What is the word for friend in french

Ami (or its feminine form, amie) is the most common way to say “friend” in French. But there are several other options.

As you learn French, may make some friends along the way, and you might want to know what to call them!

Let’s look at some common ways to say “friend” (and, sometimes, more than “friend”) in French!

A woman, a man, and another woman wearing a hat stand on an overpass above train tracks, turned to each other and laughing.

Here are the most common ways to say “friend” in French that you’ll come across. As you’ll see, many of these can also sometimes mean “boyfriend/girlfriend” or “lover,” too.  Luckily, there are usually ways to tell what’s being implied.

The standard “friend” (and sometimes “boyfriend/girlfriend” or “lover”) – ami/amie  

Ami(e) is the most basic, common word for “friend” in French.

This word has to agree with the person or people it’s referring to, so you’ll see it either as:

  • ami – a male or unspecified friend
  • amie – a female friend
  • amis –  more than one male friend or a group of male and female friends
  • amies – more than one female friend

It can be used in formal or informal situations, so it’s the perfect go-to word for “friend” in French.

….But ami/amie can also refer to a boyfriend/girlfriend or lover.

To tell which one a person means, as a general rule:

  • If ami/amie is used with un or une, it refers to a platonic friend.
  • If ami/amie is used with a possessive pronoun, it refers to a boyfriend/girlfriend or lover
  • When ami and amie are in their plural forms, regardless of the article or pronoun that precedes them, it’s understood that they mean “platonic friends”, unless there’s a very explicit explanation or context otherwise.

So for instance, Elle est partie en voyage avec un ami (She went on a trip with a friend) would mean that these two are just friends; Elle habite avec un ami (She lives with a (guy) friend) means she’s living with a male friend, not a boyfriend.

These are general rules, and there are exceptions.

For instance, sometimes you can just use a possessive pronoun with ami(e) and have it mean, well, “friend”. For example, Tu es mon ami (You’re my friend) or J’ai vu ton ami Christophe au supermarché l’autre jour. (I saw your friend Christophe at the supermarket the other day.)  Often, it just comes down to context.

Sometimes, certain common phrases with ami use a possessive pronoun but are known to only refer to friendship. One of the most common of these is mon cher ami (my dear friend).

Fortunately, knowing which one is being implied is usually pretty easy to suss out by context. For instance, Elle est parti en voyage avec son ami could mean she’s gone on a trip with her boyfriend, but it’s a bit ambiguous. But if you say Elle habite avec son ami, it would be understood that she lives with her boyfriend.

Note that because most of France is still influenced by traditional, hetero-normative culture, if someone says something like Elle habite chez son amie, not everyone would necessarily understand that the women are a couple. But as French society evolves, it’s increasingly likely that it would be understood, especially by younger generations.


Ils sont amis. (They’re friends.)

Tu es mon amie.  (You’re my friend.)

Il habite avec son amie. (He lives with his girlfriend.)

Marie est une amie à moi. (Marie is a friend of mine.)

On y va, les amis ! (Let’s go, (my) friends!)

Tu vas te faire pleins d’amis. (You’re going to make lots of friends.)

Mes amies m’ont dit que cette robe me va à merveille. (My friends told me this dress looks amazing on me.)

The “boyfriend” or “girlfriend” – petit ami/petite amie

Another way ami(e) can be used to mean “romantic interest” that’s far less ambiguous is the phrase petit(e) ami(e), which means “boyfriend” or “girlfriend”.

You may be wondering why, then, French people don’t just use this all the time when it comes to talking about a romantic partner. The answer is that petit ami/petite amie is used with the connotation that a relationship is recent or maybe that you’re not expecting it will last a long time.

For instance, a parent might use this term for the person their high school-age kid is dating. Or maybe some adult friends have just met another friend’s new boyfriend or girlfriend.

After a while, as the relationship gets more serious, words like ami(e), copain/copine, or compagnon/compagne are used.

In a way, it makes sense; there’s nothing petit(e) about the role a long-term partner plays in your life – or at least, there shouldn’t be!


Charles est son petit ami. (Charles is her boyfriend.)

Elle a une nouvelle petite amie. (She has a new girlfriend.)

C’est ma petite amie. (That’s my girlfriend.)

The other common “friend” or sometimes “boyfriend” or “girlfriend” – copain/copine

Copain or copine is another fairly common way to say “friend” in French. It’s slightly less formal than ami(e), but not by much.

Like ami(e), it has to agree with the person it’s referring to:

  • copain – a male or unspecified friend
  • copine – a female friend
  • copains –  more than one male friend or a group of male and female friends
  • copines – more than one female friend

Another way copain/copine is similar to ami(e) is that it could refer to either a platonic friend or a boyfriend or girlfriend (although not necessarily a lover).

As with ami(e),  if you’re lucky, you may also get the benefit of hearing or seeing  un or une before the word. In that case, the person is talking about just a friend. But, as with ami(e), if copain/copine is used with a possessive pronoun, it usually (but not always!) means “boyfriend/girlfriend”.

And as with ami(e), context is the best way to know whether or not this word means just a friend or a romantic partner.


Elle habite chez une copine. (She lives at her friend’s place.)

Elle habite avec son copain. (She lives with her boyfriend.)

Tu es un très bon copain. (You’re a good friend.)

C’est un copain à moi. (He’s a friend of mine.)

The “pal” or “mate” – pote

Pote means “pal” (US English) or “mate” (UK English) in French.

In most cases, pote is masculine. But as with “pal” in English, it doesn’t necessarily denote a particular gender; it’s just much more commonly associated with males.

However, in more contemporary French, pote can also be used to refer to a female friend and is preceded by a feminine modifier.


Salut mon pote !  (Hey, my friend!)

On a passé hier soir entre potes. (We spent last night our pals.)

Jean-Luc est mon pote. (Jean-Luc’s my pal.)

Sarah est ma pote. (Sarah’s my pal.)

The “bud” – poteau

Poteau is a diminutive of pote – a rough equivalent of “pal”, “bud”, or “mate”. It’s an informal, slang way to refer to a friend.

Unlike pote, this word is exclusively used with male modifiers, and it usually refers to male friends only. That said, language constantly evolves, so maybe this will also eventually be used with female friends and modifiers. For now, though, use it only with male friends – and in very informal situations.


Ça roule poteau ? (How’s it going, pal?)

Ce mec est ton poteau ? (Is this guy your friend?)

On va sortir avec les poteaux ce soir. (We’re going out with our pals/mates tonight.)

The “bro” – frère or frérot

In French, frère usually means “brother” and frérot is a familiar, informal way to say “little brother”. But just as “brother” in Anglophone slang can refer to a close male friend, the same goes for these two words. Frère and frérot are rough equivalents of “bro” or “bruv”.

These words are mostly used by people from the banlieue (French equivalent of inner cities) and in street culture, rather than by frat boys and the like. A wealthy Caucasian French person using frère or frérot this way would come off as a bit false or trying to be cool.

That said, in extreme or poetic situations when someone wants to express a feeling of deep solidarity with another person, frère, or, less commonly, sœur (sister) between women, could be used, just like in English.

But in general, unless you’re young and hip and talking to someone else who is young and hip, it’s probably best not to call anyone frère or frérot in French.


Ça va mon frère ? (How’s it going, bro?)

Wesh, frérot ? (‘sup, bro?)

The “friend from school”  – un/une camarade (de classe)

Short for camarade de classe, the word camarade is often used to refer to a friend from school or a classmate. This word can be masculine or feminine.


Voici Sarah, c’est une camarade de classe. (This is Sarah, she’s a friend from school/classmate of mine.)

De temps en temps, il boit un verre avec ses anciens camarades de classe. (Now and then he has a drink with his old classmates.)

Note that camarade is also the equivalent of “comrade” for French Communists.

The “close friend” – un/une intime

As a noun, intime means “a close friend”. It’s slightly formal and a bit less common than most of the other words on our list.  

It may surprise you to know that although the word is related to intimacy, this type of friend is exclusively platonic. It’s an intimacy of the soul.

You may also come across this word’s longer version, ami intime/amie intime.


C’est un intime de la famille. (He’s a close friend of the family.)

Elle a passé la soirée avec quelques intimes. (She spent the evening with a few close friends.)

How do you say “best friend” in French?

Two little girls, one with a ponytail and the other with a braid, sit in a hammock and gaze out across a lake to the woods beyond.

The most common way to say “best friend” in French is:

meilleur ami for a male friend or meilleure amie for a female friend – literally best (meilleur(e)) and friend (ami(e)).

But as you can probably guess after reading this list, there are a few other ways to say “best friend” in French, too.

The most common of these include:

  • meilleur copain/meilleure copine – This form is a bit less common than meilleur(e) ami(e), but you’ll still come across it a lot. It’s also a bit less formal than meilleur(e) ami(e), so when talking to an older French person or in a formal situation, it’s best to opt for the ami(e) version. 
  • meilleur pote – This is a very informal way to say “best friend” in French. Although, as we’ve seen, pote can be used to refer to a female friend, too, using it to say “best friend” is almost always for male friends. It’s extremely rare to see meilleure pote.


Hélène est ma meilleure amie. (Helene is my best friend.)

Il gère l’entreprise avec son meilleur ami. (He runs the business with his best friend.)

Mon chat est mon meilleur ami. (My cat is my best friend.)

Hélène est ma meilleure copine. (Helene is my best friend.)

Robert est le meilleur copain de Richard.(Robert is Richard’s best friend.)

Michel est mon meilleur pote. (Michel is my best friend.)

Je pars en Espagne ce weekend avec mes meilleurs potes. (I’m going to Spain this weekend with my best pals/mates.)

Are there other ways to say “friend” in French?

Our list features the most common ways to say “friend” in French. But there are other terms, from old-fashioned ones, to regional ones, to up-and-coming slang ones this middle-aged author might not even be aware of!

You can also do an online search for “comment dire ami en ___” followed by a specific Francophone country or region.

You might find some interesting synonyms for ami on this list. Of course, make sure to check a word’s definition and try to see it used in context before you use it.

Pay attention as you read, watch, and listen to things in French – you may discover different ways to talk about friends.

And if you’re looking for ways to talk about different kinds of friends, or words about friendship in French, the WordReference entry for ami is a great place to start!

I hope you found this article helpful. Here’s what I think is the perfect quote to finish it with, courtesy of Voltaire: Toutes les grandeurs du monde ne valent pas un bon ami. (A good friend is worth more than all of the titles and riches in the world.)

What do you call a French friend?, The French word for “a friend” is un ami (for male friends) or une amie (for female friends). The plural “friends” is les amies (for a group of female friends) and les amis (for a group of male friends or a mixture of both).

Furthermore, What is a French girl called?, In France men are addressed as Monsieur and women as Madame or Mademoiselle. While a Monsieur is a monsieur no matter what, a Madame is a married woman and a Mademoiselle an unmarried woman.

Finally,  What is the meaning of Copain?, Noun. copain m (plural copains, feminine copine) (male) friend, chum, mate (UK), pal, buddy quotations ▼ (informal, by ellipsis) Ellipsis of petit copain: boyfriend (boy/man to whom one has a romantic attachment)

Frequently Asked Question:

What is the meaning of Copain in English?

noun. buddy [noun] (informal, especially American) a friend.

What is the difference between AMI and Copain?

When you’re a child, every friend is a “copain“. When you’re older, “copain” and “copine” usually mean “boyfriend” or “girlfriend”. “Amis” becomes the word for your friends.

What is the meaning of Devoir?

1 : duty, responsibility. 2 : a usually formal act of civility or respect.

What does bubala mean in French?

A term of endearment for those you care and keep close to your heart.

What does FEM mean in French?

Every noun in French has a gender. A noun is either masculine or feminine. As you might have guessed, the word for ‘woman,’ femme, is feminine. To say ‘a woman’ we say une femme.

How do you address a woman in French?

“Madame” (Mme) for a woman. The plural is Mesdames (Mmes). “Mademoiselle” (Mlle) is a traditional alternative for an unmarried woman. The plural is Mesdemoiselles (Mlles).

Do French still say Mademoiselle?

French Prime Minister Francois Fillon has ordered all regional and local governments to remove the title “Mademoiselle” — used for unmarried women and implying a youthful immaturity — from official documents. From now on, people filling out government forms will get just two choices: Madame or Monsieur.

What is a French girl called?

In France men are addressed as Monsieur and women as Madame or Mademoiselle. While a Monsieur is a monsieur no matter what, a Madame is a married woman and a Mademoiselle an unmarried woman.

What does Baba mean in French?

The “baba” is a metaphor for that lower part of your back, commonly referred to as the “ass”. “L’avoir dans le babameans literally “to have it in the ass”, “to be screwed”. “Baba” is a reference to “baba au rhum”, a French pastry, that was also commonly used as a metaphor for “ass” in the 18th century.

What does Baba mean?

Baba (Persian: بابا “father, grandfather, wise old man, sir”;) is an honorific term, of Persian origin, used in several West Asian and South Asian cultures. … Baba is also the familiar word for “father” in many languages (see mama and papa); in India it has even been adapted to address male children.

What does Abba mean in French?

Abbé (from Latin abbas, in turn from Greek ἀββᾶς, abbas, from Aramaic abba, a title of honour, literally meaning “the father, my father”, emphatic state of abh, “father”) is the French word for abbot. It is the title for lower-ranking Catholic clergymen in France.

What does it mean if a girl calls you Baba?

Baba– to friends is like calling them dude. Baba– to girlfriend/boyfriend is used when we try to convince them. Baba– to people of your age group can be oh man! or oh dear! depending on the tone of your voice.

In what language does Baba mean baby?

As one of the first utterances many babies are able to say, baba (like mama, papa, and dada) has come to be used in many languages as a term for various family members: … baby: Afrikaans, Sinhala, Hungarian.

What does bubala mean in French?

A term of endearment for those you care and keep close to your heart.

What does FEM mean in French?

Every noun in French has a gender. A noun is either masculine or feminine. As you might have guessed, the word for ‘woman,’ femme, is feminine. To say ‘a woman’ we say une femme.

How do you address a woman in French?

“Madame” (Mme) for a woman. The plural is Mesdames (Mmes). “Mademoiselle” (Mlle) is a traditional alternative for an unmarried woman. The plural is Mesdemoiselles (Mlles).

Do French still say Mademoiselle?

French Prime Minister Francois Fillon has ordered all regional and local governments to remove the title “Mademoiselle” — used for unmarried women and implying a youthful immaturity — from official documents. From now on, people filling out government forms will get just two choices: Madame or Monsieur.

Asked by: Nasir Jacobson

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The French word for friend is

E.g. un ami. The feminine form is une amie.

What do the French call friends?

Ami(e) Ami(e) simply means “friend” in French. Add an “e” and it becomes the female “amie”, add an “s” to either form and it becomes the plural “ami” for male friends or “amies” for female friends. It’s used to describe a close friend.

What gender is friend in French?

Yes, you can be friends with a person of the opposite sex. Friendship is not defined by gender. And you can be friends and not have romantic feelings, but you can also be friends and have romantic feelings.

What is that French word?

French Translation. qu’Est-ce que c’est. Find more words!

What is the plural of friends in French?

Summary. The French translation for “friends (masculine plural)” is amis.

38 related questions found

What is mon ami?

Translation of «mon ami» in English. Noun. Adverb. my friend. my buddy.

Is Amis feminine?

The plural masculine gender of Ami is Amis, The plural feminine gender of Ami is Amies. Une de mes amis is tolerated (sounds like a girl is one of these male friends) in some contexts: willing to show the person is a woman, a girl…

What’s your name in French?

If you’d like to say “What is your name?” in French, you generally have two options. To pose the question formally, you’d say “Comment vous-appelez vous? Speaking informally, you can simply ask “Comment t’appelles-tu?”

What is unique called in French?

unique adjective. single, only, one, sole, nonesuch. exceptionnel adjective. exceptional, outstanding, unusual, amazing, rare.

What is the most longest word?

Major dictionaries

The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.

How do you say female friend?

Probably the easiest and simplest way is to just call her your friend and refer to her with a female pronoun. For example, «My friend Sidney is helping me move. She’ll be here in an hour.» «Female friend» or «girl friend» is grammatically correct, but it calls a lot more attention to gender, which can be awkward.

What is the gender for friend?

A noun that denotes either a male or a female is said to be of the common gender. Examples are: parent, child, friend, servant, thief, enemy, cousin, student, baby, teacher, writer etc. A noun that denotes a thing that is neither male nor female is said to be of the neuter gender.

Is infant a common gender?

Answer: The gender of the word baby is a common gender.

What is the meaning of Bestie in French?

Wiktionary: best friend → meilleur ami.

How do you say friends in French Canadian?

I know in Quebec they use «Ami» and «Chum» a lot for the word «friend». And in France they use «Ami» and «Pote».

What is attitude called in French?

[ˈætɪtjuːd ] 1. (= behaviour) attitude f ⧫ manière f.

What is French for beautiful girl?

the beautiful girl (pretty girl; doll; manequin)

la jolie fille; le mannequin. jolie fille [la ~] noun.

What is Innocent called in French?

innocent. More French words for innocent. les innocent noun. harmless, guiltless, not guilty, clear, honest. naïf adjective.

How do the French greet each other?

Among friends and relatives, the most common greeting is the ‘la bise’ (kiss on both cheeks). The la bise consists of placing one’s cheek against another’s, making a kiss noise, then repeating it on the opposite side. A la bise is sometimes accompanied with an embrace.

What is the meaning of je suis?

As you probably know, je suis means ‘I am‘.

Does Amie mean girlfriend?

Copine and Amie mean the same. But copine is mostly use when you want to talk about your girlfriend. In fact.. Very young girl would say «copine» to talk about her friend.

how to say “friends” in french learn french words

Looking to expand your French vocabulary? This blog teaches you how to say “friends” in French and other essential French words to level up your skills.

the french words for “friend”

The French words for “friend”

  • Ami/Amie
  • Copain/Copine

Ami is a masculine noun, which means it is used to describe a male friend. If you want to refer to a female friend in French, you would use the word “amie,” which is a feminine noun. Here are a few examples of how the word “amis” can be used in French:

  • J’ai des amis formidables.
    I have wonderful friends.
  • Mes amis sont tous invités à ma fête d’anniversaire.
    All of my friends are invited to my birthday party.
  • Nous sommes devenus amis quand nous étions à l’école ensemble.
    We became friends when we were in school together.
  • Elle a rencontré ses amis au café pour prendre un café.
    She met her friends at the café to have a coffee.
  • Les amis de mes amis sont mes amis.
    The friends of my friends are my friends.

Other ways to talk about friends

1.Copain/copine – These words are similar to “ami/amie” but are more casual and often used to describe a close friend or someone you’re in a romantic relationship with.

  • Je suis allé au cinéma avec mon copain hier soir. (I went to the cinema with my boyfriend last night.)
  • Elle est partie en vacances avec sa copine. (She went on vacation with her girlfriend.)
  • Mes copains et moi allons jouer au football samedi. (My buddies and I are going to play football on Saturday.)

2.Camarade – This word can be used to refer to a friend, but it’s often used to describe a fellow student or colleague.

  • Les camarades de classe de mon fils sont tous très gentils. (My son’s classmates are all very kind.)
  • Les camarades de travail ont organisé une fête surprise pour son anniversaire. (The colleagues organized a surprise party for his birthday.)
  • Nous sommes partis en randonnée avec nos camarades de club de marche. (We went hiking with our fellow members of the walking club.)

3.Compagnon/compagne – These words are similar to “copain/copine” but are more serious and often used to describe a long-term partner or spouse.

  • Mon compagnon et moi sommes en couple depuis deux ans. (My partner and I have been in a relationship for two years.)
  • Sa compagne est une écrivaine talentueuse. (His partner is a talented writer.)
  • Mon compagnon de voyage a eu un problème avec son passeport. (My travel companion had an issue with his passport.)

3.Meilleur ami/meilleure amie – These phrases are used to describe a best friend, someone who is closer to you than other friends.

  • Mon meilleur ami est toujours là pour moi, peu importe ce qui arrive. (My best friend is always there for me, no matter what happens.)
  • Nous sommes devenues meilleures amies quand nous avons commencé à travailler ensemble. (We became best friends when we started working together.)
  • Il est le meilleur ami de mon frère depuis l’enfance. (He has been my brother’s best friend since childhood.)

Each of these terms can be used in different contexts and situations, depending on the level of familiarity, closeness, or formality involved. It’s important to note that there are other words and expressions in French that can also refer to friends, such as potes, copains d’enfance, amis proches, and so on.

If you are traveling, working, or studying in a country where French is spoken, or if you are just looking to increase your knowledge of the language and culture, you will be able to connect and communicate with French speakers more effectively by learning these various words and expressions for friends.

Building your vocabulary and improving your communication skills require you to learn how to say “friends” in French.

Keep in mind that the term for “friends” is “amis,” but depending on the situation, you may also use other words and expressions. Practice using the word “amis” in various settings and phrases while paying attention to the word’s gender and pluralization.

You’ll be able to discuss your buddies in French with ease with some time and practice.

Friends in French: what you’ve learned

friends in french what you’ve learned

You can enhance your French language proficiency as well as obtain a greater grasp of the culture and social customs around friendship in French-speaking nations by learning these various words and expressions.

The different methods to say “friends” in French open up a world of opportunities, whether you’re trying to expand your vocabulary, fortify current friendships, or simply make new acquaintances.

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«french word for friend» at online dictionary. Definition of french word for friend. What is another word for french word for friend? This is the right place where you will get the proper information. What does french word for friend? However, check french word for friend at our online dictionary below.

Table Of Content:
  • How to say friend in French
  • 21 Must-know French Terms of Endearment for Lovers and Friends
  • FYW 027 : Learn the different words for Friend in French
  • French Translation of “friend” | Collins English-French Dictionary
  • What is the French Word for «friend»?
  • What are the different ways to say ‘friend’ in French? — Quora
  • The Right Way To Say Friend in French | Discover Discomfort
  • What is the French word for ‘best friend’? — Quora
  • French Words on Instagram: “Amitié (feminine word) | Friendship | /a …
  • french for ‘friend’ Crossword Clue, Crossword Solver | Wordplays.com

1. How to say friend in French

More French words for friend. les ami noun. boyfriend, chum · collègue noun. colleague, fellow, associate, mate, chum. le copain noun …

2. 21 Must-know French Terms of Endearment for Lovers and Friends

21 Must-know French Terms of Endearment for Lovers and Friends21 Must-Know French Terms of Endearment for a Lover or Friend. Note: The list is in no particular order, but I am organizing the words into two groups.

3. FYW 027 : Learn the different words for Friend in French

FYW 027 : Learn the different words for Friend in FrenchAug 12, 2015 … Bonjour Amy. Good question! Interestingly, petit ami and petit copain are the same. I would say that they’re used for teenagers and recent …

4. French Translation of “friend” | Collins English-French Dictionary

French Translation of “friend” | Collins English-French DictionaryFrench Translation of “friend” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. Over 100000 French translations of English words and phrases.

5. What is the French Word for «friend»?

What is the French Word for The word for friend in French is ami. Hear the pronunciation, see example sentences and French meanings for the other related words: .

6. What are the different ways to say ‘friend’ in French? — Quora

the most used word is: ami “(masculin) & amie (feminin) or copain for boys , copine for girls.but the two words are differently based on the consideration you …

7. The Right Way To Say Friend in French | Discover Discomfort

The Right Way To Say Friend in French | Discover DiscomfortAmi(e) simply means “friend” in French. Add an “e” and it becomes the female “amie”, add an “s” to either form and it becomes the plural “ami” …

8. What is the French word for ‘best friend’? — Quora

Ami (m), amie (f) — the most commonly found, usually denoting a true and sincere friendship. · Copain (m), copine (f) — applies to a warm relation with someone, …

9. French Words on Instagram: “Amitié (feminine word) | Friendship | /a …

French Words on Instagram: “Amitié (feminine word) | Friendship | /a ...French Words on Instagram: “Amitié (feminine word) | Friendship | /a.mi.tje/”. 6,168 Likes, 480 Comments — French Words (@frenchwords) on Instagram: “ …

10. french for ‘friend’ Crossword Clue, Crossword Solver | Wordplays.com

french for 'friend' Crossword Clue, Crossword Solver | Wordplays.comFind clues for french for ‘friend’ or most any crossword answer or clues for crossword answers. … Another word for friend or buddy (3).

  • Source: Google.
  • Conclusion:
    In conclusion, we hope that you got How to say friend in French. Still have any questions french word for friend. then feel free to tell us.

    Table of Contents

    1. How do French people say friends?
    2. Is Mon Amie correct?
    3. What is our plural in French?
    4. How do you say female friend in French?
    5. What is mon amis?
    6. Is Mon Ami romantic?
    7. What is I love you in Paris?
    8. What does Mon Ami Gabi mean?
    9. What mon coeur means?
    10. What is mon petit chou?
    11. What mi amor means?
    12. Can you call a girl mi amor?
    13. Is Mi Amor male or female?
    14. Is Mi Amor French?
    15. How do u say BAE in Spanish?
    16. What is French love?
    17. What is French for air?
    18. Is air in French feminine?
    19. What air means?
    20. What is another word for air?
    21. What is the scientific word for air?
    22. What’s the scientific term for air?
    23. How do you describe the night?
    24. How do you describe the sun?
    25. What is an example of air?
    26. What does mes amis?
    27. How do you say friend in French slang?
    28. What are three words used in French to mean friend?
    29. Is rocket the same as dandelion?
    30. What’s healthier arugula or spinach?
    31. Why are dandelions good for you?
    32. Is baby arugula the same as arugula?

    “amis” is the basic word for “friends” in french.

    Is Mon Amie correct?

    1) “Mon ami” is just a cliché Mon ami (or mon amie in the feminine) means “my friend.” If there’s a French character in an American movie, they basically have to say it at some point. Like in this scene of Beauty and the Beast.

    What is our plural in French?

    Singular possessors (my | your | his/her/its) (mon, ma, mes | ton, ta, tes | son, sa, ses) Plural possessors (our | your | their)

    How do you say female friend in French?

    The French translation for “friend (feminine)” is amie.

    What is mon amis?

    Translation of “mon ami” in English. Noun. Adverb. my friend.

    Is Mon Ami romantic?

    Originally Answered: What does “mon amie” mean in French? It literally means “my friend,” where the friend is female. As discussed in the answers to another question, in the absence of any other clarifying context it may be interpreted as “my girlfriend (romantic partner)” rather than “my friend (platonic).”

    What is I love you in Paris?

    How to say “I love you” in French is “je t’aime”, although it can be hard to pronounce. For all you English speakers out there, phonetic pronunciation is /juh/ t-ehm.

    What does Mon Ami Gabi mean?

    my friend

    What mon coeur means?

    Translation of “Mon coeur” in English. my heart sweetie honey baby my love my soul my mind babe mon coeur my breast.

    What is mon petit chou?

    Mon petit chou means, “my little cabbage” in french. It’s a term of endearment similar to “darling” or “sweetheart” used for both males and females.

    What mi amor means?

    “my love

    Can you call a girl mi amor?

    No. A woman cousin-once-removed is searching for a spanish term of endearment to call me. We are very close friends. Well, “mi amor” is “my love”.

    Is Mi Amor male or female?

    Mi amor is used to address both men and women. Unlike some Spanish nouns which have a masculine and feminine version, one should use “mi amor” for both men and women.

    Is Mi Amor French?

    It’s no secret that French is widely considered to be one of the most romantic languages with many romantic expressions. For example, “my love” in French is mon amour.

    How do u say BAE in Spanish?

    How do you say “bae” in Spanish? – It’s “amor.”¿Cómo se dice “bae” en español? – Se dice “amor”.

    What is French love?

    French love rate. (Adult / Slang) Colloquilism for orogenitalism.

    What is French for air?

    More French words for air. les air noun. air. aérer verb. ventilate, aerate.

    Is air in French feminine?

    However, when the adjective is modifying the word air itself, the adjective remains masculine singular to agree with it. Cette femme a l’air heureuse. That woman looks happy (looks like she is happy).

    What air means?

    : the invisible mixture of gases (such as nitrogen and oxygen) that surrounds the Earth and that people and animals breathe. : the space or sky that is filled with air.

    What is another word for air?

    What is another word for air?

    breeze wind
    ventilation breath of air
    gust of air blast of air
    current of air flurry of air
    puff of wind waft of air

    What is the scientific word for air?

    Sometimes, the word “atmosphere” is used instead of the word “air.” Standard Dry Air is the composition of gases that make up air at sea level. It is a standard scientific unit of measurement. Standard Dry Air is made up of nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, neon, helium, krypton, hydrogen, and xenon.

    What’s the scientific term for air?

    Scientific definitions for air air. [ âr ] The colorless, odorless, tasteless mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth. Air consists of about 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen, with the remaining part made up mainly of argon, carbon dioxide, neon, helium, methane, and krypton in decreasing order of volume.

    How do you describe the night?

    Evening and Night The sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun. The night sky was aglow with bright city lights. The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. The occasional barking of faraway dogs broke the silence of the night.

    How do you describe the sun?

    Here are some adjectives for sun: hot daytime, distant, shrunken, handy and hot, daily new and old, radiant, traitorous, tiny mediocre, gray, blinding, merciless southern, pitiless african, garish, lumbering, hazy late-day, naked, nearby, southern wintry, god-curst, big and swollen, still high and hot, wider, cooler.

    What is an example of air?

    The definition of air is the mixture of oxygen, nitrogen and other gasses that are consistently present around us. A cool breeze is an example of air. Aircraft. Send troops to Europe by air.

    What does mes amis?

    Friends, the ~ Noun. ‐ The UI label for a permissions setting that indicates an item is being shared with (made available to) all of someone’s friends.

    How do you say friend in French slang?

    Un/une pote If you want to talk about your friends, you could use the word ami, which you probably learned in school. But it’s more common to use the word pote for a friend, just as you would use “buddy,” “mate” or “pal” in English.

    What are three words used in French to mean friend?

    The French word for friend is ami

    • n. Ami, amie.
    • n. Petit ami, copain ; petite amie, copine.
    • n. (POO) Classe amie.
    • v. (Internet) Ajouter à la liste de ses amis. Pronunciation.

    Is rocket the same as dandelion?

    Also known as rocket, roquette, and eruca, arugula resembles dandelion greens, with an oak-like shape. It is native to the Mediterranean region, and has long been a staple of Italian and French cuisine.

    What’s healthier arugula or spinach?

    Arugula contains 5 times more Vitamin B5, while spinach has around 3 times more Vitamin A, E and K. Spinach is the winner in this category, as it contains significantly higher levels of all vitamins except for vitamin B5. These include vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and folate.

    Why are dandelions good for you?

    Dandelion greens can be eaten cooked or raw and serve as an excellent source of vitamins A, C and K. They also contain vitamin E, folate and small amounts of other B vitamins (1). What’s more, dandelion greens provide a substantial amount of several minerals, including iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium (1).

    Is baby arugula the same as arugula?

    Baby arugula is simply arugula harvested young for its more petit, delicate leaves and flavor. Although not as intense in flavor as its mature counterparts it still retains that peppery essence and mustard quality that distinguishes arugula from other herbs and leafy greens.

    Friend in French is “ami” (pronounced ah-mee). The feminine form is “amie”. Another French word for friend is “copain” (pronounced kɔpɛ̃). The feminine form is “copine” (pronounced (coh-peen). This post will examine ways and variations of how to say friend, “my friend”, ami vs. copain as well as some common expressions.

    How to pronounce ami and copain

    Before we go any further let’s have a look at how to pronounce the two French words or friend. The pronunciation of “ami” is ah-mee. The feminine form, “amie” has the exact same pronunciation. This page on Forvo offers several good audio samples of ami.

    The other word for friend, “copain” is a bit harder to pronounce. The “ain” letter combination sound like the nasal “in” in the word “inviter” (to invite) and is written with the pronunciation symbol “ɛ̃“. This page on Forvo offers several audio samples of “copain”. The feminine form, “copine” is a bit easier to pronounce: “co-peen”. This page on Forvo has an audio sample of “copine”.

    un ami, une amie, des amis

    1) “A friend” and “The friend”

    In this section we’ll look at how to say “a friend” and “the friend” in French.

    “A friend” is “un ami” or “une ami” (masculine and feminine forms). “Some friends” is “des amis”. Here are some example sentences:

    • J’ai un ami à Paris. I have a (male) friend in Paris.
    • J’ai une amie en Suisse. I have a (female) friend in Switzerland.
    • J’ai des amis à Montréal. I have (some) friends in Montreal.

    To say, “the friend” say “l’ami” and “l’amie”. The pronunciation is the same in both the masculine and feminine form. This is because “le” and “la”, the words for “the” both become l’ before a vowel. “The friends” in the plural form is “les amis”. Here are some example sentences:

    • L’ami de Sarah s’appelle Jean. Sarah’s friend is named Jean.
    • L’amie de Sylvie s’appelle Julie. Sylvie’s friend is named Julie.
    • Les amis de Marc habitent au Canada. Marc’s friends live in Canada.

    The is page on our site covers the definite articles (le, la, les) and indefinite articles (un, une, des) in detail.

    My friend

    In French, “my friend” in the masculine form is “mon ami” (pronounced mohn-amee). The feminine form of “my friend” is also “mon amie”. The “mon” in the feminine form is a kind of liaison. They are pronounced the exact same! My friend, Julien Miquel, shows how to pronounce “mon ami” in the following video:

    “My friends” in French is “mes amis” in the masculine form and “mes amies” in the feminine form. The pronunciation for both is the same: [mays-amee]. Here are some example sentences.

    • Thomas est mon ami. Thomas is my friend.
    • Sarah est mon amie aussi. Sarah is also my friend.
    • Thomas et Sarah sont mes amis. Thomas and Sarah are my friends.

    2) Copain/copine – another to say friend in French

    As mentioned above, the word “copain” in the masculine form and “copine” in the feminine form also mean friend in French. Generally speaking, the word “copain” is slightly less formal than “ami”. Thus, “un bon copain” could translate to “a good buddy” or “a good pal”.

    Explained slightly differently, “ami” could refer to a more serious lifelong friend, whereas “copain” could a more casual friend or even a good acquaintance. Here are some example sentences:

    • J’ai un copain à Paris. I have a friend in Paris.
    • Julie est une copine de Sarah. Julie is Sarah’s friend.
    • Nous avons quelques copains à Londres. We have a few friends in London.
    Boyfriend, girlfriend in French

    3) Boyfriend and girlfriend in French

    In French, the word for boyfriend is “un petit copain”, which translates literally to “a little friend”. The word for girlfriend is “une petite copine”. For example:

    • Marc est le petit ami de Julie. Marc is Julie’s boyfriend.
    • Julie est la petite amie de Marc. Julie is Marc’s girlfriend.

    Interestingly, the meanings of “copain” and “copine” become boyfriend and girlfriend when proceeded by the possessive adjectives (mon and ma). Observe:

    • Marc est un copain. Marc is a friend.
    • Marc est mon copain. Marc is my boyfriend.


    • Sylvie est une copine. Sylvie is a friend.
    • Sylvie est ma copine. Sylvie is my girlfriend.

    Ex boyfriend and ex girlfriend

    In French to say ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, simply put “ex” before either petit ami/petite amie or copain/copine. You can also use the words ancien/ancienne. For example:

    • Marc est l’ex petit ami de Julie. Marc is Julie’s ex-boyfriend.
    • Julie est l’ancienne petite copine de Marc. Julie is Marc’s ex-girlfriend.

    Boyfriend and girlfriend in French Canadian

    In Quebec and the rest of French-speaking Canada, the word for boyfriend is “un chum” and girlfriend is “une blonde”. For example:

    • Mon chum s’appelle Yves. My boyfriend’s name is Yves.
    • Ma blond s’appelle Caroline. My girlfriend’s name is Caroline.

    4) How to say pal and buddy

    French has a fun word used to express “pal” or “buddy”: “un pote”. Pote also translates to “mate” and “bro”. For example:

    • Salut mon pote ! Ça va? Hey buddy! How’s it going?

    Friendship in French

    The French word for “friendship” is “l’amitié” (pronounced amee-tee-ay; feminine noun). For example:

    • Notre amitié dure depuis le lycée. Our friendship has lasted since high school.

    Expressions and more words containing friend in French

    The following is a list of several expressions relating to the words “ami” in French or “friend” in English.

    • C’est dans le besoin que l’on reconnaît ses amis. A friend in need is a friend indeed. The literal translation of this expression is: It’s in need that one recognizes his/her friends.
    • Meilleur ami, meilleure amie best friend
    • Ami(e) de cœur, ami(e) intime, ami(e) prohce close friend, bosom friend
    • Ami cher, amie chère dear friend
    • Ami(e) peu fiable fair-weather friend (literally an unreliable friend)
    • Faux ami false cognate (A situation when a word is the same or almost the same in two different languages but have two unrelated meanings).
    • Ami(e) de la famille family friend
    • Ami (or compagnon à quatre pattes four-legged friend
    • Bon ami, bonne amie a good friend
    • Ami commun, amie commune mutual friend
    • Vieil ami, vieille amie, ami(e) de longue date old friend

    Discover more:

    • Ways to say “hello” in French
    • French vocabulary lists
    • Ways to say “goodbye” in French
    • Ways to say “thank you” in French
    • Author
    • Recent Posts

    David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he’s the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site, FrenchLearner.com, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.

    1. [ of person] ami(e) m/f. to be friends être amis (amies)

    What does girl mean in France?

    The word for girl in French is fille.

    How do you say my friend in French to a male?

    Mon Ami for a guy, Mon amie for a girl.

    What is the meaning of Bestie in French?

    Translations. best friend Noun. best friend, the ~ (bosom friendbuddyconfidanteclose friend) copine, la ~ (f) Noun. bien-aimé, le ~ (m) Noun.

    How do French people address their friends?

    They will talk to you using “frère” (bro), or “poto”(dearest friend). It’s kind of complex, but really, you are encouraged to be creative. Basically you can use pretty any word you want as long as you start with “mon/ma” (my). You can add “petit/petite” (little) for extra closeness.

    What is French for beautiful girl?

    belle fille. More French words for beautiful girl. belle-fille noun. beautiful girl, good-looking girl, pretty girl, daughter-in-law, stepdaughter. belle jeune fille.

    Can Copain mean friend?

    Yes it is. “copain/copine” also means just “friend”, so the context has to make it clear it is your boyfriend/girlfriend. But if you say “mon copain”/”ma copine” people will know you’re talking about your boyfriend/girlfriend, and not about the only friend you have.

    What are two ways to say my friend in French?

    Formal, more classic : mon ami, mon camarade, mon compagnon, mon complice, mon compère, mon acolyte, mon confident.

  • Popular, more contemporary : mon copain, mon pote, mon poto, “gros”, “srab” (from Arabian (maghreb), s’rab (friend)), ma couille (equivalent of “testicles”)
  • Comparisons with animals :

    What is another name for best friend?

    synonyms for best friend

    • bosom buddy.
    • close friend.
    • companion.
    • confidant.
    • dear friend.
    • pal.
    • soul mate.

      What does bestie mean in Arabic?

      “best friend” in Arabic volume_up. best friend {noun} AR. أَعَزّ صَديقٍ

      How do you say beautiful to a girl?

      Ways to Say You Are Beautiful

      1. You look gorgeous!
      2. You look as pretty as always!
      3. You look drop dead gorgeous!
      4. I think you are very attractive!
      5. Wow, you are gorgeous!
      6. I think you are stunning!
      7. I think you are super cute!
      8. You look absolutely fantastic!
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