanny you can travel the world and earn up to $200K per year? It is one of the careers that require travel for sure. 

A professional nanny is a relatively new term and gaining popularity among both families and nannies.

There are some distinct differences between this job and a Babysitter or a Nanny.

As a Professional Nanny, you have to be CPR and First Aid certified, hold a degree in any field related to childcare, have more than five years of experience working as a babysitter, au-pair, and/or nanny for a high-profile family.

This job is not a joke and requires a lot of commitment, working hours as well as choosing this profession as your long-term career.

You can’t find professional nanny jobs through a simple search on the Internet or asking neighbors.

On average it takes from three to six months to secure it through the agency. And only if you go through the screening. But if you do get a job, you can make sure your salary will be higher than the one of an average office worker. Plus, you’ll get to travel very often.

Many families usually have homes in different parts of the country, or world, and need a Professional Nanny to travel with them. Additionally to competitive salary your benefits include health insurance, sometimes accommodation, meals, and transportation.

I have been going through a few interviews with families who were ready to pay me more than $100K per year, provide generous vacation time, health coverage, and meals. And I had a chance to work for one of those families in Los Angeles. I am convinced it’s one of the best ways to see the world, make a difference in someone’s life, and enrich your own life.

Where to Find a Job as a Professional Nanny

Unlike au-pair jobs, professional nanny jobs can be found only through elite placement agencies. To be able to apply you need to have an almost perfect resume, have a few certifications, experience, and in most cases education.

If you are just starting out as a nanny, there is no point in spending your time on professional nanny applications. In most cases, the agency will turn down everyone who doesn’t have any solid experience. So for that situation, it would be much better to start looking for a regular nanny position.

Keep in mind that competition is very high and only the best of the best applicants get a job. 

In regards to agencies, there are a lot of them in America and Europe. For the most part, they have offices in different parts of the world, so you can apply with the closest to your location branch.

When searching, put in google ‘nanny for a high profile family’, ’professional nanny positions/jobs’, ’nanny for celebrities’, or ’VIP nannies’. Some of the agencies I worked with were British American Household Staffing and The Nanny League. 

19. Traveling Nurse

If both of us were not fainting at the sight of blood, we would definitely go back to school to get our nursing degree.

If you love helping people, adding value to someone’s life, having a flexible schedule, and enjoy working in healthcare then this profession can help you make your dream come true.

Nurses make really good money and have a lot of room for growth. The demand for nurses is extremely high and going to increase in the future.

What is particularly great about this job is the length of contracts. Some of them are as long as 13 weeks. After the contract is over you are free to take a break or sign a new contract to move to another place. Also, traveling nurses are given a choice where to live, work, and how long to stay in one area. That’s a great benefit additionally to a competitive salary.

Travel nursing is not only a rewarding career that can help you travel around and move abroad. It will fill your life with constant adventure. Also, it is a very diverse and flexible opportunity.

This post on how to become a travel nurse answers all important questions points you in the right direction. 

20. Event Planners

Event-Planner is a specialist who organizes business and entertainment events for companies and individuals. This person works closely with a client to decide where an event will take place and where to hold it. He or she is responsible for thorough planning and organization.

Recently, on my trip to Vilnius, I met a girl, who was organizing our trip, who was an event manager. She shared how she was traveling around Europe and arranging events for her company at least once a month. Her company was participating in various trade shows and travel conferences, so her task was to organize everything.

If you are looking for entry-level jobs that require travel and if you have at least some relevant experience, then look for jobs in event agencies, especially those that are related to travel in one way or another. Some of the examples are companies that participate in large business forums, event agencies that organize a wedding in an exotic place or a master class in a foreign land, etc.

Despite the popularity of the profession, there is no such major as event management or event planning in any university. The event industry employs people with the most diverse backgrounds, but more often those who are psychologists, journalists, and philologists.

This profession also intersects with marketing, PR, and sales. Therefore, if you have a marketing or management degree and at least some experience, your chances of getting this job are high.

21. SAP Consultant

SAP consultant job is one of those jobs that can literally take you around the world.

The term SAP software stands for Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing. This software was developed by a German company and helps many companies around the world to manage business operations and customer relations.

SAP consultant is basically a person who knows everything about SAP software and can give advice. In many cases, he or she is an expert, project manager, and programmer at the same time.

There are two areas in this field where SAP consultants can work: Technical or Functional. Technical stands for software development and programming. Functional is all about the knowledge of tariffs, commissions, revenue shares, interfaces, and more. It is really impossible to describe this job in a few paragraphs only. You can read more about it here.

This job is amazing for those who want to live a travel lifestyle. First of all, even if you go to the actual office, you often have to be with a customer who can be located in another city or often country. Second, there are a lot of opportunities to work remotely since you can access the customer’s system from anywhere. And third, since many companies hire for a few months or a year, you are free to apply in different countries.

I have two friends who work as SAP Consultants. One friend is working remotely and occasionally travels to meet with her customers. And this friend is saying that working as an SAP consultant is one of the best IT jobs that requires travel, literally. 

Another friend’s husband is working physically in the office. I have the impression that he signs a new contract every year because they are always on the move. With this job, both of them have already lived in Brazil, Sri Lanka, in a few states in the United States and recently they moved to Germany.

This job is also challenging and requires certification. But it pays very well and helps you live a life of travel. One of my friends, who does it, has never even been to college. She has taken a few courses and dedicated a lot of time to self-education.

As with any other profession, there is no easy job and free money. You have to work and study hard. But if others can do it, you can too.

22. Luxury Travel Advisor

jobs that require travel

A luxury travel advisor is not the job of a travel agent that you may think of. Travel agents usually book tickets, hotels, or transfers. They sell cruises and all-inclusive resort getaways. Sweet. But.

Luxury travel advisors’ job is kind of similar and different at the same time. These people also make lots of reservations and travel arrangements, yet they work on a totally different level. They usually have access to world-class events, private islands, resorts, and hotels, and work with only a special caliber of a traveler. Not like us, kind of budget travelers who are trying to get the most out of a dollar.

Luxury travel advisors offer luxury, organize everything in the blink of an eye, and always deliver the highest service. To give you an example: they provide their clients with access to the Monaco Formula 1, Millionaire’s Row at the Kentucky Derby, help them walk the red carpet of a fashion week, sing on stage with a favorite band, and even travel to space. Those kinds of experiences.

At some point in my life, I was aiming at this job at Virtuoso – a network of the best luxury travel agencies. I didn’t get it but if I did, my job would include lots of travel and my starting salary was going to be 55K per year (in Los Angeles.) At the same time, full health insurance was provided along with all the perks and discounts on travel, and lots of room for growth.

A luxury travel advisor job is very demanding. It is not all glitter but this traveling career provides an opportunity to travel the world and be able to make six figures within a few years (after lots of hard work, of course.) Here is more information on this job, if you are curious.

23. Geologists

Among all the jobs for travelers, the job of a geologist is probably the least known one. Geologists are specialists who study the structure, composition, and patterns of Earth’s development. They examine minerals, sedimentary rocks, what’s happening in the earth’s crust, analyze earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the historical sequence of geological processes, and much more.

There are a few different specializations in geology. Some geologists work for oil and gas exploration companies, others for civil engendering firms, or government agencies. Petroleum and engineering geologists most of the time travel to various distinct areas with a goal to locate gas and oil deposits.

In addition to conducting laboratory analyses, developing documentation and recommendations, such specialists from time to time go to faraway regions. They search for mineral deposits, assess the possibility of building various structures in new territories, from factories and power plants to the metro.

On the one hand, the profession of a geologist makes it possible to visit both the remote corners of the Taiga and lesser-visited hot African countries. On the other hand, you need to be prepared to live in various (often challenging) conditions, so for working in the field, in addition to the necessary knowledge, you will need good physical preparation and endurance.

24. English or Any Other Subject Teacher

jobs that require travel

Working as an English Teacher in one of the schools in Saigon, Vietnam

Nowadays everyone is writing about English Teaching jobs as a perfect opportunity to see the world and make pretty good money. And this opportunity is awesome indeed. But what about other teaching jobs?

I have been tutoring kids in math, science, and social studies as well as the Russian language. My friend, who is from Hungary, moved to Sweden because she was offered a job as a piano instructor. My other friend is teaching Spanish in South America. The list goes on and on.

Mark and I have been also teaching English while living in Vietnam and were offered a job in Thailand and China. Salary, accommodation, and working conditions were so appealing that we almost signed the contract.

The reason why we changed our minds was that we wanted to concentrate on remote work and invest time in our blog. But chances are still high enough that we may reconsider this option in the nearest future.

What interests us more though is online teaching. No obligations to be at a specific place or country. We can be teaching outside of the classroom while exploring the world on our own terms. So can you.

You don’t have to be an English teacher for securing a good teaching job. Nowadays, you can be teaching so many other things and subjects. Choose what you know well, what you love teaching, and pursue your dream.

If you need more advice on teaching English around the world, read tips from Kate and Kris. These guys have been teaching for many years and accumulated a lot of knowledge. Also, many other bloggers write about their English teaching experiences.

Where to Find a Job as an English Teacher? 

Before you even start looking for a job, the first thing to do is to get certified. Most schools will ask for TEFL/TESOL/CELTA teaching certification, so get ready for that in advance.

There are many different online teaching courses where you can study and get a needed certificate. I personally completed a course with i-to-i company. Later, when my legal name changed, they had no problem sending me a new certificate for a very symbolic payment.

Some of my favorite resources for finding a job as an English Teacher are Dave’s ESL Cafe, EslBase, and TEFL. For teaching English (and other languages) online, I had success with Tandem, Italki, 51Talk, and EF Education First. But there are many more agencies out there that connect teachers with schools and students. 



Jobs that Require International Travel

25. Auditor

At first glance, the work of an auditor has nothing to do with travel. It seems that auditors never travel abroad but only work long hours in their offices. It is partially true. As an auditor, you work crazy long hours that sometimes it feels you live where you work.

Nonetheless, many times working as an auditor grows into a career that allows you to travel. Auditors often leave for inspections to different cities and even countries. Often they spend weeks and months in one place.

I have been working for Deloitte and one Private Equity in Ukraine and remember how many times my colleagues were away. They were gone to work on projects in many countries in Europe and in Central Asia.

Working as an auditor provides many travel opportunities but also a lot of challenges. Of course, it is not always possible to see exotic places. But you can often spend several weeks in different cities and countries which means you’ll have time to get acquainted with the local culture and lifestyle.

Working as an auditor is a very, very intense job. It requires a diploma and at least a few years of experience in a smaller company.

You should check these fundamentals of audit to get an understanding if a career in auditing is right for you.

Other Jobs Where You Can Travel a Lot & See the World

26. Seasonal Jobs to See the World

jobs that require travel

Can you believe this is in the U.S.?

Two years ago when we were in Alaska we took a tour to Denali National Park. Our bus driver was a 30-something lady from Texas, whose job as a bus driver was seasonal and lasted less than 6 months.

She shared details of working this job during the summer months and then heading to Colorado to work as a ski instructor during the winter. This young lady loved both of the states and kept coming to each of them every year. Besides the opportunity to enjoy her favorite places she was earning a salary and living the dream.

There are many stories like this one.

Our friends have traveled through Europe while working on farms, picking up berries, and being lifeguards at the pool. Some of our neighbors were diving instructors and camp leaders in Central America.

We personally have been offered seasonal jobs in hotels across the U.S. and Canada. Opportunities are endless and the sky is the limit. If you are looking for any possible way to move abroad or travel in slow mode while earning money, take a look at seasonal jobs.

Of course, you can’t make a fortune working those jobs. However, you can definitely have all your travel expenses covered and even save some money for the future. It really depends on the job and how much time you are willing to work.

To give you an example, there was a time when I secured one seasonal job in a resort in Utah. My salary was going to be around $1,600K per month before taxes with included accommodation and lunches. It was an entry-level job that required 40 hours of work per week. Not bad for someone in transition or traveler like me.

We are not implying that this is the amount of money you are going to get for your next seasonal job. You may get more, or you may get less. Some of the jobs require prerequisites and qualifications, but there are many others where you don’t need to have any specific experience. You’ll go through training and will learn what to perform.

Where to Find Seasonal Jobs?

It all depends on the field of work you are looking to do. Some of my favorite websites are:

Seasonal Jobs in America – offer jobs in farming, forest and conservation, production, restaurant business, and more.

Coolworks – a fantastic website with a wide range of jobs around the USA. On this resource, you’ll find jobs in sales and retail, in state and national parks, in maintenance, jobs with horses, RV spaces, fish, in healthcare, hospitality, farms, gardens, and much, much more.

Fruit picking jobs – vacancies for seasonal and harvest jobs in New Zealand and Australia.

Berry picking jobs – seasonal berry farm vacancies in the UK.

Amazon – this company always has vacancies in all countries where it operates. 

Back Door Jobs – worldwide short-term job opportunities.

27. Theater, Drama and Dance Performer

This field is a bit competitive to get into, but if you have experience and zest then don’t fret.

We meet more and more people who work as dancers and actors worldwide. They work on cruise ships, in summer camps and amusement parks. Jobs in this field exist across all borders and there are so many variations of them. You don’t need to be on the way to Los Angeles just to express yourself. Opportunities are ample worldwide and you have to spend some time searching for them.

Today you can be performing on the stage in China and in a few months fly to Turkey or Greece. Spend a few years in this field or make it a career. The choice is yours.

A lot of people travel the world and get paid while doing there hobbies. You can be the next one who’ll do the same. 

Are you thinking to see the world at a slower pace? Consider one of these jobs. They will open up a lot of possibilities in regards to life, work and travel around the world. Do you have any other jobs where you get to travel to add to this list? Share your thoughts!

If you are looking for ways how to travel one year with only $10K in your pocket, this step by step guide will help you make it happen.

jobs that require travel

Fun Traveling Jobs to Make Money
The Best Travel Jobs of 2023
Travel Jobs

The best travel jobs allow you to earn income while exploring the world. Here are real-life examples of people living the dream – making money traveling abroad. Learn how to land one of these awesome careers!

COVID UPDATE: The worldwide pandemic has been devastating to many people, however it’s also proven that remote work is growing faster than ever. Many of the jobs in this list are remote-work friendly!

Do you wish you could travel more? If you love traveling as much as I do, but can’t afford to completely quit working, you’re in luck.

There are actually many different travel job opportunities to make money traveling the world.

Whether it’s seeking opportunities to trade work for accommodation, landing a location independent job that gives you the freedom to travel abroad, working as a digital nomad, or other long-term traveling careers — you have options.

There are even travel jobs out there for people without a college degree.

The reason I’ve been able to travel the world for the past 10-years is that I’ve slowly turned my travel blog into a very successful business that earns 6-figures a year.

However that’s certainly not the only path to freedom and long-term travel.

  1. How To Work & Travel The World
  2. Expat, Digital Nomad, or Backpacker?
    • Expat Traveling Jobs
    • Digital Nomads
    • Backpacker Jobs
    • Travel Industry Careers
  3. Best Travel Jobs In 2023
    • 1. Travel Blogging
    • 2. Teach English Abroad
    • 3. Teach English Online
    • 4. Yacht Sailing Jobs
    • 5. Freelance Travel Photographer
    • 6. Bartending Jobs Abroad
    • 7. Remote Work & Telecommuting
    • 8. Become A Local Tour Guide
    • 9. Online Translation Jobs
    • 10. Work At Backpacker Hostels
    • 11. Traveling Yoga Instructor
    • 12. Freelance Travel Writer
    • 13. Freelance Massage Therapist
    • 14. Website & Graphic Design
    • 15. Work On A Cruise Ship
    • 16. Trading Stocks or Crypto
    • 17. Traveling Street Vendor
    • 18. Traveling Festival Work
    • 19. Scuba Diving Instructor
    • 20. Au Pair Traveling Jobs
    • 21. Work As A Flight Attendant
    • 22. Foreign Service Travel Jobs
    • 23. Travel Agent
    • 24. Drop Shipping / Private Labeling
    • 25. Musician / Street Performer
    • 26. List Your Place On Airbnb
    • 27. Seasonal Travel Jobs
    • 28. Internet Poker
    • 29. Peace Corps / NGO Work
    • 30. Freelance Travel Marketing
    • 31. Videography / Vlogging / YouTube
    • 32. Traveling Nurse Positions
    • 33. Nomadic Computer Programmer
    • 34. Online Virtual Assistant
    • 35. Professional Consultant
    • 36. Working Holiday Visas
  4. Ready To Start Working While Traveling?

How To Work & Travel The World

First a little disclaimer. If all travel-friendly jobs were easy to get, everyone would have one! Many of these professions require passion, specialized training, time commitment, and talent. For those that don’t, the pay isn’t always great.

There is no magic way to instantly earn lots of money traveling.

The truth about becoming a location independent nomad is that it takes years of hard work and sacrifice behind the scenes — something too many people conveniently ignore.

That said, it’s not impossible to work and travel either. The people I interviewed for this article below have invested their time to learn how to make these jobs work for them — which means you can do the same if you make it a priority.

We all have the same 24 hours, how will you spend yours?

Best Travel Jobs for Backpackers

What Kind of Traveler Are You?

Expat, Digital Nomad, or Backpacker?

Not all “travel” jobs are created equally. The wanderlust opportunities listed here fall under one of the following categories — expat jobs, digital nomad jobs, travel industry careers, or what I’ll call backpacking jobs. What’s the difference you ask?

Expat Traveling Jobs

Expat stands for “expatriate”. Meaning while you are a citizen of one country, you choose to live/work in a foreign country. Expat jobs are only related to travel in that you’re not living in your own country. You may live in a country for months or years at a time (possibly on a remote work visa), and not fully nomadic.

Examples: English teacher, nanny, foreign service, etc.

Digital Nomads

A Digital Nomad works from their computer. This makes them location independent. As long as they have access to the internet, they can earn a living. Blogging falls under this category, so it also describes my lifestyle. Digital nomads are free to travel at will, working from coffee shops, hotels, or co-working spaces. Or they can work from home too.

Examples: Online business, freelance writing, social media, etc.

Backpacker Jobs

Backpackers and vagabonds do work that I’ll call “alternative” travel jobs. The type of work that may not require a computer or a college degree, but has a more hands-on approach. Think musicians, artists, or manual labor. Pay could be under the table.

Examples: Street vendor, musician, farm work, etc.

Travel Industry Careers

Finally, I’ll include a few popular travel industry career options too. These are more “traditional” business travel jobs in the hospitality and tourism industry. Positions like travel agents, local tourism boards, and travel marketing.

Examples: Travel agent, tour guide, tourism marketing, etc.

Side Income Ideas

Not Ready To Travel Yet?

Make sure to read my other article sharing different creative side-hustle ideas to make extra money from home.

Best Travel Jobs In 2023

The following travel jobs encompass one or more of the categories mentioned above.

If you crave the safety of permanent work, but you also want to live in a different country, then working abroad in a regular full-time type position might be best.

Keep in mind not all of these jobs are suitable for everyone. If you have a university degree, you might not be as willing to pick berries on a farm as someone else might be. Or maybe you are! I won’t judge.

We all have different backgrounds, skills, and comfort levels.

Make Money with Travel Blogging

Blogging is a Great Travel Job!

1. Travel Blogging

People who travel a lot while making money blogging can seem like a dream job. But like most things in life, it’s hardly simple. Earning a living with a travel blog is hard work — and can take a few years.

However, a travel blog isn’t the only option. Other examples include food bloggers, mommy bloggers, fashion bloggers, and lifestyle bloggers. Income generally comes from advertising, affiliate marketing, selling products, and influencer projects. But first, you need to build an audience!


Me! Check out my free guide on how to become a travel blogger.


$500 – $20,000+ per month


  • How To Start A Travel Blog
  • Making Money With Your Travel Blog
Start A Blog

Start A Travel Blog Today

Blogging started as a hobby, but is now my full-time job. Ready to start a blog and make money traveling?

Jobs that Require Travel

English Teacher

2. Teach English Abroad

Do you know how to speak English? Perfect! English teachers are highly sought after around the world — and the pay can be decent. You can get jobs teaching overseas, or even teaching classes online from your computer.

For the online jobs (basically teaching through Skype) a college degree is required, and for the foreign-based jobs, a TEFL certification (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) is also required (these jobs include accommodation too).


My buddy Drew Binsky first made money traveling and teaching English in Korea.


$2000 – $3000 per month


  • Professional TEFL Language Course

Work and Travel Teaching English

Teaching Language Online

3. Teach English Online

In addition to traveling overseas to teach English at a foreign school, there’s also a demand for online English teachers to tutor kids via video chat, like Skype. A bunch of online English teaching services have popped up over the last few years, mainly based in China.

To apply for a position, you generally need a college degree, be a citizen of the United States or Canada, and speak fluent English. A TEFL certification helps too. Classes are about 30 minutes long.


$1000 – $3000 per month


  • VIP Kid Online English Classes

Yacht Crew Jobs

Working on Sailing Yachts

4. Yacht Sailing Jobs

Can you imagine sailing around the world working on some rich guy’s private sailing yacht? This is an awesome job that requires travel! It’s a fun way to see some exotic locations. Your food and accommodation are covered too, which is great for saving money.

It’s ok if you’ve never worked on a yacht before because the job of deckhand or steward(ess) are entry-level positions that pay really well. All you need to do is take a short course beforehand and spend time in a beautiful yachting destination while looking for work.


My friend Katie made money traveling & working on private yachts for almost a decade.


$2000 – $3000 per month


  • The Yacht Guru’s Bible

Travel Photographer Jobs

Sell Your Photos Professionally

5. Freelance Travel Photographer

Becoming a professional travel or adventure photographer selling your images from around the world is a dream job, but takes a lot of work too. You can upload photos in bulk to micro-stock sites or sell images to clients directly for use in magazines, books, brand campaigns, or websites.

Running guided photography tours or selling online photography tutorials are additional ways to make money as a traveling photographer. If you build up your social media audience over time, you can start to get hired for paid “influencer” projects too.


My friend Brendan earns money selling stock images from his travels.


$1000 – $10,000 per month


  • 10 Best Online Photography Courses
  • How To Become A Professional Photographer

Traveling Bartender Job

Tend Bar in Foreign Countries

6. Bartending Jobs Abroad

Bars, nightclubs and restaurants are located worldwide and the job description is pretty much the same everywhere. It helps to speak the language, so you may need to invest in a few weeks of language classes.

Touristy places will be easier to find work in this industry and there’s no minimum or maximum time requirement. Plus the more experience you gain as a bartender, the more job opportunities will open up, with a potential for higher income.


My buddy Jeremy traveled and worked as a bartender in Australia.


$1000 – $3000 per month


  • Bartending For Dummies
  • How To Get A Bartending Job Overseas

7. Remote Work & Telecommuting

More and more businesses are discovering the benefits of hiring remote workers — allowing employees to work from home or anywhere with a wifi connection. Working online or telecommuting is becoming an option for professionals in a variety of industries.

So you may not even need to learn new skills, depending on what your current profession is. But how do you find the companies that pay you to travel or who are hiring remote workers? There are some good remote work job boards that post these types of positions. Jobs like data collection, research, sales, administrative assistants, and more.


Varies Greatly


  • FlexJobs Remote Work Job Board

Traveling Tour Guide Career

Lead Local Tours

8. Become A Local Tour Guide

You could consider working as a local tour guide or assistant for an international tour company, either at a single popular location or for multi-destination tours. Another option is to become a travel entrepreneur and create your very own custom tours!

Maybe it’s the best unmarked surf spots, an awesome local hiking trip, or showing people the coolest bars and restaurants in town. Becoming a tour guide is a great way to earn money in the travel industry while sharing your love of traveling.


My friend Lauren started a successful food tour business in Spain.


$1000 – $10,000 per month


  • Work Abroad Leading Adventure Tours

Traveling Translator

Translate Languages Online

9. Online Translation Jobs

Obviously, you need to know a second language to be a freelance language translator. But if that’s you, there are all kinds of companies out there who need translations done for websites, product manuals, books, and more.

If you’re just starting out, you could even translate restaurant menus, help run bilingual tours for tourists who speak your language or translate websites and blog posts. The more fluent you are, the more money you can make.


My friend Alexandra works as a freelance language translator from English to Spanish.


$25 – $70 per hour


  • How To Succeed As A Freelance Translator

Backpacker Hostel

Work at a Hostel

10. Work At Backpacker Hostels

Backpacker hostels frequently hire travelers to fill positions on a short-term basis in exchange for free room and board. There are many different types of jobs, from working at the front desk to housekeeping or bartending.

If you plan to stay long-term, some hostels offer paid positions too. Actually, I once got paid to work at a backpacker hostel in Hawaii many years ago. It included a small salary and a free apartment to live in.


My buddy Dave worked the front desk at a backpacker hostel in Singapore.


$7 – $10 an hour, possibly with accommodation included


  • How To Find Hostel Jobs

Nomadic Yoga Instructor

Teach Yoga While You Travel

11. Traveling Yoga Instructor

Another job that allows you to travel the world while making money is working as a freelance yoga instructor. You can teach classes on pilates, yoga, zumba, dance, or provide services as a personal trainer if you have enough experience.

Some yoga instructors make deals with local gyms, backpacker hostels, or fancy all-inclusive resorts in order to use their facilities with clients during trips. You can also be hired as an in-house yoga instructor to lead classes for guests. It’s a cool career for travelers!


My friends Brandon & Anne make money teaching yoga while traveling.


$30 – $100 per hour


  • Teaching Yoga: Essential Foundations & Techniques

Digital Nomad Jobs: Writing

Write Professionally about Travel

12. Freelance Travel Writer

Writing about travel seems to be a dream job for many, however, it’s not something most people can just jump into. First, you have to be great with words. Next, you need to learn about networking, pitching to editors, and all the other business stuff involved.

Once you have those down, then it’s possible to write for magazines, newspapers, websites, or travel guidebooks and travel the world. Freelance copywriting and other types of writing are also options.


My friend Jodi earns income on the road as a travel & food writer.


$0.10 – $1.00 per word


  • How To Become A Travel Writer
  • Essential Guide To Freelance Writing

Traveling Massage Therapist

Become a Trained Masseuse

13. Freelance Massage Therapist

Massage therapy is in demand worldwide as an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension. Trained therapists can offer their skills to weary travelers or expatriates near popular tourist destinations.

Work for a larger company or strike out on your own as an entrepreneur. Find clients by teaming up with hotels and giving them a cut for referring customers. Print flyers to hang up around gyms, coffee shops, etc.


My friend Kach made money traveling working as a massage therapist.


$50 – $200 per day


  • Business Of Massage Therapy: Building A Successful Career

Make Money Traveling with Web Design

Design Websites Working Remotely

14. Website & Graphic Design

One of the most common travel careers for digital nomads is graphics or website design. All you need is your computer, an eye for design, and knowledge of certain software programs and online platforms. Things like Photoshop, Dreamweaver, WordPress, Illustrator, etc.

Talent for writing code helps too — specifically HTML, PHP, and CSS. School is great, but it’s also possible to learn on your own with tutorials. Building websites for others can lead to new clients, no matter where you are in the world.


My buddy Adam makes money traveling while designing websites.


$1000 – $4,000 per month


  • Running A Web Design Business From Home

Travel Jobs: Cruise Ship Work

15. Work On A Cruise Ship

Traveling the world while working on large cruise ships is an awesome way to see some pretty exotic places. Food, accommodation, transportation, and insurance are covered too — so it’s a great way to save money.

Many jobs also provide plenty of vacation time to travel on your own. There are different types of positions and careers available like tour manager, ship entertainment, engineer, housekeeping, cooks, and more.


My friend Earl made money while working on cruise ships for a few years, and saving money to travel.


$1000 – $4000 per month


  • How To Work On A Cruise Ship

Travel Jobs: Day Trading Stocks

16. Trading Stocks or Crypto

Like many of the jobs in this list, you can’t just jump into day trading on the stock market without any prior experience and expect to become rich. However, I’ve met quite a few people who make money traveling and day trading stocks and/or cryptocurrency.

The reality is it usually takes a few years (and losing some money) before this line of work starts to pay off. A background in finance and spare cash to invest helps too. Just be wary, there are a lot of day trading scams out there too. Do your research and learn from someone who knows what they’re doing.


My buddy Marcello makes money day trading stocks while traveling.


$100 – $5,000 per day


  • How To Day Trade For A Living
  • Advanced Cryptocurrency Trading

Make Money as a Street Vendor

17. Traveling Street Vendor

Jewelry is the most popular item to sell as a street vendor, but it could also be art, clothing, leather goods… anything where you can source materials locally in bulk to make a product yourself.

Setting up as a vendor requires supplies, possibly meaning a long time in one location, but if you’re going to spend a season in one place it can be worth it. Popular locations with lots of tourist traffic work best.


My friend Sorina sells leather accessories while traveling around Europe.


$20 – $200 per day


  • Bohemian Inspired Jewelry Ideas

Make Money at Festivals

18. Traveling Festival Work

You don’t have to be a big name performer to work at festivals or events around the world. There are side-stage acts, installations, event staff, and food vendors too. Festivals always bring on lots of staff before, during and after the events.

You can time southern hemisphere Australian and New Zealand festivals between Canadian, American and European summer circuits.


Free tickets – $12 per hour


  • How To Get A Job At A Music Festival

Travel Jobs: Professional Scuba Instructor

19. Scuba Diving Instructor

Scuba diving is a sport that is enjoyed all around the world. From Fiji to Iceland! The scuba diving community travels frequently, hunting for the best dive sites. And scuba divers have money to spend.

The training required to become a dive master can take a few weeks in beautiful places like Utila, Honduras or Koh Tao, Thailand while you get your certifications. Or, with more training become a Scuba Instructor, teaching people to become certified PADI divers.


My friends Antonio & Amanda make money as scuba diving instructors.


$1000 – $4000 per month


  • True Stories From A Diving Instructor

Traveling Au Pair Job

20. Au Pair Traveling Jobs

An au pair is a professional live-in babysitter or nanny hired by a family to help their kids learn a new language and do some household chores in exchange for room, board, and a weekly income.

The job allows you to live in a foreign country, learn a new language, and experience the culture first-hand while making some money. Some countries pay more than others (the Middle East especially).


My friend Ashley made money working as an au pair in France.


$500 – $4000 per month


  • How To Become A Nanny (For Rich People)
  • Au Pair Guide: A Helpful Handbook

Flight Attendant Jobs

21. Work As A Flight Attendant

The life of a flight attendant may seem glamorous. Constantly jetting around the world, partying it up in different cities, experiencing different cultures, 90% off airline tickets, hotel discounts, cheap rent, and employment in the clouds.

The career training is tough, the hours are long, and all the moving around can get kinda lonely. However, for those with a case of wanderlust, it can help you travel the world for a while too.


My friend Mia makes money traveling the world as a flight attendant.


$1000 – $4000 per month


  • Cruising Attitude

Foreign Service Jobs

22. Foreign Service Travel Jobs

Working for the foreign service (aka diplomats) or an intergovernmental organization (IGO) is one position that allows you to experience life in a different part of the world.

Most of these international government jobs are only open to people with university degrees and knowledge of foreign languages. Applications and tests for these types of positions can be found online.


My wife Anna once worked abroad for the Polish embassy in London.


$500 – $10,000 per month


  • So You Want My Job: Foreign Service Officer

23. Travel Agent

Travel agents sell vacations to regular people who don’t want to deal with the logistics of planning their own trip. They often organize transportation, lodging, and activities, along with first-hand advice on destinations. You can either work for a large travel agency or work for yourself once you have experience.

Travel agents are expected to know the destinations they are “selling” which means spending lots of time traveling! Often, travel agents get to travel for free on what’s called FAM (familiarization) trips, so they can share their own travel experiences with clients.


$3000 – $6000 per month


  • Selling Fun: Working As A Travel Agent

Make a living while traveling

24. Drop Shipping / Private Labeling

It has a few names and variations, but buying or manufacturing products overseas and selling through Amazon under your own brand is an increasingly common way to make money while traveling.

Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) means you don’t need an actual storefront location because inventory is stocked at Amazon’s network of fulfillment centers around the world.


My friend Aileen makes money traveling & selling her own stuff on Amazon.


$1000 – $30,000 per month


  • Amazon Selling Blueprint

Examples of jobs that require travel

25. Musician / Street Performer

Also known as busking, use your best talents to make some money from tourists. Create an act, grab an instrument, pick a spot with lots of foot traffic, and drop a hat. Many cities require a permit for busking, so make sure to do your research first.

Do you have any special talents? Acrobatics, painting, fortune telling, music, break dancing, henna art, it could be anything. You can turn your hobby into a job that allows you to travel.


My friend Nadia earns money playing street music while she travels.


$10 – $100 per hour


  • Busking For Beginners
  • Busking And Street Performing To Fund Your Travels

Jobs that pay you to travel

26. List Your Place On Airbnb

I’m sure you’ve heard of AirBnB by now, the holiday apartment booking site that lets you stay in other people’s homes rather than hotels.

Well, some enterprising individuals are renting out their flats while they travel, making a decent income. The key is automating the process so you don’t have to be there in person. This allows you to freedom to see the world!


My friend Alyssa makes money renting her apartment on AirBnB.


$1000 – $7000+ per month


  • Get Paid For Your Pad

Seasonal Jobs for Travel Freedom

27. Seasonal Travel Jobs

I’ve met many travelers around the world who work seasonally, spending part of the year earning money and then traveling for months in the off-season. The number of jobs in this category are countless.

Construction, school teachers, commercial fishing, oil workers, electricians, ski resort staff, etc. These jobs depend on what skills you currently possess or are willing to learn.


My buddy Brian has worked construction jobs while traveling.


Varies widely


  • Oil Rig Jobs Reloaded

Playing cards for money

28. Internet Poker

It almost sounds too good to be true. Playing poker for a living, online or at real tables, from anywhere in the world. But like anything else, it requires lots of hard work to make that lifestyle sustainable.

You need to be good with numbers, possess the strong willpower to play for hours, keep your emotions in check, and be able to stay focused on repetitive tasks. There are whole communities of players who sometimes travel together this way.


My buddy Konrad makes money playing online poker for a living.


$1000 – $30,000 per month


  • Phil Ivey Teaches Poker Strategy
  • Strategies For Beating Small Stakes Poker Games

Working with non-governmental organizations

29. Peace Corps / NGO Work

Want the experience of a lifetime helping others less fortunate than yourself? Try volunteering with the Peace Corps or a Non-Governmental Organization. Just keep in mind that volunteer work is a full-time job.

While it makes your life rich with experiences, the money isn’t great. You’ll build confidence to handle any challenge — because the work itself is challenging.


My friend Danielle worked as Peace Corps volunteer in Nicaragua.


$314 per month plus food & accommodation


  • I Quit My Job and Joined The Peace Corps

Marketing Travel Careers

30. Freelance Travel Marketing

Again, not something you can just learn in a week. There is a reason people go to school and get a degree in marketing. However, if you have a business/marketing background, there is no reason why you can’t freelance this type of work from a hammock in Bali.

In fact, it’s becoming much more common — I’ve met plenty of people helping authors or brands get their name out to a wider audience while traveling. Or, you can work in travel marketing itself — for national tourism boards or large travel brands like hotels, magazines, tour companies, etc.


My friends Pete & Dalene run a travel marketing company.


$1000 – $10,000+ per month


  • The New Rules Of Marketing & PR

Working and traveling as a YouTuber

31. Videography / Vlogging / YouTube

Getting paid to travel making videos is another dream job, and some people make a very good living with it. There are a few different paths too — shooting and selling stock footage, becoming a popular YouTuber, or producing highly polished marketing films for tourism boards & travel brands.

A strong knowledge of video, editing, networking, and marketing is highly recommended for this type of work. And of course, this is a job that doesn’t absolutely require travel, but it certainly helps for creating amazing content.


My friend Nadine earns income traveling as a professional YouTuber.


$1000 – $20,000+ per month


  • How To Create Kick-Ass Travel Videos

Working as a Travel Nurse

32. Traveling Nurse Positions

To become a travel nurse, you must first get a degree as a registered nurse (RN) which takes 2-4 years. Once you have that, it’s possible to apply for temporary travel nursing jobs which can last up to 13 weeks.

Depending on the assignment, sometimes these jobs include tax-free income, free housing, medical coverage, rental cars, and more. There are travel nursing staff agencies that specialize in helping you locate a job overseas too.


My friend Rachel worked as a travel nurse for a while.


$30 – $40 per hour


  • How To Be A Successful Travel Nurse

Computer Programming Digital Nomads

33. Nomadic Computer Programmer

If you already have the skills & training needed as a computer programmer, then transitioning your cubicle office job into a freelance position that allows you to work remotely would give you the freedom to travel.

There are special freelance programming websites where you can bid on jobs, or you can try to launch a company to build your own products like iPhone apps or custom web applications.


My friends Simon & Erin develop smartphone apps as they travel.


$3000 – $10,000 per month


  • Software Engineer Career Guide
  • Introduction To Web Development

Travel & Work as a Virtual Assistant
Work as a VA from Anywhere

34. Online Virtual Assistant

With advancements in office technology and a desire to reduce employee costs, businesses are increasingly looking to hire virtual assistants who can work from home (or anywhere). There is little that personal assistants can’t do remotely these days.

Social media scheduling, responding to customer inquiries, calendar management, and all sorts of other tasks can be taken care of by a competent virtual assistant. It’s a job that often allows you to work from anywhere in the world!


My own assistant, Jess, travels & works as a virtual assistant.


$15 – $35 per hour


  • 30 Days To Becoming A Virtual Assistant

Freelance Consulting Work

35. Professional Consultant

Are you an expert in your field? Working as a professional consultant for companies may give you the ticket to location independence. Consultants work on short-term projects, helping businesses grow by training staff how to do something better.

For example, instructing a business on how to use social media effectively, or how to become more environmentally friendly. Generally, they are paid to share their specialized expertise.


My friend Dave travels and works as a consultant for oil companies.


Varies widely.


  • Never Chase Clients Again: The Art Of Consulting

Working Holiday Visa Jobs

36. Working Holiday Visas

A working holiday visa is a special residence permit allowing younger travelers to legally work in foreign countries and supplement their travel funds. They are generally intended for people between the ages of 18 to 30, and requirements differ based on the country.

Some popular destinations for working holidays include Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France, Ireland, and Singapore. Many GAP year students will get a working holiday visa to travel for a while before returning home and looking for a more permanent job.


My friend Marta has lived in 3 different countries on working holiday visas.


Depends on the type of job.


  • Countries That Offer Working Holiday Visas

Ready To Start Working While Traveling?

The truth is there are many ways to work while traveling the world, but many remote positions require some prior skills, a solid time commitment, or previous experience.

If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.

Dream jobs often take years to materialize and include unimaginable effort & sacrifice that the average person just can’t understand until they experience that same journey for themselves.

While I make a good living with my travel blog — it didn’t happen overnight. It’s the same for most of these other jealousy-inducing jobs.

But I hope this article has demonstrated that there are plenty of people out there working hard and “living the dream” who manage to make money while traveling. It’s not impossible!

So get out there and start making your own travel dreams come true. ★


Тема занятия

Интервью с работодателем.

Цели занятия

Цели занятия

  • Совершенствование навыков аудирования.

  • Совершенствование грамматических навыков.

  • Развитие навыков диалогической речи.


I.Выполнение задания на повторение темы предыдущего урока.

1.Повторение лексики.

поиски работы- job search

профессиональное учебное заведение- vocational, professional (university) training programme

про­фессиональные контакты- specific job contacts

служба трудоустройства- Job counselling

проверка про­фессиональной пригодности и интересов- interest and aptitude testing

обучение и руковод­ство- providing training and guidance

Объявление- advertisement

подходящая работа- particular job that is of interest to you профессиональные журналы- professional journals объявления о приеме на работу- Job advertisements “требуются на работу”- “Help wanted”

“ищу работу”- “Jobs wanted”

профессиональный опыт- work experience местонахождение фирмы- the location of the job

рабочий день- the working hours

оплата- the pay

нереальные предложения- unrealistic offers

заработать много денег- make a lot of money

Предприниматели- Employers

Работники- employees

Навыки- skills

отбор работника (на­дежность работника)- dependability личные качества- personal characteristics

претендовать на (работу)- apply for a job

сдать экзамен- take a test

пройти медицинское обследование- have a physical examination

представить резюме и рекомендации-  submit references,

2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. Answer the following questions:

  1. What must you do to begin your job search? То begin your job search, you must identify the kind of job you want, where the jobs are, and what employers expect

  2. What must you include when thinking about the work you can do? Include the work you have been trained to do, the work you have actually done, and the work you enjoy doing

  3. How can you build a network of people interested in helping you? Thinking and talking help you build a network of people interested in helping you

  4. What is job counselling? Job counselling is a professional service that may include vocational

  5. Does it provide training and guidance? and providing training and guidance in the various steps at a job search

  1. What is the best method to use according to many people?

  2. Where can we find job advertisements?

  3. What are the 2 main types of job adds?

  4. Why must you read want adds? What information does it contain?

  5. What kind of adds should we avoid?

3. Скажите в нескольких словах, какие документы вы должны приготовить перед тем как обращаться по поводу работы. Say in a few words, what documents you must prepare before applying for a job.

Depending on the job you are applying for, you might have to complete an application form, submit a resume, take a test, have a physical examination, or submit references, samples of your work, and copies of your school records.

II .Выполнение упражнений по теме урока.

Речевая зарядка.

1. Have you ever had an interview for a job? What questions must you think of when you go to the interview?

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся или перевод с русского на английский язык.

What are your spare-time interests?

What do you like doing? Why?

What don’t you like doing? Why?

What do you do well?

What do you do badly?

What are your good points?

Have you worked before?

Have you done a part-time job?

Do you have the right skills?

Do you enjoy travelling?

And are you good at meeting people?

Are you aggressive?

Are you interested in working in an office?

Can you type and file quickly?

Are you patient?

Do you like helping people?

Are you good at working with numbers?

Are you friendly?

What skills do you need for the job you would like to have?

Are you responsible?

Do you work hard?

Do you always do the best job you can?

Do you help your co-workers?

Are you reliable?

What are your strengths?

Do you work well with people?

Are you good at math?

Do you learn quickly?

Can you work independently?

What are your weaknesses?

Задание 1 You’ve got an interview for a job-good! To do well at an interview you need to put in some thoughts first. The employer wants to know if you are the person he wants, so you’ll be asked about yourself. Think about it now.

(Учащиеся читают вслух и переводят вопросы, записывают их в тетради и готовят ответы на них).

What do you do well? What do you do badly? What are your good points? (I’m friendly, honest, sensible, practical, etc.) What are your spare time interests? What do you like doing and why? What do you not like doing and why? What school activities do/did you do? (sports, clubs, etc.) Have you worked before? Have you done a part-time job? What school subjects are you good at? Why would I like this job? What about working on Saturday job?

You will want to ask questions too about The job itself? Conditions? Training? Promotion prospects? Further education? Salary? Accomodation?

What does the job involve? 2. What are the working hours? 3. What are the holidays? 4. Do you provide any accommodation ? 5. Is there any training? What is it? 6. Will I get any qualifications? 7. Under what conditions I would be working? 8. What’s the starting salary? 9. What are the prospects for promo­tion?

Задание 3. Учащиеся отвечают на записанные вопросы.

Задание 4. Работа в парах Учащиеся задают друг другу вопросы, которые можно включить в интервью.

Задание 5. Работа в парах Учащиеся задают друг другу вопросы, которые обычно задают в конце интервью. (Задание 4 и 5 можно обьединить).

Задание 6 . Focus attention on the job advertisements. . Which would you apply for? 2. Why would you like this job?

Trainee computer programmer

Good opportunity for a start in computers. Ability at maths is essential. Application forms to: Personnel De­partment, Continental Computers, Honeywell Rd., Bournemouth.

Fernside Engineering

Require a junior clerk for the accounts department. Apply in writing to: The Personnel Officer, Fernside Engineering, Western Rd., Poole.

Shop assistant

A vacancy for a smart, lively young person. Good prospects. Please write to: Mrs J. Frost, ‘Cool Boutique’, 39 High St., Dorchester

Задание 7.Чтение и перевод текстов (цель-подготовка к составлению интервью)

Текст 1 Applying for a Job — Before Your Interview

Here are some questions to think about. Your answers will help you choose the right job. Your answers will also help you answer the inter­viewer s questions.

Do you have the right skills?

If you want to be a salesperson, do you enjoy travelling, and are you good at meeting people? Are you aggressive?

If you want to be a secretary, are you interested in working in an office? Can you type and file quickly? Are you patient?

If you want to work in a store or restaurant, do you like helping people? Are you good at working with numbers? Are you friendly? What skills do you need for the job you would like to have?

Are you responsible? Do you work hard? Do you always do the best job you can? Do you help your co-workers?

Are you reliable? Do you start working on time? Do you come to work every day? If you begin working on something, do you finish it?

What are your strengths?

For example, do you work well with people? Are you good at math? Can you type fast? Do you learn quickly? Are you reliable? Can you work independently?

What are your weaknesses?

For example, perhaps your English is still not very good, but you’re taking a class to improve it. Perhaps you are impatient because your co­workers do not work very fast, but you are learning to be more patient.

Текст 2 A Job Interview.

MrsD: Come in. Mr Lo, isn’t it? Please have a seat.

Mr Lo: Thank you.

Mrs D: Did you have a good trip?

Mr Lo: Yes, thanks. I came up from San Diego yesterday.

Mrs D: And did you find a nice hotel?

Mr Lo: No. I’m staying at my parents’ place in Oakland.

Mrs D: Oh, that’s right, you’re from the Bay area, aren’t you?

Mr Lo: Yes. I was born and raised in Oakland.

Mrs Du=Mrs Dukakis

Mrs D: When did you leave?

Mr Lo: I went to college in L.A. That was in 1988.

Mrs Du Mrs Da Mrs Du Mrs Da: Mrs Du Mrs Da:

Mrs D: So, where are you presently working?

Mr Lo: Soledad Computers in San Diego. Have you heard of them?

Mrs D: No, not really. How long have you been with them?

Mr Lo: I’ve been working there since I graduated from college.

Mrs D: Why do you want to change jobs now?

Mr Lo: I’d like to do some travelling. I want to use my langu-­ ages, and I want a better job.

Mrs D: Yes. I see here that you speak Chinese and Spanish. That’s OK. Do you want to live closer to your parents?

Mr Lo: That’s not the reason why I want this job. But yes, I’d like to live in this area again.

Mrs D: Well, thank you, Mr Lo. We’ll be in touch.

Ответы на вопросы.

1. Where is Mr Lo presently working? 2. What is he doing in Oakland? 3. Where was Mr Lo born? 4. When and why did he leave Oakland? 5. Why does Mr Lo want to change his job? 6. What languages can he speak?

Задание 8. Учащиеся составляют диалог (10-12 реплик) по одному из объявлений из задания 6).


Снятие трудностей.

receptionist -администратор

front desk –регистрационный стол

responsible for –ответственный за

greeting-встреча приветствие

making bookings-прием заказов

sorting out -выявление

qualification -профессия

work experience –опыт работы

quite a few-довольно много

part –time job –работа с частичной занятостью

box office -касса

definitely- конечно

a waiter-официант

part of a team –часть команды




problem-solving-решение проблем



communication skills-навыки общения

best quality-лучшее качество

deal with difficult customer-иметь дело с трудным клиентом


make a big fuss-поднимать шум




particular job-определенная работа

amazing reputation-изумительная репутация


unsocial hours-сверхурочные часы

working shifts –рабочие смены

pay -оплата

trial period-испытательный период

Well, here I am at the Grand Hotel waiting for my interview with the manager. They are looking for a receptionist to work at their front desk. I would be responsible for greeting the guests, making bookings, and generally sorting out any problems. I’d really like to do it. I hope I don’t look as nervous as I feel.

  • So Add, I’ve had a quick look at your CV and I see that you’ve got some very good qualifications. What about work experience? Have you had any jobs while you have been at school?

  • Yes, I‘ve had quite a few part –time jobs and I‘ve worked all through the last two summer holidays.

  • Ah, that’s good.

  • What kind of jobs have you done?

  • Well, I had a Saturday job in a book shop and I worked in the box office of our local theater.

  • So, are you familiar with using a computer to make booking?

  • Yes, definitely.

  • And do you have any experience of hotel work?

  • Yes, I work part-time at the Oak Hotel as a waiter.

  • I’ve been doing it for over year now.

  • Oh, yes, I know the Oak. It’s a nice place. Tell me a bit about your work there.

  • Er, I work as part of a team, there are three of four of us that work on busy nights but on Sunday I am responsible for serving breakfast and then I work on my own.

  • Do you think the manager would give you a good reference?

  • Oh, yes, I am sure he would.

  • So what qualities would you bring to this job?

  • Well, um, I’d say I’m very hard-working, I am organized but I enjoy problem-solving.

  • Do you think well under pressure?

  • Yes, I prefer to be busy and I am pretty good at keeping calm.

  • And what about your communication skills? Do you enjoy working with people?

  • Absolutely, I love it. I’d probably say it’s my best quality.

  • Hmm, can you give me an example of a time when you dealt with a difficult customer?

  • Hmm, let me see, there was one customer in the restaurant, he arrived two hours late and then was furious because we didn’t have a table for him. He made a big fuss about it.

  • And what did you do?

  • I apologized and said I’d give him a table as soon as possible. Then I offered him a drink while he waited.

  • And was he happy with that?

  • Yes, he was fine. He’d just had a bad day, I think, in fact, he apologized to me in the end.

  • That’s good! We need our staff to be polite. So what attracts you to this particular job?

  • Well, it’s the Grand Hotel! It’s got an amazing reputation and you offer a really good training scheme. I’ve love to have the opportunity to work here.

  • The hours are quite long and sometimes pretty unsocial.

  • How do you feel about working shifts?

  • It’s not a problem. I am used to it.

  • It’s not a problem I am used to it.

  • And the pay isn’t great. I am afraid although it would probably go up a bit after your initial trial period.

  • That’s fine. I am still living at home so I should be able to manage.

  • So, you may think you’d like this job now but where do you see yourself in 5 year’s time?

  • Well, to be perfectly honest I don’t know.

  • My dream is to have my own hotel one day but for the next few years I’m just prepared to work hard and learn as much as I can.

  • Well, thanks for coming in, Edd.

  • We have had several applicants for this job and I am seeing two more people today, but I’ll let you know as soon as I have come to a decision.

  • It was very nice to meet you.

  • You, too. I hope, we’ll meet again.

Задания после первого прослушивания.

  1. What job is Edd applying for?

  2. Where does he want to work?

  3. During what period did he have part time jobs?

  4. Does he have any experience of hotel work?

  5. Is he still working?

  6. What is his dream?

Задания после второго прослушивания.

  1. Add would be responsible for

  1. greeting the guests and making bookings

  1. making bookings and serving food

  2. greeting the guests and communicating with customers

  1. As for the summer part time jobs Edd worked

  1. in the box office of the local cinema

  2. as a shop assistant in a book store

  3. as a waiter in a hotel

3) He thinks his best quality is

  1. He is hard-working and organized

  2. He enjoys problem-solving and thinks well under pressure

  3. He has good communication skills and enjoys working with people.

4) Dealing with a difficult customer he

  1. apologized and served him a cup of coffee

  2. apologized and gave him a table

  3. apologized and said he’d give him a table as soon as possible

5) What attracts him to this particular job?

  1. The reputation of the hotel and the opportunity to learn

  2. Working shifts and good salary

  3. A good staff and location of the hotel

Прочитайте диалог по ролям.

Составьте рассказ в тетрадях о кандидате (10-15 предложений) по следующему плану.

  • Where he wants to work

  • What his duties would be

  • His part-time jobs and job experience

  • His personal characteristics

  • To what conditions he agrees

  • Where he lives

  • His dream

  • His plans for future

Примерный рассказ.

  1. He wants to work as a receptionist at their front desk of Grand Hotel.

  2. He would be responsible for greeting guests, making bookings, and generally sorting out any problems.

  3. He has got some very good qualifications.

  4. He‘s had quite a few part –time jobs in summer- in a book shop and in the box office of the local theater.

  5. He has good computer skills and some experience of hotel work.

  6. Actually, he has been working part-time as a waiter for over a year.

  7. He works as part of a team on Saturday, on Sunday he is responsible for serving breakfast and then he works on his own.

  8. He is very hard-working, organized enjoys problem-solving, thinks well under pressure (prefers to be busy and is pretty good at keeping calm).

  9. He has good communication skills and loves working with people. It is his best quality.

  10. He doesn’t mind working shifts and is prepared to receive not so high salary.

  11. He lives at home.

  12. His dream is to have his own hotel one day .

  13. For the next few years he wants to work hard and to learn as much as he can.

III. Повторение грамматического материала.

IV Подведение итогов урока и задание на дом

Выучить записи в тетради.

Полный список английских слов по теме «Travelling» для изучения. Всего 80 слов. Слова можно скопировать и распечатать. Прилагаются задания для активизации лексики. В конце статьи вы найдете ссылки на другие полезные материалы, в том числе тексты по теме «Travelling» для изучающих английский язык.

Travelling. Список английских слов по теме «Путешествия» ( intermediate)


  1. Travelling (общие слова)>
  2. Travelling by plane / air (путешествия на самолету / по воздуху)
  3. Travelling by train (путешествия на поезде)
  4. Collocations (устойчивые сочетания)
  5. Упражнения по теме «Travelling

Travelling. Английские слова

I. Travelling. General Words (общие слова)

1. travelling / travel — путешествие
2. to be fond of travelling — любить путешествовать
3. journey — длительное путешествие ( по суше)
4. trip/ school trip — поездка (короткая)/ экскурсия
5. two-day trip — двухдневная поездка
6. tour — поездка/ тур
7. package tour — путешествие по тур. путевке
8. to buy a package tour — купить тур. путевку
9. cruise [kru:z] — круиз
10. voyage [`voɪəʤ] — путешествие по морю
11. to drive/ go for a drive — поездка на машине/ прокатиться
12. flight — полет/ рейс
13. hitchhike — путешествие автостопом
14. to go hitchhiking — отправиться в путешествие автостопом
15. to go on a journey / cruise/school trip — отправиться в путешествие/ круиз/ на экскурсию
16. travel agency — туристическое агентство
17. to travel (go) abroad — путешествовать (ехать) за границу
18. to get to — добраться 
19. to arrive in/ at — прибыть в (большой/ небольшой) город
20. stay in a hotel — остановиться в отеле
21. destination — место назначения (конечная цель)
22. single (return) ticket — билет в один конец (туда-обратно)
23. to book tickets — заказать билеты
24. luggage (baggage) — багаж
25. suitcase — чемодан
26. rucksack (backpack) — рюкзак (туристический рюкзак)
27. bag/ hand bag — сумка
28. porter — носильщик
29. lost and found office — бюро находок
30. left luggage office (check room) — камера хранения
31. information desk — справочное бюро
32. to pack bags (luggage) — упаковывать сумки (багаж)
33. to change to — пересаживаться на
34. to see smb off — провожать кого-либо
35. to wave smb — махать кому-нибудь на прощанье
36. to wave smb a kiss — послать воздушный поцелуй

II. Travelling by Air (Plane):

33. at the airport — в аэропорту
34. to arrive (at the airport) — прибывать (в аэропорт)
35. arrival — прибытие
36. to depart — отправляться
37. departure — отправление
38. boarding — посадка
39. boarding card — посадочный талон
40. to announce — объявлять
41. to take off — взлетать
42. to land — приземляться
43. gate — выход к самолету
44. customs — таможня
45. to go through the customs — проходить таможню
46. duty-free — без пошлин
47. to declare — декларировать
48. passport control — паспортный контроль
49. to go through the pasport control — проходить таможню
50. to travel light — путешествовать налегке
51. excess weight — превышение веса
52. hand luggage — ручная кладь
53. to check luggage (check in) — сдать вещи в багаж
54. luggage receipt — багажная квитанция
55. tag — бирка, прикреп. к чемодану
56. to board a plane — садиться на самолет
57. captain [`kæptin] — командир корабля
58. pilot — пилот
59. flight attendant — стюардесса (стюард)
60. seat — место
61. aisle [ail] — проход между рядами
62. emergency exit — запасной выход
63. life jacket — спасательный жилет
64. oxygen mask — кислородная маска
65. seat (safety) belt — ремень безопасности
66. food tray — поднос, столик для еды

III. Travelling by Train:

67. railway station — ж/д. станция: at the station — на станции
68. platform — платформа
69. carriage (car) — вагон
70. smoking compartment — купе для курящих
71. non-smoking compartment — купе для некурящих
72. ticket collector -контролер
73. to go off — отходить (о поезде)
74. to go from platform … — отходить от платформы

VI. Travelling. Collocations (устойчивые сочетания):

75. to make a reservation — забронировать место в гостинице
76. to miss a plane/ a train — опоздать на самолет/ на поезд
77. to get on a train/ a bus — сесть на поезд/ на автобус
78. to get off a train/ a bus — сойти с поезда/ автобуса
79. to get into/ out of a car — сесть / выйти из машины
80. to have an accident — попасть в аварию

Запомните несколько предложений, содержащие устойчивые сочетания.

  1. If you keep driving that fast, you will have an accident.Если ты будешь продолжать ехать так быстро, ты попадешь в аварию.
  2. I haven’t exercised for years, I can’t even remember how to get on a bike. — Я несколько лет не ездил на велосипеде, я даже на помню, как на него садиться.
  3. It is really busy time to travel. We need to make a reservation. — Сейчас действительно высокий сезон. Нам нужно зарезервировать место заранее.

После того, как вы изучили список английских слов по теме «Travelling» (intermediate), выполните упражнения для закрепления лексики.

* * *

Travelling. Упражнения для закрепления лексики

Упражнение 1. Match the words from two lines to make 10 collocations (pair words):

(1) passport, ticket, overhead, information, catch, emergency, life, board, non-smoking, hand

(2) a plane, bag, jacket, locker, compartment, control, collector, exit, desk, a bus

Упражнение 2. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. Use only one word in each gap: miss, ferry, compartments, accommodation, take off.

  1. The pilot has just announced that we are going to ______ in ten minutes.
  2. A travel agency arrange _______ and book tickets.
  3. If you don’t hurry up, we are going to _______ our train.
  4. You can go by _________ from England to France.
  5. Different sections of a train are called ________ .
  6. If you are late for a flight, the plane will _______ without you.

Упражнение 3. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words. Use only one word in each gap.

Travelling by plane is fast. Of course you have to check  _____ at the airport two hours before your flight takes ______, but after you go ______ the passport control you can have a nice cup of coffee while you are waiting  ______ your flight. If you want to carry a lot of baggage, you can go _____ car.

Упражнение 4. Why do people travel? Give your reasons.

See the  plan and check if you have mentioned all the points.  Do it again and add the information.

Упражнение 5. Write a letter to your friend. Imagine you are on a holiday. Write about:

  • the place, what it is like, time of the year;
  • the weather and how you are spending the time;
  • the people you are with and what they are like;
  • the people you have met and something interesting about them


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