What is the word for sad but happy

While somewhat broader than happy/sad, you could say ambivalent. Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone: Some loved her, some hated her, few were ambivalent about her. … Not exactly what the OP’s looking for but tragicomic also describes both happy and sad feelings at the same time.

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Asked By: Leonars Scott Date: created: Jun 12 2022

What is a sad smile

Answered By: Devin Coleman Date: created: Jun 12 2022

sad smile definition, sad smile meaning | English dictionary 1 a facial expression characterized by an upturning of the corners of the mouth, usually showing amusement, friendliness, etc., but sometimes scorn, etc.

2 favour or blessing..

Asked By: John Smith Date: created: Jul 02 2022

What is the word for sad but happy

Answered By: Carter Alexander Date: created: Jul 02 2022

elatasadelatasad , Definition: feeling sad but also happy and excited. Ambivalence tends to hold a more apathetic connotation than what Tom is asking for, it feels a lot more like being undecided or unsure about how you feel than a bittersweet combination of happiness/sadness.

Asked By: Rodrigo Gray Date: created: Dec 29 2022

What means miserable

Answered By: Isaac Morris Date: created: Jan 01 2023

1 : being in a pitiable state of distress or unhappiness (as from want or shame) miserable refugees. 2a : wretchedly inadequate or meager (see meager sense 2) a miserable hovel. b : causing extreme discomfort or unhappiness a miserable situation miserable weather his miserable childhood.

Asked By: Alex Scott Date: created: Dec 22 2022

How do you express sadness in text

Answered By: Devin Hill Date: created: Dec 24 2022

Sad messages expressive of your deepest feelingsA million words would not bring you back, I know because I tried, neither would a million tears, I know because I cried.Relationships are like glass. … I’m proud of my heart, it’s been played, stabbed, cheated, burned and broken, but somehow still works.More items…•Aug 7, 2020

Asked By: Donald Bell Date: created: Apr 05 2023

How do you live with someone who is unhappy

Answered By: Morgan Alexander Date: created: Apr 05 2023

THE BASICSMaintain appropriate boundaries. Remind yourself constantly that your loved one’s unhappiness is not your own. … Allow your loved one space to be unhappy. … Give yourself space from them. … Defend your own happiness fiercely. … Suggest professional help. … Detach with love.Mar 27, 2011

Asked By: Aidan Jenkins Date: created: Jul 26 2022

Can someone lose the ability to cry

Answered By: Ethan Powell Date: created: Jul 29 2022

You might also notice a decreased capacity to express your emotions. Some people with anhedonia, especially anhedonic depression, do notice they can no longer cry easily — or at all.

Asked By: Dominic Watson Date: created: Feb 21 2023

What is another word for deep sadness

Answered By: Jayden King Date: created: Feb 23 2023


Asked By: Xavier Morris Date: created: Mar 17 2022

What are some sad mood words

Answered By: Howard Collins Date: created: Mar 20 2022

Synonymssad. adjective. feeling unhappy, especially because something bad has happened.unhappy. adjective. feeling sad or upset.gloomy. adjective. feeling sad and without hope.melancholy. adjective. … sorrowful. adjective. … subdued. adjective. … bleak. adjective. … wistful. adjective.More items…

Asked By: Philip Hayes Date: created: Feb 12 2023

What is a synonym for upset and sad

Answered By: Hunter Torres Date: created: Feb 12 2023

very sad, worried, or angry about somethingFeeling angry or annoyed. angry. annoyed. mad. irritated. fed up. put out. displeased. cross. belligerent. … Feeling sad or unhappy. sad. unhappy. gloomy. miserable. melancholy. sorrowful. subdued. bleak. … Feeling worried and nervous. worried. nervous. anxious. uneasy. tense. alarmed. on edge. frightened.

Asked By: Colin Bryant Date: created: Jan 24 2022

What is the opposite of sad

Answered By: Gavin Brown Date: created: Jan 26 2022

Opposite of being mournful or feeling sorrow. happy. joyful. cheerful. cheery.

Asked By: Anthony Allen Date: created: Mar 15 2022

What do you call a fake smile

Answered By: Oscar Hernandez Date: created: Mar 17 2022

The Pan Am smile, aka the ‘Botox smile,” is the name given to a fake smile, in which only the zygomatic major muscle is voluntarily contracted to show politeness.

Asked By: Anthony Moore Date: created: May 19 2022

What is the most saddest thing in life

Answered By: Gilbert Johnson Date: created: May 20 2022

Top 10 Saddest Things that Can Happen in Life The Death of a Parent. This is should definitely be number one. … The Death of Your Child. This is by far the worst! … Getting Raped. … Suffering a Painful Death. … The Death of a Pet. … Getting Diagnosed With a Disease. … Having Suicidal Thoughts. … Receiving a Death Sentence.More items…

Asked By: Sean Richardson Date: created: Jul 29 2022

What is a fancy word for SAD

Answered By: Sebastian Ross Date: created: Jul 31 2022

1 unhappy, despondent, disconsolate, discouraged, gloomy, downcast, downhearted, depressed, dejected, melancholy.

Asked By: Daniel Parker Date: created: Apr 12 2023

What is a sad person called

Answered By: Isaac Taylor Date: created: Apr 14 2023

A morose person is sullen, gloomy, sad, glum, and depressed — not a happy camper. … This word is stronger than just sad — morose implies being extremely gloomy and depressed. We all can be morose at times, like after the death of a friend or family member.

Asked By: Xavier Hernandez Date: created: Oct 13 2022

Is sadness an emotion

Answered By: Caleb Brown Date: created: Oct 14 2022

Sadness is a human emotion that all people feel at certain times during their lives. Feeling sad is a natural reaction to situations that cause emotional upset or pain. There are varying degrees of sadness. But like other emotions, sadness is temporary and fades with time.

Asked By: Ronald Bryant Date: created: May 22 2022

What things can make you cry

Answered By: Evan Long Date: created: May 24 2022

Top 10 Things That Make You Cry Somebody Dying. There’s nothing that makes you cry more than the death of your most loved ones. … Losing a Friend. Losing a friend…it’s hard trust me. … Losing a Pet. … Seeing the One You Love, Loving Someone Else. … Asking Someone Out and Being Told No. … Physical Pain. … Your Parents Getting a Divorce. … Stress.More items…

Asked By: Hunter Bailey Date: created: Feb 01 2023

What is the saddest quote ever

Answered By: Jacob Walker Date: created: Feb 04 2023

You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness. Tears come from the heart and not from the brain. To have felt too much is to end in feeling nothing. People keep telling me that life goes on, but to me that’s the saddest part.

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Brother Project Runway Machine

Are Janome and Brother feet interchangeable? many other brands of feet will fit onto a janome machine.they will work …sort of …but never as well as a janome brand foot will work.. Is Baby lock owned by brother? they are not the same company, but brother does sell them their machines, and babylock puts there name on them and markets them differently, they do usually have a few differences, and I do think the babylocks are made a little better. Is brother a good sewing machine brand? Brother and Singer produce very good inexpensive sewing machines for those on a low budget. You can get a good machine to sew with both these brands. … They have more features than the Singers low budget sewing machines. In fact, Brother XM2701 is our pick for the best sewing machine under $100. Is singer better than brother? The brother machine is a…

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Question: Canson Mix Media

Is Canson good for watercolor? Canson XL 9×12 Watercolor Pads feature a cold press, textured paper that works beautifully for a variety of techniques.Recommended for use with watercolor, acrylic, pen & ink, marker, colored pencil, pencil, charcoal, and pastel.The durable surface withstands repeated washes.. How do you make mixed media? Mixed Media PaintingPaint mixes: Mix watercolors with pastels or acrylic paints, or try layering paper and wood into your artwork.Techniques: Blend paint washes, paint with a credit card or give mixed media stencils a try.Mixed media canvas: Add textures, memorabilia and even rocks to your canvas.Sep 19, 2018 Is Canson mixed media paper good for markers? I actually like the Canson XL Mixed Media paper for general marker stuff, otherwise I go with Arches. You can control the bleed by using a backing board that will either soak excess ink, or get one that is non-absorbent, so the ink stays…

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Question: Brother Sewing Machine

Is brother a good sewing machine? Brother and Singer produce very good inexpensive sewing machines for those on a low budget.You can get a good machine to sew with both these brands….They have more features than the Singers low budget sewing machines.In fact, Brother XM2701 is our pick for the best sewing machine under $100.. Is Janome better than brother? Janome is a heavy lightweight machine, and Janome also gives better stitches quality, and Brother does not give good stitches quality. Janome is a long-lasting product, and the brother is not a long-lasting product. Janome is a bit expensive, and Brother is value for money product. Which is better singer or Brother sewing machines? The Singer is quality and budget-friendly in this machine, many different types of built stitches. It’s a durable and long-lasting product. Brother provides some good beginner-friendly sewing machine with this machine much better than Singer. Brother…

Carter Brooks


Are Brother Sewing Machines Good Quality?

What is the most reliable brand of sewing machine? Here are ten of the best-known sewing machine brands in alphabetical order.Bernina.Brother.Elna.Husqvarna Viking.Jaguar.Janome.Juki.Singer.More items…•Feb 15, 2020. Is Brother sewing machine made in USA? Brother. Probably the most popular sewing machine in America. For that reason, people think they are manufactured here in the states, but it’s actually a Japanese company. Machines: Sewing machines, embroidery machines, sergers, cover stick sergers, and cross-over. What is the best sewing machine on the market today? The Best Sewing MachineOur pick. Janome MOD-19. Best sewing machine for most beginners. … Runner-up. Singer Heavy Duty 4423. A basic, even stitcher. … Upgrade pick. Janome HD1000. Better for heavier fabrics.Feb 19, 2021 Are old sewing machines better? A quality vintage machine is made with higher quality components, better overall build quality, and will outlast any new machine on the market today. I routinely sew with machines that are…

Gavin Gray


Quick Answer: Kids Felt Board

How do you attach felt? What Glue Works Best on Felt?Tacky Glue.Tacky glue is a tried and true classic for gluing felt.It’s excellent for gluing felt to felt, and for any other general crafting….Permanent Glue.A permanent glue like super glue or E6000 is another option for adhering felt….Adhesives to Avoid.The number one adhesive to avoid is ordinary white craft glue.. What is the difference between fleece and felt? Felt is a non-woven cloth that is produced by matting, condensing and pressing woollen fibres. … Fleece fabric is a soft napped insulating synthetic fabric made from Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or other synthetic fibers. It is light and strong pile fabric meant to mimic and in some ways surpass wool. How do you print on Felt? How To Do This Method: While the pen will come with instructions, the basic idea is that you print out your pattern (the mirror image) on…

Asked by: Dr. Antwan Baumbach Jr.

Score: 4.4/5
(24 votes)

: sad or romantic in a foolish or exaggerated way. : foolish or silly : not thinking clearly or showing good judgment.

Whats it mean to be a sap?

If your energy or will is sapped, it’s not meant lightly; it means you have been exhausted of all your reserve energy, you’re reduced to a shell. If someone calls you «a sap,» it suggests you lack strength and character.

Does sappy mean sad?

In the 1550s, sappy meant «full of vitality,» but by the end of the 1600s its meaning changed to «foolishly sentimental,» possibly influenced by the stickiness of sap.

Is sappy a mix of sad and happy?

Sappy is a combination of sad and happy.

What does sabby mean?

Sabby is savvy, meaning, do you understand?

36 related questions found

What does it mean to be a sappy person?

English Language Learners Definition of sappy

: sad or romantic in a foolish or exaggerated way. : foolish or silly : not thinking clearly or showing good judgment.

Is Savvy a real word?

You may be familiar with the noun savvy, meaning «practical know-how» (as in «he has political savvy»), and the adjective use (as in «a savvy investor»). … Both the noun and the verb came into use around 1785.

What is the word for sad but happy?

Saudade describes a feeling both happy and sad, and might be most closely related to the English expression ‘bitter sweet’.

Why do endings make me so sad?

We cry at the happy ending. The reason was explained over 60 years ago by psychoanalyst, Joseph Weiss. Weiss explained that we unconsciously allow ourselves to feel distressing feelings only when it’s safe to do so.

Is it sappy or soppy?

As adjectives the difference between soppy and sappy

is that soppy is very wet; sodden, soaked while sappy is (us) excessively sweet, emotional, nostalgic; cheesy; mushy (british equivalent: soppy) or sappy can be (obsolete) musty; tainted.

What’s a sappy movie?

used to describe something that is extremely emotional in an embarrassing way: It’s a sappy movie — your husband will hate it. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Sentimental and over-emotional. cloying.

What is another word for sappy?


  • chocolate-box,
  • cloying,
  • corny,
  • drippy,
  • fruity,
  • gooey,
  • lovey-dovey,
  • maudlin,

What does soppy mean in a relationship?

adjective. If you describe someone or something as soppy, you mean that they are foolishly sentimental. [British, informal] He’s constantly on the phone to his girlfriend being soppy. She loves soppy love stories, old films, that sort of thing.

What kind of person is a SAP?

(slang) A foolish or gullible person. … An example of sap is a person who falls for a trick. noun. 1. Health and energy; vitality.

What is SAP basic knowledge?

As a SAP beginner, you need a basic understanding of business processes, SAP acronyms and project concepts. … The SAP Alliance business program included a mandatory ERP course. Before fumbling through SAP transactions, we were given a framework of common business processes.

What is a SAP as a weapon?

Leather slapper, sap, blackjack

The sap, slapper, or blackjack is a heavy leather pouch, eight to twelve inches long, filled with lead and sometimes a flexible steel rod. Unlike a baton, a sap’s size and shape allowed it to be concealed inside an officer’s pocket.

Why do I cry at happy moments?

When happy and sad signals get their wires crossed, this activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps us calm down after trauma and releases the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Acetylcholine tells our tear ducts to get busy. So we cry.

Why do I cry tears of joy?

Crying tears of joy has a purpose. … People who cry from happiness when they’re overwhelmed can actually recover better from the original feeling that caused them to cry. You can have two different emotions in response to a single cause. This is called a dimorphous expression.

Why do I only cry at happy things?

According to research from 2015, happy tears happen when you experience emotions so intense they become unmanageable. When these emotions begin to overwhelm you, you might cry or scream (perhaps both) in order to help get those emotions out.

What can I say instead of sad?

20 words to use instead of ‘sad’

  • Hopeless.
  • Depressed.
  • Mournful.
  • Despairing.
  • Miserable.
  • Downcast.
  • Gloomy.
  • Heartbroken.

Which word means full of sad longing?

wistfulness. a sadly pensive longing. nostalgia. longing for something past. discontent, discontentedness, discontentment.

What do you call someone who enjoys being sad?

masochist Add to list Share. If you call someone a masochist, you either mean that they take pleasure in pain, or — perhaps more commonly — that they just seem to. … Leopold von Sacher-Masoch was an Austrian writer in the nineteenth century who described the gratification he got from his own pain and humiliation.

Who is a savvy person?

If you describe someone as having savvy, you think that they have a good understanding and practical knowledge of something. [informal] He is known for his political savvy and strong management skills. Synonyms: understanding, perception, grasp, ken More Synonyms of savvy.

Is Savvy a compliment?

To describe someone as business savvy is a rare compliment that we seldom pay to ourselves. … So it’s a compliment indeed when we describe someone as business savvy.

Why does Captain Jack Sparrow say savvy?

In the film, main character Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) uses the question Savvy? to punctuate threats, jokes, and other swashbuckling statements. This savvy calls back to its roots for “do you understand?” with the sharp bark of a “Do you hear what I’m saying?”

We can be happy when we’re pleased with how something has gone or a certain event in our life. We can be sad when something bad has happened that’s made us feel inadequate or down. However, did you know some words mean you can experience both at the same time?

What Word Is Best To Describe The Feeling Of Being Happy And Sad At The Same Time?

Bittersweet is the best word to describe the feeling of being happy and sad at the same time. There are other choices, which we will cover, but bittersweet works perfectly to cover both emotions (“bitter” showing sadness and “sweet” showing happiness).

What Word Is Best To Describe The Feeling Of Being Happy And Sad At The Same Time?

We’ll cover the words in slightly more detail as we go through the article, but the words you’ll see are:

  • Bittersweet
  • Tragicomic
  • Rueful
  • Ambivalent
  • Emotional


The Cambridge Dictionary can help us with the definition of “bittersweet.” It is used to mean something “containing a mixture of sadness and happiness.”

A person can feel bittersweet for several reasons, but it’s the perfect example of a word that shows the mixed emotions one feels when they’re going through a hard time in their life while also feeling happy about something.

Both happy and sad are contradicting emotions, but that doesn’t mean you’re not able to feel both of them simultaneously. In fact, it’s more of a common feeling than you might realize.

The bittersweet feeling you get when you’re happy about something can arise for a number of reasons, for example:

  • If you won an event by accidentally cheating or tarnishing the competitor’s chances somehow.
  • If you recently lost a loved one but came into some really good news.
  • If something positive happened to you and not your friend, but you really wished it happened to you both.

These are just some of the ways we can see bittersweet emotions in our lives. You’ve more than likely come across it once or twice, and it’s a difficult feeling to explain.


The Cambridge Dictionary gives us a definition of tragicomedy as “a (type of) play or story that is both sad and funny.” This definition is extended to “tragicomic,” which means it relates to this same sensation you get from the play or story.

A situation often seems more tragicomic, rather than it being a direct emotional you feel. However, it’s still possible to experience a tragicomic emotion of some kind.

If you have a tragicomic feeling or sensation, it’s usually because you’re already sad for some reason, but you found something ridiculously funny. The other incident is where something is so sad you can’t help but laugh, and that laughter often helps ease your sadness a little.

It’s not the best synonym for bittersweet, but it’s definitely one of the more closely related words to it that we can use. It’s also a great word to include in your vocabulary should you ever feel the need to say it.

Not many people have heard of tragicomic as a word before, so you could impress a few people.


The Cambridge Dictionary refers to “rueful” as “feeling sorry and wishing that something had not happened.” If you look at the example they provide, it shows someone giving a “rueful laugh,” and this shows that “rueful” is used mostly in a dry and humorous way.

Generally, if we’re writing the word “rueful” in text, it comes before words like “smile” or “laugh.” It’s used in a humorous way to show that we wished something didn’t have to happen the way that it did, but there’s nothing we can do now but laugh at the situation.

Sometimes, that same feeling is applicable to normal life. Say you’re at a funeral for a loved one, and you remember something funny that the two of you did together. Sure, you shouldn’t be laughing at a funeral, but now you’re so overcome with rueful emotion you don’t know what else to do.

That’s generally when we would use “rueful” as an emotion. It shows that we’re sorry or apologetic for an outcome, but we often have to laugh at either the outcome or ourselves before it sends us spiraling into despair.


Here, The Cambridge Dictionary uses a great definition for the word “ambivalent.” It means “having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel.”

While a feeling of ambivalence doesn’t strictly have to apply to happiness and sadness (it could be calmness and anger, for example), it works as a great synonym for bittersweet. In fact, it’s probably the best word on this list besides bittersweet that works as a way to show two contrasting emotions.

On top of that, it’s a great word to include in your vocabulary. Not many people are familiar with a word as powerful as this, and it will show how well you understand your meaning if you get a chance to use it.

A feeling of ambivalence can appear anywhere in life. We typically use it when we’re not able to process our emotions, leading us to a state where we’re not entirely sure which of the two opposing emotions we feel.

It creates this idea of emotional limbo, where we’re both happy and sad. Both of those emotions cancel each other out, almost making us feel empty, or in the case of the Cambridge definition, “uncertain.”


The Cambridge Dictionary teaches us that “emotional” means “having and expressing strong feelings.” While this doesn’t strictly imply that two contradicting emotions are felt at the same time, it works well as an alternative nonetheless.

When somebody is emotional, it’s often too difficult for that person to process their emotions and talk to you about what they’re feeling.

Significant, life-changing events can lead someone to become emotional. Say, for example, you win a lot of money in a competition that will change your life forever. Most people actually cry when they hear this news, which is a common response to sadness.

It’s this exact situation that leads the word emotional to being a really good synonym for bittersweet. When you’re so overcome with emotion, you don’t know whether to laugh or cry. If you hear bad news, you might laugh out loud; if you hear great news, you might cry happy tears. Either way, you’re so emotional that you don’t know what your body or brain is telling you!

All of the above words are an excellent way of saying you feel both happy and sad at the same time. It’s not a feeling you’ll come by often, but when you do, it’s helpful to have these words in your arsenal ready to use.

It also helps to expand your ability to write really impressive stories. If you’re able to have a strong handle on emotions in a novel, then people will be amazed at your writing skills and descriptive abilities.

Examples Of When You Can Feel Happy And Sad At The Same Time

While it’s great to know all of the words you can use to explain this feeling, that’s not enough. It’ll help if you also know when situations might occur that might lead you to feel bittersweet or ambivalent.


Graduating is a huge event in any student’s life. It’s such a happy moment for most people because it means they’re turning over to the next page of their life and exploring new options.

However, graduation is often sad because it means saying goodbye to old friends and knowing that you most likely won’t see them again.

Changing Jobs

Just like graduation, changing a job in life is often seen as a huge milestone. If you’ve made the decision to further your career, then that will have a massive impact on your life and change you for the better. Usually, it’s a happy day.

However, it can be difficult to let go of the past. It can also be hard to say goodbye to colleagues, especially those that you consider friends. That’s what leads to these bittersweet moments in life.

Having A Baby

Having a baby is by far one of the most exciting and happy moments in any parent’s life. It’s the time to take on new responsibilities and start up a family with the people that you love.

However, having a baby also leads new parents to ask sad questions like whether they’re good enough to be a good parent or whether they’re right for the baby. This emotional back and forth leads to some serious bittersweet sensations.

Beating A Friend (Sporting Event)

Beating a friend in a competition is a great way to show that you’ve earned your spot in the podium position. However, we often want to encourage our friends to be the best versions of themselves and need to push each other to get there.

While beating a friend can be exciting and lead to happiness; you may also take away their own pride, which is an unhappy sensation at the same time. There’s a very fine balance between these things.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

I’m looking for a word that means feeling both happy and sad at the same time. Here’s a sentence I’d like to use it in:

«At least we got one vote,» she said with a (word I’m looking for) smile.

cobaltduck's user avatar


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asked Feb 17, 2015 at 13:27

Eritrea's user avatar



  • producing or expressing a mixture of pain and pleasure: a movie with a bittersweet ending.
  • pleasant but tinged with sadness.
  • a bittersweet smile.


answered Feb 17, 2015 at 13:31


While somewhat broader than happy/sad, you could say ambivalent.

Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone:

Some loved her, some hated her, few were ambivalent about her.

jimm101's user avatar


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answered Feb 17, 2015 at 14:03

bib's user avatar


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The dictionary on my Mac defines rueful as

expressing sorrow or regret, especially in a wry or humorous way: she
gave a rueful grin

which fits OP’s sentence quite well.

answered Mar 1, 2020 at 20:13

High Performance Mark's user avatar

Melancholic! Bittersweet more exact.

jimm101's user avatar


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answered May 15, 2020 at 17:46

Connor Regan's user avatar

Not exactly what the OP’s looking for but tragicomic also describes both happy and sad feelings at the same time.

Tragicomic (adj): Something that is tragicomic is both sad and amusing at the same time.

Example: This was a tragicomic story of human frailty.

— Collins dictionary

Or ambivalent.

Ambivalent (adj): Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.

Example: an ambivalent attitude to Europe.

— Lexico

Community's user avatar

answered May 15, 2020 at 20:02

Decapitated Soul's user avatar

Decapitated SoulDecapitated Soul

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«At least we got one vote,» she said with a wan smile.

You could also use feeble.

answered Oct 7, 2021 at 18:27

dionthefly's user avatar

Table of Contents

  1. What is the word for mixed emotions?
  2. When something is sad but happy?
  3. What’s a word for not happy but not sad?
  4. What is a fancy word for SAD?
  5. What is a sad person called?
  6. What are 5 synonyms sad?
  7. What do you call a fake smile?
  8. What is a word for fake happiness?
  9. What is a smirk smile?
  10. What does it mean to hide behind a smile?
  11. Why do people hide their sad feelings?
  12. What is the word for hiding your feelings?
  13. What do you call a person that shows no feelings?

The meaning of “happy sad” ” Happy sad ” Meaning: A bittersweet feeling combining both happiness and sadness. Example: Dad won the Bafta for best actor but was too ill to collect it, so I’m happy sad about that.

What is the word for mixed emotions?

Having mixed feelings or emotions. equivocal. undecided. ambivalent. indecisive.

When something is sad but happy?

elatasad , Definition: feeling sad but also happy and excited. Ambivalence tends to hold a more apathetic connotation than what Tom is asking for, it feels a lot more like being undecided or unsure about how you feel than a bittersweet combination of happiness/sadness.

What’s a word for not happy but not sad?

equanimity is the word for neither you feel happy nor sad.

What is a fancy word for SAD?

1 unhappy, despondent, disconsolate, discouraged, gloomy, downcast, downhearted, depressed, dejected, melancholy.

What is a sad person called?

A morose person is sullen, gloomy, sad, glum, and depressed — not a happy camper. When someone is morose, they seem to have a cloud of sadness hanging over them. This word is stronger than just sad — morose implies being extremely gloomy and depressed.

What are 5 synonyms sad?

synonyms for sad

  • bitter.
  • dismal.
  • heartbroken.
  • melancholy.
  • pessimistic.
  • somber.
  • sorry.
  • wistful.

What do you call a fake smile?

The Pan Am smile, aka the ‘Botox smile,” is the name given to a fake smile, in which only the zygomatic major muscle is voluntarily contracted to show politeness.

What is a word for fake happiness?

Pollyannaish comes to mind, but that might be broadening the definition. Pretentious needs a secondary definer to include “happy” portion, so that fails. Faking it definitely fits the bill, but like pretentious, it needs a definer for the happy portion.

What is a smirk smile?

A smirk is a kind of smile, but it’s not a friendly smile—it’s often a sarcastic or arrogant one or one that’s intended to provoke or irritate the person who sees it. Smirk is also a verb that means to smile in such a way.

What does it mean to hide behind a smile?

Smiling depression

Why do people hide their sad feelings?

People often hide emotions to protect their relationships. When someone you care about does something upsetting, you might choose to hide your annoyance. Yes, their actions bothered you. But if they react negatively when you tell them how you feel, you could end up triggering an even more painful conflict.

What is the word for hiding your feelings?

dissimulate. verb. formal to hide your real thoughts, feelings, or intentions.

What do you call a person that shows no feelings?

adjective. having or showing little or no emotion: apathetic behavior. not interested or concerned; indifferent or unresponsive: an apathetic audience.

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For logophiles, whether you tend toward pleonasm or perspicacious thrift. Any language is acceptable. Suggested topics are new words, expressions, neologisms, neoterisms, sniglets, odd usages, reanimated words, words you never knew existed, words you wish existed, or even words you would like expurgated from the space-time continuum.

Table of Contents

  1. Why is bloody a bad word?
  2. Is gosh darn it a bad word?
  3. What does frickin mean?
  4. Where does the word F * * * * * * come from?
  5. What’s the f-word?
  6. What is the longest number word?
  7. What is a 5 letter word starting with D?
  8. What are some good D words?
  9. What is a positive D word?
  10. What is a fancy word for nice?
  11. What’s a positive word?
  12. What are some happy words?
  13. What is the saddest word?
  14. What are some happy feelings?
  15. What is the word for sad but happy?
  16. What is a sad story called?

Use of the adjective bloody as a profane intensifier predates the 18th century. Its ultimate origin is unclear, and several hypotheses have been suggested. The Oxford English Dictionary prefers the theory that it arose from aristocratic rowdies known as “bloods”, hence “bloody drunk” means “drunk as a blood”.

Is gosh darn it a bad word?

Gosh, darn it, and heck are euphemisms – mild, round-about words used in place of stronger, plainer ones.

What does frickin mean?

Frickin’ (adjective) “Frickin’” is a slang word that means “very” or “extremely”.Irish peoples use that every day like “Fricking funny” or “Fecking funny” :)))

Where does the word F * * * * * * come from?

The f-word is of Germanic origin, related to Dutch, German, and Swedish words for “to strike” and “to move back and forth.” It first appears, though, only in the 16th century, in a manuscript of the Latin orator Cicero.

What’s the f-word?

—used as a way to refer to the offensive word “fuck” without saying it or writing it He got in trouble for using the f-word on television.

What is the longest number word?


What is a 5 letter word starting with D?

5-letter words starting with D

dabba DABCO
dacks dadah
dadas daddy
dados Dadys
Daegu Daesh

What are some good D words?

List of Positive Words That Start With D

Dear Dream Dreamer
Dynamic Delicious Desire
Devotion Desirable Discover
Discovery Diversity Divine
Delight Delighted Discreet

What is a positive D word?


What is a fancy word for nice?

Synonyms. pleasant. a pleasant surprise. delightful. The most delightful garden I had ever seen.

What’s a positive word?

Positive Words Vocabulary List

  • absolutely. accepted. acclaimed. accomplish. accomplishment.
  • beaming. beautiful. believe. beneficial. bliss.
  • calm. celebrated. certain. champ. champion.
  • dazzling. delight. delightful. distinguished. divine.
  • earnest. easy. ecstatic. effective.
  • fabulous. fair. familiar. famous.
  • generous. genius. genuine. giving.
  • handsome. happy. harmonious. healing.

What are some happy words?

  • blissful,
  • delighted,
  • glad,
  • joyful,
  • joyous,
  • jubilant,
  • rejoicing,
  • tickled.

What is the saddest word?

The English Language Top 11 Saddest Words or Phrases

  • Lonely –
  • Terminal –
  • Heartbroken –
  • Regrets –
  • Back To School –
  • Melancholy –
  • Party’s Over –
  • Love – While love can be beautiful for many people, ultimately, it is one of the most saddest emotions and feelings in the world.

What are some happy feelings?

Some words you can use to describe different kinds of enjoyment include:

  • happiness.
  • love.
  • relief.
  • contentment.
  • amusement.
  • joy.
  • pride.
  • excitement.

What is the word for sad but happy?


What is a sad story called?

What is another word for sad story?

sentimental story tragedy
drama weepie
tearjerker sob story
cryfest sorry tale
heartbreaker schmaltzy story

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