What is the planet name of our word

Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. What does the name of our planet mean?
2. What makes the Earth the brightest planet in the solar system?
3. Where is most of the Earth’s water located?
4. Why do we have an additional winter day every four years? What do we call a year containing 366 days?
5. Is Earth Day an international holiday?
6. What do people usually do on Earth Day? Do you and your classmates celebrate this holiday? Why?
7. What do the following numbers in the text stand for: 4, 22, 29, 192, 365?


Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 8 класс Биболетова. SECTION 2. “Nice to Meet You, Dear Earth”. Номер №41


Перевод задания
Прочитайте текст еще раз и ответьте на вопросы.
1. Что означает название нашей планеты?
2. Что делает Землю самой яркой планетой Солнечной системы?
3. Где находится большая часть воды на Земле?
4. Почему каждые четыре года у нас есть дополнительный зимний день? Как мы называем год, содержащий 366 дней?
5. Является ли День Земли международным праздником?
6. Что обычно делают люди в День Земли? Вы и ваши одноклассники отмечаете этот праздник? Почему?
7. Что означают в тексте следующие числа: 4, 22, 29, 192, 365?

1. The word Earth came from the AngloSaxon word erda which means ground or land.
2. The Earth is the brightest planet in the solar system because a large amount of sunlight is reflected by the water on the planet.
3. Most of the Earth’s water is located in the oceans. The oceans contain 97% of all the water on the planet.
4. It takes the Earth 365 and a quarter days to move round the Sun. As we don’t count an extra quarter of the day at the end of a year, we have an additional day every four years, 29th February. These years are called leap years.
5. Nowadays people from over 192 countries show their love and care for the planet on Earth Day.
6. People plant trees, pick up roadside trash and take part in ‘green’ projects on Earth Day. Thousands of different activities and celebrations to honour our home planet are held all over the world. My classmates don’t celebrate this holiday because it’s not really popular in our city.
7. 4 − There are four large oceans on the Earth: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian and the Arctic.
22 − In 1970, on the 22nd of April, people started to celebrate Earth Day.
29 − As we don’t count an extra quarter of the day at the end of a year, we have an additional day every four years, 29th February.
192 − Nowadays people from over 192 countries show their love and care for the planet on Earth Day.
365 − It takes the Earth 365 and a quarter days to move round the Sun.

Перевод ответа
1. Слово Земля произошло от англосаксонского слова erda, что означает земля или суша.
2. Земля − ​​самая яркая планета в солнечной системе, потому что большое количество солнечного света отражается водой на планете.
3. Большая часть воды на Земле находится в океанах. Океаны содержат 97% всей воды на планете.
4. Земля совершает оборот вокруг Солнца за 365 с четвертью дня. Поскольку мы не учитываем дополнительную четверть дня в конце года, у нас есть дополнительный день каждые четыре года, 29 февраля. Эти годы называют високосными.
5. Сегодня люди из более чем 192 стран мира демонстрируют свою любовь и заботу о планете в День Земли.
6. В День Земли люди сажают деревья, собирают мусор на обочинах дорог и принимают участие в «зеленых» проектах. Тысячи различных мероприятий и праздников в честь нашей родной планеты проводятся по всему миру. Мои одноклассники не отмечают этот праздник, потому что он не особо популярен в нашем городе.
7. 4 − На Земле четыре больших океана: Тихий, Атлантический, Индийский и Арктический.
22 − В 1970 году, 22−го апреля, люди начали отмечать День Земли.
29 − Поскольку мы не учитываем дополнительную четверть дня в конце года, у нас есть дополнительный день каждые четыре года, 29 февраля.
192 − Сегодня в день Земли люди из более 192 стран показывают свою любовь и заботу о планете.
365 − Земле требуется 365 и четверть дня, чтобы обойти Солнце.

We live in a world in which everything seems sohabitual and settled, that we never think about why things around us are named that way. How did the objects around us get their names? And why our planet was called «Earth», and not otherwise?

why the earth was called land

First, we learn how the names are given now. After all, astronomers open new celestial bodies, biologists find new kinds of plants, and entomologists — insects. They also need to give some name. Who is dealing with this issue now? You need to know this to find out why the planet was called «Earth.»

Toponymy will help

Since our planet belongs to geographicalobjects, turn to science toponymy. It deals with the study of geographical names. More precisely, she studies the origin, meaning, development of the toponym. Therefore, this amazing science is in close interaction with history, geography and linguistics. Of course, there are situations where a name, for example, a street, is given simply because of accident. But in most cases, toponyms have their own history, sometimes going back centuries.

The answer will give the planet

Answering a question about why the Earth was namedEarth, we must not forget that our home is a cosmic object. It is part of the planets of the solar system, which also have names. Perhaps, studying their origin, will it be possible to find out why the Earth was called the Earth?

why our planet was called Earth

In regard to the most ancient names of scientists andresearchers do not have an exact answer to the question of exactly how they originated. For today there are only numerous hypotheses. Which of them is correct — this we will not know. As for the names of the planets, the most common version of their origin is this: they are named after the Roman gods. Mars — Red Planet — received the name of the god of war, which can not be imagined without blood. Mercury — the «fastest» planet, which rotates faster than the others around the Sun, owes its name to the lightning envoy of Jupiter.

It’s all about the gods

What kind of deity does the Earth owe its name? Almost every people had such a goddess. The ancient Scandinavians have Yord, the Celts have Ehte. The Romans called it Tellus, and the Greeks called Gaia. None of these names on the present name of our planet is unlike. But, answering the question about why the Earth was called the Earth, remember two names: Yord and Tellus. They will be useful to us.

The Voice of Science

In fact, the question of the origin of the nameour planet, which children so love to torment their parents, has been interested in scientists for a long time. Many versions were put forward and broken by opponents to the nines, until there were few that were considered the most likely.

In astrology, Latin names are used to refer to planets. And in this language the name of our planet is pronounced as Terra («the earth, the soil»). In turn, this word goes back to the pre-Indo-European ters in the meaning «dry; dry». Along with Terra The name is often used to denote the Earth Tellus. And it already met us above — so calledour planet the Romans. Man as a creature exclusively land could name the place where he lives, only by analogy with the earth, the soil that is under his feet. It is also possible to draw analogies with the biblical stories about the creation by God of the earthly firmament and the first man, Adam, from clay. Why Earth was called the Earth? Because for man it was the only place of habitation.

Apparently, it was on this principle that the present name of our planet appeared. If you take the Russian name, it happened from the Proto-Slavic root earth-, which means «low», «bottom». Perhaps this is due to the fact that in ancient times people considered the Earth flat.

why the planet was called earth

In English, the name of the Earth sounds like Earth. It takes its origin from two words — erthe and eorthe. And those, in turn, came from an even more ancient Anglo-Saxon erda (remember, as Scandinavians called the goddess of the Earth?) — «soil» or «soil».

Another version of why the Earth was called the Earth, says that man could survive only thanks to agriculture. It was after the appearance of this occupation that the human race began to develop successfully.

Why the Earth is called the wet nurse

why the earth is called the wet nurse

The earth is a huge biosphere,inhabited by a diverse life. And all the living things that exist on it are fed by the Earth. Plants take the necessary trace elements in the soil, they eat insects and small rodents, which, in turn, serve as food for larger animals. People are engaged in agriculture and grow the necessary wheat, rye, rice and other plant species. They breed cattle that feed on plant food.

why the earth was called land

Life on our planet is a chaininterconnected living organisms, which do not die only thanks to the Earth-wet nurse. If the planet starts a new ice age, the probability of which scientists once again spoke after unprecedented cold weather this winter in many warm countries, the survival of mankind will be in doubt. An ice-bound land can not yield a harvest. Such a disappointing outlook.


Where did the name «Earth» come from? NASA

Jupiter was the mighty chief of the gods in ancient Rome’s pre-Christian religion. It was also said that Rome’s legendary founders, Romulus and Remus, were the children of the warlike god Mars, himself Jupiter’s son.

Astronomy has always been popular with those who study the capital «C» Classics. Seven out of the eight planets in our solar system were named after Greek or Roman deities. You’re living on the only exception to that rule.

The word «earth» has roots in the Old English term «eorþe.» Eorþe had multiple meanings like «soil,» «dirt,» «ground,» «dry land» and «country.»

Yet the story didn’t begin there. Old English is the earliest known phase of what became our modern English tongue. Used until about 1150 C.E., it evolved from a parent language that scholars call «Proto-Germanic.»

The German that’s spoken today is part of the same linguistic family. «Earth» and «eorþe» are therefore related to the modern German word «Erde.» Not only is this the German language’s name for our home planet, but it can also be used to refer to dirt and soil.

Our dear Earth has relatives in some other languages, too. For example, there’s the Old Saxon «ertha,» the Old Frisian «erthe» and the Dutch word «aarde.» All these likely descend from a Proto-Germanic term that was never recorded. (As far as we know.)

Nevertheless, linguists have been able to go back and reconstruct this mystery word. Spelled «ertho» in scholarly texts, it’s always preceded by an asterisk. This asterisk acknowledges the lack of written confirmation that the word was really used.

Nobody knows when people started using words like «Earth» or «Erde» to refer to the planet as a whole and not just the ground they walked on.

Back in 1783, German astronomer Johann Elert Bode named the seventh planet from our sun «Uranus» (after a Greek god). And though Pluto is no longer considered a planet, we know that 11-year-old Venetia Burney named it in 1930.

But if a single person gave planet Earth its English name — which is unlikely to say the least — his or her identity has been lost to the sands of time.

Still, it’s clear that while Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune all started out as the proper names of ancient gods, «Earth» did not. That’s why our planet is sometimes called «the earth» with a lowercase «e.»

However, according to the University of Oxford Style Guide, the word «Earth» should be capitalized when one is «referring to the name of the planet but not when referring to the ground/soil etc.»

What a capital idea!

Today I found out how ‘Earth’ came to be called so. Firstly, it’s important to understand that nearly every language has its own name for the planet. It’s called ‘terra’ in Portuguese, ‘dünya’ in Turkish and ‘aarde’ in Dutch, just to name a few with their own etymology. However, the common thread in all languages is that they were all derived from the same meaning in their origins, which is ‘ ground’ or ‘soil’.

The modern English word and name for our planet ‘Earth’,  is said to go back at least 1,000 years.  Just as the English language evolved from ‘Anglo-Saxon’ (English-German) with the migration of certain Germanic tribes from the continent to Britain in the fifth century A.D, the word ‘Earth’ came from the Anglo-Saxon word ‘erda’ and it’s germanic equivalent ‘erde’ which means ground or soil. In Old English, the word  became ‘eor(th)e’ or ‘ertha ‘. There is speculation that the origins of the word may be from an Indo-European language base ‘er’ which produced more modern adaptations of the word used in languages today.  What is certain though is of all the Planet’s names, Earth is the only one in our solar system that does not come from Greco-Roman mythology. All of the other planets were named after Greek and Roman gods and goddesses.

Bonus Facts:

  • Translations of the Bible into English was one of the earliest recorded use of the name Earth – ” God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. “(Genesis 1:10)
  • Earth is the only planet in the Solar System with plate tectonics. The outer crust of the Earth is broken up into regions known as tectonic plates. These are floating on top of the magma interior of the Earth and can move against one another. When two plates collide, one plate can go underneath another.
  • Earth doesn’t take 24 hours to rotate on its axis. It takes 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds to completely rotate around its axis; If you add up that little motion from the Sun that we see because the Earth is orbiting around it, as well as the rotation on its axis, you get a total of 24 hours.
  • Everyone knows that the Earth has 1 Moon. But did you know there are 2 additional asteroids locked into a co-orbital orbits with Earth? They’re called 3753 Cruithne and 2002 AA29. The first doesn’t actually orbit the Earth, but has a synchronized orbit with our planet, that makes it look like it’s following the Earth in orbit, but it’s actually following its own, distinct path around the Sun. The 2002 AA29 travels in a horseshoe orbit around the Earth that brings it close to the planet every 95 years.
  • Earth is gradually slowing down. Every few years, an extra second is added to make up for lost time. In other words, millions of years ago, a day on Earth would have been only 20 hours long. It is believed that, in another million years time, a day on Earth will be 27 hours long.

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