What is the origin of the word beefeater

19 May 2020

Beefeater is the popular name for the Yeoman of Guard in Britain and to the Warders of the Tower of London. Beefeater started out as slang, but whether it still fits within that category is debatable; it’s certainly not an official designation. The name has a quite literal origin, that of a well-fed servant.

The name beefeater arises in contrast with the older loaf-eater, a general term for a servant, one who eats the master’s bread (cf. lord). This name is much older, going back to the Old English hlafæta. From the Laws of Æthelbert of Kent, dating to the early seventh century:

Gif man ceorlas hlafætan ofslæhð, VI scillingum gebete.
(If someone slays a churl’s loaf-eater, he shall pay six shillings.)

So, beefeater was originally a term for a privileged servant. The word first appears in this general sense in John Marston’s play Histrio-mastix, or The Player Whipt, which was first performed in 1599 and published in 1610. In one passage, a master complains about how much it has cost to feed his servants, whom he has just dismissed from his service:

Walke sirs, nay walke; awake yee drowsie drones,
That long haue suckt the honney from my hiuevs:
Be gone yee greedy beefe-eaters y’are best:
The Callis Cormorants from Douer roade,
Are not so chargeable as you to feed.

Beefeater is applied to a royal guard in John Crowne’s 1671 play Juliana, Princess of Poland, in this exchange where the guard takes the name to be an insult:

LANDLORD:      There did the Beef-eaters o’ the Guard and I—

GUARD:               Beef-eaters you Rascal!

LANDLORD:       Sit in Councel about the good o’ Christendom, till at parting we did our reverences to Pope Paul, fall down and kiss his great Toe, the Spigot, and let the heavenly Benediction drop into our mouthes.

GUARD:               You’d have my Halbeard drop into your mouthes, would you Beef-eater, you saucy Cur? 

The word is applied specifically to the British court by 1736, when it appears in Henry Fielding’s satirical play Pasquin. In the scene, voters are lining up in an attempt to get patronage positions from the government:

1ST VOTER:        Could not your Lordship provide for me at Court?

LORD PLACE:    Nothing easier; what sort of Place would you like?

1ST VOTER:        Is not there as sort of Employment, Sir, call’d ———Beef-Eating? If your Lordship please to make me a Beef-Eater, I would have a Place fitted for my Capacity.

LORD PLACE:    Sir, I will be sure to remember you.

Fielding is clearly punning on the literal meaning of the word, and it’s clear from the context that the term was already in use.

There is a false etymology that beefeater comes from a supposed French word, *buffetier, and refers to an old function where the yeomen would serve at table, or buffet. This is simply incorrect, and there is no such French word as *buffetier. This spurious origin story has been floating about for years.

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Dictionary of Old English: A to I, 2018, s.v. hlaf-æta.

Oxford English Dictionary, second edition, 1989, beefeater, n., loaf-eater, n.

Photo credit: Maurice Enclave and D.J. Zachary, 2007. Public domain image.

Asked by: Dorothy Casper

Score: 5/5
(9 votes)

The name Beefeaters is often thought to come from the French word — ‘buffetier’. (Buffetiers were guards in the palace of French kings. … However, the name Beefeater is more likely to have originated from the time when the Yeomen Warders at the Tower were paid part of their salary with chunks of beef.

How much do Beefeaters get paid?

Employed by Historic Royal Palaces, you can expect a salary of around £30,000 and accommodation in the Tower for you and your family — but you do have to pay rent (and council tax!) for the privilege, and it isn’t subsidised.

What is an English Beefeater?

What is a Beefeater? Well, they are the ceremonial guards of the Tower of London. Their official title is ‘The Yeomen Warders of Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London, and Members of the Sovereign’s Body Guard of the Yeoman Guard Extraordinary’.

What is a Beefeater hat called?

It’s called a ‘bearskin’, a type of ceremonial military cap that dates back to the 17th century. And yes, despite some controversy, the bearskin is exactly as its name suggests. Bearskin hats are made from the skin of American black bears, taken annually during the Black Bear Cull in Canada.

What is the ER on Beefeater uniform?

In addition to those, the initials ER are present on the chest of the tunic. They stand for ‘Elizabeth Regina’ (Queen Elizabeth in Latin), about the present Queen; Elizabeth the Second. The general attire of the Yeoman Warders is dark blue and red as granted in 1858 by Queen Victoria.

44 related questions found

Do Beefeaters pay rent?

The corps of 37 Beefeaters, including at least two women, work at the tower and live on site with their families. The guards pay rent and other bills and even have access to their own private pub known as the Yeoman Warders Club, where they take turns working at the bar.

How many female Beefeaters are there?

There are only 37 men and women warders currently working at the Tower, two of which are women. Through history, there have been 410 Beefeaters, with 408 of them men.

Why are Beefeaters hats so big?

The hats are known as bearskins because — you guessed it — they’re made of bear fur. … That means no bears are killed specifically to make the 18-inch-tall (46 centimeters) helmets, but the idea still makes some people uncomfortable.

Are Beefeaters armed?

Yeoman Warders have been guarding the Tower of London since Tudor times. Nicknamed ‘Beefeaters’, the Yeoman Body of 32 men and women are all drawn from the Armed Forces.

Do Yeoman Warders get paid?

Tower of London is hiring new Yeoman Warders that comes with £30k a year and your own flat — but you must have served 22 years in the armed forces first. Tower of London is hiring two Yeoman Warders with a £30,000 a year salary and the posts even comes with a flat.

Can the Queen’s guard hit you?

A video is circulating on social media purporting to show a member of the Queen’s Guard (who guard the official royal residences in the United Kingdom) punching a black man to the ground. This claim is false.

Are the Queen’s Guard allowed to smile?

They Won’t Smile for a Selfie

Although they’re a popular spectacle for visitors to Britain, wishing to observe as they perform their iconic Changing of the Guard, these guards are in active service to the Queen and must carry themselves with the upmost discipline.

Are there female Beefeaters?

A Lancashire soldier has become the first woman in 10 years — and only the second in history — to be made a Beefeater at the Tower of London. … The first female Beefeater was Moira Cameron, from Argyll, in 2007. Warrant Officer Clark said: «Waking up at the Tower of London is magical.

Who can become a Beefeater?

In order to qualify as a Yeoman Warder any candidate must have served for at least 22 years in the armed forces, be a former warrant officer or senior non commissioned, plus hold the Long Service and Good Conduct medal. So that’s most of us mere mortals already out of the running then.

What is the difference between Beefeaters and Yeoman?

‘Beefeater’ eventually became a term used to distinguish between the Body Guard at the Tower of London, and the Royal Bodyguards working in other locations. Yeomen Warders have been in service at the Tower of London since 1485 when the corps were formed by King Henry VII, although their origins date back even further.

Do Beefeaters carry weapons?

Those guns aren’t loaded…

The Guard’s intimidating weapons only have ammo in them when they are aware of a potential serious security threat. The guard on Reddit, who uses the username “nibs123,” says that he has never carried a loaded gun as a Guardsman.

Are the Queen’s Guard real soldiers?

The British Army has regiments of both Horse Guards and Foot Guards predating the English Restoration (1660), and since the reign of King Charles II these regiments have been responsible for guarding the Sovereign’s palaces. The Guards are fully operational soldiers.

Why are Russian military hats so big?

First of all, they need enough space to accommodate Russia’s military heraldic crest, which is bigger than the Soviet red star. Secondly, the headgear is large because the designer who won the contract to design the new military uniform back in 2008 decided to emphasize fashion over practicality.

Why do British guards wear furry hats?

Answer: The origins are that every gunner in the British military and the French military wore bearskin caps to make them taller and more intimidating because they were the ones that did the hand to hand fighting. In Napoleon’s imperial guard everybody wore them, and they were supposed to be his elite troops.

Who wears a Busby hat?

A bearskin is a tall fur cap, usually worn as part of a ceremonial military uniform. Traditionally, the bearskin was the headgear of grenadiers and remains in use by grenadier and guards regiments in various armies.

Where do Beefeaters live when they retire?

They must own a home outside the fortress to occupy when they retire. Some of the accommodation dates back to the 13th century. The community of the Tower of London is made up of these Yeoman Warders and their families, the Resident Governor and officers, a chaplain and a doctor.

Do all Beefeaters live in the Tower of London?

2. HE LIVES ON-SITE. As tradition going back 700 years, all Yeoman Warders and their families live within the Tower walls. Right now about 150 people, including a doctor and a chaplain, claim the Tower of London as their home address.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Prof. Shawna Wilderman

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(52 votes)

Yeomen Warders have been in service at the Tower of London since 1485 when the corps were formed by King Henry VII, although their origins date back even further. Traditionally Beefeaters had been men. But Moira Cameron of Argyll, Scotland made history when she became the first female Yeoman Warder ever in 2007.

What is the origin of Beefeaters?

However, the name Beefeater is more likely to have originated from the time when the Yeomen Warders at the Tower were paid part of their salary with chunks of beef. This took place right up until the 1800s. The Queen’s Body Guard, known as the Yeomen of the Guard, are a bodyguard of the British Monarch.

Why do we have Beefeaters?

What does a Beefeater do? Back in Tudor times they used to guard prisoners in the Tower of London and protect the famous Crown Jewels. Nowadays, Beefeaters are used as tour guides and have become an attraction in their own right because of their colourful uniforms and unique traditions.

What are they called Beefeaters?

What is a Beefeater? Well, they are the ceremonial guards of the Tower of London. Their official title is ‘The Yeomen Warders of Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London, and Members of the Sovereign’s Body Guard of the Yeoman Guard Extraordinary’.

How many female Beefeaters are there?

There are only 37 men and women warders currently working at the Tower, two of which are women. Through history, there have been 410 Beefeaters, with 408 of them men.

39 related questions found

Can females be Beefeaters?

A Lancashire soldier has become the first woman in 10 years — and only the second in history — to be made a Beefeater at the Tower of London. … The first female Beefeater was Moira Cameron, from Argyll, in 2007. Warrant Officer Clark said: «Waking up at the Tower of London is magical.

Are Beefeaters armed?

Yeoman Warders have been guarding the Tower of London since Tudor times. Nicknamed ‘Beefeaters’, the Yeoman Body of 32 men and women are all drawn from the Armed Forces.

Why are Beefeaters hats so big?

Answer: The origins are that every gunner in the British military and the French military wore bearskin caps to make them taller and more intimidating because they were the ones that did the hand to hand fighting. In Napoleon’s imperial guard everybody wore them, and they were supposed to be his elite troops.

Do Beefeaters get paid?

Employed by Historic Royal Palaces, you can expect a salary of around £30,000 and accommodation in the Tower for you and your family — but you do have to pay rent (and council tax!) for the privilege, and it isn’t subsidised.

What happens to Beefeaters when they retire?

The Yeomen Warders and their families live in tied accommodation inside the fortress, paying council taxes and rent. … Each Beefeater must also own another home where they can retire to at 65. «We’ve bought a place in Devon which we escape to when we can,» he said.

Are the Beefeaters all ex military?

All warders are retired from the Armed Forces of Commonwealth realms and must be former warrant officers with at least 22 years of service. They must also hold the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal.

Do Yeoman Warders get paid?

Tower of London is hiring new Yeoman Warders that comes with £30k a year and your own flat — but you must have served 22 years in the armed forces first. Tower of London is hiring two Yeoman Warders with a £30,000 a year salary and the posts even comes with a flat.

Do Beefeaters live at the tower?

Beefeaters live on site at the Tower of London and provide guided tours of the fortress, which has stood in the city for more than 900 years. The Yeoman Warders were formed after the 1485 Battle of Bosworth on the order of King Henry VII, according to the Royal Family website.

Are bearskin hats real?

It’s called a ‘bearskin’, a type of ceremonial military cap that dates back to the 17th century. And yes, despite some controversy, the bearskin is exactly as its name suggests. Bearskin hats are made from the skin of American black bears, taken annually during the Black Bear Cull in Canada.

What’s the difference between Yeoman and Beefeaters?

The Beefeaters are often confused with ‘Yeomen of the Guard’, a distinctly different corps of Royal Bodyguards. Becoming a Yeoman Warder is not easy. … In addition to the length of service, all Yeomen Warders must also have been awarded the ‘Long Service and Good Conduct’ medal during their time in the armed forces.

What is Beefeater gin made from?

Beefeater is the original London Dry.

To craft its signature London dry gin, Beefeater uses its original recipe of nine botanicals: juniper, angelica root, angelica seeds, coriander seeds, licorice, almonds, orris root, Seville oranges, and lemon peel.

What age do yeoman warders retire?

The 38 Yeoman Warders have been told they must retire at 60 instead of 65, which some say will plunge them into serious financial difficulties.

How much do the Queens Beefeaters get paid?

2. They can spend a total of 6 hours a day standing. After getting an acceptable score on the BARB test, a soldier is ready to join the Queen’s Guard. The salary for this job is paid based on a list defined by the British army, with values starting at £20,400 (or around $28,266).

Why are Russian military hats so big?

First of all, they need enough space to accommodate Russia’s military heraldic crest, which is bigger than the Soviet red star. Secondly, the headgear is large because the designer who won the contract to design the new military uniform back in 2008 decided to emphasize fashion over practicality.

Do the Queen’s Guards carry real guns?

Those guns aren’t loaded…

The Guard’s intimidating weapons only have ammo in them when they are aware of a potential serious security threat. The guard on Reddit, who uses the username “nibs123,” says that he has never carried a loaded gun as a Guardsman.

Who wears a Busby hat?

A bearskin is a tall fur cap, usually worn as part of a ceremonial military uniform. Traditionally, the bearskin was the headgear of grenadiers and remains in use by grenadier and guards regiments in various armies.

Can the Queen’s guards shoot?

They are a proper soldiers of the British Army, they’re armed with fully functional weapons, and presumably they’re authorised to use them under the proper circumstances. Have there been any instances of the Queen’s Guard using lethal force against someone while posted at Buckingham Palace or another royal residence?

Are the Queen’s Guard allowed to smile?

They Won’t Smile for a Selfie

Although they’re a popular spectacle for visitors to Britain, wishing to observe as they perform their iconic Changing of the Guard, these guards are in active service to the Queen and must carry themselves with the upmost discipline.

What are the British guards with big hats called?

They are called the Queen’s Guard. They consists of Foot Guards in full-dress uniform of red tunics and bearskins (hats).

They’ve played a part in royal occasions for centuries, and can often be seen in their distinctive uniform outside the Tower of London. But why are beefeaters called beefeaters?

Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, many have questions about the unfamiliar traditions around the national mourning period that has followed. From what does lying in state mean (opens in new tab) to will trains run on the day of the funeral (opens in new tab), there’s a lot we didn’t know before about what happens when the Queen dies (opens in new tab).

And amid the ceremonies and processions that come with the death of the monarch, people are wondering about the officials who are involved. And one question that many want to know about the royal guards is why are beefeaters called beefeaters?

Though nobody knows for sure, the most popular theory is that the name ‘beefeater’ comes from the fact that they were allowed to eat as much meat as they wanted from the King’s table.

However, ‘beefeater’ is actually just a nickname. Their official title is The Yeomen Warders of Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London, and Members of the Sovereign’s Body Guard of the Yeoman Guard Extraordinary — though they are often just referred to as Yeoman Warders.

#OTD in 2005, I started as a #YeomanWarder #Beefeater @TowerOfLondon 🏰 Over those 17 years I have met some outstanding people from around the world, and have interacted with 1000s more interesting people on here. Where has the time gone? #TempusFugit 🕰🛩 #Anniversary 🎂🥂🍾 pic.twitter.com/9UP7qVdgAiSeptember 1, 2022

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The Yeoman Warders were formed in 1845 by Henry VII — the first Tudor monarch — after the Battle of Bosworth. 

They are not be confused with the Yeoman of the Guard — although their uniforms are almost identical — who were traditionally bodyguards for the British monarch. 

What do beefeaters do?

Nowadays, beefeaters are mostly ceremonial, but they do keep the Tower of London safe and secure, as well as working as tour guides. Beefeaters have become a tourist attraction in their own right, because of their unique uniform.

Other activities beefeaters take part in include the Ceremony of the Keys. At the same time each night, the Chief Yeoman Warder of the Tower emerges from the Byward Tower, wearing the traditional uniform and carrying a set of keys. The Chief then takes the keys back to the Queen’s House, to hand them back to the Queen’s representative at the Tower, The Resident Governor.

Beefeaters also attend the State Opening of Parliament and other state occasions.

Traditionally, however, beefeaters were responsible for guarding prisoners at the Tower of London and protecting the Crown Jewels.

Are there female beefeaters?

There are just three female beefeaters. Traditionally, the role has been held only by men since the order was founded.

In 2007, Moira Cameron became the first ever female beefeater after beating five other applicants. Cameron, from Argyll, Scotland, joined the army in 1985.

Ten years later, the second female beefeater joined the ranks, Amanda Clark from Lancashire. She had served in the Royal Logistics Corps for 22 years and completed tours in Germany, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, and the Falkland Islands. Speaking to the BBC (opens in new tab) after her appointment, Clark said: «It didn’t really hit me until the first time I wore the uniform and realised I am now part of the Tower’s history.

«Waking up at the Tower of London is magical. Every morning I wake up and the Tower looks so peaceful.»

The third and final female beefeater, Emma Rousell from Derby, was appointed in September 2021. Previously, she had served in the RAF.

How do you become a beefeater?

To qualify as a beefeater, candidates must have served for at least 22 years in the armed forces, as well as hold the Long Service and Good Conduct medal.

Applicants to be beefeaters must also have reached the position of Warrant Officer or equivalent, and competition for the roles are often fierce.

According to Londonist (opens in new tab), ideal candidates are good communicators who can bring the history and stories of the place to life, and those who enjoy meeting new people every day.

The most senior beefeater is the Chief Yeoman Warder, followed by four Yeoman Serjeants and then the other Beefeaters, who report to the Chief. This includes the famous Ravenmaster, who looks after the ravens at the Tower of London.

Legend has it that King Charles II demanded that six ravens be kept at the Tower at all times, otherwise the kingdom would fall.

How much do beefeaters get paid?

According to The Mirror (opens in new tab), beefeaters’ staring salary is around £24,996 a year, but they can expect to get around £30,000 with allowances.

The job involves working 37 hours a week for 14 days out of every three weeks, which includes weekends and occasional night shifts. They get 23 days off a year at first, rising to 25.5 after three years’ employment and 26.5 after ten years — plus bank holidays.

A major perk of the job is getting to live in the Tower of London, where each gets a two-bed unfurnished flat — though veterans can get three-bed properties. However, beefeaters do have to pay rent, utility bills and council tax.

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Beefeaters in their distinctive scarlet and gold outfits with ruffs and hats have played an important part in royal occasions for centuries.

Here is what we know about them.

What do beefeaters do?

Their official title is “The Yeomen Warders of Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London, and Members of the Sovereign’s Body Guard of the Yeoman Guard Extraordinary”.

Yeomen Warders were formed in 1485 by King Henry VII. Their original role in Tudor times was to guard prisoners in the Tower of London and protect the crown jewels.

Nowadays, the Beefeaters’ role is largely ceremonial. They are a tourist attraction in their own right and since Victorian times they have acted as tour guides.

LONDON, ENGLAND - JULY 19: The Beefeaters return to the Tower of London, first Yeoman Warder Barney Chandler leads a tour of the Tower of London for the first time in 16 months on July 19, 2021 in London, England. (Photo by Joe Maher/Getty Images)

A Beefeater at the Tower of London (Photo: Joe Maher/Getty Images)

The Yeoman Warder Ravenmaster (also known as the Ravenmaster for short) is responsible for the welfare of the Tower of London’s famous ravens. This official title has been in use since the 60s. Legend has it that should the ravens ever leave the Tower, the White Tower will fall and disaster will befall the kingdom.

Beefeaters attend the State Opening of Parliament as well as other state occasions.

The Yeomen Warders normally wear an “undress” uniform of dark blue with red trimmings.

However, when the sovereign visits the Tower or the warder are on duty at a state occasion they will wear their distinctive red and gold uniforms.

As well as their formal responsibilities, Beefeaters have their own quirky rituals, one of which sees them take part in the Ceremony of Keys every night at precisely 9.53pm.

During this “ceremony” in which they utter the famous phrase “Halt! Who comes there?”, the Queen’s keys are examined and put away safely.

The Tower is like a self-contained community in the heart of London. Yeoman Warders have living quarters on-site, a church, a doctor’s surgery and there’s even a pub, aptly named The Keys.

LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 10: Yeoman warders arrive for the ceremonial search of the Palace of Westminster before the State Opening of Parliament in the House of Lords on May 10, 2022 in London, England. The State Opening of Parliament formally marks the beginning of the new session of Parliament. It includes Queen's Speech, prepared for her to read from the throne, by her government outlining its plans for new laws being brought forward in the coming parliamentary year. This year the speech will be read by the Prince of Wales as HM The Queen will miss the event due to ongoing mobility issues. (Photo by Aaron Chown - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Yeoman warders arrive for the ceremonial search of the Palace of Westminster before the State Opening of Parliament (Photo: Aaron Chown/WPA Pool/Getty Images)

How do you become a Beefeater?

All warders are retired from the British Armed Forces.

They need to have at least 22 years of military service and have reached the rank of warrant officer.

They will also need to have been awarded the long service and good conduct medal.

In 2007 Moira Cameron made history when she became the first female Beefeater at the Tower of London. In November 2009, two male yeomen who were accused of a campaign of bullying against her, were sacked.

LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 03: Yeoman Warders, commonly known as Beefeaters march at the National Service of Thanksgiving at St Paul's Cathedral on June 03, 2022 in London, England. The Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II is being celebrated from June 2 to June 5, 2022, in the UK and Commonwealth to mark the 70th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth II on 6 February 1952. (Photo by Dan Kitwood -WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Beefeaters at the Thanksgiving Service at St Paul’s Cathedral on Friday (Photo: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

Why are they called beefeaters?

Although no one knows for sure, one theory is that it originated from an old agreement where beefeaters could eat as much meat as they liked when they were having a meal with the king.

According to Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable as early as the 17th century, the word “beefeater” was used as a slang term for the English.

Another, albeit contested, theory was that the name derives from buffetier (an Old French term meaning “a waiter or servant” at a sideboard) as Beefeaters would serve the king at meals.

It was thought the word was anglicised into buffeters or buffeteers and this was then corrupted into Beefeaters. But the jury’s out on this.

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