What is the word book in spanish

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


At least there are answers in the back of that book.

Al fin y al cabo hay soluciones al final de ese libro.

Well, he’s… workin on his book or something.

Pues, él está… trabajando en su libro o algo así.

The book consists of seven chapters, divided into three parts.

La obra se compone de siete capítulos, divididos en tres partes.

In principle, Conan Doyle named his book A tangled skein.

En principio, Conan Doyle tituló a su obra Una madeja enmarañada.

Alex, book down, run a brush through your hair.

Alex, baja el libro, pásate un cepillo por el pelo.

I go into this very topic in my critically acclaimed book.

Me adentro en este tema en mi libro aclamado por la crítica.

Click here to add your book or calendar to the service.

Haz clic aquí para añadir tu libro o calendario a este servicio.

This picture is the hallmark of censorship in the book record.

Esta imagen muestra el sello de la censura en el libro registrado.

The book was so well received that readers clamored for more.

El libro fue tan bien recibido que los lectores clamaron por más.

The students didn’t remember what they read in that book.

Los alumnos no se acordaron de lo que leyeron en ese libro.

The book of pure evil can give you anything you desire.

El libro de la maldad pura puede darte todo lo que desees.

You’re having his baby, and his book is brilliant.

Tú tendrás un bebé con él, y su libro es genial.

His first book comes out, everyone calls him a genius.

Sale su primer libro, todo el mundo lo considera un genio.

Your brothers and sisters, about what the holy book says…

Tus hermanos y hermanas… de lo que el libro sagrado dice.

We know there’s another book being written by a journalist.

Sabemos que hay otro libro que está siendo escrito por un periodista.

We offer the same salvation, just without the rule book.

Les ofrecemos la misma salvación, solo sin el libro de reglas.

Been using the pages of this philosophy book for rolling paper.

Uso las páginas de un libro de filosofía para hacer mis toques.

That’s not what I read in your dad’s book.

Eso no es lo que leí en el libro de tu papá.

I’ve forgotten who wrote this famous book I once read.

Se me olvidó quien escribió un famoso libro que leí una vez.

An advice book that goes about as deep as a thimble.

Un libro de consejos que va casi tan profundo como un dedal.

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Table of Contents

  1. What is the word for books in Spanish?
  2. What is a TÍA?
  3. How do you say these are my books in Spanish?
  4. Is Coches masculine or feminine?
  5. Is car feminine or masculine in French?
  6. What is a feminine quality?
  7. What food makes you more feminine?
  8. What foods make you feel feminine?
  9. What foods increase testosterone?
  10. What food kills testosterone?
  11. Do bananas lower testosterone?
  12. What is the best testosterone booster?
  13. How can I raise my testosterone levels naturally?

Wiktionary: book → anotar, multar, reservar. book → libreto, álbum, libro.

What is a TÍA?

Tío/Tía. How do you say it? “ Tio/Tia” What does it mean and how is it used? While these literally mean “uncle,” and “aunt,” they’re also used informally to generally refer to another person.

How do you say these are my books in Spanish?

“yes, these are my books” | Spanish Translator. sí, estos son mis libros.

Is Coches masculine or feminine?

they are both masculine. other words for el coche are, el carro and el auto. if you are specifically talking about a van or pickup truck, you can use la camioneta, although any of the other words will work just fine. I read in the dictionary that el coche is a masculine noun.

Is car feminine or masculine in French?

The word for ‘car’ in French is une voiture. As you can see here with the use of the feminine indefinite article, une, voiture is a feminine noun.

What is a feminine quality?

Traits traditionally cited as feminine include gracefulness, gentleness, empathy, humility, and sensitivity, though traits associated with femininity vary across societies and individuals, and are influenced by a variety of social and cultural factors.

What food makes you more feminine?

When an individual is looking to help naturally boost their estrogen levels, estrogen boosting foods can make a big difference.

  • 10 Estrogen building foods:
  • Tofu. Tofu is produced from soy milk which is naturally high in phytoestrogens, specifically isoflavones.
  • Flax Seeds.
  • Sesame Seeds.
  • Soybeans.
  • Hummus.
  • Garlic.
  • Dried Fruit.

What foods make you feel feminine?

5 Foods that Promote Feminine Health

  • Cranberry juice. Women are prone to urinary tract infections, and cranberries are one of nature’s best defenses against them.
  • Yogurt.
  • Soy.
  • Sweet potatoes.
  • Fatty acids.

What foods increase testosterone?

8 Testosterone-Boosting Foods

  • Tuna.
  • Low-fat milk.
  • Egg yolks.
  • Fortified cereals.
  • Oysters.
  • Shellfish.
  • Beef.
  • Beans.

What food kills testosterone?

People worried about their testosterone levels might choose to avoid the following foods.

  • Soy products. Soy foods, such as tofu, edamame, and soy protein isolates, contain phytoestrogens.
  • Dairy products.
  • Alcohol.
  • Mint.
  • Bread, pastries, and desserts.
  • Licorice root.
  • Certain fats.

Do bananas lower testosterone?

Bananas contain an enzyme called bromelain which is known to help boost testosterone levels. Bananas are also excellent for maintaining energy levels and reducing antioxidants so make the perfect on the go snack!

What is the best testosterone booster?

Here are 8 of the best testosterone boosting supplements.

  1. D-Aspartic Acid. D-Aspartic acid is a natural amino acid that can boost low testosterone levels.
  2. Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that your body produces upon exposure to sunlight.
  3. Tribulus Terrestris.
  4. Fenugreek.
  5. Ginger.
  6. DHEA.
  7. Zinc.
  8. Ashwagandha.

How can I raise my testosterone levels naturally?

Here are 8 evidence-based ways to increase testosterone levels naturally.

  1. Exercise and Lift Weights.
  2. Eat Protein, Fat and Carbs.
  3. Minimize Stress and Cortisol Levels.
  4. Get Some Sun or Take a Vitamin D Supplement.
  5. Take Vitamin and Mineral Supplements.
  6. Get Plenty of Restful, High-Quality Sleep.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
book n (bound printed work) libro nm
  I’m reading a very good book. She has many books in her shelves.
  Estoy leyendo un libro muy bueno. Ella tiene muchos libros en sus estantes.
the book n dated, informal (telephone directory) guía nf
  I needed the number of a plumber, so I looked in the book.
books npl (accounts) (finanzas) libros nmpl
   (finanzas) libros contables nmpl + adj mf
  The accountant is checking the books.
  El contable está revisando los libros.
book [sth] vtr (reserve: seat, place, flight) reservar⇒ vtr
  We’re going to book seats on the early flight.
  Reservaremos asientos en el primer vuelo.
book [sb] vtr informal (police: charge [sb] officially) fichar a vtr + prep
  The police booked the suspects for murder.
  La policía fichó a los sospechosos de asesinato.
Additional Translations
Inglés Español
book adj (finance: pro forma) (contabilidad) valor contable loc adj
   (MX) valor en libros loc adj
  The merchandise should sell at book value.
  Las mercancías se venderán a valor contable.
  Las mercancías se venderán a valor en los libros.
book n (part of a written work) capítulo nm
    volumen nm
  The last book of the novel is very exciting.
  El último capítulo de la novela es muy apasionante.
(part of the Bible) libro nm
  The Bible begins with the Book of Genesis.
  La Biblia comienza con El Génesis.
book n (music: libretto) libreto nm
  The producer liked the book for the musical, and decided to stage it.
  Al productor le gustó el libreto para un musical y decidió montarlo.
book n (betting: record) apuesta nf
  Let’s open a book on whether John and Jane will actually get married next week.
  Hagamos una apuesta sobre si John y Jane realmente se casarán la semana que viene.
book n (set of samples) muestrario nm
  Geoff was looking through a book of wallpaper samples.
  Geoff estaba mirando un muestrario de papel pintado.
book n (electronic text) libro electrónico nm + adj
    libro digital nm + adj mf
  The software allows you to download a book.
  El software te permite descargar un libro electrónico.
book of [sth] n (pack or set of [sth]) paquete de nm + prep
  I purchased a book of stamps at the post office.
  Me compré un paquete de estampillas en la oficina postal.
book n as adj (of or about books) en libros loc adj
    de libros loc adj
  Sidney is a book expert.
  Sidney es experto en libros.
book [sb/sth] vtr (hire, engage) contratar a vtr + prep
    contratar⇒ vtr
  The parents are going to book a clown for the party.
  Los padres van a contratar a un payaso para la fiesta.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Locuciones verbales
Inglés Español
book in vi phrasal (check in: at hotel) (hotel, etc.) registrarse⇒ v prnl
book [sb] in,
book [sb] in for [sth]
vtr phrasal sep
(make appointment) reservar⇒ vtr
   (AR) pedir turno loc verb
    reservar para vtr + prep
   (AR) pedir turno para loc verb
  I’ve booked you in at midday for a cut and blow dry.
  Te he reservado la hora del medio día para cortar y secar.
book into [sth] vtr phrasal sep (check into: hotel, etc.) (ES) registrarse⇒ v prnl
book out,
book on out
vi phrasal
slang (leave quickly) irse corriendo loc verb
    salir corriendo loc verb
book [sb] out,
book out [sb]
vtr phrasal sep
(hotel: transfer a guest to another hotel) transferir a alguien a loc verb
book [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (reserve fully) estar completo v cop + participio
    no tener habitaciones disponibles loc verb
   (CO) lleno/a adj
  There was no room at the hotel; they were completely booked up for the summer.
  No había lugar en el hotel, estaban completos por todo el verano.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Compound Forms:
Inglés Español
account book n UK (finance ledger) (contabul) libro mayor loc nom m
    libro de contabilidad nm + loc adj
account book n US (accounting ledger) (contabilidad) libro de cuentas loc nom m
  The bookkeeper kept two sets of account books: one for the tax man, and another for his investors.
  El contador lleva dos juegos de libros de cuentas: uno para el tasador y otro para los inversionistas.
address book n (book of contact details) agenda nf
    libreta de direcciones nf + loc adj
    guía de direcciones nf + loc adj
  My address book used to be an actual book, but now it’s a file on my computer.
  Antes mi agenda era un libro, pero es ahora un archivo en mi computadora.
answer book n (solutions to exercises) cuaderno de respuestas nm + loc adj
  I purchased the math textbook, but did not buy the answer book.
  Compré el libro de texto de matemáticas, pero no compré el cuaderno de respuestas.
    clave de los ejercicios, clave de respuestas grupo nom
  Compré el libro de texto de matemáticas, pero no compré la clave de respuestas.
appointment book n (schedule) agenda nf
attendance book n (register of those present) libro de asistencia nm + loc adj
  Students need to sign the attendance book at the beginning of class.
  Los estudiantes deben firmar el libro de asistencia al comienzo de la clase.
bank book n (account book) libreta bancaria nf + adj
black book n (list of people) lista negra loc nom f
in [sb]‘s black book,
in [sb]‘s black books
(in [sb]‘s disfavor) en la lista negra expr
blue book n figurative (guide, almanac) almanaque nm
blue book n US (price list: esp. cars) catálogo de precios grupo nom
  Never buy a used car until you have checked its blue book value.
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Espere un momento que voy a mirar el precio en el catálogo.
    libro azul loc nom m
  Nunca compres un auto usado hasta confirmar su valor en el libro azul.
board book n (with hard pages) libro de cartón nm + loc adj
book bag n (satchel) portafolio nm
  My homework was in my book bag, but now I can’t find it.
  Mis deberes estaban en un portafolio, pero ahora no los encuentro.
    mochila nf
  Mi tarea estaba en la mochila, pero no la encuentro.
book burning n (ideological: destroying books) quema de libros nf + loc adj
  The book burnings were motivated by the Church’s objection to scientific thinking.
  La quema de libros surgió motivada por las objeciones de la Iglesia al pensamiento científico.
book club n (reading group) club de lectura nm + loc adj
  My book club meets the first Monday of every month to discuss a new book.
  Mi club de lectura se reúne los primeros lunes de cada mes para discutir un nuevo libro.
    grupo de lectura nm + loc adj
  Mi grupo de lectura se reúne los primeros lunes de cada mes para discutir un nuevo libro.
book club n (subscription service) club de lectores, club del libro, círculo de lectores nm + loc adj
  The book club sends a book of its choosing to its subscribers.
  Mi club de lectores se reúne todos los primeros lunes de cada mes para discutir un nuevo libro.
book corner n (protects corner of a book) protector para esquinas de libros nm + loc adj
book corner,
reading corner
(quiet area for reading) área de lectura nf + loc adj
book cover n (outer binding) tapa nf
    cubierta, portada nf
   (CO) pasta nf
  There are few bookbinders who can repair the gilt lettering on leather book covers.
  Hay pocos encuadernadores que puedan restaurar la letra de oro de las tapas de cuero de los libros.
book cover n (design on front, back) (libro) diseño de tapa, diseño de cubierta nm + loc adj
book cover n (protective jacket) (libro) sobrecubierta nf
    forro nm
book end,
(support that keeps books in place) sujetalibros nm inv
  Bob gave me a matching pair of wooden book ends as a present.
  Roberto me regaló un par de sujetalibros de madera.
book fair n (fair for selling books) feria del libro nf + loc adj
  There is a large book fair in the main square of La Habana.
  Hay una feria del libro grande en la plaza principal de La Havana.
book jacket n (removable paper covering of a book) forro nm
  The library covers book jackets with plastic so they will look nice longer.
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Juan se enojó conmigo porque perdí el forro del libro que me prestó.
    sobrecubierta nf
book knowledge n (theory) (AR) saber literario nm + adj
book launch n (publication event) (de un libro) lanzamiento nm
    presentación nf
book learning n (knowledge gained through books) aprendizaje de los libros nm + loc adj
book learning n (formal education) educación formal nf + adj mf
book lover n (bibliophile: [sb] who enjoys reading) gran lector, gran lectora adj + nm, nf
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Manuel es un gran lector, le encanta pasar horas leyendo.
   (peyorativo, coloquial) ratón de biblioteca loc nom m
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Es un ratón de biblioteca, se pasa la vida entre libros.
    amante de la lectura n común + loc adj
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Nunca fui muy amante de la lectura, lo que me gusta es el deporte.
book review n (critique of a book) reseña de libro nf + loc adj
  Alexandra writes the book reviews for a national newspaper.
  Alexandra escribe reseñas de libros para un periódico nacional.
book share (economics) (economía) número de acciones nm + loc adj
book value n (business: net worth) valor contable, valor nominal nm + adj mf
  Buying that car at far less than book value was a great bargain.
  Comprar ese coche a un precio mucho menor que su valor contable (or: valor nominal) fue una ganga.
(maintaining financial records) contabilidad nf
   (ES) teneduría de libros loc nom f
  Kevin is in charge of the company’s bookkeeping.
  Kevin está a cargo de la contabilidad de la compañía.
book plate,
ex libris
(name label affixed inside a book) ex libris loc nom m
    entre los libros de loc prep
book rack
(support for an open book) apoya libro loc nom m
    soporte para libro nm + loc adj
book rack
(shelf for holding books) estantería nf
    biblioteca nf
bring [sb] to book v expr (call to account) anotar en la cuenta de loc verb
by the book adv figurative (according to rules) (coloquial) a rajatabla loc adv
    según las reglas loc adv
  My boss likes to do things by the book.
  A mi jefe le gusta hacer las cosas a rajatabla.
  A mi jefe le gusta hacer las cosas según las reglas.
    punto por punto loc adv
  A mi jefe le gusta hacer las cosas punto por punto.
    de acuerdo con el procedimiento loc adv
  A mi jefe le gusta hacer las cosas de acuerdo con el procedimiento.
   (coloquial) al pie de la letra loc adv
  A mi jefe le gusta hacer las cosas al pie de la letra.
chapter book n (novel for children) libro infantil nm + adj mf
    novela para niños nf + loc adj
check book (US),
cheque book,
chequebook (UK)
(banking) (AmL) chequera nf
   (ES) talonario de cheques loc nom m
  I need to pay bills, but I can’t find my checkbook.
children’s book n (book intended for children) libro para niños nm + adj mf
  During his career, the artist illustrated several children’s books.
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. A lo largo de su carrera, el artista ilustró varios libros para niños.
choir book n (book containing hymns) libro de cánticos nm + adj mf
  Entonaremos ahora el salmo de la página 22 del libro de cánticos.
closed book n figurative ([sb], [sth] hard to know) reservado/a adj
  Whilst he lived, the singer carefully guarded his privacy; his personal life remained a closed book until after his death.
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Pedro es muy reservado, rara vez cuenta cosas personales.
    enigma nm
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Juan era un enigma, nadie sabía nada de su pasado o de su vida.
    inaccesible adj
   (figurado) libro cerrado nm + adj
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Es un hombre inaccesible, no se abre con nadie.
coffee-table book n (large illustrated hardback book) tomo de lujo ilustrado nm + adj mf
coloring book (US),
colouring book (UK)
(picture outlines) libro para colorear nm + adj mf
  I always take colouring books on long journeys to keep the children amused.
  En los viajes largos siempre llevo libros para colorear así se entretienen los niños.
    cuaderno para pintar nm + adj mf
   (MX) libro para iluminar nm + adj mf
comic book n (magazine, book: comic strip) revista de historietas nf + loc adj
  I loved to read comic books as a kid. Superman comic books were my favorite.
  De niño me encantaba leer revistas de historietas.
    cómics nmpl
  Los cómics de Superman eran mis favoritos.
   (ES) tebeo nm
  Me encantaba leer tebeos cuando era niño. Los tebeos de Superman eran mis favoritos.
comic book illustrator n (artist: comic strips) (ES) dibujante de cómics n común + loc adj
  Vio a un famoso dibujante de cómics por la calle y le pidió un autógrafo.
    dibujante de historietas n común + loc adj
  Hizo un curso de dibujante de historietas por correspondencia.
cookbook n (book of recipes) libro de cocina nm + loc adj
    libro de recetas nm + loc adj
    recetario nm
  Betty has a large collection of international cookbooks.
cookery book n UK (cookbook: book of recipes) libro de cocina nm + loc adj
    libro de recetas nm + loc adj
    recetario nm
  I never use cookery books: I prefer to improvise.
  Nunca uso libros de cocina: prefiero improvisar.
course book,
(textbook used for study) libro de texto loc nom m
  The recommended course book for this semester is available at all good book shops.
    manual de estudio nf + loc adj
    texto de estudios nm + loc adj
crack a book v expr US, informal (open a book to read) abrir un libro loc verb
day book n (diary, daily log book) agenda nf
  I would be completely lost without my day book, my whole life is in there.
  Estaría perdida sin mi agenda ya que todo lo tengo apuntado allí.
    bitácora nf
devour a book v expr figurative (read eagerly) (figurado) devorar⇒ vtr
  Cynthia often sets aside an hour or two each weekend to devour a book.
  Cynthia a menudo se recluye una hora o dos los fines de semana para devorar un libro.
display book n (document folder with clear sleeves) carpeta de folios nf + loc adj
  You can display 20 separate pages of information in a 10-pocket display book.
don’t judge a book by the cover,
don’t judge a book by its cover
proverb (appearances can be deceptive) no hay que guiarse por las apariencias expr
    no hay que dejarse engañar por las apariencias expr
    las apariencias engañan expr
  She definitely looks trustworthy, but don’t judge a book by its cover.
  Definitivamente parece de confianza, pero no hay que guiarse por las apariencias.
double-book [sth] vtr (make two simultaneous reservations) hacer dos reservas simultáneas loc verb
(electronic book) libro electrónico nm + adj
e-book reader,
(electronic device) lector de libros electrónicos nm + loc adj
  E-book readers are popular among people who commute to work by bus or train.
  Los lectores de libros electrónicos son populares entre los que viajan en bus o en tren al trabajo.
exercise book n UK (school notebook) cuaderno de ejercicios nm + loc adj
exercise book n US (book with exercises for students to do) libro de ejercicios nm + loc adj
    cuaderno de ejercicios nm + loc adj
fake book (music) (música) ayuda memoria loc nom f
guest book
(book signed by visitors) libro de visitas loc nom m
  Please sign our guestbook before leaving the hotel.
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Nuestro libro de visitas contiene los comentarios de algunos famosos, pero lo cierto es que ninguno es especialmente interesante.
guest book
(webpage signed by visitors) registro de visitas grupo nom
  The artist’s webpage has a guestbook for visitors to record their names and comments.
guide book,
(book of tourist information) guía turística nf + adj
    guía nf
  Michelin and Lonely Planet are two famous companies that publish guidebooks for travelers. The guidebook recommended taking a boat to Kew Gardens.
  Michelin y Lonely Planet son dos famosas empresas que publican guías turísticas.
hardcover book n (book with a stiff cover) de tapa dura loc adj
  Even though they are expensive, I like to buy hardcover books.
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Hoy en día las ediciones más caras son las de tapa dura.
history book n (textbook tracing past events) libro de historia nm + loc adj
  Me compré un libro de historia para conocer más sobre esa época de nuestro país.
holy book n (text sacred to a religion) texto sagrado nm
  The Bible is considered a holy book by Christians.
    libro sagrado nm
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Hay tres religiones principales que giran en torno a un libro sagrado —cada una el suyo, claro— el cristianismo, el judaísmo y el islamismo.
    sagradas escrituras nfpl
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. No lo digo yo, lo dicen las Sagradas Escrituras…
horror book,
horror novel
(scary, gory novel) novela de terror loc nom f
  Entrevista con el vampiro es muy buena novela de terror.

Can there be a book which has answers only for me?

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¿Puede haber un libro… que tenga respuestas sólo para mi?

Create, Modify, and Delete Address Book Shares.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Crear, Modificar y Borrar Libretas de Direcciones Compartidas.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

And this book in library.

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Y ese libro… en la biblioteca.

The book… does not exist.

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I can write a book, and you can put it down on paper for me.

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Puedo escribir un libro… y usted puede plasmarlo en el papel.

Gave that book as a present to someone, once.

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Una vez le regalé ese libro… a alguien.

Because the easiest way to find the book… Is to follow me.

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Porque la forma más fácil de encontrar el libro… es seguirme.

Well, Clifford Irving told the story in the book.[Welles] Maybe.

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Bueno, Clifford Irving contó la historia en el libro… quizás.

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This book would not exist without the efforts and kindness of many people.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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ESTE LIBRO NO HABRÍA existido sin los esfuerzos y la amabilidad de muchas personas.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Book I The Nature of War.

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You registered me in The Book of Negroes back in Manhattan.

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BOOK TO SCREEN» en inglés.

The book appeared on the New York Times best sellers list.

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Las novelas aparecieron en la lista de Best Sellers del

periódico New York Times.

CHAPTER ONE: The Book of Mormon Challenge.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The US Air force has now

dispatched special operations unit,»Project Blue Book.

context icon

La F.A.E.U. desplegó una Unidad Especial llamada»PROYECTO LIBRO AZUL.

We contact the gallery, we let them know their book is stolen.

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More about scientology 0-8: the book of basics.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Book via our official website and get the best price guaranteed.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Reservando en nuestra web oficial tiene garantizado siempre el mejor precio disponible.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Book his tables, get his lunches, arrange his theater tickets!

context icon

Le reservo mesa, le llevo la comida, le compro entradas de teatro!

Our staff will suggest and book the ideal location for your dinner!

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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¡Nuestro personal le indicará y reservará el lugar ideal para cenar!

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Book Today mom and I church to on Saturday.

Press s gt; Address Book and scroll to the address book entry.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Oprima s gt; Libreta de direcciones y desplácese hasta el ingreso de la libreta de direcciones.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Mr. Meunier, should I book a room at the Greenpark Hotel?

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Sr. Meunier,¿le reservo una habitación en el hotel Greenpark?

We book them for your event and take care of a smooth course.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Nosotros reservamos los chóferos y preocupamos por un desarrollo sin dificultades para su evento.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Book a hotel room in Dermani in Jerusalem for two nights.

context icon

Reservó una habitación en el hotel Dermani en Jerusalén, por dos noches.

Results: 96974,
Time: 0.0527

Angry Birds Movie, children’s book project.

Search and book Kandanga Creek mechanics.

These are three Children’s book projects.

Christie’s book falls into this category.

Book your Raleigh party bike tour!

Celebrating the World Book Day 2018!

Please book early for best availability.

This book draws you right in.

Book the Adam Wood Band here!

This book contains this exact concept.





book [bʊk]


1 (publication) libro (m)

the first book of a trilogy there are five books in the saga his new book was an instant best-seller I’m reading a really good book

by the book según las reglas

to play it or to go by the book seguir las reglas

the Home Office said yesterday: `He appears to have done things by the book, once he arrived in Britain everything he did had to be just so, strictly by the book

economics/her life is a closed book to me la economía/su vida es un misterio para mí

don’t talk to me about chemistry — it’s a closed book to me

the book of Genesis el libro del Génesis

the Good Book la Biblia

in my book tal como yo lo veo; a mi modo de ver

«I think it’s acceptable» — «not in my book it isn’t» in my book, he’s not at all a bad chap he calls himself a thinker, but in my book he’s just lazy

a book on politics un libro de política

that’s one for the book eso es digno de mención

well that’s one for the book/ — I’ve never known her wear a skirt before an [open] book

his mind is an open book su mente es un libro abierto

to bring sb to book pedir cuentas a algn

those who planned the murder were never brought to book nunca se les pidió cuentas a los que planearon el asesinato

the Khmer Rouge should be brought to book for its alleged atrocities and massacres

to be in sb’s good/bad books

I’m in his bad books at the moment en este momento estoy en su lista negra; I was trying to get back in her good books estaba intentando volver a congraciarme con ella

she’s always trying to get into the boss’s good books are you hoping to worm your way into my good books? I have to get back in her good books by the weekend it wouldn’t be hard to get into his bad books

to read sb like a book

I know where he’s off to, I can read him like a book sé dónde va, a mí no me engaña

I can read him like a book she can read me like a book keep away from those sweets — I can read you like a book!

to suit sb’s book

it suits his book to play the easy-going liberal le viene bien hacerse el liberal poco exigente; se hace el liberal poco exigente porque le conviene

she would adapt recipes to suit her own book the police were happy to blame it all on Kevin — it suited their book there was a small Guomindang presence, which suited the Communists’ book because of the occasional need for communication and even negotiation

to throw the book at sb castigar severamente a algn

I hope they throw the book at him the shooting was played right down because it was political. We wanted to throw the book at him. This was a case of treason you’ll be dismissed from the Police Force, there’s no doubt of that. And there’ll probably be criminal charges. The papers are onto it and there’ve been questions in the House — they want to throw the book at you if these illegal transfer deals are found to be true then we will throw the book at the clubs involved a [turn up] for the book an unexpected event or surprise we thought he was abroad and when he arrived at the party it was a real turn up for the book

2 (also notebook) libreta (f); librito (m);(also exercise book) cuaderno (m)

I keep all the information in my little black book

3 (also telephone book) guía (f)

I’m in the book estoy en la guía

give me a ring — I’m in the book

4 (set) [of tickets, cheques] talonario (m); [of matches] estuche (m); [of stamps] librito (m)

can I have a book of first-class stamps please?

[of samples] muestrario (m)

I’ve looked at all the patterns in the book and I can’t find one I like

5 books (Comm)

the books las cuentas; la contabilidad

he’s going to help me go over my books it took him all morning to do his books those kinds of payments don’t show up on the books to [close] the books

to keep the books llevar las cuentas or los libros or la contabilidad

I employ someone two days a week to keep the books to cook the books to tamper with accounts or records in order to produce false, but convincing, figures the Minister was accused of cooking the books on unemployment figures there would be no hiding the fact that she had cooked the books and Pounds 3 million was missing

(register of members) registro (m)

they had less than 30 members on their books tenían menos de 30 miembros en el registro; to take sb’s name off the books borrar a algn del registro; he was the most expensive player on the books era el jugador más caro que tenían fichado

we have about 200 properties on our books Sophie had kept her on the books as a free-lance employee there’s no such name on our books Alf England was given There are now about 1,000 people on its books, each paying 115 or 230 if a marriage results an estate agent in Burnley was reported as saying «we have 20 to 30 starter homes at 12,000 on our books» he’s already on the books at several employment agencies

6 (Jur) (also statute book) código (m)

some 15 states have mandatory arrest laws on the books this statute remained on the books, in some states, until recently landowners ignored the laws still on the books the new law is not yet on the books

7 (Gambling)

to make a book on sth aceptar apuestas a algo

to open or start a book on sth empezar a aceptar apuestas a algo

they’ve opened a book on the date of the next General Election to [keep] [run] a book on sth to be accepting bets on sth

8 (US) (Mús) (libretto) libreto (m)

transitive verb

1 (Britain) (reserve) [+ticket, seat, room, table, flight] reservar

we booked the hotel rooms in advance reservamos habitaciones en el hotel por adelantado; all the restaurants are fully booked todos los restaurantes están llenos; have you booked your holiday yet? ¿ya has reservado las vacaciones?

I’m booking a flight for next week the show is very popular and it’s advisable to book a seat I’d like to book a table for four

2 (arrange) [+appointment, time] pedir

I’ve booked an appointment with the dentist he pedido hora con el dentista; can we book a time to meet soon? ¿podemos quedar un día de estos?

/visitors to the exhibition can book a time slot/ a week or more in advance by calling 071-287 9579 if they wish to know more, /get them to book another appointment/

3 (engage) [+performer, artiste] contratar

we can’t do any more concerts this year, we’re fully booked they booked a band for the wedding reception John Lukic is not booked to appear in pantomime over Christmas

4 (take name of) [+police]

he was booked for speeding lo multaron por exceso de velocidad; they took him to the station and booked him for assault lo llevaron a la comisaría y lo acusaron de agresión

(Dep) [+player] amonestar

the referee booked him for a dangerous tackle he was booked for punching another player

5 (note down) [+order] anotar

he issued a Catalogue and attended some of the Flower Shows where he booked his orders

intransitive verb

(Britain) hacer una reserva; reservar

to book into a hotel hacer una reserva or reservar en un hotel

book well in advance book early to avoid disappointment have you booked yet? to book through to


book club (n) club (m) del libro; club (m) de lectores

book fair (n) feria (f) del libro

book jacket (n) sobrecubierta (f)

book learning (n) aprendizaje (m) (a través) de los libros; saber (m) libresco (formal)

book learning is only part of school life el aprendizaje de los libros es solo una parte de la vida escolar

they place a lot of emphasis on book learning

book post (n) correo (m) de libros

book review (n) crítica (f) or reseña (f) de un libro

she writes book reviews for the Times a great mass of clippings, book reviews, cartoons and programs I always read the book reviews

book token (n) vale (m) para libros; cheque (m) regalo para libros

book value (n) valor (m) contable or en libros

we’re not going to sell this company for less than book value the market value of his assets may be twice the book value the issuing of new stock at below book value

Here’s how you say: “book” in Spanish – libro.

How do you say open book in Spanish?

libro abierto loc nom m.

What is take out your book in Spanish?

Inglés. Español. take a leaf out of [sb]’s book v expr. figurative (follow [sb]’s example) seguir el ejemplo de loc verb.

How do you write some books in Spanish?

Answer and Explanation: The phrase ‘some books’in Spanish is ‘algunos libros’.

What is un trabajo?

(I) work, job, I’ve been working (since)

What’s the word for book bag in Spanish?


From To Via
• book bag → cartera ↔ cartable

What is I am a student in Spanish?

I am a student. soy estudiante.

How do you say Spanish books in Spanish on duolingo?

‘A Spanish book’ would be ‘un libro español’.

What is escuchar mean?

(to) listen, (to) listen to, (to) hear.

Do you know the gender of a noun in Spanish?

Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). I don’t know his number, but you can look it up in the book.No me sé su número, pero lo puedes buscar en la guía. (f) means that a noun is feminine.

What does the F stand for in Spanish?

Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). He opened his book and tore off two tickets.Abrió su talonario y arrancó dos boletos. (f) means that a noun is feminine.

What does the m stand for in Spanish?

(m) means that a noun is masculine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). This opera’s book is based on a controversial play.El libreto de esta ópera está basado en una obra controvertida. (f) means that a noun is feminine.

Continue Learning about Other Arts

Is the word book masculine or feminine in Spanish?

The Spanish word for «book» is «libro», and it is masculine.

What spanish word do you get when you unscramble this word birol?

Libro (book)

What is the spanish word for library?

Library = Biblioteca
Book Store = Librería

What does the word contabilidad mean in English?

The English translation of the Spanish word «contabilidad» is
accounting or book-keeping. You can learn the English definitions
of Spanish words at the SpanishDict, WordHippo and Google Translate

What does libros mean in Spanish?

Libro means book in Spanish.

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