What is the word for a group of deer

Are deer social animals? Do they party in a group? How many members are there in a deer group? Do they survive alone?

Have these questions crossed your mind? Don’t worry because I have marked them and answered all right here. Keep reading!

What is a group of deer called? It is commonly called a Herd and Parcel. But there are other terms as well like a mob, Rangale and Bunch. Deer are social animals and don’t like to stay alone so they stay in herds.

Distinguished by their hoofed feet, slender legs, beautiful almond-shaped eyes, and shy nature, deer are relatively tame animals that belong to the family Cervidae. There are approximately 43 different subspecies of deer which are found in abundance in the grasslands and forests of every continent except Australia and Antarctica.

A large group of deer is called a herd. The term herd includes larger and smaller groups as well as groups of different social order (depending on the networking and behavior of the deer species at hand).

Deer are not solitary animals by nature, and they prefer to travel and live in groups as opposed to living alone. A group of deer is known as a herd or parcel.

A herd usually consists of anywhere from 6 to 12 deer. It is led by a dominant female deer. Bucks or male deer only join herds during mating seasons, otherwise preferring to live on their own.

Female deer or does live under the supervision of bucks and go to great lengths to take care of their offspring, known as fawns.

Classified as mammals, female deer look after their calves, suckling them and feeding them until they are mature enough to hunt and live on their own. Deer are herbivores, so they make living by eating copious amounts of leaves, grass, and a variety of shrubs.

Hunting deer has been a popular and coveted pastime since the middle ages. Even in present days, hunters venture deep into forests and grasslands, especially during the fall season. Hunting deer has great economic significance. Their meat, called venison, has a lesser amount of cholesterol and unhealthy fat, and has a greater degree of moisture and protein. Thus, it is frequently used to make steaks, minced meat, and sausages. Deerskin also has great significance because it is used to manufacture gloves, jackets, and even for binding books. Strangely new information to you, right?

Other Names For Group of Deer

The basic terms to call a group of deer are herd and parcel but people also call them by some other names and these names include Rangale, Mob and Bunch respectively.

The social structure of deer has allowed them to survive and evolve over the years. Deer are herbivores, typically eating fresh grasses, fruit, fungi, and lichens. Deer do not exist below North Africa, where their place in the ecosystem is taken by antelopes. Over the rest of the world, various species of deer can be found.

Deer are hiders and find (and fight for) territory under low hanging evergreen branches. The female gives birth to one or two fawns in spring. Deer are hunted by many predators, like wolves, cougars, dogs and not to forget humans.

Social Behavior of Deer

Deer are social animals and their rigid social structure determines everything from the territory and right to breed to matters of safety. Individual responsibility is also determined by the hierarchy. This social order is key to safety for wild deer.

A female alpha doe claims responsibility for protecting and shielding her herd. Her survival techniques such as spreading out when chased by predators are key to the safety of her herd.

If danger is approaching she immediately warns her herd. The responsibility for training young deer to hunt, find water, and the cover is also handled by her.

Deer older than one year of age are driven out of the herd by her command. Like many wild animals, the male becomes territorial and aggressive after reaching maturity. Until then, alliances ensure that food and shelter is never a problem.

group of deer

Communication amongst deer takes place mostly through body language. The Head movement indicates whether the deer is angry or happy. The posture may also indicate an individual’s social order.

When deer become aggressive or territorial their tensed-up shoulders and eyes immediately give it away. The limited sounds deer emit are also key to their survival.

The danger is indicated by stamping a hood while bleating indicates hunger. When in distress, deer emit a unique high-pitched bawl. The social order of deer is the key to ensuring safety and survival.

The leader is usually the most experienced doe while the eldest buck gets access to key territory and does. Equally dominant animals fight to one-up the other. They may box, kick, or charge at their rival.

Life of Deer

Deer are especially active during the day, making use of their time by finding bedding, food, and shelter. It has been observed that weather and seasonal changes greatly affect their behavior.

They are the most active during autumn and when the weather is cloudy. However, they are not nearly as active during the winter months and when it is raining.

Moreover, being a deer lover you can read newly discovered researches about it in Whitetail Savvy Book.

Deer, unlike numerous other animals, do not hibernate during the winter. Instead, their fur and skins thicken, thereby insulating them and providing warmth.

Female deer, or does, are fierce protectors of their young ones. After giving birth, a doe suckles her fawn for approximately 3-4 months. They also safeguard their fawns by hiding them in the forest, visiting them about 3 to 4 times a day.

These young fawns live with their mother until the following birthing season when their mother gently nudges them away.

Does are generally more social than bucks and prefers to live in groups with various other does. This group is headed by an alpha doe who is responsible for warding off danger.

She also looks out for young fawns by teaching them necessary survival skills.

Unlike does, male deer are not nearly as social, nor do they prefer to live in groups. At times, a group of young bucks may live together before they reach maturity.

However, once they reach maturity, they become extremely territorial and are willing to fight in order to establish their authority and assert their dominance.

When mating season approaches in the middle of autumn, bucks ferociously pursue does, so much so that in areas dominated with humans, they even become aware of ongoing traffic, consequently resulting in accidents.

Once a buck has successfully attracted a doe and mated, it stays with the doe for a number of days to prevent her from being approached by other male deer.

Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)

What is a Group of Red Deer Called?

The general term for a group of deer is herd. These herds may be smaller or larger depending on species. Whitetail, blacktail and mule deer generally live in smaller groups than other deer.

What is a Group of Baby Deer Called?

An individual baby deer may be referred to as fawn, calf or kid. Therefore the collective noun is calves, kids or fawns.

What is a Small Group of Deer Called?

A small group of deer may be called herd or parcel.

What is a Group of White-Tailed Deer Called?

A group of whitetail deer is called a herd or parcel.

What is a Group of Fallow Deer Called?

The collective noun for a group of fallow deer is herd or parcel.

What is a Group of Male Deer Called?

The term for an individual male deer is buck or stag and a group of male deer is referred to as bucks or stags.

What is a Group of Roe Deer Called?

Parcel or herd of roe deer is the correct collective noun for roe deer.

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Final Verdict

Gladly, now you know what is a group of deer called. Deer are mammals from the Cervidae family. Their singular and collective noun is deer. The male may be referred to as stag or buck, while females are called doe or hind. Young deer are called fawn, kid or calf. There are sixty deer species living across the various populated parts of the earth. Human migration has also introduced them to Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa where they did not originally exist. Deer are identified by their antlers, which can be found on the heads of all-male deer except for water deer. 

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Deers? Dears? Deihrs? Knowing what to call a group of something has almost become a pastime nowadays, but there’s a good reason — it’s fun! Today, we are going to be taking a look at one of the most commonly seen animals in the world, the lowly deer. There are many different types of deer, but what do you call them? Let’s find out: What is a group of deer called? The different answers may surprise you!

What is a Group of Deer Called?

herd of deer

Deer, when in a group, can be referred to as a bevy, a rangale, a bunch, or a parcel.

©Rebecca C. Photography/Shutterstock.com

In most situations, you can refer to a group of animals like deer simply as a “herd”. A herd of deer is probably the most common way to designate them, but it is most assuredly the most boring. To be more deer-specific, the other ways to refer to a group of deer include a bevy, a rangale, a bunch, or a parcel. When using parcel, however, it’s generally going to refer to a group of only young deer.

Grammatically, one could also refer to a group of deer simply as a “group” since that is a collective noun or even a mob. One thing to be sure of, however, is don’t call them a gang! Gangs are a reference to elk, so unless you want to risk angering the rangale of deer you are referring to, it’s best to avoid it.

How Do You Say Deer Plural?

Getting the exact definition for a group of deer is maybe what you were looking for, but in case you were looking for how to say deer plural, we also have that!

The word “deer” is an irregular noun that does not change in its plural form. This means that whether you are referring to one deer or multiple deer, the word remains the same. For example, you could say, “I saw a deer in the forest” or “I saw many deer in the forest,” and the word would not change.

This is important to note, even when referring to different types of deer. In common language, for example, fish is the singular and plural form of the word, but the word “fishes” is used to represent different types of fish together. There is NOT a version of deer that is equivalent to the way that English speakers use fishes.

What are Deer Called Around the World?

Alaskan Yukon Moose

While deer usually refers to a specific visual type in everyday language, the scientific category includes members like moose and elk.

©Szczepan Klejbuk/Shutterstock.com

There are different species of deer that live all over the world, but does everyone call them deer? Well, it depends on the native language, firstly.

In English-speaking regions, “deer” is usually a reference to a group of ruminant animals that belong to the Cervidae family, which includes common members like the red deer, white-tailed deer, and the roe deer. In scientific language, however, the category is a bit more expansive than English speakers generally use in regular language. This can be seen in how we reference animals like elk, caribou, and moose, which are all three considered members of the Cervidae family and, therefore, deer. For most people, though, elk are called elk and moose and called moose, not deer. There is a bit of a distinction between what people call deer in everyday language and what is scientifically considered to be a deer.

Do Deer Gather in Herds?

Elk and caribou can form huge herds during migratory parts of the year.

©Chase Dekker/Shutterstock.com

Most species of deer gather in herds for protection against predators and for mating purposes. These herds are mainly all-male or all-female except during breeding season when males fight for control of a female herd. Certain types of deer, such as moose, do not travel in herds.

The size of deer herds can vary depending on the species and their habitat. For example, white-tailed deer form small male herds of between 3-5 individuals, while caribou herds are sometimes known to swell to 500,000 individuals, like what happened in 2003.

Herds of deer can be seen all over the world, especially in the United States. Smaller herds of white-tailed deer are often seen at the edges of forests during dawn and dusk hours, and larger herds of elk are seen in mountainous areas in states like Colorado and Utah.

Regardless of the type of deer you see, you now know what you can call them if they are in a group together!

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white tailed deer

Michigan is divided into three hunting zones: the upper peninsula (zone 1), the Northern zone (zone 2), and the Southern zone (zone 3).

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About the Author

Colby Maxwell

Colby is a freelance writer from Charlotte, North Carolina. When he isn’t distracted by his backyard birdfeeder, you can find him camping, exploring, and telling everyone around him about what he’s recently learned. There’s a whole world to learn about and Colby is content to spend his life learning as much as he can about it!

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Have you ever wondered what to call a group of deer? Many animals have specific collective nouns that people like to use. You might benefit from knowing appropriate collective nouns if you come across deer a lot. This article will explain those to you.

A group of deer is called a herd. This is the most common way to refer to a larger group of deer, and most people will stick to this as the collective noun. You may also come across a “bevy of deer,” “a rangale of deer,” or “a bunch of deer.”

What Is a Group of Deer Called

Other alternatives include:

  • Parcel: Group of young deer
  • Mob: Large group of deer
  • Group: Simple collective noun
  • Gang: Group of elk

Animal collective nouns aren’t all that common anymore. They were created once to show that you might know more about collective terms than someone else. Really, there is no such thing as a “correct” collective term.

With that said, many animals still have collective terms associated with them. For example, you’ll hear “a school of fish” or “a murder of crows” very often. The word “group” still works, regardless of the animal that you refer to.

What Is a Group of Female Deer Called?

A group of female deer has no key differences from a group of male deer. You should still refer to a group of female deer as a “herd.”

However, the difference comes from the name of a female deer. A female deer is known as a “doe” (so, “does” in the plural form).

So, when referring to a group of deer (either males or mixed genders), you would say;

  • A herd of deer

But, when referring to a group of only female deer, you should say:

  • A herd of does

Notice as well here that “does” has a plural form. The singular form is “doe” (which sounds like “dough”). You can add an “s” to the end to show the plural form.

“Deer” does not have the same luxury. You can only say “a herd of deer” because “deer” is the same, both singular and plural.

What Is a Group of Bucks Called?

“Buck” is the name given to male deer. “Bucks” refers to male deer of all ages (it doesn’t only apply to the younger men among the crowd).

There isn’t a specific term to refer to “bucks” over “deer.” You would still use “herd” as the most appropriate collective noun when talking about a group of male deer.

So, we now have the following:

  • Mixed: Herd of deer
  • Female: Herd of does
  • Male: Herd of bucks

And again, “bucks” has a plural form. The singular form is “buck,” but you will not need the singular form when also using the collective noun.

What Is a Group of Fallow Called?

There are specific variations and species of deer to note here as well. A fallow deer is a species of deer that has spots across its back.

While the species might differ from regular deer, the collective term stays the same.

You can use any of the options provided earlier in the article, but “herd” works the best here.

  • Herd of fallow deer

It’s best to say “fallow deer” when referring to them as a group. This makes it clear that you’re referring to that species of deer.

What Is a Group of Roe Deer Called?

Just like fallow deer, roe deer is another specific type of deer. Interestingly, roe deer do come with a slightly different collective noun than the others.

You may still use “herd” for roe deer, but “bevy” is a more appropriate term.

“Bevy” as a collective noun refers to three specific animals:

  • Roe deer
  • Quails
  • Larks

If you’re referring to any of these, “bevy” works really well. Generally, “bevy” is not used to refer to any other type of deer.

What Is a Group of Elk Called?

Finally, we’ll go over what a group of elk is called. They follow similar rules as the other types of deer.

You may use “herd” to refer to a group of elk. It’s also common to hear them described as a “gang.”

“Herd” works best, so it’s the one you should use most.

You might also notice that “elk” is used here rather than “elks.” That’s because “elk” doesn’t have a plural form, much like “deer.” “Elk” is both singular and plural, so “herd of elk” is the only correct way to write it.

How Many Is a Herd of Deer?

Most deer herds are only three to five deer strong. They don’t travel in large packs, so you’ll often find this the most common number.

However, there is no minimum or maximum when referring to a herd of deer. As long as there is more than one deer, you are looking at a “herd.”

What to Remember

The best collective noun is “herd.” You should use this noun when describing groups of deer regardless of gender or species. It’s the most likely variation you’ll come across.

The only exception is “bevy.” “Bevy” is the best collective noun to refer to roe deer. Otherwise, “herd” is the best option.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Table of Contents

  1. Whats a pack of reindeer called?
  2. What’s a female deer called?
  3. What do you call a female panther?
  4. Is Rudolph a male or female?
  5. Can female deer grow antlers?
  6. What are Mooses antlers for?
  7. What are moose’s antlers called?
  8. What animals lose their antlers?
  9. Can you tell the age of a moose by its antlers?
  10. What is the biggest moose in the world?
  11. How old is a moose?
  12. What is a good score for a moose?
  13. How do you judge a 50 inch moose?
  14. What makes a moose legal?
  15. How do you judge a 50 moose?
  16. How do you judge a moose?
  17. How tall is a moose?
  18. What is a trophy Shiras moose?

Animal Group Terminology

Whats a pack of reindeer called?

Most people, upon seeing a bunch of deer together, would call it a herd; however, you also could call the group a bunch, a mob, a parcel or a rangale.

Species Name Group Name
deer herd, bevy
dogs pack, mute, kennel
elephants herd
elk gang

What’s a female deer called?


What do you call a female panther?

Male panthers are simply referred to as “panthers.” However, female panthers are generally called “she-panthers.” Baby panthers are known as cubs. 2. A fully grown male panther can weigh as much as 250 pounds or as little as 100 pounds. Since panthers are carnivores, they mainly eat other animals, including deer.

Is Rudolph a male or female?

Rudolph and rest of Santa’s reindeer are all female, says N.S. scientist. The first written account of Santa Claus having reindeer was in 1821, and since then most people have assumed the reindeer were male – but a scientist says those people would be wrong.

Can female deer grow antlers?

Both male and female reindeer grow antlers, while in most other deer species, only the males have antlers. A male’s antlers can be up to 51 inches long, and a female’s antlers can reach 20 inches. Unlike horns, antlers fall off and grow back larger each year.

What are Mooses antlers for?

Antlers mainly serve as a display of a bull moose’s stature and strength during the fall mating season. In some situations, two bull moose with similar size racks will face off against each other, locking their antlers together to fight for a female.

What are moose’s antlers called?

Most adult male moose have distinctive broad, palmate (“open-hand shaped”) antlers; most other members of the deer family have antlers with a dendritic (“twig-like”) configuration….Moose.

Moose Temporal range: Early Pleistocene to Recent
Family: Cervidae
Subfamily: Capreolinae
Genus: Alces Gray, 1821
Species: A. alces

What animals lose their antlers?

All male members of the deer family in North America shed their antlers annually, including Moose, Whitetail Deer, Blacktail Deer, Sitka Deer, Couse Deer, Reindeer, and Caribou. Reindeer and Caribou are the only deer species in which the female also grow antlers!

Can you tell the age of a moose by its antlers?

Antlers of older moose vary to such great extent that it is an impossible task to accurately identify an animal’s age. Moose antlers will vary in size and rate of growth. Other than the yearling moose any attempt to judge a moose age is purely guesswork.

What is the biggest moose in the world?

Alaska-Yukon Moose

How old is a moose?

On average, moose live 10 to 15 years in the wild. Moose are considered fully mature at 4 to 5 years of age.

What is a good score for a moose?

Sizing up moose To qualify for the B&C records, moose antlers require a minimum score of 195, which is derived from four simple measurements: the greatest spread between the two antlers, the width and length of each palm, and the circumference of each beam.

How do you judge a 50 inch moose?

Imagine adding a foot from the tip of each flattened ear for a safe 50 inch guide, or double the 30 for a 60 inch moose. The approximate length of an adult bull moose’s ear is 10 inches, the width of a moose’s head is also roughly 10 inches. To effectively judge a bull you need a good straight-on look at him.

What makes a moose legal?

If uncertain about the antler spread, count brow tines. However, if the antlers are 50 or more inches wide, it doesn’t mat- ter how many brow tines are present, the moose is legal. Likewise, if the moose has the required number of brow tines, it is legal regardless of the antler spread.

How do you judge a 50 moose?

The normal inside width of a 50 to 60 inch moose is between 27 and 32 inches wide, then add an extra ten inches on each side (that you are sure of) and you are now looking at a 47 to 52 inch wide bull.

How do you judge a moose?

The major features that make up a B&C score for moose are: Greatest Spread, D – Width of Palm, and Length of Palm. Of all the living members of the deer family, moose have the greatest amount of antler material.

How tall is a moose?

1.4 – 2.1 mAdult, At Shoulder

What is a trophy Shiras moose?

In general, the Shiras moose is smaller in antler growth and body size. The minimum score for entering a Shiras moose in the Boone and Crockett Club is 140” you can see their scoring system here. A moose tag is a once in a lifetime tag in a lot of the lower 48 states so any legal bull should be considered a trophy!

If you’ve ever spoken, heard, or read about deer in your life, you may already know that the word deer doesn’t play by the rules, as the plural form of it doesn’t have an ‘s’, meaning that more than one deer is still called deer, just like fish, moose, and octopus.

Deer also have a specific collective noun for male and female groups and groups as a whole, depending on size of the group and species. We will give you everything you need to know about groups of deer and what all the vocabulary means.

Names for Groups of Deer

Most people would call a group of deer a herd, similar to other hoofed mammals like cows, or horses. However, they can also be called mob, rangale, parcel, or bunch.

The word deer itself comes from the old English word déor. Déor was used to refer to any undomesticated animal that had four legs, from a hedgehog all the way to a wild horse.

Deer are a part of the Cervidae family, as well as ungulates, meaning that they have hooves.

Origins of Collective Nouns

Even though it might make more sense to simply call all groups of animals “groups,” the etymology of English is quite complicated. Our language not only comes from many others as roots (such as Latin and Greek), but in past centuries, deer hunters, among other hunters, named their prey with specific terms to show off their knowledge.


Deer hunters have been around for thousands of years, when men and women both would travel deep into the forest. They would rally together on horses, bringing food and wine and sleeping in the forest until they found their prey.

Deer hunting has significant cultural traditions in many places; royalty would even go out on long adventures to find large mature bucks. When they would return with huge animals, not only would the meat be used to feed families and villages, but their antlers were mounted as prized possessions and deerskin was used for clothing and blankets.


Close your eyes and skip down if you’re a vegetarian. Venison is the word for deer meat. This word comes from the French language, and before that, Latin. The word vanari means to hunt, so venison used to mean any meat that was hunted, which could have meant cow, horse, deer, boar, or pig. Over time, it became generally known only for deer meat.

Venison is actually a very healthy choice, low in cholesterol and fat, with a high amount of protein and moisture. People usually use venison as steaks, sausages, and minced meat in pies. Deer are herbivores, which means that their meat is quite tender.

Venison is quite expensive, though, and today it is known as an affluent choice for food.


Veal is a more specific word, a version of venison. Veal is baby deer meat. There is some controversy regarding the choice to eat veal, but some cultures consider it a delicacy.


Rangale is a word that many people haven’t heard, especially as it refers to groups of deer. A rangale is a form of the ancient French word “rengaille.” A rengaille was the main section of an army—usually the common people sacrificing themselves. Deer, in comparison, are almost always seen around other deer. They are social animals, living their entire lives together. They also protect each other and give each other companionship, just as common citizens and army battalions did.


When you hear the word parcel, it might make you think of a package because, in Latin, the word “particula” refers to small portions or packages. A small herd of deer is often called a “parcel.” Usually, though, if you have much larger groups, they will simply be called herds.


A herd is the most common term for a large group of deer, but it can also be used for a small family (this is the most common word that people know and use). It’s also what a group of deer is called when there are many levels of social order together.

A herd of deer usually has anywhere from six to 12 members. This group is led by an alpha doe or a female leader. The alpha doe is often the oldest female deer in the group, and she is in charge because she has the most experience. Bucks and stags only come around during the mating season. They usually live alone, unlike the rest of the deer, preferring to roam the herd’s lands in solitary action. However, they supervise the rest of the herd from afar, making sure that predators are not too close and that other stags will not intrude on the group.

The females make sure that their fawns are kept safe at all times, just like many mammal mothers. They give them milk and nurture them until it is time for them to join the herd as mature females or males.

Deer are social animals that help each other survive by alerting each other to danger for the herd with snorts, fluffing of their tails, stomping on the ground, and staring hard with their nose pointed in a certain direction while moving their ears back and forth to bring in as much movement sight, sound, and scent as possible.

Deer have developed these behavioral traits over thousands and thousands of years to ensure the survival of their herds.

Types of Deer

Across the entire world, there are at least sixty species of deer. These all look and act a bit differently depending on how they have evolved and the place in the world from which they came. The migration of humans has brought deer to South Africa and Australia, as well as North America, Asia, and Europe.

There are many types of deer among these species, such as does, stags, bucks, and fawns. But what do all these words mean and when should you use one over the other?


You know the song, “Doe, a deer, a female deer.” Easy enough to remember! The female deer leader is also called the ‘alpha doe.’ Does can also be called ‘hinds.’ The alpha doe is often the most experienced or oldest of the herd, and she helps protect the group and teach the rest what to do, especially when the bucks are not present.


A stag is the head male or the ‘alpha male’ of the herd. The stag deer is usually the oldest and receives the best territory on the vegetation and bedding areas as well as the first pick of does during mating season. When many bucks are competing to take over the position of the stag, they might box, kick, or charge their rivals. The stag, as with the other male deer, usually spends most of his time alone unless he comes back for extra protection or mating.


The rest of the males in a herd who are not the stag are called the bucks. Bucks are not as social as young deer or female deer, and they tend to live alone and only come back to the group to mate.

During this mating time, their personality changes significantly, and rutting bucks (what they are called when they are in heat) are known to run into traffic in search of their preferred female deer.

Once a male deer has successfully mated with a female deer, the male deer will stay around for a few days to make sure that she is not approached or mounted by another male deer. This is another way that deer have evolved, not necessarily for the protection of the species but for the protection of their own genes.

Read: What Are Tines on a Deer?


A baby deer (mothered by a stag or a buck and a doe) is called a fawn. When a doe is giving birth, it is called “fawning.” Usually, a doe will fawn one or two babies each summer after mating season.

Fawns are nursed by their mother does for about three or four months. They tend to stay in their area of nesting, as they are not yet strong or confident enough to travel long distances for food or run as fast as the rest to escape a predator, but the mother does visit them a few times a day in between grazing and finding water. Fawns are also sometimes known as calves (like the baby of a cow) or kids (like the baby of a goat). See how all the hoofed mammals are related?

Species of Deer

Each different deer species is also referred to by a specific name.


Did you know that a moose is actually part of the deer family? You can identify them by their massive antlers. A group of moose is also just called “moose.”


Reindeer also don’t have an ‘s’ when you refer to more than one! Santa has eight reindeer, not reindeers. Male and female reindeer both use the same collective noun. Reindeer are sometimes also known as caribou.

Mule Deer

You might not think you’ve ever seen a mule deer, but if you’ve watched or read ‘Bambi,’ then you know what a mule deer looks like!

Fallow Deer

A group of fallow deer is called a parcel or herd, similar to many other species.

Red Deer

A group of red deer is called a herd or parcel if they are a small group, as they generally are.

White Tail Deer

A group of white tail deer is usually called a herd or parcel, as they often live in small groups as opposed to some other species.

Black Tail Deer

Black tail deer also live in small groups, so are usually called parcels.

Roe Deer

The proper collective noun for roe deer is also herd or parcel.

Other Types of Deer

There are many other species of deer, including elk and sika deer.

Bringing All These Words Together

Now, if anyone asks you, “What is a group of deer called?”, you will be able to answer intelligently… probably with more information than they thought they’d receive!

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