What is the word for book in italian

The word for book in Italian is libro (masculine, plural: libri), which comes from the Latin word liber. If you find it hard to remember, just think of the English word library!

italian word for book

Before the Latin word came to mean book, it indicated the inner bark of some plants which, when dried, was used as a writing material in ancient times.

Ho letto l’intero libro in una seduta.

I read the entire book in one sitting.

Some important terms related to libro include:

  • libreria = bookstore
  • libretto = booklet, record book, pass book
  • libraio = bookseller
  • libresco = bookish (pejorative)

Two kinds of books almost all children have growing up are colouring books (libri da colorare) and storybooks (libri di fiabe / racconti). Once they reach school age, they start using school books (libri scolastici or libri di testo) and reading novels (romanzi) which may be either hardback (libro con copertina rigida) or paperback (libro tascabile).

Other type of books include:

  • libro rilegato = bound book
  • libro sacro = sacred book
  • libro bianco = white book (figurative way to describe documents and testimonies for a crime)
  • libro paga = pay book
  • libro di bordo / navigazione = log book

If you like novels, you may wonder how the different genres translate in Italian. Here they are:

  • Romance = romanzo rosa (rosa = pink)
  • Fantasy = fantastico (the English term is often preferred nowadays)
  • Science fiction = fantascienza
  • Thriller = thriller (or romanzo d’azione)
  • Detective / Crime = giallo*
  • Horror = orrore (the English term is often used these days)
  • Adventure = avventura

Adoro i romanzi di fantascienza e i gialli.

I love science fiction and detective novels.

*Trivia: Italians started to call detective / crime novels gialli (meaning yellow, singular giallo) following the release of a popular series of books in 1929 by Mondadori, which all had a distinctive yellow cover.

Man reading book in the living room

An expression that exists in both English and Italian is essere un libro aperto which means to be an open book. It refers to something that is completely transparent or someone who doesn’t keep any secrets about themselves.

Other expressions using the word ‘libro’

Cosa letta nel libro dei sogni

Literal translation: something read in the book of dreams
English meaning: a fantastic, impossible thing, which can only exist in dreams

Essere sul libro nero

Literal translation: to be in the black book
English meaning: to be in someone’s bad books

Essere un libro chiuso

Literal translation: to be a closed book
English meaning: a person who does not reveal his or her thoughts or feelings

Libro da spiaggia

Literal translation: a beach book
English meaning: light reading, generally a novel, intended to be read on vacation

Parlare come un libro stampato

Literal translation: to speak like a published book
English meaning: to know many things and present them clearly and convincingly (often used to describe people who show off)

Table of Contents

  1. How do you say the word book in Italian?
  2. How do you say I read books in Italian?
  3. What is the meaning of libro?
  4. What does Libero mean?
  5. Is it el or la computadora?
  6. Is Leccion El or LA?
  7. Why do you say un problema?
  8. Why is Dia masculine?
  9. Is Carne MASC or FEM?
  10. What does arroz con pollo mean in English?
  11. What is arroz?
  12. What are Gandules called in English?
  13. What does ACP stand for food?
  14. Where does arroz con pollo originate from?
  15. What is Puerto Rico’s most popular dish?

The word for book in Italian is libro (masculine, plural: libri), which comes from the Latin word liber.

How do you say I read books in Italian?

Translation of “I am reading a book” in Italian I am reading a book. Sto leggendo un libro.

What is the meaning of libro?

“Libro” is the Italian, Spanish, and Filipino word for “book”.

What does Libero mean?


Is it el or la computadora?

Typically in Spanish, If a noun ends in ‘a,’ it is feminine. The pronoun reflects the gender: ‘la’ computadora. However, Spanish-speaking countries, the computer is known as ‘el’ ordenador; masculine. There is an exception: ‘el’ aguila (the eagle), is a feminine noun with a masculine pronoun.

Is Leccion El or LA?

Lección es feminino. The common masculine endings are -l, -o, -n, and -r; -a, -d, -ción, and -sión are usually feminine. Of course there are always exceptions, but if you look up a word in your dictionary/on here, it will tell you whether it’s masculine or feminine.

Why do you say un problema?

There are some words that don’t follow the normal rule, such as mano and día, and problema happens to be one of a class of words derived from Greek that kept their Greek gender. The Spanish letters “a” and “o” as the final letter of a word designate a feminine or masculine word; “a” is feminine and “o” is masculine.

Why is Dia masculine?

Día is masculine because it comes from the Proto-Indo-European root *diéus, meaning ‘Sky-god’ (a masculine deity) or ‘daytime sky’.

Is Carne MASC or FEM?

Carne is feminine. It can not depend on what you think. To know a noun is masculine or feminine, you should learn by heart.

What does arroz con pollo mean in English?

rice with chicken

What is arroz?

History and Etymology for arroz Spanish, from Arabic ar-ruzz the rice.

What are Gandules called in English?

pigeon peas

What does ACP stand for food?

ACP is shorthand for arroz con pollo, which in Latin America means a paella-like meal of browned chicken thighs and annatto-tinted rice. It’s something of a peripheral dish in Mexican cookery.

Where does arroz con pollo originate from?


What is Puerto Rico’s most popular dish?

Arroz con gandules

The word for book in Italian is libro (masculine, plural: libri), which comes from the Latin word liber.

How do you say you read a book in Italian?

Translation of “I am reading a book” in Italian

I am reading a book. Sto leggendo un libro.

How do you say they write a book in Italian?

Conjugation of scrivere

  1. Gli. uomini. scrivono. nello. zucchero. . The men write in the sugar. 264 Comments.
  2. Loro. scrivono. il. libro. . They write the book. 40 Comments.
  3. Loro. scrivono. un. libro. . They write a book. 41 Comments.

How do you say Girl in Italian?

If you want to say “girl” in Italian, you would say “la ragazza.” Want to say “boy” instead? Then use “il regazzo.” The plural of each is “i regazzi” (the boys) and “le regazze” (the girls).

What is a boy in Italian?

ragazzo. More Italian words for boy. il ragazzo noun.

How do you say exercise book in Italian?

  1. giornaletto.
  2. fumetto.

What is the English word for libro?

“Libro” is the Italian, Spanish, and Filipino word for “book”.

What is Italian for in?

In the case of the Italian preposition in, you can use it in almost the exact same ways as the English word “in.” Here are a few examples: Sono in cucina. = I am in the kitchen. In estate, non andiamo a scuola.

What do you call a baby girl in Italian?

baby-girl. neonata. baby noun. bambino, bebè, neonato, bimbo, lattante.

What are popular Italian girl names?

The top 10 Italian names for girls

  • Sofia.
  • Giulia.
  • Aurora.
  • Alice.
  • Ginevra.
  • Emma.
  • Giorgia.
  • Greta.

1       n   libro  ,   (notebook)
quaderno,   (of matches)
bustina,   (of tickets)
I read it in a book      l’ho letto in un libro  
he wrote it down in his book      l’ha scritto nel quaderno  
the books        (Comm)   i libri contabili  
to keep or do the books      tenere la contabilità  
to be in sb’s bad books      essere nel libro nero di qn  
to bring sb to book (for sth)      costringere qn a render conto (di qc)  
to throw the book at sb        (in accusing)
imputare a qn tutte le accuse possibili,   (in punishing)
condannare qn al massimo della pena  
by the book      secondo le regole  
in my book      a mio avviso, a parer mio  

a      (reserve, seat, room, table)
prenotare, fissare, riservare  ,   (ticket)
prendere, comprare

b      (Police, driver)   fare una contravvenzione a, multare,   (Ftbl)   ammonire

3       vi   prenotare  ,   (ticket)

address book         n   rubrica  

book in  

1       vi + adv     (at hotel)
prendere una camera

2       vt + adv     (person)
prenotare (una camera) per  

book up  
   vt + adv   riservare, prenotare  
the hotel is booked up      l’albergo è al completo  
tonight’s performance is booked up      la rappresentazione di stasera è esaurita  
I’m booked up      fam   sono occupatissimo  

book club         n   club    m inv   del libro  

book ends         npl   reggilibri    mpl     

book-keeper      n   contabile    m/f     

book-keeping      n   contabilità  

book token         n   buono    m   libro    inv     

book value         n   valore    m   contabile  

cash-book      n   libro or giornale    m   di cassa  

coffee-table book      n  
pej   libro da mettere in mostra   libro da mettere in mostra  

colouring book   , coloring book     (Am)      n   album    m inv   da colorare  

comic book         n     (Am)   fumetti    mpl     
he reads a lot of comic books      legge un sacco di fumetti  

cookery book         n     (Brit)   libro di ricette  

Domesday Book      n     (Brit)   libro del Catasto fatto compilare da Guglielmo il Conquistatore   libro del Catasto fatto compilare da Guglielmo il Conquistatore  

e-book      n  
libro elettronico, e-book    m inv     

exercise book         n   quaderno  

hymn book         n   libro dei canti  

instruction book         n   libretto di istruzioni  

library book         n   libro della biblioteca  

minute book   [1]      n   libro dei verbali  

order book         n   copiacommissione    m inv     
to have a full order book      avere molte ordinazioni  

pattern book         n   album    m inv   di modelli  

paying-in book      n     (Brit)   carnet di distinte di versamento   carnet di distinte di versamento  

pension book         n     (Brit)   libretto della pensione  

petty cash book         n   primanota  

phone book         n   guida del telefono, elenco telefonico  

phrase book         n   vocabolarietto  

picture book         n   libro illustrato  

prayer book         n   libro di preghiere  

ration book         n   tessera annonaria  

reading book         n   libro di lettura  

receipt book         n   blocchetto delle ricevute  

reference book         n   libro or testo di consultazione  

rent book         n   libretto di ricevute dell’affitto   libretto di ricevute dell’affitto  

rule book         n   regolamento  

song book         n   canzoniere    m     

statute book         n   codice    m     

talking book         n   audiolibro  

visitors’ book         n  
  (in hotel)
registro dei clienti  ,   (in museum)
registro dei visitatori

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∙ 13y ago

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Libro is an Italian equivalent of ‘book’. It’s a masculine gender noun that takes as its definite article ‘il’ [‘the’] and as its indefinite article ‘uno’ [‘a, one’]. It’s pronounced ‘LEE-broh’.

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