What is the word for missing home

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

скучаешь по дому

скучаю по дому

скучают по дому

тоски по дому

скучал по дому

I figured you might be missing home, so I got some orange flower water.

Я подумал, что ты, должно быть, скучаешь по дому, поэтому принес бутылку флердоранжевой эссенции.

You missing home so much Libertus, why don’t you and Nyx head on back?

Ты так скучаешь по дому, Либертус. Почему бы тебе и Никсу не вернуться?

I guess I’m just sort of missing home today.

They keep asking about my well-being, they become a little concerned when I’m on an outdoor for 40 days, missing home and AbRam.

Они постоянно интересуются моим самочувствием, они беспокоятся, что меня нет рядом в течение 40 дней, и что я скучаю по дому и АбРаму.

They are missing home and want to get back.

Therefore, if students are missing home or feeling lonely, homestay hosts are always available.

Поэтому, если ученики скучают по дому или чувствуют себя одиноко, хозяева дома всегда для них доступны.

Don’t be embarrassed about them and even talk about them with a counselor or your new friends; you’ll find that you’re not alone and that everyone is missing home at least a little bit.

Не смущайтесь этого — поговорите с вожатым или с новыми друзьями; вы поймете, что не одиноки в этом чувстве и что все хоть немного скучают по дому.

You know, I figured after his visit, he was missing home.

Despite the excitement of these new friendships and experiences, I still find myself missing home.

Но несмотря на эту бурю эмоций и новых ощущения, я чувствую себя дома.

I was suddenly missing home and my parents.

But it didn’t stop him from missing home.

Тем не менее, это не остановило его выйти из дома.

I therefore do not consider myself sick about missing home.

The dad is a soldier and has been missing home very much.

Just… I was missing home, so I thought of calling.

He got a job offer there, and I’ve been missing home a lot.

Throughout their mission, Blake is constantly reminded about his family and his brother and missing home, and his desperation keeps him fighting on, no matter what.

Во время выполнения порученного им задания Блейк постоянно вспоминает свою семью, брата, все говорит ему о том, как далеко родной дом, и именно отчаяние заставляет его сражаться, несмотря ни на что».

And suddenly Ivan realizes that he is missing home comfort, which he cannot create for himself, and marriage is not part of his plans.

И вдруг Иван понимает, что соскучился по домашнему уюту, который сам себе создать не может, а женитьба в его планы не входит.

He said that the daughter, being the mother of two young children, September 8, missing home and her whereabouts are unknown.

Он сообщил, что дочь, будучи матерью двоих малолетних детей, с 8 сентября отсутствует дома и ее местонахождение неизвестно.

They speak of fear, being injured, losing a brother soldier, missing home, excitement, coming home, and what life is like on the frontline.

Они говорят о страхе, о ранениях, о потере боевого товарища, о пропавших без вести, о возвращении домой и о том, какова жизнь на линии фронта.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 29. Точных совпадений: 29. Затраченное время: 119 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

I hope the following 25 missing home quotes help anyone missing home badly find some comfort!

I hope the following 25 missing home quotes help anyone missing home badly find some comfort!

Nothing saps the joy from travelling quite like homesickness.

Sometimes this insidious beast begins slowly, lurking beneath the surface for a while before finally rearing its ugly head.

On other occasions, it rushes forth from nowhere, like a surprise slap in the face.

Either way, one thing’s for certain: homesickness sucks.

Missing home badly takes the wind out from under your sails, and travelling starts to feel trivial. It’s incredible, really- you can be in paradise and feel nothing but longing for the very home you couldn’t wait to leave!

Thankfully, homesickness is rarely chronic- it’ll pass with time, only to re-emerge at a later date.

In the downtimes, though, it’s important to find any source of comfort possible. And, in that endeavour, I’ve always been surprised at how much a simple quote can make a difference.

With that in mind, I’ve put together 25 missing home quotes for anybody struggling with homesickness on the road.

Keep reading for some comforting ‘I miss home quotes’ that I hope will help you feel better.

Love a quote as much as I do? I’ve put together a bunch of FREE printable picture quotes! Print ‘em off and stick ‘em on your wall for travel inspiration! Click below to download 👍

Home is where the heart is! This I miss home quote from Cicero speaks to the reason travel can be so tough.

Home is where the heart is! This I miss home quote from Cicero speaks to the reason travel can be so tough.

25 Comforting Missing Home Quotes to Help with Homesickness

Homesickness is never fun.

In fact, it’s one of the main disadvantages of travel out there. Fingers crossed the following quotes will prove a useful resource for anybody missing home.

Heads up, you might also like these 100 Quotes About Missing Friends.

I Miss Home Quotes that Explain the Pain

Homesickness is a common part of travel that makes total sense, given what you’re doing! These quotes about missing home help explain why it’s so painful…


There is no place more delightful than one’s own fireplace.

— Cicero

Cicero was a lawyer, philosopher and statesman way back in the Roman Empire.

The fact that he was talking about the beauty and value of home thousands of years ago shows that missing home is nothing unusual!

Everyone since the dawn of time has shared in this current experience. Loving and missing home is part of the human experience. Be kind to yourself.


Home is wherever you leave everything you love and never question that it will be there when you return.

— Leo Christopher

It’s easy to feel a bit homeless when you’re travelling. I mean, you’re literally on the other side of the world, thousands of miles from friends and family.

It would be more surprising if you didn’t miss home badly every now and again! Hopefully, though, there’s some comfort in the fact that it’ll still be there when you get back.

Even if the house itself is different, the people you love most will be ready and waiting with open arms for your return.


There’s no shame in feeling homesick. It means you come from a happy home.

— Mrs. Hughes (Downton Abbey)

Nobody wants to feel down in the dumps when they travel.

You want to make the most of the experience, and remain energised and excited while you’re away.

As such, it’s easy to beat yourself up when you feel homesick, unmotivated, and less able to enjoy your time. Remember, though, that it’s totally natural!

Remind yourself that it’s a good sign that you have a loving home to go back to in future.


Homesickness is not always a vague, nostalgic, almost beautiful emotion, although that is somehow that way we always seem to picture it in our mind. It can be a terrible keen blade…It can change the way one looks at the world.

— Stephen King (The Body)

This might be something you know all too well right now.

It’s easy to romanticise homesickness, when, in reality, it’s just downright painful. Treat this situation accordingly; like any other pain, you need time for your mind and body to heal.

Take it easy for a while and allow yourself to recover.


The ache for home lives in all of us. The place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.

— Maya Angelou

Again, this missing home quote speaks to the human experience of homesickness.

There’s something about home, and the people we love who reside there, that accepts us for who we are.

The personal liberation of travel can lead to all sorts of questions about identity: Who am I? What do I want from life? Am I enough?

At home, where you’re accepted without question, these issues are far less troubling.

Missing home badly quotes don’t get much more insightful than this one from Maya Angelou.

Missing home badly quotes don’t get much more insightful than this one from Maya Angelou.

Missing Home Badly Quotes to Rediscover the Enjoyment of Travel

Don’t let homesickness ruin your trip! I hope these following quotes about missing home badly will help you remember just how awesome the experience of travelling is!


I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.

— Maya Angelou

Nomadic life doesn’t exactly lend itself to feeling settled and ‘at home’.

It’s definitely possible though. Sometimes you stumble on a place that makes you feel instantly comfortable. Until you find somewhere like that, do what you can to find a semblance of home.

Call your mum, Facetime a friend, eat your favourite food…


Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.

— Terry Pratchett (A Hat Full of Sky)

I love this quote from Terry Pratchett.

Remember the value in what you’re doing!

Oftentimes, we miss the idea of home more than the actual home itself.

Equally, a key part of travelling itself is the homeward journey.

Remember that fact as you sit there missing it. You will get there soon enough. And, when you do, you’ll have changed to the point where home feels like a different place.


Every traveller has a home of his own, and he learns to appreciate it the more from his wandering.

— Charles Dickens

Absence makes the heart grow fonder! You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone…

These clichés both speak to what Dickens it getting at. Missing home on your travels is an incredible way to make you grateful for what you’ve left behind.


Maybe you had to leave in order to really miss a place; maybe you had to travel to figure out how beloved your starting point was.

— Jodi Picoult

In this missing home quote, Jodi Picoult’s getting at exactly the same thing.

There’s no better way for appreciating your friends, family, and creature comforts than being thousands of miles away from them.


The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back.

— Wendy Wunder

I’m always struck by the irony involved with homesickness.

I mean, I spend weeks and months before a trip desperately wishing to leave home and start travelling. Then, I get overseas and (sometimes) find myself desperate to get back to it.

Nicely, periods of abstinence from anything make you appreciate it more.

Go a month without eating chocolate. The first bite you have after 30 days without it will blow your mind! You realize how much you take it for granted when you have it all the time.

The same goes for travelling and being away from home. A silver lining is that you understand how lucky you are.

Love a travel quote? Here are some more posts full of them. Be sure to check them out! :)

We’re almost halfway through these 'I miss my home quotes’. I hope you’re enjoying them so far!

We’re almost halfway through these ‘I miss my home quotes’. I hope you’re enjoying them so far!

I Miss My Home Quotes that Explain Homesickness

I miss my home quotes don’t get much better than these…


Life takes you to unexpected places. Love brings you home.

— A. N. Onymous

It’s hard to separate home from love.

Indeed, I think the notion of home is, sometimes, less about a physical space and more about the love within its walls.

And, as always, love and hurt usually go hand in hand.


If you know you’re going home, the journey is never too hard.

— Angela Wood

This quote about missing home might serve as another reminder that home isn’t all that far away!

All adventures have an end date. Find solace in the fact that you will, soon enough, be reunited with home. Use that realisation to restore your love of the present moment.


Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.

— Oliver Wendell Holmes

You may be closer to home in a literal sense too.

You’ll always carry the love of friends and family with you. As such, in some senses, you take your home with you wherever you go.

Reflecting on that idea might, I hope, be a useful way to feel more connected with the home you’re missing.


I am homesick for a place I am not sure even exists. One where my heart is full. My body loved. And my soul understood.

— Melissa Cox

This is a missing home quote that resonates with me personally.

I often find myself longing for ‘a home’, and all the trappings I associate with it, rather than my actual home.

Pay attention to what you’re really missing. Perhaps the answer to your homesickness doesn’t lie in getting back home, but in something less tangible- like connection, acceptance, and/or love.

Realizing what you need right now might help you access it on your travels.


We are torn between nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange. As often as not, we are homesick most for the places we have never known.

— Carson McCullers

The desire to travel competes with our wish to be at a stable home with friends and family.

It’s totally natural that the choice you make, and the internal conflict that arises, causes discomfort and suffering. After all, either way, you win and you lose.

Homesickness can be a bitter pill to swallow. However, recall what made you decide to travel in the first place. Write down the motivations, and meditate on the fact you made that dream a reality.

You might find your homesickness recede, and rediscover your passion for being on the road.

I love this Alice Steinbach quote. It speaks to something I often feel when I’m miss my family back home quotes.

I love this Alice Steinbach quote. It speaks to something I often feel when I’m miss my family back home quotes.

Missing My Family Back Home Quotes to Help Find Connection

Finding connection to others when you’re on the road can help alleviate even the most debilitating homesickness…


I suspected, however, that I wasn’t homesick for anything I would find at home when I returned. The longing was for what I wouldn’t find: the past and all the people and places there were lost to me.

— Alice Steinbach

Again, think about what you’re actually missing and/or longing for.

You might be able to find it on the road.


Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to.

— John Ed Pearce

Humans were nomads long before we lived sedentary lives. We were wild and wayfaring long before we were civilised. We were active and adventurous long before we were idle and domesticated.

I think everybody should travel- especially when they’re younger and less fixed in their thinking.

Celebrate what you’re doing, and know that there’s plenty of time to be at home when you’re old, grey, and unable to travel anymore.


‘When you feel homesick,’ he said, ‘just look up. Because the moon is the same wherever you go.’

— Donna Tartt (The Goldfinch)

You’re never as far from home as you feel.

The moon and the constellations are (depending on where you are in the world) exactly what people are seeing at home- just viewed from a different angle.

If that isn’t enough, remember that you’re only a phone call away from the comforting words and wisdom of your nearest and dearest.


Maybe home is nothing but two arms holding you tight when you’re at your worst.

— Yara Bashraheel

Again, what do you need to feel better right now?

Maybe, just maybe, it’s about feeling a sense of connection and belonging. There’s something inherently isolating about travel; loneliness is rampant.

You might be one hug from a stranger away from your homesickness melting away.


One never reaches home, but wherever friendly paths intersect the whole world looks like home for a time.

— Hermann Hesse

I once met a Brazilian girl in Cambodia, who’d been travelling for 6 whole years on the hunt for somewhere that felt like home.

In my experience, though, given the right circumstances, you can feel just as at home on the road itself. As Hesse puts it, look for those ‘friendly paths’ on your travels.

Stumble upon them and a deep sense of contentment won’t be far behind.

I wanna go home quotes can help get you through the hard times of travel.

I wanna go home quotes can help get you through the hard times of travel.

I Wanna Go Home Quotes to Turn the Situation Around

When you want to go home because it hurts so bad, read these quotes to pick your chin up and turn the situation around.


If you’ve ever been homesick or felt exiled from all the things and people that once defined you, you’ll know how important welcoming words and friendly smiles can be.

— Stephen King

The people you meet on the road can make all the different to your experience.

They become your new family, and very quickly work their way onto your list of closest friends.

Find friendly, loving fellow travellers (and locals) with whom you get along and enjoy spending time. It’s hard to feel homesick when you’re surrounded by this kind of support.


Still round the corner there may wait, a new road or a secret gate.

— J.R.R. Tolkien

Keep this Tolkien quote in mind if you’re feeling truly down and a little lost.

Take your time, keep your head above water, and you never know what beauty awaits. Remember that the night is darkest just before the dawn.


How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

— Winnie the Pooh

I love this Winnie the Pooh quote as well.

It’s such a simple way of reframing your homesickness. Being able to find gratitude in your struggles is an immense gift- it empowers you to make the change.

Try to flip your homesickness on its head by realising what it means: that you’re fortunate to have a loving home to go back to.


Home is where our story begins.

— A. N. Onymous

Home is a springboard to almost every event, activity and story we experience in life.

It made you the person you are, and led you to travel in the first place. Bring to mind what it was about home that made you want to hit the road.


Wake up and ponder the future.

— Hunter S. Thompson

Finally, with the grip of homesickness beginning to ease, turn your attention to the opportunities at your disposal. You’re in a brand new country, with adventures to be had and memories to be made.

Rather than looking back at what you’ve left behind, turn to the future and embrace its possibilities.

I Miss Home Quotes to Read and Love!

There’s nothing fun about getting homesick when you’re on the road.

Enjoying the experience just becomes far harder when you’re missing home badly. You lose your motivation for travelling, and dwell on the things you’ve left behind.

Thankfully, time heals all and things get better. In the meantime, bringing to mind some top ‘I miss home quotes’ can make a difference.

Hopefully, these missing home quotes will help you through the tough times, and allow you to re-enter the travel experience with newfound enthusiasm!

Now I’d love to hear from you.

Which of these quotes made the most difference to your levels of homesickness? Drop me a comment to let me know.

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FF 2 Unit 10: What sound is missing?

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11. Какие слова пропущены?

1) Когда моя подруга уезжает, я часто присматриваю за ее кошкой.

2) Я считаю, что ты так много разговариваешь по телефону.

3) Мой дедушка родился в 1930 году и умер в 1999.

4) Вечеринка, которая была в субботу имела большой успех, нам всем она понравилась.

5) Английский легкий или трудный для вас?

6) Все люди – мужчины, женщины и дети любят хорошие фильмы.

7) У меня есть CD диски. Пожалуйста, выбирай любой, какой тебе нравится.

8) У меня есть немного денег; Я бы хотела купить сувениры для своей семьи.

9) Моя сестра студент университета, но я бы хотела пойти в колледж после школы.

10) У моего друга музыкальный талант, он умеет петь и играть на пианино.

1) look;

2) talk;

3) died;

4) success;

5) difficult;

6) women;

7) choose;

8) moneу;

9) college;

10) talent

What does the word ‘home’ mean for you? How do you say the
word in French? In Spanish? In German? In your language?

Although people usually know what the word means, it often has no
exact translation. It’s not surprising really, because the idea of
home varies from country to country and from person to person. A home
is more than a roof and four walls. It’s the cooking, eating,
talking, playing and family living that go on inside which are
important as well. And at home you usually feel safe and relaxed.

The original meaning of the word ‘home’, in English and
other Indo-European languages too, was a safe dwelling place, a
village, even a world. In Old English it came to mean a fixed abode
where people habitually lived and sometimes was extended to include
members of a family. Webster’s says that‘house’comes
from the same root as ‘sky’ and was used to mean a ‘covering
and concealing’. Our modern usage of these two words can be traced
back to these original meanings. ‘Home’ has connotations of a
feeling of belonging, a centre of affection, a place where you can
find refuge and rest, it is something intimate and private.
Generally, ‘home’ only refers to one’s own place; we’d say ‘I
went round to Adrian’s ‘house’ not his ‘home’. House, in
the meaning of a covering or storage place, is clear in such things
as a greenhouse, hen-house, the House of Commons, a clearinghouse,
etc. It is a physical structure not a place where one should
supposedly receive kind treatment and feel relaxed (‘Make yourself
at home’).

Exercise 1

Think of all the compound words beginning with ‘home’ (e.g.
homebred, -coming,

-less, -made, -maker, -stead, -straight, -video, -work, -land, -team)
and compare these with any expressions containing ‘house’.

Exercise 2

How many new words can you make by combining a word on the left with
a word on the right? Use your dictionaries to help with the meaning
and the spelling.


work made trained wife sick plant proud town
coming less grown bound keeping warming


Exercise 3

Listen to the conversations. They contain examples of some of the
compounds in Exercise 2. After each conversation, discuss these two

Who is talking to who? What exactly are they talking about?

Here are some lines from the coversations. Fill the gaps with a
compound word.

  1. She is so cute. Is she ________ yet?

  2. Do you think you could possibly water my _________ for me?

  3. Don’t worry, I know how ________ you are. I’ll make sure
    everything stays clean and tidy.

  4. Let’s give her a spectacular ________ party when she gets back.

  5. Not me. I’m the original happy _________, remember? Four kids,
    _______ cakes, _________ vegetables!

  6. We’re having a _________ party on the 12th. Can you

  7. ‘Yeah. Mind you, there’s much more _________ to do!’ ‘That’s
    a drag!’

  8. I never thought you’d be so __________.


Listen to three people from Uganda, South Africa and China. What do
they miss most when they are away from home? Fill in a table below.


Don’t miss





Have you ever felt homesick? Read the passage from a boy’s
Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain, a very famous
American novelist. In this extract Tom and his friends have gone

They found plenty of things to be delighted with, but nothing to be
astonished at. They discovered that the island was about three miles
long and a quarter of a mile wide, and that the shore it lay closest
to was only separated from it by a narrow channel hardly two hundred
yards wide. They took a swim about every hour, so it was close upon
the middle of the afternoon when they got back to camp. They were too
hungry to stop to fish, but they fared sumptuously upon cold ham, and
then threw themselves down in the shade to talk. But the talk soon
began to drag, and then died. The stillness, the solemnity that
brooded in the woods, and the sense of loneliness, began to tell upon
the spirits of the boys. They fell to thinking. A sort of undefined
longing crept upon them. This took dim shape, presently – it was
budding homesickness. But they were all ashamed of their weakness,
and none was brave enough to speak his thought.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Who are ‘they’? Where are they?

  2. How are they feeling? Why are they ashamed of the way they are

  3. Have you ever been camping with some friends? Have you ever been

  4. When was the first time you slept away from home? How did you feel?
    What home comforts did you miss the most?

  5. When you go to another place or abroad, what do you miss the most
    about your home town and country? (family, friends, pets, house,
    food and drink, culture, sense of humour, TV, shops, institutions,
    not being able to speak your native language?)

  6. How often do you phone and write home when you are away?

Very often people can’t say what a home is, because they don’t
feel it. For some people it’s the best place in the world, but
others want to get out of that place as soon as possible. Home is not
just a house you live in, it’s a good atmosphere in the family that
makes a house home. Read the following opinions and underline the
main ideas.

KATE: What is home
for me? I can say that my home is the best place in the world. It’s
a place where I can always meet love and sincerity of my relatives.
Only there I can find kindness of my mother and understanding of my
father. To me being at home always means being with my family who
cares for me and supports me when I need it. People say “East or
West, home is best” and I completely agree with them. Wherever I
am, I always feel lonely and miserable, because I can’t stay away
from home for a long time. I can’t even imagine being far from my
parents, as it is very difficult for me to do without their help and
respect. You know I’m happy only when we are together. Only then I
feel desirable, for I know that they also need my attention and
sympathy. I don’t understand those people who say that for them
their home is just a roof over their heads. Can it be true? I guess
not, because I think that a real home is a place where you feel cosy
and safe, otherwise it is not home.

NATALY: What is
home? I know that when people say “home” they mean their family
first of all. I think that they are right. I also believe that home
is the place where I can find care and attention of my parents. I
need them very much, especially when I am in trouble, because I think
that they are always the first people to help me. I like my home
because I was born and brought up there and my dearest people live in
that place. But now when I am grown-up enough to live on my own I
think that I need more independence and freedom. I’m grown-up
enough to make my own decisions and to build a home of my own. I
think of a place where I can have a rest and stay alone, for only the
feeling of independence can make me happy and comfortable at home. I
am thankful to my parents for their understanding and attention, but
my idea of home is a little bit different from my relatives. And this
is the only reason I’d like to live on my own.

MARK: Home? To my mind home is just a house you
live in. It’s simply a roof over my head and a place where I sleep
and eat. Some people say that their homes are the only places they
feel comfortable in. I can’t agree with them. My home is like a
cage for me, where I’m not allowed to do what I really want. I
can’t say that my parents are cruel and rude with me, but they live
their own lives and are not very much interested in mine. My parents
never pay attention to me and they don’t want to understand my
soul. What’s more I never feel desirable at home, because my
parents ignore me very much. I try to spend at home as little time as
possible. I like to be with my friends, because I know that they need
me. My home is the last place I want to be at, because I feel lonely
there. It’s lonely there. It’s not a home, it’s just a place
where I live.

Exercise 4

Look through the opinions to say whether the following ideas are
true or false. If the idea is wrong correct it.

  1. Kate likes her home very much.

  2. Nataly wants to live at home as long as possible.

  3. Mark doesn’t like his home.

  4. Kate’s parents understand her perfectly.

  5. Nataly can always find care and attention in her home.

  6. Mark’s home is a cage for him.

  7. Kate feels lonely and miserable at home.

  8. Nataly thinks that she is grown-up enough to live alone.

  9. Mark likes to spend a lot of time at home.

  10. Kate suffers a lot when she is far from home.

  11. Nataly’s idea about her home is similar to her parents’ idea.

  12. Mark’s parents are rude and cruel.

Exercise 5

Look into the opinions on the problems that bother people very
much. Complete the following table and explain why you think so.




I can’t stay far from home.

I don’t feel desirable at home.

I want to live alone.

My parents ignore me.

I can’t live without my parents’ help.

I want to be more independent.

I need my parents very much.

My parents don’t understand me.

I am not allowed to do what I want.

I am very lonely.

As you see these people really have some problems. What can you
advise them to do to solve these problems?

Exercise 6

Say who these words belong to. Do you agree or disagree with the
following words? Comment on them and explain why you think so.

  • My home is the best place in the world’.

  • I need more independence and freedom’.

  • East or West, home is best’.

  • My home is just a roof over my head’.

  • I can’t stay away from home for a long time’.

  • I am grown-up enough to live on my own’.

  • My parents are not interested in my life’.

  • Home means family first of all’.

  • I can’t feel desirable at home’.

  • Home is the place where you always feel cosy and safe,
    otherwise it’s not home’.

  • Only at home you can meet understanding and care of your

  • My home is the last place I’d like to be at’.


What is your idea about ‘home’? Can you explain what the word
‘home’ means to you? Find whether your groupmates share the idea
about home with you or not? Why?

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Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use. ● present ● sound ● bring out ● overtime ● freelancer ● moved ● came ● bring ● deadline ● sloppy ● research ● change

1) The missing explorers returned home safe and …………….. after a search team found their whereabouts in the desert
2) After many years of scientific………………………., Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physic in 1921.
3) The Smiths…………………………… from the city to the countryside, so that their children could grow up in a healthier environment.
4) John had to …………………………schools when his family went to live at the other side of town.
5) Jane has worked……………………….. every day this week, as it is the busiest time of year in the advertising company.
6) George hated working in a bank and ………………………………….to the conclusion that a desk job wasn’t for him.
7) It is amazing how Linda has been able to ………………………………… four children and work at the same time. I really admire her.
8) One of the things Tony loves about working as a……………………………… is that he doesn’t have to spend eight hours in an office every day.
9) Alex has a tough……………………………. to meet, so he’s been working during the weekend.

Some additional material to Form 10 Unit 2 Houses and Homes

Grammar: revision of used to
Speaking: interior and exterior of homes of the past


1. Add two more words to the list. What type of house do you live in?

terraced mansion semi-detached studio detached cottage castle bungalow … …
(suggested answer: flat, villa, etc)

2. Match the opposites. Which adjectives best describe your house?

modern a expensive
small b spacious
plain c decorated
cheap d traditional
attractive e ugly

3. List the words under the headings. Use them to talk about your house.

Rooms Features: Indoor/ Outdoor  Furniture/ Appliances/Others

• attic • living room • kitchen • garden • rug • floor • fence • pillows • windows • porch • balcony • cushions • hall • fireplace • brick walls • lamp • bedroom • dining room • four-poster beds • cupboard• chest of drawers • carpet• wardrobe • mirror • fridge • cooker • towels • shower• staircase • garage • chimney

4. Reading

a. Look at the headings and the pictures. What are the texts about? Which country are these houses in?
b. Listen to the recording.
c. Read the texts. Fill in the missing words to make the sentences complete.

Скачать аудио (duration 1,53 min)

Victorian houses

The early Victorians liked large houses with plenty of decoration. Later in the Victorian period, houses were simple 0) and plain. Wealthy people used to live 1) ….. large detached houses with lots of rooms and expensive furniture.

Servants used to live 2)…. the top floor of the house or the attic. The exterior of the house 3) …. a work of art with a sleep tiled roof, tall chimney pots and large bay windows 4)…. stained glass. Sometimes they had a front porch (портик; крытая галерея, крыльцо) and steps up to the front door. Working people used to live in terraced brick houses with a simple exterior. Those houses were small with two or four rooms. 5)……..was no electricity no water and no toilet.

*bay window — a curved area of a room or building that sticks out (выделяется) from the rest of the building

Elizabethan houses

Elizabethan manor houses often had an E- shape to show respect for 6) …. queen. They had brick walls with strong wooden frames. The houses were spacious and comfortable with a large hall, a dining room and 7) ….. bedrooms.

The furniture was big and elaborate and four-poster beds were very popular.

Many people used to have servants. 8)…. used to live in rooms in the attic.

6. Preparing to speak: underline the words that describe interior and exterior and special features of the houses so that to use them in your future description.

Answer Key:
exterior: steep tiled roof/tall chimney pots/bаy windows/front porch / steps to the front door/brick walls/wooden
interior: lots of rooms / expensive furniture / large hall / dining room / bedrooms / four-poster beds/attic
special features: simple /plain / large detached houses /stained glass / terraced brick houses/small/toilet/manor
houses / spacious / comfortable

7. Speaking
Suggested Answer Key
Victorians had large, detached houses with many rooms and expensive furniture. On the outside, they had steep tiled roofs, tall chimney pots and large bay windows. Sometimes, they had front porches and steps up to the front door.
Elizabethan houses had brick walls with wooden frames. They had many comfortable rooms. The rooms had big furniture, and bedrooms sometimes had four-poster beds.

8*. Listening
There’s a very interesting idiom in connection with Elizabethan style in architecture.  It’s about cats and dogs. Can you guess which one?

Mary Evans Picture Library

«It’s raining cat’s and dogs» An interesting phrase, isn’t it?

The phrase isn’t related to the well-known antipathy between dogs and cats, which is exemplified in the phrase ‘fight like cat and dog’. Nor is the phrase in any sense literal, i.e. it doesn’t record an incident where cats and dogs fell from the sky. Small creatures, of the size of frogs or fish, do occasionally get carried skywards in freak weather. Such involuntary flight must also happen to dogs or cats from time to time, but there’s no record of the events causing this phrase to be coined. No English meteorological records inform about this.

It has been suggested that cats and dogs were washed from roofs during heavy weather. This is a widely repeated tale which became very popular with the e-mail message «Life in the 1500s», which began circulating on the Internet in 1999. Here’s the relevant part of that:

I’ll describe their houses a little. You’ve heard of thatch roofs (соломенная крыша), well that’s all they were. Thick straw, piled high, with no wood underneath. They were the only place for the little animals to get warm. So all the pets; dogs, cats and other small animals, mice, rats, bugs, all lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery so sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof. Thus the saying, «it’s raining cats and dogs.»

Do you believe it?

This is nonsense of course.  In order to believe this tale we would have to accept that dogs lived in thatched roofs, which, of course, they didn’t. Even accepting that bizarre idea, for dogs to have slipped off when it rained they would have needed to be sitting on the outside of the thatch — hardly the place an animal would head for as shelter in bad weather.

(Adapted from: http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/raining%20cats%20and%20dogs.html)

PS: One supposed origin is that the phrase derives from mythology. Dogs and wolves were attendants to Odin, the god of storms, and sailors associated them with rain. Witches, who often took the form of their familiars — cats, are supposed to have ridden the wind. Well, some evidence would be nice. There doesn’t appear to be any to support this notion.

8. Test (reflection). Which houses represent Victorian and which Elizabethan architectural styles?


Использованные источники:

1) Upstream Elementary SB
2) http://www.phrases.org.uk
3) Pictures from the Internet

Let’s look at another example from the same Use of English exercise.  

Here’s the next gap from the Use of English exercise.  

The word set in this part of the sentence tells us that we need a phrasal verb and one that means to travel. There are two options here and the words are out or off. We can also use a particular expression for this context, which is sailing and the expression is to set sail.

Columbus didn’t succeed (12) …….. finding the Spice Islands but he (13) …….. manage to discover the Americas.

There he (14) …….. across another pepper; the chilli, which had been used in cooking in South America for thousands of years.

In this sentence we need to think about what the general meaning of the sentence is. Here it means to discover. We can see that the word across is used after the gap so that must be a phrasal verb and the correct word in this case is came to create came across.

Soon (15) …….. Columbus’s discovery, large quantities of chillies were being shipped back to Spain from the Caribbean.

In the sentence we look at the word soon so we clearly need a word that refers to time. In this gap the only word we can use is after.

Later, people realised that chillies would actually grow in southern Europe and it wasn’t long before fresh chillies were (16) …….. sale in European markets.

In this final sentence the word sale would help us decide what the correct word is. We obviously need to a word that used with it and it is probably a preposition. There are two possible options with the word sale; we can talk about something being on sale or for sale.

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