What is the word for friend in russian

The camaraderie between Russian men is widely praised, so it’s no wonder Russians have an array of words for ‘friend’, each of them carrying a slightly different meaning.

1. Брат (brat, ‘brother’)

Kira Lisitskaya (Photo: Alexey Kudenko/Sputnik; Legion Media)

Brother is, of course, much more than friend, so this is how Russian guys call each other if they’re really close and have been through some ordeals together. A diminutive братишка (‘brat-ishka’) is a more friendly variant and ‘bratan’ carries an air of respect and dignity. Also, Russians from the Caucasian region, who practice Islam, consider all fellow Muslim believers “brothers” and even slightly abuse this word, especially with strangers.

However, it’s not uncommon to be called ‘brat’ by a complete stranger on the street in Russia – but in most cases, the person may simply want something from you, like a cigarette or some spare change.

2. Друг (droog, ‘friend’)

The obvious word for a friend has also many derivatives in Russian – дружбан (‘droozhban’), дружище (‘droozhishche’), друган (‘droogan’). All of them just emphasize the meaning of ‘friend’. After брат, друг stands above all other words in terms of seriousness of friendship.

Again, if a stranger wants something from you on the street, they might address you as ‘droog’, trying to imply they mean no harm.

3. Кореш (‘koresh’)

This word came from criminal circles in the early 20th century. In Yiddish, ‘korev’ means ‘relative’. Since the Russian criminal world had many Jewish people speaking Yiddish, their words migrated into Russian. Currently, the word ‘koresh’ just means “a close friend” and doesn’t really carry any criminal meaning.

4. Земляк (zemlyak, ‘homie’)

A clean analogue of ‘homeboy’, земляк (“the one from the same land”) is used to mean that somebody is from the same place as you are, where земля means ‘land’ in Russian. In a vast country, people who go to work and live in Moscow or St. Petersburg from other cities and towns of Russia often end up making friends with people who come from the same regions, often referring to them as ‘zemlyak’, or with a touching diminutive – ‘zemelya’.

5. Старик (starik, ‘old man’)

Used in reference to boys only, ‘starik’ means someone you’ve known for a long time. It is also used ironically, when an older person addresses the younger one, who obviously can’t be an “old man”. However, referring to a girl or a woman as ‘starukha’ (‘old hag’) is an insult, even between girls.

6. Кент (kent, ‘buddy’)

Kira Lisitskaya (Photo: Dmitry Feoktistov/TASS; Legion Media)

Just like ‘koresh’, ‘kent’ probably came from Yiddish, where it means “the one who knows [you]”. This word is also borrowed from the language of criminals and is still used there. Normally, if a Russian guy calls someone ‘kent’, he implies that the friendship is really close and that he and his ‘kent’ overcame some tough times together.

7. Кирюха (kiryukha, ‘a drinking bud’)

Derived from the slang term кирять (kiryat, ‘to drink’), this word means a drink lover and also a buddy who you’re drinking with.

8. Приятель (priyatel, ‘pal’)

You wouldn’t want to call your friend a ‘priyatel’, because it really means a person you have just an easy relationship with, but it can’t be called friendship – yet. ‘Priyatels’ can become friends, but they don’t always do.

9. Товарищ (tovarisch, ‘comrade’)

Kira Lisitskaya (Photo: Isaak Dynin/TASS; Sergey Mamontov/Sputnik)

Derived from the word ‘tovar’ (‘product’), ‘tovarisch’ was initially used in Russia to mean a business partner. But, in the Soviet times, it became a widespread address form for the people in the USSR – and not only men; a woman could also be called a ‘tovarisch’. Currently, this word is used less often and it can be compared to ‘priyatel’ in terms of usage. We also have a separate article for this word.

10. Знакомый (znakomyi, ‘acquaintance’)

This word is the “least friendly” of them all and it’s used to mean a person you know of, but aren’t friends or pals with; you just happen to have their acquaintance and don’t necessarily have good relations with the person.

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The most popular way to say «friend» in Russian is друг (DROOK) for a male friend and подруга (padROOga) for a female friend. However, there are several more words for friend, some more suitable for informal conversation only and others more universal. In this article, we look at the ten most common ways to say «friend» in Russian and examples of their usage.


Pronunciation: DROOK

Translation: friend (male)

Meaning: a male friend

The word «друг» can be used in any social setting and context, from very formal to very informal. It can represent both a platonic friend and a boyfriend. In some sentences, the word can take on a sarcastic meaning, usually when the speaker doesn’t consider the person they are calling friend to be a real friend or if they are trying to belittle them.


— Я еду в отпуск с другом. (ya YEdoo VOTpusk ZDROOgam)
— I am going on vacation with a friend.

— Это кто, ее новый друг? (EHtuh KTOH, yeYO NOviy DROOK?)
— Who is that, her new friend/boyfriend?


Pronunciation: padROOga

Translation: friend (female)

Meaning: a female friend

A feminine form of друг, подруга can also mean both a romantic and a platonic female friend. It is suitable for any register, including very formal. However, bear in mind that the word has slightly more negative connotations than its male equivalent. When the speaker wants to emphasize that a female friend is a genuine friend, they often use the male form instead, e.g. она мне настоящий друг (aNAH MNYE nastaYAshiy DROOK): she is a real friend.


— Я приду с подругой. (ya priDOO spadROOguy)
— I will come with a friend.


Pronunciation: preeYAtyl’/preeYAtylnitsa

Translation: a mate, a pal (male/female)

Meaning: a chum, a mate, an acquaintance, a pal

Used to refer to casual friends or mates, the word приятель and its female form приятельница are suitable for any social setting.


— Мы приятели. (my preeYAtyli)
— We are pals.


Pronunciation: drooZHEEshye

Translation: giant/enormous friend

Meaning: bro, close friend, good friend, good mate.

Reserved for very good friends, дружище is an affectionate term and is suitable for any type of social setting.


— Ну, дружище, давай. (noo, drooZHEEshye, daVAY.)
— Come on then, bro, take care of yourself/see you.


Pronunciation: drooZHOK

Translation: little friend

Meaning: friend, pal

Дружок can be used both as an affectionate and a condescending way to address someone. When used affectionately, this word is often heard in conversations with children or pets and translates as «sweetie» or «darling.» However, when used as a way to belittle someone, the word can mean «pal» with negative connotations.

Example (condescending or negative):

— Дружок твой приходил, много вопросов задавал. (drooZHOK TVOY prihaDEEL, MNOga vapROsaf zadaVAL.)
— Your friend was here, asking all sorts of questions.

Example (affectionate):

— Привет, дружок, как поживаешь? (preeVYET, drooZHOK, kak pazhiVAyesh?)
— Hey, sweetie, how’ve you been?


Pronunciation: staREEK, staROOSHka

Translation: old man, old woman

Meaning: old friend, my friend, bro, man, dude

Used only in informal conversations, старик/старушка are a popular way to indicate affection in friendship, especially when you have been friends for a long time.


— Старик, ну здорово! (staREEK, noo zdaROvuh!)
— Hey, so good to see you, dude!


Pronunciation: braTAHN

Translation: brother, bro

Meaning: brother, bro

Братан is a slang word for bro, used in very informal conversations. Originally meaning older brother or nephew on brother’s side, the word is now a popular form of affectionate address for any male with whom the speaker has a close friendship.


— Братан, ты с нами? (braTAHN, ty s NAmi?)
— You coming, bro?


Pronunciation: frent/friend

Translation: friend

Meaning: friend, pal

The English word «friend» can be sometimes heard in Russian, pronounced with the rolling «r» and used in an informal environment. Considered a slang word in Russian, френд, or фрэнд, means the same thing as friend. It is also often used to mean social media and online friends.


— Я удалила его из френдов (ya oodaLEEla yeVO eez FRENdaf)
— I unfriended him.


Pronunciation: taVArysh

Translation: comrade

Meaning: friend, comrade, ally, colleague

The word товарищ is not nearly as popular as it was during the Soviet Union, however, it is still used to mean friend, ally, or colleague. Due to Russia’s complex history, no word has appeared since the end of the Soviet Union that has managed to fully replace товарищ. The word is still active in the Russian Army as part of some rank names. In everyday life, товарищ can sometimes be used by older generations.


— Дорогие друзья, товарищи! (daraGHEEye drooz’YA, taVArishy)
— Dear friends, comrades/colleagues!


Pronunciation: droozhBAN

Translation: pal, friend, mate

Meaning: pal

A slang word meaning «friend,» дружбан is used in informal conversation only.


— Дружбан он его. (droozhBAN on yeVO)
— He’s a pal of his.

This time we will talk about ways how to say friend in Russian. There are a few names for them depending on how close people are to each other. Read the article and you will learn when it’s appropriate to call somebody your friend or not!
So how to say friend in Russian? The most commonly used words for describing people close to you are «знакомый», «приятель» and «друг».

I placed them in ascending order.

We can say that somebody is «знакомый» («знакомая» for females and «знакомые» for a group of people), which means like an ‘acquaintance’, when we haven’t spent a lot of time together. In most cases it means that we haven’t proceeded too far from being acquainted. The word ‘acquaintance’ derives from ‘to get acquainted’ in English, the same is in Russian: the word «знакомый» derives from «знакомство» which also means ‘the first meeting’.

When do you call somebody your friend?

To become your friend a cat has just to… be.

The next way how to say friend in Russian is to call somebody «приятель» («приятельница» for women). It means that someone is your friend, but you still would not call them ‘friend’ because you feel like you haven’t become close enough, even if you get on well and like each other.

The reason for this is because when Russians call somebody ‘a friend’, we 500% mean it. If someone is a friend to us, that at least means that

a) we have known each other for a couple of years minimum, b) we have got heavily drunk together at least once, c) we have hung out at each other’s homes, d) we have had long thoughtful conversations about life while being sober, e) we have shared some secrets, d) we have had little run-ins and still our friendship has survived.

Way too many criteria, aren’t there?

That’s why we take all this Facebook policy about calling every other acquaintance ‘friends’ a little bit skeptically. You are lucky if you have two or three true friends. Or one.

Oh! Almost forgot to tell you how to say friend in Russian. A friend in Russian is «друг», for female friends we say «подруга» or «подружка».

Ok, I hope this one helps! Take care and don’t forget to make new friends subscribe!

Free Russian audio lessons online: words, pronunciation, texts. How to say ‘friend’ in Russian and mean it

Is there a word in Russian for friend?

The most popular way to say “friend” in Russian is друг (DROOK) for a male friend and подруга (padROOga) for a female friend.

How do you address a friend in Russian?

In Russian, there are two modes of address – using the polite “you” (Вы) and using the informal “you/thou” (ты). The choice of mode depends on how well you know the other person and whether you are superior or inferior in terms of age and position.

What is Bestie Russian?

“besties” in Russian volume_up. besties {pl} лучшие друзья

What does the Russian word davai mean?

means “give”

What does Paka Paka mean in Russian?


Is davai a bad word?

“Hurry up” is what he means, but you decide this friend is kind of a rude guy. So, you tell him that on second thought you’re going to head home and so he shrugs and says, “vsyo, davai, poka” (Alright then, goodbye / всё, давай, пока). That’s the thing about davai – it is a word like a rude little brother.

What are some Russian words?

Essential Russian Phrases

  • Yes – Да (da)
  • No – Нет (nyet)
  • Please – Пожалуйста (poZHAlusta)
  • Thank you – Спасибо (spaSIbo)
  • You’re welcome. – Не за что. ( ne za chto)
  • Enjoy (often used instead of “you’re welcome” for food) – на здоровье (na zdaROVye)
  • I’m sorry. – Прошу прощения. (
  • Excuse me. – Извините. (

Is Russian difficult?

Russian is widely believed to be one of the most difficult languages to learn. The need to learn the Russian alphabet serves as yet another obstacle for many people who would like to learn the language. They might be surprised to know that the Russian alphabet actually takes only about 10 hours to learn.

What are the most common Russian words?

The benefits of learning the most common Russian words first

  • Привет = Hello. Let’s naturally start with “Здравствуйте” which means “Hello” in Russian.
  • Любовь = Love.
  • Радость = Happiness.
  • Кошка = Cat.
  • Собака = Dog.
  • Улыбаться = Smile.
  • Россиянин = Russian.
  • Да = Yes.

How many Russian words are there?


Which language has the most words?

English Language

What is the richest language?


Which language is the easiest to learn?

And The Easiest Language To Learn Is…

  1. Norwegian. This may come as a surprise, but we have ranked Norwegian as the easiest language to learn for English speakers.
  2. Swedish.
  3. Spanish.
  4. Dutch.
  5. Portuguese.
  6. Indonesian.
  7. Italian.
  8. French.

What language is closest to English?


Is French difficult to learn?

But fear not! Because as this post is going to explain, French is actually one of the easiest European languages to learn. In many ways, it’s even easier than learning English! And as French is a world language, spoken by over 220 million people, learning French can give you access to a huge chunk of the world.

Is French easier than German?

For an English speaker, French is easier to learn than the German language due to the fact that English has a similarity to the French language and this is predominantly because of the complexity of German grammar. The French language is not solely easier to study compared to German, but much better useful.

Is German harder than English?

English Grammar is easier than German Grammar. English is 50% of Grammar and 50% or vocabulary. Whereas German is 75% Grammar and 25% vocabulary ( which is equally difficult).

Is French or German more useful?

Surveys suggest French, to be a more useful language, especially in terms of business. The French language dominates in telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, aeronautics and more. On the other hand, German is the standard native language of Germany. Around 90 million people around the world speak German.

Can English speakers understand German?

Can English speakers understand German? No is the short and correct answer. However, English is largely a Germanic language, or started that way, so there are constructions and words in German that will be familiar. Even so, the present-day languages are very different.

Can a German understand Dutch?

Dutch is as effective at encrypting communication from German speakers as French is. Dutch people mostly understand Germans – although without practice they don´t speak German. Germans on the other hand need practice to even understand Dutch, since it involves many different ways of pronouncing similar words.

Are Dutch and German the same race?

The Dutch language is very similar to various West Germanic languages, for instance, German and English. German and Germanic are not the same and Dutch culture is distinct from German culture. Dutch people (Dutch: Nederlanders) or the Dutch, are a West Germanic ethnic group and nation native to the Netherlands.

Is Dutch easier than German?

Dutch and German are two related languages that have a lot in common. While most people would pick German over Dutch because of its importance in Europe and in world-economy, Dutch, is a language that’s easier to learn than German. In many ways, Dutch has got at least as much going on as German opportunity-wise.

Can you understand Dutch If you know German and English?

English is not going to be much use in understanding Dutch. However, if you have learned German, and are not a German native speaker, then you will be quite able to understand a lot of Dutch. You will pick up all the words that are the same or similar in German, and be able piece together what is being talking about.

Does Dutch have gender?

Almost all Dutch speakers maintain the neuter gender, which has distinct adjective inflection, definite article and some pronouns.



Russian Definition

     1. друг, приятель, товарищ
     2. сторонник, приверженец, поборник
     3. дружить

Translations for friend and their definitions

друг pronunciation
     1. n. close friend
     2. n. (in pairs) other, another



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  • 1

    friend [frend]

    1) друг, прия́тель;

    to make friends with smb. подружи́ться с кем-л

    2) сторо́нник, доброжела́тель

    3) това́рищ, колле́га;

    4) знако́мый

    5) (F.) ква́кер;


    v поэт.

    помога́ть, быть дру́гом

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > friend

  • 2


    Объект (как правило, функция), имеющая доступ к защищенным членам класса. Объявление друга размещается внутри класса.

    См. access control.

    English-Russian glossary of C + + > friend

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > friend

  • 4

    1. сущ.
    1) а) друг, приятель, товарищ She was a good friend to us. ≈ Она была нам хорошим/близким другом. my good friend ≈ мой добрый друг fair-weather friend ≈ ненадежный друг inseparable friends ≈ неразлучные друзья lifelong friend ≈ друг на всю жизнь pen friend ≈ друг, с которым знаком по переписке special friend ≈ закадычный друг make friends б) союзник, друг ( мирная сторона в каком-л. Вопросе в отличие от вражеской, враждебной) Syn: acquaintance, companion, comrade, confidant, crony, intimate, pal Ant: antagonist, opponent, enemy
    2) а) коллега, товарищ по работе Syn: colleague б) сторонник, приверженец, поборник Syn: sympathizer, favorer, helper, patron, supporter, adherent, follower
    3) (Friend) квакер Society of Friends ≈ ‘Общество друзей’ (квакеры) ∙ a friend in need is a friend indeed посл. ≈ друзья познаются в беде
    2. гл.;
    поэт. помогать, быть другом, относиться по-дружески Syn: befriend, fraternize
    друг — bosom * закадычный друг — to be *s with smb. дружить с кем-л — to make *s with smb., to make a * of smb. подружиться с кем-л — to make *s помириться — what can I do for you, my *? чем я могу вам помочь, друг мой? — *s, we are here to discuss… друзья, мы собрались здесь, чтобы обсудить… (ироничное) приятель, знакомец (часто о незнакомом) ;
    человек, тип — our * with the loud voice этот громогласный тип знакомый — have you any *s here? у вас есть здесь знакомые? — he is one of my business *s это один из моих деловых знакомых товарищ, коллега — our * here наш товарищ — our young * наш юный друг — my honourable * мой достопочтенный собрат (упоминание одним членом парламента другого в речи) — my learned * мой ученый коллега (упоминание одинм адвокатом другого в суде) (военное) свой, свои( о войсках) ;
    свой самолет — * or foe? свой или чужой? (запрос по радио) сторонник, доброжелатель — to be no * of smth. не принадлежать к числу сторонников чего-л что-л. помогающее;
    предмет или качество, приходящее на выручку — among this wild crowd her shyness was her best * в этой бесшабашной компании ее выручала застенчивость квакер — Society of Friends «Общество друзей» (квакеры) (шотландское) родственник( разговорное) дружок, возлюбленный > a * at court влиятельный друг;
    высокий покровитель > to kiss and be *s помириться > a * in need is a * indeed (пословица) друзья познаются в беде > *s are thieves of time (пословица) вор крадет деньги, а друг — время > a * to all is a * to none (пословица) тот. кто со всеми хорош (кто всем друг), тот никому не друг (редкое) относиться по дружески, помогать — to * smb. in distress помочь другу в беде
    friend друг, приятель;
    to make friends помириться;
    to make friends (with smb.) подружиться( с кем-л.) ~ (F.) квакер;
    Society of Friends «Общество друзей» (квакеры) ;
    a friend in need is a friend indeed посл. друзья познаются в беде ~ поэт. помогать, быть другом ~ сторонник, доброжелатель ~ товарищ, коллега;
    my honourable friend мой достопочтенный собрат (упоминание одним членом парламента другого в своей речи)
    ~ (F.) квакер;
    Society of Friends «Общество друзей» (квакеры) ;
    a friend in need is a friend indeed посл. друзья познаются в беде
    learned ~ ученый коллега
    friend друг, приятель;
    to make friends помириться;
    to make friends (with smb.) подружиться (с кем-л.) friend друг, приятель;
    to make friends помириться;
    to make friends (with smb.) подружиться (с кем-л.)
    ~ товарищ, коллега;
    my honourable friend мой достопочтенный собрат (упоминание одним членом парламента другого в своей речи)
    next ~ лицо, действующее в интересах недееспособного, не будучи его опекуном
    pen ~ знакомый или друг по переписке
    ~ (F.) квакер;
    Society of Friends «Общество друзей» (квакеры) ;
    a friend in need is a friend indeed посл. друзья познаются в беде

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > friend

  • 5


    friend друг, приятель; to make friends помириться; to make friends (with smb.) подружиться (с кем-л.) friend (F.) квакер; Society of Friends «Общество друзей» (квакеры); a friend in need is a friend indeed посл. друзья познаются в беде friend поэт. помогать, быть другом friend сторонник, доброжелатель friend товарищ, коллега; my honourable friend мой достопочтенный собрат (упоминание одним членом парламента другого в своей речи) friend (F.) квакер; Society of Friends «Общество друзей» (квакеры); a friend in need is a friend indeed посл. друзья познаются в беде learned friend ученый коллега friend друг, приятель; to make friends помириться; to make friends (with smb.) подружиться (с кем-л.) friend друг, приятель; to make friends помириться; to make friends (with smb.) подружиться (с кем-л.) friend товарищ, коллега; my honourable friend мой достопочтенный собрат (упоминание одним членом парламента другого в своей речи) next friend лицо, действующее в интересах недееспособного, не будучи его опекуном pen friend знакомый или друг по переписке friend (F.) квакер; Society of Friends «Общество друзей» (квакеры); a friend in need is a friend indeed посл. друзья познаются в беде

    English-Russian short dictionary > friend

  • 6

    1. [frend]

    1. 1) друг

    bosom /sworn/ friend — закадычный друг

    to be friends with smb. — дружить с кем-л.

    to make friends with smb., to make a friend of smb. — подружиться с кем-л.

    what can I do for you, my friend? — чем я могу вам помочь, друг мой?

    friends, we are here to discuss… — друзья, мы собрались здесь, чтобы обсудить…


    приятель, знакомец (); человек, тип

    2. знакомый

    have you any friends here? — у вас есть здесь знакомые?

    3. 1) товарищ, коллега


    свой, свои (); свой самолёт

    4. 1) сторонник доброжелатель

    to be no friend of smth. — не принадлежать к числу сторонников чего-л.

    2) что-л. помогающее; предмет качество, приходящее на выручку

    among this wild crowd her shyness was her best friend — в этой бесшабашной компании её выручала застенчивость

    5. (Friend) квакер

    Society of Friends — «Общество друзей» ()

    a friend at /in/ court — влиятельный друг; высокий покровитель

    2. [frend]


    относиться по дружески, помогать

    to friend smb. in distress — помочь другу в беде

    НБАРС > friend

  • 7

    1. n друг

    2. n ирон. приятель, знакомец; человек, тип

    3. n знакомый

    4. n товарищ, коллега

    5. n воен. свой, свои; свой самолёт

    6. n сторонник доброжелатель

    7. n квакер

    8. n шотл. родственник

    9. n разг. дружок, возлюбленный

    10. v редк. относиться по дружески, помогать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. associate (noun) ally; associate; cohort; colleague; compatriot; confederate; confrere

    2. backer (noun) accomplice; adherent; advocate; backer; benefactor; contributor; defender; encourager; patron; sponsor; supporter; well-wisher

    3. companion (noun) acquaintance; amigo; buddy; cater-cousin; chum; companion; comrade; confidant; crony; familiar; intimate; mate; pal; playmate; schoolmate

    Антонимический ряд:

    adversary; antagonist; competitor; enemy; foe; opponent; rival

    English-Russian base dictionary > friend

  • 8

    имя существительное:


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > friend

  • 9

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > friend

  • 10




    а) друг; подруга

    She was a good friend to us. — Она была нам хорошим другом.


    б) союзник, друг



    а) коллега, товарищ по работе


    б) сторонник, приверженец, поборник



    A friend in need is a friend indeed. посл. — Друзья познаются в беде.




    помогать, быть другом, относиться по-дружески


    Англо-русский современный словарь > friend

  • 11

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > friend

  • 12

    1) друг, приятель; to make friends помириться; to make friends with smb. подружиться с кем-л.

    2) товарищ, коллега; my honourable friend мой достопочтенный собрат (упоминание одним членом парламента другого в своей речи)

    3) сторонник, доброжелатель

    4) (Friend) квакер; Society of Friends ‘Общество друзей’ (квакеры)

    a friend in need is a friend indeed посл. друзья познаются в беде


    acquaintance, companion, comrade, confidant, crony, intimate, pal


    antagonist, opponent

    помогать, быть другом

    * * *

    (n) друг; товарищ

    * * *

    друг, подруга; товарищ

    * * *

    [ frend]
    друг, приятельница, подруга, приятель, знакомый, товарищ, коллега, сторонник, доброжелатель; квакер

    * * *




    * * *

    1. сущ.
    1) а) друг
    б) союзник, друг
    2) а) коллега, товарищ по работе
    б) сторонник
    3) (Friend) квакер
    2. гл.; поэт.
    помогать, быть другом, относиться по-дружески

    Новый англо-русский словарь > friend

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    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > friend

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    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > friend

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    English-Russian big medical dictionary > friend

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    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > friend

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    Англо-русский юридический словарь > friend

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    English-Russian military dictionary > friend

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    друг, подруга; товарищ

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > friend

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    Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > friend


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См. также в других словарях:

  • friend — W1S1 [frend] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(person you like)¦ 2 be friends (with somebody) 3 4 be just (good) friends 5¦(supporter)¦ 6¦(not an enemy)¦ 7¦(parliament/court of law)¦ 8 be no friend of something 9 Friend …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • friend — [ frend ] noun *** 1. ) count someone you know well and like that is not a member of your family: She s visiting friends in Illinois. close/good/great friend: Helga is a close friend of mine. friends and relatives/neighbors/acquaintances: We… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Friend — (fr[e^]nd), n. [OR. frend, freond, AS. fre[ o]nd, prop. p. pr. of fre[ o]n, fre[ o]gan, to love; akin to D. vriend friend, OS. friund friend, friohan to love, OHG. friunt friend, G. freund, Icel. fr[ae]ndi kinsman, Sw. fr[ a]nde. Goth.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Friend — (englisch für Freund) steht für Friend (Klettergerät), spezielles Klemmgerät, eine wiederentfernbare Klettersicherung, die in Rissen, Spalten und Öffnungen im Fels verankert wird. Friend ist der Familienname folgender Personen: George Friend (*… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • friend´li|ly — friend|ly «FREHND lee», adjective. li|er, li|est, adverb, noun, plural lies. –adj. 1. of a friend; having the attitude of a friend; kind: »a friendly teacher. 2. like a friend; like that of a fr …   Useful english dictionary

  • friend|ly — «FREHND lee», adjective. li|er, li|est, adverb, noun, plural lies. –adj. 1. of a friend; having the attitude of a friend; kind: »a friendly teacher. 2. like a friend; like that of a fr …   Useful english dictionary

  • friend — [frend] n. [ME frend < OE freond, friend, lover, akin to Ger freund, prp. of Gmc * frijon, to love (> OE freon): for IE base see FREE] 1. a person whom one knows well and is fond of; intimate associate; close acquaintance 2. a person on the …   English World dictionary

  • friend — friend, acquaintance, intimate, confidant are comparable when they designate a person, especially not related by blood, with whom one is on good and, usually, familiar terms. Friend, in its application, ranges from a person who is not hostile or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • friend — ► NOUN 1) a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations. 2) a familiar or helpful thing. 3) a person who supports a particular cause or organization. 4) (Friend) a Quaker. ● a friend… …   English terms dictionary

  • Friend — Friend, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Friended}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Friending}.] To act as the friend of; to favor; to countenance; to befriend. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Fortune friends the bold. Spenser. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • friend — I noun acquaintance, adherent, advocate, ally, associate, backer, benefactor, cohort, colleague, companion, comrade, confidant, confederate, confrere, crony, defender, faithful companion, favorer, friend in need, partisan, partner, patron,… …   Law dictionary

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