What is the word for animal lover

What is the word for animal lover?

What is another word for animal lover?

zoophilist animal person
pet lover pet person
lover of animals lover of pets
friend of animals friend to animals
one who likes animals one who likes pets

What is a lover of animals called?

March 9, 2013 · A lover of animals – Philozoic.

What is Cynophilist?

: a dog fancier : one that is favorably disposed toward dogs.

What does Tidsoptimist mean?

more time than they do

What are cat lovers called?

ailurophile • eye-LOOR-uh-fyle • noun. : a cat fancier : a lover of cats.

What is a Librocubicularist?

A fancy word for someone who reads in bed. The sesquipedalian librocubicularist is the name for a person who reads books in bed.

What is an Eccedentesiast?

New Word Suggestion. A person who fakes a smile.

What is it called when you can read someone?

A person who can read another person’s thoughts is called a telepath, or a mental telepath.

What is Bibliosmia?

1) ‘Bibliosmia’ is a word that means enjoyment from smelling good or old books. 1) ‘Bibliosmia’ is a word that means enjoyment from smelling good or old books.

Is Biblichor a real word?

Biblichor is the word that describes the particular smell that belongs to old books. Biblichor is a newly created word that combines the Greek words biblio (book) with ichor (the fluid that flows like blood in the veins of the gods), much the way petrichor was created.

Why do we love the smell of books?

Books are made up of paper, adhesive, and ink. When these materials degrade over time, they give off organic volatile compounds, which in turn produce a smell that’s appealing to readers. The reason the smell is so appealing may be because it has a hint of vanilla.

What is it called when you love the smell of books?

Bibliosmia or book-smell is caused by the chemical breakdown of compounds within the paper.

What does a bookstore smell like?

What does a book smell like? Freshly printed books might smell of paper and ink, but older books have a sweet, musky smell that wafts into a book-lovers nose and lingers.

Why do old books smell different than new ones?

Generally, it is the chemical breakdown of compounds within paper that leads to the production of ‘old book smell’. Paper contains, amongst other chemicals, cellulose, and smaller amounts of lignin – much less in more modern books than in books from more than one hundred years ago.

Are old books dangerous?

Books Dust can cause Lung Cancer, Heart Attack, Allergy… By Hassan Bolourchi, Ph. There are no other normal cases that you blow dust in your nose by yourself. Since dust particles can be very harmful, in this article we study the hazards and the solutions of this problem.

Why do old books smell like vanilla?

A common smell of old books, says the International League for Antiquarian Booksellers, is a hint of vanilla: “Lignin, which is present in all wood-based paper, is closely related to vanillin. As it breaks down, the lignin grants old books that faint vanilla scent.”

Why do old books smell bad?

It turns out that the smell of old books is due to the organic materials in books (like cellulose from wood pulp) reacting with light, heat and water, and over time releasing volatile organic compounds or VOCs.

How do you get the musty smell out of old magazines?

If the pages smell musty, try one of these methods:

  1. Wait for a clear day and leave them out in the fresh air for a few hours.
  2. Put individual copies in a plastic container; sprinkle with a cup or so of baking soda or clay-type cat litter and keep sealed for several days.

How do you get the musty smell out of an old house?

To do this, mix two cups of vinegar, one cup of borax and 16 ounces of hydrogen peroxide bleach in a bucket of hot water. Then, wipe the mix over your smelly walls to break down grease, kill mildew and remove odors.

How do you remove mold from old books?

For a paperback book, you can use a soft cloth lightly dampened with denatured alcohol for getting rid of mold in house. Use light, gentle strokes as not to damage the paper/glossy cover, and make sure that you dab away the excess liquid and dry the book thoroughly but gently.

What does mold look like on books?

Mold — A telltale sign of mold is a fuzzy growth in any color, or white stains across the book pages. If you know you’ve had a water damage event in the past, you can assume your book has mold. Removing the mold quickly after an incident is the best way to avoid any infections or irritations.

Does Lysol kill mold?

Mold is a type of fungus that decays organic matter. Its spores float through the air until they find a place that has enough nutrients and water to support their life. Lysol is a brand of disinfectant that makes a cleaning solution that will kill mold and mildew spores.

Is foxing mold?

Sometimes mold can appear as a phenomenon called “Foxing”. Foxing appears as brown stains on the pages of a book. Mold that appears as foxing is usually accompanied by spots at the top of the text-block. The spots have the same “branching” characteristic that appeared on the previous book.


What is an animal lover called?

A lover of animals – Philozoic.

What do you call someone who loves animals and nature?

A lover of wild animals would be a agriozoophile, or a zoophile for all animals. A biophile would be one who likes nature.

What is an adjective for animals?

bestial, beastly, feral, ferine, swinish, brutal, brutish, brute, subhuman, animal, wild, animalian, untamed, physical, bodily, zoological, zoic, carnal, savage, zoologic, beastlike, theriomorphic, undomesticated, instinctive, visceral, bearish, instinctual, inhuman, wolfish, violent, inhumane, wicked, neanderthal.

How do you describe a dog lover?

The technical term for those who love dogs is Cynophilist. And the love for a dog is called Canophilia. It is better to call them as ‘Dog Lovers’ as this word depicts that the persons love dogs.

How do you praise an animal lover?

12 Inspirational Quotes All Animal Lovers Should Know

  1. “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” –
  2. “Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day.” –
  3. “Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet.”

How do you compliment a pet lover?

15 Compliments That Are Totally Ok To Say To A Dog But Not To A Human

  1. Stogie.
  2. Ginger.
  3. Doc.
  4. Loki.
  5. Nellie. “Do you know how pretty you are, Nellie?!”
  6. Noodle. “You are such a good meatball, I would order you at Olive Garden.
  7. Lena. “You can really rock those doggles, beans!”
  8. Trevor. “It’s ok if you bark sometimes.

What is a Cynophilist?

: a dog fancier : one that is favorably disposed toward dogs.

How do you compliment a cute cat?

Here are some choice comments that are A-OK to utter if you’re speaking to a new feline friend:

  1. Hey, baby girl!
  3. I want you to be my baby princess forever and ever.
  4. You are so sassy.
  5. I love that little black one.
  6. Come to me, baby girl.
  7. I see you!
  8. I really want to pet you…DON’T RUN INTO THE STREET!

How do you describe a beautiful dog?

Words to describe dog looks

  • 01Adorable. Adorable describes a delightful appearance that makes you smile in amazement.
  • 02Cute. When you have a pretty dog with dazzling eyes and fluffy fur, then call it cute.
  • 03Muscular.
  • 04Lean.
  • 05Short.
  • 06Fluffy.
  • 07Massive.
  • 08Exuberant.

What is a adjective for dog?

adjective. of or like a dog; relating to or characteristic of dogs: canine loyalty.

How do you describe a cute puppy?

Here are some adjectives for puppy: quaint and gawky, healthy six-week, delightful fuzzy, lanky and particularly clumsy, more newborn, astoundingly clean, cute but stupid, oversized exuberant, little, roly-poly, gentle, amorous, impudent, obstinate, judicious, ambitious, nasty, proud, presumptuous, ungrateful, fat and …

What is a fancy word for dog?


  • canine,
  • doggy.
  • (or doggie),
  • hound,
  • pooch,
  • tyke.
  • (also tike)

How do you say hi in dog?

The dog word for “hello” is woof (pronounced wuf, wüf, and sometimes wrüf, depending on breed and regional dialect). Facing your dog, say woof in as energetically and friendly a way as possible (tone of voice is very important; the similar-sounding weuf means “Back off! This is my food!”).

What does the slang word dog mean?

informal a man or boy regarded as unpleasant, contemptible, or wretched. US informal a male friend: used as a term of address. slang an unattractive or boring girl or woman. US and Canadian informal something unsatisfactory or inferior.

What is the opposite word for dog?

What is the opposite of dog?

abandon leave
abort end
forgo relinquish
scrap leave alone
let go

What is the scientific name for a dog?

Canis lupus familiaris

What is the opposite word of Lion?

What are the antonyms for LION? zero, subordinate, nobody, inferior, underling, nothing, lightweight, half-pint.

What is female of Lion?

Lions. He’s the king of the pride and it’s his job to protect the female lions, called lionesses and their young cubs.

What is Lion feminine?

Lioness: : The word ‘lioness’ is the feminine form of the noun ‘Lion’ which originally is in its masculine form which is a type of carnivores animal and is considered the king of the jungle.

What is opposite word of Tiger?

What are the antonyms for TIGER? reed, weakling, softy, wimp, milquetoast, pushover.

What’s a female tiger called?


What is the opposite word of horse?

What is the opposite of horse?

colt filly
foal mare
field mouse

What is the opposite word of cow?

What is the opposite of cow?

calm comfort
embolden encourage
gladden hearten
help incite
inspirit please

What is a synonym for cow?


  • cow.
  • oxen.

What cow means?

1a : the mature female of cattle (genus Bos) b : the mature female of various usually large animals (such as an elephant, whale, or moose) 2 : a domestic bovine animal regardless of sex or age. 3 chiefly British, informal : a woman who is stupid or annoying Liesel was on such a high that she felt indestructible. “

What male animal is called a bull?

The word “bull” also denotes the males of other bovines, including bison and water buffalo, as well as many other species of large animals, including elephants, rhinos, seals and walruses, hippos, camels, giraffes, elk, moose, whales, and antelopes.

What is a Jill animal?

sow (large) or jill (small) Boar (large) or hob, jack (small) colony (large) or Business (small)

Why do bulls hate red?

The true reason bulls get irritated in a bullfight is because of the movements of the muleta. Bulls, including other cattle, are dichromat, which means they can only perceive two color pigments. Bulls cannot detect the red pigment, so there is no difference between red or other colors.

Do bulls hate red?

The color red does not make bulls angry. In fact, bulls are partially color blind compared to healthy humans, so that they cannot see red. According to the book “Improving Animal Welfare” by Temple Grandin, cattle lack the red retina receptor and can only see yellow, green, blue, and violet colors.

Why do bulls not like to be ridden?

Bucking behaviours are linked to predator evasion. When a bull is attacked, the predator initially attacks the bull’s flank. These areas contain the muscles that are needed to run. When these muscles are damaged, the animal is no longer able to flee, which then makes it easier for predators to kill.

What are animal lovers called?

A person who loves animals or pets. zoophilist. animal person. pet lover. pet person.

What is Philozoic?

philozoic (comparative more philozoic, superlative most philozoic) Fond of animals. (rare) Loving one’s fellow man; philanthropic.

What does the slang word dog mean?

informal a man or boy regarded as unpleasant, contemptible, or wretched. US informal a male friend: used as a term of address. slang an unattractive or boring girl or woman. US and Canadian informal something unsatisfactory or inferior.

What is the opposite word of dog?

What is the opposite of dog?

abandon leave
abort end
forgo relinquish
scrap leave alone
let go

What is the opposite word of Lion?

What is the opposite of lion?

nobody noncelebrity
lightweight wannabe
unknown has-been
nonentity pleb
non-person commoner

What is the female word of Lion?


What is a synonym for loins?

Synonyms. inguen body trunk torso body part groin.

What name means Lion of God?


What is called Lion baby?

A baby lion is called a cub.

What is a good lion name?

Here are some great lion names from cinema to consider.

  • Simba.
  • Nala.
  • Mufasa.
  • Scar.
  • Sarabi.
  • Zuba.
  • Alex.
  • Aslan.

What’s the name of Lion?


Lion Temporal range: Pleistocene–Present PreꞒ Ꞓ O S D C P T J K Pg N ↓
Genus: Panthera
Species: P. leo
Binomial name
Panthera leo (Linnaeus, 1758)

What is the other name of God?

English Bible translations of the Greek New Testament render ho theos (Greek: Ο Θεός) as God and ho kurios (Greek: Ο Κύριος) as “the Lord”. Other names used by Christians include Ancient of Days, Father/Abba which is Hebrew, “Most High” and the Hebrew names Elohim, El-Shaddai, Yahweh, Jehovah and Adonai.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Meaning of «animal lover» in the English dictionary

Animal lover is a noun. A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality.

Is animal an adjective?

animal adjective (PHYSICAL)

Is animal lover a character trait?

Animal lover is a lifestyle trait featured in The Sims 3: Pets. It conflicts with Dog Person, Cat Person and Equestrian. Sims with the Animal Lover trait love all members of the animal kingdom and have special benefits when interacting with Pets.

What is the adjective of lover?

1feeling or showing love and affection for someone or something synonym affectionate, tender a warm and loving family She chose the present with loving care.

What is a female lover called?

Philogyny is fondness, love, or admiration towards women. … Its antonym is misogyny. Philogyny is not to be confused with gynephilia, which is sexual attraction to women or femininity.

38 related questions found

Are there more cat lovers than dog lovers?

1. There are more dog people than cat people. About six percent more US households own dogs than own cats. In survey after survey, people who say they love dogs outnumber cat-lovers by as much as five to one.

What is the personality of a dog lover?

People who said they were dog lovers in the study tended to be more lively — meaning they were more energetic and outgoing — and also tended to follow rules closely. Cat lovers, on the other hand, were more introverted, more open-minded and more sensitive than dog lovers.

Are cat lovers more intelligent?

Thankfully now cat people can have a new and much more favorable connotation attached: highly intelligent! It’s true! According to a study on the subject among 600 participants, it’s been shown that cat owners, and those who are drawn to the feline kind in general, are reported to have a higher IQ.

What animal means simple?

An animal is a living creature such as a dog, lion, or rabbit, rather than a bird, fish, insect, or human being. He was attacked by wild animals. He had a real knowledge of animals, birds and flowers. Synonyms: creature, beast, brute More Synonyms of animal.

What kind of noun is an animal?

The noun ‘animal’ is usually a common noun, not a proper noun.

What is the adjective form of cow?

The adjective bovine is used for anything that has to do with animals from the genus “Bos,” which classifies wild and domestic cattle. … People can be described as bovine if they are intellectually dull, slow-moving, or somewhat cow-like in their appearance.

What is a word for a dog lover?

The technical term for those who love dogs is Cynophilist. And the love for a dog is called Canophilia.

What makes someone an animal lover?

An animal lover openly expresses their empathy.

Naturally, it makes sense that animal lovers are people who openly express empathy towards animals. In your relationship with your pet, you probably have a good understanding of what it’s like to give and receive unconditional love.

What is Philozoic?

Adjective. philozoic (comparative more philozoic, superlative most philozoic) Fond of animals. (rare) Loving one’s fellow man; philanthropic.

What dog is the most loving?

  • Labrador Retriever. The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, and it’s no surprise it tops the list as being one of the most affectionate. …
  • Greyhound. …
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. …
  • Golden Retriever. …
  • American Pit Bull Terrier. …
  • Old English Sheepdog. …
  • Irish Wolfhounds. …
  • Collie.

What does being a dog lover say about you?

Personality Trait: Agreeable

According to the survey, if you’re a dog person, you’re 13% more likely to be agreeable than a cat person. Agreeable people tend to be: Trusting. Altruistic.

Do dogs personality?

Dogs do have a personality. It can be described in very specific terms, just like those of humans. Further, these traits even have their equivalents in human personalities. For instance, reactivity and fearfulness are features of human openness to experience.

Why do cats sleep with their owners?

Cats are very vulnerable when they are sleeping and like to find a place, or person, that they trust to sleep on. When they sleep with their owner they are confirming to you that they trust you. While your cat does trust you they also want to keep warm and they love the heat from their humans.

Do introverts prefer cats?

1. Cats don’t go outside. … Introverts’ preference to stay at home a lot is quite compatible with a cat’s lifestyle. They really appreciate it when you are at home and can provide food or a lap, or when you scatter empty boxes around the house.

Can cats tell if you’re a good person?

Although a cat may not care (as that word is generally used) about human morals, cats can and do distinguish between good and bad people, and are excellent judges of human character and emotion.

What do you call a woman who dates a married man?

mistress. noun. a woman who is having a sexual relationship with a married man.

What is a married woman’s lover called?

In modern times, the word «mistress» is used primarily to refer to the female lover of a man who is married to another woman; in the case of an unmarried man, it is usual to speak of a «girlfriend» or «partner». The term «mistress» was originally used as a neutral feminine counterpart to «mister» or «master».

What is the difference between a paramour and lover?

As nouns the difference between lover and paramour

is that lover is one who loves and cares for another person in a romantic way; a sweetheart, love, soulmate, boyfriend, or girlfriend while paramour is an illicit lover, either male or female.

One who psychotically behaves as if everything is abuse or mistreatment of animals, defending them from people for little to no reason and often going to extremes in doing so; anifiscative

Some animal-lover screamed «CALL THE POLICE» when she found out that I hadn’t given my dog a bath for a couple weeks.

«NEGLECT! MOVE OUT OF MY HOUSE,» my animal-loving mom hollered at me when I told her I had left our bird home alone for a couple hours.

When some animal-lover on Yahoo Answers informed me that she was going to burn down my house and key my car if I ever yelled at my cat again, I just laughed my ass off.

The animal-lover next door reported us to Animal Control for leaving our miniature shnauzer outside for the evening in 60 degree weather, claiming it was much too hot for our dog.

I was accused of being an animal-lover when I told my baby sister that she should give the Turtle to a family who loves it and to go fuck herself because she didn’t play with it for 2 days.

Get the animal-lover mug.

A club on Stardoll full of perverted dumb bitches. They have nothing else to do except create «drama» with other lowlifes who have nothing better to do. They like to «invade» other clubs and don’t pay any attention to people that aren’t «well known». Pretend that they have friends by making friends with people in the club that they’ll never meet in real life. They think they’re being clever/funny when they talk about things like blue waffle and sex when the really just look like perverted dipshits. If I had to sum of this shit bag of a place I’d say that it’s just a bunch of stupid, hormonal idiots who never get off their periods.

1. Heard of animal-lovers before?

2. Yeah, it’s just dumb cunts that think they’re popular and cool but they aren’t.

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