What is the word for the best feeling in the world

720 Words About The Best Feeling In the World

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720 Words About The Best Feeling In the World

Nov 16, 2016

Love is the best feeling in the world. Love isn’t black or white. Love is the different shades of grey in-between. Love comes in many forms. Love is messy, complicated, and amazing all at once.

He chose me, and I chose him. Ugh I love, love. It’s exhilarating and leaves you breathless. It gets your heart pumping. The good kind of hard pump, like right after a fast run, or a long swim. It pumps for the need for more, for the rush that you get. I often hear people describing their favorite sport, or hobby, with this wholehearted great passion. A lot of them use the term «gets your heart pumping». Well Love certainly «gets your heart pumping». In the broadest scientific terms, it is defined as, the release of the happy chemicals in your brain. You’re on top of the world when you’re in love.

When searching the internet, it can be described as a severe emotional attachment to another. But love isn’t just emotional, it’s also physical. It’s that pull you get whenever a person you love is near; you just have to be closer to them. Or just when it hits you all of a sudden, and you’re just like «Damn, he is so freaking handsome.» It’s not lust. Lust is also fierce attraction, but fleeting. Love is a deeper kind of attraction you feel for someone that you know won’t go away, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

I used to be the girl who didn’t really care if the guy she was «talking to» texted back.(I mean, there were a few that I quadruple texted but very few, and that was most definitely lust.) I used to be the girl who went out to have fun, and tried not to think about what I was missing in a committed relationship. My best friends would nickname the people I was «talking to» at the time, (yes I’m talking about you, Drug-Dealer David). But now I’m the girl who loves «good morning» texts, and shoving countless nuggets down my throat without being judged. I’m the girl who races into the arms of a guy who truly loves me, and whom I truly love. And let me tell you it is the best feeling in the world to be with them. A little less than a year ago I would’ve gagged at the above, grossed out by how mushy that was (still sorta am gagging, but still). I’m not saying everyone should strive to always be in a relationship, because I liked being single, but I do think everyone should experience Love.

Love is hard to explain. It makes you crazy, and leaves you breathless. So crazy that a single snapchat from another female makes you see green until they notice, and remind you that they’re just a friend. So breathless from your own emotions and desires (and from their kisses) that you see stars. I still catch my breath. But I swear on every star above you, that it is so worth it. It’s past Cloud Nine.

Love is amazing. It has made me the happiest girl in the world. Some of you may think that I am foolish. You probably think I am a total idiot to let a guy control my emotions. But you’re wrong. He is mine, as much as, I am his. I control my own emotions, and sure I probably got caught up in the whirlwind romance that is our relationship, but that doesn’t mean he controls my emotions. I, capital I, love him. I could go on forever about how much, and why, I love my best friend. But that’s not the point.

The point is to let yourself love. People are afraid of getting hurt so they resist, I sure did that with Paul. I almost lost him at one point in our friendship because of me resisting his love. But if you embrace it, something beautiful with amazing memories, will come from it. Love a stranger, love your best friend, and love yourself. It is the best feeling in the world.

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The 18 Best Feelings in the World

  1. Finally releasing your breasts from the shackles of your bra. …
  2. Getting into a freshly made bed. …
  3. Stretching. …
  4. Snuggling a fuzzy animal. …
  5. Washing your face at the end of the day. …
  6. Peeling off skinny jeans/a pencil skirt at the end of the day. …
  7. When someone else plays with your hair. …
  8. Being done with a hard workout.

What is the best feeling ever?,

The 10 Best Feelings Ever

  1. Peeing just in the nick of time. …
  2. Scratching that itchy part. …
  3. Unhooking your bra. …
  4. Drinking a cold, refreshing water after that dehydrating activity. …
  5. Cleaning your ears. …
  6. Waking up from a lovely dream. …
  7. Having a long, undisturbed shower. …
  8. Being able to eat the food you’ve been craving for for yearssss.

Furthermore, Which is the most beautiful feeling in the world?, Love is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. To love and to be loved back, to care for and be cared back, to yearn for and be longed for in return, is simply magical! Love is one such feeling that can be expressed in endless ways; yet, cannot be defined completely in …

Finally,  What is the best feeling known to man?,

Top 5 Best Feelings In The World (Man Edition)

  • Pooping: Every man enjoys a good dump. …
  • Sex: Now this one of course I bet both men and women agree with. …
  • Driving Fast: Now I am not advocate of driving fast. …
  • Sleeping: A basic necessity of life. …
  • Drinking: Now I drink quite often.

Frequently Asked Question:

What’s the best feeling for a girl?

Here are the 17 of the best feelings in the world for girls.

  • Laughing until your tears roll down your cheeks.
  • Your cute cat sitting on your lap.
  • Chilling on the couch with your love while he’s unconsciously making circles with his fingers on your skin.
  • Or just because everything goes well and you’re so happy.

What is the girl feeling?

When a girl says she’s sad, but she isn’t crying, it means she’s crying in her heart. 3. If a girl loves a guy, he will always be on her mind every minute of the day, even though she flirts with other guys.

How do you say feeling to a girl?

Give her that time.

  1. “You don’t have to feel the same way as I do, but I really need to tell you that I like you a lot.”
  2. “I don’t want you to feel weird or pressured! I just want to let you know how I feel.”
  3. “I know this seems like a lot at once. I’ve clearly had a lot more time to think about it than you.

What can make a girl feel special?

Here are 15 ways to make a girl feel special and loved:

  1. Be physically and emotionally present. …
  2. Send unsolicited texts. …
  3. Giving small, yet meaningful, gifts. …
  4. Create new experiences together. …
  5. Do some of her duties. …
  6. Ask what she likes. …
  7. Give her an unexpected embrace. …
  8. Sit next to her.

What are the best sensations?

The Delightful Dozen: 12 of the Greatest Physical Sensations On The Planet

  • Slipping into really warm water. …
  • Cleaning your ears with a cotton swab. …
  • The taste and feel of thoroughly well-made creme brulee in your mouth. …
  • Being really, truly physically adept at something. …
  • Getting a great massage. …
  • Snuggling with a loved one.

What are the top 10 best feelings?

Best Feelings In Life

  1. Love. …
  2. Happiness. …
  3. Freedom. …
  4. Sex. …
  5. Bliss.
  6. Gratefulness.
  7. Being with the one you love. …
  8. Confidence.

What is the best feeling ever?

The 10 Best Feelings Ever

  1. Peeing just in the nick of time. …
  2. Scratching that itchy part. …
  3. Unhooking your bra. …
  4. Drinking a cold, refreshing water after that dehydrating activity. …
  5. Cleaning your ears. …
  6. Waking up from a lovely dream. …
  7. Having a long, undisturbed shower. …
  8. Being able to eat the food you’ve been craving for for yearssss.

What is the most beautiful feeling in the world?

Love is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. To love and to be loved back, to care for and be cared back, to yearn for and be longed for in return, is simply magical! Love is one such feeling that can be expressed in endless ways; yet, cannot be defined completely in …

How do you feel on top of the world?

How To Overcome Yourself And Feel On Top Of The World

  1. Think About the End Goal. There are some things that you may not have started because it’s difficult to see the outcome. …
  2. Soothe Yourself When Frustration Kicks In. …
  3. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others. …
  4. Help Other People. …
  5. Give Yourself a Pat on the Back.

What’s the best feeling for a girl?

Here are the 17 of the best feelings in the world for girls.

  • Laughing until your tears roll down your cheeks.
  • Your cute cat sitting on your lap.
  • Chilling on the couch with your love while he’s unconsciously making circles with his fingers on your skin.
  • Or just because everything goes well and you’re so happy.

What is the highest feeling?

Here are 10 reasons why being in love is the best feeling in the world.

  • Love Makes You Happy. …
  • Love Makes You A Hopeful Romantic. …
  • Love Makes You Eliminate Your Fear. …
  • Love Makes You Be The Best Version of Yourself. …
  • Love Makes You Rich. …
  • Love Puts You In A State of Total Confusion. …
  • Love Makes You Selfless. …
  • Love Makes You Believe.

What is the best feeling known to man?

Top 5 Best Feelings In The World (Man Edition)

  • Pooping: Every man enjoys a good dump. …
  • Sex: Now this one of course I bet both men and women agree with. …
  • Driving Fast: Now I am not advocate of driving fast. …
  • Sleeping: A basic necessity of life. …
  • Drinking: Now I drink quite often.

How do you feel on top of the world?

How To Overcome Yourself And Feel On Top Of The World

  1. Think About the End Goal. There are some things that you may not have started because it’s difficult to see the outcome. …
  2. Soothe Yourself When Frustration Kicks In. …
  3. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others. …
  4. Help Other People. …
  5. Give Yourself a Pat on the Back.

What is the best feeling known to man?

Top 5 Best Feelings In The World (Man Edition)

  • Pooping: Every man enjoys a good dump. …
  • Sex: Now this one of course I bet both men and women agree with. …
  • Driving Fast: Now I am not advocate of driving fast. …
  • Sleeping: A basic necessity of life. …
  • Drinking: Now I drink quite often.

How do you feel on top of the world?

How To Overcome Yourself And Feel On Top Of The World

  1. Think About the End Goal. There are some things that you may not have started because it’s difficult to see the outcome. …
  2. Soothe Yourself When Frustration Kicks In. …
  3. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others. …
  4. Help Other People. …
  5. Give Yourself a Pat on the Back.

What makes you feel on top of the world?

In layman terms, being on top of the world is nothing but the feeling of extreme happiness. And this feeling is subjective from one person to another. … In layman terms, being on top of the world is nothing but the feeling of extreme happiness. And this feeling is subjective from one person to another.

What are the top 10 best feelings?

Best Feelings In Life

  1. Love. …
  2. Happiness. …
  3. Freedom. …
  4. Sex. …
  5. Bliss.
  6. Gratefulness.
  7. Being with the one you love. …
  8. Confidence.

Sometimes it’s the little things that make life that little bit sweeter.

Like perfectly cutting a piece of wrapping paper or food arriving at your table.

Reddit users have shared what they believe is the best feeling in the world, besides an orgasm, and more often than not, they’re things that happen on a daily basis.

It’s the little things: Reddit users have shared the best feelings in the world, including seeing the waiter bring their food to the table

Ask any university student what the best feeling in the world is, and you’ll probably get the same response.

After months, weeks or a mad few hours spent completing an assignment, that moment after you hand it in is sheer bliss.

‘I’m a university student. For me, it’s when I finish a big assignment or test,’ one person wrote.

‘No matter how good or bad I think I did, I’m just relieved it’s over.’

Satisfying: ‘When you’re cutting wrapping paper and you get it just right and the scissors glide along in one smooth swoop,’ was one person’s best feeling 

Getting up for work can be tough, so it’s little wonder people rank the time they spend in bed highly.

One person said their favourite feeling was waking up for work, only to realise they don’t have to work that day.

‘Falling asleep in your favourite person’s arms. It feels so safe, warm and lovely,’ another said.

Sleep in: Others said falling asleep in their partner’s arms, or waking up only to realise you don’t have to go to work, are the best things

On a similar note, some simply said being in love was the best feeling in the world.

‘Definitely love. I’ve recently fallen for the first time in ages,’ one person wrote.

‘And by God, it’s both the best feeling in the world and the craziest and most frustrating but also, mainly, the best.’

For others, it was the simple things in life that brought a smile to their face.

Lasting memory: ‘Holding my son minutes after he was born this morning. It’s a good day,’ the doting father said

 ‘Having a wee when you really need one,’ was one memorable answer.

‘When you’re cutting wrapping paper and you get it just right and the scissors glide along in one smooth swoop,’ another person wrote.

Another credited a cold beer after a hard day’s work, and hearing a song for the first time after years.

‘When you see the server coming to your table with your food,’ one person said.

For others, the best feeling was a memory that will last a lifetime:

‘Holding my son minutes after he was born this morning. It’s a good day,’ the doting father said.  

Feeling is an emotional state or reaction.

1. The best feeling in the world is… When you look at that special person And they are already smiling at you
The best feeling in the world is... When you look at that special person And they are already smiling at you

2. Feelings change – memories don’t.
Joel Alexander
Feelings change - memories don't. Joel Alexander

3. Sometimes all the words in the world can’t describe what you’re feeling
Sometimes all the words in the world can't describe what you're feeling

4. Time passes. Memories Fade. Feelings Change. People leave. But Hearts Never Forget
Time passes. Memories Fade. Feelings Change. People leave. But Hearts Never Forget

5. Being hurt by someone you love is the worst feeling ever
Being hurt by someone you love is the worst feeling ever

6. The worst battle you’ll have to fight is between what you know and how you feel
The worst battle you'll have to fight is between what you know and how you feel

7. Feelings don’t die easily because we keep feeding them with memories that’s exactly the reason why it is so hard to move on….
Feelings don't die easily because we keep feeding them with memories that's exactly the reason why it is so hard to move on....

8. When I first met you, I never would have imagined that I would have such strong feelings for you, I never would have thought that I would have dreams about you or miss being by your side or get butterflies in my stomach when someone mentions your name. When I first met you I never would have thought that I would love you.
When I first met you, I never would have imagined that I would have such strong feelings for you, I never would have thought that I would have dreams about you ...

9. Never take someone’s feelings for granted because you never know how much courage that they took to show it to you
Never take someone's feelings for granted because you never know how much courage that they took to show it to you

10. Feeling don’t walk away people do
Feeling don't walk away people do

11. Always express your true feelings to the ones who really matter to you, because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye but our regrets can last a lifetime.
Always express your true feelings to the ones who really matter to you, because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye but our regrets can ...

12. Relationship is the rainbow between two hearts sharing seven colors of feelings, love, sadness, happiness, truth, faith, secret and respect
Relationship is the rainbow between two hearts sharing seven colors of feelings, love, sadness, happiness, truth, faith, secret and respect

13. I’m gutted and feeling a bit lost, but I’m determined to get through it.
Gareth Evans
I'm gutted and feeling a bit lost, but I'm determined to get through it. Gareth Evans

14. One of the best feeling in the world is knowing that your presence and absence both mean something to someone
One of the best feeling in the world is knowing that your presence and absence both mean something to someone

15. Respect people’s feelings. Even if it doesn’t mean anything to you. It could mean everything to them
Respect people's feelings. Even if it doesn't mean anything to you. It could mean everything to them

16. Life is about trusting your feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories, learning from the past, and realizing people change.
Life is about trusting your feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories, learning from the past, and realizing people ...

17. Never waste your feelings on people who don’t value them
Never waste your feelings on people who don't value them

18. Always be true to your feelings, because the more you deny what you feel, the stronger it becomes
Always be true to your feelings, because the more you deny what you feel, the stronger it becomes

19. I feel like I’m waiting for something that isn’t going to happen
I feel like I'm waiting for something that isn't going to happen

20. Don’t mess with someone’s feelings just because you’re unsure of yours
Don't mess with someone's feelings just because you're unsure of yours

21. Don’t hide your feelings, act on them. You never know when that chance will no longer be there
Don't hide your feelings, act on them. You never know when that chance will no longer be there

22. You try so hard to shut the feelings the out
You try so hard to shut the feelings the out

23. Never make permanent decisions based on temporary feelings
Never make permanent decisions based on temporary feelings

24. Never Waste Your Feeling On People Who Dont Value Them
Never Waste Your Feeling On People Who Dont Value Them

25. The best feeling in the world is when the person you like, likes you back
The best feeling in the world is when the person you like, likes you back

26. Feelings are much like waves, we can’t stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf.
Jonatan Mårtensson
Feelings are much like waves, we can't stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf. Jonatan Mårtensson

27. I miss the feelings you used to give me
I miss the feelings you used to give me

28. Never apologize for what you feel. It’s like saying sorry for being real
Never apologize for what you feel. It's like saying sorry for being real

29. Typing a huge paragraph with your true feelings, but then erasing it and typing ‘Yeah’
Typing a huge paragraph with your true feelings, but then erasing it and typing 'Yeah'

30. People who hide their feelings usually care the most
People who hide their feelings usually care the most

31. I’m a simple person who hides a thousand feeling s behind the happiest smile
I'm a simple person who hides a thousand feeling s behind the happiest smile

32. To feel nothing what a beautiful feeling that is
To feel nothing what a beautiful feeling that is

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33. I learned the hard way that I cannot always count on others to respect my feelings, even if I respect theirs. Being a good person doesn’t guarantee that others will be good people too. You only have control over yourself and how you choose to be as a person. As for others, you can only choose to accept them or walk away
I learned the hard way, that I cannot always count on others to respect my feelings. Even if I respect theirs. Being a good person doesn't guarantee that others will be good people too...

34. Feelings Are Much Like Waves We Cant Stop Them From Coming But We Can Choose Which One To Surf.
Jonatan Martensson
Feelings Are Much Like Waves We Cant Stop Them From Coming But We Can Choose Which One To Surf. Jonatan Martensson

35. Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings & emotions.
Will Smith
Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings & emotions. Will Smith

36. Hiding your feelings isn’t the easy way out, but sometimes it’s the only thing you can do
Hiding your feelings isn't the easy way out, but sometimes it's the only thing you can do

37. The more you hide your feelings for someone. The more you fall for them
The more you hide your feelings for someone. The more you fall for them

38. I wish my feelings for you could just suddenly walk out of my life just like you did
I wish my feelings for you could just suddenly walk out of my life just like you did

39. Life’s too short to hide feelings, express how you feel. You never know if they have the some feelings.
Life's too short to hide feelings, express how you feel. You never know if they have the some feelings.

40. Never Play With The Feelings Of Others, Because You May Win The Game But The Risk Is That You Will Surely Lose The Person For Life Time.
William Shakespeare
Never Play With The Feelings Of Others... Risk Is That You Will Surely Lose The Person For Life Time. Never Play With The Feelings Of Others, Because You May Win... Shakespeare

41. Mixed feelings, like mixed drinks, are a confusion to the soul.
George Carman
Mixed feelings, like mixed drinks, are a confusion to the soul. George Carman

42. The worst feeling in the world is being hurt by someone you love
The worst feeling in the world is being hurt by someone you love.

43. Anger is the feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind.
Anger is the feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind.

44. Feelings that came back are feelings that never went away.
Feelings that came back are feelings that never went away.

45. Feelings that came back are feelings that never went away
Feelings that came back are feelings that never went away.

46. The best feeling comes when you realize you’re perfectly happy without the people you thought you needed the most.
The best feeling comes when you realize you're perfectly happy without the people you thought you needed the most.

47. The feeling i get when you text me first.
The feeling i get when you text me first.

48. Don’t keep all your feelings sheltered express them. Don’t ever let life shut you up.
Dr. Steve Maraboli
Don't keep all your feelings sheltered express them. Don't ever let life shut you up. Dr. Steve Maraboli

49. Feeling unsure and lost is part of your path. Don’t avoid it. See what those feelings are showing you and use it. Take a breath. You’ll be okay. Even if you don’t feel okay all the time
Feeling unsure and lost is part of your path. Don't avoid it. See what those feelings are showing you and use it. Take a breath. You'll be okay. Even if you don't feel okay all the time

50. I keep trying to hold on but everything feels wrong.
I keep trying to hold on but everything feels wrong.

51. Sometimes only bad words can fully express your feelings
Sometimes only bad words can fully express your feelings

52. Music speaks when words can’t express your feelings
Music speaks when words can't express your feelings

53. I’m perfectly hiding my feelings
I'm perfectly hiding my feelings

54. Respect people’s feelings. Even if it doesn’t mean anything to you, it could mean everything to them.
Respect people's feelings. Even if it doesn't mean anything to you, it could mean everything to them.

55. I cannot explain these things i feel for you
I cannot explain these things i feel for you

56. I have a bad feeling about this.
Ewan McGregor
I have a bad feeling about this. Ewan McGregor

57. Feelings Change Memories Dont
Feelings Change Memories Dont

58. Lying is wrong. When you tell a lie for the sake of sparing someone’s feelings it is not suddenly right, but it is compassionate. And is not compassion a form of love? Love—the greatest of all virtues! So, my darling, I do wrong for you. I lie that you might feel loved
Lying is wrong. When you tell a lie for the sake of sparing someone's feelings it is not suddenly right, but it is compassionate. And is not compassion a form of...

59. First feelings are always the most natural.
Louis XIV
First feelings are always the most natural. Louis XIV

60. My feelings are so bipolar, but i just don’t feel right if i’m not throwing a fit, smiling and laughing in the same day. It’s fine
My feelings are so bipolar, but i just don't feel right if i'm not throwing a fit, smiling and laughing in the same day. It's fine

61. That feeling when you are not necessarily sad, but you just feel really empty
That feeling when you are not necessarily sad, but you just feel really empty.

62. Teardrop on the fire. Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire. Fearless on my breath

Love is the best feeling in the world. Love makes the world go round. It is the greatest mystery of all times. If you ask someone «What is love?», he or she will hardly find enough words to express its meaning. Love can be different. There is love for parents, love for children, love for animals, love for friends, first love, love for husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. When you love someone or something, your heart and soul become warmer and kinder. People, who carry love in their hearts, are always happy and in good mood.

Love helps to live and survive in the hardest moments of our lives. Almost all feelings in the world have some advantages or disadvantages. However, love has only advantages. It brings harmony and peace. The only type of love that can be painful is unrequited love. It’s when you love someone, but he or she doesn’t feel the same about you. It’s sad but it often happens. Moreover, I think that all people have experienced one-sided love at least once in their life. Again, I don’t think it’s a disadvantage of love. One-sided love teaches us something new, enriches with life experience and makes us stronger. Some wise men even say that one-sided love is better than none. Another disadvantage of love is its role in wars. Many ancient wars started because of love to a woman. Still, I think that love is the most important thing in everyone’s life. That’s why poets make verses, directors shoot films and composers write songs about it.

All people in the world want to love and to be loved. When love is mutual, it is the best thing that can ever happen to a man.

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Другие топики по теме:

  • Informal letter to the hoster family
  • My Breakfast
  • My household chores
  • About me
  • Your Pastime And Hobby
  • About Myself (liana)
  • My Flat (2)
  • My School (4)
  • Family(topic by Shapkina Lyuba)
  • Home Is Where the Heart Is
  • Весь список


When someone plays with your hair.


Putting on clothes when they’re still warm from the dryer.


Going to town on these babies:


Dislodging stubborn food from your teeth.


Peeling dried glue off your hands.


Doing what you shouldn’t with a Q-tip.


Popping the tabs down on a fast food drink.


Seeing something you ordered online waiting for you on the doorstep.


Ripping fabric.


Freshly shaved legs on clean sheets.


Wearing a brand-new pair of underwear.


Chipping old paint.


Flipping your pillow to the cool side.


Bare feet on cool grass.


Ice-cold beer on a hot day.


Dipping your hands into a bowl of flour.


A hearty sneeze.


Finally getting to sit down after being on your feet all day.


Taking a much-needed shower.


Being in a warm bed on a chilly night.


Sliding your scissors down wrapping paper.


Peeling off a price tag in one try.


The first bite of food after waiting for what seems like eternity in a restaurant.


When the Tetris gods align.


Taking your pants off after a long day.

1. Finally releasing your breasts from the shackles of your bra. The single most inaccurate part of Sex and the City is that Carrie didn’t fling her bra into the corner and rub her breasts for, like, five minutes every time she got home.

2. Getting into a freshly made bed. This is likely a joy Millennials will never understand because Millennials hate making beds, but you know those crisp, cold sheets at hotels are such a pleasure.

3. Stretching. If you don’t love downward-dogging after a long day of sitting at a desk, I cannot relate to you.

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4. Snuggling a fuzzy animal. I’ll be straight about this: I’m not really a cat person. But last time there were kittens in the Cosmopolitan.com office, my heart started racing and I actually kind of felt like I might cry. Don’t tell anyone.

5. Washing your face at the end of the day. You imagine all the makeup and crap on your face as stress, and then scrub it off. There! Now you are a newborn babe without a care in the world.

6. Peeling off skinny jeans/a pencil skirt at the end of the day. Related: Slipping into some stretch pants and a big T-shirt. Preferably without any underwear.

7. When someone else plays with your hair. Sorry, I’m basically orgasming in your chair, shampoo guy at my hair salon. Carry on.

8. Being done with a hard workout. Whenever you’re actually spinning, it’s like, Fuck spinning. But also wobbling out of a spinning class like Woody from Toy Story, taking a shower, and collapsing on the couch feels pretty great.

9. Peeing when you’ve been holding it for, like, nine years. Everyone who has ever ridden in a car has experienced this.

10. Squishing sand between your toes on vacation. Half pedicure, half reminder that you don’t have to check your email all day.

11. Taking your hair down. And individually cursing every bobby pin and hair tie that comes out of there while the blood rushes back to your brain.

12. Flipping your pillow over in the middle of a hot night. Ooooooh, that shit’s chilly!

13. Sleeping in until you can sleep in no longer. And then you sit up and stretch, your eyes opening with childlike wonder as though looking upon your bedroom for the first time. The 10 a.m. light filters softly through your curtains, warming the floor for your feet. Everything is wonderful.

14. Skinny dipping. There’s just something about being naked in the dark, floating in warm water … What’s that? It’s like being back in the womb? Never mind, that’s gross.

15. Using those weird spidery head massagers at the mall. *Shivers*. *Smiles*.

16. Falling asleep at the beach and waking up kind of hot and groggy, but so at peace. Call me Deepak Chopra because I’m … whatever Deepak Chopra is.

17. Bundling up in blankets when it’s cold (or the A.C. is blasting). Just being all cocooned in warmth … Oh, the womb thing again? Hi mom! Love you, mom. Fantastic womb.

18. The mini hand massages when you get a manicure. Pardon me while I close my eyes and deep breathe through that thumb knot. Yes, I’ll pay extra for 10 more minutes. Here’s my credit card. Charge me any amount, I won’t check.

Follow Emma on Twitter.

Headshot of Emma Barker

Features Editor

Emma Barker edits longform reporting at Cosmopolitan. She lives with her husband in Brooklyn, NY. 

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Считает, что лучше всего накуриться и заняться сексом на водяной кровати.

To luxuriate

in the

rays of



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Нежиться в лучах солнышка,

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I love

the feeling

when I have surfed some



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Я люблю


когда я посерфила


отличных волнах,

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И позволяет хорошо ощутить и определить свое место в том Мире, в котором вы находитесь, а так же почувствовать себя элементом того


частью которого являетесь….

It remains only to enjoy


moment of observation and try to

feel the

atmosphere of the best kind in the world.

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Осталось только насладиться моментом наблюдения и постараться прочувствовать атмосферу самого лучшего вида в мире.

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It is with great Pleasure, to arrest the best… Counterfeiter in the world, if that makes you




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Мы арестовываем… лучшего фальшивомонетчика в мире, если это вас утешит.

Sugar, if you


you’re coming down with something, my dear, the best thing in the world is a shot of whiskey.

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Душечка, если ты действительно хочешь спуститься, то лучшее в мире лекарство- это глоток виски.

That’s where


field of activity is for fantasy and creativity,

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Вот уж где поле деятельности и для фантазии и творчества,

где бухгалтер почувствует себя наравне с лучшими художниками и музыкантами мира!

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Webcam installed,

allows you to not just see


street from anywhere in the world, enough was just good Internet access, but also to

feel the

atmosphere of what is happening there.

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Веб- камера, установленная здесь, позволяет не просто увидеть улицу из любой страны мира, достаточно, чтобы просто был хороший доступ в интернет, но и проникнуться атмосферой всего происходящего там.

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So, I imagined


house burned down and you and Sue and Axl all dead and all my books gone and

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Поэтому я представил наш дом сгоревшим, вас, Сью и Акселя мертвыми, что моих книжек нет,

и я остался совсем один в этом мире и мне стало намного лучше.


Conference on Disarmament remains


only multilateral organ at a standstill,

and that is why we are


political pressure from all sides for something to change


order to




situation in the world today.

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Конференция по разоружению остается единственным многосторонним органом, находящимся в состоянии

затора, и поэтому- то тут и повсеместно ощущается политический нажим, с тем чтобы что-то изменилось, дабы лучше отражать реальности сегодняшнего мира.

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hierarchical classification that Baker feels is the best one for explaining


variation in


grammars of


languages of the world is shown below.

With an emphasis on excellent service, a friendly approach, and sparkling energy levels,


team at SEZONA proves that even

in the

very middle of


city they can make you


as if you were in one of the world‘s best resort beach restaurants!

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Команда SEZONA делает ставку на отличный сервис, положительное отношение и бьющую через край энергию и благодаря этому доказывает,

что даже


центре города можно чувствовать себя как в одном из лучших ресторанов всемирно известного пляжного курорта!

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Find out what hidden clothes fill



Lady Bug, and choose those that best feel when you have to save the world and collect



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Узнайте, какие скрытые одежды заполнить шкаф Lady Bug,

и выбрать те, которые лучше всего чувствуют, когда у вас есть, чтобы спасти мир и собрать комнату.

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New York Times film critic Neil Genzlinger stated,»This terrible attempt at a political thriller for


religious right is aimed not at Christians in general but at a certain breed of them,


kind who feel as if


rest of the world were engaged


a giant conspiracy against their interpretation of


and truth.

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Нил Гензлингер из« New York Times» сказал, что« это ужасная попытка создания политического

триллера о религиозном праве направлена не на христиан в целом, но на определенную породу из них, которые чувствуют себя так, как если бы остальной мир занимался гигантским заговором против их интерпретации добра и истины».

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Smith’s grandfather, New Hampshire senator Lou D’Allesandro,

stated,»This is a feel good moment, it’s a feel good story, and we have got to get the world to recognize that.

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Дед Смита, сенатор Нью- Гэмпшира Лу

Transport of dangerous


by sea and air is carried out all over the world without it being


necessary to specify


actual mode of transport in


transport document.

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Во всем мире при осуществлении морских и воздушных перевозок опасных грузов не считается необходимым указывать в транспортном документе фактически используемый вид транспорта.

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fact, I felt… the world was a little


off knowing he wasn’t


it anymore.

Results: 142,
Time: 0.0307





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