What is the word for friend in italian

  • The Italian words for “friend”

There are two Italian translations that can mean friend:

  • amico
  • compagno

Amico is the most common way of saying “friend” in Italian. It’s a masculine singular noun.

So remember to decline it according to the gender of the people you’re talking about.

It can become amica, amici, or amiche (respectively: female friends, male friends, and female friends).

Sono felice che tu sia mio amico.

I’m happy you’re my friend.

Gianni ha una nuova amica, il suo nome è Gina

Gianni has a new friend, her name is Gina.

Mario e Luigi sono miei amici.

Mario and Luigi are friends of mine.

Più tardi esco con le mie amiche Lucia e Fabiola.

I’m going out with my friends Lucia and Fabiola, later.

The Italian words for friend

As friend does in English, amico is part of the Italian word for friendship: amicizia.

It can also turn into amichetto, which means little friend, or into amicone (big friend). The last one is generally used to describe someone who’s friendly with everyone or, much more rarely, to say that two people are really great friends.

Sono proprio due amiconi!

They’re really great friends!

Quando avrai finito i compiti potrai giocare coi tuoi amichetti.

When you finish your homework, you’ll be allowed to play with your little friends.

friends in Italian

Compagno, on the other hand, is more similar to “buddy” or “mate”. Italians use this word when describing the relationship they have with their friends.

Lui è il mio compagno di bevute.

He’s my drinking buddy.

Siamo compagni di viaggio.

We’re travel buddies.

In a romantic context, compagno can also mean boyfriend/girlfriend or partner.

Gabriele è il compagno di Laura

Gabriele is Laura’s partner.

Ho visto Chiara al ristorante con il suo compagno.

I’ve seen Chiara with her boyfriend at a restaurant.

Also, Italians use the expression compagni di merende (“break buddies”) ironically to say partners in crime. That’s a very specific kind of friendship, too, after all…

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Friends in Italian: what you’ve learned

L’amicizia è importante, and if you’ve got the right friends, everything in life becomes so much simpler!

Now, if you visit Italy with your buddies, you’ll be able to introduce them as your friends in Italian and describe your favourite shared activities.

See you soon to learn the next Italian words.

Still translating in your head? Wanna speak Italian for real? Check out Stefano’s courses to think directly in Italian and become fluent fast!

What is Amiche?, The word for friend in Italian is amico (when referring to a male friend or the generic concept) or amica (when referring to a female friend). The plural forms are amici (male friends) and amiche (female friends) respectively.

Furthermore, How do you say my friend is feminine in Italian?, Literally, the translation would be: Amico mio (masculine) or Amica mia (feminine).

Finally,  What does Alora mean in Italian?, Allora (so, then, well) is one of those filler words that’s highly useful when thinking of what to say in Italian. It buys you a little time and tells the listener you’re thinking things over, especially when used by itself, or to introduce a sentence.

Frequently Asked Question:

What is Bellissimo?

New Word Suggestion. [Italian} meaning: Very Beautiful.

What is the difference between Bellissimo and Bellissima?


The feminine and plural forms are as follows: bellissima (feminine), bellissimi (masculine plural) and bellissime (feminine plural).

Is Bellissimo Italian or Spanish?

Bellissimo is an Italian word meaning Very Beautiful.

What do you call an Italian girl?

Italian Translation. ragazza. More Italian words for girl. la ragazza noun. girlfriend, gal, lass, maid, missy.

Is food Bellissimo or Bellissima?

That said, bellissimo can be used to describe a whole host of other things. Most common among them seems to be food (Questa pasta è bellissima!) and the weather.

How do you use Allora in a sentence?

Da allora non ho fumato più. I haven’t smoked since then. The time you’re referring to can be in the past or the future, so as well as ‘back then’ allora can also imply ‘after that’ or ‘next’. Quando vedrai, allora capirai.

What does Ciccio mean in Italian?

Origin: Ciccio = Fat + Bomba = Bomb. Context: This term is used by Italian youth to call a male individual a “Fat Guy.”

How do you use the word Prego in Italian?

The most common translation is ‘you’re welcome’: prego is what you say when someone else thanks you. – Grazie mille! – Prego. – Thanks very much!

Is amiche masculine or feminine?

Irregular nouns Masculine Feminine
Nouns ending with “co/ca” or “go/ga” add an “h” in the plural form. lago/laghi (lake/s) amica/amiche (friend/s)
Some masculine nouns ending with “co” or go” do not add the “h” amico/amici (friend/s) medico/medici (doctor/s)

What is Allora?

Allora (so, then, well) is one of those filler words that’s highly useful when thinking of what to say in Italian. It buys you a little time and tells the listener you’re thinking things over, especially when used by itself, or to introduce a sentence. Used by itself, it can express impatience: Allora!

What’s Bellissimo mean?

New Word Suggestion. [Italian} meaning: Very Beautiful.

What does Mio Amico?

English Translation. my friend.

Is amiche plural or singular?

Singular: l’amica. Plural: le amiche.

What is the meaning of Amico?

noun. buddy [noun] (informal, especially American) a friend. friend [noun] someone who knows and likes another person very well.

What language is Amica?

From Latin amīca (“friend”).

What is the plural of attrice in Italian?

Male/Female Counterparts in -E

l(o)’attore/la attrice (the actor masc/fem) il pittore/la pittrice (the painter masc/fem)

How do you form plurals in Italian?

Plural. In Italian, nouns are pluralized by a change in the last vowel. In short: Nouns ending with -a are pluralized with -e if feminine (most common) or with -i if masculine.

How do you say friend in Italian slang?

If you want to say “friends” in Italian, you would say either “amici” (male friends or mixed group) or “amiche” (female friends). “Best friends” would be either “migliori amici” (male/mixed) or “migliori amiche” (female).

How do you address a friend in Italian?

The common verbal greeting is “Ciao” (Hello). This is quite casual. People may also say “Buongiorno” (Good day) or “Buonasera” (Good evening) to be more formal. Address a person by their title and last name, and continue to do so until invited to move to a first-name basis.

What does Pisan mean in Italian?

Explanation: 1) “Pisan” is an English word (“a resident or inhabitant of the town of Pisa”). The corresponding Italian noun is “pisano” (male) or “pisana” (female).

How do you say my friend in Italian male?

The word for friend in Italian is amico (when referring to a male friend or the generic concept) or amica (when referring to a female friend). The plural forms are amici (male friends) and amiche (female friends) respectively. Grazie per essermi amico / amica. Thanks for being my friend.

How do you say friend in Sicilian?

Amicu is friend in Sicilian.

What do friends call each other in Italian?

The simplest Italian translation of the English word, “friend,” is “amico” for a male and “amica” for a female. A good friend is a “buon amico” (buon amica) or “grande amico” (grande amica), your best friend is your “migliore amico” (migliore amica), and a close friend is an “amico intimo” (amica intima).

How do you wish someone well in Italian?

(I wish you well.) If you want to express a desire for someone’s well-being in Italian, you can use the phrase Ti auguro ogni bene which means I wish you well or I wish you the best.

What is Bonjour Italian?

interjection, noun. good morning, good afternoon, good-day, good evening, good night [interjection, noun] words used (depending on the time of day) when meeting or leaving someone. (Translation of buongiorno from the PASSWORD Italian–English Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd).

Is Buongiorno Italian?

interjection Italian. good morning; good day.

What does a Paisan mean?

noun. informal US. (among people of Italian or Spanish descent) a fellow countryman or friend (often as a term of address).

What is a Paisano Italian?

nounWord forms: plural Italian paiˈsanos. a fellow countryman. Slang. a comrade; pal. Also Italian paiˈsan.

Is Paisano an insult?

Short for paisano (“countryman”), this is actually a widespread slur, but has a distinct definition in our prison system, referring to inmates born in Mexico to differentiate them from the Mexican cons born in the United States (“raza”).

What does Amigo mean in Italian?

amigo {noun} volume_up. amico {m} amigo (also: beau, boyfriend, cobber, fella, fella, fellow, fellow, friend, geezer, homeboy).

What does pizon mean in Italian?

English translation:friend. Explanation: “Pizon” looks suspiciously like a misspelling of “paisa’” or “paesano” (literally, “person from the same village”), a term of greeting used among southern Italians, particularly immigrants to the US. The Spanish term “paisano” is used in the same way in the Americas.

What does compadre mean in Italian?

compadre (also: beau, boyfriend, cobber, fella, fella, fellow, fellow, friend, geezer, homeboy).

What are some Italian slang words?

10 Essential Italian Slang Words & Expressions Che figo! | How awesome! Che schifo! | That’s gross! In bocca al lupo | Good luck, Break a leg. Click play to hear it pronounced: Fregatura | Rip off. Click play to hear it pronounced: Figurati! I vecchi | Parents. Mannaggia | Damn! Devo filare | I gotta run/jet.

What does Gomba mean in Italian?

1 informal : a close friend or associate —used especially among Italian-American men.

What is a mi amor?

Translation of “mi amor” in English. Noun. honey. babe my love my darling sweetie my dear mi amor my sweetheart my beloved my lover.

What is a lover of Italy called?

Italophilia is the admiration, appreciation or emulation of Italy, its people, ideals, civilization, and culture.

How do you call a guy cute in Italian?

Cute Italian Nicknames for Boys Amore mio – “My love”, our first nickname is straight to the point. Angioletto – Little Angel. Bello – Means beautiful in Italian. Bellissimo – The most beautiful of them all. Biscottino – A “small biscuit.” Carino – Of course your little prince is “handsome”.

What is a famous Italian saying?

Here’s a collection of famous Italian sayings about different aspects of life: La gatta frettolosa ha fatto i gattini ciechi. If you don’t go you won’t see, if you don’t see you won’t know, if you don’t know you’ll take it in the ass every time. Non tutte le ciambelle riescono col buco.

How do you say cheers in Italian?

‘Viva’ Viva and Salute are Italian for cheers.

Is Buongiorno a real word?

good morning (or afternoon)!.

What’s your name in Italian?

Come ti chiami? what is your name? Come si chiama? What’s your name?.

How do you say hello in Sicilian?

Hello – Ciao Being able to give a friendly greeting is essential when visiting another country. Just being able to say ‘hello’ in the native language can help to make a great impression.

How do you introduce yourself in Italian?

Introducing yourself Start with a greeting. The simplest greeting is Ciao or Buon giorno, which means Hello or Good Day. Introduce yourself. The two most common ways to introduce are to say Mi chiamo Name (My name is Name) or Sono Name (I’m Name).

What Prego means?

The most common translation is ‘you’re welcome’: prego is what you say when someone else thanks you. – Grazie mille! – Prego. – Thanks very much! – You’re welcome.

Is Paisano an Italian word?

(Alternate spelling of paesano, from Neapolitan language “paisano,” often shortened to “paisan” or “paesan”) among Italian Americans and Americans of Italian descent, a fellow Italian or Italian-American; a fellow ethnic Italian. A native, especially a native of California of mixed Spanish and Indian ancestry.

How do you pronounce Paisano?

noun, plural pai·sa·nos [pahy-sah-nohz, -zah-; Spanish pahy-sah-naws].

What does Paisano mean in Mexico?

Paisano literally means “countryman,” but has a secondary definition referring to country folk (both paisano and peasant ultimately share the same etymological madre: the Latin pagus, country or rural district).

Is Amiga a word?

noun, plural a·mi·gas [uh-mee-guhz; Spanish ah-mee-gahs]. a female friend.

Are you Smigo meaning?

Your amigo is your buddy. You and your amigos might make plans to watch the fireworks together on the 4th of July. Use the word amigo to talk about a friend in a casual, colloquial way. It is, in fact, the Spanish word for “friend,” from the Latin amicus, also “friend.”.



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if its a girl friend; amica

if its a guy friend; amico

if its a group of friends (masculine or a mix of girls and
guys); amici

if its a group of all girl friends; amiche

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What is piason in Italian?

My friend or friend

What is the word ‘friend’ when translated from English to Swiss?

The German word for friend id Freund; all nouns are capitalized
in German. The languages spoken in Switzerland are French, German,
Italian, and Romansch.

What is ‘my female friend’ in Italian?

La mia amica is an Italian equivalent of ‘my female friend’. In the word by word translation, the feminine definite article ‘la’ means ‘the’. The feminine possessive ‘mia’ means ‘my’. The feminine gender noun ‘amica’means ‘friend’. The phrase is pronounced ‘lah MEE-ah ah-MEE-kah’.

What is the Italian word for ‘no’?

The Italian word for no is no.

What is the Italian translation of ‘friend’?

Amico in the masculine and amica in the feminine are Italian equivalents of the English word «friend.»Specifically, the masculine noun amico means «(male) friend.» The pronunciation is «ah-MEE-koh.’ The feminine form, amica, means «(female) friend.» The pronunciation is «ah-MEE-kah.»

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The Italian word for friend is



The gender of amico is masculine. E.g. un amico. The feminine form is un’amica.


The plural of amico is amici.

Italian Definition

     1. sost. amico/a
     2. sost. fidanzato/a, ragazzo/a
     3. sost. sostenitore/sostenitrice
     4. verb. essere amico di qualcuno., farsi amico qualcuno.

Translations for friend and their definitions

amico pronunciation
     1. n-m. friend, companion, partner
     2. n-m. boyfriend
     3. v. first-person singular present indicative of amicarsi
     1. Participle. past participle of fidanzare (feminine: fidanzata, masculine plural: fidanzati, feminine plural: fidanzate)
     2. adj. engaged
     3. n-m. fiancé
     4. n-m. boyfriend
           Lei ha un fidanzato? — Does she have a boyfriend?
     5. n-m. (in the plural) engaged couple
     1. v. present participle of conoscere
     2. n. acquaintance
     1. n. friend
     2. n. girlfriend
     3. v. third-person singular present indicative of amicarsi
     4. v. second-person singular imperative of amicarsi
     1. Participle. feminine singular past participle of fidanzare
     2. adj. feminine singular of adjective fidanzato
     3. n-f. fiancée




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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I chose my friend over my responsibility.

Ho scelto un mio amico al posto della mia responsabilità.

But then our friend helped me.

Finalmente, un nostro amico mi ha aiutato.

Denial should be our friend right now.

La negazione potrebbe essere nostra amica in questo momento.

Your friend practically pulled my ear off.

La tua amica mi ha praticamente strappato un orecchio.

I’ve been bombarded with friend requests.

Vorrei. Mi hanno bombardata di richieste di amicizia.

I really love being your friend.

Ma ti dico una cosa, mi piace molto essere tuo amico.

Your friend makes a fine speech.

Il suo amico ha fatto un bel discorso.

His/her friend had an accident and it disappeared.

Il suo amico ha avuto un incidente e lei ha perso la testa.

Okay, friend, start running.

Va bene, amico, comincia a correre.

I failed because my friend betrayed me.

Sono rimasto perché il mio amico mi ha tradito.

Say hello to my dimpled friend.

Dite ciao al mio amico con le fossette.

Alphabetical order, my encyclopedic friend.

Sono in ordine alfabetico, mio enciclopedico amico.

But you just missed your friend.

Ma è appena andata via la sua amica.

Good luck finding your imaginary friend.

In bocca al lupo con la ricerca del tuo amico immaginario.

Let mommy talk to her friend.

Lasciamo parlare la mamma con il suo amico.

Only because you said that was your friend‘s fiancé.

È stato lei a dirmi che era il fidanzato di una sua amica e che non dovevo essere troppo amichevole.

From your trench-coated friend, obviously.

Dal vostro amico con l’impermeabile, ovviamente.

Because your friend wasn’t very cooperative.

Perché la sua amica non è stata molto collaborativa.

Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend.

Il tuo disprezzo per te stesso ti sta soffocando, amico mio.

She keeps talking about this invisible friend.

È che parla sempre di questa… amica immaginaria.

No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain friend

Results: 127403. Exact: 127403. Elapsed time: 118 ms.

You will be Alex Friend, son of the billionaire Sir David Friend and his wife, Lady Caroline.

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Sarai Alex Friend… figlio del miliardario Sir David Friend e di Lady Caroline.

You need a shave, my friend. Oh, Harry.

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Hai bisogno di una rasatura, amico mio. Oh, Harry.

Krist Novoselic Kurt’s friend And then I noticed what a good artist he was.

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KRIST NOVOSELIC AMICO DI KURT capii che era un ottimo artista.

Or were you my prison? Were you truly my friend.

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Eravamo davvero amici… oppure eri la mia prigione?

Me on that playground, surrounded by people who wanna be my friend.

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Che vogliono essermi amiche… Io in quel parco giochi, circondata da persone.

Me on that playground surrounded by people who want to be my friend.

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Che vogliono essermi amiche… Io in quel parco giochi, circondata da persone.

Oh, Harry. You need a shave, my friend.

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Hai bisogno di una rasatura, amico mio. Oh, Harry.

He has lost his teacher, his friend, and has gained nothing.

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Ha perso il suo maestro e i suoi amici… e non ha ottenuto nulla.

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John. Sei il mio miglior AMICO.

Checkmate. Thanks for the departure, my friend.

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Scacco matto. Grazie per la partita, amico mio.

Friend and lover. It’s your school, home, church.

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Scuola, casa, chiesa, gt; amica e amante.

I will use your talents come baseball season, my friend.

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Il tuo talento verra’ usato per il baseball, amico, oppure se tiriamo di boxe.

And you got a blaze happening here, my friend.

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E qui parliamo di un incendio, amico mio.

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Come il caveau di una banca, amico mio.

Khanut is a Patsak planet, friend.

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Hanut è il pianeta dei Patsak, amico.

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Hai bisogno di un cucciolo, amico mio.

Welcome to the executive ranks, my friend.

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Benvenuto tra la dirigenza, amico mio.

That was no parent phone call, my friend.

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Non era la telefonata di un genitore, amico mio.

That’s a nice blowtorch you got going there, my friend.

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Gran bella fiamma ossidrica che hai per le mani, amico mio.

No, not a parade, my friend, not exactly.

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No, non e’ per una parata, amico mio, non esattamente.

When have I ever known you to hesitate about a drink, my friend?

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Quando mai ti ho visto rinunciare a una bevuta, amico mio?

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Hai davanti una scelta, amico mio.

I would watch my words, friend.

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Io starei attento con le parole, amico.

I do regret the dosage, my friend.

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Mi dispiace per il dosaggio, amico mio.

Then remove the spell on Leti and my uncle… Done. friend.

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Su Leti e mio zio… Amica. Fatto. Allora togli l’incantesimo.

You crawl straight into the Friend Zone like a scaredy little guinea pig.

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Strisci dritto verso la Zona Amici come un piccolo porcellino d’India spaventato.

Noni, that didn’t… I… Friend, I didn’t mean that.

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Io… Amica, non dicevo davvero. Noni… Quello non.

I have got someone lined up, an old school friend.

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I went down to Best Friend Windows to talk about the elementary school job.

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Sono andato alla»Migliori Amici Finestre» per parlargli del lavoro alla scuola elementare.

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