What is the third word in this question

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What is the third word in this question?


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Что такое третье слово в этом вопросе?

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Что такое третье слово в этом вопросе?

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


это третье слово в этом вопросе?

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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The puzzle is essentially this: There are three English words ending in «-gry». Two are «angry» and «hungry». What is the third one?

There is no other common word ending in «-gry», so how did the puzzle come about? It first appeared in print in 1975.

Perhaps the answer to the original version of the puzzle was meagry or aggry (as in «aggry bead»). There are over 100 obsolete words that end in «-gry» (see below), and these two were in use until fairly recently. However, since there is no longer a real answer to this, modern versions of the puzzle have turned from being puzzles to being riddles. There are perhaps as many as a dozen versions in circulation — each with a different answer!

Words Ending in Gry

We shall look at each of eight versions of the «-gry» puzzle, and their answers. (Some of these are discussed by Chris Cole in «Wordplay: A Curious Dictionary of Language Oddities».)

1. Think of words ending in «-gry». «Angry» and «hungry» are two of them. There are only three words in «the English language.» What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.

The answer is language.
It is the third word of «the English language». The question needs to be spoken, otherwise the quotation marks give away the trick. This version apparently originated in 1996.

2. «Angry» and «hungry» are two words in the English language that end in «-gry». «What» is the third word. The word is something that everyone uses everyday. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.

The answer is what.
The question states that «what» is the third word, then it asks for the third word. Again this version needs to be spoken to be effective.

3. There are three words in English that end in «gree.» The first two are «angry» and «hungry,» and if you’ve listened closely you’ll agree that I’ve told you the third one.

The answer is agree.
It is a phonetic version of the riddle, asking for words that end in the sound «gree,» but tricks people into thinking about the letters g-r-y by giving the two examples.

4. There are three words in the English language that end in the letters g-r-y. Two are «hungry» and «angry.» Everyone knows what the third word means, and everyone uses it every day. What is the third word?

The answer is energy.
The question asks for a word ending with the three letters g-r-y, but does not stipulate that they must be in that order.

5. There are at least three words in the English language that end in g or y. One of them is «hungry,» and another one is «angry.» There is a third word, a short one, which you probably say every day. If you are listening carefully to everything I say, you just heard me say it three times. What is it?

The answer is say.
The question must be said in such a way that the word «or» sounds like the letter «r». Once more, to be effective it is crucial that this version is spoken rather than printed. This version is first known to have appeared in 1997.

6. There are three words in the English language that end in «-gry.» Two words that end in «-gry» are «hungry» and «angry.» Everyone knows what the third word means, and everyone uses them every day. If you listened very carefully, I have already stated to you what the third word is. What are the three words that solve this riddle?

The answer is I am hungry.
The question asks for three words that end in «-gry», but does not say that they each must end in «-gry.»

7. There are three words in the English language that end in «-gry.» One is «angry» and the other is «hungry.» Everyone knows what the third one means and what it stands for. Everyone uses them every day. And if you listened carefully I’ve given you the third word, what is it?

The answer is three.
It is the third word in the question, and the rest of the question is irrelevant: a red herring designed to put the solver off.

8. There are only three words in the English language, all adjectives, which end in «-gry.» Two are «angry» and «hungry»; the third word describes the state of the world today. What is it?

This is the (presumed) original version of the puzzle from 1975. The possible answers (if obsolete words, names, and hyphenated compounds of «angry» and «hungry» are allowed) are plentiful. Most of the 124 listed below were in the 1933 edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, and all have appeared in some major dictionary of English:

affect-hungry fire-angry MacLoingry Seagry
aggry Gagry mad-angry self-angry
Agry girl-hungry mad-hungry selfe-angry
ahungry gonagry magry sensation-hungry
air-hungry gry malgry sex-angry
anhungry haegry man-hungry sex-hungry
Badagry half-angry managry Shchigry
Ballingry hangry mannagry shiggry
begry heart-angry Margry Shtchigry
bewgry heart-hungry maugry sight-hungry
boroughmongry higry pigry mawgry skugry
bowgry hogry meagry Sygry
braggry hogrymogry meat-hungry Tangry
Bugry hongry menagry Tchangry
Chockpugry hound-hungry messagry Tchigry
Cogry houngry music-hungry tear-angry
cony-gry huggrymuggry nangry th’angry
conyngry hund-hungry overangry tike-hungry
cottagry Hungry Bungry Pelegry Tingry
Croftangry hwngry Pingry toggry
diamond-hungry iggry Podagry ulgry
dog-hungry Jagry Pongry unangry
dogge-hungry job-hungry pottingry vergry
Dshagry kaingry power-hungry Vigry
Dzagry land-hungry profit-hungry vngry
eard-hungry Langry puggry war-hungry
Echanuggry leather-hungry pugry Wigry
Egry ledderhungry red-angry wind-hungry
euer-angry life-hungry rungry yeard-hungry
ever-angry Lisnagry scavengry yird-hungry
fenegry losengry Schtschigry Ymagry


Posted by: Josef Essberger

Here’s a common puzzle: Think of words ending in “-gry”. “Angry” and “hungry” are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is. You may […]

Here’s a common puzzle:

Think of words ending in “-gry”. “Angry” and “hungry” are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.

Posted by Josef Essberger November 2007
Josef founded EnglishClub for learners and teachers of English in 1997.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The -gry puzzle is a popular word puzzle that asks for the third English word that ends with the letters -gry other than angry and hungry. Specific wording varies substantially, but the puzzle has no clear answer, as there are no other common English words that end in -gry.[1][2] Interpretations of the puzzle suggest it is either an answerless hoax; a trick question; a sincere question asking for an obscure word; or a corruption of a more straightforward puzzle, which may have asked for words containing gry (such as gryphon). Of these, countless trick question variants and obscure English words (or nonce words) have been proposed. The lack of a conclusive answer has ensured the enduring popularity of the puzzle, and it has become one of the most frequently asked word puzzles.[3][4][5]

The ultimate origin and original form of the puzzle is unknown, but it was popularized in 1975, starting in the New York area, and has remained popular into the 21st century. Various similar puzzles exist, though these have straightforward answers. The most notable is «words ending in -dous«, which has been popular since the 1880s.


Various proposed answers exist, stating that the question is one of the following:

  • A hoax – there is no answer, and its purpose (or effect) is to frustrate.[6]
  • A trick question, with various answers depending on precise wording.
  • A sincere question asking for an obscure word, most often proposed as aggry, meagry, or puggry. This does not apply to wordings that explicitly ask for a very common word.
  • A corruption of a more straightforward word puzzle, namely a word containing the sequence «gry», though not necessarily at the (tail) end, in which case the answer is gryphon which is uncommon but in use.[7][8][9]

This topic is a source of lively interest, both to lovers of word puzzles and lovers of words. For both groups, much of the appeal lies in the quest, either to trace the origin of the puzzle or compile a complete list of words ending in -gry.

More recently, the word hangry—a portmanteau of ‘hungry’ and ‘angry’—has been used to refer to an irritable state induced by lack of food.[10] Oxford Dictionaries (controlled by, but less restrictive than, the Oxford English Dictionary) added hangry on 27 August 2015,[11][12][13] and the full Oxford English Dictionary added hangry in 2018.[14]


There are anecdotal reports of various forms of the puzzle dating to the 1950s or earlier; the ultimate origin is presumably an oral tradition or a lost book of puzzles.[15] However, the first documented evidence is from early 1975 in the New York metropolitan area, and the puzzle rapidly gained popularity in this year. The most likely source is the talk show of Bob Grant, from some program in early or mid March 1975.

Merriam-Webster, publishers of the leading American dictionaries, first heard of this puzzle in a letter dated March 17, 1975, from Patricia Lasker of Brooklyn, New York. Lasker says her plant manager heard the question on an unnamed quiz show. Since that time Merriam-Webster has received about four letters each year[3] asking the question.

The puzzle first appears in print in Anita Richterman’s «Problem Line» column in Newsday on April 29, 1975. One «M.Z.» from Wantagh, New York states that the problem was asked on a TV quiz program. Richterman states that she asked a learned professor of English for help when she first received the inquiry, and he did not respond for over a month. This agrees with the Merriam-Webster report, suggesting a quiz show in early or mid March 1975.

In Anita Richterman’s column on May 9, 1975, several correspondents reported that they had heard the puzzle on the Bob Grant radio talk show on WMCA in New York City. This suggests either that the earlier claims of a (TV) quiz show confused a talk show with a quiz show, or that there was another unspecified quiz show that was then repeated by Grant.[16] The majority of readers gave the answer «gry», an obsolete unit of measure invented by John Locke. It is unclear whether this was the answer given on the Grant show, or what the precise wording had been.

By fall 1975 the puzzle had reached the Delaware Valley, again apparently by radio, by which time the puzzle seems to have mutated to a form in which the missing word is an adjective that describes the state of the world.[17]

The puzzle has had occasional bouts of popularity: after its initial popularity in 1975, it was popular in 1978, then again in 1995–1996.[18]

Reports of earlier versions[edit]

The most credible report of an early version was given on Stumpers-L,[19] which reported a trick question formulation from an eight-page pamphlet entitled Things to Think About, probably dating to the 1940s:

One enterprising reference librarian found an eight-page pamphlet (no copyright date, but from the appearance probably printed in the 1940s) entitled Things to Think About. The booklet was filled with riddles, including the following:

There are three words in the English language that end with -gry. Two of these are angry and hungry. The third word is a very common word, and you use it often. If you have read what I have told you, you will see that I have given you the third word. What is the third word? Think very carefully.

Three! The question has nothing to do with angry, hungry, or any of the many other obscure words that end in -gry, it is a simple question asking you what the third word in the sentence is. As you take tests, remember this.

Alternative versions[edit]

Trick versions[edit]

  1. This version only works when spoken: There are three words in English that end in a «gree». The first two are «angry» and «hungry», and if you’ve listened closely, you’ll agree that I’ve already told you the third one.[3][20]
    • The answer is «agree».
  2. There are three words in the English language that end with the letters ‘g’, ‘r’, and ‘y’. Two are «hungry» and «angry». The third word is something everyone uses every day. Everyone knows what the third word means. What is the third word?[3][21]
    • The answer is «energy». The riddle says that the word ends in the letters g-r-y; it says nothing about the order of the letters. Many words end with «-rgy», but energy is something everyone uses every day.
  3. Here is another spoken version: There are at least three words in the English language that end in «g» or «y». One of them is «hungry», and another one is «angry». There is a third word, a short one, which you probably say every day. If you are listening carefully to everything I say, you just heard me say it three times. What is it?[3][22]
    • The answer is «say». This version depends upon the listener confusing the spoken word «or» and the spoken letter «r».
  4. There are three words in the English language that end in «gry». Two words that end in «gry» are «hungry» and «angry». Everyone knows what the third word means, and everyone uses them every day. If you listened very carefully, I have already stated to you what the third word is. The three words that solve this riddle are…?[3][23]
    • The answer is the three-word sentence «I am hungry». This version asks for three words that end in «gry», not three words each of which ends in «gry».
  5. This version is a play on the use-mention ambiguity exploited by other versions: I know two words that end in «gry». Neither one is angry or hungry. What are they?[3][24]
    • The answer is «angry» and «hungry». Since these are words, they are not capable of being angry or hungry.
  6. Here is a version invented by Frank Rubin on December 4, 2003: Give me three English words, commonly spoken, ending in g-r-y.[3][24]
    • There are many possible answers, such as «Beg for mercy», or «Bring your money».
  7. This version also uses the use-mention ambiguity: There are three words in the English language that end g-r-y. One is angry and another is hungry. The third word is something that «everyone» uses. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.[3]
    • The answer is «every». First word is «fuming» which ends with «g». The word «fuming» is angry (when personified). Second word is «eager» which ends with «r». The word «eager» is hungry (when personified). Third word is «every» which ends with «y». The word «everyone» uses the word «every».

Meta-puzzle versions[edit]

The remaining versions are a form of meta-puzzle, in the sense that they make no use of the actual letters «gry» themselves, which therefore are a red herring. The red herring only works because there is another puzzle that does use these letters (even though that puzzle has no good answer).

  1. This version only works when spoken. Think of words ending in -gry (g-r-y). «Angry» and «Hungry» are two of them. There are only three words in «the English language». What is the third word? Hint: The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.[3][25]
    • The answer is «language», and the logic is as follows: There are only three words in «the English language»; the third word is «language». Since this version requires quotation marks around the phrase, «the English language», the written version gives away the trick.
  2. Angry and hungry are two words in the English language that end in «gry». «What» is the third word. The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.[3][21]
    • The answer is «what». But again, the quotation marks spoil the puzzle when it is printed.
  3. There are three words in the English language that end with «gry». Two of these are «angry» and «hungry». The third word is a very common word, and you use it often. If you have read what I have told you, you will see that I have given you the third word. What is the third word? Think very carefully.[3][26]
    • The answer is «three», the third word in the paragraph. The rest of the paragraph is a red herring.
  4. There are three words in the English language that end in «gry». The first «one» is «hungry», the second «one» is «angry», what is the third «one»? If you have read this carefully I have given a clue.[3][27]
    • The answer is the word «one», which is the third «one». Again the quotation marks ruin the written puzzle, so this version is usually written without the quotation marks and with the word «one» capitalized.

Similar puzzles[edit]

There are numerous similar puzzles, giving letter sequences that rarely occur in words.[28] The most-notable of these is the -dous puzzle of finding words ending in -dous, which was popular in the 1880s. This took various forms, sometimes simply listing all words or all common words,[29][30] sometimes being posed as a riddle, giving the three common words, tremendous, stupendous, and hazardous, and requesting the rarer fourth, which is jeopardous. This form originated in 1883, with an A.A. of Glasgow writing to George Augustus Henry Sala in his «Echoes of the Week» column in the Illustrated London News.[31][32]
This question has had enduring popularity,[33] even inspiring a contest,[34] though the words have proven less stable: today jeopardous is considered too rare, and the formerly unpopular horrendous has taken its place; this change occurred as early as 1909.[35] At times other words such as hybridous have been accepted.[34] Today hazardous is typically the omitted word, and differs from the others in being a visible compound hazard + -ous. This puzzle has continued in popularity through the end of the 20th century,[36][37] with recent versions giving it as an alternative to the gry puzzle.[38]
There is a Russian puzzle which goes: «There are three words in the Russian language which end in -zo. Two of them are zhelezo «iron» and puzo «belly». What is the third word?» There is quite a handful of other nouns that end in -zo, in the Russian language, but most of them are fairly obscure terms like авизо, abbreviations or proper names like Кензо.
Another similar one is words ending in -cion, of which the common words are coercion, scion, and suspicion.[29][35]

The most similar to the gry puzzle in form is to find three words that contain the letter sequence shion, to which the answer is cushion, fashion, and parishioner; this is typically stated by giving cushion and fashion, and requesting the third word, namely parishioner.[28][39] This can be modified to finding words ending with -shion, in which case the answer is the obsolete word parishion, which is a synonymous variant of parishioner. This has not been nearly as popular as the gry puzzle.

Solution techniques[edit]

The standard way to solve such puzzles is to use a reverse dictionary, or to perform an exhaustive search through a dictionary, either manually, which is tedious and error-prone, or using computer tools such as grep, which requires an electronic word list. At the origin of the gry puzzle, the standard reverse dictionary in modern English was the «Air Force Reverse Dictionary» (formally the Normal and Reverse Word List, compiled under the direction of A. F. Brown), which did not have additional answers for gry. The most plausible answer at the time was meagry, found in the Oxford English Dictionary.[17] A more elaborate strategy is to list words that have endings similar to gry, such as -gary, and then search a larger dictionary for obsolete variants ending in -gry, for example begry for beggary.[40]

From around 1980 electronic word lists became widely available on Unix systems, and searching for answers to the gry puzzle was an occasional benchmark; this also turned up gryphon in some cases, if match is not required to be at the end.[7] This is now easily done in milliseconds on modern personal computers:

grep gry$ /usr/share/dict/words  # Search for words ending in gry
grep gry /usr/share/dict/words  # Search for words containing gry


  1. ^ (Uncommon such words include aggry and puggry.) Both Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged (Merriam-Webster, Inc., 2002, ISBN 0-87779-201-1) and the Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition (Oxford University Press, 1989, ISBN 0-19-861186-2) contain the compound word «aggry bead». To find a third word ending in -gry that is not part of a phrase, you must turn to archaic, obsolete, or uncommon words, or personal or place names.
  2. ^ Collins English Dictionary contains aggry as a standalone word. The only -gry words playable in Scrabble are aggry, ahungry, angry, hungry and puggry.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Cole, Chris (1999). Wordplay, A Curious Dictionary of Language Oddities. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. pp. 96–100. ISBN 0-8069-1797-0.
  4. ^ Daly, Matthew. «Usenet rec.puzzles Frequently Asked Questions». nugry (noo-gree or nyu-gree) n. 1. A newcomer who fails to follow established rules or procedures. 2. One who shows his inexperience by acting inappropriately. 3. One who posts the -GRY puzzle to rec.puzzles, in violation of the FAQ. Archived from the original on 26 March 2007. Retrieved 2007-04-22.
  5. ^ Fundis, Lois. «STUMPER-L Reference Librarian Listserver archives October 1999 (#1042)». «Gry is a fightin’ word to some of us by now; others will take your question as a reminder to change the oil in their cars (every three months).».
  6. ^ Safire, William (27 July 1980). «On Language: Ending with «gry»«. The New York Times Magazine: 8–10., reprinted in Safire, William (1982). What’s the Good Word?. pp. p. 63–64, ‘ending with «gry»‘.
  7. ^ a b USENIX Association, Software Tools User Group, Summer Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2. 1983. p. 343. One test was to find words containing the letter sequence «gry». The «grep gry /usr/dict/words» ran significantly faster on the Concept than on the VAX (the words found were angry, hungry, and gryphon).
  8. ^ Beard, Robert. «The Third English Word Ending on «gry»«. facstaff.bucknell.edu. Archived from the original on June 6, 2017., quotes a Rush Elkins who heard it in 1969 or 1970 at the University of Florida, in which case appearing anywhere in the word was ok, and later realized that it was gryphon.
  9. ^ «gry words». Newsgroup: rec.puzzles. October 1, 1995.
  10. ^ Salis, Amanda (July 20, 2015). «The science of ‘hangry:’ Why some people get grumpy when they’re hungry». CNN. Retrieved 27 May 2016.
  11. ^ «English Dictionary, Thesaurus, & Grammar Help | Lexico.com». Lexico Dictionaries | English. Archived from the original on 1998-12-06. Retrieved 2020-04-19.
  12. ^ «Oxford Dictionaries Adds ‘Fat-Shame,’ ‘Butthurt’ and ‘Redditor’«. Time.
  13. ^ Compton, Lindsey (August 27, 2015). «‘Wine o’clock,’ ‘cat cafe,’ ‘hangry’ added to Oxford dictionary». chicagotribune.com.
  14. ^ «New words notes January 2018». Oxford English Dictionary. January 25, 2018.
  15. ^ «World Wide Words: I Spy Gry!». World Wide Words. October 26, 1996.
  16. ^ Chris Cole (2012). «The Origin of the -Gry Problem». Word Ways. 34 (1).
  17. ^ a b Beaman 1976, «A Philadelphia Story», pp. 43–44.
  18. ^ Stumpers-L, Good Gry-f! How many words end in -gry?, by Glenn Kersten, December 1999: «Fortunately, the popularity of the -gry puzzle has lessened since the boom era of 1995-1996, but SLS Reference Service still receives the question from time to time. Since the same question was a fad in 1978 (see our articles in the November and December 1978 issues of Points of Reference), it looks as though reference librarians should prepare for a 17-year cycle. Hmmm, remind you of anything? The next plague should hit reference desks in the year 2012.»
  19. ^ Stumpers-L, Good Gry-f! How many words end in -gry?, by Glenn Kersten, December 1999
  20. ^ «ANSWER TO THE…GRY PUZZLE?». Newsgroup: rec.puzzles. Retrieved June 12, 2012.
  21. ^ a b «a very difficult riddle». Newsgroup: rec.puzzles. Retrieved June 12, 2012.
  22. ^
    Marilyn vos Savant (March 9, 1997). «Ask Marilyn». Parade magazine.
  23. ^ «Chandeliegry Puzzle». Newsgroup: rec.puzzles. Retrieved June 12, 2012.
  24. ^ a b «The -Gry Puzzle». The Contest Center.
  25. ^
    «The Elvis Duran Morning Show». WHTZ (New York City). 1996-03-28.
  26. ^
    «What is the third word?». Newsgroup: alt.english.usage. May 6, 1996.
  27. ^
    «Sorry-off topic, BUT do you know the answer?». Newsgroup: alt.personals. Aug 8, 1996.
  28. ^ a b The Word Circus: A Letter-perfect Book, by Richard Lederer, Dave Morice, 1998, p. 259
  29. ^ a b Notes and Queries, Vol. VI, No. 10, 1889, October, p. 365
  30. ^ The Brooklyn Magazine, Volumes II, Number 2, 1885, May, p. 85
  31. ^ Collected in Echoes of the year Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-Three,p. 337
  32. ^ See credit of Sala in Tidbits, 1884 February 2, p. 246; reprint: p. 327
  33. ^ Graphite, 1909 March, «‘Dous’ Sequel», p. 1076
  34. ^ a b The Spatula, Volume 2, 1895, p. 360
  35. ^ a b Editor and Publisher, Volume 9, 1909, p. 89
  36. ^ The Game of Words, Willard Epsy, 1971
  37. ^ Beaman 1976, «Kickshaws: An Earlier Kickshaw», p. 40.
  38. ^ The Word Circus: A Letter-perfect Book, by Richard Lederer, Dave Morice, 1998, p. 229
  39. ^ Weeds in the Garden of Words: Further Observations on the Tangled History of the English Language, Kate Burridge, 2005, p. 82, p. 184
  40. ^ Scheetz 1989, p. 198–199.
  • Beaman, Ralph G. (February 1976). «Kickshaws». Word Ways. 9 (1).

Further reading[edit]

  • Eckler, A. Ross. «-Gry Words in the OED». Word Ways, 25:4 (November 1992): 253–54.
  • Francis, Darryl. «Some New -Gry Words». Word Ways, 30:3 (August 1997).
  • Partridge, Harry B. «Gypsy Hobby Gry». Word Ways, 23:1 (February 1990): 9-11. A response to Scheetz’s article, «In Goodly Gree», q.v.
  • Pearce, Murray R. «Who’s Flaithbhertach MacLoingry?» Word Ways, 23:1 (February 1990): 6–8. A response to Scheetz’s article, «In Goodly Gree», q.v.
  • Scheetz, George H. «Colloquy». Word Ways, 10 (August 1977): 152. Scheetz expands on Beaman, q.v.
  • Scheetz, George H. (November 1989). «In Goodly Gree: With Goodwill». Word Ways. 22 (4): 195–204. The first comprehensive historical overview of the -gry puzzle, including a list of 51 words ending in -gry. Scheetz was invited to write this article by A. Ross Eckler, editor of Word Ways.

External links[edit]

  • Merriam-Webster: What is the third common «-gry» word?
  • rec.puzzles Frequently Asked Questions: 2.2. What are the three common English words that end in -GRY?

Many times over the years we’ve been asked «What three words in English end in -gry?» The popularity of
the question has boomed recently, apparently because it’s now being phrased in the form of a riddle, which goes
more or less as follows:

There are three words in the English language that end in -gry. One is hungry and another is angry. What is the third word? Everyone uses this word every day; everyone knows what it means
and what it stands for. If you’ve listened closely, I’ve already told you what the word is.

The last sentence of the riddle is the part that’s keeping people awake at night.

Hungry for an Answer

In the days before the riddle began to spread like a computer virus, our stock answer to questions about the
third word was that Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged (our unabridged dictionary
that contains 470,000 entries) includes just three words ending in -gry. In addition to
hungry and angry, there is anhungry, an obsolete synonym
of hungry. Anhungry was used by Shakespeare in his play Coriolanus (Act I, scene i,
line 209).

Webster’s Third also includes an entry for aggry bead, defined as «a variegated
glass bead found buried in the earth in Ghana and in England,» but we have no evidence that aggry
ever occurs separate from «bead.»

If we dig a little deeper, we find that there are actually many more words that end in -gry,
including gry itself. This extremely rare word was entered and defined in our Second New
International Dictionary
of 1934 as «a measure equal to one-tenth of a line» and was also marked as

The great 20-volume historical dictionary, the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) attests to a number of
equally obscure -gry words. It gives mawgry, magry, and
maugry, all obsolete variant spellings of the word more commonly written maugre, a
preposition meaning «in spite of.» But even this modern spelling of the word is now archaic.

The OED also gives puggry, a variant of the word puggree. Our dictionaries list what
we believe to be the most common form of that word, puggaree, which is of Hindi origin and denotes a
light scarf usually worn wrapped around a sun helmet.

Another example is iggry, which the OED enters as a variant spelling of iggri, an
English spelling of an Egyptian Arabic word meaning «hurry up!» The entry has double bars in front of it,
however, which means that the editors do not consider it an English word even though it appears occasionally in
English contexts. These and other equally unfamiliar words are too rare to merit entry in our unabridged

A Trick Question?

None of these -gry words, of course, provides a satisfactory answer to the riddle, which says the third
word is common and that the answer lies in the riddle itself. However, in truth, angry and hungry are the
only two everyday English words ending in -gry.

The answer, then, may lie in the way the riddle is phrased. Here are two possible wordings suggested by
members of America Online, where this riddle has been much discussed:

1. Think of three words ending in -gry. Angry and hungry
are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is
something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.

According to proponents of this version, the answer to the riddle is the word «language.» This makes sense
when you reduce the riddle to its two central sentences: «There are only three words in the English language.
What is the third word?» (or, in other words, «What is the third word in the three-word phrase the English

The mention of words ending in -gry is assumed to be a smoke screen. The rest of the riddle is interpreted
to mean «What is the third word in the three-word phrase the English language?»

2. There are three words in the English language that end in -gry. One is
hungry and the other is angry. What is the third word. Everyone uses this
word every day. …

Those who prefer this version of the riddle say that the answer is the word «what.» Notice that the sentence
«What is the third word» is not followed by a question mark, so it’s not a question; it’s a statement of the
answer, «What is the third word.» Here again, the words ending in -gry are supposedly just a smoke

We don’t know if either of these explanations is the true solution to the riddle, but we assume that the
solution (if it exists at all) is along these lines.

Again, there are only two common words in English that end in -gry: angry and

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