What is the opposite word of save


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Antonyms for Save. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/save

Antonyms for Save. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/save>.

Antonyms for Save. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/save.



Opposite of Save, What is opposite antonym word Save

Opposite of Save, What is opposite antonym word Save

Word; Save

Meaning; rescue, save, recover, salvage, redeem

Opposites of Save

  • wound
  • fracture
  • crack
  • flaw
  • injure
  • encroach
  • break
  • touch
  • offend
  • hurt
  • harm
  • damage

Here are Most Important Opposite Word List

  • about – exactly
  • above – below
  • absence – presence
  • abundance – lack
  • accept – refuse
  • accidental – intentional
  • active – lazy
  • add – subtract
  • admit – deny
  • adult – child
  • advanced – elementary
  • affirmative – negative
  • afraid – brave
  • after – before
  • against – for
  • alike – different
  • alive – dead
  • all – none
  • allow – forbid
  • already – not yet
  • always – never
  • ancient – modern
  • ancestor – descendant
  • agree – refuse
  • amateur – professional
  • amuse – bore
  • ancestor – descendant
  • angel – devil
  • animal – human
  • annoy – satisfy
  • answer – ask
  • answer – question
  • awful – nice
  • back – in front of
  • background – foreground
  • backward – forward
  • bad – good
  • bad luck – fortune
  • beauty – ugliness
  • before – after
  • begin – end
  • beginning – end
  • behind – in front of
  • below – above
  • best – worst
  • better – worse
  • beautiful – ugly
  • big – small
  • birth – death
  • bitter – sweet
  • black – white
  • blunt – sharp
  • body – soul
  • bore – amuse
  • boring – exciting
  • careless – careful
  • catch – miss
  • ceiling – floor
  • cellar – attic
  • centre – outskirts
  • certainly – probably
  • changeable – constant
  • cheap – expensive
  • child – adult
  • children – parents
  • clean – dirty
  • clear – cloudy
  • clever – stupid
  • close – open
  • closed – open
  • cloudy – clear
  • cold – hot
  • cold – heat
  • come – go
  • comedy – drama
  • complicated – simple
  • compliment – insult
  • cool – warm
  • correct – wrong
  • courage – fear
  • courageous – cowardly
  • cowardly – brave
  • create – destroy
  • cruel – human
  • cry – whisper
  • cry – laugh
  • damage – repair
  • danger – security
  • dangerous – safe
  • dark – light
  • daughter – son
  • dawn – dusk
  • day – night
  • dead – alive
  • death – birth
  • deep – shallow
  • defeat – victory
  • defence – attack
  • defend – attack
  • delicious – awful
  • deny – admit
  • depart – arrive
  • departure – arrival
  • descendant – ancestor
  • descent – ascent
  • desperate – hopeful
  • destroy – build
  • domestic – foreign
  • down – up
  • downstairs – upstairs
  • drama – comedy
  • dry – humid
  • dull – interesting
  • dusk – dawn
  • early – late
  • east – west
  • easy – difficult
  • elementary – advanced
  • emigrate – immigrate
  • emigration – immigration
  • empty – full
  • end – begin
  • end – beginning
  • ending – beginning
  • enemy – friend
  • enjoy – hate
  • enter – leave
  • entrance – exit
  • equal – different
  • even – odd
  • evening – morning
  • everybody – nobody
  • export – import
  • exposure – shelter
  • extreme – moderate
  • fail – succeed
  • failure – success
  • false – true
  • far – near
  • fast – slow
  • fat – slim
  • fear – courage
  • female – male
  • few – many
  • final – first
  • find – lose
  • finish – begin
  • finish – start
  • first – final
  • fix – break
  • flat – hilly
  • floor – ceiling
  • follow – lead
  • forbid – allow
  • for – against
  • foreground – background
  • foreign – domestic
  • foreigner – native
  • forget – remember
  • form – destroy
  • fortune – bad luck
  • gentle – violent
  • gentleman – lady
  • giant – tiny
  • girl – boy
  • give – take
  • go – come
  • good – bad
  • grown-up – child
  • guest – host
  • guilty – innocent
  • happiness – sadness
  • happy – sad
  • handsome – ugly
  • hard – easy
  • harvest – plant
  • hate – enjoy
  • health – disease
  • healthy – ill
  • heat – cold
  • heaven – hell
  • heavy – light
  • huge – tiny
  • human – animal
  • humane – cruel
  • humid – dry
  • hungry – thirsty
  • husband – wife
  • in front of – back
  • ignore – notice
  • ill – healty
  • immigrate – emigrate
  • immigration – emigration
  • import – export
  • in – out
  • include – exclude
  • increase – reduce
  • innocent – guilty
  • inside – outside
  • insult – compliment
  • intelligent – silly
  • intentional – accidental
  • be interested in – bore
  • interesting – boring
  • interrupt – continue
  • junior – senior
  • kind – cruel
  • lack – abundance
  • lady – gentleman
  • land – take off
  • land – water
  • large – small
  • last – first
  • late – early
  • laugh – cry
  • lazy – active
  • lead – follow
  • learn – teach
  • leave – arrive
  • left – right
  • lend – borrow
  • less – more
  • let – forbid
  • lie – stand
  • life – death
  • light – dark
  • light – heavy
  • like – hate
  • liquid – solid
  • little – big
  • little – much
  • live – die
  • long – short
  • lose – win
  • loser – winner
  • loud – quiet
  • love – hate
  • lovely – terrible
  • low – high
  • lower – raise
  • bad luck – good luck
  • good luck – bad luck
  • major – minor
  • male – female
  • man – woman
  • many – few
  • midnight – noon
  • minimum – maximum
  • minor – major
  • miss – hit
  • miss – catch
  • moderate – extreme
  • modern – ancient
  • monarchy – republic
  • moon – sun
  • more – less
  • morning – evening
  • mountain – valley
  • much – little
  • narrow – broad
  • nasty – nice
  • native – foreigner
  • natural – artificial
  • near – distant
  • negative – affirmative
  • nephew – niece
  • never – always
  • new – ancient
  • nice – awful
  • niece – nephew
  • night – day
  • no – yes
  • nobody – everybody
  • noisy – quiet
  • noon – midnight
  • none of – al lot of
  • normal – strange
  • north – south
  • not yet – already
  • nothing – everything
  • notice – ignore
  • now – then
  • occasionally – frequently
  • occupied – vacant
  • odd – even
  • off – on
  • often – seldom
  • old – modern
  • on – off
  • open – closed
  • open – closed
  • opponent – supporter
  • order – mess
  • ordinary – special
  • other – same
  • out – in
  • outside – inside
  • outskirts – centre
  • over – under
  • parents – children
  • part – whole
  • partial – total
  • particular – general
  • pass – fail
  • past – future
  • peace – war
  • permit – forbid
  • plant – harvest
  • plenty – lack
  • pleasant – awful
  • polite – rude
  • poor – rich
  • poverty – wealth
  • powerful – weak
  • presence – absence
  • present – past
  • pretty – ugly
  • private – public
  • probably – certainly
  • professional – amateur
  • protect – attack
  • protection – attack
  • public – private
  • pull – push
  • pupil – teacher
  • push – pull
  • question – answer
  • quick – slow
  • quiet – loud
  • raise – lower
  • rainy – sunny
  • rear – front
  • receive – send
  • reduce – increase
  • refuse – agree
  • regret – satisfaction
  • scream – whisper
  • security – danger
  • seldom – often
  • sell – buy
  • send – receive
  • senior – junior
  • separate – connect
  • serious – funny
  • servant – master
  • set free – arrest
  • shallow – deep
  • sharp – blunt
  • shelter – exposure
  • short – long
  • shout – whisper
  • shut – open
  • sick – healthy
  • silent – noisy
  • silly – intelligent
  • simple – complicated
  • sink – rise
  • single – married
  • sister – brother
  • sit – stand
  • slim – fat
  • slow – fast
  • small – big
  • smooth – rough
  • soft – hard
  • solid – liquid
  • some – many
  • sometimes – often
  • son – daughter
  • soul – body
  • sour – sweet
  • south – north
  • special – general
  • spring – autumn
  • stand – sit
  • start – stop
  • start – finish
  • stop – start
  • stand – lie
  • strange – normal
  • stranger – native
  • strict – gentle
  • strong – weak
  • student – teacher
  • stupid – clever
  • suburb – centre
  • succeed – fail
  • success – failure
  • subtract – add
  • sugar – salt
  • summer – winter
  • sun – moon
  • sunny – cloudy
  • true – false
  • trust – suspect
  • ugliness – beauty
  • ugly – beautiful
  • under – over
  • unite – divide
  • unity – division
  • up – down
  • upstairs – downstairs
  • urban – rural
  • useful – useless
  • useless – useful
  • vacant – occupied
  • valley – mountain
  • vertical – horizontal
  • victory – defeat
  • village – town
  • violent – gentle
  • visitor – host
  • voluntary – compulsory
  • vowel – consonant
  • war – peace
  • warm – cool
  • waste – save
  • water – land
  • weak – powerful
  • wealth – poverty
  • wealthy – poor
  • wedding – divorce

Table of Contents

  1. What is the opposite word of saving?
  2. What is little opposite?
  3. What is a fancy word for pretty?
  4. What’s a fancy word for pretty?
  5. How do you say beautiful to a girl?
  6. How do you tell a girl she is the most beautiful?

Antonyms of SAVE neglect, divide, hold, waste, squander, ignore, confine, hurt, destroy, scatter, let go, abandon, spend, throw away, distribute, leave open, make vulnerable, give, disperse, harm, use, lose, lay open, limit, restrain, endanger.

What is the opposite word of saving?

Antonyms for save ignore, give, scatter, disperse, let go, use, distribute, neglect, divide, spend.

What is little opposite?

Antonym of Little

Word Antonym
Little Much
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is a fancy word for pretty?

In this page you can discover 83 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for pretty, like: beautiful, lovely, attractive, enchanting, gorgeous, cute, good-looking, stunning, bewitching, pleasant and ravishing.

What’s a fancy word for pretty?

What is another word for pretty?

attractive lovely
good-looking appealing
beautiful fetching
charming cute
sweet nice

How do you say beautiful to a girl?

Ways to Say You Are Beautiful

  1. You look gorgeous!
  2. You look as pretty as always!
  3. You look drop dead gorgeous!
  4. I think you are very attractive!
  5. Wow, you are gorgeous!
  6. I think you are stunning!
  7. I think you are super cute!
  8. You look absolutely fantastic!

How do you tell a girl she is the most beautiful?

  1. Find Something Unique About Her. Identify something unique about the girl you want to compliment, and let that be how you say she is beautiful.
  2. Identify Beautiful Traits.
  3. Focus on Actions.
  4. Take Yourself Out of It.
  5. Aim to Help Her Feel Valued.

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. savenoun

    To help (somebody) to survive, or keep (somebody) from harm.

    The goaltender made a great save.


English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 2 votes

  1. save

    But ranges from the faintest contrast to absolute negation; as, I am willing to go, but (on the other hand) content to stay; he is not an honest man, but (on the contrary) a villain. The contrast may be with a silent thought; as, but let us go (it being understood that we might stay longer). In restrictive use, except and excepting are slightly more emphatic than but; we say, no injury but a scratch; or, no injury except some painful bruises. Such expressions as «words are but breath» (nothing but) may be referred to the restrictive use by ellipsis. So may the use of but in the sense of unless; as, «it never rains but it pours.» To the same head must be referred the conditional use; as, «you may go, but with your father’s consent» (i. e., «provided you have,» «except that you must have,» etc.). «Doubt but» is now less used than the more logical «doubt thatBut never becomes a full synonym for and; and adds something like, but adds something different; «brave and tender» implies that tenderness is natural to the brave; «brave but tender» implies that bravery and tenderness are rarely combined. For the concessive use, compare NOTWITHSTANDING.

    and, barely, besides, but, except, further, however, just, merely, moreover, nevertheless, notwithstanding, notwithstanding, only, provided, still, that, tho, unless, yet

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.8 / 4 votes

  1. save

    lose, betray, abandon, destroy, surrender, impose, facilitate, promote, induce, occasion, cause, miss, expose, imperil, endanger, risk, waste, lavish

    preserve, rescue, secure, reserve, spare, hinder, obviate, prevent, snatch, catch, economize, husband

Matched Categories

    • Computing
    • Keep
    • Prevent
    • Record
    • Refrain
    • Religion
    • Reserve
    • Spend

Princeton’s WordNetRate these antonyms:3.5 / 2 votes

  1. saveverb

    (sports) the act of preventing the opposition from scoring

    «the goalie made a brilliant save»; «the relief pitcher got credit for a save»

  2. salvage, salve, relieve, saveverb

    save from ruin, destruction, or harm

    spare, pull through, economize, carry through, make unnecessary, ease, salvage, save, lay aside, economise, still, unbosom, take over, salve, redeem, allay, hold open, keep, save up, exempt, let off, palliate, excuse, relieve, assuage, write, preserve, deliver, remedy, alleviate, keep open, free, lighten, bring through, scavenge

  3. save, preserveverb

    to keep up and reserve for personal or special use

    «She saved the old family photographs in a drawer»

    save up, relieve, keep up, deliver, carry on, bring through, keep, spare, redeem, save, economize, economise, salve, salvage, carry through, uphold, pull through, lay aside, write, make unnecessary, maintain, hold open, preserve, conserve, continue, keep open, bear on

  4. save, carry through, pull through, bring throughverb

    bring into safety

    «We pulled through most of the victims of the bomb attack»

    pull round, save up, carry out, fulfill, relieve, deliver, bring through, keep, spare, redeem, fulfil, save, economize, survive, economise, salve, salvage, carry through, come through, action, pull through, lay aside, write, make unnecessary, execute, hold open, preserve, accomplish, make it, keep open

  5. saveverb

    spend less; buy at a reduced price

    save up, relieve, deliver, bring through, keep, spare, redeem, economize, economise, salve, salvage, carry through, pull through, lay aside, write, make unnecessary, hold open, preserve, keep open

  6. save, lay aside, save upverb

    accumulate money for future use

    «He saves half his salary»

    save up, relieve, deliver, bring through, keep, spare, redeem, save, economize, economise, salve, salvage, carry through, pull through, lay aside, write, make unnecessary, hold open, preserve, keep open

  7. save, make unnecessaryverb

    make unnecessary an expenditure or effort

    «This will save money»; «I’ll save you the trouble»; «This will save you a lot of time»

    save up, relieve, deliver, bring through, keep, spare, redeem, save, economize, economise, salve, salvage, carry through, pull through, lay aside, write, make unnecessary, hold open, preserve, keep open

  8. deliver, redeem, saveverb

    save from sins

    spare, pull through, economize, extradite, ransom, rescue, hand over, carry through, surrender, make unnecessary, salvage, return, save, lay aside, fork up, present, have, deport, relieve, salve, redeem, hold open, keep, save up, give up, turn in, birth, render, fork over, pitch, preserve, deliver, write, keep open, fork out, cede, drive home, bring through, pay off, give birth, economise, bear

  9. spare, saveverb

    refrain from harming

    save up, relieve, deliver, keep open, bring through, keep, spare, redeem, economize, dispense with, part with, salve, salvage, carry through, give up, pull through, lay aside, write, make unnecessary, hold open, preserve, save, economise

  10. save, economize, economiseverb

    spend sparingly, avoid the waste of

    «This move will save money»; «The less fortunate will have to economize now»

    save up, relieve, deliver, bring through, keep, spare, redeem, save, economize, economise, salve, salvage, carry through, pull through, lay aside, write, make unnecessary, husband, hold open, preserve, conserve, keep open

  11. keep open, hold open, keep, saveverb

    retain rights to

    «keep my job for me while I give birth»; «keep my seat, please»; «keep open the possibility of a merger»

    spare, pull through, economize, retain, carry through, make unnecessary, hold back, salvage, hold on, continue, stay fresh, lay aside, economise, go along, relieve, salve, redeem, celebrate, hold open, keep, proceed, save up, observe, go on, hold, save, write, preserve, prevent, deliver, restrain, keep open, keep on, maintain, keep back, sustain, bring through

  12. write, saveverb

    record data on a computer

    «boot-up instructions are written on the hard disk»

    save up, relieve, deliver, keep open, redeem, bring through, keep, spare, indite, drop a line, economize, economise, salve, compose, salvage, carry through, pull through, lay aside, pen, make unnecessary, publish, spell, hold open, preserve, save, write

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

  1. saveconj

    except, excepting, reserving

  2. saveprep

    except, excepting, reserving

  3. saveverb

    rescue, deliver, redeem, preserve, conserve, keep, reserve, hoard, garner, economize, husband, spare, obviate, prevent, forefend, shield, protect

How to use Save in a sentence?

  1. Nancy Pelosi:

    The conflict in Yemen is a horrific humanitarian crisis that challenges the conscience of the entire world. Yet the President has cynically chosen to contravene a bipartisan, bicameral vote of the Congress and perpetuate America’s shameful involvement in this heartbreaking crisis, this conflict must end, now. The House of Representatives calls on the President to put peace before politics, and work with us to advance an enduring solution to end this crisis and save lives.

  2. Ben Wallace:

    I think it’s the wrong thing to do, it won’t save President Putin from the truth.

  3. Peter Singer:

    If someone isn’t sure whether to make the jump to effective altruism I would say give it a try, do it for a year, see how you like it, one person I know who’s involved in The Life You Can Save said ‘the life that I saved is my own, because I now really feel that I’ve got a purpose for my life, and its meaningful and I’m happy what I’m doing’.

  4. Brandon Chaney:

    The firefighters felt like they were responsible they couldn’t save the winery, but I was so moved they have the pride in their country to save our American flag and give it back to us so we can put it up again as a symbol of rebuilding.

  5. Fatima Janneh:

    What happened on Jan. 9 was very devastating and tragic, and very unexpected, and could have been avoided. I lost my sister in the fire. She was trying to come down to save my family.

How to pronounce Save?

How to say Save in sign language?


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Opposite of Save, Antonyms of save with meaning and Example Sentences in English PDF

What are opposite words or antonyms?

Opposite words or Antonyms means those words that oppose the meaning of each other completely. For example Dark/Light, White/Black etc.

Normally the question that comes to mind when we are trying to learn these vocabulary words is that “Why should I memorize these Opposites when I know the basic words?”

These words are very useful in our daily routine vocabulary. Here I will tell you what are the benefits of using antonym and opposites? If you know the opposites of all the vocabulary words in your collection then your collection can be increased and you have a variety of words to use in your conversation. In your writing and speaking if you use the variety of words instead using repeating the same words it will cast a good impression. And your writing and speaking will become professional.

Note: You must know that antonyms and synonyms are two different terms. Synonyms means the words that have same meanings but in case of antonym it is completely different as I discussed above.

Opposite of Save, Antonyms of save with meaning and Example Sentences in English PDF

What is the meaning of save?

The meaning of save is have in keep safe or rescue (someone or something) from harm or danger.

Opposite of Save (Antonyms of Save)

  • Ill-treat
  • Put in danger
  • Lose
  • Throw away
  • Destroy
  • Imperil
  • Dispose
  • Abandon
  • Cripple
  • Spoil
  • Damage
  • Waste
  • Put in jeopardy
  • Hurt
  • Jeopardise
  • Mistreat
  • Injure
  • Compromise
  • Forfeit
  • Harm
  • Inflict suffering on
  • Relinquish
  • Do harm to
  • Offer
  • Tarnish
  • Endanger
  • Risk
  • Pose a threat to
  • Break
  • Give
  • Threaten
  • Abuse
  • Ruin
  • Jeopardize

Examples of Save in Sentences

  • They have a chance to save their self.
  • Save me some cake.
  • She did save your life, you know.
  • I will save your contact for next.
  • Please save my address.

About The Author

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