- advice
- aid
- benefit
- comfort
- cooperation
- guidance
- hand
- service
- support
- use
- assist
- avail
- balm
- corrective
- cure
- lift
- maintenance
- nourishment
- remedy
- succor
- sustenance
- utility
- helping hand
- hand
- worker
- abettor
- adjutant
- aide
- ally
- assistant
- attendant
- auxiliary
- collaborator
- colleague
- deputy
- domestic
- helper
- helpmate
- mate
- partner
- representative
- servant
- subsidiary
- supporter
- ancilla
- right-hand person
- back
- benefit
- bolster
- boost
- cooperate
- encourage
- further
- maintain
- promote
- push
- save
- serve
- stimulate
- support
- abet
- accommodate
- advocate
- ballyhoo
- befriend
- cheer
- endorse
- hype
- intercede
- patronize
- plug
- prop
- puff
- relieve
- sanction
- second
- succor
- sustain
- uphold
- be of use
- buck up
- do a favor
- do a service
- do one’s part
- go to bat for
- go with
- lend a hand
- open doors
- root for
- see through
- stand by
- stick up for
- stump for
- take under one’s wing
- work for
- alleviate
- ease
- facilitate
- restore
- revive
- treat
- ameliorate
- amend
- attend
- better
- cure
- doctor
- heal
- meliorate
- mitigate
- nourish
- palliate
- relieve
- remedy
On this page you’ll find 334 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to help, such as: advice, aid, benefit, comfort, cooperation, and guidance.
What is another word for help?
A close synonym of the verb sense of help is assist. Assist can mean the same thing as help, but it can imply that the assistance is only part of the help being offered. The informal term lend a hand (in which a hand means assistance) often means the same thing.
Some close synonyms for help can be used as a noun or as a verb: aid and support.
Each can have different shades of meaning. Aid is more formal, and it’s often used in the context of serious situations. Support can be used in different ways. It often emphasizes the fact that the person being helped is not alone.
Other synonyms for help are more specific. Guide means to help someone with a task or activity as they do it by providing guidance along the way—which is a bit more hands-on than advising (giving advice).
Relief is often used in the context of helping those who are desperately in need, as in Multiple agencies are working to provide relief to those affected by the hurricane.
Many of the noun synonyms of help can be used with the word provide to create synonyms of the verb sense: provide assistance, provide aid, provide support (and of course provide help).
Sometimes, help means the same thing as facilitate, further, promote, or foster, as This legislation will help economic growth.
What is a fancier word for help?
What are some synonyms for other forms of help?
- antagonist
- boss
- enemy
- manager
- opponent
- blockage
- check
- counteraction
- harm
- hindrance
- hurt
- injury
- management
- obstruction
- ownership
- stop
- block
- condemn
- delay
- depress
- discourage
- dissuade
- halt
- handicap
- harm
- hinder
- hurt
- impede
- neglect
- obstruct
- prevent
- refuse
- stop
- undermine
- conceal
- disapprove
- frustrate
- hide
- ignore
- oppose
- protest
- check
- counteract
- decrease
- injure
- worsen
- destroy
- hurt
- increase
- accuse
- blame
- condemn
- depress
- harm
- injure
- neglect
- worsen
- block
- check
- counteract
- decrease
- hinder
- obstruct
- stop
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.
How to use help in a sentence
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- accent
- addition
- adjunct
- adornment
- appendage
- appendix
- appliance
- appurtenance
- attachment
- component
- decoration
- extension
- extra
- frill
- help
- supplement
- trim
- trimming
- afford
- aid
- arrange
- assist
- avail
- benefit
- bow
- comfort
- convenience
- defer
- favor
- furnish
- gratify
- help
- humor
- indulge
- oblige
- pamper
- please
- provide
- serve
- settle
- submit
- suit
- supply
- support
- sustain
- yield
- accords
- accustoms
- adapts
- adjusts
- agrees
- attunes
- bends over backwards
- complies
- composes
- conforms
- coordinates
- corresponds
- don’t makes waves
- don’t rocks the boat
- fits
- goes by the book
- goes with the flow
- harmonizes
- integrates
- makes consistent
- modifies
- plays the game
- proportions
- reconciles
- settles
- shapes up
- suits
- tailor-makes
- tailors
- tunes
- aid
- ascendancy
- asset
- assistance
- authority
- avail
- blessing
- boon
- break
- choice
- comfort
- convenience
- dominance
- edge
- eminence
- expediency
- favor
- gain
- good
- gratification
- help
- hold
- improvement
- influence
- interest
- lead
- leeway
- leg up
- leverage
- luck
- mastery
- odds
- position
- power
- pre-eminence
- precedence
- preference
- prestige
- prevalence
- profit
- protection
- recognition
- resources
- return
- sanction
- starting
- superiority
- support
- supremacy
- upper hand
- utility
- wealth
- aids
- ascendancy
- assets
- assistance
- authorities
- avail
- blessings
- boons
- breaks
- choices
- comforts
- conveniences
- dominance
- edges
- eminences
- expediencies
- favors
- gains
- goods
- gratifications
- helps
- holds
- improvements
- influences
- interests
- leads
- leeway
- leg-ups
- leverage
- luck
- mastery
- odds
- positions
- powers
- pre-eminence
- precedence
- preferences
- prestige
- prevalence
- profits
- protections
- recognitions
- resources
- returns
- sanctions
- startings
- superiorities
- supports
- supremacy
- upper hands
- utilities
- wealth
- admonition
- advisement
- advocacy
- aid
- bum steer
- caution
- charge
- consultation
- counsel
- directions
- dissuasion
- encouragement
- exhortation
- forewarning
- guidance
- help
- information
- injunction
- input
- instruction
- judgment
- lesson
- news
- opinion
- persuasion
- prescription
- proposal
- proposition
- recommendation
- steer
- suggestion
- teaching
- telltale
- tidings
- tip
- tip-off
- two cents’ worth
- view
- warning
- word
- word to the wise
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for Help?
employee, domestic worker
Use filters to view other words, we have 3760 synonyms for help.
If you know synonyms for Help, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words.
as in to assist
to provide (someone) with what is useful or necessary to achieve an end
offered to help her widowed father when he moved into an apartment
as in to alleviate
to make more bearable or less severe
the new ointment didn’t help Josh’s sunburn one bit
as in to prevent
to keep from happening by taking action in advance
they couldn’t help the way things turned out
as in to benefit
to provide with something useful or desirable
being independently wealthy certainly helped him during his years as a struggling young artist
as in to improve
to make better
some minor revisions would help this essay immensely
as in assist
an act or instance of helping
I could use your help getting this tire back on the car
as in benefit
a thing that helps
the computer is a great help for writing reports
as in staff
a body of persons at work or available for work
it’s so hard to get good help these days
Synonym Chooser
How is the word help distinct from other similar verbs?
Some common synonyms of help are ameliorate, better, and improve. While all these words mean «to make more acceptable or to bring nearer a standard,» help implies a bettering that still leaves room for improvement.
a coat of paint would help that house
In what contexts can ameliorate take the place of help?
Although the words ameliorate and help have much in common, ameliorate implies making more tolerable or acceptable conditions that are hard to endure.
tried to ameliorate the lives of people in the tenements
How do improve and better relate to one another, in the sense of help?
Both improve and better are general and interchangeable and apply to what can be made better whether it is good or bad.
measures to further improve the quality of medical care
immigrants hoping to better their lot
Thesaurus Entries Near help
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“Help.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/help. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.
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What is another word for “help”? The list below provides different “help” synonyms in English with examples. Learn these synonyms for “help” to improve your English.
Table of Contents
Help Synonym
Help Definition and Examples
Meaning of Help: To offer someone assistance so that they may complete a task with ease, surmount an obstacle, or expend less energy. It can also be to rescue the person.
- “His assignment was due on Monday and he needed help so I worked with him on it.”
- “I’ll help you fix the car if you will help me move my furniture to the second floor.”
- “I have had very little help from doctors and no sympathy whatsoever.”
Other Words for Help
Popular synonyms for “help”.
- Assist
- Improve
- Benefit
- Give (lend) a hand
- Guide
- Aid
- Put yourself out (for someone)
- Comfort
- Boost
- Better
Huge list of 180+ different words to use instead of “help”.
- Abet
- Accommodate
- Address
- Advance
- Advantage
- Advocate
- Afford
- Aid
- Allay
- Alleviate
- Allow
- Ameliorate
- Amend
- Argue
- Assist
- Assuage
- Attend
- Avail
- Avert
- Avoid
- Back
- Back up
- Balm
- Be advantageous
- Be of assistance
- Be supportive
- Become
- Befriend
- Benefit
- Better
- Bolster
- Boost
- Bring
- Care
- Care for
- Carry
- Cheer
- Comfort
- Conduce
- Console
- Contribute
- Contribute to
- Control
- Convenience
- Cooperate
- Countenance
- Cultivate
- Cure
- Deliver
- Dish out
- Do a favor
- Do a service
- Ease
- Encourage
- Endorse
- Endorsing
- Enhance
- Ensure
- Escape
- Eschew
- Expedite
- Facilitate
- Fault
- Finance
- Fortify
- Forward
- Foster
- Fund
- Furnish
- Further
- Furthers
- Gain
- Give
- Give a hand
- Go to bat for
- Goad
- Grant
- Gratify
- Hand
- Have
- Heal
- Help out
- Hint
- Hold
- Impede
- Improve
- Incite
- Inform
- Inhibit
- Inspirit
- Instigate
- Keep
- Lead
- Lend
- Lend a hand
- Lend a helping hand
- Lift
- Lighten
- Look after
- Maintain
- Make
- Make easier
- Make easy
- Make over
- Manage
- Meliorate
- Minister
- Mitigate
- Move
- Need
- Nourish
- Nurture
- Oblige
- Obviating
- Offer
- Operate
- Palliate
- Participate
- Partner
- Patronize
- Perform
- Permit
- Pitch
- Pitch in
- Place
- Play
- Please
- Pour
- Preclude
- Prevent
- Prod
- Profit
- Promote
- Prompt
- Prop
- Prop up
- Provide
- Provoke
- Push
- Raise
- Reach
- Refrain from
- Relieve
- Remedy
- Rescue
- Rescuing
- Restore
- Revive
- Right
- Salvage
- Save
- Serve
- Service
- Set up
- Shake
- Shall
- Simplify
- Smooth
- Solace
- Soothe
- Spare
- Speed
- Sponsor
- Stand by
- Start
- Stick up for
- Stimulate
- Stop
- Strengthen
- Subsidize
- Succor
- Supply
- Support
- Sustain
- Take
- Tend
- Treat
- Underpin
- Upgrade
- Uphold
- Urge
- Use
- Wait
- Work
Help Synonyms with Examples
- Example: Anyone willing to assist can contact this number.
- Example: Steroid injections will improve your condition.
- Example: Hiring Marwa would benefit this office greatly.
Give (lend) a hand
- Example: He always gives a hand to anyone in difficulty.
- Example: She took her arm and guided her across the busy road.
- Example: Each group is aided by a tutor or consultant.
Put yourself out (for someone)
- Example: Please don’t put yourself out on my account.
- Example: She comforted herself with the thought that it would soon be spring.
- Example: Here are a few tricks that will boost your productivity.
- Example: To better your chances of winning the tennis tournament, take a few lessons.
More interesting examples with the word “help”
- “I help out with the secretarial work.”
- “Our best friends are they who tell us our faults and help us to mend them.”
- “I’m sorry but there’s no way we can help you.”
- ” They inserted a tube in his mouth to help him breathe.”
- “Without help, many elderly people would be left isolated.”
- “The UN pledged to help supervise the clearance of mines.”
- “Any help or donations will be gratefully received.”
Another Word for “Help” | Image
Last Updated on December 16, 2020
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 1 vote
Help expresses greater dependence and deeper need than aid. In extremity we say «God help me!» rather than «God aid me!» In time of danger we cry «help! help!» rather than «aid! aid!» To aid is to second another’s own exertions. We can speak of helping the helpless, but not of aiding them. Help includes aid, but aid may fall short of the meaning of help. In law to aid or abet makes one a principal. (Compare synonyms for ACCESSORY.) To cooperate is to aid as an equal; to assist implies a subordinate and secondary relation. One assists a fallen friend to rise; he cooperates with him in helping others. Encourage refers to mental aid, as uphold now usually does; succor and support, oftenest to material assistance. We encourage the timid or despondent, succor the endangered, support the weak, uphold those who else might be shaken or cast down. Compare ABET; PROMOTE.
abet, aid, assist, befriend, cooperate, encourage, foster, second, stand by, succor, support, sustain, upholdAntonyms:
counteract, discourage, oppose, resist, thwart, withstandPreposition:
Help in an enterprise with money; help to success; against the enemy.
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 2 votes
aid, succor, remedy, prevent, avoid, assist, promote, cooperate, relieve, secondAntonyms:
oppose, obstruct, aggravate, incur
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.3 / 4 votes
aid, assist, assistance, helpnoun
the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose
«he gave me an assist with the housework»; «could not walk without assistance»; «rescue party went to their aid»; «offered his help in unloading»
service, supporter, assistance, attention, financial aid, care, assist, helper, economic aid, avail, assistant, tending, aid -
assistant, helper, help, supporternoun
a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose
«my invaluable assistant»; «they hired additional help to finish the work»
friend, garter, assist, aid, supporter, patron, booster, avail, champion, assistance, suspensor, benefactor, jock, helper, jockstrap, admirer, assistant, service, sponsor, athletic supporter, protagonist -
aid, assistance, helpnoun
a resource
«visual aids in teaching»
service, supporter, assistance, attention, financial aid, care, assist, helper, economic aid, avail, assistant, tending, aid -
avail, help, serviceverb
a means of serving
«of no avail»; «there’s no help for it»
serve, servicing, religious service, assist, serving, supporter, aid, overhaul, avail, assistance, inspection and repair, armed service, divine service, helper, table service, service, service of process, assistant, military service -
help, assist, aidverb
give help or assistance; be of service
«Everyone helped out during the earthquake»; «Can you help me carry this table?»; «She never helps around the house»
attend to, help oneself, serve, assist, attend, wait on, facilitate, avail, aid -
help, aidverb
improve the condition of
«These pills will help the patient»
help oneself, aid, avail, assist, serve, facilitate -
help, facilitateverb
be of use
«This will help to prevent accidents»
aid, alleviate, help oneself, ease, serve, assist, facilitate, avail -
help oneself, helpverb
abstain from doing; always used with a negative
«I can’t help myself—I have to smoke»; «She could not help watching the sad spectacle»
help oneself, aid, avail, assist, serve, facilitate -
serve, helpverb
help to some food; help with food or drink
«I served him three times, and after that he helped himself»
serve, avail, process, help oneself, dish up, answer, dish out, function, attend to, suffice, attend, service, aid, assist, serve up, facilitate, wait on, serve well, swear out, dish, do -
contribute to the furtherance of
«This money will help the development of literacy in developing countries»
help oneself, aid, avail, assist, serve, facilitate -
avail, helpverb
take or use
«She helped herself to some of the office supplies»
help oneself, aid, avail, assist, serve, facilitate -
improve; change for the better
«New slipcovers will help the old living room furniture»
help oneself, aid, avail, assist, serve, facilitate
Matched Categories
- Better
- Exploit
- Improve
- Promote
- Provide
- Refrain
- Serve
- Support
- Worker
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:2.0 / 2 votes
relieve, succor, serve -
assist, support, aid, second, back, abet, co-operate with, take part with -
remedy, cure, heal -
prevent, hinder, withstand, resist, repress, control -
avoid, forbear, refrain from -
lend aid, contribute assistance, give one a lift -
assistance, aid, succor, support -
remedy, relief -
helper, assistant -
[U. S.] domestic, house-servant (particularly a maid-servant)
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote
aid, assistance, succor, support, facilitation, backing, subsidy, subvention, coöperation, remedy, relief, cure, restorative -
abet, assist, befriend, succor, aid, coöperate, collaborate, second, facilitate, subsidize, remedy, ameliorate, alleviate, promote, further
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «help»:
assist, aid, assistance, helping, contribute, assisting, support, helps, assists, facilitate, ‘aide, enable, aiuto, aiding, ‘aiuto, relief, assisted, allow, pomoc, helped
Suggested Resources
What does HELP stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the HELP acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.
How to pronounce help?
How to say help in sign language?
How to use help in a sentence?
Charla Nash:
It’s a different world to not be able to see again or to use your hands and do things for yourself that you have to depend on other people for help now.
Kathleen Ethier:
We will continue to try to understand that data better and understand what’s kind of underlying it, we hope that the work that we do in schools around helping school districts put quality health education in place so kids have knowledge and skills, connect youth to needed services in their communities and create environments that support them and help them safe — we hope that that work and those messages are getting out there, and that’s what’s driving the positive behavior changes.
Julian Edelman:
My head was down, just trying to go out and try to win ball games and help the team, tough times don’t last, tough people do.
Evan Lambert:
And that’s what it’s all about – protecting the First Amendment and democracy and trying to help people get information.
Mike Boynton:
He didn’t walk in as, ‘These guys aren’t good enough, I’m here to save the day,’ it was, ‘I believe in what is already there and I believe in myself in my ability to help enhance that, and everybody can eat, so to speak.’.
Translations for help
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- hulp, helpAfrikaans
- aduya, aduyarAragonese
- مساعدة, ساعد, عاونArabic
- kömək etməkAzerbaijani
- ярҙамсы, ярҙамBashkir
- дапамога, дапамагаць, памагаць, дапамагчы, памагчыBelarusian
- помощ, помогна, помагамBulgarian
- সাহায্য, সাহায্য করাBengali
- ajuda, ajudar, aidarCatalan, Valencian
- aiutàCorsican
- nápověda, pomocník, pomocnice, pomoc, pomoct, pomoci, pomáhatCzech
- hjælp, hjælpeDanish
- Hilfe, helfenGerman
- βοήθεια, συντρέχω, βοηθάωGreek
- helpilo, helpisto, helpo, servisto, helpanto, helpiEsperanto
- auxilio, ayuda, socorro, ayudarSpanish
- abi, koduabiline, abiline, abistama, aitama, panustamaEstonian
- laguntzaile, laguntza, lagunduBasque
- کمک, یاری, کمک کردن, یاری کردنPersian
- apuri, apu, opastaa, auttaaFinnish
- aide, auxiliaire, secours, aider, secourirFrench
- help, helpeWestern Frisian
- cuidiú, cúnamh, cabhair, cabhraigh, tug cúnamh, cuidighIrish
- cuidichScottish Gaelic
- axuda, axudarGalician
- עזרה, סיוע, סייע, תרם, עזרHebrew
- सहायता, उपकार, मदद, मदद करनाHindi
- èd, edeHaitian Creole
- segítség, segítHungarian
- օգնական, օգնություն, օգնելArmenian
- adjuta, succurso, succurrer, adjutarInterlingua
- pertolongan, penolong, bantuan, pembantu, membantu, menahan, bantu, menolong, TolongIndonesian
- helpo, helparIdo
- aðstoð, hjálparhella, heimilishjálp, hjálp, fulltingi, hjálpaIcelandic
- aiuto, ausilio, aiutareItalian
- 手伝い, 助け, ヘルプ, 手助け, 手伝う, 助けるJapanese
- დახმარებაGeorgian
- жәрдем, көмек, ермек ету, көмек көрсету, көмектесу, жәрдем беру, болысуKazakh
- ជំនួយ, ជួយKhmer
- 도움, 돕다Korean
- خزمهتکار, alîkarî, misaede, piştevanî, yarmetî, komekî, destek, یارمهتی, piştgirî, یارمهتی دانKurdish
- көмөк, жардам, көмөк берүү, жардам кылуу, жардам берүү, жардам көрсөтүүKyrgyz
- auxilium, adiuvō, adiūtōLatin
- Hëllef, hëllefenLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- ຊ່ອຍ, ຊ່ວຽLao
- pagalba, padėtiLithuanian
- palīgs, palīdzība, palīdze, palīdzēt, līdzētLatvian
- помош, помошник, помошничка, помагаMacedonian
- സഹായി, സഹായംMalayalam
- тусламжMongolian
- bantuan, pertolongan, bantu, tolongMalay
- għajnunaMaltese
- ကူညီ, ကူBurmese
- मदत गर्नुNepali
- hulp, helpenDutch
- hjelp, hushjelp, hjelpe til med, hjelpe, hjelpe for, hjelpe til, bidra tilNorwegian
- iilyeedNavajo, Navaho
- aidar, ajudarOccitan
- ӕххуыс кӕнынOssetian, Ossetic
- pomoc domowa, pomoc, pomagaćPolish
- auxílio, criado, ajuda, ajudante, criada, socorro, servente, socorrer, ajudarPortuguese
- yanapayQuechua
- güdar, gidar, güderRomansh
- asistență, ajutoare, ajutor, asista, ajutaRomanian
- помощь, помощница, помощник, помочь, помогатьRussian
- agiudai, agiadai, agiuareSardinian
- pȍmōć, pomòćnica, pomòćnīk, по̏мо̄ћ, pòmoći, pomágati, по̀моћи, пома́гатиSerbo-Croatian
- උදව් කරනවාSinhala, Sinhalese
- pomoc, pomôcť, pomáhaťSlovak
- pomoč, pomočnik, pomagáč, gospodinjska pomočnica, pomagatiSlovene
- shërbëtor, ndihmes, ndihmë, shërbëtore, asistent, kontriboAlbanian
- bantosSundanese
- hjälp, hjälpaSwedish
- msaada, kusaidiaSwahili
- உதவிTamil
- సాయము, సహాయము, సాయం చేయు, సహాయపడుTelugu
- комак, ёри, кумак кардан, ёри карданTajik
- ความช่วยเหลือ, ช่วยเหลือ, ช่วยThai
- kömek, ýardam, ýardam etmek, kömekleşmekTurkmen
- tulong, tumulong, tulunganTagalog
- yardım, yardımcı, yardım etmek, yardım etTurkish
- ярдәм, ярдәм күрсәтергә, ярдәм итәргәTatar
- допомога, допомогти, помагати, помогти, допомагатиUkrainian
- مدد, مدد کرناUrdu
- koʻmak, yordam, bermoq, yordamlashmoq, qarashmoq, yordam bermoqUzbek
- hỗ trợ, giúp đỡ, trợ giúp, giúpVietnamese
- yufVolapük
- הילףYiddish
- 帮帮我Chinese
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