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shortened, shorten, shortness, shortening, shortage, shorty, shortish, shorted, shorting

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Antonyms for Short. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/short

Antonyms for Short. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/short>.

Antonyms for Short. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/short.

1. short

adjective. [‘ˈʃɔrt’] primarily temporal sense; indicating or being or seeming to be limited in duration.


  • long
  • distant
  • intelligible
  • mild
  • penetrable
  • scarce
  • thinly


  • brief
  • fleeting
  • duration
  • fugitive
  • momentaneous


  • short (English)
  • short (Middle English (1100-1500))

2. short-range

adjective. relating to the near future.


  • long
  • high


  • short

3. short-term

adjective. [‘ˌʃɔrtˈtɝːm’] relating to or extending over a limited period.


  • long
  • tall
  • high


  • short

4. short-run

adjective. relating to or extending over a limited period.


  • long
  • tall
  • high


  • short

5. short-lived

adjective. [‘ˌʃɔrtˈlɪvd’] lasting a very short time.


  • permanent
  • immanent
  • stable
  • impermanence
  • infinite
  • birth
  • careful


  • fugacious
  • transient
  • impermanent
  • ephemeral
  • passing

6. short

adjective. [‘ˈʃɔrt’] (primarily spatial sense) having little length or lacking in length.


  • long
  • distributed
  • thin
  • thinness
  • narrow
  • smart
  • outside


  • brief
  • sawed-off
  • sawn-off
  • curtal
  • truncate


  • short (English)
  • short (Middle English (1100-1500))

7. short

adjective. [‘ˈʃɔrt’] low in stature; not tall.


  • tall
  • high
  • prolix
  • disesteem
  • lie
  • stand
  • important


  • short-stalked
  • stumpy
  • height
  • thickset
  • squab


  • short (English)
  • short (Middle English (1100-1500))

8. short

noun. [‘ˈʃɔrt’] the location on a baseball field where the shortstop is stationed.


  • outfield
  • unseal
  • far
  • begin
  • communicative
  • generous
  • start


  • piece of land
  • baseball diamond
  • piece of ground
  • infield
  • diamond


  • short (English)
  • short (Middle English (1100-1500))

9. short

adjective. [‘ˈʃɔrt’] not sufficient to meet a need.


  • sufficient
  • refined
  • big
  • large
  • shapely


  • deficient
  • inadequate
  • insufficient


  • short (English)
  • short (Middle English (1100-1500))

10. short

adverb. [‘ˈʃɔrt’] quickly and without warning.


  • much
  • more
  • old
  • uppercase


  • abruptly
  • dead


  • short (English)
  • short (Middle English (1100-1500))

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. shortadjective

    broad, tall, long, wide, high, deep

    slim, narrow, shallow, low

  2. shortadjective

    abbreviation, short form

  3. shortpreposition


  4. shortadjective

    A short circuit.

    They had to stop short to avoid hitting the dog in the street.

    on, lacking

  5. shortadjective

    A short film.

    I don’t want to be short the market going into the weekend.


    titchy, pint-sized, little

  6. shortadjective


    The boss got a message and cut the meeting short.

    concise, brief


English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. short

    Anything short or brief is of relatively small extent. That which is concise (Latin con-, with, together, and cædo, cut) is trimmed down, and that which is condensed (Latin con-, with, together, and densus, thick) is, as it were, pressed together, so as to include as much as possible within a small space. That which is compendious (Latin com-, together, and pendo, weigh) gathers the substance of a matter into a few words, weighty and effective. The succinct (Latin succinctus, from sub-, under, and cingo, gird; girded from below) has an alert effectiveness as if girded for action. The summary is compacted to the utmost, often to the point of abruptness; as, we speak of a summary statement or a summary dismissal. That which is terse (Latin tersus, from tergo, rub off) has an elegant and finished completeness within the smallest possible compass, as if rubbed or polished down to the utmost. A sententious style is one abounding in sentences that are singly striking or memorable, apart from the context; the word may be used invidiously of that which is pretentiously oracular. A pithy utterance gives the gist of a matter effectively, whether in rude or elegant style.

    diffuse, lengthy, long, prolix, tedious, verbose, wordy

    brief, compact, compendious, concise, condensed, laconic, neat, pithy, sententious, succinct, terse

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. short

    long, protracted, extended, unlimited, plentiful, ample, abundant, adequate, sufficient, exuberant, liberal, large, copious, complete, distant, deferred, wide, strong, comprehensive, extensive, exceeding, bland, courteous, unabrupt, expanded, diffuse

    brief, limited, scanty, inadequate, insufficient, lacking, deficient, defective, imperfect, incomplete, soon, near, narrow, weak, incomprehensive, inextensive, less, abrupt, blunt, concise, condensed

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Princeton’s WordNetRate these antonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. shortnoun

    the location on a baseball field where the shortstop is stationed

    longish, tallish, weeklong, long-snouted, statuesque, overnight, extended, long-handled, lifelong, long-shanked, long-lasting, prolonged, long-range, eternal, longitudinal, continuing, long, sufficient, courteous, pole-handled, polysyllabic, eight-day, gangling, lank, nightlong, sesquipedalian, longstanding, seven-day, leggy, long-legged, far, daylong, oblong, chronic, extendable, stately, long-life, stretch(a), perennial, interminable, lengthened, elongated, agelong, monthlong, endless, yearlong, long-stalked, protracted, womb-to-tomb, lanky, long-staple, drawn-out, rangy, long-wool, semipermanent, long-lived, tall, bimestrial, hourlong, in height(p), lengthy, tall-stalked, long-acting, durable, long-dated, time-consuming, gangly, lasting, long-wooled, long-run, all-night, unbreakable, extendible, provident, elongate, tall-growing, long-term

    short circuit, shortstop

  2. short circuit, shortnoun

    accidental contact between two points in an electric circuit that have a potential difference

    agelong, long-stalked, long-range, extendable, eight-day, provident, perennial, tall-growing, prolonged, courteous, extendible, long, long-staple, semipermanent, overnight, protracted, sesquipedalian, statuesque, long-shanked, lifelong, sufficient, far, durable, leggy, lengthy, in height(p), long-life, chronic, long-snouted, monthlong, long-legged, continuing, pole-handled, drawn-out, tall, lanky, long-run, womb-to-tomb, tall-stalked, endless, stretch(a), long-term, long-acting, longstanding, longish, weeklong, lank, gangling, eternal, bimestrial, elongate, polysyllabic, yearlong, daylong, hourlong, elongated, nightlong, oblong, seven-day, long-lived, stately, rangy, long-lasting, lengthened, long-dated, long-wool, extended, tallish, long-wooled, lasting, all-night, time-consuming, long-handled, interminable, longitudinal, unbreakable, gangly

    short circuit, shortstop

  3. shortstop, shortadjective

    the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third base

    prolonged, tall, extendable, extended, leggy, protracted, long-handled, polysyllabic, daylong, weeklong, statuesque, long, long-wool, tall-growing, elongated, gangly, bimestrial, monthlong, long-range, lanky, continuing, agelong, long-run, stately, endless, hourlong, tallish, provident, far, longish, long-shanked, long-staple, lengthened, chronic, seven-day, drawn-out, long-term, longstanding, longitudinal, courteous, pole-handled, nightlong, overnight, eight-day, lank, all-night, sesquipedalian, long-dated, tall-stalked, extendible, yearlong, stretch(a), elongate, durable, long-snouted, gangling, lasting, unbreakable, in height(p), long-life, long-lasting, long-acting, semipermanent, interminable, long-legged, long-wooled, eternal, long-lived, sufficient, time-consuming, womb-to-tomb, lengthy, oblong, perennial, lifelong, long-stalked, rangy

    short circuit, shortstop

  4. shortadjective

    primarily temporal sense; indicating or being or seeming to be limited in duration

    «a short life»; «a short flight»; «a short holiday»; «a short story»; «only a few short months»

    elongate, overnight, long-lasting, stretch(a), long-stalked, long-term, sufficient, protracted, lanky, extended, nightlong, tall-growing, oblong, eight-day, longstanding, long-handled, eternal, time-consuming, long, long-wooled, interminable, perennial, longitudinal, long-run, lengthy, pole-handled, seven-day, long-wool, yearlong, agelong, gangling, long-life, extendible, tall-stalked, gangly, lengthened, statuesque, extendable, long-range, weeklong, sesquipedalian, leggy, drawn-out, long-lived, monthlong, continuing, polysyllabic, durable, long-acting, tall, all-night, daylong, stately, prolonged, endless, provident, bimestrial, tallish, courteous, hourlong, elongated, rangy, long-staple, lank, far, long-legged, lifelong, unbreakable, in height(p), chronic, womb-to-tomb, semipermanent, long-dated, lasting, long-snouted, longish, long-shanked

    forgetful, poor, myopic, brusk, inadequate, shortsighted, curt, light, unretentive, scant(p), short(p), little, unforesightful, brusque

  5. shortadjective

    (primarily spatial sense) having little length or lacking in length

    «short skirts»; «short hair»; «the board was a foot short»; «a short toss»

    daylong, gangly, tall-stalked, far, long-range, long-legged, stretch(a), oblong, in height(p), protracted, gangling, tallish, hourlong, agelong, unbreakable, eight-day, long, lengthened, yearlong, longish, extendible, tall, lank, long-lived, womb-to-tomb, long-run, prolonged, elongated, long-wooled, all-night, leggy, durable, longitudinal, weeklong, polysyllabic, long-wool, continuing, statuesque, tall-growing, long-handled, endless, time-consuming, lengthy, long-snouted, long-lasting, lifelong, lanky, drawn-out, seven-day, long-term, extendable, extended, monthlong, semipermanent, overnight, sufficient, nightlong, long-dated, eternal, sesquipedalian, long-stalked, chronic, rangy, elongate, interminable, long-shanked, pole-handled, provident, stately, perennial, lasting, courteous, bimestrial, longstanding, long-staple, long-life, long-acting

    forgetful, poor, myopic, brusk, inadequate, shortsighted, curt, light, unretentive, scant(p), short(p), little, unforesightful, brusque

  6. short, littleadjective

    low in stature; not tall

    «he was short and stocky»; «short in stature»; «a short smokestack»; «a little man»

    interminable, tallish, semipermanent, polysyllabic, prolonged, monthlong, nightlong, continuing, statuesque, lengthened, long, gangling, long-acting, long-lasting, extended, stretch(a), long-stalked, long-term, lank, elongated, leggy, rangy, long-range, long-run, lengthy, womb-to-tomb, far, all-night, sesquipedalian, protracted, unbreakable, long-dated, provident, overnight, lifelong, yearlong, tall-growing, extendible, daylong, tall-stalked, oblong, eternal, drawn-out, long-snouted, stately, long-staple, elongate, long-wooled, hourlong, perennial, long-legged, durable, long-handled, pole-handled, seven-day, agelong, long-wool, gangly, courteous, weeklong, long-shanked, longish, tall, bimestrial, long-life, lanky, time-consuming, sufficient, endless, longstanding, longitudinal, long-lived, in height(p), extendable, lasting, chronic, eight-day

    small, poor, footling, short(p), trivial, brusk, unforesightful, curt, lilliputian, slight, minuscule, piddling, unretentive, petty, myopic, scant(p), little(a), inadequate, picayune, light, brusque, fiddling, little, shortsighted, piffling, niggling, forgetful

  7. inadequate, poor, shortadjective

    not sufficient to meet a need

    «an inadequate income»; «a poor salary»; «money is short»; «on short rations»; «food is in short supply»; «short on experience»

    lank, pole-handled, eight-day, extendable, long-wool, long-run, nightlong, long-life, sesquipedalian, long-handled, long-wooled, chronic, provident, longish, hourlong, long-legged, overnight, gangly, seven-day, long-lived, long, unbreakable, lifelong, womb-to-tomb, tall, perennial, tallish, prolonged, stately, long-range, leggy, all-night, long-term, courteous, durable, protracted, continuing, extended, stretch(a), long-snouted, sufficient, time-consuming, yearlong, elongate, in height(p), longitudinal, tall-stalked, drawn-out, long-stalked, long-shanked, statuesque, semipermanent, rangy, polysyllabic, eternal, interminable, lengthy, long-lasting, extendible, lanky, gangling, long-acting, daylong, far, lengthened, agelong, oblong, endless, weeklong, tall-growing, lasting, elongated, long-staple, longstanding, monthlong, bimestrial, long-dated

    pitiable, pathetic, brusque, brusk, misfortunate, poor, pitiful, hapless, short(p), miserable, curt, light, unequal, unretentive, wretched, myopic, scant(p), inadequate, piteous, unforesightful, little, shortsighted, forgetful

  8. unretentive, forgetful, shortadjective

    (of memory) deficient in retentiveness or range

    «a short memory»

    unbreakable, womb-to-tomb, tall-stalked, daylong, long-legged, leggy, sesquipedalian, tallish, sufficient, lanky, elongated, long-lived, long-life, extendible, nightlong, monthlong, prolonged, courteous, elongate, bimestrial, long-stalked, tall-growing, eternal, yearlong, long, lank, long-range, long-wooled, rangy, overnight, long-run, interminable, perennial, agelong, protracted, time-consuming, long-shanked, tall, semipermanent, long-term, long-wool, pole-handled, long-staple, extended, long-lasting, eight-day, endless, statuesque, drawn-out, lengthened, weeklong, gangly, longish, oblong, chronic, long-dated, longstanding, lasting, durable, seven-day, long-acting, long-handled, lifelong, gangling, in height(p), longitudinal, hourlong, long-snouted, provident, polysyllabic, continuing, stretch(a), far, extendable, stately, all-night, lengthy

    little, oblivious, short(p), brusk, unmindful, unforesightful, poor, curt, unretentive, myopic, scant(p), inadequate, light, brusque, forgetful, shortsighted, mindless

  9. shortadjective

    not holding securities or commodities that one sells in expectation of a fall in prices

    «a short sale»; «short in cotton»

    long-run, stately, oblong, unbreakable, elongate, gangly, drawn-out, weeklong, eight-day, monthlong, elongated, tall-stalked, endless, seven-day, sufficient, continuing, leggy, longstanding, long, long-range, semipermanent, extended, far, all-night, yearlong, long-lasting, courteous, extendable, tallish, extendible, overnight, lengthened, gangling, lank, lifelong, tall-growing, polysyllabic, longitudinal, bimestrial, rangy, long-legged, long-shanked, long-staple, lanky, protracted, long-acting, long-stalked, tall, longish, agelong, long-lived, nightlong, in height(p), interminable, prolonged, chronic, daylong, hourlong, long-handled, provident, eternal, long-life, long-dated, stretch(a), womb-to-tomb, sesquipedalian, lengthy, perennial, durable, statuesque, time-consuming, pole-handled, long-wooled, long-term, long-snouted, long-wool, lasting

    forgetful, poor, myopic, brusk, inadequate, shortsighted, curt, light, unretentive, scant(p), short(p), little, unforesightful, brusque

  10. shortadjective

    of speech sounds or syllables of relatively short duration

    «the English vowel sounds in `pat’, `pet’, `pit’, `pot’, putt’ are short»

    stately, semipermanent, lengthy, continuing, long-lived, overnight, prolonged, yearlong, long-snouted, sufficient, monthlong, long, womb-to-tomb, long-wool, long-wooled, in height(p), gangling, long-handled, far, polysyllabic, long-stalked, interminable, oblong, statuesque, stretch(a), gangly, long-shanked, bimestrial, endless, longish, leggy, lengthened, provident, lifelong, long-range, tall-growing, all-night, longstanding, long-term, nightlong, perennial, lasting, unbreakable, seven-day, eternal, extended, sesquipedalian, extendable, eight-day, longitudinal, long-dated, elongated, long-run, long-life, tall-stalked, agelong, tall, courteous, extendible, long-lasting, time-consuming, weeklong, long-acting, long-staple, elongate, tallish, rangy, hourlong, lank, chronic, pole-handled, long-legged, daylong, drawn-out, durable, lanky, protracted

    forgetful, poor, myopic, brusk, inadequate, shortsighted, curt, light, unretentive, scant(p), short(p), little, unforesightful, brusque

  11. light, scant(p), shortadjective

    less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so

    «a light pound»; «a scant cup of sugar»; «regularly gives short weight»

    lifelong, lengthened, rangy, prolonged, pole-handled, agelong, daylong, weeklong, lanky, far, lengthy, longitudinal, yearlong, long-run, perennial, leggy, long-snouted, long-staple, extendible, courteous, long, polysyllabic, hourlong, bimestrial, endless, eight-day, longish, long-term, statuesque, chronic, long-range, drawn-out, womb-to-tomb, lasting, stretch(a), longstanding, long-stalked, sufficient, long-lived, gangly, seven-day, long-acting, overnight, tall, long-handled, all-night, semipermanent, elongate, continuing, extended, gangling, long-wooled, interminable, long-wool, extendable, long-legged, sesquipedalian, monthlong, nightlong, long-dated, stately, long-lasting, in height(p), elongated, unbreakable, tallish, tall-stalked, eternal, oblong, time-consuming, durable, tall-growing, long-life, lank, protracted, provident, long-shanked

  12. short, shortsighted, unforesightful, myopicadjective

    lacking foresight or scope

    «a short view of the problem»; «shortsighted policies»; «shortsighted critics derided the plan»; «myopic thinking»

    sufficient, long-staple, tall-stalked, long-wool, lengthened, leggy, long-dated, continuing, long-wooled, long-snouted, long-life, long, provident, long-legged, weeklong, chronic, interminable, polysyllabic, statuesque, long-range, lank, daylong, lengthy, drawn-out, monthlong, eight-day, oblong, seven-day, elongated, agelong, stretch(a), all-night, time-consuming, semipermanent, extendable, durable, longitudinal, long-term, longstanding, yearlong, bimestrial, pole-handled, overnight, protracted, extended, elongate, rangy, gangling, long-shanked, nightlong, unbreakable, hourlong, long-lived, long-run, long-stalked, in height(p), endless, extendible, long-lasting, long-acting, prolonged, tallish, sesquipedalian, tall-growing, perennial, gangly, courteous, long-handled, far, longish, eternal, womb-to-tomb, lifelong, lasting, lanky, stately, tall

    ill-considered, ill-judged, poor, short(p), brusk, unforesightful, curt, improvident, unretentive, nearsighted, myopic, scant(p), inadequate, light, brusque, little, shortsighted, forgetful

  13. shortadjective

    tending to crumble or break into flakes due to a large amount of shortening

    «shortbread is a short crumbly cookie»; «a short flaky pie crust»

    monthlong, long-shanked, rangy, agelong, sesquipedalian, sufficient, long-lasting, long-dated, gangling, all-night, long, tall-stalked, long-handled, durable, unbreakable, elongated, courteous, prolonged, lasting, longitudinal, extended, leggy, lanky, tall, long-wool, long-lived, extendible, lengthy, extendable, bimestrial, seven-day, long-snouted, womb-to-tomb, perennial, weeklong, provident, lengthened, lank, eight-day, long-acting, tall-growing, hourlong, long-run, tallish, chronic, eternal, statuesque, long-staple, oblong, long-life, long-term, stretch(a), pole-handled, daylong, nightlong, overnight, far, gangly, long-range, semipermanent, protracted, interminable, yearlong, drawn-out, long-stalked, elongate, longish, lifelong, time-consuming, long-wooled, long-legged, endless, in height(p), continuing, longstanding, polysyllabic, stately

    forgetful, poor, myopic, brusk, inadequate, shortsighted, curt, light, unretentive, scant(p), short(p), little, unforesightful, brusque

  14. brusque, brusk, curt, short(p)verb

    marked by rude or peremptory shortness

    «try to cultivate a less brusque manner»; «a curt reply»; «the salesgirl was very short with him»

    gangly, long-stalked, endless, long, extendable, eight-day, nightlong, protracted, daylong, sufficient, elongated, long-lived, elongate, polysyllabic, extended, sesquipedalian, long-legged, tall-growing, unbreakable, long-range, time-consuming, long-life, longish, pole-handled, long-snouted, stately, prolonged, seven-day, in height(p), tall-stalked, lank, long-wooled, longstanding, leggy, drawn-out, long-wool, agelong, statuesque, far, long-shanked, extendible, longitudinal, womb-to-tomb, long-run, yearlong, long-lasting, semipermanent, stretch(a), all-night, perennial, long-term, rangy, lasting, bimestrial, lengthened, eternal, provident, continuing, chronic, courteous, durable, long-handled, weeklong, oblong, overnight, tall, hourlong, long-acting, interminable, monthlong, long-staple, tallish, gangling, lifelong, lanky, lengthy, long-dated

  15. short-change, shortverb

    cheat someone by not returning him enough money

    protracted, gangly, continuing, lanky, yearlong, long-stalked, longitudinal, sufficient, statuesque, long, tall, gangling, rangy, chronic, extendible, drawn-out, far, longstanding, overnight, long-lasting, daylong, leggy, prolonged, lank, long-shanked, long-staple, oblong, lasting, stretch(a), polysyllabic, all-night, extended, long-dated, provident, courteous, long-life, long-range, unbreakable, womb-to-tomb, monthlong, tall-growing, long-acting, elongated, long-lived, tallish, pole-handled, interminable, extendable, long-snouted, long-handled, tall-stalked, long-wool, lengthened, hourlong, long-run, elongate, bimestrial, seven-day, semipermanent, lengthy, longish, endless, durable, weeklong, stately, long-term, long-legged, long-wooled, time-consuming, eternal, nightlong, agelong, perennial, sesquipedalian, lifelong, eight-day, in height(p)

    scam, hornswoggle, rook, short-circuit, swindle, bunco, nobble, con, gyp, goldbrick, victimize, mulct, diddle, gip, short-change, defraud

  16. short-circuit, shortadverb

    create a short circuit in

    long-acting, leggy, seven-day, tall, long-stalked, sufficient, lifelong, long-legged, prolonged, long-snouted, longitudinal, long-run, gangly, overnight, pole-handled, protracted, courteous, nightlong, sesquipedalian, chronic, statuesque, long-term, long-life, far, long, long-wooled, long-range, tall-stalked, stretch(a), agelong, monthlong, bimestrial, womb-to-tomb, long-dated, semipermanent, rangy, all-night, daylong, drawn-out, polysyllabic, long-staple, elongated, eight-day, extendable, interminable, lanky, tallish, extended, tall-growing, stately, long-shanked, eternal, longish, long-lived, lasting, yearlong, oblong, long-lasting, time-consuming, elongate, endless, weeklong, longstanding, unbreakable, lank, long-wool, hourlong, durable, provident, perennial, extendible, lengthened, long-handled, lengthy, continuing, gangling, in height(p)

    go around, short-circuit, bypass, short-change, get around

  17. abruptly, suddenly, short, deadadverb

    quickly and without warning

    «he stopped suddenly»

    chronic, long-lasting, extended, overnight, longish, durable, yearlong, eight-day, seven-day, long, long-run, sufficient, lengthy, bimestrial, long-shanked, monthlong, statuesque, gangling, courteous, leggy, lanky, perennial, long-stalked, long-life, daylong, long-wool, elongated, protracted, semipermanent, polysyllabic, elongate, long-staple, sesquipedalian, extendable, longitudinal, tallish, lifelong, prolonged, long-acting, lasting, unbreakable, lank, pole-handled, stately, lengthened, long-range, time-consuming, gangly, longstanding, oblong, extendible, far, tall, long-legged, nightlong, long-term, weeklong, long-snouted, in height(p), stretch(a), long-handled, agelong, long-lived, long-dated, eternal, long-wooled, interminable, all-night, continuing, provident, womb-to-tomb, tall-growing, endless, hourlong, rangy, tall-stalked, drawn-out

    shortly, curtly, on the spur of the moment, perfectly, suddenly, absolutely, of a sudden, dead, utterly, unawares, abruptly, all of a sudden

  18. shortadverb

    without possessing something at the time it is contractually sold

    «he made his fortune by selling short just before the crash»

    long-range, longish, long-snouted, long-staple, longstanding, long-term, leggy, polysyllabic, unbreakable, long, bimestrial, all-night, tall, far, statuesque, elongated, tall-stalked, long-lasting, gangly, durable, womb-to-tomb, overnight, tall-growing, stretch(a), long-run, long-wool, daylong, semipermanent, prolonged, endless, extendable, lanky, rangy, lengthened, long-dated, extended, pole-handled, stately, long-wooled, courteous, long-acting, agelong, eternal, perennial, chronic, protracted, lank, yearlong, nightlong, tallish, long-stalked, extendible, lifelong, gangling, in height(p), eight-day, elongate, interminable, continuing, long-lived, oblong, sufficient, long-handled, monthlong, lasting, hourlong, sesquipedalian, provident, time-consuming, lengthy, long-life, weeklong, long-shanked, longitudinal, seven-day, drawn-out, long-legged

    dead, suddenly, unawares, shortly, curtly, abruptly

  19. shortadverb

    clean across

    «the car’s axle snapped short»

    provident, lengthened, pole-handled, stretch(a), nightlong, endless, leggy, long-wooled, longitudinal, extendable, unbreakable, long-legged, long-range, polysyllabic, sufficient, bimestrial, lengthy, gangly, prolonged, seven-day, eight-day, lank, semipermanent, long, interminable, agelong, lifelong, long-wool, gangling, elongated, protracted, oblong, long-shanked, far, all-night, time-consuming, tall, sesquipedalian, monthlong, long-term, lanky, longish, elongate, long-dated, extendible, extended, long-acting, long-lasting, daylong, long-lived, perennial, in height(p), hourlong, eternal, durable, tallish, weeklong, rangy, long-snouted, courteous, continuing, stately, long-handled, long-staple, womb-to-tomb, tall-stalked, long-stalked, overnight, lasting, longstanding, statuesque, chronic, tall-growing, yearlong, long-life, drawn-out, long-run

    dead, suddenly, unawares, shortly, curtly, abruptly

  20. shortadverb

    at some point or distance before a goal is reached

    «he fell short of our expectations»

    tallish, pole-handled, prolonged, agelong, courteous, continuing, long-stalked, interminable, long-life, unbreakable, extended, endless, sufficient, long, bimestrial, long-range, weeklong, nightlong, semipermanent, provident, lank, eight-day, elongated, extendable, leggy, long-snouted, tall-growing, durable, statuesque, overnight, long-handled, extendible, long-staple, stately, eternal, seven-day, rangy, polysyllabic, lengthy, in height(p), lanky, stretch(a), yearlong, long-lasting, tall-stalked, long-wooled, long-legged, long-lived, gangling, all-night, chronic, sesquipedalian, long-dated, monthlong, long-acting, long-run, tall, lifelong, drawn-out, gangly, protracted, longish, hourlong, daylong, perennial, longstanding, womb-to-tomb, long-shanked, lengthened, long-term, time-consuming, far, oblong, longitudinal, elongate, long-wool, lasting

    dead, suddenly, unawares, shortly, curtly, abruptly

  21. shortadverb

    so as to interrupt

    «She took him up short before he could continue»

    long, womb-to-tomb, durable, yearlong, long-term, extended, stately, long-wooled, chronic, lifelong, tallish, long-range, continuing, prolonged, rangy, provident, long-life, bimestrial, long-run, elongate, daylong, nightlong, long-lived, long-legged, courteous, all-night, tall-stalked, eight-day, lank, leggy, tall-growing, time-consuming, tall, hourlong, long-dated, lengthened, oblong, long-snouted, sesquipedalian, agelong, weeklong, in height(p), stretch(a), pole-handled, polysyllabic, long-lasting, overnight, gangly, lengthy, sufficient, longstanding, elongated, long-handled, semipermanent, longitudinal, long-wool, statuesque, lasting, lanky, long-stalked, eternal, drawn-out, long-staple, protracted, long-shanked, unbreakable, long-acting, interminable, gangling, extendible, longish, seven-day, extendable, monthlong, perennial, far, endless

    dead, suddenly, unawares, shortly, curtly, abruptly

  22. short, unawaresadverb

    at a disadvantage

    «I was caught short»

    stretch(a), longstanding, long-range, endless, long-term, perennial, tallish, durable, drawn-out, womb-to-tomb, far, lifelong, tall-growing, long-dated, daylong, elongated, oblong, lanky, eight-day, long-run, lasting, long, long-lasting, yearlong, interminable, long-lived, seven-day, long-staple, long-acting, all-night, protracted, eternal, pole-handled, hourlong, stately, chronic, leggy, long-wooled, courteous, longish, monthlong, extended, unbreakable, agelong, long-shanked, prolonged, tall, longitudinal, sufficient, lengthened, semipermanent, provident, gangly, rangy, lank, in height(p), extendible, lengthy, overnight, long-stalked, statuesque, bimestrial, long-handled, long-life, polysyllabic, extendable, sesquipedalian, long-snouted, gangling, continuing, tall-stalked, elongate, nightlong, weeklong, long-wool, time-consuming, long-legged

    dead, suddenly, unawares, shortly, curtly, abruptly

  23. curtly, short, shortlyadverb

    in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner

    «he told me curtly to get on with it»; «he talked short with everyone»; «he said shortly that he didn’t like it»

    agelong, tall-growing, far, long-term, time-consuming, sesquipedalian, extendible, longstanding, lengthy, elongated, long, longitudinal, long-lasting, gangly, statuesque, courteous, long-range, stately, extended, long-staple, nightlong, seven-day, lengthened, long-snouted, daylong, endless, lasting, monthlong, unbreakable, long-life, semipermanent, stretch(a), polysyllabic, gangling, provident, long-legged, long-acting, protracted, lifelong, all-night, long-wool, lanky, rangy, leggy, oblong, tall-stalked, prolonged, pole-handled, interminable, perennial, long-handled, bimestrial, long-wooled, eight-day, long-lived, tall, long-run, sufficient, tallish, weeklong, eternal, continuing, durable, womb-to-tomb, long-dated, hourlong, longish, long-shanked, lank, extendable, elongate, drawn-out, long-stalked, overnight, in height(p), chronic, yearlong

    in short, shortly, curtly, concisely, soon, presently, suddenly, in brief, dead, unawares, briefly, abruptly, before long

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. shortadjective

    diffuse, prolix, long

    brief, contracted, terse, concise, condensed, sententious, laconic, succinct, summary, epigrammatic, pithy, limited, inadequate, insufficient, deficient, scanty, abrupt, curt, uncivil, lacking, shy, unsupplied, crisp, friable, brittle

Editors ContributionRate these antonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. belfry

    not tall

    there was a short house where the belfry was.

    Submitted by anonymous on November 17, 2019  

  2. quest

    on a quest you don’t just stay put in your back yard ,you go out of your «comfort zone»

    off on an epic quest to find some treasure

    Submitted by anonymous on November 17, 2019  

How to use short in a sentence?

  1. George Bernard Shaw:

    Let a short Act of Parliament be passed, placing all street musicians outside the protection of the law, so that any citizen may assail them with stones, sticks, knives, pistols, or bombs without incurring any penalties.

  2. The Queen:

    I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.

  3. Oscar Auliq-Ice:

    Setting goals can help you gain both short and long term achievements.

  4. Steny Hoyer:

    I am hopeful that in the next few days that we will be able to come to an agreement on a bill that responds to the major crisis, at least in the short term.

  5. Ariel Henry:

    My fellow Haitians in Haiti and in the diaspora, it is an honor for me to address you as your prime minister. I am calling for all of us to unite and to work together to stop the nation from descending into the abyss, today, it is our responsibility as leaders to work together to faces our challenges. I know some people are scared and have questions about who is leading the country. We weren’t ready for recent events, but I can assure you that in a very short period of time I will unveil a new coalition government. This government will lead the country for a short period of time until we can hold better elections.

How to pronounce short?

How to say short in sign language?


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  • English (English)


Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

Are we missing a good antonym for short?

Opposite of small in stature due to having relatively little height. tall. high. lofty. long.

In this post

  • 1 What is the opposite word of short short?
  • 2 What is another word for shorts?
  • 3 What is it opposite word?
  • 4 What is the opposite of pant?
  • 5 How do you describe shorts?
  • 6 What is the opposite of a shirt?
  • 7 What is another name for shirt?
  • 8 What’s another word for long shorts?
  • 9 What are shorts in French?
  • 10 What is the opposite of I Love You?
  • 11 What is the opposite of 3?
  • 12 What is opposite of kid?
  • 13 What else do you call pants?
  • 14 What are trousers?
  • 15 What’s another word for sneakers?
  • 16 Are shorts a type of pants?
  • 17 What is a dress with shorts called?
  • 18 What are pants below the knee called?
  • 19 What is the opposite to salt?
  • 20 What’s another word for blouse?

What is the opposite word of short short?

Antonym of Short

Word Antonym
Short Long, Tall
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is another word for shorts?

In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for shorts, like: underwear, boxers, short pants, athletic underwear, clothes, drawers, underdrawers, boxershorts, trunks, briefs and underpants.

What is it opposite word?

Definitions of opposite word. a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other.

We have listed all the opposite words for pant alphabetically. despise. abhor. abominate. allergic to.

How do you describe shorts?

Shorts are a garment worn over the pelvic area, circling the waist and splitting to cover the upper part of the legs, sometimes extending down to the knees but not covering the entire length of the leg.

What is the opposite of a shirt?

What is the opposite of shirt?

bottoms pants
trousers jeans
slacks shorts

What is another name for shirt?

What is another word for shirt?

blouse jersey
polo pullover
turtleneck tunic
chemise sark
sweater jumper

What’s another word for long shorts?

What is another word for shorts?

underwear undies
britches chaps
slacks denims
dungarees Bermudas
Jockey shorts tightie-whities

What are shorts in French?

shorts → caleçon, culotte, short.

What is the opposite of I Love You?

1, 2 hatred, dislike. 15, 16 detest, hate.

What is the opposite of 3?

The opposite of 3 is -3.

What is opposite of kid?

Opposite of a child or young person. adult. grown-up. grownup. man.

What else do you call pants?

hose, legging. (or leggin), sweatpants.

What are trousers?

noun (used with a plural verb) Sometimes trouser. Also called pants. a usually loose-fitting outer garment for the lower part of the body, having individual leg portions that reach typically to the ankle but sometimes to any of various other points from the upper leg down.

What’s another word for sneakers?

synonyms for sneakers

  • cleat.
  • footwear.
  • shoe.
  • tennis shoe.
  • footgear.
  • sneak.
  • basketball shoe.
  • gym shoe.

Are shorts a type of pants?

Shorts are a short length trousers or pants that reach only to the upper part of the legs or more, but do not cover the entire leg. They are worn by both men and women. Shorts are worn either as outer garment or as underwear.

What is a dress with shorts called?

It is called a ‘Playsuit‘.

What are pants below the knee called?

Capri: Capri pants are knee-length or sometimes cropped right below the knee. They can be loose or form-fitting.

What is the opposite to salt?

What is the opposite of salt?

nonsaline fresh
sweet unpolluted
clear clean

What’s another word for blouse?

In this page you can discover 31 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for blouse, like: top, waist, sweater, bodysuit, v-neck, overblouse, peasant-blouse, shirt, camp shirt, clothes and null.



Opposite of Short, What is opposite antonym word Short

Opposite of Short, What is opposite antonym word Short

Word; Short

Meaning; brief, concise, curt, summary, mini

Opposites of Short

  • extended
  • lengthy
  • elevated
  • loud
  • tall
  • long
  • superior
  • lofty
  • prolonged
  • high
  • maxi

Here are Most Important Opposite Word List

  • about – exactly
  • above – below
  • absence – presence
  • abundance – lack
  • accept – refuse
  • accidental – intentional
  • active – lazy
  • add – subtract
  • admit – deny
  • adult – child
  • advanced – elementary
  • affirmative – negative
  • afraid – brave
  • after – before
  • against – for
  • alike – different
  • alive – dead
  • all – none
  • allow – forbid
  • already – not yet
  • always – never
  • ancient – modern
  • ancestor – descendant
  • agree – refuse
  • amateur – professional
  • amuse – bore
  • ancestor – descendant
  • angel – devil
  • animal – human
  • annoy – satisfy
  • answer – ask
  • answer – question
  • awful – nice
  • back – in front of
  • background – foreground
  • backward – forward
  • bad – good
  • bad luck – fortune
  • beauty – ugliness
  • before – after
  • begin – end
  • beginning – end
  • behind – in front of
  • below – above
  • best – worst
  • better – worse
  • beautiful – ugly
  • big – small
  • birth – death
  • bitter – sweet
  • black – white
  • blunt – sharp
  • body – soul
  • bore – amuse
  • boring – exciting
  • careless – careful
  • catch – miss
  • ceiling – floor
  • cellar – attic
  • centre – outskirts
  • certainly – probably
  • changeable – constant
  • cheap – expensive
  • child – adult
  • children – parents
  • clean – dirty
  • clear – cloudy
  • clever – stupid
  • close – open
  • closed – open
  • cloudy – clear
  • cold – hot
  • cold – heat
  • come – go
  • comedy – drama
  • complicated – simple
  • compliment – insult
  • cool – warm
  • correct – wrong
  • courage – fear
  • courageous – cowardly
  • cowardly – brave
  • create – destroy
  • cruel – human
  • cry – whisper
  • cry – laugh
  • damage – repair
  • danger – security
  • dangerous – safe
  • dark – light
  • daughter – son
  • dawn – dusk
  • day – night
  • dead – alive
  • death – birth
  • deep – shallow
  • defeat – victory
  • defence – attack
  • defend – attack
  • delicious – awful
  • deny – admit
  • depart – arrive
  • departure – arrival
  • descendant – ancestor
  • descent – ascent
  • desperate – hopeful
  • destroy – build
  • domestic – foreign
  • down – up
  • downstairs – upstairs
  • drama – comedy
  • dry – humid
  • dull – interesting
  • dusk – dawn
  • early – late
  • east – west
  • easy – difficult
  • elementary – advanced
  • emigrate – immigrate
  • emigration – immigration
  • empty – full
  • end – begin
  • end – beginning
  • ending – beginning
  • enemy – friend
  • enjoy – hate
  • enter – leave
  • entrance – exit
  • equal – different
  • even – odd
  • evening – morning
  • everybody – nobody
  • export – import
  • exposure – shelter
  • extreme – moderate
  • fail – succeed
  • failure – success
  • false – true
  • far – near
  • fast – slow
  • fat – slim
  • fear – courage
  • female – male
  • few – many
  • final – first
  • find – lose
  • finish – begin
  • finish – start
  • first – final
  • fix – break
  • flat – hilly
  • floor – ceiling
  • follow – lead
  • forbid – allow
  • for – against
  • foreground – background
  • foreign – domestic
  • foreigner – native
  • forget – remember
  • form – destroy
  • fortune – bad luck
  • gentle – violent
  • gentleman – lady
  • giant – tiny
  • girl – boy
  • give – take
  • go – come
  • good – bad
  • grown-up – child
  • guest – host
  • guilty – innocent
  • happiness – sadness
  • happy – sad
  • handsome – ugly
  • hard – easy
  • harvest – plant
  • hate – enjoy
  • health – disease
  • healthy – ill
  • heat – cold
  • heaven – hell
  • heavy – light
  • huge – tiny
  • human – animal
  • humane – cruel
  • humid – dry
  • hungry – thirsty
  • husband – wife
  • in front of – back
  • ignore – notice
  • ill – healty
  • immigrate – emigrate
  • immigration – emigration
  • import – export
  • in – out
  • include – exclude
  • increase – reduce
  • innocent – guilty
  • inside – outside
  • insult – compliment
  • intelligent – silly
  • intentional – accidental
  • be interested in – bore
  • interesting – boring
  • interrupt – continue
  • junior – senior
  • kind – cruel
  • lack – abundance
  • lady – gentleman
  • land – take off
  • land – water
  • large – small
  • last – first
  • late – early
  • laugh – cry
  • lazy – active
  • lead – follow
  • learn – teach
  • leave – arrive
  • left – right
  • lend – borrow
  • less – more
  • let – forbid
  • lie – stand
  • life – death
  • light – dark
  • light – heavy
  • like – hate
  • liquid – solid
  • little – big
  • little – much
  • live – die
  • long – short
  • lose – win
  • loser – winner
  • loud – quiet
  • love – hate
  • lovely – terrible
  • low – high
  • lower – raise
  • bad luck – good luck
  • good luck – bad luck
  • major – minor
  • male – female
  • man – woman
  • many – few
  • midnight – noon
  • minimum – maximum
  • minor – major
  • miss – hit
  • miss – catch
  • moderate – extreme
  • modern – ancient
  • monarchy – republic
  • moon – sun
  • more – less
  • morning – evening
  • mountain – valley
  • much – little
  • narrow – broad
  • nasty – nice
  • native – foreigner
  • natural – artificial
  • near – distant
  • negative – affirmative
  • nephew – niece
  • never – always
  • new – ancient
  • nice – awful
  • niece – nephew
  • night – day
  • no – yes
  • nobody – everybody
  • noisy – quiet
  • noon – midnight
  • none of – al lot of
  • normal – strange
  • north – south
  • not yet – already
  • nothing – everything
  • notice – ignore
  • now – then
  • occasionally – frequently
  • occupied – vacant
  • odd – even
  • off – on
  • often – seldom
  • old – modern
  • on – off
  • open – closed
  • open – closed
  • opponent – supporter
  • order – mess
  • ordinary – special
  • other – same
  • out – in
  • outside – inside
  • outskirts – centre
  • over – under
  • parents – children
  • part – whole
  • partial – total
  • particular – general
  • pass – fail
  • past – future
  • peace – war
  • permit – forbid
  • plant – harvest
  • plenty – lack
  • pleasant – awful
  • polite – rude
  • poor – rich
  • poverty – wealth
  • powerful – weak
  • presence – absence
  • present – past
  • pretty – ugly
  • private – public
  • probably – certainly
  • professional – amateur
  • protect – attack
  • protection – attack
  • public – private
  • pull – push
  • pupil – teacher
  • push – pull
  • question – answer
  • quick – slow
  • quiet – loud
  • raise – lower
  • rainy – sunny
  • rear – front
  • receive – send
  • reduce – increase
  • refuse – agree
  • regret – satisfaction
  • scream – whisper
  • security – danger
  • seldom – often
  • sell – buy
  • send – receive
  • senior – junior
  • separate – connect
  • serious – funny
  • servant – master
  • set free – arrest
  • shallow – deep
  • sharp – blunt
  • shelter – exposure
  • short – long
  • shout – whisper
  • shut – open
  • sick – healthy
  • silent – noisy
  • silly – intelligent
  • simple – complicated
  • sink – rise
  • single – married
  • sister – brother
  • sit – stand
  • slim – fat
  • slow – fast
  • small – big
  • smooth – rough
  • soft – hard
  • solid – liquid
  • some – many
  • sometimes – often
  • son – daughter
  • soul – body
  • sour – sweet
  • south – north
  • special – general
  • spring – autumn
  • stand – sit
  • start – stop
  • start – finish
  • stop – start
  • stand – lie
  • strange – normal
  • stranger – native
  • strict – gentle
  • strong – weak
  • student – teacher
  • stupid – clever
  • suburb – centre
  • succeed – fail
  • success – failure
  • subtract – add
  • sugar – salt
  • summer – winter
  • sun – moon
  • sunny – cloudy
  • true – false
  • trust – suspect
  • ugliness – beauty
  • ugly – beautiful
  • under – over
  • unite – divide
  • unity – division
  • up – down
  • upstairs – downstairs
  • urban – rural
  • useful – useless
  • useless – useful
  • vacant – occupied
  • valley – mountain
  • vertical – horizontal
  • victory – defeat
  • village – town
  • violent – gentle
  • visitor – host
  • voluntary – compulsory
  • vowel – consonant
  • war – peace
  • warm – cool
  • waste – save
  • water – land
  • weak – powerful
  • wealth – poverty
  • wealthy – poor
  • wedding – divorce

Opposite of Short, Antonym of Short, 11 Opposite Words For Short

Meaning; Short-circuit or cause to short-circuit.

Opposites of Short

  • extended
  • lengthy
  • elevated
  • loud
  • tall
  • long
  • superior
  • lofty
  • prolonged
  • high
  • maxi

Synonym for Short

  • brief
  • concise
  • curt
  • summary
  • mini
  • little
  • small
  • few
  • under
  • poor
  • insufficient
  • inadequate
  • unsatisfactory
  • meager
  • inefficient
  • minus
  • missing
  • deficient
  • incomplete
  • lacking

Example Sentences

  • Let’s make this short.
  • Alex’s now short of money.
  • I’ll try to keep it short.

Most Common Opposite Words List

already – not yet
argue – agree
arrest – free
arrival – departure
arrive – depart
busy – lazy
buy – sell
calm – excited
careful – careless
careless – careful
catch – miss
ceiling – floor
defend – attack
empty – full
fix – break
flat – hilly
harvest – plant
humid – dry
hungry – thirsty
husband – wife
ose – win
loser – winner
loud – quiet
ever – always
new – ancient
occupied – vacant
odd – even
off – on
resent – past
private – public
sad – happy
sadness – happiness
safe – dangerous
safety – danger
thin – thick
useless – useful
vacant – occupied
valley – mountain
omen – men
yes – no
young – old

About The Author


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